Tunings (various) General All tunings set the absolute tuning to a' (A above middle C) equals 440Hz unless otherwise stated. Tunings given assume the key of C. Whole-tone means two half-steps with different names for the notes (for example, C-D). Diatonic half-step means a half-step (semitone) with different names for the notes (for example, C-Db). Chromatic half-step means a half-step (semitone) with the same name for the notes (for example, C-C#). There are two main types of commas: Pythagorean (ditonic) comma (531441:524288, 23.46001038¢, or 720TU) and syntonic comma (81:80, 21.5062896¢ or 660TU). Other commas are mentioned if there are different. EDO is an acronym for equal divisions of the octave. TU is an acronym for temperamental unit, which is equal to 1/720 of the Pythagorean comma, 1/660 of the syntonic comma or 0.0325852873¢. 17edo Whole-tone = 211.764706¢; diatonic half step = 70.588235¢; chromatic half step = 141.176471¢ The octave is divided into 17 equal steps. Three steps form a whole-tone, one step a diatonic half step and two steps a chromatic half step. 19edo Whole-tone = 189.473684¢; diatonic half step = 126.315789¢; chromatic half step = 63.157894¢ The octave is divided into 19 equal steps. Three steps form a whole-tone, two steps a diatonic half step and one step a chromatic half step. 22edo (a/k/a Bosanquet) Whole-tone = 218.181818¢; diatonic half step = 54.545455¢; chromatic half step = 163.636364¢ The octave is divided into 22 equal steps. Four steps form a whole-tone, one step a diatonic half step and three steps a chromatic half step. 41edo Whole-tone = 204.878049¢; diatonic half step = 87.804878¢; chromatic half step = 117.073171¢ The octave is divided into 41 equal steps. Seven steps form a whole-tone, three steps a diatonic half step and four steps a chromatic half step. 53edo Whole-tone = 203.773585¢; diatonic half step = 90.566038¢; chromatic half step = 113.207547¢ The octave is divided into 53 equal steps. Nine steps form a whole-tone, four steps a diatonic half step and five steps a chromatic half step. 55edo (a/k/a Mozart's tuning) Whole-tone = 196.363636¢; diatonic half step = 109.090909¢; chromatic half step = 87.272727¢ The octave is divided into 55 equal steps. Nine steps form a whole-tone, five steps a diatonic half step and four steps a chromatic half step. 88edo Whole-tone = 190.909091¢; diatonic half step = 122.727272¢; chromatic half step = 68.181818¢ The octave is divided into 88 equal steps. Fourteen (14) steps form a whole-tone, nine steps a diatonic half step and five steps a chromatic half step. 1420edo Whole-tone = 190.985915¢; diatonic half step = 122.535211¢; chromatic half step = 68.450704¢ The octave is divided into 1420 equal steps. Two hundred and twenty-six (226) steps form a whole-tone, 145 steps a diatonic half step and 81 steps a chromatic half step. This tuning gives a good approximation for Lucy's tuning. 1/5 syntonic comma meantone (a/k/a Holder; Rossi) Whole-tone = 195.307486¢; diatonic half step = 111.731285¢; chromatic half step = 83.576201¢ The major sevenths are justly tuned (15:8), the fifths are too narrow by a fifth of the syntonic comma. 5/23 syntonic comma meantone (a/k/a Holder; Rossi) Whole-tone = 194.559441¢; diatonic half step = 113.601397¢; chromatic half step = 80.958044¢ The fifths are too narrow by 5/23 of the syntonic comma. 2/9 syntonic comma meantone (a/k/a Rossi) Whole-tone = 194.351651¢; diatonic half step = 114.120873¢; chromatic half step = 80.230778¢ The fifths are too narrow by two-ninths of the syntonic comma. 1/3 syntonic comma meantone (a/k/a Salinas) Whole-tone = 189.572475¢; diatonic half step = 126.068812¢; chromatic half step = 63.503664¢ The minor thirds are justly tuned (6:5), the fifths are too narrow by a third of the syntonic comma. ½ syntonic comma meantone Whole-tone = 182.403712¢; diatonic half step = 143.990720¢; chromatic half step = 38.412992¢ The minor sevenths are justly tuned (9:5), the fifths are too narrow by a half of the syntonic comma. 3\37edo C 0 97.29730 D 194.59459 291.89189 E 389.18919 F 486.48649 583.78378 G 681.08108 778.37838 A 875.67568 972.97297 B 1070.27027 C 1200 12th harmonic scale (original) This scale is based on the number 12. C D E F G A B C 1:1 (0) 13:12 (138.57266) 7:6 (268.87091) 29:24 (327.62219) 5:4 (386.31371) 4:3 (498.045) 17:12 (603.00041) 3:2 (701.955) 19:12 (795.55802) 5:3 (884.35871) 41:24 (927.1074) 7:4 (968.82591) 2:1 (1200) 12th harmonic scale (modified) This scale is based on the number 12. C D E F G A B C 1:1 (0) 13:12 (138.57266) 7:6 (268.87091) 29:24 (327.62219) 5:4 (386.31371) 4:3 (498.045) 17:12 (603.00041) 3:2 (701.955) 19:12 (795.55802) 5:3 (884.35871) 7:4 (968.82591) 11:6 (1049.36294) 2:1 (1200) 12-note Highschool scale #1 First 12-note Highschool scale. C D E F G A B C 1:1 21:20 9:8 6:5 5:4 4:3 7:5 3:2 8:5 5:3 7:4 15:8 2:1 12-note Highschool scale #2 Second 12-note Highschool scale. C D E F G A B C 1:1 15:14 9:8 6:5 5:4 4:3 10:7 3:2 8:5 5:3 7:4 15:8 2:1 24edl For an intervallic system with 24 divisions, EDL is considered as equal divisions of length by dividing string length to 24 equal divisions (so we have 12 divisions per octave). C D E F G A B C 1:1 24:23 12:11 8:7 6:5 24:19 4:3 24:17 3:2 8:5 12:7 24:13 2:1 256edl This well-temperament is based on 256edl. C D E F G A B C 0 104.5328 200.53198 302.16858 401.5969 498.045 600 701.955 806.4878 902.48698 1004.12358 1103.5519 1200 1568edl C 1:1 (0) 1568:1485 (94.15515) D 28:25 (196.19848) 196:165 (298.06516) E 49:39 (395.16915) F 4:3 (498.04500) 196:139 (594.92253) G 196:131 (697.54421) 784:495 (796.11015) A 196:117 (893.21415) 98:55 (1000.02016) B 49:26 (1097.12415) C 2:1 (1200) Bach (1722) The normal layout of Bach's temperament, for solo and instrumental-ensemble work. The fifths Eb-Bb, Bb-F, C#-G# and G#-D# are too narrow by 1/12 of the Pythagorean comma, E-B, B-F# and F#-C# are perfect, the other fifths are one-sixth too narrow. C D E F G A B C 0 98.045 196.09 298.045 392.18 501.955 596.09 698.045 798.045 894.135 998.045 1095.135 1200 Bach R2-1 (Cammerton) C 0 95.2136 D 198.495 299.124 E 395.505 F 499.782 593.259 G 699.637 797.169 A 896.314 999.128 B 1093.770 C 1200 Bach R2-2 (Cornet-ton) C 0 100.628 D 197.010 301.286 E 394.763 F 501.141 598.673 G 697.818 800.633 A 895.273 1001.500 B 1096.720 C 1200 Bach seal (1722) This tuning sets the absolute tuning at a' equals 415.88Hz, which is the equivalent of tuning the tone scale 97.6034609394¢ lower than at 440Hz. C D E F G A B C 0 91.9662 196.15 295.876 391.05 499.786 590.011 697.303 793.921 891.872 997.831 1089.29 1200 Bach (1722), transposed to D to simulate Choryon/Cammerton The transposed layout of Bach's temperament, for keyboards in the vocal works that were written for a Chorton/Cammerton transposing situation. (For example, all of the Leipzig vocal music: cantatas, masses, passions, oratorios.) Tune the organs and harpsichords using this alternate version, for keyboard players who are reading from modern parts that have been transposed up to the key of the orchestra. The fifths Eb-Bb, Bb-F and F-C are too narrow by 1/12 Pythagorean comma, F#-C#, C#-G# and G#-D# are perfect, the other fifths are one-sixth too narrow. C D E F G A B C 0 96.09 201.955 300 398.045 500 588.26999 703.91 798.045 900 1000 1096.09 1200 Barbour A selection of harmonic intervals. C D E F G A B C 1:1 25:24 9:8 6:5 5:4 4:3 45:32 3:2 25:16 5:3 9:5 15:8 2:1 Barnes “Bach” (1979) The fifths F-C, C-G, G-D, D-A, A-E and B-F# are too narrow by a sixth of the Pythagorean comma, the other fifths are perfect. C D E F G A B C 0 94.135 196.09 298.045 392.18 501.955 592.18 698.045 796.09 894.135 1000 1091.135 1200 Barton Jacob Barton, tetratradic scale on 6:7:9:11. C D E F G A B C 1:1 77:72 12:11 9:8 7:6 14:11 11:8 3:2 18:11 121:72 7:4 11:6 2:1 Beat temperament Described in the paper Bach- and Well-Temperaments for Western Classical Music, available for free from the website http://lit.gfax.ch//tunings/BachAndWellTemperaments.pdf. C D E F G A B C 0 90.225 195.78212 294.135 387.15598 498.045 588.27 699.43891 792.18 890.22634 996.09 1086.31499 1200 Bendeler I The fifths C-G, G-D and B-F# are too narrow by a third of the Pythagorean comma, the other fifths are perfect. C D E F G A B C 0 90.225 188.27 294.135 392.18 498.045 588.26999 694.135 791.18 890.225 996.09 1094.135 1200 Bendeler II The fifths C-G, D-A and F#-C# are too narrow by a third of the Pythagorean comma, the other fifths are perfect. C D E F G A B C 0 90.225 196.09 294.135 392.18 498.045 596.09 694.135 792.18 890.225 996.09 1094.135 1200 Bendeler III The fifths C-G, G-D, E-B and G#-D# are too narrow by a quarter of the Pythagorean comma, the other fifths are perfect. C D E F G A B C 0 96.09 192.18 294.135 396.09 498.045 594.135 696.09 798.045 894.135 996.09 1092.18 1200 Bermuda (1555) Near-by equal temperament. C D E F G A B C 0 100 200 294.135 400.9775 498.0445 600 701.955 801.955 901.955 996.09 1102.9325 1200 Bicycle 13-limit harmonic bicycle, George Secor, 1963. C D E F G A B C 1:1 13:12 9:8 7:6 5:4 4:3 11:8 3:2 13:8 5:3 7:4 11:6 2:1 Bifrost This has six meantone fifths, leading to three pure thirds; on each side of the chain of meantones we put two pure 3:2's, so we have four pure fifths in total; we then round out with two sharp fifths of size 706.35471 cents. This leads to three sharp major thirds which are within a cent of being pure 14:11's, being of size 416.619 cents; and two more sharp thirds of size 406.843 at E and Ab, which are the only real problems with this temperament. http://lumma.org/tuning/gws/bifrost.html C D E F G A B C 0 86.80214 193.15686 299.51157 386.31371 503.42157 584.84714 696.57843 793.15686 889.73529 1001.46657 1082.89214 1200 Big gulp C 1:1 33:32 D 9:8 7:6 E 5:4 F 21:16 11:8 G 3:2 99:64 A 27:16 7:4 B 15:8 C 2:1 Bihexany Hole around [0, ½, ½, ½]. C D E F G A B C 1:1 35:33 7:6 5:4 14:11 15:11 3:2 35:22 5:3 7:4 20:11 21:11 2:1 Billeter “Bach” (1979) The fifths D-A and A-E are too narrow by a third of the syntonic comma, C-G, G-D, E-B and BF# are 1/12 too narrow, F-C is 1/11 to narrow, the other fifths are perfect. C D E F G A B C 0 92.17872 200.32562 296.08872 389.8981 499.99872 590.22372 700.16281 794.13372 895.11186 998.04372 1090.06091 1200 Blue-JI John O'Sullivan and Carl Lumma. C D E F G A B C 1:1 15:14 9:8 6:5 5:4 4:3 7:5 3:2 8:5 5:3 9:5 15:8 2:1 Blues JI Seven-limit just intonation version of Graham Breed's Blues scale. C D E F G A B C 1:1 27:25 10:9 5:4 35:27 4:3 35:24 40:27 81:50 5:3 140:81 35:18 2:1 Breedball 3 Third Breed ball around 49:40 to 7:4. C D E F G A B C 1:1 49:48 21:20 15:14 49:40 5:4 7:5 10:7 3:2 49:32 12:7 7:4 2:1 Calculus musicus This tuning sets the absolute tuning at a' equals 458.26Hz, which is the equivalent of tuning the tone scale 70.3954072543¢ higher than at 440Hz. C D E F G A B C 0 94.72 196.86 297.30 394.47 501.21 592.77 697.73 796.68 895.04 999.26 1093.06 1200 Calculus musicus mirror This tuning sets the absolute tuning at a' equals 473.661Hz, which is the equivalent of tuning the tone scale 127.6216384166¢ higher than at 440Hz. C D E F G A B C 0 94.72 196.86 297.30 394.47 501.21 592.77 697.73 796.68 895.04 999.26 1093.06 1200 Canton A 2.3.11:7.13:7 subgroup scale. C D E F G A B C 1:1 14:13 9:8 13:11 14:11 4:3 39:28 3:2 11:7 22:13 16:9 13:7 2:1 Carlos harmonic Carlos Harmonic & Ben Johnson's scale of 'Blues' from Suite f.micr.piano (1977) & David Beardsley's scale of Science Friction. C D E F G A B C 1:1 17:16 9:8 19:16 5:4 21:16 11:8 3:2 13:8 27:16 7:4 15:8 2:1 Cauldron http://lumma.org/tuning/gws/cauldron.html C D E F G A B C 0 70.31346 189.20489 291.90367 378.40979 505.39755 567.61468 694.60244 781.10856 883.80734 1002.69877 1073.01223 1200 Cent temperament Described in the paper Bach- and Well-Temperaments for Western Classical Music, available for free from the website http://lit.gfax.ch//tunings/BachAndWellTemperaments.pdf. C D E F G A B C 0 90.225 194.86828 294.135 388.02514 498.045 588.26999 698.28985 795.18 891.44671 996.09 1086.31499 1200 Chinese Lü scale This scale was created by Huai-nan-dsi of the Han dynasty. C D E F G A B C 1:1 18:17 9:8 6:5 54:43 4:3 27:19 3:2 27:17 27:16 9:5 36:19 2:1 Couperin Couperin modified meantone. C D E F G A B C 0 76.049 193.15686 289.73598 5:4 503.42157 579.47057 696.57843 25:16 889.73529 996.57878 1082.89214 1200 Courette Michael Corrette, modified meantone temperament (1753). C D E F G A B C 0 72.62999 192.18 296.09 8192:6561 503.91 576.53999 696.09 776.53999 888.26999 1000 1080.44999 1200 CV scale #1 (epimorphic) C 1:1 16:15 D 8:7 7:6 E 5:4 F 4:3 7:5 G 3:2 8:5 A 5:3 7:4 B 28:15 C 2:1 CV scale #3 (epimorphic = pris) C 1:1 16:15 D 28:25 7:6 E 5:4 F 4:3 7:5 G 3:2 8:5 A 5:3 7:4 B 28:15 C 2:1 CV scale #5 (epimorphic = inverse hen12) C 1:1 15:14 D 9:8 6:5 E 5:4 F 21:16 7:5 G 3:2 8:5 A 12:7 7:4 B 15:8 C 2:1 CV scale #7 (epimorphic) C 1:1 21:20 D 9:8 6:5 E 9:7 F 21:16 7:5 G 3:2 8:5 A 12:7 9:5 B 15:8 C 2:1 CV scale #9 (epimorphic) C 1:1 15:14 D 8:7 7:6 E 5:4 F 4:3 10:7 G 32:21 8:5 A 5:3 25:14 B 40:21 C 2:1 CV scale #11 (epimorphic) C 1:1 15:14 D 9:8 6:5 E 9:7 F 21:16 7:5 G 3:2 8:5 A 12:7 9:5 B 15:8 C 2:1 CV scale #13 (epimorphic) C 1:1 16:15 D 28:25 6:5 E 5:4 F 4:3 7:5 G 3:2 8:5 A 12:7 7:4 B 28:15 C 2:1 d'Alembert (a/k/a French ordinary temperament) This temperament was described by a number of French documents of the period of Scarletti. C D E F G A B C 0 85.59 193.36 291.39 386.31371 498.045 584.75 696.83 787.5 888.67 994.93 1086.51 1200 Di Veroli “Bach WTC Optimal+” (2008) The fifths Eb-Bb and F#-C# are perfect, F-C, C-G and A-E are too narrow by a sixth of the Pythagorean comma, the other fifths are 1/12 too narrow. C D E F G A B C 0 100 196.09 300 398.045 501.955 594.135 701.955 803.91 900 1005.865 1098.045 1200 Duodene C 1:1 16:15 D 9:8 6:5 E 5:4 F 4:3 45:32 G 3:2 8:5 A 5:3 9:5 B 15:8 C 2:1 Duodene skew C 1:1 27:25 D 10:9 6:5 E 5:4 F 4:3 36:25 G 3:2 8:5 A 5:3 9:5 B 48:25 C 2:1 Duohex A scale with two hexanies. C D E F G A B C 1:1 15:14 9:8 6:5 5:4 9:7 10:7 3:2 45:28 12:7 9:5 15:8 2:1 Duowell Duowell is a well-tuning of the Ellis Duodene, where a well-tuning is a regular tuning of a just intonation scale with an eye to making it circulate. C D E F G A B C 0 107.65973 202.1885 309.84823 391.24602 498.90575 593.42451 701.09425 808.75398 890.15177 1010.94247 1092.34026 1200 Dwarf 12/7 The seven-limit 12-note dwarf. C D E F G A B C 1:1 16:15 9:8 6:5 5:4 4:3 7:5 3:2 8:5 5:3 9:5 28:15 2:1 Dwarf 12/11 The 11-limit 12-note dwarf. C D E F G A B C 1:1 16:15 11:10 6:5 5:4 4:3 7:5 22:15 8:5 5:3 9:5 28:15 2:1 Erlich Whole-tone = 192.037444¢; diatonic half step = 119.906389¢; chromatic half step = 72.131055¢ The fifths are too narrow by 175/634 of the syntonic comma. Genovese 12 Danny Genovese's superposition of harmonics 8-16 and subharmonics 6-12. C D E F G A B C 1:1 12:11 9:8 6:5 5:4 4:3 11:8 3:2 13:8 12:7 7:4 15:8 2:1 Ganassi's well-temperament This well-temperament is based on 120-edl. C D E F G A B C 1:1 20:19 10:9 20:17 5:4 4:3 24:17 3:2 30:19 5:3 30:17 15:8 2:1 Glumma C 1:1 36:35 D 8:7 6:5 E 5:4 F 48:35 10:7 G 3:2 5:3 A 12:7 7:4 B 96:49 C 2:1 Grail This grail-type temperament has the following attributes: 1. Near the key center, it functions as an honest meantone, with major thirds not too far off pure. 2. All fifths are usable; there are no wolf fifths. 3. All thirds in all keys are functional. http://lumma.org/tuning/gws/grail.html C D E F G A B C 0 86.86903 195.62301 304.37699 391.24602 504.37699 578.08096 695.62301 795.62301 895.62301 1013.16506 1086.86903 1200 Hahn7 Paul Hahn's scale with 32 consonant seven-limit dyads. C D E F G A B C 1:1 21:20 7:6 6:5 5:4 4:3 7:5 3:2 8:5 5:3 7:4 28:15 2:1 Hahn12 Hahn-reduced 12-note scale. C D E F G A B C 1:1 15:14 8:7 6:5 5:4 4:3 7:5 3:2 8:5 5:3 7:4 15:8 2:1 Harrison Cinna Lou Harrison, Incidental Music for Corneille's Cinna (1955-56). C D E F G A B C 1:1 25:24 9:8 6:5 5:4 21:16 45:32 3:2 8:5 5:3 7:4 15:8 2:1 Harrison Revelation Michael Harrison, piano tuning for Revelation (2001). C D E F G A B C 1:1 64:63 9:8 567:512 81:64 21:16 729:512 3:2 189:128 27:16 7:4 243:128 2:1 Hexy Maximized nine-limit harmony containing a hexany. C D E F G A B C 1:1 21:20 9:8 7:6 5:4 4:3 7:5 3:2 8:5 5:3 7:4 28:15 2:1 Jencka (2005) The fifths F-C, C-G, G-D, D-A and A-E are too narrow by a sixth of the Pythagorean comma, Eb-Bb, C#-G# and G#-D# are 1/18 too narrow, the other fifths are perfect. C D E F G A B C 0 98.045 196.09 299.34833 392.18 501.955 596.09 698.045 798.69667 894.135 1000 1094.135 1200 Jira (2005) “geschlossen” (closed) temperament The fifths C-G, G-D, D-A and A-E are too narrow by a sixth of the Pythagorean comma, Eb-Bb, B-F, F#-C# and C#-G# are 1/12 too narrow, the other fifths are perfect. C D E F G A B C 0 94.135 196.09 296.09 392.18 498.045 594.135 698.045 794.135 894.135 996.09 1094.135 1200 Jira (2005) “offen” (open) temperament The fifths C-G, G-D, D-A and A-E are too narrow by a quarter of the syntonic comma, Eb-Bb, Bb-F and G#-D# are 7/132 too wide, the other fifths are perfect. C D E F G A B C 0 88.26999 196.09 294.135 392.18 498.045 592.18 698.045 790.225 894.135 996.09 1094.135 1200 Kafi Selection of harmonic intervals, developed by Erv Wilson and Amiya Dasgupta in 1978. C D E F G A B C 1:1 256:243 10:9 32:27 5:4 4:3 45:32 3:2 128:81 5:3 16:9 15:8 2:1 Kelletat (1966) The fifths C-G, G-D and D-A are too narrow by a quarter of the Pythagorean comma, F-C is 1/12 too narrow, A-E is one-sixth too narrow, the other fifths are perfect. C D E F G A B C 0 92.18 192.18 296.09 386.31499 500 590.225 696.09 794.135 888.26999 998.045 1088.26999 1200 Kellner “Bach” (1975) The fifths C-G, G-D, D-A and B-F# are too narrow by a fifth of the Pythagorean comma, the other fifths are perfect. C D E F G A B C 0 90.225 194.526 294.135 389.052 498.045 588.26999 697.263 792.18 891.789 996.09 1091.007 1200 Labyrinthus musicus This tuning sets the absolute tuning at a' equals 458.13Hz, which is the equivalent of tuning the tone scale 69.8399753343¢ higher than at 440Hz. C D E F G A B C 0 94.5765 196.854 298.486 393.206 501.211 592.621 697.725 796.531 895.034 1000.44 1091.79 1200 Labyrinthus musicus mirror This tuning sets the absolute tuning at a' equals 474.577Hz, which is the equivalent of tuning the tone scale 130.9663912787¢ higher than at 440Hz. C D E F G A B C 0 94.5765 196.854 298.486 393.206 501.211 592.621 697.725 796.531 895.034 1000.44 1091.79 1200 Lehman Buxtehude/Bohm The fifths F-C, E-B and C#-G# are perfect, C-G, G-D, D-A and A-E are too narrow by 3/16 of the Pythagorean comma, the other fifths are 1/12 too narrow. C D E F G A B C 0 92.18 195.1125 294.135 390.225 498.045 592.18 661.87748 794.135 892.66875 994.135 1092.18 1200 Lindley “Handel-style” (circa 1995) The fifths C-G, G-D, D-A and A-E are too narrow by 15/96 of the Pythagorean comma, E-B and F-C are 11/96 too narrow, B-F# and F#-C# are 7/96 too narrow, C#-G# is 3/96 too narrow, Ab-Eb, EbB and B-F are 1/96 too wide. (No fifths are perfect.) C D E F G A B C 0 92.91312 196.57875 296.33437 393.1575 500.73313 592.66875 698.28937 794.135 894.86812 998.53375 1092.42437 1200 Locomotive A subgroup scale. C D E F G A B C 1:1 88:81 9:8 11:9 16:13 11:8 13:9 16:11 13:8 18:11 16:9 81:44 2:1 Lucy tuning Whole-tone = 190.985932¢; diatonic half step = 122.535171¢; chromatic half step = 68.450761¢ “Lucy comma” is to generate “LucyTuning” which sets the size of a whole step as 1200/2π¢. Because LucyTuning is a regular meantone, this tuning came up with an invented comma (Lucy comma, which equals 25.848140041¢) which generates the proper sizes of intervals. The fifths are too narrow by a quarter of the Lucy comma. Major third and minor third equally beating Whole-tone = 191.458992¢; diatonic half step = 121.352520¢; chromatic half step = 70.106472¢ The fifths are too narrow by 11/38 of the syntonic comma. Major third and perfect fifth equally beating Whole-tone = 191.259243¢; diatonic half step = 121.851892¢; chromatic half step = 69.407351¢ The fifths are too narrow by 5/17 of the syntonic comma. Malcolm 2 Alexander Malcolm's 1721 scale. C D E F G A B C 1:1 17:16 9:8 19:16 5:4 4:3 17:12 3:2 19:12 5:3 85:48 15:8 2:1 Marpug I The fifth D-A is too narrow by a syntonic comma, F#-C# is too wide by a schisma (ratio 32805:32768, or 1.953720788¢), the other fifths are perfect. C D E F G A B C 0 90.225 203.91 294.135 386.31371 498.045 590.22372 701.955 792.18 884.35871 996.09 1088.26871 1200 Marpug II The fifth E-B is too narrow by a sixth of the Pythagorean comma, Bb-F is 5/6 too narrow, the other fifths are perfect. C D E F G A B C 0 109.775 203.91 313.68501 407.82 498.045 607.82 701.955 811.73001 905.865 1015.64001 1105.865 1200 Marpug III The fifth E-B is too narrow by ¾ of the Pythagorean comma, Eb-Bb is a quarter too narrow, the other fifths are perfect. C D E F G A B C 0 96.09 203.91 300 407.82 498.045 594.135 701.955 798.045 905.865 996.09 1092.18 1200 Marpug IV The fifth E-B is too narrow by 2/3 of the Pythagorean comma, G#-D# is a third too narrow, the other fifths are perfect. C D E F G A B C 0 98.045 203.91 294.135 407.82 498.045 596.09 701.955 800 905.865 996.09 1094.135 1200 Marpug V The fifth E-B is too narrow by 5/12 of the Pythagorean comma, Bb-F is 7/12 too narrow, the other fifths are perfect. C D E F G A B C 0 103.91 203.91 307.82 407.82 601.955 498.045 701.955 805.865 905.865 1009.775 1100 1200 Marpug VI The fifths B-F# and Bb-F are too narrow by a half of the Pythagorean comma, the other fifths are perfect. C D E F G A B C 0 101.955 203.91 305.865 407.82 498.045 600 701.955 803.91 905.865 1007.82 1109.775 1200 Marpug VII The fifths C-G, E-B and C#-G# are too narrow by a third of the Pythagorean comma, the other fifths are perfect. C D E F G A B C 0 98.045 196.09 294.135 400 498.045 596.09 694.135 792.18 898.045 996.09 1094.135 1200 Marpug VIII The fifths C-G, E-B, C#-G# and Bb-F are too narrow by a quarter of the Pythagorean comma, the other fifths are perfect. C D E F G A B C 0 101.955 198.045 300 401.955 498.045 600 696.09 798.045 900 1001.955 1098.045 1200 Marpug IX The fifths B-F#, F#-C#, Bb-F and F-C are too narrow by a quarter of the Pythagorean comma, the other fifths are perfect. C D E F G A B C 0 101.955 203.91 305.865 407.82 503.91 605.865 701.955 803.91 905.865 1007.82 1109.775 1200 Marpug X The fifths C-G, D-A, E-B, F#-C#, G#-D# and Bb-F are too narrow by a sixth of the Pythagorean comma, the other fifths are perfect. C D E F G A B C 0 98.045 200 298.045 400 498.045 600 698.045 800 898.045 1000 1098.045 1200 Marpug XI The fifths B-F#, F#-C#, C#-G#, G#-D#, Eb-Bb and Bb-F are too narrow by a sixth of the Pythagorean comma, the other fifths are perfect. C D E F G A B C 0 105.865 203.91 301.955 407.82 498.045 607.82 701.955 803.91 905.865 1000 1109.775 1200 Marpug XII The fifth C-G is too wide by 1/12 of the Pythagorean comma, F-C is 1/12 too narrow, A-E is 1/6 too narrow, G#-D# is 5/6 too narrow, the other fifths are perfect. C D E F G A B C 0 111.73001 205.865 296.09 405.865 500 609.775 703.91 813.68501 907.82 998.045 1107.82 1200 Max1 C 1:1 8:7 D 7:6 6:5 E 5:4 F 4:3 7:5 G 3:2 8:5 A 5:3 12:7 B 7:4 C 2:1 Max2 C 1:1 8:7 D 7:6 6:5 E 5:4 F 4:3 10:7 G 3:2 8:5 A 5:3 12:7 B 7:4 C 2:1 Max3 C 1:1 8:7 D 7:6 6:5 E 5:4 F 4:3 7:5 G 10:7 3:2 A 8:5 5:3 B 12:7 C 2:1 Max4 C 1:1 7:6 D 6:5 5:4 E 4:3 F 7:5 10:7 G 3:2 8:5 A 5:3 12:7 B 7:4 C 2:1 Max5 C 1:1 8:7 D 7:6 6:5 E 5:4 F 4:3 7:5 G 10:7 3:2 A 5:3 12:7 B 7:4 C 2:1 Max6 C 1:1 8:7 D 7:6 6:5 E 4:3 F 7:5 10:7 G 3:2 8:5 A 5:3 12:7 B 7:4 C 2:1 Marcel de Velde A subgroup scale. C D E F G A B C 1:1 19:18 9:8 19:16 5:4 4:3 45:32 3:2 19:12 27:16 16:9 15:8 2:1 Meantone scale Equal beating 5/4 = 3/2 opposite. Almost 1/5 Pythagorean. Gottfried Keller (1707). C D E F G A B C 0 80.94883 194.55381 308.16479 389.11362 502.72160 583.67043 697.27840 778.22724 891.83521 1005.44319 1086.39202 1200 Middle Eastern/blues scale This scale is based on the number 18. C D E F G A B C 1:1 19:18 10:9 7:6 11:9 4:3 17:12 3:2 19:12 5:3 7:4 11:6 2:1 Mohajira to Slendro From Moharija to Aeolian and Slendros. C D E F G A B C 1:1 21:20 9:8 6:5 49:40 4:3 7:5 3:2 8:5 49:30 9:5 11:6 2:1 Neidhart (1732) Pythagorean The fifth C-G is too narrow by a Pythagorean comma, the other fifths are perfect. C D E F G A B C 0 90.225 180.44999 294.135 384.36 498.045 588.27 678.49499 792.18 882.045 996.09 1086.315 1200 Neidhart (1732) 5th circle #2 The fifths Eb-Bb, G-D and B-F# are too narrow by 1/12 of the Pythagorean comma, the other fifths are one-sixth too narrow. C D E F G A B C 0 101.955 203.91 298.045 400 498.045 603.91 698.045 800 901.955 1003.91 1098.045 1200 Neidhart (1732) 5th circle #3 The fifths Eb-Bb, F-C, G-D, A-E, B-F# and C#-G# are too narrow by a sixth of the Pythagorean comma, the other fifths are perfect. C D E F G A B C 0 101.955 200 301.955 400 501.955 600 701.955 800 901.955 1000 1001.955 1200 Neidhart (1732) 5th circle #4 The fifths Eb-Bb, C-G, A-E and F#-C# are too narrow by a quarter of the Pythagorean comma, the other fifths are perfect. C D E F G A B C 0 96.09 198.045 300 398.045 498.045 600 696.09 798.045 900 996.09 1098.045 1200 Neidhart (1732) 5th circle #5 The fifth G#-D# is perfect, F-C, D-A and B-F# are too narrow by 1/12 Pythagorean comma, the other fifths are one-sixth too narrow. C D E F G A B C 0 100 200 301.955 401.955 501.955 600 700 800 898.045 1001.955 1101.955 1200 Neidhart (1732) 5th circle #6 The fifths Eb-Bb, C-G, A-E and F#-C# are too narrow by a sixth of the Pythagorean comma, BbF, G-D, E-B and C#-F# are one-quarter too narrow, F-C, D-A, B-F# and G#-D# are one-sixth too wide. C D E F G A B C 0 100 196.09 300 400 496.09 600 700 796.09 900 1000 1096.09 1200 Neidhart (1732) 5th circle #7 The fifth G#-D# is too narrow by 1/12 of the Pythagorean comma, Eb-Bb, Bb-F, G-D, D-A, E-B and B-F# are 1/6 too narrow, C-G is one-quarter too narrow, F-C, A-E and C#-G# are one-sixth too wide. C D E F G A B C 0 98.045 194.135 298.045 398.045 494.135 594.135 696.09 796.09 898.045 996.09 1096.09 1200 Neidhart (1732) 5th circle #8 (Big City) The fifths Bb-F, F-C, A-E, B-F# and F#-C# are too narrow by 1/12 of the Pythagorean comma, C-G, G-D and D-A are one-sixth too narrow, Eb-Bb, E-B and G#-D# are perfect. C D E F G A B C 0 96.09 196.09 298.045 394.135 500 594.135 698.045 796.09 894.135 1000 1096.09 1200 Neidhart (1732) 5th circle #9 The fifths C-G, E-B and G#-D# are too narrow by 1/12 of the Pythagorean comma, Eb-Bb, G-D and B-F# are one-quarter too narrow, the other fifths are perfect. C D E F G A B C 0 98.045 196.09 300 400 500 596.09 700 800 898.045 996.09 1100 1200 Neidhart (1732) 5th circle #10 The fifths Eb-Bb, A-E and F#-C# are too narrow by a sixth of the Pythagorean comma, C-G and D-A are one-quarter too narrow, the other fifths are perfect. C D E F G A B C 0 94.135 198.045 298.045 392.18 198.045 598.045 696.09 796.09 894.135 996.09 1094.135 1200 Neidhart (1732) 5th circle #11 The fifths G-D and F#-C# are too narrow by a sixth of the Pythagorean comma, D-A and G#-D# are one-quarter too narrow, the other fifths are 1/12 too narrow. C D E F G A B C 0 96.09 198.045 296.09 394.135 500 598.045 700 800 894.135 996.09 1098.045 1200 Neidhart (1732) 5th circle #12 The fifths C-G and F#-C# are too narrow by 1/12 of the Pythagorean comma, G-D and C#-G# are one-sixth too narrow, Eb-Bb and A-E are one-quarter too narrow, the other fifths are perfect. C D E F G A B C 0 98.045 198.045 300 396.09 498.045 600 700 798.045 900 996.09 1098.045 1200 Neidhart (1732) example #1 for chapter 7 (before 3 rd-circles) The fifths F-C and A-E are too narrow by a Pythagorean comma, the fifth C#-G# is too wide by a Pythagorean comma, the other fifths are perfect. C D E F G A B C 0 90.225 203.91 317.59501 384.35999 521.50501 588.26999 701.95 815.64001 905.865 1019.55001 1086.31499 1200 Neidhart (1732) example #2 for chapter 7 (before 3 rd-circles) The fifths Eb-Bb, F-C and F#-C# are too narrow by 1/12 of the Pythagorean comma, C-G is one-sixth too narrow, G-D, D-A and A-E are one-quarter too narrow, the other fifths are perfect. C D E F G A B C 0 90.225 194.135 294.135 386.31499 496.09 590.225 698.045 792.18 890.225 994.135 1088.26999 1200 Neidhart (1732) example #3 for chapter 7 (before 3 rd-circles) The fifths Eb-Bb and F#-C# are too narrow by 1/12 of the Pythagorean comma, C-G and G-D are one-sixth too narrow, D-A and A-E are one-quarter too narrow, the other fifths are perfect. C D E F G A B C 0 92.18 196.09 292.18 388.27 498.045 592.18 698.045 788.26999 892.18 999.09 1090.225 1200 Neidhart (1732) 3rd-circle #1 (Village) The fifths Bb-F, C-G, B-F# and C#-G# are too narrow by 1/12 of the Pythagorean comma, G-D is one-sixth too narrow, D-A and A-E are one-quarter too narrow, the other fifths are perfect. C D E F G A B C 0 94.135 198.045 296.09 390.225 498.045 592.18 700 788.26999 888.26999 998.045 1092.18 1200 Neidhart (1732) 3rd-circle #2 (Small City) The fifths Eb-Bb, E-B, B-F# and G#-D# are too narrow by 1/12 of the Pythagorean comma, CG, G-D and D-A are one-sixth too narrow, the other fifths are perfect. C D E F G A B C 0 94.135 196.09 296.09 392.18 498.045 592.18 698.045 796.09 894.135 996.09 1092.18 1200 Neidhart (1732) 3rd-circle #3 The fifths F-C, D-A, C#-G# and G#-D# are too narrow by 1/12 of the Pythagorean comma, the other fifths are one-sixth too narrow. C D E F G A B C 0 96.09 196.09 296.09 394.135 500 598.045 698.045 796.09 896.09 1001.955 1092.18 1200 Neidhart (1732) 3rd-circle #4 The fifths Eb-Bb, F#-C# and C#-G# are too narrow by 1/12 of the Pythagorean comma, Bb-F, CG, G-D, D-A and E-B are one-sixth too narrow, F-C, A-E and B-F# are perfect. C D E F G A B C 0 96.09 196.09 296.09 396.09 498.045 596.09 698.045 796.09 894.135 1000 1094.135 1200 Neidhart (1732) 3rd-circle #5 The fifths F-C and A-E are too narrow by a sixth of the Pythagorean comma, Bb-F and F#-C# are perfect, the other fifths are 1/12 too narrow. C D E F G A B C 0 100 200 300 398.045 501.955 598.045 700 800 900 1000 1098.045 1200 No fives A no-fives seven-limit Fokker block, discovered by Gene Ward Smith. C D E F G A B C 1:1 28:27 9:8 7:6 9:7 4:3 49:36 3:2 14:9 12:7 7:4 49:27 2:1 Öljare Mats Öljare, scale for Tampere (2001). C D E F G A B C 1:1 35:32 7:6 5:4 4:3 35:24 3:2 14:9 5:3 7:4 15:8 35:18 2:1 Omaha A 2.3.11 subgroup scale. C D E F G A B C 1:1 12:11 9:8 32:27 11:9 4:3 11:8 3:2 18:11 27:16 16:9 11:6 2:1 Omaha temperament 243:242 tempered Omaha 2.3.11 scale. C D E F G A B C 0 148.42105 202.10526 296.84211 350.52632 498.94737 552.63158 701.05263 849.47368 903.15789 997.89474 1051.57895 1200 Optimal well-temperament #1 C 0 102.0 D 203.8 297.2 E 396.3 F 498.1 600 G 702 803.8 A 897.2 996.3 B 1098.1 C 1200 Optimal well-temperament #2 C 0 93.1 D 203.1 296.3 E 397.4 F 498.5 591.7 G 701.6 794.8 A 903.4 997.4 B 1091.4 C 1200 Otones 12-24 (a/k/a harm24) A dedecatonic scale borrowed from the overtone series. C D E F G A B C 1:1 13:12 7:6 5:4 4:3 17:12 3:2 19:12 5:3 7:4 11:6 23:12 2:1 Pajara C 0 107.04769 D 214.09538 278.85693 E 385.90462 F 492.95231 600 G 707.04769 814.09538 A 878.85693 985.90462 B 1092.95231 C 1200 PBP (procentual beating pitch) temperament Described in the paper Bach- and Well-Temperaments for Western Classical Music, available for free from the website http://lit.gfax.ch//tunings/BachAndWellTemperaments.pdf. C D E F G A B C 0 90.225 195.25271 294.135 386.87185 498.045 588.26999 699.44315 792.18 891.06228 996.09 1086.31499 1200 Piagui C 0 99.02 D 198.04 297.07 E 396.09 F 498.04 600 G 699.02 798.04 A 897.07 996.09 B 1098.05 C 1200 Portsmouth A subgroup scale. C D E F G A B C 1:1 22:21 8:7 7:6 9:7 4:3 11:8 3:2 11:7 12:7 7:4 11:6 2:1 Pre-Arcytas Pre-Arcytas transversal Hobbit tuning by Gene Ward Smith. C D E F G A B C 1:1 16:15 9:8 6:5 5:4 4:3 64:45 3:2 8:5 5:3 16:9 15:8 2:1 Pris Optimized (15:14)^3 (16:15)^3 (21:20)^3 (25:24)^3 scale. C D E F G A B C 1:1 16:15 28:25 7:6 5:4 4:3 7:5 3:2 8:5 5:3 7:4 28:15 2:1 Prism Prism by Carl Lumma. C D E F G A B C 1:1 16:15 28:25 7:6 5:4 4:3 7:5 112:75 8:5 5:3 7:4 28:15 2:1 Ptolex John Lyle Smith's extended septimal Ptolemy. C D E F G A B C 1:1 21:20 9:8 7:6 9:7 4:3 10:7 3:2 63:40 27:16 7:4 27:14 2:1 Ratwolf (a/k/a rational wolf) This is a version of meantone which tries its hardest to circulate. C D E F G A B C 0 70.86342 191.67526 312.48711 383.35053 504.16237 575.02579 695.83763 766.70106 887.5129 1008.32474 1079.18816 1200 Rectoo Hahn-reduced circle of fifths scale. C D E F G A B C 1:1 10:9 8:7 6:5 5:4 4:3 3:2 25:16 8:5 5:3 7:4 9:5 2:1 Riley/Rosary Terry Riley, tuning for Cactus Rosary (1993). C D E F G A B C 1:1 49:48 9:8 7:6 5:4 21:16 11:8 3:2 49:32 13:8 7:4 15:8 2:1 Sa-grama This tuning sets the absolute tuning at a' equals 441Hz, which is the equivalent of tuning the tone scale 3.9301584394¢ higher than at 440Hz. C D E F G A B C 1:1 (0) 1.5:√2 (101.955) 9:8 (203.91) 6:5 (315.64129) 5:4 (386.31371) 4:3 (498.045) 45:32 (590.22372) 3:2 (701.955) 8:5 (813.68629) 27:16 (905.865) 9:5 (1017.59629) 15:8 (1088.26871) 2:1 (1200) Schisdia 32805:32768 2048:2025 scale C 1:1 256:243 D 10:9 32:27 E 5:4 F 4:3 45:32 G 16384:10935 128:81 A 5:3 16:9 B 15:8 C 2:1 Secor 5/23 TX George Secor's synchronous 5/23-comma temperament extraordinaire. C D E F G A B C 1:1 62:59 66:59 70:59 591:472 631:472 331:236 353:236 745:472 395:236 631:354 221:118 2:1 Septimal optimal well-temperament #1 C 0 42 D 206 272 E 386 F 491 543 G 704 764 A 877 977 B 1090 C 1200 Septimal optimal well-temperament #2 C 0 93 D 209 262 E 386 F 490 588 G 707 769 A 876 978 B 1093 C 1200 Serafini 11 Carlo Serafini, scale of Piano 11. C D E F G A B C 1:1 11:10 9:8 7:6 5:4 11:8 10:7 3:2 8:5 5:3 7:4 20:11 2:1 Sevish Sean “Sevish” Archibald's Trapped in a Cycle scale. C D E F G A B C 1:1 33:32 9:8 7:6 5:4 21:16 11:8 3:2 77:48 5:3 27:16 7:4 2:1 Sonbirkez sorted Sonbirkez Huzzam scale. C D E F G A B C 1:1 121:108 847:720 57:46 4:3 3:2 8:5 81:50 64:39 121:72 847:480 171:92 2:1 Sorge (1744) The fifths Eb-Bb, Bb-F, B-F# and F#-C# are too narrow by 1/12 of the Pythagorean comma, CG, G-D and D-A are one-sixth too narrow, the other fifths are perfect. C D E F G A B C 0 94.135 196.09 298.045 396.09 498.045 594.135 698.045 796.09 894.135 998.045 1094.135 1200 Sparschuh (2005) proportional beating “Bach” The fifth Eb-Bb is too narrow by 46TU, Bb-F is 122TU too narrow, F-C is 82TU too narrow, C-G is 55TU too narrow, G-D is 36TU too narrow, D-A is 81TU too narrow, A-E is 86TU too narrow, E-B is 58TU too narrow, B-F# is 154TU too narrow, the other fifths are perfect. This tuning sets the absolute tuning a' equals 410Hz, which is the equivalent of tuning the tone scale 122.2555368231¢ lower than at 440Hz. C D E F G A B C 0 100.1955 196.18775 300.48875 395.95966 501.173 599.86967 697.32817 799.96742 894.00466 1000.48875 1097.91467 1200 Sparschuh's 5-limit dodecatonics with two Kirnberger fifths C 1:1 256:243 D 262144:234375 32:27 E 5:4 F 4:3 1024:729 G 16384:10935 128:81 A 78125:46656 16:9 B 4096:2187 C 2:1 Sparschuh-Zapf The fifth Eb-Bb is too narrow by 46TU, Bb-F is 122TU too narrow, F-C is 82TU too narrow, C-G is 55TU too narrow, G-D is 36TU too narrow, D-A is 81TU too narrow, A-E is 86TU too narrow, E-B is 58TU too narrow, B-F# is 154TU too narrow, the other fifths are perfect. C D E F G A B C 0 100.1955 196.18775 300.48875 395.95966 501.173 599.86967 697.32817 799.96742 894.00466 1000.48875 1097.91467 1200 Steel An 11-limit tuning discovered by Lou Harrison and Bill Slye. C D E F G A B C 1:1 28:27 9:8 7:6 5:4 4:3 11:8 3:2 14:9 5:3 7:4 11:6 2:1 Stelhex Stellated two of 1 3 5 7 hexany. C D E F G A B C 1:1 21:20 7:6 6:5 5:4 21:16 7:5 3:2 8:5 42:25 7:4 9:5 2:1 Stelhex2 Stellated two of 1 3 5 9 hexany. C D E F G A B C 1:1 135:128 9:8 5:4 81:64 27:20 45:32 3:2 25:16 5:3 27:16 15:8 2:1 Stelhex5 Stellated two of 1 3 7 9 hexany, stellation is degenerate. C D E F G A B C 1:1 9:8 7:6 81:64 21:16 189:128 3:2 49:32 27:16 7:4 27:14 63:32 2:1 Superpyth C 0 177.77778 D 222.22222 266.66667 E 444.44444 F 488.88889 666.66667 G 711.11111 755.55556 A 933.33333 977.77778 B 1155.55556 C 1200 Terrain Just-intonation version of generation scale for 63:50 and 10:9. C D E F G A B C 1:1 50:49 10:9 500:441 63:50 9:7 7:5 10:7 100:63 81:50 441:250 9:5 2:1 Unimajor A 2.3.11:7 subgroup scale. C D E F G A B C 1:1 22:21 9:8 32:27 14:11 4:3 63:44 3:2 11:7 27:16 16:9 21:11 2:1 Unimajor penta Pentacircle (896:891) tempered unimajor. C D E F G A B C 0 78.76448 208.49421 287.25869 416.98842 495.7529 625.48263 704.2471 783.01158 912.74131 991.50579 1121.23352 1200 Venturino/Interbartolo The fifths Eb-Bb, C#-G# and G#-D# are too wide by 7/132 of the syntonic comma, F-C, C-G, GD, D-A and A-E are ¼ too narrow, the other fifths are perfect. C D E F G A B C 0 92.17953 193.15709 298.37074 386.31418 503.42146 608.77559 696.57854 804.72487 889.73563 1001.46634 1088.2693 1200 Venturino/Interbartolo (2005) The fifths F-C, C-G, G-D, D-A and A-E are too narrow by a quarter of the syntonic comma, EbBb, C#-G# and G#-D# are 1/12 too wide, the other fifths are perfect. C D E F G A B C 0 90.225 192.18 298.045 384.35999 503.91 588.26999 696.09 794.135 888.26999 1001.955 1086.31499 1200 Vogel Vogel's reconstruction of Scheidermann/Praetorius. C D E F G A B C 0 86.80214 193.15686 288.75843 391.69029 498.045 584.84714 696.57843 783.38057 895.11186 996.09 1088.26871 1200 Wendy Carlos harmonic scale C 1:1 17:16 D 9:8 19:16 E 5:4 F 21:16 11:8 G 3:2 13:8 A 27:16 7:4 B 15:8 C 2:1 Wendy Carlos super just intonation C 1:1 17:16 D 9:8 6:5 E 5:4 F 4:3 11:8 G 3:2 13:8 A 5:3 7:4 B 15:8 C 2:1 Wilson class C 1:1 25:24 D 28:25 7:6 E 5:4 F 4:3 7:5 G 35:24 8:5 A 5:3 7:4 B 28:15 C 2:1 Wilsonistic Margo Schulter's Wilsonistic Pivot on C. C D E F G A B C 1:1 91:88 44:39 7:6 14:11 4:3 11:8 3:2 273:176 22:13 7:4 21:11 2:1 Young 2 The fifths C-G, G-D, D-A, A-E, E-B and B-F# are too narrow by a sixth of the Pythagorean comma, the other fifths are perfect. C D E F G A B C 0 90.225 196.09 294.135 392.18 498.045 588.27 698.045 792.18 894.135 996.09 1090.225 1200