Cooperative Learning: The Bill of Rights


Cooperative Learning: The Bill of Rights

On your own paper, answer each of the following questions and complete the assigned tasks (you will turn in one paper per group)

A) Reword each of the first ten amendments so that the average middle school student will understand what they mean. Use everyday language.


Explain the historical background that made the “Founders” seek to specifically list that particular right. For instance, American had been forced to “quarter” troops for the British government during the years before the Revolution, so we did not want the new government to be able to do the same thing.

C) Summarize the argument for creating a Bill of Rights

D) Summarize an argument against creating the Bill of Rights

E) Do you (the group) think that listing specific rights in our Constitution is a good idea? Why or why not?

F) What would Thomas Hobbes say about listing individual rights? What about


G) If you could only have ONE of the rights listed in the Bill of Rights, which one would it be? Have each group member choose a personal right and then share with the group. As a group, narrow down the choice to a single right. Why is it more important than the others? Defend your answer.

H) What right would you like to see added to the Constitution? Brainstorm answers, then narrow down your choice to one right. Write out that right (nice play on words, huh?) in the same style as the Bill of Rights.
