CAL POLY CORPORATION OTHER POST-EMPLOYMENT BENEFITS (OPEB) INVESTMENT COMMITTEE STATEMENT OF INVESTMENT PHILOSOPHY AND GUIDELINES April 23, 2014 I. INVESTMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE GOVERNANCE A. Investment Advisory Committee (IAC) composition, operating process and requirements for membership are established within General Investment Policy, Section No. 100, Document No.121 as approved by the Board of Directors. B. Other Post-Employment Benefits (OPEB) Investment Policy, Section No. 100, Document No. 131 assigns the establishment of certain OPEB investment policy guidelines to the Investment Administrator and other Management Staff in consultation with the Investment Advisory Committee. Those guidelines are found within this document. The guidelines within this document are in effect until modified by the Investment Administrator in consultation with the Investment Advisory Committee. C. Investment Advisory Committee meetings are to be held at least semiannually. 1 CAL POLY CORPORATION OTHER POST-EMPLOYMENT BENEFITS (OPEB) INVESTMENT COMMITTEE STATEMENT OF INVESTMENT PHILOSOPHY AND GUIDELINES April 23, 2014 II. PHILOSOPHY AND APPROACH A. The Fund will be broadly diversified both by asset class (e.g., U.S. and foreign, large and small company stocks) and by individual security holdings within each asset class. Diversification is used as a means to dampen performance return volatility and provide reasonable assurance that no single issue or class of asset has a disproportionate impact on performance. B. The fund may use active or passive managers. C. The fund will have an overall value style tilt. D. The policy preference guiding portfolio design will be to dampen fund volatility while achieving long-term benchmark returns rather than minimizing short-term benchmark tracking error. E. The investment approach generally rejects attempts to time markets. F. The fund will generally maintain fully invested positions. 2 CAL POLY CORPORATION OTHER POST-EMPLOYMENT BENEFITS (OPEB) INVESTMENT COMMITTEE STATEMENT OF INVESTMENT PHILOSOPHY AND GUIDELINES April 23, 2014 III. STOCK AND BOND MIX A. General equity and fixed income allocations will be dictated by the Board directed return objective detailed in the Other Post-Employment Benefits Investment Policy, Section No. 100, Document No. 131. B. The current general asset ratio is determined to be 15% tactical fund and the remaining 85% at 57% equities and 43% fixed income. C. Equity sub-allocations (i.e. asset classes) will be diversified as described in Section IV. of these guidelines. D. The equity allocation will be further diversified by economic sector, industry, number of holdings and other investment characteristics such as investment style and capitalization. E. The equity allocation may include common stocks or other common equity substitutes. F. Other equity types may be considered with the approval of the Investment Administrator in consultation with the Investment Advisory Committee. These include venture capital, distressed securities, hedge funds and private equity. G. Fixed Income sub-allocations will be diversified as described in Section IV. of these guidelines. H. The fixed income allocation may include government or corporate bonds or other common bond substitutes. I. The fund may not purchase individual issue commodities, private placements or engage in short sales or purchases on margin, other than as they might exist in a diversified fund which has been approved by the Investment Administrator in consultation with the Investment Advisory Committee 3 CAL POLY CORPORATION OTHER POST-EMPLOYMENT BENEFITS (OPEB) INVESTMENT COMMITTEE STATEMENT OF INVESTMENT PHILOSOPHY AND GUIDELINES April 23, 2014 IV. ASSET CLASSES A. No single security (except those issued or guaranteed by the U.S. Government) shall exceed 5% of the market value of the fund. B. Illiquid investments may be allowed with the approval of the Investment Administrator in consultation with the Investment Advisory Committee. C. Individual asset class and style targets follow: Strategic Target (%) IAC Vetted Tactical at 4/23/14 Acceptable Tactical Target Variance Performance Benchmark 15% of the investment pool is invested in a tactical strategy (PIMCO All Asset All Authority). Its benchmark is the S&P 500. The remaining 85% of the pool is invested 57% in equities and 43% in fixed income as presented below: Equities Large cap stocks Small cap stocks International large cap stocks International small cap stocks Emerging markets stocks Inflation-Hedges: Commodities (mutual funds) Real estate domestic (REITs) Real estate international (REITs) Total Equities 22.50 4.00 11.00 24.50 3.50 11.00 ±3.67 ±2.00 ±2.00 S&P 500 Russell 2000 MSCI EAFE 1.50 1.50 ±2.00 MSCI EAFE Small Cap 3.00 3.50 ±2.00 MSCI Emerging Markets 0.00 3.00 ±2.00 DJ UBS Commodity 10.00 6.25 ±2.00 FTSE NAREIT Equity REITS 5.00 3.75 ±2.00 S&P Developed, ex U.S. BMI Property 57.00 57.00 ±5.00 Fixed Income Government-quality bonds 15.00 10.00 ±2.00 BarCap U.S. Intmdt Govt/Credit Investment-grade Bonds 11.75 21.50 ±3.22 BarCap U.S. Intmdt Govt/Credit Non-US bonds (hedged) High yield bonds (U.S.) 8.25 5.00 9.00 2.50 ±2.00 ±2.00 BarCap U.S. Intmdt Govt./Credit BarCap U.S. Intmdt Govt/Credit Cash 3.00 0.00 ±2.00 Citi 1 Month CD 43.00 43.00 ±5.00 100.00 100.00 Total Fixed Income Grand Total Multi-Asset + Traditional Note: totals may vary slightly due to rounding 4 CAL POLY CORPORATION OTHER POST-EMPLOYMENT BENEFITS (OPEB) INVESTMENT COMMITTEE STATEMENT OF INVESTMENT PHILOSOPHY AND GUIDELINES April 23, 2014 V. REBALANCING GUIDELINES A. In general, asset ranges will be maintained to target levels within the parameters described below regardless of calendar or timing of Investment Advisory Committee meetings. B. Additions to the portfolio may be averaged-in at the direction of the Investment Administrator in consultation with the Investment Advisory Committee or the discretion of the Investment Consultant. C. The portfolio will be rebalanced periodically and any sustained variance from the overall equity or fixed income targets greater than 5% of the portfolio value must be approved by the Investment Administrator after consultation with the Investment Advisory Committee. i.e., an equity target allocation of 71.0% will be considered in balance if actual assets are between 76.0% and 66.0% of the portfolio. Sustained variance is defined as a period of one calendar quarter or greater. D. Tactical or opportunistic adjustments to the portfolio’s long term target mix can present opportunities as well as risk to achieving the target return. Generally, such adjustments should only be in conformance with the following criteria: 1. The investment meets the criteria for strategic inclusion in the portfolio. 2. The specific purpose of the adjustment is clear (e.g., increase return, reduce risk, hedge a specific risk.) 3. Thorough analysis suggests the adjustment is warranted. 4. The opportunity cost of being wrong is understood and is acceptable. 5. The conditions for moving back to the normal target allocation (i.e., removing the adjustment) are clear. E. The Investment Administrator in consultation with the Investment Advisory Committee may direct the Investment Consultant to implement tactical or opportunistic adjustments to the strategic target mix, subject to the criteria above. The Investment Consultant may independently make such adjustments at his discretion, subject to the criteria above, within the following limits: 1. Up to 2% tactical variance for any individual asset class or up to 15% of the asset class target, whichever is greater. For example, if the high yield bonds asset class has a target allocation of 4%, the tactical adjustment could be plus or minus up to 2%. If domestic large company stocks have an allocation of 30%, the tactical adjustment could be plus or minus 4.5%. 5 CAL POLY CORPORATION OTHER POST-EMPLOYMENT BENEFITS (OPEB) INVESTMENT COMMITTEE STATEMENT OF INVESTMENT PHILOSOPHY AND GUIDELINES April 23, 2014 REBALANCING GUIDELINES (continued) 2. The individual asset class limits identified in item E.1., above are subject to an overall limit of plus or minus 5% of the total portfolio value at the overall equity and fixed income levels. That is, if the overall target for equities is 71%, the individual equity tactical adjustments cannot cause the overall equity target to exceed 76% or fall below 66% without Investment Administrator approval after having been reviewed with the Investment Advisory Committee. 3. In any asset class with a specified style tilt target (i.e. value or growth rather than neutral), the Investment Consultant may make tactical adjustments to the style exposure (i.e. from value to neutral or value to growth) of up to 10% of the total portfolio value within each such asset class. 4. Tactical adjustments to target allocations made at the discretion of the Investment Consultant will be reported to the Investment Advisory Committee, Investment Administrator and Management Staff as soon as practical. 5. Tactical adjustments made by the Investment Consultant will not result in benchmark changes, however, the Consultant will report to the Committee and Staff whether or not the adjustments added to or detracted from performance. 6 CAL POLY CORPORATION OTHER POST-EMPLOYMENT BENEFITS (OPEB) INVESTMENT COMMITTEE STATEMENT OF INVESTMENT PHILOSOPHY AND GUIDELINES April 23, 2014 VI. PERFORMANCE EVALUATION CRITERIA A. The fund as a whole will be compared quarterly to a weighted benchmark matching the specific target asset allocations. B. The fund as a whole will be compared to the median performance of a group of peers. C. Results for each asset class will be measured and assigned a market benchmark and a target return relative to the benchmark, to be achieved over three to five year periods. Style exposure will be considered in the return evaluation. D. Each manager will be assigned a market benchmark, a target for outperformance and an evaluation horizon. The horizon will generally be in moving three and five year periods. Cash held by the managers will be included in their total return calculation. E. Each manager will be measured against a style benchmark and group of peers. F. Performance at the portfolio, asset class and manager levels will be evaluated on both return and risk using measures such as standard deviations and Sharpe ratios. G. Individual asset class benchmarks are as follows (style benchmarks will be included as appropriate): Large cap stocks Small cap stocks International large cap stocks International small cap stocks Emerging markets stocks Commodities Real estate, domestic (REITs) Real estate, internat’l (REITs) Balanced Government-quality bonds Investment-grade bonds Non-US bonds (hedged) High yield bonds Combined Fixed Income Cash Fund Total Style Active/Passive Active/Passive Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Passive Active Active Active/Passive Benchmark S&P 500 Russell 2000 EAFE EAFE Small Cap MSCI Emerging Markets Dow Jones UBS Commodity FTSE NAREIT Equity REITs S&P Developed ex U.S. BMI Property S&P 500 BarCap U.S. Intmdt Govt/Credit BarCap U.S. Intmdt Govt/Credit BarCap U.S. Intmdt Govt/Credit BarCap U.S. Intmdt Govt/Credit BarCap U.S. Intmdt Govt/Credit Citi 1 Month CD Multi-Asset + Traditional 7 CAL POLY CORPORATION OTHER POST-EMPLOYMENT BENEFITS (OPEB) INVESTMENT COMMITTEE STATEMENT OF INVESTMENT PHILOSOPHY AND GUIDELINES April 23, 2014 VII. RECOMMENDATION OF POLICY TO THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS A. General OPEB investment policy is defined and ratified by the Board of Directors in Other Post-Employment Benefits Investment Policy, Section No. 100, Document No. 131. B. The Investment Administrator with advice and consultation with the Investment Advisory Committee is responsible for recommending investment objectives, spending policy and general asset allocation policy to the Board of Directors. 8 CAL POLY CORPORATION OTHER POST-EMPLOYMENT BENEFITS (OPEB) INVESTMENT COMMITTEE STATEMENT OF INVESTMENT PHILOSOPHY AND GUIDELINES April 23, 2014 VIII. DELEGATION OF AUTHORITY A. The Investment Administrator may hire advisors and managers after review with the Investment Advisory Committee. Staff and the Investment Advisory Committee may also delegate some of its review and advisory responsibilities to consultants. Staff and Committee retain the responsibility for monitoring the activities delegated and their results. B. Responsibilities delegated to the Investment Consultant include: 1. Recommendation to the Investment Advisory Committee, Investment Administrator and other Management Staff of policies and guidelines. 2. The execution of all policies and guidelines. 3. The hiring, monitoring and terminating of investment managers and rebalancing among managers. 4. Performance reporting on managers, asset classes and fund. C. Investment Managers are authorized to vote proxies on the Cal Poly Corporation’s behalf. D. In general, managers will be encouraged to not initiate transactions that could generate unrelated business taxable income (UBTI.) 9 CAL POLY CORPORATION OTHER POST-EMPLOYMENT BENEFITS (OPEB) INVESTMENT COMMITTEE STATEMENT OF INVESTMENT PHILOSOPHY AND GUIDELINES April 23, 2014 IX. FEES A. The Cal Poly Corporation shall be entitled to reasonable compensation for services rendered in the management of the OPEB investment fund. B. Material changes in Cal Poly Corporation or external management fees will be reported to the Investment Advisory Committee. 10