Chemistry I PD Dr. Christoph Wutz http://www.chemie.uni Page 1 Contents 1. Introduction Books, Internet, History, Basic Concepts 2. General Chemistry 2.1 Atomic Structure 2.2 Periodic System 2.3 Chemical Bond, Molecules 3. Physical Chemistry 3.1 State of Matter, Phase Transitions, Separation Proc. 3.2 Chemical Reaction Thermodynamics, Kinetics 4. Inorganic Chemistry 4.1 Acids/Bases, pHpH-value 4.2 Salts, Solubility 4.3 Redox reactions 4.4 Electrochemistry Page 2 1 1. Introduction classic € 13.40 ISBN: basic advanced 336 Pages; € 25.1397 Pages; € 53.25.53.ISBN: 978978-0-1919-927789927789-6 ISBN: 978978-0-1919-927789927789-6 978978-0486656229 Page 3 OnOn-line Introduction to Chemistry (Mark Bishop) On-line textook (R. Dickerson; CalTech) On-line lectures and notes (MIT): Test your knowledge on: Page 4 2 History I: Unintentional Chemistry 3000 BC.: Smelting of lead, copper and tin (bronze) 1. Roasting of metal ore at about 300° 300°C : Malachite: CuCO3 2. Reduction at >1000° >1000°C: 2 CuO + C metal oxide + charcoal → metal + carbon dioxide CuO + CO2 2 Cu + CO2 Page 5 History II: Alchemy Intentional, traditional, nonnon-scientific chemistry; Protoscience: Protoscience: Precursor of modern chemistry: • Creation of the "philosopher's stone," (catalyst?)⇒ • Conversion of base metals into solver or gold • Search for the universal solvent "alkahest" Notion of Greece elements: Fire (hot) Water (wet) Earth (dry) Air (cold) Spirit/Ether Buddhism Fire Water Earth Wind Space China (Tao) Fire Water Earth Wood Metal Some Discoveries/Inventions: Discoveries/Inventions: •Sal ammoniac (NH4Cl), cinnabar (HgS ): (HgS): by Abu Musa Jabir ibn Hayyan, Hayyan, Arabia 8. Jh. Jh. •Alcohol (ethanol C2H5OH), Italy ~1100 from wine •Medicals; mercury, arsenic, antimony comp: by Paracelsus, 16. Jh. Jh. •Phosphorous: Hennig Brand; Hamburg 1669 •Porcelain: Johann Friedrich Böttger 1707/08 Discovery of Phosphor by Hennig Brand (1669)Page 6 3 History III Chemistry as Natural Science After 17. Jh.: Jh.: Scientific chemistry: Exemption from dogma and religion. Rational conclusions based of observation and experiments. Robert Boyle (1627(1627-1691) Irish researcher "The Sceptical Chymist" Chymist" (1661) Joseph Priestley (1733(1733-1804) Engl. researcher Invent.: NH3, N2O, CO, SO2 Carl W. Scheele (1742(1742-1786) Swed. Swed. Pharm. O2, Cl2, Ba, Mn; HCN, lactic acid Antoine Lavoisier (1743(1743-1794) French Chem. Oxidation J. GayGay-Lussac (1778(1778-1850) French Chem. Ideal gas law Justus v. Liebig (1803(1803-1873) German Chem. Chem.Analysis Page 7 Difference ChemistryChemistry-Physics Chemistry: Chemistry: Change of ComposiComposiPhysics: Physics: (Change of) State of tion of Matter Matter Example: Iron: metallic, shiny, conductive, malleable. Heating iron ⇒ melting Iron in humid air ⇒ gets rusty cooling ⇒ solidification. Rust: redred-brown, nonnon-conductive Properties unchanged. not moldable Reversible change of state ⇒ Change of matter Another example: Platinum wire heating to redHeating magnesium⇒ red-hot magnesium⇒ Cooling: No change in prop. combustion with light emission⇒ emission⇒ Emission of light: physical proc. magnesium oxide (white powder) ⇒ change of matter Last Example: Heavy cooling of air ⇒ liquefaction Respired oxygen converts Slow warming up (distillation) ⇒ carbohydrates into CO2+H2O. Separation of oxygen and nitrogen Energy is released. Properties unchanged. ⇒ Chemical process. Liquefaction, evaporation, melting, distillation: physical processes Combustion, oxidation, chem. synthesis: Chemical proc.Page 8 4 Beginning and Resources of Chemical Industry before 1820: Production of: • Soda (sodium carbonate) for processing of glass, bleaching agents, detergents, etc. • Synthetic fertilizers • Dyes Resources of chemical industry before 1870: • Coal • Minerals • Plant products • Animal products Resources of chemical industry after 1870 - ? • Crude oil Page 9 Chemical Hazards 21. Sept. 1921; BASF, Oppau, Oppau, : Explosion of fertilizer plant: 561 Dead, 2000 Injured, 900 apartments destroyed, 100 m crater 2 NH4NO3 → 4 H2O + 2 N2 + O2 Page 10 5 Population Benefit from Chemical Industry Demographics Development of chemical industry • Synth. fertilizer • Pesticides • Medicals • Hygiene items Page 11 Why bother with Chemistry? Chemistry affects our life's: Carbohydrates, Proteins, Fats, Vitamins, etc. Toy Sports equipequipment Mobiles Coal/Gas Petrol Batteries Medicine Glasses Medical devices Detergents Soap Tooth paste Dyes Carpets Furniture Page 12 6 Significance of Chemistry for the Living from atom via molecules (>15 mio.!) mio.!) to organism Ascorbic Acid Chlorophyll Page 13 Analytical/Synthetic Chemistry Analytical chemistry: Understanding nature: What is it made of? What is in there? and how much? Synthetic Chemistry: Can we produce the same products (or even better) in the lab? Wikipedia: Science of matter and changes it undergoes. Page 14 7 Basic Terms and Concepts Measures and Units (SI (SI)) Measure Length Mass Volume Density Temperature Force Pressure Energy Amount of substance Molar Mass Molar concentration Molar Enthalpy Molar Entropy Symbol l m V ρ T F p E n M c H S Unit Meter Gramm Liter Gramm per cm3 Kelvin Newton Pascal Joule Mole Mass per Mole; M = m/n Mole per volume; c=n/V Joule per Mol Symbol m g L g/cm3 K N = kg·m/s2 Pa = N/m2 J = kg·m2/s2 mol g/mol mol/l J/mol J/mol·K Page 15 General Structure of Matter Chemical Compound solid Substance Atomic level Na+ Cl- Salt liquid Sodium chloride gaseous Water Hydrogen atom Water molecules Oxygen atom Air Oxygen a. nitrogen molecules (mixture) nitrogen atom Page 16 8 Mixtures, Substances, Compounds, Elements Mixture e. g. vodka water/alcohol separation by physical methods e.g. distillation filtration, extraction Chemical compounds Substance e. g. water or pure alcohol are either or Decomposition by chem. methods Elements one type oft atom; no decomposition by chem. methods composed of two or more different chemical elements (types of atoms) connected by chemical bonds e. g. water H2O two atoms of hydrogen (H) one atom of oxigen (O) e. g. hydrogen (H) oxygen (O) iron (Fe) Page 17 Symbols of Chemical Element Symbols used for abbreviation of chemical elements by Berzelius; today by IUPAC: IUPAC: OneOne- or twotwo-letters long, only first capitalized. Mostly derived from Greek or Latin words. H He Li Be B C N O F Ne Hydrogen Helium Lithium Beryllium Boron Carbon Nitrogen Oxygen Fluorine Neon Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar K Ca Sodium Magnesium Aluminum Silicon Phosphorus Sulfur Chlorine Argon Potassium Calcium Jöns Jakob Berzelius Swedish chemist (1779-1848) First 20 elements Page 18 9 Natural Abundance of Elements Over 90% of the universe is hydrogen (H); second most is helium (He). Earth inner core Earth crust(0-40 km) 3% 3% 1% 1% 2% 2% 2% 2% 4% 5% 5% 7% Fe 8% Al O 49% Si Fe 80% 26% O Si Al Fe Ca Na K Mg H Res. Common compounds: SiO2, Silicates, AlAl-, iron oxides, carbonates, sulfates, hydroxides Fe Si Ni O S Res. Earth inner core (3000 km) mainly composed of iron (2900° (2900°C, liquid). Fe/NiFe/Ni-convecconvection at mantle ⇒magnetism Page 19 Change of Matter by Chemical Reaction Iron (Fe) Sulfur (S) Chemical reaction IronIron-SulfurSulfurMixture: Fe + S How can it be separated? IronIron-sulfursulfurcompound Iron sulfide (FeS (FeS)) No physical separation into iron and sulfur possible Page 20 10 Chemical Reaction A chemical reaction is a process that leads to the transformation transformation of one set of chemical substances (reactants; reagents) to another (products). Chemical equations used to graphically illustrate chemical reactions: reactions: Reactant 1 (+ reactant 2) product 1 + (product 2) A chemical reaction alters the combination of atoms in substances, substances, the number of atoms of each elements remains constant. "The mass of matter remains constant during chemical reactions". (Law of Conservation of Mass) Antoine Lavoisier fr. Chem. (1743-1794) Page 21 Chemical Reaction Example: Sodium Chloride Example: Chlorine Sodium (Metal) Salt (NaCl) + Chemical reactions involve a "rearrangement" of atoms. New compounds are formed with different properties. Which substance can react with which other substance yielding which compound in which molar ratio? Page 22 11 Elemental Particles Matter composed of atoms, composed of three elemental particles: + 0 - Proton (p+): "big", "heavy" (relatively!), positive mass ~ 1 u Neutron (n): "big", "heavy" (relatively!), neutral mass ~ 1 u Electron (e-): tiny, lightweight, negative mass ~ 1/1800 u u extremely small unit: 1 u = 1,66⋅ 1,66⋅10-27 Kg Page 23 Radiation Radiation is a process in which waves or particles travel through a medium or space ⇒ Transport of energy or mass. Dualism: Each radiation has wave and particle character. Electromagnetic waves (light, micromicro-, radioradio-, xx-ray) Energy ~ frequency ~1/wave length Radioactive decay: decay: Atomic nucleus emits particle or wave Name Character α-radiation He nucleus: 2 P+; 2 N β-radiation Electron γ-radiation electromag. electromag. wave Mass Charge 4u +2 1/1823 u -1 - Page 24 12 2. General Chemistry Atomic Structure: Early Atomic Models Stoichiometry Law of defined proportions = const. composition (J. Proust, 1794): 1794): "A chemical compound always contains exactly the same proporproportion of elements by mass". E. g. water: oxygen:hydrogen = 8:1 Law of multiple proportions (J. Dalton, 1803): "The proportions of mass of two elements in different compounds are rations of small whole numbers". E.g.: 100 g of carbon reacts with 133 g oxygen to carbon monoxide 100 g of carbon reacts with 266 g oxygen to carbon dioxide 266:133=2:1 Daltons Atomic Theory (180 8): (1808): • Elements are made of tiny particles called atoms. •The atoms of a given element are different from those of any other other element; they can be distinguished by their respective relative atomic weights. •All atoms of a given element are identical. •Atoms of one element can combine with others to form chemical compounds; compounds; a given compound always has the same relative numbers of types of atoms. •Atoms cannot be created, divided into smaller particles, nor destroyed; destroyed; a chemical reaction simply changes the way atoms are grouped together. together. Page 25 GeigerGeiger-Marsden Gold Foil Experiment Rutherford Model 1910: α-particles (positive (positive HeHe-nuclei) directed onto very thin gold foil: Very few particles deflected ⇒ 1. Atoms are almost "empty" 2. Atomic mass concentrated in positive nucleus 3. Atomic volume represented by negative shell (Radium) ZnS Sir E. Rutherford New Zealand Chem. Rutherford Model Page 26 13 Rutherford Atomic Model Atoms have a positive core (nucleus), (nucleus), surrounded by negative electron cloud (shell). (shell). Protons and neutrons located in nucleus (⇒ (⇒nucleons). nucleons). Neutrons: no charge, Protons: charge = +1 ⇒ Number of protons = number of (pos.) charges in nucleus = Atomic number (Z) in periodic system of elements (PSE) The number of protons determines the element Z=3 Lithium Atomic diameter ~ 10-10 m, nucleus only 1/100000 of it: Nucleus: tiny, "heavy", positive Shell: "bigger", light, negative negative Page 27 Atomic Mass Number of nucleons (protons + neutrons)= atomic mass (ma), Mass of electrons can be neglected. The number of protons determines, which element (type of atom) (= atomic number Z) The number of neutrons N plus protons Z determines, which mass is has. (atomic mass ma = Z + N) Example: Lithium 3 protons ⇒ atomic number Z = 3 4 neutrons ⇒ atomic mass = 7 Proton Neutron Electron Page 28 14 Molecular Mass The mass of molecule mM of a chemical compound is the sum of the atomic masses of the constituting elements Example: Glucose C6H12O6 The empirical formula indicates the number of atoms of each element in the molecule mM = 6· 6·ma(C) + 12· 12·ma(H) + 6· 6·ma(O) ma(C) (C) = 12 u ma(H) (H) = 1 u ma(O) (O) = 16 u mM (Glucose) = 6· 6·12u + 12· 12·1u + 6· 6·16u = 180 u Page 29 Amount of Substance, Mole The mass unit u measures extremely small quantities (single molecules): molecules): The Amount of Substance n (or Chemical Amount) with unit Mole is a quantity that measures the size of an ensemble of elementary entities entities (atoms, molecules other particles) on lablab-scale. The Amount of Substance is no mass, nor a number of entities - it is, however, closely related to both: The Amount of Substance n is the mass m of a portion related to the m n = Mass M of the substance. The Molar Mass M is a substanceMolar substanceM quantity with the unit [g/mol]. specific Examples: Atomic/molecular mass Li = 7 u H2O = 18 u H2 = 2 u C6H12O6 = 180 u Molar Mass M M(Li) M(Li) = 7 g/mol M(H2O) = 18 g/mol M(H2) = 2 g/mol M(C6H12O6) = 180 g/mol One Mole Li weights 7 g, 1 Mole water ≈ 18 g; 2 Mol H2O ≈ 36 g. Page 30 15 Avogadro´ Avogadro´s Number Illustration of the Mole An amount of substance n = 1 mol contains always the same number of particles: Avogadro´ Avogadro´s Number NA: 1 mol ≈ NA = 6· 6·1023 particles 1 mol lithium ≈ 6·1023 Li atoms 1 mol hydrogen ≈ 6·1023 H2 molecules = 12· 12·1023 H atoms 23 1 mol helium ≈ 6·10 He atoms Representation: 1 particles ⇒ 1023 particles 1 mol lithium 6·1023 atoms (7 g) 1 mol hydrogen 6·1023 molecules (2 g) 1 mol water 6·1023 molecules (2+16 = 18 g) 4 mol carbon 4·6·1023 atoms (48 g) 1 mol carbon 6·1023 atoms (12 g) Page 31 Calculating with the Amount of Substance The mass m [g] and the amount of substance n [mol)] can be converted by the molar mass M [g/mol]: M= m n m = M ⋅n Examples: What is the mass of 0,2 mol glucose? n= m M m = 180 g / mol ⋅ 0,2mol = 36 g What is 5,85 g Sodium chloride (NaCl) in Mol? mA(Na) (Na) = 23 u; mA(Cl) (Cl) = 35,5 u ⇒ MNaCl= 58,5 g/mol n= 5,85 g = 0,1mol 58,5 g / mol Page 32 16 Illustration of Stoichiometry and Molar Mass 2 H2 + O2 2 diatomic 2 H2O 1 diatomic hydrogen molecules oxygen molecules 2 water molecules oxygen atom (O): 8 P+;8 N⇒ma=16 u hydrogen atom (H): 1P+⇒ ma = 1u mH2O = 16+2=18u A water molecule (H2O) consists of 2 hydrogen and 1 oxygen atoms. The reactants must contain twice as much H atoms as O atoms. Both elements are diatomic molecules. Molar Masses: M(H2)=2 g/mol; M(O2)=32 g/mol; M(H2O)=18 g/mol Hydrogen + 2 molecules (2⋅ (2⋅2u = 4u ) 2000 molecules 2 mol (2⋅ (2⋅6 ⋅1023 molecules) 4g + Oxygen = Water 1 molecule (2⋅ (2⋅16u=32u) 2 molecule (2⋅ (2⋅18u=36 u) 1000 molecules 2000 molecules 1 mol (6⋅ 2 mol (2⋅ (6⋅1023 (2⋅6⋅1023 molecules) molecules) 32 g = 36 g Conservation of mass! Page 33 Molar Volume of Gases 1 Mole of any gas contains always 6⋅ 6⋅1023 particles, either atoms (noble gases, e. g. He), or diatomic molecules (other gaseous elements: H2, N2, O2, F2, Cl2) or compound molecules (e. g. CO2). 1 Mole of ideal gas has a volume of V = 22,4 L under STP. Molar volume of gases: Vm = 22,4 L/mol : Example: Example: A volume V of 1,12 L of gas contains which amount V of=substance n [mol]? m n V 1,12 L V n =⋅ n = n == 0,05mol V =V m V 22,4 L mol Vm m Page 34 17 Concentration - Molarity Many chemical reactions in solvent (e. g. water) How many reactant particles are in the solution? n c= V The molar concentration c defined as amount of a consticonstituent n divided by the volume of mixture (or solvent*) V *Dissolving a substance in a solvent does not change the volume significantly. The density is increased. Examples: Examples: 2mol 2 Mole of a substance are dissolved c = = 4mol / L in 500 mL solvent. c = ? 0,5 L Which amount of substance has to be dissolved in 200 ml, yielding a solution ? n = c ⋅V = 0,5mol / L ⋅ 0,2L = 0,1mol n 2mol 2 Mole have to be dissolved in = 20 L how much solvent, so that c = 0,1 mol/L? V = = c 0,1mol / L 1,8 g glucose in 100 ml water; c = ?. n= m 1,8 g = = 0,01mol = 10− 2 mol M 180 g / mol c= 0,01mol = 0,1mol / L 0,1L Page 35 Isotopes Isotopes are variants of atoms of a particular chemical element, differing in the numbers of neutrons and in the atomic mass. They contain the same number of protons, but a different number of neutrons. Examples: Examples: 2 1 Deuterium: 1 H Hydrogen: 1 H Carbon: 14 12 6 C 13 ~99% nat. abundance; C ~1% 6 Traces of 6 C ; instable ⇒ radioactive (Radiocarbon dating) 235 Uranium: 92 U fissile; 238U non fissile, both radioactive radioactive 92 Isotopes have identical chemical properties (bonding), but different physical properties (mass) Page 36 18 NonNon-whole Number Masses The atomic masses of many elements in the PSE are, nonnon-whole numbers, since they consist of mixtures of isotope. Example: Example: Chlorine, average atomic mass = 35,45 u consists of: Calculation: - 35Cl: 75.7% 0,757 ⋅ 35 + 0,24 ⋅ 37 = 35,45 - 37Cl: 24.2% Elements that form only one stable type of atom (isotop (isotop)) are named pure elements. elements. Example: Example: 19Fluorine Page 37 Ions Atoms contain as many electrons in the shell as protons in the nucleus and are consequently neutral. Ions are atoms or molecules in which the number of electrons is not equal to the total number of protons, giving it a net positive or negative electrical charge. Ions have completely different properties than the resp. atoms ! Examples: Na → Na+ + e- Positive ions = cations,, cations Cl + e → Cl Negative ions = anions. anions. Cations derived from metal name (sodium (cat)ion (cat)ion,, silver (cat)ion (cat)ion)) or have the suffix –ium (NH4+ = ammonium ion) Anions from nonnon-metal atoms have the suffix –ide (chloride) in compounds with oxygen –ate (SO42-=sulfate) or –ite (SO32-=sulfite) Ions can carry multiple charges: Examples: Examples: Al3+, O2Page 38 19 Review of Rutherford Model Rutherford´ Rutherford´s model makes no statement about the electronelectron-structure of the atom or the energy of the electrons in the shell; it does not not explain the differences in chemical behavior of the elements . Experiment: Experiment: Hydrogen absorbs specific colors = wave length from the spectrum of visible light H2 Prism Absorption spectrum of hydrogen Vice versa, thermally activated hydrogen emits light of exactly the same wave lengths. Emissions spectrum of hydrogen H2 Why specific wave length = energies? Page 39 Discrete Energy Levels of Electrons Electrons can occupy diffedifferent wellwell-defined (=discrete) energy levels in the shell. Transition between level by absorption or release of energy (net energy conservation) Excitation: By additional energy Excitation of atom by light (heat, photon, electricity) the electron can be moved to higher level (outer orbit). If photon energy too high ⇒ ionization Deactivation of excited electrons under emission of electromagnetic wave and return to lower level (inner orbit). Deactivation by emission of light Page 40 20 Bohr Model n=1 n=2 Nucl n=3 Shell n elecelectrons K 1 2 L 2 8 M 3 18 N 4 32 Electrons travel around nucleus in circular orbits (shells) associated with definite energy levels with the principle quantum number n. The orbit radius r and the electron energy increases as n2. The shells are filled with electrons from inside (lowest energy level) to outside. Each shell can carry a certain number of electrons: 2 ·n 2 In the heaviest atoms 7 shells are occupied. Only the electrons of the outermost (valence(valence-) shell can participate in formation of chemical bonds. Niels Bohr, Dan. phys. Atomic model 1913 Nobel prize 1922 Page 41 Electron Configuration Element Z H He Li Be F Ne Na Mg Cl Ar 1 2 3 4 9 10 11 12 17 18 n=1 max. 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 n=2 n=3 max. 8 max 8+10 1 2 7 8 8 8 8 8 n=4 1 2 7 8 Complete (closed) shells The number of valence electrons determines chemical properties! Valence electrons Page 42 21 Atomic Emission Spectrometry Flame Photometry Each element has its unique electron configuration and hence characteristic electron transitions and corresponding lines in the emission spectrum ⇒ atomic emission spectrometry. spectrometry. Slit Sample Eye Prism Optic Light source Magnesium Silicon Sodium Copper Even without spectrometer some elements can be distinguished by the color of the flame: Na Li Cu Page 43 Periodic Table (System) of Elements Prediction of Elements by Mendeleev Ga Dimitri Mendeleev Periodic table (1869) Properties of Gallium (Ga) Prediction Atomic mass ~ 68 Density ~ 5,9 g/cm3 Melting Temp. ~ 30°C Oxide X2O3 Chloride XCl3 Reality 69,72 5,91 g/cm3 29,8°C Ga2O3 GaCl3 Page 44 22 Periodic Table of Elements Elements listed with increasing value of atomic number = no. Protons in nucleus = no. electrons in shell. Page 45 Structure of Periodic Table Main groups Main group number = number of valence electrons I. Periods 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Main groups Groups VIII. III. IV. V. VI. VII. II. Auxiliary groups La Ac Lanthanids Actinids Page 46 23 Metals, Metals, Metaloids (Semimetals) Semimetals), NonNon-metals •isolators (exept carbon as graphite) •gaseous or low melting •brittle solids •conductive •solid (except mercury) some high melting •malleable, ductile Metallic character of elements in the periodic table decreases from bottom left to top right. > 80% of the elements are metals. Page 47 Main Group Elements I. Auxilliary Groups Alkali metals: metals: silver, low melting, soft Highly reactive, reactive, natural abundance only in compounds, compounds, not elemental. II. Alkali earth metals: metals: like alkali, but less reactive (stable in air). III. Boron group: group: B hard metalloid, Al→ Al→Tl soft metals. AlAl-compounds highly abundant in Earth´ Earth´s crust. IV. Carbon group: group: C nonmetal, Si,Ge metametaloids; loids; Sn, Sn, Pb met.; different properties. Si high abundance (quartz); C→natural compounds; Pb high density. VII. Halogens: Halogens: all nonmetals V. Nitrogen group: group: N=nonN=non-metall (gaseous) F/Cl F/Cl gas, Br liquid, I solid P/As met. and nonmet. nonmet. allotropes, reactive; form salts with I and II Sb/Bi=met.; Sb/Bi=met.; N main ingredient air 78% VIII. noble (inert) gases: gases: VI. Chalcogens: Chalcogens: O gaseous, nonmetal,vital extremely low reactivity in water; 21% of air). S yellow solid → elemental state: as traces in air Se, Te, Po metalloid/metal allotropes Page 48 24 Orbitals Flaw of Bohr´ Bohr´s model: A circulating charged particle emits radiation → energy loss; and: experiments indicate electron has wave character. character. ⇒ Orbital model: Atomic orbitals are (energy) states or wave forms of electrons in the atom (quantum mechanics) The probability of finding an electron in a certain volume of space is the electron density. s-, pp-, dd-, and ff-orbitals exist: s-orbitals are spherical. The KK-shell (n=1; 2 e-) has only 1s1s-orb. -) In the 2. shell (Lshell, max. 8 e (L at first the 2s2s-orbital (max. 2e-), afterwards the pp-orbitals are occupied. p-orbitals dumbbell shaped. There are three: px, py, pz having the same energy state. Each contains max. 2 eEvery next shell ⇒ new type of orbital (more complex shape). s, p, d hist., no meaning Page 49 Energy Levels of Orbitals Main energy levels ("shells"): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Within each shell the energy level ss- < pp- < dd-orbital. Electrons fill low energy orbitals before they fill higher energy energy ones. 3. and 4. main energy level overlap ⇒ 4s4s-orbitals are filled before the 3d3d-orbitals (see PSE: After K, Ca (sblock), introduction of transition metals with (s valence electrons in dorbitals. Afterwards Ga,Ge,As etc. (pd (p-block) Page 50 25 Quantum Numbers Quantum numbers describe the energy of electrons in atoms. Name Symbol Orbital meaning Range of Values n≥1 Value Example Principal (prim.) q.n. q.n. n shell (main energy level) Azimuthal q.n. q.n. l subshell: subshell: s ⇒ 0 0 ≤ l ≥ n-1 for n = 3: l = 0,1,2 (orbital) p ⇒ 1 (s,p,d) s,p,d) d⇒2 orientation of -l ≤ ml ≥ +l for l = 1 (p(p-Orb.) subshell shape ml = -1,0,+1 px,py,pz Spin of electron ½ : clockwise -½: countercounter-clockwise (angular momentum) Magnetic q.n. q.n. (Projection of ml angular momentum) Spin q.n. q.n. ms n = 1,2,3,... 1,2,3,... Page 51 Fitting Electrons into Orbitals Pauli Principle/Hund Principle/Hund´´s rule Pauli principle: Two electrons my not occupy same quantum state⇒ state⇒ Each orbital occupied by max. two electrons with different spin ↑↓. ↑↓. Hund´ Hund´s rule: When several orbitals of equal energy are available, electrons enter singly with parallel spins (minimizes repulsion). repulsion). Examples: Phosphorus 15P n=3, l=1, ml=+1 Sulfur 16S "electrons"electrons-inin-boxes" Page 52 26 "Full" Outer Valence Shell Noble Gas Configuration The number of valence electrons (VE) in the outer shell determines the chemical behavior. "Full", closedclosed-shell configuration have a favorable low energy. Elements with a closedclosed-shell (no valence electrons) (18. group or VIII. main group: He, Ne, Ar, Ar, etc.) show very little tendency to participate in chemical reactions Since they are all gases they are called noble (or inert) gases. gases. Electron configurations with a closedclosed-shell are called noble gas configuration. Atoms of other elements can reach lower energy states by undergoing chemical reactions. By loss or gain of electrons they can reach a noble gas electron configuration. configuration. Page 53 Noble Gas Configuration/Octet Rule Examples Octet rule (of thumb): Atoms tend to combine in a way that they each have eight electrons in their valence shells, giving them the same electronic configuration as a noble gas (applicable to the mainmain-group elements, except helium). Examples: Noble gas: 1s2 -e- 11Na 1s2 2s2 2p6 9F 1s2 2s2 3s1 +e2p5 10Ne 2s2 2p6 Na+ 1s2 2s2 2p6 F1s2 2s2 2p6 Atoms that lose electrons have less negative charges in shell than positive protons in the core and become positive cations. cations. Atoms that gain electrons become negative anions. anions. Page 54 27 More Examples for Noble Gas Configuration Potassium (19K, alkali) looses 1 e-, becomes K+ cation, with the same electron configuration like Argon 18Ar. Its chemical and physical properties are of cause completely different (different number of protons). The same electron configuration achieves chlorine (17Cl, halogen) by gaining 1e- becoming Cl- (chloride ion). In a similar manner calcium (20Ca, alkali earth metal) can lose two e- ⇒Ca2+, or 16S + 2 e- → S2both ions have the same electron configuration as 18Ar By loss or gain of electrons particles reach the favorable, low energy closedclosed-shell (noble gas configuration). Page 55 Chemical Bonds + Molecules Types of Bonds When atoms of different elements form chemical compounds, their chemical and physical properties change significantly. Example: Sodium (metal) Chlorine Salt (NaCl) + Three types of chemical bond nonmetalmetal with nonnonmetalnonnonmetal metal (often) Covalent bond Ionic bond molecules e. g. H2O metal with metal metallic bond salts metals (alloys) e.g. Na+Cl- e. g. bronze coordinate bond metal complexes Page 56 28 Metallic Bonding Metallic bonding: Electrostatic attractive force between positively positively charged cations (nucleus + inner e-), which form a 3D lattice and negative, delocalized, shared valence electrons (" ("electron sea"). The free mobility of the valence electrons causes electrical conconductivity of metals. Metal bonding exists between atoms of a pure metal, as well as in blends of two or more metals (alloys). Common alloys: bronze = copper/tin; brass= copper/zinc Rose gold=gold/copper; white gold=Augold=Au-Ag/Ni/Pd Amalgam: mercury/silver Page 57 Ionic Bond Ionization When atoms lose or gain electrons, ions are formed: Ions with positive charge are called cations. cations. Na They have lost electrons. In return, anions have gained electrons to fill their valence shell. They are negatively charged. e- Na+ Cl + e Cl- The atomic number (number of protons in nucleus) does not change. The mass does not change significantly. Whether an atom tends to lose or gain one or more electrons depends on the related change of its energy level. The system as a whole strives to achieve the lowest energy state. state. Metals tend to lose electrons – nonmetals tend to gain electrons. Page 58 29 Ionization Energy Within a period the number of protons increases binding electrons stronger ⇒ Ionization energy increases. Full and semi-filled shells are favorable. Within a group, group, resp. from period to period, period, the outer electron are shielded agaist the nuclear charge by the inner electrons ⇒ I.I.-Energy decreases. decreases. Element 2s Li Be B C N O 2p Ionization energy eV]] Ionization energy [[eV Ionization I energy required to remove an electron from an atom. ⇒ cation (Unit: eV = 1,6· 1,6·10-19 J) F Ne atomic number → Page 59 Electron Affinity The electron affinity EA is the counter part of the ionization energy. energy. Amount of energy released when an electron is added to an atom ⇒ negative anion. anion. Positive values: System would go to higher energy state ⇒ gain of electrons not possible. Negative EAEA-values: Energy is released. Halogens and chalcogens have high electron affinities ⇒Large amounts of energy is released, if they gain electrons. Electron affinities (eV (eV)) Page 60 30 Electronegativity (EN) Electronegativity (EN) describes the tendency of an atom (or a funcfunctional group) to attract electrons (or electron density) towards itself. I II III IV V VI VII H 2,20 VIII He Li Be 0,97 1,47 B C N O F 2,01 2,50 3,07 3,50 4,10 Ne Na Mg 1,01 1,23 Al Si P S Cl 1,47 1,74 2,06 2,44 2,83 Ar K Ca 0,91 1,04 Ga Ge As Se Br 1,82 2,02 2,20 2,48 2,74 Kr Rb Sr 0,89 0,99 In Sn Sb Te I 1,49 1,72 1,82 2,01 2,21 Xe EN increases from bottom left to top right in the PSE Alkali (I. MG) and alkali earth metals (II. HG) electropositive. ⇒ Ionic bonds with halogens (VII. MG) and chalcogens (VI. HG) For organic chem.: Hal/O >> C > H Larger difference in EN ⇒ more polar bond; ∆EN>1,5 ⇒ ionic Compounds of alkalialkali-/alkali earth metals and chalcogens resp. halogens are ionic as a rule of thumb. Page 61 Atomic and Ionic Radius Gain or loss of electrons alters the radius of the particle. The radii of atoms and their respective ions are significantly different. Loss of electrons (⇒ (⇒ cation) decreases the radius, since the residual electrons are attracted more by the nuclear charge. charge. Gain of electrons (⇒ (⇒ anion) increases the radius, since the electron shell becomes wider by the additional negative charge. Examples: F- Li+ Na+ Mg2+ Cl- K+ Ca2+ BrBr- I- Page 62 31 Salts, Ionic Lattice Salts are solids, that consist of ions (ionic bond). Cations (+) and anions ((-) are attracted by electrostatic forces. forces. The ions are positioned in a threethree-dimensional crystal lattice with regular longlong-range order. Such ionic crystals have high melting temperatures, are hard + brittle. brittle. Example: NaCl crystal (excerpt) Each ion is surrounded by six counter ions in octahedral geometry With consideration of the ionic radius. Page 63 Chemical Formulas of Salts The ionic crystal lattice is a continuous structure with no overall overall charge (electrical neutral). Positive charges of cations are compensated by negative charges of anions ⇒ defined molar ratio (stoichiometry) of cations and anions. anions. Since cations and anions can carry different amounts of charge, their ratio can differ from 1:1. x resp. y = 1 General composition of a salt: {x⋅An+ y⋅Bm-} = AxBy omitted Ionic notation Empirical formula (displays charges) (only molar ratio) Examples: Elements in compound Na Combination of K ions in comcompound so that Ca charges are Ba compensated Al Al Br S O Cl F O Ions with closedclosed-shell Na+ K+ Ca2+ Ba2+ Al3+ Al3+ BrS2O2ClFO2- Formula Name of salt NaBr {Na+Br-} sodium bromide K2S {2K+S2-} potassium sulfide CaO {Ca2+O2-} Calcium oxide BaCl2 {Ba2+2Cl-} Barium chloride AlF3 {Al3+3F-} Aluminum fluoride Al2O3 {2Al3+3O2-}Aluminum oxide Page 64 32 Covalent Bond Atoms with low EN differences can form shared pair of electrons The electron shells (or orbitals) overlap ⇒ covalent bond. bond. ⇒ molecules + + H-atoms + + H2-molecule Emp. formula H2 HF + Structural formula H:H H-F : O :: H H H-H H-F * : : Examples: Examples: Compound Hydrogen Hydrogen fluoride : : + Water H2O H O H * H forms exclusively covalent bonds, because no free H+ (proton=elemental part.) Valence electrons not involved in covalent bonds form free (or lone) electron pairs. pairs. Octet rule (of thumb): Atoms tend to combine in a why that they each have 8 electrons (4 electron pairs) in their valence shell Page 65 Bond Character The presented types of bonds are only models. Real bonds can be intermediates; bond character varies continuously throughout the PSE. Examples: Compounds of chlorine with elements of the 3. period: Covalent bond Ionic bond Compounds of sodium with elements of the 3. period: Metallic bond Ionic bond Elements of the 3. period Metallic bond Covalent bond Page 66 33 Chemical Compounds Molecules, Molecular Mass A molecule is an electrically neutral group of at least two atom (of same or different element) held together by covalent chemical chemical bonds All gaseous elements* elements* form diatomic molecules: H2, N2, O2, F2, Cl2 *besides noble gases The nonmetals bromine (liquid) and iodine (solid) too: Br2, I2 The molar mass of a molecule is the sum of the molar masses of the constituting atoms. Examples: Examples:Formula Molar mass of atom Molar mass [g/mol] HCl H=1,00 Cl=35,45 Cl=35,45 1,00 + 35,45 = 36,45 CH4 H=1,00 C=12,01 12,01 + (4· (4·1,00)=16,01 H2SO4 S=32,07 O=16,00 (2· (2·1)+32,07+(4 1)+32,07+(4··16)=98,07 Page 67 Stoichiometric Valency The valency is a measure of the number of bonds formed by a given element. It depends on the number of valence electrons. Rules: • H has always valence number 1 • Alkali metals (I. MG.) have always valence number 1 • Alkali earth metals (II. MG) always 2 • Elements of III. MG have valency 3 • Halogens (VII. MG: F, Cl, Cl, Br, I) are always single valent • O very often valency 2 • Other elements different valency (MG. elements max. 4) • Products of lower case indices and valency in binary compounds constant (last example) Examples: Examples: H2O: 22-valent oxygen binds two single valent H NaCl: Both single valent ⇒ combine 1:1 MgCl2: 22-valent Mg binds 2 single valent Cl Al2O3: 2·Al (3(3-valent): 2·3 = 6; 3·O (2(2-valent): 3· 3·2 = 6 Page 68 34 Chemical/Structural Formulas of Molecules Single/Double/Triple Bonds Chemical (empirical) formula: formula: Simplest whole number ratio of atoms of each element present in a compound. Structural formula: formula: Graphical representation of molecular structure, showing how the atoms are arranged. = Valence structure = LEWIS formula All valence electrons (bonding and lone electron pairs) represented. represented. Hydrogen S H Ammonia H N H sulfide More examples: NH3 H2S H H Some compounds (in particular of C, N, and O) contain double or triple bonds: Examples: Oxygen O O Nitrogen N N Carbon dioxide O C O Check valency and octet rule! Page 69 Polyatomic Compound Ions Ions can also be formed from groups of joined atoms: Compound ions ions Most common compound ions: Ammonium ion NH4+ Hydroxide ion OH- H H + N H Nitrate ion NO3O - O H H O S - O O O Sulfate ion SO42O N O Carbonate ion CO32O - O C O - Hydrogen carbonate ion HCO32O - O H C O Page 70 35 Chemical Models Mesomeric Resonance "This is no carbonate ion !" It is a (crude!) model of a carbonate ion. Experiments indicate: All OO-atoms same charge; all bonds identical; all bond angles identical. Rene Margritte: Margritte: "This is no apple" Christopher Ingold (1933): Mesomerism = Representation of delocalized electrons by different contributing structures. Page 71 Double Bond Rule (empirical) empirical) Elements of the second period (C, N, O) often form double bonds. The analogous elements of the 3. period (and higher), however, form in analogous compounds form preferably single bonds. Main group: → IV. V. VI. (N2) (O2) 2. Period: (CO2) 3. Period: (S8) (SiO2) (P4) Page 72 36 Bond Theory Orbital Hybridization (sp3) Carbon essential element in organic compounds; forms covalent bonds. bonds. C has 4 electrons in valence shell: configuration 2s2 2p2 (ground state) 1 lone electron pair (s2) and 2 pp-electron could form only 2 bonds. Prediction: CH2 But: Carbon is 44-valent! Example.: CH4 ?! Explanation: The valence electrons are rearranged in a way, that 4 electrons can form bonds. The ss-orbital and the three pp-orbitals are mixed to form four sp3-hybrid orbitals of identical energy. Hybridization is not a physical fact -, it's only an model to explain experimental observations! (e. g. molecule geometry) ! Page 73 sp3-Hybrid Orbitals Geometry of hybrid orbitals + p s hybrid orbital The 4 sp3 hybrid orbitals arranged in space with a maximum separation: tetrahedral Page 74 37 Single Bonds Two hydrogen atoms form a single bond (σ -bond) by headhead-on overlapping between the atom orbitals. Highest electron density between the two nuclei. σ-bond is symmetrical with respect to rotation about bond axis. Other orbitals can also form σ-bonds: Page 75 Single Bonds in Hydrocarbons C-H-bonds and CC-C single bonds are σ-bonds. Four σ-bonds ⇒ complies with octet rule. Example: Methane 4 CC-Hσ-bonds Example: Ethane 3 CC-H1 CC-Cσ-bonds Free rotation about σ-bonds Page 76 38 sp2-Hybridisation Example: Boron hybridization: Boron (ground state): 1s2 2s2 2p1 E One ss- and two pporbitals mix to form tree sp2 hybrids of equivalent energy each occupied by one electron E 2p 2sp2 2s 1s 1s TrigonalTrigonal-planar geometry of three sp2-hybrid orbitals in space. F F Boron trifluoride (BF3) does not B comply with F octet rule ⇒ electron gap ⇒ Lewis acid Page 77 sp2-Hybridisation of Carbon E carbon 2p 2sp2 1s The 2s2s-orbital and the two 2p2p-orbitals mix to form three sp2-hybrid orbitals. The third pp-orbital unaffected. unaffected. Each occupied with single electron. In an ethene molecule three sp2-hybrid electrons form three σ-bonds: Two with the H-atoms and one with the other CC-atom (trigonal (trigonal--planar). planar). The fourth electrons occupy the remaining, unhybridized pz-orbitals, sidewise overlapping above and beneath the plane to form a π-bond. bond. H C sp2-hybrid orbitals of carbon and bonds formed in ethene. H H C C-C-σ-bond and π-bond together form double bond. H Page 78 39 spsp-Hybridization Which elements can mix one ss- and one pp- orbital to two sp hybrids to form two σ-bonds and how are they arranged in space? Beryllium (II. main group) can form two spsp-hybrid orbitals, which can form two σ-bonds (linear, 180° 180°) e. g.: HH-BeBe-H The two spsp-hybrids of each CC-atom form two σ-bonds (C(C-C and CC-H). The two remaining pp-orbitals overlap crossbred sidewise to form two CC-C π-bonds. bonds. One C-C σ-bond H and two π-bonds together form a triple bond: H sp-hybrid orbitals of carbon and bonds formed in ethyne. H C C H Page 79 Polar Covalent Bonds Dipolar Molecules A polar bond is a covalent bond between two atoms with different electronegativities ∆EN>0. EN>0. The electron density of the bonding electron pair is higher in the vicinity of the atom with the higher electronegativity. Partial charges and a permanent dipole are formed. δ+ δ- H Cl H Cl EN: 2,2 2,8 Dipolar momentum O δ- δ+ C δ+ O _ δO EN (H): 2,2 H H + δ+ Water molecule angled ⇒ partial charges asymmetrical ⇒ dipole molecule ⇒strong intermolecular forces ⇒ liquid (high boiling temp.) EN (O): 3,5 δ- Carbon dioxide: linear partial charges symmetrical ⇒ no dipolar molecule ⇒weak intermolecular forces ⇒ gas (low boiling temp.) Page 80 40 Cleavage of Covalent Bonds Before new bonds can be formed in a chemical reaction, existing bonds must be cleaved by high temp. or energetic radiation. radiation. Distinction between: Homolysis: Cleavage of nonnon-polar covalent bond into two radicals: Radicals are atoms or molecules with a nonnon-shared electron. They are very energetic, have high reactivity and short lifetime. lifetime. UV, heat Initiation of chlorine/ Example: Cl Cl Cl⋅ Cl⋅ + ⋅Cl hydrogen gas explosion Heterolysis: Heterolysis: Cleavage of a polar covalent bond into cation + anion: H O H Cl H δδ+ + Proton (H ) transfer H O⊕ H H + Cl Page 81 2.3.4 Intermolecular (physical) Forces strengh Different attractive interactions can occur between molecules, distinguished by strength and origin: • HydrogenHydrogen-(bridge)(bridge)-bonds: ≈ 10kJ/mol; by polar H • DipoleDipole-dipole interactions: ≈ 5kJ/mol by dipoles • VanVan-derder-Waals interactions: ≈ 1kJ/mol by all atoms In contrast to intramolecular chemical (primary) bonds inside molecules, these intermolecular forces between molecules are physical (secondary) bonds. At the boiling temperature the kinetic energy of the molecules exceeds the attractive forces. Page 82 41 Hydrogen Bonds Hydrogen bond = attractive interaction of a hydrogen atom with an electronegative atom (N, O, F, ...) that comes from another molecule or chemical group. The hydrogen must be covalently bonded to another electronegative atom to create the bond. These phys. bonds can occur between molecules (intermolecular), or within different parts of a larger single molecule (intramolecular ). (intramolecular). This type of bond occurs in both inorganic molecules such as water water and organic molecules such as proteins, cellulose or DNA molecule molar mass boiling temp. Hydrogen (bridge) bonds in water CH4 16 g/mol -161 °C NH3 17 g/mol -33 °C H2O 18 g/mol 100 °C Boiling temperature is increased by hydrogen bonds Page 83 DipoleDipole-Dipole Interactions Dipole– Dipole–dipole interactions = electrostatic interactions of permanent dipoles in molecules (asymmetrical polar bonds; e. g. H2O, HCl, HF). Attractive force between positive part of molecule and negative part of neighbored molecule Polar atomic group without hydrogen: e. g. carbonyl group (org. chem.) Melting temperature Boiling temperature O δ+ C δ- asym. asym.⇒ dipole 17 °C sym.⇒ sym.⇒ no dipole -76 °C 44 °C -10 °C Phase transition temperatures increases by dipolar interactions. Page 84 42 London Dispersion Forces (VanVan-derder-Waals Interactions) Interactions) London dispersion forces (LDF) also called VanVan-derder-Waals forces in the strict sense are weak intermolecular interactions arising from induced instantaneous polarization by random fluctuation of the electron density. The LDF between molecules increases with surface: Example: n-pentane old name: pentane boiling T: 36°C 2-methyl butane 2,2-dimethyl propane old name: iso-pentane old name: neo-pentane 28°C 9,4°C Page 85 physical chemical Chemical Bonds and Physical Bonds Summary Bond type Energy (kJ/mol) positive charge negative charge Ionic bond Lattice enthalpy ≈1000 Cations anions metallic bond Cations delocalized electrons (electron sea) Covalent bond ≈ 300 per bond Nucleus Electron shell Hydrogen bond ≈ 20 kJ/mol H atom (polar bond to Electronegative atom electronegative atom, N, O,) with lonelone-pair (O, Cl) Cl) DipoleDipole-dipole dipole ≈ 5 kJ/mol permanently positively polarized atom in mol. VanVan-derder-WaalsWaalsbond ≈ 1 kJ/mol instantaneously positively polarized atom permanently positivepositively polarized atom instantaneously posipositively polarized atom Page 86 43 Polar/nonPolar/non-polar Solvents hydrophilic/lipophilic Several types of chemical reactions occur in solution, if a suitable suitable solvent for the reactants can be found. The solubility depends on on polarity of solvent and solute. The number, potency and arrangement arrangement of polar bonds in the molecule influences the polarity of the solvent: solvent: Benzene Ether Ester Alcohol Water Polarity Hydrophilicity Hydrophobicity = Lipophilicity Polar solutes or atomic groups are water soluble = hydrophilic Fats are nonnon-polar and not water soluble (hydrophobic (hydrophobic)) NonNon-polar compounds are lipophilic. Ionic (Na (Na+Cl-) or polar compounds (methanol) exhibit good solubility in water. NonNon-polar compounds (fat, oil, grease) are soluble in nonnon-polar solvents (white spirit, ether, chloroform, etc.) Page 87 3. Physical Chemistry Topics: • State of matter/phase transitions • Phase diagrams • Homogeneous/heterogeneous systems • Separation processes • Thermodynamics • Kinetics • Chemical equilibrium Page 88 44 State of Matter Phase Transitions; Separation Sublimation Melting solid Evaporation liquid gaseous Temp. Condensation Solidification Resublimation A phase is a region of space (in a thermodynamic system) throughout which all physical properties of a material are essentially uniform. uniform. States of matter are phases. The change of the state of matter is is a phase transition. The state of matter of a material or compound depends on temperature T and pressure p ⇒ p-t-phase diagram Page 89 pressure p Phase Diagram Position of melting curve, curve, boiling curve and sublimation curve substancesubstance-specific. liquid solid Triple point: solid, liquid, and gaseous phase coexist. Normal pressure Triple point Ambient temp. Tm Example: Example: Solid compound at nornormal conditions annealed until it Tb Temperature T melts (Tm) and evaporates (Tb) gaseous Page 90 45 Pressure p Liquefaction of Gases Gas can be liquefied by cooling or compression solid liquid Normal pressure gaseous Temperature T Ambient temp. Page 91 Pressure p [hPa] Phase Diagram of Water Anomaly: Anomaly: Liquid water has a higher density than ice. Water Ice 1013 Water vapor 0 (Negative slope of melting curve) Skating: Skating: At const. low temperatemperature (~ -5°C) pressure is increased ⇒ ice melts Pressure cooker: Higher pressure ⇒ 100 Temperature T [°C] higher boiling temp. ⇒ faster cooking Page 92 46 Multi Phase Systems heterogeneous Systems heterogeneous Systems: Systems: Two or more components (= phases). Physical (and chemical) properties change instantaneously at phase boundaries. boundaries. Differentiation by combination of states of matter (Example) (1) solid/solid Mixture (Granite = feldspar + quartz+ mica) (2) solid/liquid Suspension (Blood = blood cells in blood plasma) (3) liquid/liquid Emulsion (Milk = fat droplets in water) (4) solid/gaseous Smoke; foam (cigarette smoke, Styrofoam) (5) liquid/gaseous Fog; foam (Fog, whipped cream) = Aerosols Heterogeneous mixtures can of be separated into homogeneous (uniform) components by physical operations like filtration, centrifugation, decantation, etc. Page 93 Homogeneous Systems In homogeneous systems the properties are uniform throughout the whole sample; no phase boundaries. Homogeneous systems can be pure substances or multi component systems (=solutions). Different types of solutions: (1) solid/solid (2) solid/liquid (3) liquid/liquid (4) solid/gaseous (5) liquid/gaseous (6) gaseous/gaseous (metal alloys, z. B. bronze) (sugar dissolved in water) (alcohol + water) (solution of hydrogen in platinum) (air dissolved in water) (air) Homogeneous mixtures can also be separated into their components by physical operations, e. g.: • Distillation: Separation by different boiling points; (distilling) (distilling) • Extraction: Separation by different solubility's; (coffee cooking) cooking) Page 94 47 Distillation Thermal separation process: Mixture is separated into components by the differences in their boiling temperatures. Mixture (2) is annealed (1); More volatile component (lower Tb) evapoevaporates. Thermometer (4) indicates temperature of vapor (3) = boiling temperature. In condenser (here Liebig cooler) (5) with cooling water plugs (6;7) the more volatile component condenses and drops into receiving flask (8). Volume extension during evaporation ⇒ pressure equalization (9). High boiling compounds bp.>200 bp.>200°°C: low pressure (vacuum) distillation. ⇒ Lower boiling temperatures. Examples: Examples: Essential Oils, pure alcohol, sea water ⇒ freshwater Page 95 The Chemical Reaction A chemical reaction is a process that leads to the transformation of one set of chemical substances to another. Existing bonds between the atoms of the reactants (=reagents) are partly broken, new bonds bonds are formed Reaction equation: Reactant 1 (+ react. 2) product 1 + (product 2) The connections among the atoms are altered, the number of atoms of the respective element remains constant. During a chemical reaction the total mass of matter remains constant. Law of conservation of mass Antoine Lavoisier fr. Chem. (1743-1794) Page 96 48 Chemical Thermodynamics Chemical Kinetics The electronic structure of the reactants (valency, polarity, etc.) etc.) indicate which chemical reactions are possible in general, but do they really take place and under which conditions? Sometimes side reactions can occur. Which product is formed? Whether a chemical reaction takes place, to which extent and how fast is determined by the chem. thermodynamics and kinetics. kinetics. Chem. thermodynamics: thermodynamics: Under which conditions does a reaction occur spontaneously ? Is heat released or consumed? Chem. reactions always involve conversion of energy. Whether a reaction occurs or not is related to the available chemical energy stored in the reactants and products. Reaction kinetics: kinetics: Study of rate of chemical reactions: How much product is formed in time under given experimental conditions (e. g. concentration). Page 97 Reaction Enthalpy Exothermal/Endothermal Reaction Reaction enthalpy (∆HR) (= reaction heat) = how much heat is released or consumed during reaction. Enthalpy negative ∆HR<0 ⇒ heat released = exothermal EnthaIpy pos. (∆ (∆HR>0) ⇒ heating necessary = endothermal. endothermal. ∆HR<0 exothermal ∆HR>0 endothermal enthalpy products II reactants ∆HR endothermal reaction exothermal products I Chemical energy is stored in chemical compounds. If the products (I) have lower energy state than reactants ⇒ exothermal, energy released. (heat, light, bang) If products (II) have higher energy content, reaction is endothermal, endothermal, feed of energy required (heat, electricity). Page 98 49 Example for Exothermal/Endothermal Reaction Example: HydrogenHydrogen-oxygen reaction 2 H2 + O2 2 H2O Electrolysis Oxyhydrogen reaction H2-O2-reaction ∆HR = - 286 kJ/mol (released; heat, light, bang) During electrolysis of water ∆HR = 286 kJ/mol (consumed; electrical power) Page 99 Enthalpy of Formation Calculation of Standard Enthalpy of Reaction The chemical internal energy = enthalpy H of a system cannot be measured directly. Change in enthalpy ∆H more useful quantity. By definition all elements have an enthalpy of zero. Enthalpies are funct. funct. of T und p ⇒ Standard cond. (25° (25°C, 1 bar): H0 Molar Enthalpy of Formation of a compound ∆Hf = amount of heat released or consumed during its formation from the elements. Example: Example: Molar standard enthalpy of formation of water: H2 + ½ O2 → H2O (l) ∆HR = -286 kJ/mol ∆Hf = 0 0 -286 kJ/mol The reaction enthalpy can be calculated from the enthalpies of forma forma-tion of involved compounds: ∆HR0 = ∑∆H0f ( products ) − ∑∆H0f (reactants) Example: Example: Combustion of ethene: ∆Hf0 C2H4 + 3 O2 → 2 CO2 + 2 H2O (g) ∆HR = -1322,9 kJ/mol = 52,3 0 2· 2·(-393,5) 2· 2·(-241,8) kJ/mol Page 100 50 Hess Law Hess: the enthalpy change for a reaction carried out in a series of steps is equal to the sum of the enthalpy changes for the individual steps steps Example: Example: ∆Hf CO not directly measurable, because CO2 is formed too. ∆Hf (CO)= -110,5 kJ/mol (calculated) ( rea ctio n re ac ∆HR = -283 tio n kJ/mol ∆Hf (CO2)= -393,5 kJ/mol (measured) ∆Hf (CO) = ∆Hf (CO2) - ∆HR (CO→ (CO→ CO2) Page 101 Hess Law and Biological Processes Photosynthesis Combustion Respiration (Glycolysis, Glycolysis, Citrate cycle, cycle, ...) Page 102 51 Entropy Another thermodynamic property of matter is the entropy: entropy: Interpretation as molecular disorder or statistical number of possible arrangements. arrangements. Ssolid < solid Sliquid < liquid Sgas gas Spure substance< Smixture pure subst. mixture Page 103 Change of Entropy In closed thermodynamic systems, the entropy remains constant for completely reversible processes. For irreversible processes the entropy increases. Examples for irreversible processes with increase of entropy: Heat exchange: 60 °C 50 40 20 °C 30 40 Diffusion: Reaction entropy: ∆S R0 = ∑ ∆S 0 ( produkte) − ∑ ∆S 0 ( Edukte) Page 104 52 Gibbs (Free) Energy The reactions enthalpy indicates, if process is exoexo- or endothermal, but not, if reaction occurs spontaneously. Endothermal spontaneous spontaneous reactions can occur, which consume heat from the environment, which is cooled. Driving force for a reaction is the Gibbs (Free) Energy ∆G. GibbsGibbs-Helmholtz equation: ∆G = ∆H -T·∆S Reactions occur spontaneously, if ∆G < 0 (exergonic (exergonic reaction). If ∆G > 0 ⇒ endergonic reaction, absorbs energy from surrounding. „somebody has to lift the ball“ ball“ Page 105 Activation Energy Catalysis energy The activation energy is the minimum energy required to start a chemichemical reaction („ („igniting spark“ spark“) (cleavage of existing bonds), even for exothermal reactions in which the released heat exceeds the activation activation energy by far. A catalyst (chem. compound added in small amounts to reaction) Activation energy •lowers activation energy, with catalyst •increases reaction rate reactants •doesn't influence equilibrium reaction •is not consumed by reaction H-H reaction enthalpy ∆HR < O products ⇒ exothermal H⋅⋅⋅H ⋅⋅⋅H reactant Platinum Page 106 53 Kinetics Reaction kinetics: Speed of chemical reactions. Reaction rate defined as change of concentration with time For a reaction: A + B → P: r=− d [ A] d [ B] d [ P] =− = dt dt dt i.e.: increase of concentration of product P resp. decrease of reactant A or B with time. Monitoring progress of reaction by • change of color • spectroscopic • conductometric • calorimetric (heat measurement) reduction of methylene blue by glucose Page 107 Rate Law Reaction Order The reaction rate depends on the concentration of the involved compounds ⇒ rate law: law: d [ A] a b For A + B → P: r=− dt = k (T ) ⋅ [ A] ⋅ [ B] The order of reaction is defined as the sum of all the exponents of the reactants involved in the rate equation. k is the rate constant, which is temperature dependent as a rule. reaction order rate law A→P 1. order -d[A]/dt = k·[A] [A] A+B→P 2. order -d[A]/dt = k·[A]· [A]·[B] [B] Page 108 54 Chemical Equilibrium Reversible/Irreversible Reaction In general, a chemical reaction can be reversed: The products can react with each other to form the original reactants. reactants. Such a reaction is called a reversible reaction. Reversible reaction: A+B C+D Forward and reversed reaction occur simultaneously so that a dynamic equilibrium is formed, in which A and B react continuously to C und D, while C and D form A and B again. Once the equilibrium equilibrium is reached, the net concentrations remain constant. A reaction without reversed reaction is called irreversible. irreversible. It occurs until A and/or B are consumed completely or, if C and/or and/or D are removed from the reaction site. Irreversible reaction: A + B C+D Page 109 Law of Mass Action The equilibrium state of a chemical reaction can be described quantitatively by the Law of Mass Action (Guldberg/Waage 1865). A+B C+D Equilibrium constant kc = k← c(C ) ⋅ c( D) = k→ c( A) ⋅ c( B ) Concentrations are multiplied! By convention product ⇒ numerator in general: aA + bB ⇔ cC + dD Almost complete reaction: Equivalent equilibrium: Barely occurring reaction: Application of Law of Mass Action: A+ B → C + D A+ B C + D A+ B ←C + D kc = [C ]c ⋅ [ D]d [ A]a ⋅ [ B]b kc>>1 ; z.B. 1012 kc=1 kc<<1 ; z.B. 10-12 • Solubility of salts • Autoprotolysis of water Page 110 55 Le Chatelier´ Chatelier´s Principle Change of concentration: concentration: Changing the concentration of an ingredient (C) will shift the equilibrium to the side that would reduce the change. By the reversed reaction C and D are consumed partly, while the concentration of A and B is increased until kC reached. [C ] ⋅ [ D ] kc = [ A] ⋅ [ B ] A+ B C+D A+ B ← C+ D C+ A+ B A+ B D C + D + Energy Change of temperature.: temperature.: Exothermal reaction has energy (heat) as product. Cooling removes removes heat and the equilibrium is shifted to the product side. Endothermal reactions are enhanced by feeding energy. Change of pressure/volume: pressure/volume: In reactions with volume decrease (com(compression) pression) increasing pressure shifts the equilibrium to product side. Example: Example: N2 + 3 H2 2 NH3 A + B + P /V C+D Page 111 4. Inorganic Chemistry 4.1 Acids – Bases Historically, acids are compounds, which taste sour (vinegar, lemon). Those compounds change the color of certain vegetal ingreingredients to red (red cabbage; litmus). (R. Boyle, 1663) acidic red cabbage extr. extr. alkaline Substances, which taste and feel soapy, were called alkalis (arab.:Plant ash←Potassium hydroxide). Lye = corrosive alkaline substance. Later such chemicals were called bases, bases, since they are (together with an acid) the base for formation of salts. salts. Bases can change the color of certain plant ingredients, too. Lavoisier (~1770) assumed, that acids contain oxygen, because nonnon-metal oxide (e. g. CO2) together with water form acids. Observation: Observation: (Hydrochloric) acid dissolves lime (CaCO3) and zinc involving gas development. It does not react with copper. Page 112 56 Acid Rain The source of acid rain are the The produced acids are harmful for oxides of carbon, nitrogen and plants, waters, and buildings: sulfur, which are formed by the combustion of fossil fuels (coal, mineral oil, natural gas) They react with water molecules to produce acids. Carbon dioxide: • CO2 + H2O → H2CO3 Nitroxides: Nitroxides: • 2 NO2 + H2O → HNO2 + HNO3 Sulfur oxides: • SO2 + H2O → H2SO3 • SO3 + H2O → H2SO4 1908 1968 limestone sculptures in industr. area CaCO3+2H2SO4→CO2+H2O+Ca2++SO42solid gaseous soluble Page 113 AcidAcid-Base Theory by Brø Brønsted Comprehensive acidacid-base theory by Brø Brønsted (1923): Acids: Proton donators; compounds or specimens, that release protons. Bases:Proton acceptors; compounds or specimens, that absorbs (gains) protons. Joh. Joh. N. Brø Brønsted Advantage: Definition is dan. dan. Chem. Chem. • independent of water as solvent • not restricted to liquid phase ⇒ HCl (g) + NaOH (s) → • more bases, e. g. ammonia (NH3) Na+Cl –(s) + H2O (l) In water Brø Brønsted Bases must have a lone acids produce pair to receive a proton hydronium ions: ions: H-A + O H H A- + H O⊕H H Page 114 57 Dissociation Equilibrium Conjugate Acid/Base If an acid HA reacts with a base B, a proton is transferred from the acid to the base (protolysis ). (protolysis). conjugate acid base acid base In the reversed reaction, a proton is transferred from HB+ to Ai. e., HB+ acts as acid, A- as base. In such a dissociation equilibrium two sets of acidacid-base pairs occur: S1/B1 and S2/B2. A- is called conjugate base to HA and HB+ conjugate acid to B. Acid and bases can be neutral molecules or ions. Example: Example: Acetic acid + ammonia → ammoniumammonium- + acetate ion Page 115 Ampholyte An ampholyte molecule (or ion) can either donate or accept a proton, thus acting either as an acid or a base. Example: Water reacts toward nitric acid as a base: It receives a proton and becomes a hydronium ion. Towards the base ammonia water reacts as an acid, however, releasing a proton and becoming a hydroxide ion. H2O + HNO3 → H3O+ + NO3H2O + NH3 → OH- + NH4+ More ampholytes: HCO3- (Hydrogen carbonate ion), HSO4- (Hydrogen sulfate ion) Acid/base designates a chemical behavior towards a reaction partner, rather than a class of substance. Names (e .g. nitric acid) are historical regarding reaction with water. Page 116 58 AcidAcid-Base Theory by Lewis 1927; G.N. Lewis: Even more general def. for acids and bases: (independent of protons or hydroxide ions) LewisLewis-acid: Specimen, with empty outer orbital, ready to receive electron pair; has electron pair gap (does not comply with octet octet rule!) LewisLewis-acid: Electron pair acceptor LewisLewis-base has a free electron pair, which can add to a Lewis acid to form a new electron pair bond. LewisLewis-base: Electron pair donator Example: Brö Brönstedtnstedtacid New bond by overlap of empty boron orbital with occupied nitrogen orbital Lewis acid Lewis base Lewis acidacid-base aduct Page 117 General Structure of Acids What is the general structure of a Brø Brønsted acid? Brø ø nsted acids contain polar bonded hydrogen. Br Which elements form polar bonds with H ? NonNon-metals (electronegative!) form polar bonds with H. Example: Example: Hydrogen chloride H Cl other halogens analogous Elements with lower electronegativity (S,N,P,C) can increase polarity by additional bonds to oxygen atoms: Examples: Nitric acid Citric acid Sulfuric acid H S O O H O O N O H Page 118 59 O O Strong/Weak Acids/Bases Acids and bases are graded strong or weak regarding their tendency to release resp. receive protons. The more polar the hydrogen is bonded, the greater the tendency for dissociation = protolysis, protolysis, the stronger the acid. Hydrogen Examples: Sulfuric acid Sulfurous acid sulfide is H H is stronger stronger S S acid acid than: than: S O O O H H O O O H O H Strong acids (HCl, H2SO4, HNO3, H3PO4, HClO4) dissociate in water almost completely: completely: HA + H2O→H3O+ + AStrong acids have weak conjugate bases; strong bases have weak conjugate acids. Page 119 Polyacids Some acids can release more than one proton via different protolysis steps. The second step is hampered compared to the first. Example: Example: twotwo-proton acid carbonic acid (H2CO3). H2CO3 + H2O HCO3– + H3O+ 1. Stufe step HCO3– + H2O CO32–+ H3O+ step 2. Stufe conjugate acid-base-pairs H2CO3 / HCO3– und H3O+ / H2O HCO3– / CO32– und H3O+ / H2O Intermediate (e. g. hydrogen carbonate ion) = ampholyte ! More polypolyacids: Oxalic acid H2C2O4 Sulfuric acid H2SO4 Phosphoric acid H3PO4 Page 120 60 Concentrate/Dilute Strong Acids Molarity Mixing of pure, concentrate acid with water ⇒ dilute acid. acid. Warning: During dilution of concentrate acids (in particular sulfuric acid) acid) with water large amounts of heat are released;, rapid evaporation evaporation of water; uncontrolled spray of acidic liquid Rule: Rule: Add acid slowly to water – never add water to conc. acid! Concentration c (= Molarity M (outdated but still common)) of acid/base = Number of Mole dissolved acid/base in 1 L. M > 1 mol/L ⇒ conc. acid; M < 1 mol/L ⇒ dilute acid Example: Example: conc. (69%mass) nitric acid has density ρ=1,41 g/cm3 1 L⇔ L⇔1410g; 69%⇔ 69%⇔973g pure HNO3; molar mass=63 g/mol; n=m/M = 973g/63g/mol=15,4 mol ⇒conc. nitric acid = 15,4 M HNO3 How much conc. acid for 100 ml of 0,1 M (dilute) HNO3 ? n = V·c = 0,01 mol HNO3 1000ml x = ⇒ x = 0,65ml ⇔ 0,92g 15,4mol 0,01mol Page 121 Strong Acids Sulfuric acid: acid: Made from sulfur trioxide (SO3) + H2O→H2SO4 100%: ρ=1,8 g/cm3; 1800g/98g/mol = 18 mol/L = 18 M H2SO4 additional phys. solution of SO3 ⇒ Oleum (hygroscopic) Hydrochloric acid = aqueous solution of hydrochloric gas (HCl) (HCl)(g) (g); max. 40 % ⇒13 mol/L hydrochloric acid Complete dissociation: HCl + H2O → H3O+ + Cl> 36% = fuming acid. ⇐ HCl gas evaporates Nitric acid = HNO3 ; concentrate = fuming 90% HNO3 ⇒ free NO2 (brown toxic gas); dissolves silver, but not gold (aqua fortis) fortis) Nitrating acid: acid: Mixture of nitric + sulfuric acid for nitration of compounds; e g. toluene ⇒ trinitrotoluene (TNT) Aqua Regia = HCl/HNO3 (3:1) dissolves gold Page 122 61 Common Acids and their Conjugate Bases Hydrochloric acid HCl(aq) (aq) Chloride ion Cl- Hydrofluoric acid HF Fluoride ion F- Sulfuric acid Hydrogen sulfate HSO4- H2SO4 Sulfurous acid H2SO3 Hydrogen sulfite HSO3- Nitric acid HNO3 Nitrate ion NO3- Nitrous acid HNO2 Nitrite ion NO2- Phosphoric acid Carbonic acid H3PO4 Dihydrogen phosphate Hydrogen phosphate H2PO4HPO42- H2CO3 Hydrogen carbonate HCO3- Perchloric acid HClO4 Perchlorate ion ClO4- Hydrogen cyanide HCN Cyanide ion CN- Acetic acid CH3COOH Acetate ion Sulfate SO42- Sulfite SO32- Phosphate PO43Carbonate CO32- CH3COO- Ampholytes Page 123 Common Bases/Alkalis Caustic soda = alkaline solution of sodium hydroxide (NaOH) in water; max. 1200 g = 30 mol/L exothermal process! Production: Electrolysis of alkali chlorides (see: Industrial Chemistry) Chemistry) Potash lye = alkaline solution of potassium hydroxide (KOH) in water; exothermal process! Ammonia water = Ammonium hydroxide = Sal ammoniac ← NH + + OHAmmonia (gas) dissolved in water: NH3 + H2O → 4 Page 124 62 Carbonic Acid Gaseous carbon dioxide soluble in water: partly reacts to carbonic acid: Carbonic acid is a weak acid, dissociates only partly forming hydrogen carbonate ions (Ampholyt). (CO2)(g) CO2 (aq (aq))+ H2O (CO2)(aq). H2CO3 H2CO3 + H2O HCO3- + H3O+ In a second protolysis step carbonate ions can be produced: HCO3- + H2O CO32- + H3O+ In carbonated water all species coexist in a chemical equilibrium equilibrium in different concentrations. Addition of lemon (acid, H3O+) shifts all equilibriums to the left ⇒ more CO2 gas escapes. Page 125 Autoprotolysis of Waters Salt solution are electrical conductive, since they contain ions. ions. Application of voltage ⇒ ions are moved: Cat+→ cathode (neg. pole) : An- → anode (pos. pole) Pure, distilled water is conductive too, because water always contains ions due to autoprotolysis: autoprotolysis: H2O + H2O [H3O]+ + [OH]- Water acts as acid and as base, hydronium ions and hydroxide ions are produced in small concentrations. Page 126 63 Ion(ic) Ion(ic) Product of Water Law of mass action for autoprotolysis Derivation of ion product of water from law of mass action The ion product of aqueous solutions is always 10-14 mol² mol²/L² /L² By addition of hydronium H2O + H2O ion (from acid) acid) shifts the equilibrium, equilibrium, H3O+ and OHH O + H2O react until KW =10-14 again. again. 2 Now, Now, [H3O+]>10-7 and H2O + H2O [OH[OH-]< 10-7 [H3O]+ + [OH]- [H3O]+ +[OH][H3O]+ + [OH]Page 127 The pH Value The concentration of hydronium ions is a measure for acidic or alkaline character of a solution. Representation as decimal number confusing in powers of 10 inconvenient, therefore definition: The pH value is the negative decimal logarithm of the hydronium ion concentration. (p (potentia hydrogenii) ydrogenii) pH = − lg[c( H 3O + )] c(H3O+) mol/L decimal c(H3O+) mol/L power pH value solution 1 100 0 very acidic 0.0001 10-4 4 moderate acidic 0.0000001 10-7 7 neutral 0.0000000001 10-10 10 moderate alkaline 0.00000000000001 10-14 14 very alkaline Page 128 64 Relationship between Hydronium and Hydroxide Ion Concentration In neutral water is: c(H3O+) = c(OH-) = 10-7 mol/L For every solution is: c(H3O+) · c(OH-) = 10-14 mol² mol²/L² /L² Note: concentrations are multiplied! Analogous to pH a pOH value can be defined: The pOH value is the negative decimal logarithm of the hydroxide ion concentration. pOH = − log[c (OH − )] c(H3O+)·c(OH-)=10-14 mol/L logarithm ⇒ Examples: pH 2 7 11 pOH 12 7 3 pH + pOH = 14 solution acidic neutral alkaline Page 129 pH calculation (strong acid or strong base) base) Example: Example: n =0,1mol of strong acid (HA) added to V=10 L water. water. pH = ? HA + H2O→H3O+ + A- (1 mol acid produces 1 mol hydronium) hydronium) c( H 3O + ) = nHA / V = 0,1mol / 10L = 0,01mol / L = 10−2 mol / L pH = − log[c( H 3O + )] = − log10 −2 = 2 Example: Example: 0,01 mol of strong base added to 100 L of water. water. pH = ? c(OH − ) = nB / V = 0,01mol / 100L = 0,0001mol / L = 10−4 mol / L pOH = − log[c(OH − )] = − log 10 −4 = 4 pH = 14 − pOH = 14 − 4 = 10 Page 130 65 pH Values of Common Solutions Substance Battery acid Gastric acid Lemon juice Coke Vinegar Orange/apple juice Wine Sour milk Beer Acid rain Coffee Tee Rain Mineral water Milk Distilled water pH-Wert Art -0,5 Acidic 2,0 2,4 2-3 2,7 2,9 3,5 4,0 4,5 4,5 – 5,0 <5,0 5,0 5,5 5,6 6,0 6,5 7,0 Neutral Substance Saliva Blood pH-Wert 6,5 – 7,4 7,34 – 7,45 Alkaline Sea water (today) 8,05 Sea water (pre-industrial) 8,16 Intestine Soap Art Acidic to 8,3 9,0 – 10,0 Sal ammoniac 11,5 Bleaching agent 12,5 Concrete 12,6 Caustic Soda 13,5 Page 131 pH Indicator A pH indicator is a halochromic compound added in small amounts to a solution to visualized acidity resp. basicity by color. Indicators are colored compounds, which undergo acidacid-basebasereactions ⇒ chemical structure and color is changed. Indicator enable a rough determination of the pH value: Examples: Litmus Chemical structure of the indicator methyl orange Page 132 66 pH Test Strip/pH Meter pH Test strips contain a mixture of different indicators. Comparison of color with reference scale ⇒ pH value. In a pHpH-Meter electrochemical determination of H3O+ ion concentration and calculated pH value displayed. Glas electrode Page 133 Neutralization Combination of an acidic solution with a certain with a certain c(H3O+) with an identical volume of an alkaline solution with the same c(OH-) produces a neutral solution (pH=7). The underlying reaction is a neutralization. neutralization. H3O+ + OH- H2O + H2O If identical amounts of substance (equimolar (equimolar amounts) of H3O+ and OH- are combined, they react in a neutralization reaction to neutral water. Attributes of a neutralization: • represents an acidacid-basebase-reaction, proton transfer H3O+ to OH-. • exothermal reaction; reaction heat is released! • used in quantitative analysis for determination of unknown c(H3O+) or c(OH-): AcidAcid-base titration (later) Page 134 67 Calculation of Neutralization Reaction In a submarine 180 L acid are leaked out of the battery cells with pH = 1. How much sodium hydroxide solution of c = 2 mol/L is necessary for a complete neutralization (pH = 7) ? Neutralization means: amount of substance of acid (H3O+) is equal to amount of base (OH-) nA = nB cA = 10-pH = 0,1 mol/L cA⋅VA = cB⋅VB VB = cA⋅VA/cB VB = 0 ,1mol/L ⋅180 L = 9L 2mol/L Page 135 Formation of Salt by Neutralization In addition to H3O+ and OH- -ions acidic and alkaline solutions both contain counter ions (electric neutrality). They can be product of a previous acidacid-basebase-reaction from production of the acidic solution: HCl (g) + H2O (l) → Cl- (aq) aq) + H3O+ (aq) aq) Example: or they result from the dissolution of a compound in water: H O (l) Example: NaOH (s) 2 → Na+ (aq) aq) + OH- (aq) aq) Total reaction of the neutralization: Cl-(aq) (aq) + H3O+(aq) + Na+(aq) (aq) + OH-(aq) aq) → Na+(aq) (aq) + Cl-(aq) (aq) + 2H2O If the water is evaporated NaCl (table salt) is remaining. Acid + Base → Salt (+ Water) Page 136 68 Quantitative Analysis Titration At equivalence point: nknown = nunknown cknown·Vknown.= cunknown.·Vunknown Burette Standard solution Determination of the concentration of an unknown solution by defined defined addition of another solution (standard solution with known conc.) conc.) until equivalence point is reached, visualized by indicator. cknown·Vadded cunknown= V receiving Reaction has to be: • complete • known stoichiometry • fast • End point detectable Suitable reactions: • Neutralization • Redox reaction • (Complexation) unknown solution Page 137 AcidAcid-BaseBase-Titration (Principle) Acidic solution, c(H3O+) = ? Measuring a certain volume of acid VA; Drop wise addition of sodium hydroxide solution with known concentration cB until pH=7 (neutralization); Measuring the consumption of basic solution VB. At equivalence point: n A ⋅ ( z A ) = nB with number of acid protons zA with n = c ⋅V c A ⋅ VA ⋅ ( z A ) = cB ⋅VB c A = cB ⋅ VB VA ⋅ ( z A ) Page 138 69 Quantitative AcidAcid-BaseBase-Reaction (Strong Acid/Base) If a certain amount of base is added to an existing acidic solution, solution, the acid is neutralized partly. What is the concentration of the remaining acid ?; Which pHpH-value is reached ? In the existing acid with a volume VA and a concentration cA the amount of H3O+ is: n = c A ⋅ VA ⋅ z A + 0 ( H 3O ) The addition of base produces a certain amount of OH- ions: n(OH − ) = cB ⋅VB Part of the H3O+ is neutralized; the remaining amout is: n( H O + ) = n0 ( H O + ) − n(OH − ) with the conc.: c( H 3O + ) = 3 3 c A ⋅VA ⋅ z A − cB ⋅VB VS + VB Volumes have to be added For identical conc. cA=cB und zA=1, simple equation: c( H O + ) = 3 c ⋅ (VA − VB ) V A + VB Page 139 Titration Curve (Strong Acid/Strong Base) Titration of 20 ml 0.1 molar HCl with 0.1 M NaOH (c (cA=cB , zA=1) c( H O + ) = 3 0,1 ⋅ (20 − VB ) 20 + VB Addition VB c(H3O+) mol/L NaOH [ml] c(OH-) mol/L 0 0,1 5 0,06 10 0,033 15 0,014 19 0,0025 19,9 2,5· 2,5·10-4 19,99 2,5· 2,5·10-5 20 21 30 40 10-7 0,0025 0,02 Equivalence point nA = nB pH value Neutral point pH = 7 1 1,22 1,47 1,84 2,6 3,6 4,6 7* 11,4 12,3 12,5 * Ion product of water relevant c(OH − ) = 0,1 ⋅ (VB − 20) 20 + VB Page 140 70 Acidity Constant; pKA Value In addition to very strong acids, which dissociate completely, weaker acids exist, which dissociate only partly. Their equilibrium reaction in water is described by the law of mass action. HA + H2O → H3O+ + A- c( H 3O + ) ⋅ c( A− ) since c(H2O)≈ c( H 3O + ) ⋅ c( A− ) K= KA = c( HA) ⋅ c( H 2O ) const. ⇒ c( HA) The acidity constant KS is a measure for the strength of the acid Often, the negative decimal logarithm pKA is represented: pK A = − log K A Analogous KB and pKB for bases Important note: pH describes individual solution property In contrast to: pKA describes compound property! Page 141 Perchloric acid HCl Hydrochloric acid H2SO4 Sulfuric acid H3O+ pKA ClO4- -9 Cl- -6 HSO4- -3 Hydronium ion H2O Nitric acid NO3- -1,74 -1,32 acid H2S H2PO4- 7,21 7,25 Hypochloric acid Ammonium ion NH3 9,21 HCO3- Hydrogencarbonate CO32- 10,4 Hydrogen peroxide HO2- 11,62 Hydrogenphosphate PO43- 12,32 Hydrogen sulfate SO42- 1,93 H2O2 H3PO4 Phosphoric acid H2PO4- 1,96 HPO42- HF Hydrofluoric acid F- 3,14 CH3COO- 4,75 HCO3- 6,46 (H2CO3) Carbonic acid Dihydrogenphosph. 7,06 HPO42- NH4+ Chloric acid CH3COO Acetic acid H Hydrogen sulfide pKA HS- HClO HSO4- 0 conjugated base Name ClO- ClO3- HClO3 strong conjugated base S2- 12,9 H2O Hydrogensulfidion water OH- 15,74 OH- hydroxide-ion O2- 24 HS- For conjugated acidacid-base pairs is: weak HClO4 HNO3 weak Name moderate acid strong very strong pKA Table pK A + pK B = 14 Page 142 71 Degree of Protolysis (Degree of Dissociation) Degree of protolysis α = Fraction of dissociated acid in equilibrium. α= concentration of dissociated acid total concentration of acid = c( HA)0 − c( HA) c( HA)0 Degree of protolysis depends on KA value (resp. pKA) and on initial concentration of acid c0: α = K A c0 Ostwald Law of Dilution: Stronger acid or lower concentration ⇒ more dissociation (=protolysis (=protolysis)) Page 143 pH Calculation II (Weak Acid) c( H 3O + ) ⋅ c( A− ) KA = c( HA) KA = c ( H 3O + ) 2 c( HA) 0 logarithm ⇒ ⇒ since c(H3O)+=c(A-) and weak acid ⇒ little dissociation: c(HA) c(HA) ≈ c(HA)0 c( H 3O + ) = K A ⋅ c( HA) 0 pH = 1 2 [ pK A − log c( HA) 0 ] Example: 0,1 mol acetic acid (pK (pKA = 4,75) in 1 L water: pH = 1 2 [4,75 − log 0,1] = 1 2 ( 4,75 + 1) = 2,875 Page 144 72 Buffer Solutions Buffer solutions contain a weak acid and its conjugate weak base together. Buffers stabilize the pH value against external acid/base attack. attack. Only minor changes of pH by addition of acid or base. c( H 3O + ) ⋅ c( A− ) KA = c( HA) + ⇒ c ( H 3O ) = K A ⋅ c( HA) c ( A− ) c( A− ) pH = pK A + log c( HA) take logarithm ⇒ HendersonHenderson-Hasselbalch equation: Calculation of pH of buffer solution For pH < pKA, more acid than conjugate base; for pH > pKA, more conjugate base than acid. Page 145 Buffer Effect Buffer solution neutralizes added strong acid or base partly, by shifting the equilibrium. Most effective buffer, if c(HA):c(A-) = 1:1 (so that pH = pKA) Strong acid (H (H3O+) is converted into weak acid H3O+ + A- → HA + H2O Buffering of base analogous Excess of acid or base by a factor of 10 alters the pH value only by 1! Molar fraction of base Page 146 73 Titration Curve Weak Acid/Strong Base Example: 20 ml 0.1 molar acetic acid (pKA=4,75); 0.1 M NaOH added Initially: Neutral point:pH = 7<Equivalence pH=8,72 pH = 1 2 [4,75 − log 0,1] = 2,875 By addition of NaOH solution: HAc + OH- → Ac- + H2O − HAc/Ac HAc/Ac-- pH = 4,75 + log c( Ac ) Buffer: c( HAc) Addition NaOH [ml] pHpH-Wert 0 2,875 5 4,27 10 4,75 19 6 19,86 7 20 8,72 >25 as for HCl/NaOH X X Buffer region Equivalence p.: all HAc neutralized; only 0,05 mol/L Ac- (pKB = 9,25) pH = 14 − 1 2 [9,25 − log 0,05] = 8,72 Page 147 Titration Curve of Phosphoric Acid Phosphoric acid dissociates in three steps: H3PO4 + H2O → H2PO4– + H3O+ pKS1 = 2,0 H2PO4– + H2O → HPO42– + H3O+ pKS2 = 7,2 HPO42– + H2O → PO43– + H3O+ value pKS3 = 12,3 Titration curve 10 mL 0.1 M H3PO4 PO43– E (not complete) E HPO42– E H2PO4– H3PO4 (0,1 M) Page 148 74 4.2 Salts, Solubility The Crystalline State Microscopic characteristics of the crystalline state is: • 3D regular spatial arrangement (crystal lattice) • of ions (salts), atoms (metals), or molecules • with high symmetry and long range order. order. Macroscopic crystals: flat surfaces, high symmetry. Examples: CaF2 Quartz (SiO2) Such single crystals are transparent, but refractive. Polycrystalline material (µ (µm size crystals) are opaque. Page 149 Crystal Lattice Different types of atomic crystal lattices exist, which are represented represented in the external shape of the macroscopic crystal: Cubic, tetragonal, tetragonal, hexagonal, monoclinic, triclinic. Dense sphere packing is sought ⇒ highest lattice energy; arrangement of counter ions electric neutral. neutral. Crystal type depends on ratio of ion radii r(cation):r((anion). r(cation):r((anion). CsClCsCl-type: Cs+:Cl- > 0,7 ⇒ NaClNaCl-type: Na+:Cl- <0,7 ⇒ cubic bodybody-centered lattice; cubic faceface-centered. Each Cs+ surrounded by 8 ClEach Na+ surrounded by 6 Cl(and vicevice-versa). Na+ Cl- In ZnSZnS-(Zincblende)(Zincblende)-type: type: Zn2+:S2-<0,4 ⇒ coordination number 4. Page 150 75 Amorphous State The amorphous state is formed by the same molecular entities as the crystal lattice (ions, molecules), but without long range order. order. Also denoted as glassy state. state. Amorphous solids have bent fracture surfaces. Examples: Examples: Glasses and sediments like flint stone, opal and Malachite = (Cu(OH)2·CuCO3) Anisotropy is the properproperty of being directionally dependent. E. g. refractive index Crystals are anisotropic; Amorphous bodies are isotropic. Page 151 Salts Salts are ionic solids, in which the cations (+) and anions ((-) are arranged regularly in a 3D crystal lattice. lattice. Due to the strong electrostatic attractions between oppositely char char-ged ions (lattice energy) salts have high melting points (NaCl 800° 800°C). Salt crystals are electrically neutral, i. e. the charges of cations cations and anions are balanced = no net charge. mAn + + nB m − → Am Bn In salts of main group elements (I, II, VI, VII) the monoatomic ions comply with the octet rule ⇒ defined stoichiometry: (NaCl, MgCl2, Na2S) Salts of auxiliary group elements (transition metals) often have variable valancy: FeCl2 = {Fe2+2Cl-} = iron(II) valancy: iron(II)-chloride FeCl3 = {Fe3+3Cl-} = iron(III) iron(III)-chloride Cu2O = {2Cu+O2-} = copper(I) copper(I)-oxide CuO = {Cu2+O2-} = copper(II) copper(II)-oxide Salts can also be composed of polyatomic ions: AmmoniumAmmonium- NH4+, CarbonateCarbonate- CO32-, SulfateSulfate- SO42-, PhosphatePhosphate- PO432 DichromateDichromate- Cr2O7 , PermanganatePermanganate- MnO4 . Composition of the salt with according to charge balance; e. g.: -} KMnO4={K+MnO4-}, K2Cr2O7={2K+Cr2O72-}; (NH4)2CO3={2NH4+CO32Page 152 76 Salts and Minerals (Trivial names) A mineral is a naturally occurring solid chemical NaCl=table salt= substance formed through biogeochemical prorocksalt=halite pro- rocksalt=halite cesses, cesses, having characteristic composition, composition, highly ordered atomic structure, structure, and specific physical properties Common minerals: Sandstone = sedimented quartz grains (SiO2) Chalk = calcium carbonate (CaCO3)⇒ Lime stone = Calcium carbonate, too (CaCO3), ⇒ Marble = Calcium carbonate, too (CaCO3) Gypsum = Calcium sulfate (CaSO4) Silicates: Silicates: SiSi-Oxides with Al, Fe, Mg, Na, K, ions. Sulfidic minerals: minerals: Most rockrock-forming minerals Zincblende (ZnS), ZnS), Pyrite (FeS2), Other important minerals Galena (PbS (PbS)) Bauxite: mainly Al(OH)3 Oxides: Oxides: Corundum (Al2O3); Chile niter: NaNO3 Iron oxides: Hematite (Fe2O3), Magnetite (Fe3O4), W üstite (FeO) FeO) Page 153 Lime Cycle Page 154 77 Solvation of Salts Hydrate Shell Ion crystals can be dissolved preferably in the polar solvent water. water. At surface water molecules are attracted by the ions; ions are disdissolved. They are surrounded by a hydrate shell. shell. (hydration) Solvation of NaCl in water: hydrated ions crystal Page 155 Solubility Product The solubility of a certain ionic compound in the respective solvent solvent is limited. The solubility of salts quantified by the solubility product. product. Heterogeneous equilibrium between saturated solution of the salt and solid, sedimented salt: A+ B − → A + + B − (s) ( aq ) + ( aq ) − Solubility product: K Sp = c ( A ) ⋅ c( B ) Form of solubility product depends on stoichiometry: 2+ − 2+ − e. g. CaCl2 Example: A 2 B ( s ) → A ( aq ) + 2 B ( aq ) KSp = c( A2+ ) ⋅ c 2 ( B − ) and for Al2O3 ? If product of ion concentration < KSp ⇒ unsaturated solution; If product of ion concentration > as KSp ions crystallize as salt. The solubility product is temperature dependent. (like all equilibrium constants) Page 156 78 Solubility Products Poor Solubility Salts Low solubility: KSp < 10-4 mol2/L2 Compound KSp Halogenides Compound Sulfates 10-10 mol2/l2 CaSO4 AgCl KSp mol2/l2 2·10-5 mol2/l2 AgBr 5·10-13 BaSO4 1·10-9 mol2/l2 AgI 8·10-17 mol2/l2 PbSO4 1·10-8 mol2/l2 Sulfides Carbonates CaCO3 5·10-9 HgS 10-54 mol2/l2 BaCO3 2·10-9 mol2/l2 CuS 10-36 mol2/l2 CdS 10-28 mol2/l2 mol2/l2 Hydroxides Mg(OH)2 10-11 mol3/l3 PbS 10-28 mol2/l2 Al(OH)3 10-33 mol4/l4 ZnS 10-22 mol2/l2 Fe(OH)2 10-15 mol3/l3 NiS 10-21 mol2/l2 Fe(OH)3 10-38 mol4/l4 MnS 10-15 mol2/l2 Cr(OH)3 10-30 mol4/l4 Ag2S 10-50 mol3/l3 Hints: Hints: • alkali metal salts have good solubility • alkali earth salts have lower solubility • Heavy metal salts (Ag, Pb, Pb, Ba, Ba, Cd) Cd) poorly soluble • Sulfides (S2-) are poorly soluble Page 157 Precipitation Reactions Silver nitrate (AgNO3) is the best soluble silver salt. What happens, if a sodium chloride solution is added to a saturated solution of silver nitrate? Ag (+aq ) + NO3−( aq ) + Na(+aq ) + Cl(−aq ) → ? The solubility product of silver chloride (10-10) is exceeded and the salt AgCl precipitates. { } Ag (+aq ) + NO3−( aq ) + Na(+aq ) + Cl(−aq ) → Na(+aq ) + NO3−( aq ) + Ag + Cl − ↓ Page 158 79 The Solubility Due to the different unit dimension KSp values are hard to compare. Therefore, definition of the solubility S of a salt: For A+ B − ( s ) → A+ ( aq ) + B − ( aq ) Example: Example: KSp (AgCL)=10 AgCL)=10-10 mol2/L2 S = c( A+ ) = c( B − ) = K Sp LAgCl = 10 −10 = 10 −5 mol / L c( Ag + ) = c(Cl − ) = c( AgCl ) = 10 −5 mol / L m = M ⋅ n = 143,5 g / mol ⋅10 −5 mol = 1,435mg For the general case of a salt AxBy: c( A y + ) c( B x − ) x + y K Sp S= = = x y xx ⋅ y y Page 159 Temperature Dependence of the Solubility The dissociation of ions from the crystal is a highly endothermic endothermic (energy consuming) process . In contrast, energy is released when the ion is solvated. Lattice energy - Solvation energy = Solution energy Energy Solution energy > 0 ⇒ endothermic process Solution energy < 0 ⇒ exothermic process. Solvation endothermic solution exothermic Most solution processes are endothermic ⇒ improved solubility at higher temperatures. ← A+ B − ( s ) + Energie → A+ ( aq ) + B − ( aq ) Page 160 80 CommonCommon-Ion Effect The commoncommon-ion effect is the decrease of the solubility of one salt, when another salt, which has an ion in common with it, is also present. present. For example, the solubility of silver chloride, chloride, AgCl, AgCl, is lowered when sodium chloride, a source of the common ion chloride, is added. c( Ag + ) = c(Cl − ) = 10 −5 mol / L Example: Example: An amount of NaClNaCl-solution is added to a saturated AgClAgCl3 solution, so that c(Cl )=10 mol/L. mol/L. The solubility product of AgCl is exceeded; AgCl has to precipitate until: K Sp = c( Ag + ) ⋅ c(Cl − ) = 10−10 mol / L The solubility product remains constant! The concentration of silver ions c(Ag+) ≠ c(Cl-) is then: c( Ag + ) = K Sp c(Cl − ) = 10 −10 = 10 −7 mol / L 10 −3 Page 161 4.3 Redox Reactions Basics, Definitions Redox reactions are essential for chemical energy Fuelstorage and conversion: cell Both in Battery technology: and in nature: Combustion alcoholic fermentation Photosynthesis Page 162 81 Origin of the Terms Oxidation/Reduction Originally the term oxidation oxidation described the reaction of organic materials or metals with atmospheric oxygen; i. e. the combustion of or the rust of iron wood, oil, wax or coal 4 Fe + 3 O2 → 2 Fe2O3 C + O2 → CO2 Reduction was the recovery of (precious) metals 2 HgO → 2 Hg + O2 from their respective salts e. g.: Since there are many similar processes, which don't involve oxygen, oxygen, the term oxidation nowadays is used in a more general concept. Page 163 Today's Definition of Oxidation/Reduction Oxidation is the loss of electrons by an atom, ion or molecule ⇒ increase of oxidation number (state) Oxidation = Electron donation A transfer of electrons changes material properties substantially: substantially: E.g.: Copper (red shiny metal) is transformed into Cu2+ ions. Cu2+-Ions form together with anions salts or are solvated. Solvated Cu2+ ions have a hydrate sheath and blue color. This process is reversible Reduction is the gain of electrons by an atom, ion or molecule ⇒ decrease of oxidation number (state) Reduction = Electron acceptance: Page 164 82 Redox Reaction Thermite Reaction Iron oxide powder mixed with aluminum powder. Reaction initiated with sparkler or blowpipe (activation energy!). energy!). Exothermic reaction! Energy released as heat and light. How can you prove that the produced metal is iron, not aluminum? Thermite process used for welding rails Page 165 Redox Reactions Examples No free electrons exist! Oxidation and reduction coexistent! Redox reaction = Electron transfer: Depending on the reactants several electrons can be transferred In redox reactions the gain of electrons in the reduction must be be identical to the loss of electrons in the oxidation. Electrons never show up in the total equation! Example: Zinc + sulfur: Oxidation: Zn → Zn2+ + 2eReduction: S + 2 e-→ S2Redox reaction: Zn + S → Zn2+ + S2- = ZnS A redox reaction can formally be subdivided into oxidation and reduction. The two parts reaction never occur separately! Conservation of mass and charge: On both sides of reaction arror same number of the atoms of each element and same total charge. Note: Do not subtract electrons Zn - 2e- → Zn2+ No half molecules : ½ Cl 2 Page 166 83 Balancing of Redox Equations Aluminum reacted with bromine yielding aluminum bromide: Interim eq.: Al + Br2 → AlBr3 Bromine diatomic, Aluminum ion 3 valent, Bromide 1 valent + III 3+ 0 Al → Al Oxidation ⇒ oxidation number increases! Reduction ⇒ oxidation number decreases! + 3e − 0 −I Br 2 + 2 e − → 2 Br − Lost = gained electrons: Ox (· (·2); Red (·3) 2 Al → 2 Al 3 + + 6 e − 3 Br 2 + 6 e − → 6 Br − 2 Al + 3 Br2 → 2 Al 3 + + 6 Br − = 2 AlBr3 Total equation by addition of partial reaction equations; e- eliminated! Page 167 More Redox Reactions Reduction of ironiron-(II)(II)-oxide to iron: Redox : 2 FeO + C → CO2 + 2 Fe Oxidation : C + 2 O2→ CO2 + 4 e2+ Reduction: 2 Fe + 4 e → 2 Fe Redox reaction without oxygen: Redox: 2 Na + Cl2 → 2 NaCl Oxidation: 2·(Na → Na+ + e-) Reduction: Cl2 + 2 e- → 2 Cl- Na (I. mg) looses 1 e-, Cl (VII. mg) gains 1 e-, to obey octet rule. Chlorine diatomic gas. Redox reaction with complex stoichiometry: Redox: 16 Al + 3 S8→8 Al2S3={2Al3+3S2-} Oxidation: 16·(Al → Al3+ + 3 e-) Reduction: 3·(S8+16 e-→8S2-) Al (III. mg) looses 3 e-, S (VI. mg) gains 2 e-, to obey octet rule. sulfur as S8 ring. The stoichiometric factors result from combination of the partial reaction steps. Page 168 84 Oxyhydrogen Reaction Many redox reaction are exothermic, i. e. release of energy. Another reaction this kind the oxyhydrogen reaction (hydrogen test) test) Biggest hydrogenhydrogen-oxygen reaction of all times? 2 H2 + O2 → 2 H2O + energy Zeppelin "Hindenburg" Lakehurst 1937 Oxidation: H2 → 2 H+ + 2 eReduction:O2 + 4 e- → 2 O2Redox: 2 H2 + O2 → (4H+ + 2O2-)→ 2H2O H (I. mg) losses 1 e-, O (VI. mg) gains 2 e-, ⇒ noble gas configuration. configuration. Both diatomic gases! Page 169 Oxidizer/Reducer Compounds which are able to oxidize other species (eliminate electrons) electrons) are called oxidizers (oxidants, oxidizing agents) = electron acceptors The oxidizer itself is being reduced! Common oxidizers: O2 + 4 e-→ 2 O2• Oxygen Cl2 + 2 e-→ 2 Cl• Chlorine • Oxoanions z.B.: z.B.: MnO4- (Permanganate), Cr2O72- (Dichromate) • Anions of halogen oxoacids, z.B. z.B. ClO4- (Perchlorate) + • Noble metal ions, e. g. Ag + e-→ Ag Compounds which are able to reduce other species (donate electrons) electrons) are called reducers (reductants, reducing agents) = electron donators The reducer itself is being oxidized! Common reducers: H2 → 2 H+ + 2 e• Hydrogen • Zn, Fe, Mg Zn → Zn2+ + 2e• Carbon Page 170 85 Oxidation Numbers/State How do you know, its a redox reaction and which species gains or looses how many electrons? Redox reaction ⇒ change of oxidation numbers Oxidation number = hypothetical charge an atom would have if all bonds to atoms of different elements were 100% ionic. Examples: Rules (order of priority) agreedagreed-upon for determ. determ. of oxidation state (roman numeral superscript): 0 0 0 0 H , Cl , Na, Al 1. Free elements always have oxidation number 0 2 2 +I +II -II Na+, Ca2+, S2- 2. Monoatomic ions: OxNo = charge 3. H OxNo = +I ; O OxNo = -II -I +I -I (exception: Hydrides MeHx; H2O2) -IV+I +IV+IV-II 4. In molecules ΣOxNo=0 OxNo=0 ; in molecular ions ΣOxNo= OxNo= charge CH4, CO2 +VII+VII-II, +VI+VI-II MnO4-, SO42- Page 171 Oxidation Numbers of Selected Compounds Compounds of chlorine with various oxidation numbers: OxNo -I +I ClOHClO Chloride Chlori Hypochlorite ne hypochloric acid Formula Cl- Name 0 Cl2 +IV ClO2 ChloroChlorodioxide +V ClO3HClO3 Chlorate +VII ClO4HClO4 Perchlorate Chloric acid Perchloric acid Compounds of sulfur with various oxidation numbers: OxNo -II Formula S2-/H2S Name 0 S8 Sulfide/Hydro Sulfur gen sulfide +III S2O42Dithionite +IV SO2/SO32-/ H2SO3 Sulfur dioxide sulfurous ac. +VI SO3/SO42-/ H2SO4 S.trioxide/Sulfate S.trioxide/Sulfate sulfuric acid Compounds and oxidation numbers of manganese: OxNo +II +IV +VI +VII Formula Mn2+ MnO2 MnO42MnO4Manganese Manganese Manganate Name Permanganate dioxide (II) ion (blue) (violet) Page 172 86 Redox Reactions and pHpH-Value In some redox reactions (often in aqueous solution) H3O+ resp. OH- ions for the charge compensation under consideration of the acidic or alkaline/basic environment E.g.: E.g.: Permanganate reduced to manganese(II) manganese(II) in acidic environment +VII +II For compensation fo charges (left -6; right +2) 8 H3O+ are introduced (acidic environment). 2+ 2+ MnO4 + 5 e + 8 H3O → Mn + 12 H2O Together with 4 O (formally) they form 12 H2O MnO4- + 5 e- → Mn2+ E.g.: E.g.: Hydrogen peroxide is oxidized to oxygen in alkaline. alkaline. -I H2O2 0 → O2 + 2 e- +2 H+ H2O2 + 2 OH- → O2 + 2 e- +2 H2O Note: There are no free protons! Both examples only partial reaction equations! Page 173 Redox Titration Example: Permanganometry Redox reactions can be used in quantitative analysis (titration) for determination of an unknown concentration of a solution, if the equivalence point is detectable, e. g. change of color Permanganometry: Permanganometry: Titration of a solution of an oxidizable compound (e. g. Fe2+) with potassium permanganate solution (KMnO4; violet); The Fe2+ are oxidized by the drop wise added MnO4- ions gradually yielding Fe3+ ions. At the same time the violet MnO4- ions are reduced to colorless Mn2+ ions ⇒ decolorization of the added permanganate permanganate solution as long as Fe2+ ions are present. After equivalency (Fe2+ ions consumed) no reaction of added MnO4ions⇒ ions⇒ violet coloring of the iron ion solution. From volume and concentration of consumed permanganate solution the concentration of Fe2+ solution can be calculated. Account for stoichiometry! 1 mol MnO4- oxidizes 5 mol Fe2+. Page 174 87 Chromatometry, Iodometry Two other analytic methods like permanganometry (titrations) but with different stoichiometry: Chromatometry (dichromate titration): titration): 22+ Cr2O7 + 6 Fe + 14 H3O+ → 6 Fe3+ + 2 Cr3+ + 21 H2O Dichromate Iodometry: Iodometry: determination of concentration by means of redox system 2 I- ⇒ I2 + 2 e-: Elemental iodine forms with starch solution a deep blue complex. complex. Reversed titration method: Example: Example: determination c(Cu2+): - Measure off defined volume (e. g. 20 ml) - Add excess of KI solution ⇒ 2 Cu2+ + 2I- → 2 Cu+ + I2 - 2 mol Cu2+ produce 1 mol I2, which dyes the solution blue - Determination of the molar of produced iodine by redox titration with reductant solution of known concentration. - I2+2S2O32- → 2I-+S4O62- (2 mol thiosulfate reduces 1 mol iodine) - From vol. and conc. of used S2O32- ⇒n(I2)⇒n(Cu2+)⇒c(Cu c(Cu2+) Page 175 Noble/Base Metals Why does iron rust, but gold does not? Does aluminum oxidize? What is the difference between noble and base metals? In general all metals can react by loosing electrons, forming metal kations, i. e. they oxidize. But: The various metals have a different oxidizability: Noble metals: metals: resistant to oxidation, low reactivity, occur in elemental form. Gold, platinum, silver, (copper) Base metals: metals: readily oxidizable, reactive, occur in compounds all mainmain-group metals: (Alkali, alkaline earth H metals, aluminum) Li Be B Transition metals: Iron, Zinc, etc. Na Mg Al K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Cs Ba La * Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Page 176 88 Chemical Reactivity (Oxidizability) of Alkali Metals Alkali metals have highest reactivity. Storage in inert media (ether) or paraffin oil. Otherwise intense reactions, like 4 Na + O2 → 2 Na2O Sodium under paraffin oil Water not feasible as storage medium, since sodium (like all alkali metals) reacts with water. 2 Na + 2 H 2O → 2 Na(+aq ) + 2OH (−aq ) + H 2 ↑ Sodium hydroxide is produced and hydrogen, which is inflamed. The sodium melts (Tm=98° =98°C) due to reaction heat Page 177 Redox Reactions of Noble and Base Metals Cu2+ Zn+2 HCl → Zn2++2Cl-+H2↑ Cu+2HCl → Zn2+ Zn + Cu2+→Zn2++Cu Why? Why? Page 178 89 The oxidizability of metals, i. e. their tendency to loose electrons, can be compared by direct reaction with each other ⇒ ranking + + Examples: Ag + Au+ → Ag 2++ Au increasing reducing reaction Gold Platinum Palladium Mercury Silver Copper Lead Tin Nickel Cobalt Cadmium Iron Chromium Zinc Aluminum Magnesium Sodium Calcium Potassium Lithium decreasing oxidizability reactive noble Table of Noble/Base Metals Cu + 2 Ag → Cu + 2 Ag Ni + Cu2+→ Ni2++Cu Fe + Ni2+ → Fe2+ + Ni Zn + Fe2+→ Zn2+ + Fe but: Cu + Zn2+ → Driving force for the oxidation of base metals by noble metal kations is: ∆G<O How can the tendency of electron attraction or repulsion be quantified? How can the energy released in redox reactions be utilized? Page 179 Conversion of Energy Chemical energy Heat z.B.: z.B.: C + O2 → CO2 Oder: Zn + Cu2+→Zn2++Cu Electric motor Electric energy Mechanical energy Dynamo Battery Chemical energy Electrical energy Spatial separation of oxidation (Zn → Zn2++ 2e-) and reduction (Cu (Cu2++ 2e- → Cu) reaction. Instead of direct transfer from oxidation to reduction site. electrons have to flow through conductor. conductor. Accumulator Chemical energy Electrical energy Page 180 90 4.4 Electrochemistry: Redox Potential; Galvanic (Voltaic) Cell Between a metal bar (electrode) and the surrounding metal ion solution solution (electrolyte) charges are exchanged by chemical reactions building building up a difference in the chemical potential. More noble metals have a lower lower tendency to loose electrons. If two such halfhalf-cell are connected by a conductor the potential difference ∆E can be measure as voltage. voltage. ∆E=1,1 V Half-cells more noble less noble ⊕ ⊕ ⊕ ⊕ ⊕ ⊕ ⊕ ⊕ ⊕ ⊕ Page 181 Table of Standard Electrode Potenials FaradayFaraday-Konst. Konst. F increasing oxidation activity ∆ R G 0 = − ne ⋅ F ⋅ ∆ E 0 Base metals oxidized by acid (H+⇒H2 noble metals and copper are not. ∆E0 F2 ne + 2e- Red. Fluor (F) ↔ 2F- +2,87 V Gold (Au) Au+ + e- ↔ Au +1,69 V Platinum (Pt) Pt2+ + 2e- ↔ Pt +1,20 V Cl2 + 2e- ↔ 2Cl- +1,31 V Ox. Chlorine (Cl) oxygen (O2) O2+4H+ + 4e- ↔2 H2O +0,85 V increasing reducing activity Strength oxidizing/reducing agents depends on change of Gibbs free enerenergy ∆G during electron loss or gain: Each redox system (electrode/ electrolyte ⇒ redox potential; potential; listed in Table of Standard Electrode Potential. Potential. Isolated potential (half(half-cell)= not obtained emp. ⇒ only galvanic cell potial between pairs of electrodes ∆E. E0 Hydrogen Electrode defined 0 Stronger oxidizers (Ox) ⇒ positive potential ∆E0 Stronger reduction agents (Red) ⇒ negative potential ∆E0 Stand.cond.(25° (25°C,1013 hPa,1 mol/L). mol/L). Silver (Ag) Ag+ + e- ↔ Ag +0,80 V Sulfur (S) S + 2e- ↔ S2- +0,48 V Copper (Cu) Cu2+ + 2e- ↔ Cu +0,35 V hydrogen (H2) 2H+ + 2e- ↔ H2 0 Lead (Pb) Pb2+ + 2e- ↔ Pb -0,13 V Tin (Sn) Sn2+ + 2e- ↔ Sn -0,14 V Nickel (Ni) Ni2+ + 2e- ↔ Ni -0,23 V Cadmium (Cd) Cd2+ + 2e- ↔ Cd -0,40 V Iron (Fe) Fe2+ + 2e- ↔ Fe -0,41 V Zinc (Zn) Zn2+ + 2e- ↔ Zn -0,76 V Aluminum (Al) Al3+ + 3e- ↔ Al -1,66 V + 2e- ↔ Mg -1,66 V + 1e- ↔ Na -2,71 V + 1e- ↔ Li -3,02 V Page 182 Magnesium (Mg) Mg2+ Sodium (Al) Na Lithium (Li) Li+ + 91 Standard Hydrogen Electrode (SHE) Determination of standard electrode potentials in comparison to Standard Hydrogen Electrode (set to ∆E0=0 V) ∆E0=0 Volt Salt bridge Page 183 Galvanic Cell / Voltaic Element Electromotive Force (EMF) Combination of two halbhalb-cells is a Galvanic Cell ∆E0= ∆E0 (cathode) -∆E0 (Anode) = EMF (Electromotive Force) Daniell cell Anode cathode 0.35-(-0.76)V metallic copper Zink electrode dissolved precipitated Page 184 92 Nernst Equation Concentration Dependence of Electrode Potential The potential of a real electrode depends on the standard potential potential of the redox system (electrode/electrolyte) an on the conditions (concentration, (concentration, pressure, temperature). Under standard condition (c = 1mol/L solution,1013 hPa, hPa, 25° 25°C) the standard potential E0 is listed in the table. For higher or lower concentration of the electrolyte the electrode electrode potential of the halfhalf-cell E can be calculated by the Nernst equation: E = E0 + 0,059 ⋅ log c( Me n + ) n Nernst equation Example: Example: What is the potential of a copper electrode in a Cu2+-ion solution of c = 0,1 mol/L? E = 0,35 + Walter Hermann Nernst 0,059 0,059 ⋅ log 10 −1 = 0,35 + ⋅ (−1) = 0,3205V 2 2 Page 185 Corrosion, Corrosion, Passivation Corrosion: Corrosion: Disintegration of an engineered material due to chemical reaction with its surrounding (oxygen, acid) 2 Me + O2 + 2 H 2O → 2 Me 2+ + 4OH − 2 Me + 2 H 3O + → 2 Me 2+ + 2 H 2O + H 2 ↑ Basic metals oxidized by atmospheric oxygen ⇒ few nm oxide layer. Formation of hard, nonnon-reactive surface film inhibits further corrosion (e.g. Al2O3 on Al, ZnO on Zn, TiO2 on Ti),⇒ Ti),⇒ Passivation) Passivation) Iron, however, forms a porous oxide layer (rust). oxygen can penetrate penetrate rust layer until complete corrosion (Fe2O3, Fe3O4) (Pitting ). (Pitting). In hothot-dip galvanizing process iron or steel are coated with a zinc layer layer by passing metal through molten zinc bath (460° (460°C). Exposed to atmoatmosphere, zinc reacts with O2 to form ZnO and further with CO2 to ZnCO3, a dull grey, fairly strong material protecting the iron below against further corrosion (passivation). If the coating is damaged, zinc works as a galvanic anode so that iron is not oxidized. Page 186 93 Galvanic Corrosion Galvanic (Sacrificial) Sacrificial) Anode Galvanic Corrosion: Corrosion: ShortShort-circuited galvanic element; Direct connection with a more noble metal enhances oxidation (corrosion) of the more basic metal, since electrons are deflected. Contact between gold and amalgam fillings should be avoided, otherwise mercury and tin are dissolved. Hg,Ag,Sn Galvanic anode: anode: Basic metal (Zn, Mg, Al, alloy) in direct contact protects metal (Fe) from corrosion; itself being dissolved (sacrificed) In ships, pipes, etc. Iron nail in saline with indicator (with Fe3+ green dye): Galvanic corrosion (contact with nobler Cu) enhances iron dissolution, Galvanic anode from Zn stops corrosion. Zn2+(aq) colorless Fe/Cu Fe Fe/Zn Page 187 Batteries: Batteries: ZincZinc-Carbon Battery (Dry Cell) Cell) Anode (Minus pole, Zinc case): Zn → Zn2+ + 2eCathode (Plus pole, carbon rod): +III MnO2+ H++ 1e- → MnO(OH) MnO(OH) Manganese dioxide → ManganoxidManganoxidhydroxid Regeneration of H+ from the Ammonium chloride electrolyte: NH4+ → NH3+ H+ Zinc ions bind produced ammonia as complex: Zn2++ 2NH3 → [Zn(NH3)2]2+ This complex forms with the chloride ions (ammonium chloride) a salt [Zn(NH3)2]2+ + 2Cl- →[Zn(NH3)2]Cl2(s) electrolyte paste Manganese dioxide Cathode Graphite rod +IV zinc case anode Total reaction: reaction: Zn + 2MnO 2MnO2 +2NH +2NH4Cl → 2MnO(OH) + [Zn(NH3)2]Cl2 all solid! Page 188 94 LeadLead-Acid Battery Lead Lead electr. electr. electrode Lead (minus pole) dioxide coating (plus pole) DISCHARGING dissociated sulfuric acid The chemical reactions are (charged to discharged): Minus pol: Plus pol: 0 +IV discharge+II = comproportionation charging = disproportionation For car: 12 Volt stacking! Page 189 Fuel Cell Idea: Idea: 1838 Christian Schö Schönbein; since 1950 in space technology. Electrodes separated by Theor. max.1,23 V: pract. 0,5-1 V ⇒ Stacking membrane or electrolyte. electrolyte. Anode flushed with fuel (H2, methane, methane, ethanol, ethanol, DC glucose solution), solution), cathode with oxidizing agent (O2, H2O2). Electrodes made of carbon nano tubes air with PtPt- or PdPd-coating as catalyst. catalyst. Typs: Alkaline Fuel Cell H2/ O2/OH- (100kW) Direct Methanol Fuel Cell MeOH/Luft/Polymer/H+ (500 kW) Membrane Cathode Page 190 95 Electrolysis Processes in voltaic cells can be reversible: Applying DCDC-voltage at electrodes leads to electrolysis: electrolysis: Elements in the electolyte are separated by enforced redox reaction. reaction. Voltaic cell spontaneous Electrolysis nonnon-spontaneous Ion migration due to electrostatic attraction: attraction: Positive Cations (Cu2+)→minus pole (cathode (cathode)) Negative Anions (Cl-) → plus pole (anode (anode)) Cathode: Cu2+ + 2 e– → Cu Reduction Oxidation → Cl2 + 2 Note: Note: Polarity of cathode/anode reversed with → minus pole respect to voltaic element: element: Plus ← Anode: e– 2 Cl– Oxidation always at the anode! anode! Electrolysis of copper chloride solution Page 191 Electrolysis of Water faucet faucet oxygen Hoffman electrolysis apparatus hydrogen acidic 2 H2O→ 1O2 + 4 H+ + 4 eanode alkaline 4 H2O + 4 e- → 2 H2 + 4 OHplatinum electrode (cathode) cathode) 15 Volt DC ! Page 192 96 Electrolytic Copper Purification Crude copper anode (99,5% pure) dissolved at 0.2-0.3 V at anode. Highly pure copper (99,95%) precipitated at cathode. Impurities of base metals (Fe, Zn) remain in solution (as ions); noble metal particles are deposited on the ground (anode sludge). Anode Cathode Crude copper Pure copper Copper sulfate sol. Anode sludge Page 193 Aluminum Production HallHall-Heroult Process Aluminum ore (bauxite) heated in conc. NaOH sol. 200° 200°C (Bayer proc.). Aluminum hydroxide ⇒ sol. Aluminate Al(OH)3 + NaOH Na+ + [Al(OH)4]Filtering of solid impurities; Neutralisation → pure Al(OH)3 precip.; precip.; Calcination (1000° (1000°C) ⇒ Alumina. 2 Al(OH)3 Al2O3 + 3 H2O Alumina dissolved in molten cryolite (Na3AlF6) at 1000° 1000°C in a ceramic vat; electroelectro-chem. chem. reduction to Aluminum 5 Volt DC, some 100,000 A current! Anodes of fused coke are consumed by oxidation: 2Al2O3 + 3C → 4Al + 3CO2; ∆H = + 0,835 MegaJ/mol MegaJ/mol Al Extreme energy consumption! Page 194 97