VCU Virgin ia Co mmo n w ea l t h U n i v e r s i t y Welcome Michael Rao, Ph.D. President, Virginia Commonwealth University Dinner Remarks and Presentation of Founders’ Society Medallions Michael Rao, Ph.D. The Commonwealth Club Wednesday, October 20, 2010 Entertainment VCU Department of Music students The Founders’ Society recognizes benefactors of Virginia Commonwealth University who have made commitments of $100,000 or more to the MCV Foundation, the VCU Foundation, the School of Business Foundation, the School of Engineering Foundation or the university. Tonight, we welcome those who have become members since October 2005. The design of the Founders’ Society Medallion incorporates important architectural elements from VCU. The medallion shows Founders Hall on the Monroe Park Campus and the Egyptian Building on the MCV Campus at approximate compass positions. The Egyptian Building, constructed in 1845 and designed by Thomas Stuart, represents one of the most perfect examples of Egyptian architecture in the U.S. It is the oldest medical college building in the South and the first building of the Medical College of Virginia. Egyptian architecture was used for the building to celebrate and recognize medicine’s Egyptian roots. Today, the building continues to play an active educational role, housing classrooms, lecture halls and offices. Founders Hall, formerly known as the Saunders-Willard House, served as the original home of Richmond Professional Institute. The house, built in the 1880s by Mr. and Mrs. E.A. Saunders, was later purchased by the Hon. Joseph E. Willard, lieutenant governor of Virginia and U.S. ambassador to Spain, who lived at the residence until 1915. The University Club of Richmond occupied the house until 1925, when it was purchased by the RPI Foundation. The property became the nucleus of RPI, housing offices, classrooms, a library and even a small gymnasium in the converted stable. Founders Hall continued as a classroom and dormitory space until 1980. Currently, it is occupied by VCU administrative offices. Founders Hall and the Egyptian Building encapsulate the histories of both campuses and are integral parts of today’s university. Together, they represent the accomplishments of the past, which have resulted in the prominence of VCU as one of the nation’s pre-eminent research universities. The original design for the Founders’ Society Medallion is by R. Daniel Booton. Members of the VCU Mrs. Frances P. Aaroe*† Abbott Laboratories Dr. and Mrs. Donald J. Abraham Mr. Henry W. Addington Albemarle Corporation† Alcoa Alfa-Laval Allergan Inc.† Alltel Corporation Altria Group Inc. Mrs. Grace E. Ambrose* American Association of Advertising Agencies American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology American Federation for Aging Research American Lung Association of Virginia American Medical Association Foundation Amgen Inc. Mrs. Mary H. Ammons* The Arenstein Foundation Argus Financial Software Mr. and Mrs. Beverley W. Armstrong Dr. Virginia A. Arnold ASK – The Association for the Support of Children with Cancer AstraZeneca B & J Association of California Dr.* and Mrs. Charles L. Baird Jr. Mr. William Balaban† Mr. and Mrs. David G. Baldacci Dr. and Mrs. David Leon Ballard Sr.* Bank of America Mrs. Rachel B. Banks* C.R. Bard Inc. USCI Division BASF Corporation Bayer Corporation BB&T Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Beadles† Mr. and Mrs. V. Max Beard Mr. John R. Beattie* Dr. and Mrs.* H. Vaughan Belcher Mr. and Mrs. FitzGerald Bemiss† Mr. and Mrs. Lance W. Berkowitz† Dr. and Mrs. Edward H. Bersoff† Mr. and Mrs. James F. Betts* Drs. Karan and Gita Bhatia B.I. Chemicals Inc.† Dr. Erika Blanton Mrs. Lavinia Allen Blick*† Mr. George B. Bliley III* Mr. and Mrs. Roger L. Boeve Ms. Gladys C. Boisseau* Bon Secours Health System Inc.† Mr.* and Mrs. Maurice Bonds Boston Scientific Corporation Dr. and Mrs. John D. Bower Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Boyko† Bristol-Myers Squibb Company Brodie Charitable Lead Trust I† Brown Distributing Company Inc. Ms. Elizabeth Randolph Brown† Dr. and Mrs. Gerald J. Brown† Mr.* and Mrs. Jacob Brown Mr. Vernon C. Brunelle* Mr. and Mrs. D. Tennant Bryan* Ms. Flora Belle Bryington* Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph H. Bunzl Dr. and Mrs. Charles D. Burch Dr.* and Mrs. Alfred Burger Burroughs Wellcome Fund Mr. and Mrs. Carlisle C. Butler* Mr. Lindsay W. Butler* Robert G. & Maude M. Cabell Foundation Dr. Francine Marciano-Cabral and Dr. Guy A. Cabral† Charlotte and Dans Callans† Campbell-Ewald† Camp-Younts Foundation Capital Interior Contractors Inc.† Capital One Financial Corporation Carolina Builders Corporation The Carpenter Company E. Rhodes and Leona B. Carpenter Foundation The Beirne Carter Foundation Mr. Oscar Blair Carter Jr.* Catholic Diocese of Richmond Mrs. Inez A. Caudill* Dr. and Mrs.* Stephen C. Cenedella† Center for Health Care Strategies Inc.† Centocor Inc. ChemTreat Inc.† Chesapeake Corporation of Virginia Chesterfield County *Deceased members Children’s Miracle Network Richmond Mr. Langdon T. Christian III* Dr. David Cifu and Dr. Ingrid Prosser Circuit City Foundation City of Richmond Dr. and Mrs. E. Todd Clark† Dr. and Mrs. Beverley B. Clary* Dr. and Mrs. Richard M. Clary† Mr. William B. Clopton* Ms. Hazel L. Coffindaffer* Dr. Waverly M. Cole* and Dr. John R. Cook Mr. Henry E. Coleman Jr.* Colonial Construction Materials Inc. Colonial Heights Kiwanis Club The Community Foundation Cordis Corporation Dr. John L. Corey† Dr. and Mrs. Richard W. Cottrell† Dr. and Mrs. William D. Covington Mr. and Mrs. Walter W. Craigie† Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Crone Ms. Marion Crump* CSX Corporation Mr. and Mrs. John R. Curtis Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Cutler† CVS Division of Melville Corporation DAI-ACT Dr. and Mrs. Ronald K. Davis DDB Worldwide Communications Group Inc.† Dr. and Mrs. Albert Del Castillo* Delta Dental Plan of Virginia Dennis Foundation Dental Faculty Practice Association† Dentsu Holdings USA Inc.† DePuy Orthopaedics Inc. Mr. and Mrs. William C. DeRusha Mr. and Ms. John J. Digges † New members Dr. Lillian C. Ding* and Dr. Lik Kiu Ding Dominion Foundation Dominion Virginia Power Mr. and Mrs.* Fulton G. Drumheller Ms. Florence S. Duffy* Dr. and Mrs. Leo J. Dunn Alfred I. duPont Trust E. I. duPont de Nemours and Company Jessie Ball duPont Fund Economic Development Authority of Henrico County Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Edmunds II Wilmoth Booth Edmundson* Egyptian Cultural and Educational Bureau† Mr. Thomas D. Eilerson† Ms. Florence E. Elliott* Mr. and Mrs. George P. Emerson Jr.† Mr. Richard D. Ernsberger*† Ernst and Young Foundation† Ethyl Corporation Dr. and Mrs. George E. Ewart* Mr. Joseph C. Farrell and Mrs. Susan B. Tepper Dr.* and Mrs. E. Raymond Fenton First Hospital Corporation of Virginia Mr. and Mrs. Russell H. Fiske Sr.* Dr. and Mrs. William G. Fitzhugh Flagler Foundation Dr. and Mrs. Herman J. Flax Mr.* and Mrs. James M. Fleetwood Jr. Food Allergy Initiative Food Lion Inc. Dr. and Mrs. Allan L. Forbes* The Ford Foundation Dr. Mildred B. Forman* Mr. and Mrs. Willard A. Foster Jr. Drs. Mary Ann and William J. Frable Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Fraizer† Dr. Eugenie M. Fribourg* Fujinon Inc. Fujisawa Healthcare Inc. Helene Fuld Health Trust Mr. Michael S. Fuller and Mr. Jerry L. Lewis† Mr. and Mrs. Marshall D. Gayheart Jr.† Drs. Ragnit and Walter Geeraets* General Services Corporation Genworth Financial† Georgia Pacific Corporation Mr. and Mrs. George M. Gibrall Sr.† Mr. Julian D. Gilman Mr. and Mrs. William M. Ginther Dr. and Mrs. Frederick T. Given Jr. Mr. Arthur Glasgow* GlaxoSmithKline Goochland County Mrs. Martha Jacobs Goodman† Mr. and Mrs. William H. Goodwin Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis W. Gordinier† Mrs. Nettie M. Gordon Mr. and Mrs. Bruce C. Gottwald Mr. Floyd D. Gottwald Jr. and Ms. Helga K. Andrews† Mr. and Mrs. John D. Gottwald Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Gottwald† Dr. and Mrs. William M. Gottwald Mrs. Harriet Grandis* The Harry and Harriet Grandis Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Harry Grandis William T. Grant Foundation Elizabeth Ireland Graves Foundation† Garland and Agnes Taylor Gray Foundation Mr. S. Tucker Grigg Jr. Mr. and Mrs.* Paul A. Gross Mrs. Lucile S. Gudger* Guidant Inc. Guilford Foundation Gumenick Properties Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Gumenick* Mr. and Mrs. Antonio N. Guzman Mrs. Gladys Haag* Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Hafner† Dr.* and Mrs. Wayne C. Hall Mr. and Mrs. Brenton S. Halsey† Ms. Marianna S. Hamilton* Hanover County Mrs. Katherine G. Hardin* Ms. Eva S. Teig Hardy and Mr. Michael Hardy† Mr. and Mrs. Elliott M. Harrigan† Dr. and Mrs. Louis S. Harris Ruth and Louis Harris Family Foundation† Harrison Foundation Mary Anderson Harrison Foundation† Ms. Margaret Harvell* H.T. Hashem Ltd. Mr. and Mrs. Robert V. Hatcher Jr. Dr. G. Douglas Hayden* Dr. and Mrs. W. Tyler Haynes* HCA Inc. William Randolph Hearst Foundation Heilig-Meyers Company Mrs. Hanh Hellenguard* Mrs. Rosina K. Hengstenberg* Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Henley Jr.† Henrico County Henrico Doctors’ Hospital† Mrs. Margaret Z. Bucknell Henry* Hercules Inc. Mrs. Louise B. Herndon* The Hershey Foods Corporation Fund Mr.* and Mrs. Robert L. Hintz Ms. Kitty G. Hirsh* Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Hirschler* Mrs. Phebe M. Hoff* *Deceased members Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Holder Dr. and Mrs. William E. Holland† Eugene Holt Foundation Honeywell Foundation Ms. Edna S. Hopkins† Mr. and Mrs. Fenton N. Hord Mr. and Mrs. Ruble A. Hord III Hospitals Hospitality House Howmedica Osteonics William Lawrence and Blanche Hughes Fund† Humana Inc. Hunton & Williams Eppa Hunton Jr. Foundation Eppa Hunton IV Foundation Virginia Payne Hunton Foundation Mr. Olin V. Hyde† Ikaria Inc.† Infilco Degremont Inc. Innogene Kalbiotech Pte. Ltd.† International Business Machines Corporation† Interpublic Group† Invensys Mr.* and Mrs. Charles M. Irvin The Jackson Foundation Dr. Fredrika and Mr. Paul Jacobs† Mr. Julian B. Jacobs† James Branch Cabell Library Associates† Janssen Medical Affairs LLC† Jefferson Pilot Broadcasting Company JEHT Foundation† The Jenkins Foundation Mrs. Susan Laird Jenkins Johnson & Johnson Mrs. Dorothy G. Johnson* Dr. and Mrs. Harry I. Johnson Jr. Mr. and Mrs.* Kenneth F. Johnson Robert Wood Johnson Foundation † New members Mrs. Gaye S. Jones* Mr. and Mrs. Stephen H. Jones Mr. and Mrs. William O. Jones The JSP Foundation† Dr. Mary E. Kapp* Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation W.M. Keck Foundation Dr.* and Mrs. Harold W. Kimmerling Mr. and Mrs. Allen B. King Dr. Henry J. King* Ms. Mattielene T. King* Mr. and Mrs. Alan I. Kirshner Mr. and Mrs. Philip W. Klaus Sr.*† Dr. Jack D. Klingman* Dr. Gerald McElroy Kluft† Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. Kocen Dr. and Mrs. Warren W. Koontz† Mr. and Mrs. Bryan E. Kornblau† Mr. and Mrs. Sam Kornblau† KOS Pharmaceuticals Inc.† KPMG International Mr.* and Mrs. Richard C. Kraus Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Krupin† Embassy of The State of Kuwait Civil Service Mr. and Mrs. Linwood A. Lacy Jr.† Dr. and Mrs. Carl W. LaFratta* LandAmerica Financial Corporation Ms. Doris R. Lansing and Mr. Robert W. Hudgins Rev.* and Mrs. Robert B. Lantz Ms. Allison Orr Larsen† Mr. and Mrs.* Victor W. Lavenstein† Dr. and Mrs. Walter Lawrence Jr. LeClair Ryan† Mr. Samuel Lee† Mr. and Mrs. Stuart F. Lee† Dr. Sanford L. Lefcoe* Leo Burnett Worldwide Inc. Mr. E.H. Lester* Drs. Frances and Sydney* Lewis LifePoint Hospitals Inc. Eli Lilly and Company Foundation Lind Lawrence Foundation Mr.* and Mrs. Eric M. Lipman Mr. and Mrs. Larry Lloyd† Mr. George W. Logan† Dr. Walter Lorenz* Mr. Frank Loveall* Loveland Distributing Company Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Carter O. Lowance* The Mann T. Lowry Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Luck III† Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Luck IV† Luck Stone Foundation Inc.† Dr. Lewis C. Lush* Dr. Harry Lyons* Dr. Jane Gaston Mahler Mr. and Mrs. John A. Mapp* Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Marchant† Mr. and Mrs.* Anthony F. Markel Mrs. Doris Markel* Mr. Gary L. Markel Mr. and Mrs. Steven A. Markel Markel Corporation The Martin Agency Eugene Holt Massey Charitable Trust Mr. and Mrs. E. Morgan Massey Mrs. Gertrude M. Massey* Ms. Susan Chapman Massey Mr. and Mrs. William E. Massey Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William E. Massey Sr.* Massey Foundation Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research Mrs. Beulah B. McCalley*† Mr. and Mrs. Alex W. McClay* Ms. Carol A. McCoy Ms. Nancy Andes McDermott* Mr. and Mrs. Ronald H. McFarlane† Mr. and Mrs. James W. McGlothlin McGue-Steinbrecher Trust McGuire Research Institute Inc. McGuireWoods LLP Mrs. Virginia McIlhany* McKesson General Medical Dr. and Mrs. Francis H. McMullan† MCV Alumni Association of VCU MCV Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation† MCV Hospital Auxiliary of VCU MCV Neurologists Association MCV Physicians – Human Genetics MCV Physicians – Internal Medicine MCV Psychiatry Association† MCV-VCU Surgery Association Med Atlantic Inc. Media General Foundation Medtronic Inc. Memorial Foundation for Children Mrs. Barbara Merchant Merck and Company Inc. Dr. Hilda Meth Metropolitan Health Foundation Inc. Metropolitan Richmond Sports Backers† Dr.* and Mrs. Richard A. Michaux† Mr. Ross Millhiser* Mr. and Mrs. G. Gilmer Minor III Dr.* and Mrs. Cyril R. Mirmelstein Mr. Matthew T. Mitchell† Dr. French H. Moore Sr.* Mr. Stewart R. Moore* Marietta McNeill Morgan and Samuel Tate Morgan Foundation Mr. Lester W. Morris Jr.* *Deceased members Ms. P. Buckley Moss and Mr. Malcolm Henderson Motorola Corporation Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Mourino Dr. Norborne F. Muir* Mr. George E. Murphy Dr. and Mrs. Edwin C. Myer† Dr. Edward Myers* Dr. Herman M. Nachman* Dr. and Mrs. Walter E. Nance Napier Realtors ERA† National Endowment for the Humanities National Financial Services LLC† National Pharmaceutical Council National Speaking of Women’s Health Foundation† Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Nelson Dr. and Mrs. William E. Newby* Mr. Richard L. Newdick Martha D. Newell Charitable Trust† Newport News Shipbuilding Newspaper Association of America Mr. and Mrs. David S. Norris Novo Nordisk Pharmaceuticals Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Moses D. Nunnally Jr.* Moses D. Nunnally Jr. Charitable Trust Dr. Paul J. Nutter* Mrs. Gloria J. Oates Ogilvy and Mather Worldwide Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Ohly Jr.† Dr. and Mrs. George A. Oley† Elis Olsson Memorial Foundation Dr. Shirley and Mr.* Sture G. Olsson OMJ Scientific Affairs LLC† Oral Surgery Practice Group Order of the Eastern Star of Virginia Grand Chapter Ms. Helen Catherine Orr† Dr. and Mrs. William Orr† Owens & Minor Inc. † New members Drs. Sidney G. and Jane Page* Dr. and Mrs. Peter M. Pardoll Mrs. Mary Morton Parsons* Mary Morton Parsons Foundation The Pauley Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Stanley F. Pauley Peabody Health Care Inc. Dr. Karl E. Peace and Dr. Jiann-Ping Hsu* Ms. Linda E. Pearson† Dr. and Mrs. John M. Pellock† Pepsi-Cola Company Dr. E.W. Perkins* Dr. and Mrs. W. Baxter Perkinson Jr. Ms. Barbara R. Peskin Pew Charitable Trusts The Pfizer Foundation Pfizer Inc. Foundation for Pharmacology Pharmos Corporation Philip Morris Companies Inc. Dr. and Mrs. John D. Philips Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Phillips Jr.† The Honorable and Mrs. Edward A. Powell Jr. PriceWaterhouseCoopers Qatar Foundation Qimonda Radio Advertising Bureau† Dr. and Mrs. Frederick Rahal Mr. and Mrs. Raymond A. Ranelli Reckitt Benckiser Inc. Mr. and Mrs.* William R. Reid Mr. Edmund A. Rennolds Jr.* Research to Prevent Blindness Retail Merchants Association of Greater Richmond Mr. and Mrs. Daniel M. Rexinger Richard S. Reynolds Foundation R.J. Reynolds Industries Inc. Reynolds International Inc. RF Micro Devices IPL Mrs. Inger V. Rice Richmond Eye & Ear Healthcare Alliance Inc.† Richmond Memorial Health Foundation Mrs. Jean Roy Riely* Dr. and Mrs. Ralph S. Riffenburgh† Mr. Robert E. Rigsby† Mrs. Catherine Grinnan Ritter* Riverside Health System Riverside Hospital Services Mr. and Mrs. James C. Roberts† Dr. Louise W. Robertson Mr. Richard T. Robertson Anne C. and Walter R. Robins Jr. Foundation† Mr. and Mrs. E. Claiborne Robins Jr. Mr. and Mrs. E. Claiborne Robins Sr.* Robins Foundation Mr.* and Mrs. Norman Rolfe Mr. Robert M. Rolfe† Mr. R. Reginald Rooke* Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Rorrer Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin E. Rosen Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert M. Rosenthal Ralph and Leo Rosenthal Foundation† Dr. Pamela Kiecker Royall and Mr. William A. Royall Jr.† Mrs. Sabra S. Russell* Mr. and Mrs. James E. Ryan Jr. S&K Famous Brands Inc. Dr. and Mrs. Warren E. Sachs† Mr. and Mrs. Julian D. Sanger Sankyo Pharma Inc. Sanofi-Aventis Schering Sales Corporation Mr. George E. Schlosser* Dr. and Mrs. Charles C. Schwartz Mrs. Kathryn E. Schwarzschild* Kathryn and W. Harry Schwarzschild Fund Scios Inc. Mr. and Mrs. S. Buford Scott Mrs. Thomas B. Scott Jr.* Mrs. Verna W. Seidensticker† Sentara Health System SGMA International Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Sharp Shire US Inc. Dr. Dwight H. Shull*† Dr. and Mrs. Domenic A. Sica† Mr. and Mrs. Stuart C. Siegel Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Kenneth Simpson† Mr. and Mrs. W.E. Singleton The Honorable and Mrs. Norman Sisisky* Mr. and Mrs. Raymond M. Slabaugh III† Mr. and Mrs. John G. Slaughter Mrs. Nancy B. Slaughter* Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Sledd† Dr. Elske v. P. Smith Mr. Lawrence W. and Ms. Susan I. Smith Dr. and Mrs. Leroy Smith* Snead Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Snead Jr. The Honorable and Mrs. John W. Snow† Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Sorah† Specialty Marketing Inc. Sporting Goods Manufacturers Association† Mrs. Grace E. Steinmetz* Mr. and Mrs. Henry F. Stern Mrs. Ruth Thalhimer Stern* Mr. and Mrs.* Mark A. Sternheimer Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Stettinius St. Jude Medical St. Philip Alumnae Association Mrs. Margaret B. Stokes* Ms. V. Patricia Story *Deceased members Ms. Thelma F. Sturt* Sun Chlorella Corporation SunTrust Foundation Mrs. Veronica D. Sweeney* Mr. Thomas Tabb* Mr. and Mrs. Fred T. Tattersall Taxi Inc.† John Templeton Foundation Drs. John and Josephine Templeton Barbara J. and William B. Thalhimer Jr. Family Fund The Carol M. and Charles G. Thalhimer Jr. Foundation† Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Thalhimer Charles G. Thalhimer and Family Foundation Mrs. Rhoda Thalhimer* Mr. and Mrs. William B. Thalhimer Jr.* Thalhimer Brothers Foundation Dr. Christine Thelen* Mrs. Evelyn F. Thomas* Theresa A. Thomas Memorial Foundation The Thomas Palliative Care Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Matthew G. Thompson Dr. and Mrs. John L. Thornton III† Tilghman Family Foundation† The Titmus Foundation Inc. Dr. and Mrs. Eugene P. Trani TraumaCure Inc.† The Emily Hall Tremaine Foundation Inc.† Mr. and Mrs. N.H. Turbeville Jr. UCB Pharma Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Ukrop The Ukrop Foundation† Ukrop’s Homestyle Foods Union First Market Bank The United Company Charitable Foundation United States Surgical Inc. Universal Leaf Foundation † New members University Pathologists Dr. Lidia M. Vallarino-Quagliano† Valley Health System Mr. Woodford G. Vaughan Jr.* VCU Alumni Association VCU Health System VCU-MCV Brain Tumor Classic VCU OB-GYN Association Verizon Communications, Virginia Via Systems Technology Virginia Chapter Arthritis Foundation Virginia Dental Association Virginia Environmental Endowment Virginia Federation of Women’s Clubs Virginia Health Care Foundation Virginia Microelectronics Consortium Virginia Moose Association District 6 Virginia Moose Association Inc. Virginia Premier Health Plan Inc. Dr. Sonia K. Vlahcevic Wachovia Foundation Wachovia Securities Wachovia VA-MD-DC Banking Corporation Wal-Mart Foundation Walt Disney Productions† Dr. and Mrs. J. Latane Ware† Mr. and Mrs. Hays T. Watkins Mr. Clinton Webb* Weber Shandwick Worldwide† Weidmuller Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Jay M. Weinberg Mrs. Sondra E. Weinberg* Ms. Allison P. Weinstein and Mr. Ivan P. Jecklin Mr. and Mrs. Marcus M. Weinstein Weinstein Properties * Deceased members Dr. and Mrs. Harry A. Wellons Jr.† Wellpoint Inc. Wells Fargo Bank N. A. Drs. Catherine W. and David Manning* White Dr. and Mrs. H. George White Jr. Mrs. Mary F. Whited* Lettie Pate Whitehead Foundation Inc. Whitfield Foundation Dr. Annie L. Wilkerson*† Bob and Barbara Williams Foundation† Dr. Pauline P. Williams* Mr.* and Mrs. David G. Williamson Jr. Mr. Thomas Williamson Jr. and Dr. Fay Redwine* Mr. Albert Alonzo Wilson* Dr. and Mrs. Robert A. Wilson* Windgate Charitable Foundation† Mrs. Otti Y. Windmueller*† Windsor Foundation Inc. Dr. William O. Winston* Henry Wolf Foundation† The Board for Women’s Health† Dr. and Mrs.* Lauren A. Woods Mr. George Stuart Woodson*† Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Woolwine Jr.* C. Kenneth and Dianne Wright Foundation Mr. and Mrs. C. Kenneth Wright Mr. and Mrs. Alan L. Wurtzel Wyeth Consumer Healthcare Xcel Pharmaceuticals Yahoo† Dr. Doris B. Yingling* Dr. Harold F. Young and Associates Dr. Janet and Mr. W. Carter Younger† YSK International Corporation † New members A VCU Creative Services publication an equal opportunity/affirmative action university 100618-03