Federalist #10 Worksheet: Understanding Factions

Name _____________________________ Period ______ Date ______
Federalist #10 Questions
1. How does Madison define faction? Explain his definition in your own words.
2. What are the two methods of curing the “mischiefs” caused by factions?
3. What are the two ways of eliminating the causes of factions? Explain why each is
4. According to Madison, what is the primary source of conflict (i.e. factions)?
5. Why is a minority faction not worrisome to Madison?
6. By what two means may the effects of a majority faction be controlled?
7. Why is democracy an inadequate remedy to the problem of faction?
8. Why are factions more easily controlled in a large republic?
9. How does federalism control factions?
10. Choose a portion of Federalist #10 that you found particularly persuasive or
interesting. Identify it using the line numbers and explain why you found this section
11. Do you think Madison had a generally optimistic or pessimistic view of human
nature? Explain.