Testing fresh concrete in the field

Testing fresh concrete
in the field
By Kim Basham
Proper testing benefits the contractor, ready mix producer, and owner
STM standards define precise procedures for performing field tests to determine the quality of freshly mixed
concrete. Usual field tests measure
consistency, strength, unit weight,
air content, and temperature (see
box). Many test details may seem
trivial, even arbitrary. However,
ASTM standards establish uniformity in the testing methods. By always performing tests the same
way, it’s possible to detect changes
in fresh concrete that could affect
concrete performance. Improper
testing or even deviating from
standard test methods may cause
good concrete to be rejected or bad
concrete to be accepted. In either
case, poor testing penalizes the
contractor, ready mix producer,
and owner. Understanding the
scope, significance, and procedure
of each test for fresh concrete is the
first step to achieving accurate results.
Sampling fresh concrete
Follow procedures given in
ASTM C 172 to ensure the sample
is truly representative of the freshly mixed concrete being tested.
This standard gives procedures for
obtaining and handling composite
samples from stationary, paving,
and truck mixers, and from agitat-
ing and nonagitating equipment.
Obtain composite samples by sampling the concrete at least twice as
the middle portion of the batch is
discharged. Mix the samples into
one sample for testing. Obtain
samples randomly. Do not base
sample selection on concrete appearance, convenience, or other biased criteria.
Usually concrete is sampled as
it’s discharged from the mixer and
transported to the forms. Some
specifications may require other
points of sampling, such as at the
discharge of a concrete pump line.
Concrete tested at these discharge
points is not suitable for making
Figure 1. Slump is the difference between the height of the mold and height of the “true” slump. Shear slump indicates a lack of
cohesion. Collapse slump indicates a lean, harsh, or very wet mix (Ref. 1)
• Molding of strength
Tips for
specimens must begin
Proper Sampling
within 15 minutes after
■ Obtain at least two samples to
making the composite
make a composite sample.
■ Do not take samples from the
It’s important to carevery first or last portions of the
fully observe these time
restrictions to achieve the
■ Take samples after all water
most accurate test results.
and admixtures have been
This may be difficult on
added to the mix.
some jobs. To minimize
the elapsed time between
■ Carefully observe time limitaobtaining samples and
tions to ensure results of field
performing tests, mix the
tests are consistent.
composite sample, and
■ Protect samples from sun,
test and mold specimens
wind, rapid evaporation, and
as close as possible to the
point of sampling.
Specifications usually
indicate the number of
tests to be made. HowevThe slump test (ASTM C 143)
asures concrete consistency, or
Figure 2. Remove the slump mold uniformly; don’t
ability of fresh concrete to flow.
use a twisting or jerking motion. Note lines on mold
marking heights of equal volume.
temperature at the time
Slump is commonly mistaken as a
of placement and as necmeasure of workability—the ease
essary for control checks.
in which fresh concrete can be
placed, consolidated, and finished.
acceptance tests for consistency, air
content, or potential strength. The
specified and always when
manipulation of concrete during
strength specimens are made.
pumping can significantly change
It’s a good, but not required,
mix characteristics. When sampractice
to run a unit weight
pling from a discharge stream, ditest every time strength specivert the discharge into the sample
mens are made.
container. Do not cause segregaComposite samples used to
tion by restricting concrete flow
specimens for strength
from the mixer or chute. Regulate
tests must be larger than 1 cuthe discharge rate of
bic foot. A strength test conrevolving-drum truck mixers by
of the average compresslowing the rate of drum revolusive
of two cylinders.
tion, rather than by adjusting the
Since ASTM C 94 requires
gate opening size.
that slump, air content, and
ASTM C 172 imposes three time
emperature tests be perlimitations on the technician:
formed whenever strength
• Elapsed time between obtaining
specimens are made, obtain a
the first and last portions of the
sample large enough to make
composite sample is 15 minutes.
all the tests. ASTM allows
smaller samples for routine
• Tests for slump or air content
air content, slump, and temmust begin within 5 minutes afFigure 3. Always lift filled molds carefully from
perature tests.
ter obtaining the final portion of
the bottom with a large trowel to avoid
the composite sample.
distorting the mold.
slump, the plus tolerance is 0 inches.
When the specifications for
slump are not written as a “maximum” or “not to exceed” requirement, ASTM C 94 tolerances are:
Specified Slump
2 inches and less
More than 2 inches
through 4 inches
More than 4 inches
Figure 4. Carefully finish the top of
cylinders with a tamping rod or,
preferably, a wood float.
Though consistency and workability are closely related, only consistency is considered a fundamental
property of the fresh concrete.
Workability must be related to the
type of construction and placing
and finishing methods.
The slump test is a quality-control test because changes in the
measured slump indicate changes
in mix proportions, mixing procedures, or other factors affecting the
nature of fresh concrete. Figure 1
shows three distinct types of
slumps. True slump is a general
subsidence of the mass without
breaking up. Shear slump usually
indicates a lack of cohesion, and
commonly occurs with harsh mixes. Collapse slumps generally indicate a lean, harsh, or more likely,
very wet mix. Of course, improper
testing can also cause concrete to
shear or fall away.
It’s important to know the tolerance on measured slump before
making a test. When project specifications state a “maximum” or
“not to exceed” slump requirement, ASTM C 94 sets a 11⁄2-inchminus tolerance for specified
slumps of 3 inches or less and a
21⁄2-inch-minus tolerance otherwise. Whatever the specified
±1⁄2 inch
±1 inch
±11⁄2 inch
Slump tests are quite sensitive to
variations within the test procedures given by ASTM C 143. It’s
not uncommon for different technicians to measure slumps that differ by as much as 1 inch for the
same concrete (Ref. 1). Therefore,
carefully observe the testing procedures to minimize variations.
Tips for Proper Slump Testing
■ Dampen the mold and perform
the test on a level, moist, nonabsorbent, rigid base. Plywood
is not acceptable since its surface rapidly becomes rough
and uneven when exposed to
moisture. Use a 16- to
2 0-gage metal sheet over a
wood base or a premanufactured metal base. Do not run
the test on the tailgate of a
pickup truck.
Fill mold in three layers, each
about 1⁄3 the volume of the
mold, and uniformly rod each
l a y e r. Paint stripes around the
outside of the mold 25⁄8 and 61⁄8
inches from the bottom to help
determine depths for equal
volumes (Figure 2).
Remove the mold by lifting it
uniformly in 3 to 7 seconds.
Don’t use a twisting or jerking
motion (Figure 2).
Complete the test within 2 ⁄2
minutes to avoid the effects of
slump loss.
Concrete test Cylinders
ASTM C 31 covers making, curing, protecting, and transporting
concrete test specimens under field
conditions. Procedures for compression strength testing of these
cylinders are described in ASTM C
Concrete cylinders are made
and tested for two different purposes. Cylinders taken into the laboratory the day after casting and
stored under standardized moisture and temperature conditions
until tested are used to evaluate
the quality of concrete as delivered
to the job. These test results are
used to determine compliance
with strength specifications. Cylinders field cured under job conditions can indicate strength of inplace concrete at a given time.
Tests of these cylinders are sometimes used to determine when to
remove formwork and shoring.
The standard 6-inch-diameter,
12-inch-high test cylinder is used
when the maximum size aggregate does not exceed 2 inches.
When the maximum size aggre-
Figure 5. Use a flat plate of glass or
metal (at least 1/4 inch thick) to strike
off and finish the concrete when
running a unit weight test.
Figure 6. Not tapping the sides of the
bowl during the pressurization stage of
an air test will cause the air content
reading to be lower than the true value.
gate exceeds 2 inches, the sample
must be wet sieved, or a cylinder
with a diameter three times the
maximum size aggregate is used.
Unless required by project specifications, don’t use cylinders smaller
than 6 inches in diameter. Place
concrete in the standard cylinder
mold in three equal layers, and
consolidate by rodding or vibrating. Rod concretes with slumps
greater than 3 inches, rod or vibrate concretes with slumps of 1 to
3 inches, and vibrate concretes
with slumps less than 1 inch.
ASTM C 31 gives additional details for properly placing and consolidating the concrete. Almost
any deviation from the standard
will reduce the apparent concrete
Seal the top of cylinder molds
immediately after striking off to
prevent moisture evaporation,
then label and move to storage.
Lift filled molds carefully from the
bottom with a large trowel to
avoid mold distortion (Figure 3).
Keep molds vertical during trans-
port to avoid shifting of the fresh
concrete. Leave the molds undisturbed for 24 ± 8 hours, maintaining them at 60° to 80° F. During initial storage, every 10° F increase in
concrete temperature can reduce
the compressive strength by as
much as 300 psi (Ref. 2). Compressive strength can be reduced by as
much as 50% if the test cylinders
freeze. Properly constructed curing
boxes are ideal for maintaining
curing conditions for the initial
storage period.
Don’t demold cylinders if transporting them to the lab within 48
hours after molding. Cylinders
transported after 48 hours are demolded after 24 ± 8 hours and
placed in saturated lime water at
70° to 76° F until transported. Protect test cylinders from jarring,
bouncing, moisture loss, freezing,
and direct sun during transportation. Expect low breaks for cylinders tossed into the bed of a pickup truck and bounced about on
the way to the lab.
Tips for Proper Compression
strength Testing
■ Mold cylinders on a level base
with the axis of the mold vertical to avoid sloping ends.
After rodding each layer, tap
the outside of the cylinder with
a mallet to close any holes left
by the rod. Rod holes or voids
cause low cylinder breaks.
Avoid overfilling of the last layer because a concentration of
large aggregate at the top of
the cylinder may occur.
Finish the top of cylinders
carefully with a tamping rod or,
p r e f e r a b l y, a wood float
(Figure 4).
After making cylinders, store
them on a level, vibration-f r e e
base and maintain proper temperatures.
Use a curing box that secures
and cushions test cylinders
during transport to the lab.
Unit weight
Aggregate amount and relative
density, air content, and water and
cement contents determine the
unit weight of fresh concrete. Unit
weight for conventional concrete
can vary from 140 to 150 pounds
per cubic foot when measured according to ASTM C 138. Slight
changes in batch weights or air
content can be detected by this
simple test. An increase in water
content, decrease in cement content, or an increase in air content
will cause a measurable reduction
in the unit weight of fresh concrete.
A unit weight variation of more
than 1 pound per cubic foot probably indicates changes in the contents of the mix.
Tips for Proper Unit
Weight Testing
■ Recalibrate (determine the volume) of the measuring container at least once a year.
When rodding to consolidate
the concrete, tap the sides of
the container sharply with a
mallet 10 to 15 times after rodding each layer to close voids
left by the tamping rod. Vo i d s
cause the measured unit
weight to be lower than the
true value.
In the final filling of the cont a i n e r, if it is necessary to add
or remove material, use concrete, not mortar, so the portions remain the same.
Use a flat plate of glass or
metal (at least 1/4 inch thick)
to strike off and finish the concrete (Figure 5). A tamping
rod, trowel, float, or straightedge will leave high spots, resulting in a high estimate of
unit weight.
After strike off, clean excess
concrete from the exterior of
the measuring container.
Air content by the pressure
Air tests cannot distinguish between larger air pockets and very
fine bubbles that improve frost resistance. Unless set by the project
specifications, ASTM C 94 gives a
± 1.5% tolerance from the specified
value when concrete is sampled at
the point of discharge from the
transportation unit.
The ASTM C 231 procedure to
measure air content of freshly
mixed concrete observes the
change in volume of concrete with
a change in pressure. This change
in volume is assumed to be caused
entirely by compression of the air
in the concrete. Voids in the aggregate affect the result of an air test
based on pressure, resulting in a
higher air content than the true
value. Consequently, the pressure
method is most applicable for concretes made with relatively dense
aggregates. Use the volumetric
method, ASTM C 173, for concrete
made with lightweight aggregates
or aggregates with high porosity.
Tips for Proper Air Testing
■ When rodding is used to consolidate the concrete, tap the
sides of the air bowl sharply
10 to 15 times with a mallet after rodding to close voids left
by the tamping rod. Vo i d s
cause a higher air content
reading than the true value.
If vibration is used (for slumps
less than 3 inches), be careful
not to overvibrate causing air
content readings to be lower
than the true value.
The internal surface of the
bowl and cover need to be
clean and wet before the test,
so air bubbles will not stick to
the cover and be difficult to
When pressurizing the bowl,
tap its sides with a mallet 10 to
15 times to help particles of
concrete move to find equilibrium with the new pressure
(Figure 6). Not tapping the
bowl at this point in the test will
cause the air content reading
to be lower than the true
Because of the important influence temperature has on the properties of fresh and hardened concrete, many specifications place
minimum and maximum limits on
fresh concrete temperature. Temperature primarily affects rate of
hydration, which influences properties such as slump loss, setting
and finishing times, and rate of
strength gain. Fresh concrete temperature also affects the performance of admixtures (especially
the effectiveness of air-entraining
agents) and resistance to early-age
freezing during cold weather.
Tips for Proper
Temperature Testing
■ The sensor of the temperature
measuring device must have
at least 3 inches of concrete
cover in all directions.
Leave the measuring device in
concrete for at least 2 minutes
or until temperature reading
Take temperature within 5 minutes of obtaining sample and
record to nearest degree.
Use an accredited testing
To receive the benefits of proper
testing, owners, engineers, and
contractors should use a
NVLAP-accredited (or equivalent)
testing laboratory that employs
American Concrete Institute
(ACI)-certified technicians. The
National Institute of Standards
and Technology operates NVLAP
(National Voluntary Laboratory,
Accreditation Program). NVLAP
accreditation means the testing lab
has successfully passed an on-site
assessment of facilities, including
competence of the staff, and is participating in an ongoing proficiency testing program. ACI-certified
technicians have passed written
and field performance examinations to obtain the Concrete Field
Testing Technician—Grade I Certification. Using an accredited lab
and certified technicians helps assure proper testing.
NVLAP publishes an annual
“Directory of Accredited Laboratories,” that lists all accredited labs
and specific tests for which they
are accredited. It’s available from
National Technical Information
Service, (NTIS), 5285 Port Royal
Rd.,, Springfield, VA 22161.
1. S. Mindess and J. F. Young, Concrete, Prentice-Hall Inc., Englewood
Cliffs, NJ, 1981.
2. ACI Committee Report 305, “Hot
Weather Concreting,” ACI, Detroit.
Kim Basham Ph. D., P.E. is director
of engineering for CTC-G E O T E K ,
D e n v e r, Colo., a testing and engineering firm specializing in fore nsic-type work. He also is an instructor for the ACI Concrete Field Testing
Technician—Grade I cer t i f i c a t i o n
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