1 “Oneness in Marriage!” - Marriage Matters: Built to Last May 13

“Oneness in Marriage!” - Marriage Matters: Built to Last
May 13, 2012
Jim Petipas, MFT, MHC – www.Xpedition Counseling.com - JPXpedition@me.com - 781.910.9129
1. Oneness in a marriage:
He calls you to become _______
To _________ one another
To _______ one another
To __________ together until death separates you
(Genesis 2:24)
(Ephesians 5:22-33)
(I Corinthians 13)
(Matthew 19:9)
2. God’s Original Intention – Oneness w/ Creator, each other, nature
Ec-stasis! - “Moving Closer”
3. Consequence of Sin – Brokenness w/ God, each other, nature
Apo-stasis – “Moving Away”
4. What are some important areas of marriage that a couple must work towards oneness in?
5. Different Types of Marriages:
A. Devitalized Marriage:
B. Conflicted Marriage:
C. Passive Congenial Marriage:
D. Vitalized Marriage:
7. Need for Redemption: Triangle Illustration:
God’s Covenant
Marriage Covenant
The closer we get to________ – the closer we get to ______ _________!
8. “I I” & “A” & “H” Illustration:
S_________ S_________
Co-Dependent, yet Connected
Interdependence – Connected
9. Ephesians. 5. 25-27, “Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself
up for her 26 to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, 27 and to
present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and
10. What are some Barriers to achieving Oneness?
11. What are some Bonding elements towards achieving Oneness?