-ER and -RE verbs: Quizlet practice Bonjour, mes chéris! Today you will be working on several online sites for French class. Read the directions below carefully. Do not forget to turn in your in class record sheet at the end of class. Homework assigned today will be checked on Monday, September 21. ~Mme B DIRECTIONS FOR IN CLASS WORK TODAY: • Quizlet practice Go to each of the sites below in order. At each site: 1. Practice the flashcards: first French to English, then English to French 2. Play scatter three (3) times- record your scores on the class work sheet TOPIC QUIZLET SITE https://quizlet.com/53687263/bien-dit-1-chapitre-21-er-verb-endings-flashcards/ 1. -ER VERB ENDINGS 2. -ER VERBS IN CONTEXT (SIMPLE MEANINGS WITH CONJUGATED VERBS) https://quizlet.com/32213951/bien-dit-1-ch-2-er-verb-conjugation-flash-cards/ 3. -RE VERB ENDINGS https://quizlet.com/88246805/french-re-verb-endings-rs-flash-cards/ RE VERB PRACTICE 4. -(INFINITIVES AND CONJUGATION) https://quizlet.com/80454104/bien-dit-1-ch-4-verbes-en-re-flash-cards/ -RE VERB INFINITIVES/ 5. BIZARRE BOOT VERBS • https://quizlet.com/75210739/bien-dit-1-chapitre-4-verbs-flash-cards/ Tex's French Grammar Go to the two sites below in order. At each site: 1. Click on the speaker icon to listen to the verb infinitives and the mini-dialogue 2. Complete the fill in the blanks activities. Record your score out of 12. HINT: you only need to write the CONJUGATED VERB 3. Complete the LISTENING COMPREHENSION ACTIVITY. You should do this until you have a perfect score. TOPIC TEX'S FRENCH GRAMMAR SITE 1. -er verbs https://www.laits.utexas.edu/tex/gr/ver1.html 2. -re verbs https://www.laits.utexas.edu/tex/gr/vre1.html Continues on next page LYRICS TRAINING 1. Choose one of the two songs below. Alors souris (Just smile) http://lyricstraining.com/play/navii/alorssouris/HlzhbW8thl On les aime (les Françaises) http://lyricstraining.com/play/gary-fico/onles-aime-les-francaises/HqYNA9pUAq 2. When you click the URL you will see a screen like this: 3. Select Karaoke and listen once or twice. 4. Go back to SELECT A GAME MODE and then click BEGINNER. Give the lyrics training a try! FOR CONTINUED PRACTICE OVER THE WEEKEND... -er verbs (infinitive meanings) https://quizlet.com/12440603/er-verb-infinitives-bien-dit-ch-2-flash-cards/ -er and -re verbs conjugated https://quizlet.com/85287423/bien-dit-1-ch-4-vocab-1-er-re-verbs-flash-cards/