Edward Scissorhands vs. Boo Radley Essay Prompt

Write an Essay with a 3-part thesis statement comparing Edward Scissorhands to Boo Radley.
Edward Scissorhands
Analyze the film, focusing on Edward, or how other characters respond to him.
To Kill a Mockingbird
Read chapters 1-8, looking for any quote that shows how people respond to Boo Radley. In chapters 2831, find quotes that show us how he saves Jem and Scout’s lives, and how the characters’ responses to
him have changed.
Some things to focus on while reading the novel or analyzing the film:
Rumors about the character
Examples of how people are afraid of him
How he is an outcast
How he is reclusive (he is afraid to talk to people)
The house he lives in
How he does nice things for people
How he saves someone’s life at the end by stabbing them