
To Kill a Mockingbird
Chapter Quotes Assignment
1. For each chapter that we read, carefully select one quote that you feel is the
most important quote in the chapter.
The quote can be something the narrator—Scout—says or it can be dialogue
The quote can be one or several sentences long
2. After you choose your quote, copy it and its page number, and write a THREE
sentence explanation of WHY you think it is important.
Chapter one: Boo’s Past
“Nobody knew what form of intimidation Mr. Radley employed to keep Boo out of sight, but Jem
figured that Mr. Radley kept him chained to the bed most of the time. Atticus said no, it wasn’t
that sort of thing, that there were other ways of making people into ghosts” (11).
Scout is speaking here. This quote is important because it shows that Arthur “Boo” Radley is not
physically chained inside of his house, but is kept inside by some other force. From what we
learn we can infer from Calpurnia and Miss Maudie, Mr. Radley, Boo’s dad, is a very mean and
strict person. Although he has not chained Boo inside, he is doing something to make him want
to stay inside. I think that Mr. Radley emotionally abuses Boo and makes him feel bad about
himself and scared to contact the outside world.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Each entry should contain:
 Chapter # (creative title is optional)
 Copy of the quote written word for word with page number
 Three sentence explanation of what the quote means and why you think it
is important
 Complete an entry for each chapter
 Neatly handwrite on lined paper (no messy edges) or type
 Skip lines between chapters
Chapters 1-6 due:_________________
7-12 :___________________________