From by guest on March 4, 2016. For personal use only. Skin and Mucosal Hemorrhage of Prolonged Systemic By A patient JACOB with loidosis is AMuI, primary described mucosal ELENA whom hemorrhages KESSLER amyskin clinical manifestation for T HE clinically PRESENTLY remarkable 3 yr as the manifestation The disorder was the sition a 56-yr-old housewife, of she had for a year noted spontaneously in or the skin. Physical mouth, values platelet functions positive. Serum electrophoretic normal. erythrocyte In 2 yr April paipated ing a the ESR, in the routine ear, tongue. acetate L light left axilla. and was in Extensive showed normal morphology. mucosa. A skin punch changes. The excised died in May 1969 Autopsy showed of the lower lip. biopsy axillary following numerous The heart first and emphasized. about is by around test skin punch examinations, because of A walnut hemostatic according to ml, gIlOO paper and Rumpel-Leede and a normal a petechial hemostatic the area tests, sudden were were same areas. appearance non-tender studies severe ears, electrophoresis, in the sized sensation eyes, 2.7 petechiae appearing normal hematological of coagulation factor biopsy from including protein of the 1966, sfay chin, a peculiar showed studies globulin in and firm as previously. subcapsular of lymph an node Follow- hematomas appeared 6.2 g/100 ml showed a dense X-ray lymph features admitted mouth, petechiae serum hour. and with globulin 2.9 g/100 ml. Paper and band in the gamma globulin region. an IgG “M” protein with gamma C-2 heavy chains studies were negative. A sternal bone marrow aspirate Rectoscopy from preceded fragility examination, demonstrated chains. and appearance Purpura was ears, with readmitted the throat Serum protein electrophoresis Immunoelectrophoresis of ml continuous patient mm , are first eyes, Laboratory studies mm. Extensive g/100 ( ESR ) the 110 nose, crops acetate cellulose. A regular follow-up for depo- Characteristic purpura children, the Capillary 6.7 rate except 1968 fast was and normal. was sedimentation for extremely on the cellulose were hemorrhagic vascular and withmucosal systemic purpuraamyloidosis for healthy scratching, oral mucosa. of 200,000/cu protein of the REPORT around small cause disorder. two gentle revealed pattern on After discharge, of spots even on the gums and a platelet count was normal red following and was pinpoint examination and with mother amyloid VRIE5 widespread of amyloid. PATIENT had skin of this CASE ES., ANDR#{201} DE of 3 yr. a period REPORTED in that sole AND and constituted sole in Amyloidosis systemic in Duration revealed a purpuric gland a cerebrovascular showed numerous lesion petechial in the slight neck reticular hemorrhages did not of reveal hyperplasia. The the vascular patient accident. hemorrhages on the face and chin, and a large hematoma weighed 320 g. The liver and spleen were not enlarged, From Tel Aviv University Medical Center, Tel Aviv, Israel. Submitted September 18, 1970; revised December 19, 1970; accepted January 3, 1971. JACOB AMIR, M.D.: Chief Physician, Department of Medicine D, Beilinson Hospital, Lecturer in Medicine, Tel Aviv University Medical School, Tel Aviv, Israel. ELENA KESSLER, M.D.: Deputy Head, J. Casper Department of Pathology, Beilinson Hospital; Clinical Lecturer in Pathology, Tel Aviv University Medical School, Tel Aviv, Israel. ANDR#{201} DE VinEs, M.D., PH.D.: Head Department crf Medicine D, Bezlinson Hospital, Professor of Medicine, Tel Aviv University Medical School, Tel Aviv, israel. 530 BLOOD, VOL. 37, No. 5 (MAY), 1971 From by guest on March 4, 2016. For personal use only. JIEMOIIISI lACE Fig. 1000 intestine. The all the skin of the lymph in blood 1966 70 Both anivloid in the larger 1968 were Congo vessels 1 and of 2 ) present in the and the in were (lerma and in seen were heart, tongue, smaller X 200. stain. deposits 1968 with amyloid stain tissue. Similar reviews connective red hemorrhages Amyloid softening. blood were made deposit. Submucosal of ( Figs. deposits iiopsy walls and aniyloid with respectively. small foci g, gland vessel and wall and muscles. In the g 531 AMYLOIDOSIS l)rain showed particularly organs, skeletal SYSTEMIC 1.-Arterial weighing in IN lungs, vessels were 1)100(1 vessel walls. revealed amvloid skin biopsies the large virtually kidneys, 1)100(1 of the found and involved. A review c1(’posits in obtaiiied negative. COMMENTS Hemorrhages loidosis patient yr prior are had skin to other Fig. a common may and and rarely P1rIMlra manifestations sanie vessel as mucosal and its mucosal clinical 2.-The cutaneous precede other clinical as an isolated of amvloidosis. in Fig. 1 viewed manifestation phenomenon under of amyOur symptomatology.7 polarized for light. about 3 From by guest on March 4, 2016. For personal use only. 532 AMIR, Amvloid on purpura the face, is preferably neck, and localized upper in the extremities,7 upper and KESSLER part often AND of the on the DE body, VRIES mainly eyelids and the sides of the elicited by hemorrhages nose.3 The lesions, which may appear spontaneously,8’9 may also be external pressure8’1#{176} and even by gentle scratching.7’1’ Mucosal in amyloidosis occur mainly in the mouth and rectum, but may as gross gastrointestinal bleeding.3 In our patient, as in others re- manifest the ported,7’1’5 rhages in glossia, a common In the a few dency sequel of with been the vessel Such the purpura wall, invoked in this systemic the the of to the of macro- the hemorrhagic ten- abnormalities, V and Vu,’8 were not such fibrinolysis,’9 detected and in paraproteinemia. furnish hemor- absence tongue.’ amyloidosis pathogenesis appears traumatic the blood-clotting in factor preceded and in involvement with in spontaneous occurred abnormalities amyloidosis,2’23 iurpura amyloid decrease fibrinogeiiemia.’8’2#{176} the these associated X deficiency,16”7 systemic were primary found Furthermore, in features Remarkably, patients has factor striking tongue. our Amyloid of the a sufficient as hypopatient. deposition hemorrhagic tendency in explanation of the in iri- patient. 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