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“We are indebted to all
of our board members
for their generosity and
their advocacy of the
Living Resources
mission, but especially
to our presidents– past
and present – who
unselfishly give us many
hours of their valuable
time and expert advice
with no thought of
compensation. It is
their advice and support
that has allowed me
and my staff to work
so effectively on behalf
of the people who come
to us for help.”
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Living Resources 2009 Board Presidents, clockwise:
Donald D. Bourque, Ph.D., Corporation Board; Joan L. Healey,
Certified Home Health Agency; John G. Walsh, Foundation Board;
Helga A. Schroeter, Licensed Home Care Agency
Fredrick W. Erlich,
Chief Executive Officer
Mission Statement
To promote and provide life-enhancing services to individuals with disabilities
in a safe and nurturing environment.
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Dear Friend of Living Resources
As we take this opportunity to present the 2009 Annual
Report to our stakeholders, we can never forget that the
Living Resources story is always about people: The people
we serve; the people who work here; and, the people who
support us. The people who rely on our programs every
day must always come first and it is their input that
shapes the programs we develop. I think our readers will
be excited about the new directions we are moving in as
of 2009 and we will begin to share our new focus with
you in this report as we prepare for the next decade.
Be assured that Living Resources is positioned to continue
providing quality of care, as well as recruiting, training,
and retaining needed staff. We will continue to deliver
quality services and seek every opportunity to continually
improve services.
What more can we say about our staff other than to reiterate
how grateful we are for their strong commitment to the
Fredrick W. Erlich, CEO
important work that takes place in Living Resources
programs and for their generosity of spirit as well as their financial
support. Our investments in staff training and staff wellness more
than pay for themselves; we know this because we receive many
2009 was a challenging year for all of us whose lives were touched by
Living Resources. While agency services were growing incrementally kudos for the quality of our staff through the annual family surveys.
in most of the programs, unmet needs were also increasing as Governor
One of the great surprises of the year came from you, our many
Paterson projected deficits in the current and future fiscal years. Our
community supporters. Our fundraising efforts for programs and
first order of business was to protect funding of existing programs by
services, in spite of the economy, surpassed our goals in many areas:
preventing or reducing the impact of proposed cuts. In addition to our
Private foundations provided the funding we needed for equipment
internal fiscal strategies and decisions, our staff embarked upon a
purchases and for the expansion of program activities as well as our
prolific letter writing campaign to their elected officials, while parents,
capacity to serve. Individual donors, including our very generous
board members and senior staff met with legislators. Our efforts paid
board members and staff, also made it possible for us to look with
off and we were spared the Draconian cuts first proposed.
hope to needed funding for future services.
The unmet need for services are significant in all areas, specifically
Your ideas, advocacy and generosity have allowed the Living
residential, day services, service coordination and supportive services
Resources story to continue to be told with an eye on future challenges
to families. We continue to work closely with families and funding
and the unwavering commitment to individuals with disabilities and
sources to meet the needs that are being expressed, however, the
their families. We will support them and be sure that they have
development of new services has been dramatically curtailed. As we
opportunities in 2010 and beyond. To all of you – those we serve,
look to 2010, our ability to grow the agency may be delayed by budget
those who serve and those who provide support – we dedicate the
constraints placed upon new services. These challenges, nonetheless,
2009 Annual Report; thank you for sharing the journey.
energize us to reach back and figure out how to move forward.
Donald D. Bourque, Ph.D.
President, Board of Directors
Fredrick W. Erlich
Chief Executive Officer
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About Living Resources
For the past four decades, Living Resources has proven to be an industry leader and pioneer in providing outstanding services to people with
developmental disabilities and traumatic brain injuries. Since its founding in 1974, the agency has helped over 5,000 people with developmental
disabilities live life as productive, capable members of the community. Living Resources has earned the respect and trust of families, community
stakeholders, and government officials throughout New York State by implementing cutting-edge services and programs under the direction of highly
trained, educated and qualified professionals.
Innovative Services & Programs
In order to meet life’s challenges, Living Resources has developed a successful continuum of care services and innovative programming that
address the full range of needs experienced by individuals with disabilities. Service highlights in 2009 include:
College Experience Program (CEP)
This ground-breaking two-year certificate program provides young adults
with developmental disabilities the opportunity to pursue a unique curriculum
in a residential college setting. Living Resources, in partnership with the
College of Saint Rose in Albany, provides each student with a well-rounded
experience, both academically and residentially, that prepares students to
live independently with confidence,
work in competitive employment or
continue to pursue higher education.
The College Experience
Program’s resounding success is due
to its true uniqueness. There are few
well established college programs in
the country, and we are the only one
in which a not-for-profit is partnering
with a college of higher education.
Enrollment in the program increased
CEP students at the College of
to 13 students in 2009 and will grow
Saint Rose.
to 16 students in the next term.
Eventually, Living Resources and the College of Saint Rose plan to grow
the program to 24 students with funding coming from both the Medicaid
waiver and private tuition.
Carriage House Arts Center
The Arts Center provides a place for individuals with disabilities to
discover and explore their artistic abilities under the direction of
professional instructors in subjects as varied as painting, photography,
fiber arts and jewelry making.
The program has received national
recognition for its quality of
instruction and the artwork created
by its students, many of which have
gone on to win numerous awards
and see their work prominently
displayed in countless shows and
galleries. There are now 200
students in the arts program and
this has led to a prolific increase
in finished art. Living Resources’
Miller Sanders Gallery stages new
shows on a quarterly basis, and in
2009, 13 outside shows were staged
The “Halfmoon” by Carriage
and a new 25 minute video was
House artist Jim Darcy
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Acquired Brain Injury Services (ABI)
Established in partnership with NeuroPsychological Rehabilitation
Services, the ABI program helps people who have suffered brain injuries
regain control of their lives. The rehabilitation program’s innovative
model focuses on re-building social skills and fostering independence by
transferring knowledge and skills acquired through cognitive mediation
back into the individual’s home and community.
In 2009 a very popular music club was established providing
opportunities for stress-free socialization. Club members, some of
whom were musicians before their injuries, relish the chance to again
express themselves in ways that bring them joy and self confidence.
Although some of the participants have their own instruments, many of
the instruments and electronic equipment were purchased with funding
provided by our generous donors. The ABI musicians are again finding
their voices
through weekly
jam sessions
and the growing
friendships of
others who
understand the
experienced by
those with brain
ABI musicians –
ready to jam!
Smart Housing
Designed specifically to serve people with disabilities while allowing
them to maintain an independent lifestyle, the progressive Smart House
model developed by Living Resources may serve as a universal housing
model for individuals with disabilities and the elderly.
“The combination of aging, emerging health issues and the structural
limitations of housing that does not accommodate their needs can no
longer be tolerated by an organization that promises to meet all of its
residents’ life challenges,” stated CEO Fred Erlich. Living Resources
expects as many as
33% or 90 of our
group home residents
to reach the age of 60
over the next decade.
The answer is Smart
House construction; it
will be singled-storied,
barrier-free inside and
out and will incorporate green energy
efficiencies and
medical technologies.
Thanks to community
support and $650,000
Senator Neil Breslin, pictured with CEO
in NYS Capital Funding Fred Erlich, announcing his support of the
secured by Senator
Living Resources Smart House project.
Neil Breslin, we plan to
complete our first Smart
House in 2011.
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2009 – The Year in Review
The People We Served in 2009
To describe the individuals we serve by using the names of their disabilities is to do a great injustice both to the individuals and to our Annual
Report readers. Those of us who know and work with our program participants have learned that we share more similarities than differences in
our approaches to daily life. A picture may be worth a thousand words, but it is also their voices that help to tell the whole story. See their faces.
Hear their words. Be prepared to be surprised!
“We are the same as the so called normal people. We laugh, we
cry, we love, we play, we think and we hurt, but here at Living
Resources we can always talk about it and work through it.”
Bob D., Brain Injury Survivor
Day Community Opportunities friends
at the 2009 annual picnic.
Artist Collin Rose photographed
with his latest painting at Living
Resources’ Miller Sanders Gallery.
Residents of New Scotland Avenue at the
2009 annual picnic.
Brian Aunchman, center, shares his
painting of the “Half Moon” with staff
from Berkshire Bank which sponsored
the Life and Times of Henry Hudson
art reception in October 2009.
“I encourage others to go out and find a support group;
hearing about the experiences of other survivors makes
every day of recovery just a little easier.”
Brian A., Brain Injury Survivor
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“The isolation we feel is a cell of our own creation.
If we look for rejection, we will find it. If we look for joy…
it may not be where it was before, but we will find it.”
Lindy, Brain Injury Survivor
Participants Denise Obercon, Bernie Durivage
and Greg Evangelista sell desserts at the
Acquired Brain Injury Program bake sale
where they raised money for special activities
and day trips.
Lindy Sanford, brain injury
survivor, enjoys weaving at
her full-size loom.
“I wanted more independence. I wanted to do things
on my own and experience life.”
Kevin, College Experience Program
Dion Vandeputte, center, with “Grampa” and
staff Robert Lewis at a late October picnic for
residents and families in Westchester.
New graduate of the College Experience
Program, Kevin Archibald, at a recent party
at one of the Lancaster Street apartments.
From Employment Services,
Kera Damarest demonstrates
how to use the price scanner
at her Rite Aid job in Cohoes.
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Living Resources Corporation and Affiliates
Financial Statements
Combined Statement of Activities and Changes in
Net Assets for the year ended December 31, 2009
Combined Statement of Financial Position
December 31, 2009
Program services revenue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35,105,520
Other revenue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .117,078
Cash and cash equivalents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,617,745
Investments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .309,201
Receivables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4,778,099
Prepaid expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .362,224
Property, Plant & Equipment, net . . . . . . . . .14,160,046
Other assets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .860,751
Total Assets
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23,088,066
Accounts payable and
accrued expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4,649,283
Current portion of long term debt . . . . . . . . . .526,324
Deferred revenue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .53,954
Interest rate swap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .578,674
Long term debt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10,617,398
Other liabilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1,359,546
Total Liabilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17,785,179
Net Assets
Net assets, unrestricted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5,302,887
Total Liabilities and Net Assets . . . . . . . . . . .23,088,066
Audit conducted by:
Cusack & Company, Certified Public Accountants LLC
Total Revenue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35,222,598
Salaries and wages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20,723,180
Fringe benefits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5,230,938
Other than personal services . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4,308,146
Administration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3,803,860
Total Expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34,066,124
Change in net assets
before swap contract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1,156,474
Change in fair value of
interest rate swap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .597,326
Change in Net Assets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1,753,800
Net Assets, unrestricted, Beginning of Year . .3,549,087
Net assets, unrestricted, End of Year . . . . . . .5,302,887
Revenue increased 4.3% from 2008.
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Services Provided in 2009
Programs & Health Agencies
Individuals Served
Acquired Brain Injury Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .136
Adventure Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33
After School Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51
Carriage House Arts Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .215
Certified Home Health Agency* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .290
Clinical Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .472
College Experience Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19
Day Services (community-based) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .137
Day Services (site-based) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .70
Employment Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .141
Hearing Impaired & Interpreting Services . . . . . . . . . . . .68
In-Home Support Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33
Licensed Home Care Agency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .155
Residential Services** . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .286
Rotaract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9
Service Coordination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .289
Total individual program enrollments . . . . . . . . . .2,404
Total unduplicated individuals served . . . . . . . . . .1,275
From left: Human Rights Commissioner Galen
Kirkland, artist Mary Chamberlain and Human
Rights Regional Manager Michael Kendall at the
NYS Division of Human Rights reception for
Living Resources Carriage House Center artists.
* This number includes individuals who received only a single service during
2009 such as the Peer Review Instrument assessments required annually by
Medicaid waivered programs.
** Includes 77 homes and apartments for people with developmental disabilities living in Albany, Rensselaer, Saratoga, Schenectady and Westchester
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2009 – The Year in Review
The People Who Make the Programs Work
A perfect picture of the people who make up the Living Resources staff and volunteers also presents many challenges, partly because there are
over 700 of us and because we all come with a variety of skills. There are some qualities, however, that most of us have in common – a fervent
desire to help others, a strong commitment to share talents and life experiences with those we serve, a generous spirit of giving when donating time,
goods and money, and the energy and enthusiasm to tackle any hurdle in the workplace with patience and kindness. Here are some of these special
folks doing what they do best!
College Experience Program staff members
Antoine Johnson and Margaret Gladwin
give a “thumbs up” to the new 2009
graduates at a house party.
Staff set up for “Sweet Street,” an
employee driven fund raiser which
benefits the individuals served by
Living Resources programs.
Dr. William Cromie, retired CEO
of CDPHP, visits with Beth and
Lindsay Burditt at the Bishop
Howard J. Hubbard Awards
Dinner in June 2009.
Board Member Deborah Newkirk, parent
Cindy Barkowski, Assemblyman George
Amedore and CEO Fred Erlich meet at
the Legislative Brunch in February.
Volunteers and staff selling hot dogs and
hamburgers at the NYRA Family Open
House in July for the benefit of Living
Resources programs.
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Staff members Jolene Cituk and Talia Colon
work with Day Community Opportunities
participants Tim Larned, Pasquale Colicchio
and Anthony Baldato to prepare a mailing.
Scott Hamilton practices with
one of the automated external
defibrillators with the guidance
of trainer Patrick Tefft.
Mary Kerbelis and Jen Keller, at the
reception desk, provide help to all
who come to the Albany headquarters
on Washington Avenue Extension.
Taalib Horton, Coordinator of
In-Home Residential Habilitation
Services, wraps presents for
the individuals in his program
attending the Holiday Party.
Melissa Houck and Bonnie Unser
prepare the list of silent auction winners
at the 2009 Culinary Cornucopia.
Chef Dale Miller, Chairman of Living Resources’ Culinary Cornucopia
since 1990, expresses his support of Living Resources.
“…why the consumers of Living Resources are so important:
We help them and their families because they are worth it,
because we are worth it, because the decency of us as individuals
should be measured by how we treat our most vulnerable citizens.”
Chef Dale Miller, C.M.C.
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Partnerships in Caring
The People who Provide Support | Donations received January 1, 2009 – December 31, 2009
The people who support the work of Living Resources do so for many reasons. They support Living Resources because they need services or have a
family member who would benefit from one of our programs. Some of our hardest working supporters are employed by Living Resources. Our greatest
source of support, however, often comes from individuals who want to be a part of an organization that truly makes a difference. These community
donors support our programs through the annual appeal, by attending our events and by making personal donations to celebrate or mark special events
in their lives. Thank you, 2009 donors; only with your help can Living Resources continue to do all that needs doing!
Gifts to the
Acquired Brain Injury
Review Foundation
Gifts to the
Lawrence I. & Blanche H.
Rhodes Memorial Fund
Gifts to the
After School Program
Stewart’s Foundation
Holiday Match
WGY Christmas Wish
Gifts to the
Licensed Home Health
Carmeen Kolpack
Gifts to the
Carriage House Arts Center
Berkshire Bank
Grayce Susan Burian
Susan Lum Creitz & Tabitha
Loretta E. Darcy
Mary Ann & Martin Kenneally
Jill E. Mullin from Drawing
Gifts to the
College Experience Program
Gifts to the
Day Community
Opportunities Program
Patricia Hernandez
Gifts to the
Needy Family Fund
Cogentrix Energy, LLC
Gifts to the
Residential Program
Ted & Patricia Levine
Fran & Charles Rasmussen
Gifts in Support of
Services to Individuals
with Disabilities
Kenneth W. Abele
Albany Light Truck Repair
Service, Inc.
Cliff & Joyce Apgar
Robert & Bonita Bailey
Manning & Lois Balcom
Susan & Ralph Bandel
John S. Bartlett, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel H.
William A. Bernardo
Karen M. Berney
Mr. & Mrs. Ray Bleser
Vladia C. Boniewski &
Daniel R. Vallely
Donald & Jeanne Bourque
Jill Braverman-Panza, M.D.
Louis H. Buhrmaster
Bob & Anne Bylancik
Vince & Mary Capka
Frances Celano
Mrs. G. David Cerneck
Peter & Joanne Champagne
Ellen C. Chapman
Gerard W. Cimon
Mr. & Mrs. John Cimon
Richard & Jeanne Cody
Mr. & Mrs. Paul F. Cooney
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce N. Covey
Susan Lum Creitz
Crisafulli Brothers, Inc.
Robert S. Cummings, Sr.
Loretta E. Darcy
William Davies
Robert H. Day, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. John S. Delaney
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Del Signore
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence P. Demers
Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Desharnais
Jack & Barbara Draffen
John & Susan Dunnigan
Mr. & Mrs. Roland Eberhard
Mr. & Mrs. Fredrick W. Erlich
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur J. Ferguson
Judy & Roy Fruiterman
Richard A. Fuerst, Esq.
Arnold & Lois Anne Galbraith
A.J. Gallagher Risk
Management Services
Elizabeth J. Gallagher
Sandra F. Gersowitz
Mr. & Mrs. Michael K. Gilligan
Bryan & Andrea Goldberger
Arthur & Deborah Goldstein
Rufus J. Gould & Debra
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Gray
Thomas A. Greeley
Kathleen P. Hannan
M.M. Hayes Company, Inc.
Joan L. Healey
N. Raymond Henderson
Patricia Hernandez
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Hinkel
Mr. & Mrs. J. G. Fred Hiss, Jr.
Independent Insurance
Agents of Albany County
Oscar & Gloria Iverson
Jay H. Jakovic, Esq.
Mr. & Mrs. John A. James
Mayor & Mrs. Gerald D.
John’s Auto Service, Inc.
Debra Johnson
Karen B. Johnson
E. Stewart Jones, Jr.
Keeler Motor Car Company
Patricia R. Kellam
Stanley Kelly
Vincent P. Kelly
Martin & Mary Ann Kenneally
Key Bank Foundation
Maggie Kirwin, Ed.D.
Adam & Ruth Koblensky
Leonard J. Kot
Robert W. Lazar
Mark & Jane Levine
Ted & Patricia Levine
James & Barbara Malerba
Leo & Delores Malossi
Phyllis & Edward Marks
Philip McCallion
Mr. & Mrs. Gerard McGarvey
Mr. & Mrs. William McVeigh
Mr. & Mrs. Peter A. Meckler
Richard C. Mereday
Thomas E. Meyer
Miller Printing & Litho, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. M. Edward Mooradian
Mary E. Mounteer
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Mulhall
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Muller
Carmella Murphy
Ken Myers/ Hoffman & Miller
Oil Co.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Myers
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Nandkissore
John J. Nigro
Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Nolan
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Novak
Sandy & Harris Oberlander
Chet & Karen Opalka
Bob & Sharon Ormerod
Lawrence Ormsby
Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. Paioff
Julie Panke
Mr. & Mrs. David Parente
Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred B. Pauquette
Deborah A. Pero
Mr. & Mrs. William B. Picotte
Gerene Pincher
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Placek
Alice B. Poole
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Rasmussen
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Riccardi
Ken & Susie Ritzenberg
Debbie & Kevin Rose
Dan Round
Donald S. Rubin
Drue Sanders
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James Sartore
Alta & Bernie Schallehn
Helga A. Schroeter
Mr. & Mrs. Greg Schwab
Jim & Robin Sevinsky
Drs. David & Mollie Shulan
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth C.
Skinner, Jr.
Barbara P. Sloan
Irwin J. Smith, III
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Sonne
Elizabeth Squires
Robert & Elsie Stenard
Dorothy S. Stevens
Mr. & Mrs. William S. Stevens
Dave & Rowie Taylor
Marisa Teller/Strategic
Pension Services
The Old Brick Furniture
Kathlene Thiel & J. Eric King
Susan Thrasher, M.D., Ph.D.
Richard & Laura Thumen
Willard & Mary Towne
Mr. & Mrs. C.E. Tryon, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. John Tucker
Kevin Tully
Mark & Jody Urban
Carolyn & Mario Vaccaro
Paul & Kimberly Valente
Marcia & Stephen Wainwright
John G. Walsh
Christopher & Sara Ward
Charlene & David Welcome
Edward V. Wilcenski, Esq.
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Windish
Anna Zito
William Gundry Broughton
Charitable Private
Foundation, Inc.
The Carlilian Foundation
The Wright Family
Foundation, Inc.
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Imagine this…
Appeal for Innovation
Manning & Lois Balcom
Mary Anne Barber
Kwesi Blankson
Bond, Schoeneck & King,
Vladia C. Boniewski &
Daniel R. Vallely
Brian Boodrow
David B. Borge
Jill Braverman-Panza, M.D.
Dave & Dorothy Brownell
Mary Beth Burditt
Sergio & Laurel Camacho
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Catchpole, Jr.
Michael & Macaire Cognetti
Steve & Kathy Condon
John Charles Cook
Kimberly Darling
Stephanie DiCocco
Celia A. Donnelly
Anne Doyle
Karen Doyle
Barbara Dragon
Empire Health & Fitness
Michael Brian English
Mr. & Mrs. Fredrick W. Erlich
Maggie Erlich & Reed
Ron & Judi Frey
Bette & Joel Frisino
Richard A. Fuerst, Esq.
Erin Gapp
Hal G. Gueutal, Ph.D.
Denise Hamedy
Francine Hemans
Rachelle Hicks
Janice Hundley
A. J. Jayapal
Freddie L. Johnson, III
Maggie Kirwin, Ed.D.
Joe LaMalfa
Martha M. Lamb
Lori A. Lawrence
Donald Led Duke
Jim Levay
Julie Liss
Michelle A. Locke
Susan Lovelock
Marc W. Lustick
M&T Charitable Foundation
Eileen Martel
Rachel Martino
Jason & Keri Mazzuca
William & Sheila McVeigh
Joan & Jim Meyer
Tara & Joseph Morelli
Pauline & Tim Morris
Janet & Neil Murray
David Noonan
Christine Pamberi
Randy & Lawanda Patterson
James & Carol Perkinson
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Poitras
Prieme Books
Donna & Yono Purnomo
David C. Putman
Kathleen Quinn & James
Lisa, John & Joseph
Review Foundation
Charlene Saide
Alta & Bernie Schallehn
Helga A. Schroeter
Ruth Smith
Timothy & Bonnie Unser
Carolyn & Mario Vaccaro
Anne Valliere
Janeen VanAuken
John G. Walsh
Susan White
Tamara Wong
Heidi Hernandez stands next to her photographic array
of the changing seasons in the Miller Sanders Gallery.
2009 Bishop Howard J. Hubbard Awards honorees
Peter Cornell, center, representing BBL Companies and
James Morrell, far right, with CEO Fred Erlich, Bishop
Hubbard and Sister Anne Bryan Smollin.
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Partnerships in Caring continued...
Matching Gifts
Aspect, The Silicon Valley
Community Foundation
GE Foundation
Materials Recovery
United Way/ SEFA
Steven R. Blow
Patricia A. Brennan
Alfred C. Brunson
Andrea D. Cass
Timothy Daly
Mr. & Mrs. John S. Delaney
Kathleen F. Henault
Mary B. Horn
Stanley Kelly
Susan M. Lanahan
James W. Lane
Philip McCallion
Catherine A. Merriman
Neil V. Murray
Carolyn Peterson-Vaccaro
Eileen M. Pierce
Constance Rue
Mary Shoudy
Thomas Shoudy
Nancy Splonskowski
Michael R. Symanski
Sherry-Jean Waite
Linda U. Zell
Bishop Howard J. Hubbard
Awards Dinner Honoring
James J. Morrell and
BBL Companies
Kevin Baker
Mary Ann Barber
BBL Companies
Vladia C. Boniewski
Jill Braverman-Panza, M.D.
Laura Brazee
Dorothy Brownell
Mary Beth & Lindsay Burditt
Michael Castellana
David Chamberlain
Ellen C. Chapman
Tracy Christopher
Citizens Bank
Michael & Macaire Cognetti
William Connor
John Charles Cook
Peter J. Cornell
Dr. & Mrs. William J. Cromie
Paul Cwiakala
Rob Daggett
Scott & Kim Darling
John DeCelle
Carol Desmond
Jason Doling
Karen Doyle
Carmen Duncan
Mr. & Mrs. Fredrick W. Erlich
Maggie Erlich & Reed
Seth Erlich
Judi Frey
Joel & Bette Frisino
Roy & Judy Fruiterman
Richard A. Fuerst, Esq.
Jessica Griffith
Denise Hamedy
Georgette Hathaway
Patricia Hernandez
Hershberg & Hershberg
Allie Hlas
Charles & Chris Hough
Charles & Nora Hough
Bishop Howard J. Hubbard
Inger Hurley
Jay & Patricia Jakovic
Mr. & Mrs. James Jednak
Mrs. Edward Johnson
Karen B. Johnson
William & Irene Juron
Jen Keller
Paul & Sharon Kendzierski
Maggie Kirwin, Ed.D.
Peter & Mary Kay Komarinski
Andrew Lammon
Ray Lammon
Scott Lammon
Jim LeVay
Kaleef Lewis
Julie Liss
Michelle Locke
Susan Lovelock
Jennifer Lutz
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Malinowski
Jeanne Maloy
Rachel Martino
Drew Matonak
Jason & Keri Mazzuca
Linda McDermott
Senator Roy McDonald
Melanie Meeson
Joan Meyer
Paul Miesing
Jeffrey Mirel
Alma Mitchell
Joseph Morelli
James & Kathy Morrell
James & Melody Morrell
Joseph & Amber Morrell
John & Kelly Murray
Deborah A. Newkirk
Kevin O’Connor
Dan & Katherine Owens
Chris Phillips
Nate Phillips
Lawrence Poitras
Christian Price
David C. Putman
Kathy Quinn & James Lortsher
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Riccardi
Richard C. Riccio
Jennifer Richard
Mr. & Mrs. John Robinson
Daniel Round
Drue Sanders & David
Sarah Saunders
Helga A. Schroeter
Toni Serafini
Jim & Robin Sevinsky
Siena College
Sr. Anne Bryan Smollin
Dorothy S. Stevens
Clifford & Peg Stuart
Andrea Taichnar
Rob Thomas
Rose Thomas
Shelly Topino
Kevin Tully
Bonnie Unser
Anne Valliere
John Walko
Ying Ying Wang
Christopher Ward
Ralph & Bobbie Young
Ann Marie Zimmerman
NYRA Open House &
Family Day
Tina Barber
Dan & Tammie Bertrand
Kim Darling
Barbara Dragon
Debbie Hall
Inger Hurley
Peter Karp
Kevin & Debbie Kreis
Gary Lanahan
Julie Liss
Michelle Locke
Susan Lovelock
Cara Marruso
Joan Meyer
Gordon & Deb Murtagh
Dan Owens
Kay Pasternak
Drue Sanders & David
Peg Sipple
Susan Thrasher, M.D., Ph.D.
Bonnie Unser
19th Annual
Culinary Culinary
Signature Sponsor:
Northeastern Fine Jewelry
Supporting Sponsor:
Hannaford Supermarkets
Corporate Sponsors:
Capital Bauer
Joseph Carr Wine
First Niagara
Rose & Kiernan, Inc.
Time Warner Cable
Media Sponsors:
99.5 The River
Clear Channel Radio
WNYT News Channel 13
A Peaceful Place
Albany Broadcasting
Albany County Convention &
Visitors Bureau
Albany Dodge
Albany Light Truck & Car
Albany Marriott
Albany Marriott Market
Mary Ann D. Allen
American Culinary
Angelo’s 677 Prime
Clifford & Joyce Apgar
Arlene’s Artist Materials
Nancy Armstrong
Aroma D’Italia
Carol & Leon Aronowitz, II
Marcia Aronowitz
Artforms Gallery & Framery
Vincent Ausfeld
Autism Society of America
Albany Chapter
Melissa & Sophia Bacon
Sue Bailey
Tina Barber
Tracy Barbosa
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The People who Provide Support
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Bardack
Cindy Barford
Judge & Mrs. J. Albert
Bud Bates
David & Carol Bauer
Dan Bazinet
BBL Construction Services,
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Beddoe
Belisama Body Works II
Richard Bergeron
Vicki Beyer
Mr. & Mrs. Ray Bleser
Ricky & Jolene Bleser
Blown Away Salon
Thomas & Cassie Bobb
Frank & Mary Bolognino
Bond, Schoeneck & King,
Bouchey Financial Group
Bountiful Bread
Bournebrook Antique Center
Donald & Jeanne Bourque
Braverman-Panza Medical
Senator & Mrs. Neil D.
Michael Brown
Kathy & Sarah BurbulesSexton
Mr. & Mrs. David Buthfer
Cabot Cheeses
Assemblyman Ron Canestrari
Capital Communications
Federal Credit Union
Capital District Business
Capital Region BOCES
Capital Region Urology
Carter, Conboy, Case,
Blackmore, Maloney &
Laird, PC
Century House
Chatham Imports, Inc.
Keilan Christopher
Nicholas Christopher
Colleen Cioffi
James Clark
Sterling & Francine Clark
Art Institute
Classe Catering
Lisa Clifford
Richard & Jeanne Cody
Colleen & Rudy Coletti
The College of Saint Rose
Comedy Central
Community Living &
Advocacy Supports, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Conboy
Kathy Condon
William Connor
Jackie Conti
Cool Insurance Agency, Inc.
Jean Corlew
Irma Cornell-Kudlacik
Jenness Cortez
The Costumer
Bruce & Deborah Covey
C.R. Gas Logs & Fireplaces
Bob & Meredith Crandall
Frank & Denise Crisafulli
Crisafulli Bros. Plumbing,
Heating & Air
Crossgates Mall
Crowne Plaza Albany
Kathy Condon, left, Manager of the After
School Program, works with students in
the very popular drumming class.
Thomas Crudo
The Crystal Spa
Culinary Institute of America
Pat Curran
Dr. Kathleen M. Dalton
Loretta E. Darcy
Kim Darling
Bob Daubney
Davies Office Refurbishing,
Leo Dean
John DeCelle
Robert & Kathy Del Signore
Courtney DePalma
Michael John DePalma
Thomas DePalma
Thomas & Helene DePalma
Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Desharnais
Dimension Fabricators, Inc.
Anthony DiMoro
Discount Flooring
Mr. & Mrs. Kent Dixon
Bonnie & David Dlugolecki
Jason Doling
David Doyle
Karen Doyle
Jack & Barbara Draffen
Drue Sanders Custom
John & Erin DuBois
Charmaine Dull
Dunkin’ Donuts
Alex & Kim Easterling
Mr. & Mrs. Roland Eberhard
Edgeco Environmental, Inc.
Edison Club
Empire Wine & Liquor
Mr. & Mrs. Rene Englehardt
Mr. & Mrs. Fredrick W. Erlich
Jacob Erlich
Exit 9 Wine
Rene Farley
Felthousen’s Florist &
Thomas Finnegan
Matthew & Caroline
Eileen Fitzpatrick
Michele Fleming
Fogg’s Automotive & Suzuki
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Partnerships in Caring continued...
Phyllis & Lisa Frankel
Judi Frey
Joel & Bette Frisino
Judy & Roy Fruiterman
Richard A. Fuerst, Esq.
Furniture Theater
Fusion Cuisine
G. Willikers Distinctive Toys
Sally Gage
Joyce Gaige
Arnold & Lois Anne Galbraith
A.J. Gallagher Risk
Management Services
Elizabeth Gallagher
Michael & Deborah Gilligan
Ginsberg’s Food Service
Glen Sanders Mansion &
Angelo’s Tavolo
Grace Golden
Golf Galaxy
Golub Corporation
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Gorman
Thomas & Sylvia Gorman
Bill & Kay Gormley
Jason Gough
Jeffrey & Carrie Gray
Thomas Gray Family
Great Escape Lodge &
Indoor Waterpark
Greene Trucking, Inc.
Joseph & Sara Grega
Michelle Gromoll
Mr. & Mrs. Norman Guay
Eric & Gretchen Guenther
Adventure in Food
Gary Guenther
Guilderland Chamber of
The Guilderland YMCA
Tracy Gutowski
Habana Premium Cigar
Debbie Hall
Henry Hamelin
Pauline Lyons Hamelin
James & Celia Hamilton
Marc Hannibal
William M. Harris, Esq.
Maureen Hartman
M.M. Hayes Company, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Hazaz
Hilary Healy
Lena Herbert
Hermies Music Store
Patricia Hernandez
Barbara Hess
Rachelle Hicks
Higgins, Roberts, Beyerl
& Coan, P.C.
Eric & Jeanne Hill
Hilton Garden Inn Albany
Hilton Garden Inn, Troy &
Rensselaer Banquet &
Conference Facility
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Hinkel
Fred & Marialyce Hiss
Hoffman & Miller Oil Co.
Hoffman’s Car Wash
Roy Hogeboom & Cindy
William Hohenstein, CEC
Melissa Houck
Huck Finn’s Warehouse
Inger Hurley
Fedor Ilecki
Maria Ileckova
The Inn at Erlowest
Gloria & Richard Iverson
Tom Jablonski
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Jackson
Janney Montgomery Scott, LLC
John’s Auto Service
Jones Wilcenski & Pleat, PLLC
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Jozwiak
Dale & Kathie Kane
Peter Karp
Lauren & Rob Kasper
Brian Kavanaugh
James Kavanaugh
Keeler Motor Car Company
Jen Keller
Bryan Kelley
Gregg & Valerie Kelly
KEM Handbags
Maggie Kirwin, Ed.D.
Adam & Ruth Koblensky
Bohdon Kostiuk
Krause’s Homemade Candy
Charles Kreuter
Kristen’s Kitchen Jams &
Kate Kucharski
Ron Ladouceur
Ronald Lagasse
Lake George Steamboat
Lammon Architects, LLP
Lapland Lake, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Larned
La Serre Restaurant
Lavelle & Finn, LLP
Laurie Lee
Jane & Mark Levine
Diana Lindsay
Julie Liss
Terry Little
Michelle Locke
Michael & Lynne Long
Susan Lovelock
Gary & Kim Lynch
Michael Lynch
M&T Bank
Colleen B. Macaulay
Robert & Janet MacLasco
Adam Madkour
Maestro’s Restaurant
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Mahar
Peter & Christina Mahoney
Malkin & Ross
The Mallozzi Group
Jeanne Maloy
Lori Mann
Donna Manupella
Marche at 74 State
Eliot Margolis
Michael Marsello & Brian
Marshall & Sterling Insurance
Eileen Martel
D. C. Martinez & S. M. Kipper
Dr. & Mrs. Phillip Martinez
Noble Masi, CEPC, AAC
Matt & Debi Matney
Angelo Mazzone
Linda McDermott
Kelly McLeod
Erin McLoughlin
Joan McMullen
Donald & Jean Medick
Peter & Patricia Menditto
Paul Mendoza
The Merriam Insurance
Caitlin Merrill
Joseph & Nancy Michaels
Dale Miller, CMC, AAC
Dale Miller, The Art of Dining
James & Kristen Miller
John Miller
Miller Printing & Litho, Inc.
Mirror Lake Inn Resort & Spa
Miss Sydney’s
Alma Mitchell
Mohonk Mountain House
Mr. & Mrs. Jose Molino
Joseph Morelli
Michael Morgan, CEC, AAC
Tara Morgan
Morgan Linen Service
Morgan Stanley Smith Barney
Mr. & Mrs. James J. Morrell
Pauline Morris
MTM Pharmacy Services
Anne Murphy
Carmella Murphy
Janet Murray
John & Kelly Murray
Mary Kate Murray
Deb Murtagh
Sandra & Joseph Nardoci
Neal’s Auto Enhancing
New York Long-Term Care
Brokers, Ltd.
New York Racing Association
New York State
Disabilities Planning
Ray Newberry
Deborah A. Newkirk
John & Dee Newkirk
Newton Plaza
Mr. & Mrs. John Nitsky
Gail Nizinkirck
Marguerite & Don Nolan
Kevin O’Brien’s Family
Maria Oeser
The Old Brick Furniture Co.
Olivia’s Smokey Southern
John & Donna Olsen
Orange Motors
Orchard Creek Golf Club
Joan O’Sullivan
Ariel Pagano
Brian & Jennifer Palmer
Anthony Panza & Jill
Braverman-Panza, M.D.
Kay Pasternak
Margaret & Rudy Paulsen
Lynn J. Pauquette
Wendy Peluso
Mr. & Mrs. Randall Perry
Dylan Petersen-Taylor
Philadelphia Insurance
David & Terri Pillittere
Paul & Cheri Pinkans
Ron & Carol Piotrowski
Mrs. Barbara Poll
Kathryn Powers
Colleen Pratt
Warren & Dorothy Pratt
Prime at Saratoga National
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The People who Provide Support
Anthony & Maria Principe
Proctors Theatre
Professor Java’s Coffee
Michael Quaranta
Kathy Quinn
Marilyn Raleigh
Randall Perry Photography
Charles & Fran Rasmussen
Phyllis Raymond
Recovery Sports Grill
Reel Seafood Company
Kevin Reilly
Thomas & Margaret Restino
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Riccardi
Justin Riccio
Richard C. Riccio,
St. Anne Institute
Jennifer Richard
Jack Richardson
Donald & Pamela Robbins
Roma Importing Company
Deborah, Kevin & Collin Rose
Susan Rosenberg
Dan & Debbie Round
Royal Care Pharmacy
Rumors Salon & Spa
Mary Ann Ryan
Michael Ryan
Tim Rychcik
Michael & Betsy Saltsman
Sam’s Italian America
Drue Sanders & David
Saratoga Hilton
Saratoga Performing Arts
Saratoga Spring Water
John Savo
Alta & Bernie Schallehn
Ed Schmitz
Helga A. Schroeter
Paul & Diane Sciocchetti
Greg & Mindy Scott
LeGrande Serras
Marian S. Sevinsky
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Siegelman
Siena College Basketball
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Sim
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Sipperly
Marcia & Nicholas Siver
Siver Hills Restaurant &
Banquet House at
Pinehaven Country Club
Ken & Marggie Skinner
Thomas & Kathleen Slater
Gary & Kathy Smith
Larry & Onnolee Smith
Sr. Anne Bryan Smollin
Ashley Smullen
Thomas Snell
Soft-tex Manufacturing
Rudy Speckamp, CMC
Spectrum 7 Theaters
Augustine & Eugenia
Joel M. Spiro, M.D.
Spoon & Whisk Kitchenware
Justin J. Spraker
Elizabeth Squires
Dr. Hyman Stadlin
Staff Ciampino & Company,
Eric Stensland
Dorothy S. Stevens
Harry E. Stevens, III
Stewart’s Shops
Stickley, Audi & Company
Strategic Pension Services,
Stuyvesant Plaza
Sunmark Federal Credit
Sylvan Learning Center
SYSCO Food Services
Taft Furniture
Andrea Taichnar
Charles Tallent
Tantillo Gallery
Tech Valley Communications
Patrick Tefft
Marissa Teller
Brian & Carolyn Temperine
Christina Theriaque
Dr. Susan Thrasher &
Dr. Charles Schwartz
William & Joanne Toomey, Jr.
Trang Trinh
Scott & Lisa Troxell
Truly Rhe
Margaret A. Tucker
Timothy & Bonnie Unser
Carolyn & Mario Vaccaro
Mary Vail
Paul & Kimberly Valente
Valvoline Instant Oil Change
Janeen VanAuken
Krista VanAuken
Bernadette VanDeinse
Viscusi Builders Ltd.
Shirley Vogt
John G. Walsh
Ying Ying Wang
Christopher & Sarah Ward
Warren Tire Service Center,
Gary & Jan Weitzman
Mr. & Mrs. David A. Welcome
Wheatfields Restaurant
John & Amy White
Whiteface Mountain Skiing
Susan Williams
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Windish
David & Janet Witkoff
Bonnie Yaggle
Dan & Anne Yamin
Young Sommer… LLC
Katie Yurenda
Mr. & Mrs. Ben Ziskin
Kim Edmonds, Gabrielle Quail and Jeanine Quarles
were among the 22 staff members who received
plaques for 10 Years of Service at the 2009 State of the
Agency celebration in December.
The 2009 graduating class of the Living Resources
College Experience Program: Andy Valente,
Nathan Berbach, Kathy Rue, Samantha Michaels and
Melissa Powers.
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Partnerships in Caring continued...
Gifts Made in Honor of:
Joseph Cimon from
Gerard Cimon
Kim Del Signore, for working
hard! from
Stephanie Balnaitis
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Del
Mr. & Mrs. Wilbur T.
Katherine P. Dixon from
Richard A. Fuerst, Esq.
Mark Eberhard from
Mr. & Mrs. Roland
Jackie Levie, Happy Birthday
Amy R. Levie
John James Murphy from
Carmella Murphy
Janet Osan from
Carmeen Kolpack
Tracy L. Rice from
Madeline R. Homeyer
Robin Smolinsky from
Suzan P. Pollack
Gifts Made in Memory of:
Jarka Burian from
Grayce Susan Burian
Quinn Coffey from
Stephen and Joan Coffey
Anna Mae Corbo from
David & Rosemary Vara
Bob Correale from
Geneva M. Kohler
Gwendolyn DiGirolamo from
Robert & Donna Johnson
Linda Kilmer
John & Elvie Marshall
Nancy Dixon from
Mr. & Mrs. Kent Dixon
David J. Frankel from
Lisa F. Frankel
Eamon Fitzgerald Hart from
Lynne, Mike &
Christopher Long
Jennifer Miriam Katz from
E. Shirley Barry
Derek & Kristin Brown
Andrew Castelluccio
Robert & Trudy Cushing
John Fata
Robert Fathers
Steven & Jayne Friedberg
Abe & Leah Gaies
Ed Hughes
Rebecca Ianniello
Robert & Jocelyn Kivort
Stanley & Josie Kivort
Colleen B. Macaulay
Elsinore J. McGlone
Robert L. Phillips
Alan Rader
Marjorie & Jerry Ryan
Lee Serino
Earl J. Shirkey
Ron, Stacy, Zach & Luci
August Sodora, Jr.
Philip Katz from
Ed Hughes
Lee Ann Marrazzo from
Anthony & Joy Marrazzo
Sanger E. McConnell from
Shirley J. Drouin
Harold & Helen Joslin
John “Jack” McGrath from
AWESCO – David
Genevieve Batchelder
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A.
Edward Dudden
Mr. & Mrs. Adam J.
Janet Osan from
Carmeen Kolpack
David Sloan from
Barbara P. Sloan
Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Tryon, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. C. E. Tryon, Jr.
Thomas Unser from
Mary Ann & Martin
Gifts Made to the
Lorraine Miller Scholarship
Fund for the Arts
John P. Miller
Carol Beverly was among the 12 recipients of certificates
of recognition and 25-Year Living Resources jackets from
Fred Erlich at the 2009 Family Picnic.
Gifts In-Kind
Aeropostale, Inc.
Arlene’s Artist Supplies
Benchemark Printing, Inc.
Moe Brand
Chuck Cook
Mr. & Mrs. Fredrick W. Erlich
Judy & Roy Fruiterman
Italian American War
Macy’s Department Stores
Steve Therriault
Village Photo
Bonnie & Jeffrey Zanger
Toby Slyman proudly displays her original artwork at
the Wonders of the Circus show.
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Living Resources Corporation
2009 Board of Directors
Donald D. Bourque, Ph.D., President
John S. Delaney, Vice President
Richard T. Cody, Treasurer
Rosemary Taylor, Secretary
Board Members
Ralph W. Bandel, Esq.
Vladia C. Boniewski
Robert Bylancik
William Davies
Judy Fruiterman
Philip Fusco, Ph.D.
Hal G. Gueutal, Ph.D.
James Riccardi
Bonita Sanchez
Peter Sheridan
Elizabeth Squires
Paul C. Valente
Robert Wakeman
Patricia Williams
Living Resources Certified Home
Health Agency
2009 Board of Directors
Joan L. Healey, President
Vice President (vacant)
Kevin Tully, Treasurer
William J. Gormley, Secretary
Board Members
Karen M. Berney
Joan Gold, Ph.D.
Marc Lustick
Allen F. Maikels
Page 4
Living Resources Licensed
Home Care Agency
2009 Board of Directors
Helga A. Schroeter, President
Michael Cooley, Vice President
Joseph LaCivita, Treasurer
Gary Siegel, Secretary
Board Members
Richard C. Mereday
Shirley Raeddean
Kenneth C. Skinner, Jr.
Living Resources Foundation
2009 Board of Directors
John G. Walsh, President
Richard A. Fuerst, Esq., Vice President
Daniel Round, Treasurer
Christopher Ward, Secretary
Board Members
Carol L. Aronowitz
Raymond A. Bleser, Jr.
Donald D. Bourque, Ph.D.
Kevin A. Carey
Richard T. Cody
Peter J. Cornell
Jay H. Jakovic, Esq.
James F. Jednak
Robert W. Lazar
Robert H. Ormerod
Carolyn Peterson-Vaccaro
Bonita Sanchez
Drue Sanders
Alta Schallehn
James A. Sevinsky, Esq.
Justin J. Spraker
Jeffrey H. Stern, M.D.
Dorothy S. Stevens
Susan Thrasher, M.D., Ph.D.
Paul C. Valente
Honorary Board Members
Bishop Howard J. Hubbard
Mayor Gerald D. Jennings
Karen B. Johnson
Dale L. Miller, C.M.C., A.A.C.
Sandra V. Nardoci
Rabbi Scott Shpeen
Administrative Staff
Fredrick W. Erlich, Chief Executive Officer
Roy Hogeboom, Chief Financial Officer
Andrea Taichnar, Assistant Executive
Director for Program
Judith Frey, Assistant Executive
Director for Administration
Michael S. Cognetti, Acquired Brain
Injury Services
Barbara Dragon, R.N., Licensed Home
Care Agency
Susan Dunnigan, R.N., Specialty Health
Christine Hough, Corporate Compliance
Michelle A. Locke, Service Coordination
Eileen Martel, Human Resources
Jason R. Mazzuca, Quality Assurance
Joan Meyer, Public Affairs
Joseph J. Morelli, Strategic Planning &
Internal Financial Review
Dan Owens, Information Services
David Putman, Resource Management &
Kathleen Quinn, R.N., Certified Home
Health Agency
Jennifer Richard, Program Services
Bonnie Unser, Fund Development
Anne Valliere, Employment Services
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Meeting Life’s Challenges
300 Washington Avenue Extension
Albany, NY 12203-7303
Main Office
Certified Home Health Agency
Licensed Home Care Agency
Partnerships & Affiliations
American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
American Network of Community Options & Resources
Association for Persons in Supported Employment
Brain Injury Association of New York State
Home Care Association of New York State
Job Placement Consortium
National Guardianship Association
Network of Choice and Opportunity
NeuroPsychologic Rehabilitation Services
New York State Association of Community & Residential Agencies
New York State Rehabilitation Association
Northeastern New York Association of Health Care Recruiters
Shenendehowa Central School District Transition Advisory Committee
Tech Valley Healthy Kids
Dedicated to providing life-enhancing
services to individuals with disabilities.
Visit us at www.LivingResources.org
The College of Saint Rose
University at Albany