Nutrition and Cancer FRES 1020 (#58-972) Fall Semester 2003 Thursdays 9:30-10:45 Life Sciences Room C114 Instructions on how to access class materials on-line on the web. Selected materials for the course, as described by Dr. Fischer in class on Sept. 12, are now on the web. You can access them on-line by selecting “Search course reserves” on the GIL web site. When prompted select “Instructor: Joan Fischer, Department: FDNS Foods and Nutrition” and “FRES 1020”. You can access the electronic reserve item by clicking on it. On the next screen click on “Full text Online”, and then access individual sections to read. When you select a section you will be asked to give a password. The password is "nutri". The full text is on also on reserve on the second floor of the science library.