Vocabulary (Chapters 1 – 4)

Nation state – the modern form of political society that combines centralized
government with a degree of ethnic and cultural unity. (p.5)
Matrilinear – the form of society in which family line, power, and wealth are passed
primarily through the female side (p.7)
Confederacy – An alliance or league of nations or peoples looser than a federation.
Primeval – Concerning the earliest origin of things. (p.7)
Demographic – Concerning the general characteristics of a given population,
including such factors as numbers, age, gender, birth, and death rates. (p.13)
Capitalism – An economic system characterized by private property, generally free
trade, and accessible markets. (p.16)
Nationalism – Fervent belief and loyalty given to the political unit of the nation
state. (p.25)
Primogeniture – The legal principle that the oldest son inherits all family property
or land. (p.26)
Census – An official count of population, often also describing other information
about population. (p.26)
Heresy – Departure from correct or officially defined belief (p.48)
Seditious – Concerning resistance to or rebellion against the government. (p.48)
Autocratic – Absolute or dictatorial rule. (p.56)
Asylum – A place of refuge and security, especially for the persecuted or
unfortunate. (p.57)
Proprietary – Concerning exclusive legal ownership, as of colonies granted to
individuals by the monarch. (p.58)
Blue Laws – Laws designed to restrict personal behavior in accord with a strict
code of morality. (p.58)
Disenfranchise – to take away the right to vote (p.63)
Tidewater – The territory adjoining adjoining water affected by tides. (p.64)
Menial – fit for servants; humble or low. (p.70)
Hierarchy – a social group arranged in ranks or classes. (p.70)
Lynching – the killing of an accused person by mob action without sufficient due
process. (p.70)
Hinterland – inland region back from a port, river, or seacoast. (p.75)
Blue blood – of noble or upper class descent. (p.78)