Unit 4: Transport Chapter 12: Blood Chapter Worksheet I. Aid to

Unit 4: Transport
Chapter 12: Blood
Chapter Worksheet
I. Aid to Understanding Words
Define the following word parts. (p.306
agglutin -
II. 12.1 Introduction and Clinical Example (pp.305-307)
A. Describe two types of red blood cell substitutes. (p.305)
B. What is the function of blood? (p.307)
III. 12.2 Blood and Blood Cells (pp.307-314)
A. Answer these questions concerning the volume and composition of blood. (p.307)
1. List the solid component of the blood.
2. What is the blood volume of an average sized (70kg) male?
3. What part of blood tissue is plasma?
B. Answer these questions concerning red blood cells. (p.307)
1. The shape of a red blood cell is a(n) ________________ ___________________.
2. How does the shape enhance the function of red blood cells?
3. Red blood cells are ________________ red when carrying oxygen and are
______________ red when oxygen is released.
4. Why does the red blood cell lack a nucleus?
C. Answer these questions concerning red blood cell counts. (p.308)
1. What is the normal red blood count for a man? A woman?
2. What factors provoke a normal increase in red blood cells.
D. Answer these questions concerning destruction of red blood cells. (p.309)
1. How are red blood cells damaged?
2. Damaged red blood cells are destroyed by cells called
_______________________________, located in the ___________________________
and _______________________________.
E. Answer these questions concerning red blood cell production and its control. (p.308)
1. Where are red blood cells produced?
2. How is the production of red blood cells controlled?
3. How does sickle cell disease affect red blood cell production?
F. Answer the question concerning dietary factors affecting red blood cell production. (p.309)
1. What is the role of iron in red blood cell production?
G. Fill in the following table. (pp.311-313)
Types of white blood cells
White blood cell
H. Answer these questions concerning white blood cell counts. (pp.313-314)
1. What is normal white cell count?
2. What causes an increase or a decrease in white blood cells?
I. Describe the structure and function of platelets. (p.314)
IV. 12.3 Blood plasma (pp.314-317)
A. Fill in the following table. (pp.314-315)
Plasma Proteins
B. Answer these questions concerning nutrients and gases. (p.316)
1. What nutrients are found in plasma?
2. What gases are found in plasma?
V. 12.4 Hemostasis (pp.317-320)
A. List the mechanisms of homeostasis. (p.317)
B. How is a platelet plug formed? (p.317)
C. Describe the major events in the blood-clotting mechanism. (pp.318-320)
D. Describe the mechanisms that prevent coagulation. (p.318)
E. What is a thrombus? What is an embolus? What conditions predispose the formation of thrombi?
VI. 12.5 Blood Groups and Transfusions (pp. 320-323)
A. Answer these questions concerning agglutinogens and agglutinins. (p.320)
1. What are agglutinogens and agglutinins?
2. Agglutinogens are present in the __________________________________________;
agglutinins are in the ____________________________.
B. Answer the questions concerning the ABO blood groups. (pp.320-321)
1. Describe the basis for ABO blood types.
2. Why is it unsafe to mix different blood types?
C. Answer these questions concerning the Rh blood group. (p.322)
1. What is the Rh factor?
2. How does this differ from A, B, and O agglutinogens?
3. How does a fetus develop erythroblastosis fetalis?