cell transport practice quiz

Full Name ___________________________________
Period _______ Date __________ Seat __________
_____ 1.
The movement of water molecules across a selectively permeable membrane is
known as
a. exocytosis
b. endocytosis
c. phagocytosis
d. osmosis
_____ 2.
For active transport to occur, the following must be present
a. carrier proteins, ATP, cell membrane
b. cell membrane
c. ATP, water
d. carrier proteins, water
_____ 3.
Which of the following are all passive transport processes?
a. diffusion, osmosis, active transport
b. diffusion, osmosis, facilitated diffusion
c. diffusion, active transport, exocytosis
d. active transport, endocytosis, phagocytosis
_____ 4.
Which of the following are the best conditions for diffusion to take place?
a. large surface area, high concentration gradient
b. small surface area, high concentration gradient
c. large surface area, low concentration gradient
d. small surface area, low concentration gradient
_____ 5.
A random movement of molecules that lead to a net movement of molecules from a
region of high concentration to a region of low concentration is called
a. active transport
b. endocytosis
c. diffusion
d. homeostasis
_____ 6.
Exocytosis, endocytosis, and phagocytosis are examples of
a. simple diffusion
b. passive transport
c. active transport
d. osmosis
_____ 7.
Osmosis is an example of facilitated diffusion because
a. proteins called aquaporins transport water molecules through the membrane.
b. ATP is used in the process.
c. cells cannot become hypotonic under any conditions.
d. phagocytosis cannot occur without ATP.
_____ 8.
In osmosis,
a. salt ions are transported against the concentration gradient.
b. solute particles move across the membrane.
c. cells which are hypertonic to their environment cannot undergo osmosis.
d. none of these
_____ 9.
When the solute concentration of two solutions is the same, they are said to be
a. hypertonic
b. isotonic
c. hypotonic
d. none of these.
_____ 10. A cell of a fresh-water fish is placed in salt water. The cell is considered
a. hypertonic to the salt water
b. hypotonic to the salt water
c. isotonic to the salt water
d. none of these
_____ 11. Driven by differences in solute concentration, the net movement of water out of or into
a cell produces a force known as
a. osmotic pressure
b. homeostasis
c. cellular junctions
d. concentration
12. Draw what a plant cell would look like when placed in hypertonic, hypotonic, and isotonic solutions.