LEGAL RESEARCH CENTER NEW ACQUISITIONS LIST OCTOBER 2014 Please Note: The final page of this list is a form for requesting materials described in this list. Earle Mack School of Law at Drexel University, Legal Research Center, New Acquisitions List, October 2014 1 1. SUBJECT TITLE IMPRINT DESCRIPT CALL NO. LOCATION Administrative law. Regulating tobacco, alcohol, and unhealthy foods : the legal issues / edited by Tania Voon, Andrew D. Mitchell, Jonathan Liberman. Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon [UK] ; New York, NY : Routledge, 2014. xvi, 378 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm. K3593.5.T63 R44 2014 Legal Research Center Monographs 2. SUBJECT AUTHOR TITLE IMPRINT DESCRIPT CALL NO. LOCATION Administrative law. Sunstein, Cass R., author. Valuing life : humanizing the regulatory state / Cass R. Sunstein. Chicago : The University of Chicago Press, 2014. 248 pages ; 24 cm. JK468.P64 S86 2014 Legal Research Center Monographs 3. SUBJECT AUTHOR TITLE EDITION IMPRINT DESCRIPT SERIES CALL NO. LOCATION Alternative dispute resolution. Kovach, Kimberlee K., 1955- author. Mediation in a nutshell / by Kimberlee K. Kovach. Third edition. St. Paul, MN : West Academic Publishing, [2014] xxi, 412 pages ; 19 cm. Nutshell series. KF9084 .K68 2014 Legal Research Center Reserves 4. SUBJECT TITLE IMPRINT DESCRIPT SERIES CALL NO. LOCATION Business organizations & finance. Helping global companies avoid money laundering. Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania : Pennsylvania Bar Institute, [2014] xiii, 314 pages : illustrations, forms ; 27 cm. PBI (Series) ; no. 2014-8603. KF1030.R3 H45 2014 Legal Research Center Monographs 5. SUBJECT TITLE IMPRINT DESCRIPT SERIES CALL NO. LOCATION Business organizations & finance. The lawyer's guide to understanding franchise law. Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania : Pennsylvania Bar Institute, [2014] xiv, 160 pages : form ; 27 cm. PBI (Series) ; no. 2014-8523. KFP281.F7 L39 2014 Legal Research Center Pennsylvania Collection 6. SUBJECT TITLE Civil and appellate procedure. Pennsylvania causes of action / Joel D. Feldman and David Carney, Gaetan J. Alfano and Matthew R. Wendler, Ronald Shaffer. Third edition Philadelphia, Pennsylvania : The Legal Intelligencer, [2014] xx, 264 pages ; 23 cm. KFP533 .P46 2014 Legal Research Center Pennsylvania Collection EDITION IMPRINT DESCRIPT CALL NO. LOCATION Earle Mack School of Law at Drexel University, Legal Research Center, New Acquisitions List, October 2014 2 7. SUBJECT TITLE IMPRINT DESCRIPT SERIES CALL NO. LOCATION Civil and appellate procedure. Understanding the key elements of Pennsylvania civil practice and procedure. Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania : Pennsylvania Bar Institute, [2014] xxii, 312 pages : forms ; 27 cm. PBI (Series) ; no. 2014-8428. KFP530.A2 U53 2014 Legal Research Center Pennsylvania Collection 8. SUBJECT AUTHOR TITLE Commercial law. Ackelsberg, Irv. Residential mortgage foreclosure : Pennsylvania law and practice / by Irv Ackelsberg. Second edition. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania : George T. Bisel Company, Inc., [2014] 1 volume (various pagings) ; 25 cm. KFP130.5.F6 A73 2014 Legal Research Center Pennsylvania Collection EDITION IMPRINT DESCRIPT CALL NO. LOCATION 9. SUBJECT AUTHOR TITLE EDITION IMPRINT DESCRIPT SERIES CALL NO. LOCATION 10. SUBJECT AUTHOR TITLE EDITION IMPRINT DESCRIPT SERIES CALL NO. LOCATION 11. SUBJECT AUTHOR TITLE EDITION IMPRINT DESCRIPT SERIES CALL NO. LOCATION Commercial law. Hobbs, Robert J. Fair debt collection / Robert J. Hobbs ; contributing authors ; Carolyn L. Carter, O. Randolph Bragg, Joanne S. Faulkner, Richard Rubin, Charles Delbaum, Danial A. Edelman. Eighth edition. Boston, Massachusetts. : National Consumer Law Center, [2014] 2 volumes (xxxix, 1407 pages) : forms ; 28 cm. Consumer credit and sales legal practice series. KF1024 .H63 2014 Legal Research Center Monographs Commercial law. Pizor, Andrew G., author. Mortgage lending : loan origination, preemption, and litigation / Andrew G. Pizor, Carolyn L. Carter, Diane E. Thomspon ; contributing authors: Alys I. Cohen, Elizabeth Renuart, Margot Saunders, Jonathan Sheldon, Tara Twomey. Second edition. Boston, MA : National Consumer Law Center, [2014] xxxiii, 788 pages : forms ; 28 cm. Consumer credit and sales legal practice series. KF695 .P59 2014 Legal Research Center Monographs Commercial law. Rao, John, 1956- author. Foreclosures and mortgage servicing : including modification loans / John Rao, Tara Twomey, Geoff Walsh, Odette Williamson; contributing authors, John W. Van Alst, Emily Green Caplan, Andrew G. Pizor, Elizabeth Renuart, Steven Sharpe, Tom Cox. Fifth edition. Boston, Massachusetts. : National Consumer Law Center, [2014] xlvi, 1141 pages : illustrations, forms ; 28 cm. Consumer credit and sales legal practice series. KF697.F6 R36 2014 Legal Research Center Monographs Earle Mack School of Law at Drexel University, Legal Research Center, New Acquisitions List, October 2014 3 12. SUBJECT AUTHOR TITLE EDITION IMPRINT DESCRIPT CALL NO. LOCATION Commercial law. Ray Chaudhuri, Ranajoy, author. The changing face of American banking : deregulation, reregulation, and the global financial system / Ranajoy Ray Chaudhuri. First edition. New York, NY : Palgrave Macmillan, 2014. 279 pages ; 25 cm. HG2491 .R39 2014 Legal Research Center Monographs 13. SUBJECT TITLE IMPRINT DESCRIPT SERIES CALL NO. LOCATION Computer & Internet law. Cloud computing. Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania : Pennsylvania Bar Institute, [2014] xii, 96 pages ; 28 cm. PBI (Series) ; no. 2014-8515. KFP77.5.A95 C56 2014 Legal Research Center Monographs 14. SUBJECT TITLE IMPRINT DESCRIPT CALL NO. LOCATION Computer & Internet law. Sexting and youth : a multidisciplinary examination of research, theory, and law / edited by Todd C. Hiestand and W. Jesse Weins. Durham, North Carolina : Carolina Academic Press, [2014] xxi, 311 pages ; 23 cm. HQ799.2.I5 S494 2014 Legal Research Center Monographs 15. SUBJECT TITLE IMPRINT DESCRIPT SERIES CALL NO. LOCATION Computer & Internet law. Social media : do employers "like" what their employees are doing online? Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania : Pennsylvania Bar Institute, [2014] xiv, 125 leaves : illustrations ; 27 cm. PBI (Series) ; no. 2014-7962. KF3540.S632 2014 Legal Research Center Monographs 16. SUBJECT TITLE IMPRINT DESCRIPT CALL NO. LOCATION Computer & Internet law. Social networking : law, rights and policy / edited by Paul Lambert. Dublin : Clarus Press, [2014] xxix, 520 pages ; 24 cm. KF390.5.C6 S643 2014 Legal Research Center Monographs 17. SUBJECT TITLE Constitutional law. Abortion law in transnational perspective : cases and controversies / edited by Rebecca J. Cook, Joanna N. Erdman, and Bernard M. Dickens. Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press, c2014. vii, 472 pages ; 24 cm. Pennsylvania studies in human rights. K5181 .A238 2014 Legal Research Center Monographs IMPRINT DESCRIPT SERIES CALL NO. LOCATION 18. SUBJECT AUTHOR TITLE IMPRINT DESCRIPT CALL NO. LOCATION Constitutional law. Arnold, Jason Ross, author. Secrecy in the sunshine era : the promise and failures of US open government laws / Jason Ross Arnold. Lawrence, Kansas : University Press of Kansas, [2014] xiv, 542 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm. KF5753 .A976 2014 Legal Research Center Monographs Earle Mack School of Law at Drexel University, Legal Research Center, New Acquisitions List, October 2014 4 19. SUBJECT AUTHOR TITLE IMPRINT DESCRIPT SERIES CALL NO. LOCATION Constitutional law. Barber, Sotirios A., author. Constitutional failure / Sotirios A. Barber. Lawrence, Kansas : University Press of Kansas, [2014] xviii, 164 pages ; 21 cm. Constitutional thinking. KF4550 .B259 2014 Legal Research Center Monographs 20. SUBJECT AUTHOR TITLE IMPRINT DESCRIPT CALL NO. LOCATION Constitutional law. Colombo, Ronald J., author. The First Amendment and the business corporation / Ronald J. Colombo. New York : Oxford University Press, [2015] xx, 236 pages ; 24 cm. KF1416 .C65 2015 Legal Research Center Monographs 21. SUBJECT TITLE Constitutional law. The Heritage guide to the Constitution / David F. Forte, senior editor ; Matthew Spalding, executive editor. Fully revised second edition. Washington, DC : Regnery Publishing, 2014. xvii, 622 pages ; 26 cm. KF4527 .H47 2014 Legal Research Center Monographs EDITION IMPRINT DESCRIPT CALL NO. LOCATION 22. SUBJECT AUTHOR TITLE EDITION IMPRINT DESCRIPT CALL NO. LOCATION 23. SUBJECT AUTHOR TITLE IMPRINT DESCRIPT CALL NO. LOCATION 24. SUBJECT AUTHOR TITLE IMPRINT DESCRIPT SERIES CALL NO. LOCATION Constitutional law. Howard, Philip K., author. The rule of nobody : saving America from dead laws and broken government / Philip K. Howard. First Edition. New York : W.W. Norton & Company, [2014] x, 244 pages ; 22 cm. KF4552 .H69 2014 Legal Research Center Monographs Constitutional law. Spång, Mikael, author. Constituent power and constitutional order : above, within and beside the Constitution / Mikael Spång, Department of Global Politics Studies, Malmö University, Sweden. Houndsmill, Basingstoke, Hampshire ; New York, NY : Palgrave Macmillan, 2014. viii, 202 pages ; 23 cm. K3289 .S63 2014 Legal Research Center Monographs Contracts. Murray, Timothy, 1959- author. Contract drafting landmines / written by Timothy Murray, Esquire, Murray, Hogue & Lannis, Pittsburgh. Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania : Pennsylvania Bar Institute, [2014] ix, 78 pages ; 28 cm. PBI (Series) ; no. 2014-8421. KF801.Z9 C66 2014 Legal Research Center Monographs Earle Mack School of Law at Drexel University, Legal Research Center, New Acquisitions List, October 2014 5 25. SUBJECT AUTHOR TITLE IMPRINT DESCRIPT CALL NO. LOCATION Criminal law & procedure and criminal justice. Burns, Robert P., 1947- author. Kafka's law : The Trial and American criminal justice / Robert P. Burns. Chicago : The University of Chicago Press, 2014. ix, 186 pages ; 24 cm. KF9619 .B875 2014 Legal Research Center Monographs 26. SUBJECT TITLE IMPRINT DESCRIPT SERIES CALL NO. LOCATION Criminal law & procedure and criminal justice. Capital punishment : a hazard to a sustainable criminal justice system? / edited by Lill Scherdin, University of Oslo, Norway. Farnham, Surrey, England ; Burlington, VT, USA : Ashgate, [2014] xxiv, 319 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm. Advances in criminology. K5104 .C373 2014 Legal Research Center Monographs 27. SUBJECT TITLE IMPRINT DESCRIPT SERIES CALL NO. LOCATION Criminal law & procedure and criminal justice. Hot topics in capital cases : part II. [Mechanicsburg, Pa.] : Pennsylvania Bar Institute, c2014. xii, 168 p. : forms ; 28 cm. PBI (Series) ; no. 2014-8082B. KFP565.C2 H68 2014b Legal Research Center Pennsylvania Collection 28. SUBJECT AUTHOR TITLE EDITION IMPRINT DESCRIPT SERIES CALL NO. LOCATION Education law. Thelin, John R., 1947- author. Philanthropy and American higher education / John R. Thelin and Richard W. Trollinger. First edition. New York, NY : Palgrave Macmillan, 2014. xiv, 234 pages ; 23 cm. Philanthropy and education. LB2336 .T47 2014 Legal Research Center Monographs 29. SUBJECT TITLE IMPRINT DESCRIPT SERIES CALL NO. LOCATION Employment & labor law. Private eyes are watching you : privacy in the workplace. Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania : Pennsylvania Bar Institute, [2014] xvi, 98 leaves ; 27 cm. PBI (Series) ; no. 2014-8439. KF3455.A75 P75 2014 Legal Research Center Monographs 30. SUBJECT AUTHOR TITLE Employment & labor law. Profeta, Paola, 1959- author. Women directors : the Italian way and beyond / Paola Profeta, Livia Amidani Aliberti, Alessandra Casarico, Marilisa D'Amico, Anna Puccio. Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire ; New York, NY : Palgrave Macmillan, 2014. xvii, 211 pages ; 23 cm. HD6060.5.I8 P76 2014 Legal Research Center Monographs IMPRINT DESCRIPT CALL NO. LOCATION Earle Mack School of Law at Drexel University, Legal Research Center, New Acquisitions List, October 2014 6 31. SUBJECT AUTHOR TITLE EDITION IMPRINT DESCRIPT SERIES CALL NO. LOCATION Employment & labor law. Rothstein, Mark A., author. Employment law / by Mark A. Rothstein, Charles B. Craver, Elinor P. Schroeder, Elaine W. Shoben, L. Camille Hé́ bert. Fifth edition. [Eagan, Minnesota] : Thomson Reuters, [2014] 2 volumes ; 27 cm. Practitioner treatise series KF3455 .E468 2014 Legal Research Center Monographs 32. SUBJECT TITLE IMPRINT DESCRIPT SERIES CALL NO. LOCATION Employment & labor law. What Pennsylvania lawyers need to know about New Jersey employment law. Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania : Pennsylvania Bar Institute, [2014] xiv, 126 pages : illustrations ; 27 cm. PBI (Series) ; no. 2014-8430. KFN2134.A75 W42 2014 Legal Research Center New Jersey Collection 33. SUBJECT AUTHOR TITLE IMPRINT DESCRIPT SERIES CALL NO. LOCATION Environmental & natural resources law. Collins, Lauren M., author. Environmental justice : a legal research guide / by Lauren M. Collins. Buffalo, New York : William S. Hein & Co., Inc., 2014. xviii, 48 leaves ; 26 cm. Legal research guides ; v. 64. KF241.E58 C65 2014 Legal Research Center Ready Reference 34. SUBJECT TITLE Environmental & natural resources law. Environmental crime and its victims : perspectives within green criminology / edited by Toine Spapens, Rob White, Marieke Kluin. Farnham, Surrey ; Burlington, VT : Ashgate, [2014] xv, 302 pages ; 24 cm. Green criminology series. K5278 .E58 2014 Legal Research Center Monographs IMPRINT DESCRIPT SERIES CALL NO. LOCATION 35. SUBJECT TITLE IMPRINT DESCRIPT SERIES CALL NO. LOCATION 36. SUBJECT TITLE IMPRINT DESCRIPT CALL NO. LOCATION Environmental & natural resources law. The law of oil and gas in Pennsylvania / Joel R. Burcat, Stephen W. Saunders, editors ; Amy L. Barrette [and 25 others]. Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania : PBI Press, [2014] xvi, 452 pages : illustrations, forms ; 29 cm. + 1 CD-ROM (4 3/4 in.) PBI (Series) ; no. 7610. KFP258.A1 L39 2014 Legal Research Center Pennsylvania Collection Family law. Comparative perspectives on adult guardianship / edited by A. Kimberley Dayton. Durham, North Carolina : Carolina Academic Press, [2014] xvii, 370 pages ; 26 cm. K634 .C66 2014 Legal Research Center Monographs Earle Mack School of Law at Drexel University, Legal Research Center, New Acquisitions List, October 2014 7 37. SUBJECT TITLE IMPRINT DESCRIPT SERIES CALL NO. LOCATION Family law. Financial aspects of divorce. Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania : Pennsylvania Bar Institute, [2014] xx, 284 pages : illustrations, forms ; 27 cm. PBI (Series) ; no. 2014-8465. KFP100.A75 F55 2014 Legal Research Center Pennsylvania Collection 38. SUBJECT TITLE Family law. Questions? : putting the family law puzzle together for the non-family law practitioner. Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania : Pennsylvania Bar Institute, [2014] xx, 270 pages : illustrations, forms ; 27 cm. PBI (Series) ; no. 2014-8471. KFP94.A75 Q83 2014 Legal Research Center Pennsylvania Collection IMPRINT DESCRIPT SERIES CALL NO. LOCATION 39. IMPRINT DESCRIPT CALL NO. LOCATION Health law. American Medical Association. Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs. Code of medical ethics, current opinions with annotations : including the principles of medical ethics, fundamental elements of the patient-physician relationship and rules of the Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs / American Medical Association, Cou Chicago, Ill. : American Medical Association, c1992v. ; 26 cm.Biennial R725 .A55a Legal Research Center Ready Reference 40. SUBJECT TITLE IMPRINT DESCRIPT SERIES CALL NO. LOCATION Health law. Anatomy for lawyers : the back & knee. Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania : Pennsylvania Bar Institute, [2014] viii, 77 pages : illustrations ; 27 cm. PBI (Series) ; no. 2014-8431. RA1170.B33 A6 2014 Legal Research Center Monographs 41. SUBJECT AUTHOR TITLE IMPRINT DESCRIPT SERIES CALL NO. LOCATION Health law. McKendree, William, author. The impact of the Affordable Care Act on Medicare / William McKendree, JD, MPA. Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania : Pennsylvania Bar Institute, [2014] 119 leaves : illustrations ; 27 cm. PBI (Series) ; no. 2014-8429. KF3608.A4 I57 2014 Legal Research Center Monographs SUBJECT AUTHOR TITLE EDITION IMPRINT DESCRIPT CALL NO. LOCATION Immigration and asylum law. Hathaway, James C., author. The law of refugee status / James C. Hathaway and Michelle Foster. Second edition. Cambridge, United Kingdom : Cambridge University Press, 2014. lxxxi, 693 pages ; 26 cm. KZ6530 .H38 2014 Legal Research Center Monographs 42. SUBJECT AUTHOR TITLE Earle Mack School of Law at Drexel University, Legal Research Center, New Acquisitions List, October 2014 8 43. SUBJECT TITLE IMPRINT DESCRIPT SERIES CALL NO. LOCATION Immigration and asylum law. Immigration law forum 2014. Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania : Pennsylvania Bar Institute, [2014] xxiv, 618 pages : forms ; 28 cm. PBI (Series) ; no. 2014-8456. KF4819.A2 I64 2014 Legal Research Center Monographs 44. SUBJECT AUTHOR TITLE IMPRINT DESCRIPT CALL NO. LOCATION Intellectual property. Baldwin, Peter, 1956- author. The copyright wars : three centuries of trans-Atlantic battle / Peter Baldwin. Princeton, New Jersey : Princeton University Press, [2014] 535 pages ; 24 cm. K1420.5 .B359 2014 Legal Research Center Monographs 45. SUBJECT TITLE International & comparative law. Binational human rights : the U.S.-Mexico experience / edited by William Paul Simmons and Carol Mueller. Philadelphia, Pa. : University of Pennsylvania Press, c2014. vi, 300 p. ; 24 cm. Pennsylvania studies in human rights. JC599.M6 H85 2014 Legal Research Center Monographs IMPRINT DESCRIPT SERIES CALL NO. LOCATION 46. SUBJECT AUTHOR TITLE IMPRINT DESCRIPT SERIES CALL NO. LOCATION 47. SUBJECT TITLE IMPRINT DESCRIPT SERIES CALL NO. LOCATION 48. SUBJECT AUTHOR TITLE IMPRINT DESCRIPT CALL NO. LOCATION International & comparative law. Darcy, Shane, author. Judges, law and war : the judicial development of international humanitarian law / Shane Darcy. Cambridge, United Kingdom : Cambridge University Press, 2014. xxv, 362 pages ; 24 cm. Cambridge studies in international and comparative law (Cambridge, England : 1996) KZ6471 .D37 2014 Legal Research Center Monographs International & comparative law. The EU accession to the ECHR / edited by Vasiliki Kosta, Nikos Skoutaris and Vassilis P. Tzevelekos. Oxford : Hart Publishing, 2014. xl, 361 pages : illustrations ; 25 cm. Modern studies in European law ; v. 48. KJE5132 .E89 2014 Legal Research Center Monographs International & comparative law. Institute of Medicine (U.S.). Committee on the Commercial Sexual Exploitation and Sex Trafficking of Minors in the United States. Confronting commercial sexual exploitation and sex trafficking of minors in the United States / Committee on the Commercial Sexual Exploitation and Sex Trafficking of Minors in the United States ; Board on Children, Youth, and Families ; Committee on Law Washington, D.C. : National Academies Press, [2013] xvi, 461 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm. KF9323 .I568 2013 Legal Research Center Monographs Earle Mack School of Law at Drexel University, Legal Research Center, New Acquisitions List, October 2014 9 49. SUBJECT TITLE IMPRINT DESCRIPT CALL NO. LOCATION 50. SUBJECT AUTHOR TITLE IMPRINT DESCRIPT SERIES CALL NO. LOCATION 51. SUBJECT TITLE International & comparative law. Law, business and human rights : bridging the gap / edited by Robert C. Bird, associate professor of business law, University of Connecticut, USA; Daniel R. Cahoy, professor of business law, Pennsylvania State University, USA; Jamie Darin Prenkert, associ Cheltenham, UK : Edward Elgar, [2014] xiv, 269 pages ; 24 cm. K1322 .L39 2014 Legal Research Center Monographs International relations. Brabandere, Eric de, author. Investment treaty arbitration as public international law : procedural aspects and implications / Eric De Brabandere. Cambridge, United Kingdom : Cambridge University Press, 2014. xxiii, 230 pages ; 24 cm. Cambridge studies in international and comparative law (Cambridge, England : 1996) K3830 .B73 2014 Legal Research Center Monographs IMPRINT DESCRIPT SERIES CALL NO. LOCATION International relations. Foreign investment in the energy sector : balancing private and public interests / edited by Eric De Brabandere and Tarcisio Gazzini. Leiden ; Boston : Brill, [2014] xxv, 286 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 25 cm. Nijhoff international investment law series ; v. 2. K3981 .F67 2014 Legal Research Center Monographs 52. SUBJECT AUTHOR TITLE IMPRINT DESCRIPT CALL NO. LOCATION Law -- Interpretation and construction. Katzmann, Robert A., author. Judging statutes / Robert A. Katzmann. Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, [2014] xi, 171 pages ; 22 cm. KF425 .K38 2014 Legal Research Center Monographs 53. SUBJECT AUTHOR TITLE EDITION IMPRINT DESCRIPT CALL NO. LOCATION Law -- United States. Feinman, Jay M., author. Law 101 / Jay M. Feinman. Fourth Edition. Oxford : Oxford University Press, [2014] xii, 359 pages ; 25 cm. KF387 .F45 2014 Legal Research Center Monographs 54. SUBJECT AUTHOR TITLE Law -- United States. Jones, Brian K. (Brian Keith), 1971Speak Spanish now for law offices : a customized learning approach for legal professionals / Brian K. Jones. Durham, N.C. : Carolina Academic Press, c2014. xiv, 307 pages : illustrations ; 28 cm. + 1 audio disc (4 3/4 in.) KF156 .J66 2014 Legal Research Center Monographs IMPRINT DESCRIPT CALL NO. LOCATION Earle Mack School of Law at Drexel University, Legal Research Center, New Acquisitions List, October 2014 10 55. SUBJECT AUTHOR TITLE IMPRINT DESCRIPT SERIES CALL NO. LOCATION Law and economics. Sen, Amartya, 1933On ethics and economics / Amartya Sen. Oxford, UK ; New York, NY, USA : B. Blackwell, 1987. xiii, 131 pages ; 23 cm. Royer lectures. HB72 .S434 1987 Legal Research Center Monographs 56. SUBJECT TITLE IMPRINT DESCRIPT SERIES CALL NO. LOCATION Law and gender. After legal equality : family, sex, kinship / edited by Robert Leckey. Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY : Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2015. xii, 223 pages ; 24 cm. Social justice (Abingdon, England) K699 .A94 2015 Legal Research Center Monographs 57. SUBJECT TITLE Law and gender. In search of equality : women, law and society in Africa / edited by Stefanie Röhrs and Dee Smythe ; with Annie Hsieh and Monica de Souza. Cape Town, South Africa : UCT Press, 2014. xx, 252 pages ; 23 cm. HQ1236.5.A35 I485 2014 Legal Research Center Monographs IMPRINT DESCRIPT CALL NO. LOCATION 58. SUBJECT AUTHOR TITLE IMPRINT DESCRIPT CALL NO. LOCATION Law and literature. Bunker, Nancy Mohrlock, 1949- author. Marriage and Land Law in Shakespeare and Middleton / Nancy Mohrlock Bunker. Lanham, Maryland : Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, [2014] viii, 267 pages ; 24 cm. PR3069.M32 B86 2014 Legal Research Center Monographs 59. SUBJECT AUTHOR TITLE EDITION IMPRINT DESCRIPT CALL NO. LOCATION Law and literature. Darnton, Robert, author. Censors at work : how states shaped literature / Robert Darnton. First edition. New York, NY : W.W. Norton & Company, [2014] 316 pages : illustrations ; 25 cm. Z657 .D26 2014 Legal Research Center Monographs 60. SUBJECT AUTHOR TITLE Law and literature. Twain, Mark, 1835-1910, author. Mark Twain vs. lawyers, lawmakers, and lawbreakers : humorous observations / compiled and edited by Kenneth Bresler. Buffalo, New York : William S. Hein & Co., Inc., 2014. xi, 121 pages ; 23 cm. PS1303 .B74 2014 Legal Research Center Monographs IMPRINT DESCRIPT CALL NO. LOCATION Earle Mack School of Law at Drexel University, Legal Research Center, New Acquisitions List, October 2014 11 61. SUBJECT AUTHOR TITLE IMPRINT DESCRIPT CALL NO. LOCATION 62. SUBJECT AUTHOR TITLE IMPRINT DESCRIPT CALL NO. LOCATION 63. SUBJECT AUTHOR TITLE IMPRINT DESCRIPT CALL NO. LOCATION 64. SUBJECT AUTHOR TITLE Law and religion. Blanchard, Dallas A. Religious violence and abortion : the Gideon Project / Dallas A. Blanchard and Terry J. Prewitt. Gainesville : University Press of Florida, c1993. xvi, 347 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. HQ767.25 .B53 1993 Legal Research Center Monographs Law and religion. O'Halloran, Kerry, author. Religion, charity and human rights / Kerry O'Halloran, Queensland University of Technology. Cambridge, United Kingdom : Cambridge University Press, 2014. ix, 541 pages ; 24 cm. K3280 .O33 2014 Legal Research Center Monographs Legal history. Liebman, James S., author. The wrong Carlos : anatomy of a wrongful execution / James S. Liebman, Shawn Crowley, Andrew Markquart, Lauren Rosenberg, Lauren Gallo White, Daniel Zharkovsky. New York : Columbia University Press, [2014] xi, 429 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm. KF224.D45 W76 2014 Legal Research Center Monographs IMPRINT DESCRIPT CALL NO. LOCATION Legal history. Plotnik, Arthur. The man behind the quill : Jacob Shallus, calligrapher of the United States Constitution / Arthur Plotnik. Washington, DC : National Archives and Records Administration, 1987. xv, 110 pages : illustrations ; 29 cm. Z43.42.S47 P57 1987 Legal Research Center Monographs 65. SUBJECT AUTHOR TITLE EDITION IMPRINT DESCRIPT SERIES CALL NO. LOCATION Legal research. Childs, Scott, author. North Carolina legal research / Scott Childs, Sara Sampson. Second edition. Durham, North Carolina : Carolina Academic Press, 2014. xxvi, 200 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm. Carolina Academic Press legal research series. KFN7475 .C48 2014 Legal Research Center US State Collection 66. SUBJECT AUTHOR TITLE Legal research. Epstein, Lee, 1958- author. An introduction to empirical legal research / Lee Epstein, Washington University in St. Louis; Andrew D. Martin, University of Michigan. Oxford, United Kingdom : Oxford University Press 2014. xiv, 324 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm. K85 .E678 2014 Legal Research Center Monographs IMPRINT DESCRIPT CALL NO. LOCATION Earle Mack School of Law at Drexel University, Legal Research Center, New Acquisitions List, October 2014 12 67. SUBJECT TITLE IMPRINT DESCRIPT SERIES CALL NO. LOCATION National security and military law. Cybersecurity law : minimizing data legal liability risk in the digital age. Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania : Pennsylvania Bar Institute, [2014] 1 v. (various pagings) ; 28 cm. PBI (Series) ; no. 2014-8464A. KF390.5.C6 C93 2014 Legal Research Center Monographs 68. SUBJECT AUTHOR TITLE IMPRINT DESCRIPT CALL NO. LOCATION National security and military law. Douglas, Roger (Roger Neil), author. Law, liberty, and the pursuit of terrorism / Roger Douglas. Ann Arbor : The University of Michigan Press, [2014] xiv, 320 pages ; 24 cm. K5256 .D68 2014 Legal Research Center Monographs 69. SUBJECT AUTHOR TITLE EDITION IMPRINT DESCRIPT CALL NO. LOCATION Property. Friedman, Ronald M., author. Ladner Pennsylvania real estate law / by Ronald M. Friedman, member of the Pennsylania Bar. Centennial (sixth) edition. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania : George T. Bisel Company, Inc., [2013]volumes (loose-leaf) : forms ; 26 cm. KFP127 .L322 Legal Research Center Pennsylvania Collection 70. SUBJECT TITLE IMPRINT DESCRIPT SERIES CALL NO. LOCATION Property. A morning on real estate : CLE "down the shore." Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania : Pennsylvania Bar Institute, [2014] xii, 108 pages : illustrations, forms ; 28 cm. PBI (Series) ; no. 2014-8436C. KFP112.A75 M67 2014 Legal Research Center Pennsylvania Collection 71. SUBJECT TITLE SERIES CALL NO. LOCATION Taxation. How to prepare the fiduciary income & decedent's final lifetime income tax returns. Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania : Pennsylvania Bar Institute, [2014] xviii, 354 pages : forms ; 27 cm. + 1 volume of Supplemental materials--sample returns PBI (Series) ; no. 2014-8448. KFP482 .A75 H65 2014 Legal Research Center Pennsylvania Collection SUBJECT TITLE IMPRINT DESCRIPT SERIES CALL NO. LOCATION Taxation. Philadelphia and Commonwealth taxes. Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania : Pennsylvania Bar Institute, [2014] xi, 70 leaves : illustrations ; 27 cm. PBI (Series) ; no. 2014-8484. KFP490.A75 P452 2014 Legal Research Center Pennsylvania Collection IMPRINT DESCRIPT 72. Earle Mack School of Law at Drexel University, Legal Research Center, New Acquisitions List, October 2014 13 73. SUBJECT TITLE IMPRINT DESCRIPT SERIES CALL NO. LOCATION Transportation law. Distracted driving : the criminal, civil and social consequences. Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania : Pennsylvania Bar Institute, [2014] xvii, 533 pages : illustrations, forms ; 27 cm. PBI (Series) ; no. 2014-8524. KFP297.8.A75 D57 2014 Legal Research Center Pennsylvania Collection 74. SUBJECT TITLE IMPRINT DESCRIPT SERIES CALL NO. LOCATION Transportation law. Rules of the road : fundamentals of auto litigation. Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania : Pennsylvania Bar Institute, [2014] xx, 302 pages : illustrations, forms ; 27 cm. PBI (Series) ; no. 2014-8478. KFP539.T7 R85 2014 Legal Research Center Pennsylvania Collection 75. SUBJECT TITLE IMPRINT DESCRIPT SERIES CALL NO. LOCATION Trusts & estates. Act 95 : the new POA law. Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Bar Institute, [2014] x, 202 pages : forms ; 27 cm. PBI (Series) ; no. 2014-8624. KFP203.A75 A28 2014 Legal Research Center Pennsylvania Collection 76. SUBJECT TITLE IMPRINT DESCRIPT SERIES CALL NO. LOCATION Trusts & estates. Hot topics in fiduciary litigation. Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania : Pennsylvania Bar Institute, [2014] xvi, 206 pages : illustrations, forms ; 27cm. PBI (Series) ; no. 2014-8279. KF730.A2 H6 2014 Legal Research Center Pennsylvania Collection 77. SUBJECT TITLE IMPRINT DESCRIPT SERIES CALL NO. LOCATION Trusts & estates. Retirement planning for attorneys. Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania : Pennsylvania Bar Institute, [2014] xiv, 106 pages ; 28 cm. PBI (Series) ; no. 2014-8329. KFP77.5.R48 R48 2014 Legal Research Center Pennsylvania Collection 78. SUBJECT TITLE United States Supreme Court. Covering the United States Supreme Court in the digital age / edited by Richard Davis, Brigham Young University. [New York] : Cambridge University Press, 2014. xi, 269 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm. KF8742 .C679 2014 Legal Research Center Monographs IMPRINT DESCRIPT CALL NO. LOCATION Earle Mack School of Law at Drexel University, Legal Research Center, New Acquisitions List, October 2014 14 79. SUBJECT AUTHOR TITLE IMPRINT DESCRIPT CALL NO. LOCATION 80. SUBJECT TITLE IMPRINT DESCRIPT SERIES CALL NO. LOCATION Zoning & land use law. Becher, Deborah Lynn, 1970- author. Private property and public power : eminent domain in Philadelphia / Debbie Becher. New York, NY : Oxford University Press, [2014] xv, 334 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm. HT177.P47 B43 2014 Legal Research Center Monographs Zoning & land use law. The Supreme Court's decision in Robinson Township and the future of zoning in the Commonwealth. Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania : Pennsylvania Bar Institute, [2014] xiv, 106 pages : illustrations ; 27 cm. PBI (Series) ; no. 2014-8576. KFP458.A75 S96 2014 Legal Research Center Pennsylvania Collection Earle Mack School of Law at Drexel University, Legal Research Center, New Acquisitions List, October 2014 15 NEW ACQUISITIONS LIST REQUEST FORM OCTOBER 2014 FACULTY MEMBER’S NAME__________________________________________________ To request titles from this month’s list, please write your name on the line above; in the space below please circle the number of the title, or describe the title, you wish to have routed to you; and please give this completed form to a Legal Research Center staff member or send it to the LRC by inter-office mail. Thank you. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 Earle Mack School of Law at Drexel University, Legal Research Center, New Acquisitions List, October 2014 16