EY Defined Contribution Plan Member Guide Contents 02 The EY Defined Contribution Plan 03 Step 1 How does the Plan work? 06 Step 2 Basics of investing 13 Step 3 What are my investment options and what do I have to do? 34 Important information you should read 37 Step 4 How can I keep track of my pension? Standard Life Master Trust Co Ltd have been appointed to provide the Trustee duties. This company is made up of five directors, who are all independent of Standard Life, and who are all leading pensions specialists. This gives confidence that all members’ interests are represented to the highest level. Welcome to the EY Defined Contribution Plan – provided by Standard Life. Planning for the future is important. The Trustees of the Ernst & Young Money Purchase Plan and the Ernst & Whinney COMP Scheme wrote to you previously about the transfer of your pension savings from your previous EY arrangement to Standard Life. The new Plan, the Standard Life DC Master Trust, aims to help you prepare for your future and this guide will help explain how the Plan works. The Plan is a market‑leading “Master Trust” type of pension arrangement, built on Standard Life’s strong foundations. The Plan offers: Once you’re a member, Standard Life will provide the administration, investment platform and support communications. The role of the Trustee The Trustee is responsible for: ¬¬Running the Plan in line with current law and the trust deed and rules ¬¬Looking after the Plan members’ interests ¬¬Ongoing support ¬¬A range of investment solutions ¬¬A high level of service Please refer to the Member’s Outline document held on the website www.standardlifepensions.com/eydcp EY Defined Contribution Plan 01 EY Defined Contribution Plan Explained in four simple steps We’ve split this guide into four key steps: Step 1 How does the Plan work? Step 2 Basics of investing Step 3 What are my investment options and what do I have to do? Step 4 How can I keep track of my pension? 02 EY Defined Contribution Plan Step 1 How does the Plan work? What is a pension? In its simplest form, the aim of a pension is to provide you with an income once you stop working. The amount you receive when you retire will depend on: When you were transferred over to the Plan, you were told which funds you were going to be transferred into. These may be the right funds for you, but it’s worth checking out the other options that are available. Laws and tax rules may change. Your personal circumstances also have an impact on tax treatment. Remember your pension is a long term investment designed to help you save for retirement, which means you usually can’t access your fund until age 55 or over. ¬¬The value of your transfer payment ¬¬The investments chosen and how they perform less any fees and charges deducted ¬¬How much it costs to take a retirement income when you come to retire All investments are subject to risk and the value of your Plan can go down as well as up and may be worth less than what was paid in. Your transfer payment or Potential investment growth Your pension pot Your tax‑free lump sum Your pension income Our charges EY Defined Contribution Plan 03 Retirement options From age 55 you have full flexibility on how to take benefits from your pension pot. A fixed regular income (annuity) that is guaranteed for life This locks you into the choices you make at that time and the monthly or annual annuity payments will be taxed as income. A flexible income This is done by income drawdown and allows you to either withdraw regular income payable monthly or yearly or take unlimited withdrawals. All withdrawals are treated as taxable UK income. You can change your choices at any time as your needs become clearer. 04 EY Defined Contribution Plan Cash You can now take your full retirement savings as cash. Normally, 25% is tax free but anything over this is taxed as regular UK income. You can also have a combination of the above. With each of these benefits, you normally have the option of taking 25% as tax-free cash. Not all of these retirement income options are available under this product. You can easily access these new options by transferring to another product at retirement that allows this. If you choose a flexible income option, it’s important to remember that your money stays invested, so its value can go up and down. You may get less back than you paid in. And, if you take it all out as cash, you need to think about the tax you’ll pay. What if I die before I retire? If you have another source of income or want to support others after you’re gone then leaving your pension invested could be the right choice for you. You can ask us to pass on your remaining pot to anyone you choose, inheritance tax-free. ¬¬If you die before age 75, this will normally be tax-free ¬¬If you die after age 75, this will normally be taxed as income Tell the Trustee about the people and causes you care about Make sure you nominate your chosen beneficiary and inform your local HR department and Standard Life. You can find a nomination form on the pension website www.standardlifepensions.com/ eydcp What you decide is important so consider this very carefully and ensure that if your circumstances change, you keep your instructions up to date. If in doubt, you may want to take financial advice before making any decisions. There may be a cost for this. EY Defined Contribution Plan 05 Step 2 Basics of investing You can choose where your Plan is invested from the range of options shown in this guide. When you invest, there is always an element of risk – putting money into a pension plan is no different. How you balance this risk against any potential reward is the key to investing. Your opportunity for growth The money paid into the Plan is used to buy units in one or more investment funds chosen by you. The price of the units in each fund depends on the value of the fund’s assets after charges. Please note that the value of investments can go down as well as up, and may be worth less than what was paid in. Asset classes An ‘asset class’ is a category of investments, such as equities or bonds. Normally assets in the same class have similar characteristics. However, they can have very different returns and risks. The value of the investments in any asset class can go up or down, and may be worth less than what was paid in – there are no guarantees. Past performance is not a reliable guide to future performance. 06 EY Defined Contribution Plan The asset mix that a fund invests in is continuously reviewed. It may be changed in line with developments in the relevant markets. Part of each fund may be held in cash and other money market instruments. Read this section for more information. Equities What are they? Equities are part ownership in a company, usually known as stocks or shares. What’s the potential return? The return on equities comes from growth in the value of the shares, plus any income from dividends. For overseas equities, changes in the foreign currency exchange rates could also significantly affect returns. What are the risks? Equities are one of the more volatile asset classes – although they can offer good growth potential, their value can rise or drop sharply at any time. Because of this volatility, equities should normally be viewed as a long term investment. Bonds Property What are they? What is it? Bonds are essentially loans to a government or company. These loans are often for a set time period and the bond owner usually receives regular interest payments. Bonds issued by the UK government are called ‘gilts’ and those issued by a company are ‘corporate bonds’. Property investing includes direct investments in buildings and land, as well as indirect investments such as shares in property companies. What’s the potential return? The return is a combination of any interest received and any change in the bond’s value. For overseas bonds, changes in the foreign currency exchange rates could also significantly affect returns. What are the risks? A bond’s return will be affected if: ¬¬the interest or capital can’t be paid back in full or on time ¬¬the credit worthiness of the company or government reduces ¬¬interest rates or foreign currency exchange rates change Bonds can be traded on the stock market, so their value can go up and down at any time. Some bonds are riskier than others, e.g. bonds issued for a longer time period or by companies which are viewed as risky. What’s the potential return? The return from a direct investment in property is a combination of rental income and any change in the property value. In comparison, the return on property securities can be similar to equities (see ‘equities’ asset class description for potential returns and risks). What are the risks? The value of direct property is generally based on a valuer’s opinion and is not fact. Property can take a lot longer to sell than other types of investment, so you might not be able to sell when you want to get the price you were hoping for. Property securities, like equities, can have sharp changes in value at any time. The values of different types of property do not necessarily move in line with each other. For example commercial property could be losing value even if house prices are going up. EY Defined Contribution Plan 07 Money Market Instruments (including cash) What are they? Standard Life uses asset classes to categorise its fund range. It categorises some funds as ‘other’ because they invest in more than one type of asset and therefore can’t be categorised as any individual asset class. Alternatively, funds can be classed as ‘other’ because they don’t meet the criteria of the recognised industry sectors or they haven’t provided enough information to be categorised. Money market instruments include deposits with banks and building societies, as well as governments and large corporations. They also include other investments that can have more risk and return than standard bank deposits. There are circumstances where money market instruments can fall in value. Investment approaches What’s the potential return? Passive investment The return comes from any interest received and any change in the value of the instrument. What are the risks? Investments in these assets are riskier than cash deposit accounts – in some circumstances their values will fall. The return may also be lower than inflation. Other These are investments that don’t fit into one of the other asset class categories. They include direct and indirect investments in real assets like commodities, for example oil or precious metals. They also include investments with specialist characteristics. 08 EY Defined Contribution Plan A passive investment aims, before charges, to track or replicate the performance of an index or indices. The fund will be affected by market volatility, but relative performance won’t be impacted by stock selection. Active investment An active investment aims to achieve returns that are above average, using fund manager analysis. The fund manager will try to outperform the market by investing in companies that they believe will provide higher than average returns. However, returns are not guaranteed and there is a chance of poor performance. These investments can be more volatile than passive investments and are usually more expensive. Absolute returns Absolute return funds usually aim to have a positive return regardless of market conditions. Their investment strategies vary widely, but they often use complex strategies that make use of derivatives. Risk and return will depend on exactly what the fund invests in, but in general absolute return funds can be expected to fall less than the wider markets when markets fall, but also to increase by less than markets when they rise. Although absolute return funds aim for consistent positive returns, there is no guarantee that they will achieve them, and the funds can fall in value. Absolute return funds may have different risks from other funds due to the derivatives that they use, and also because they may borrow, which increases potential returns and risk. Volatility ratings The volatility rating of a fund indicates how much the fund price might move compared to other funds. The higher the volatility rating, the less stable the fund price is likely to be. You can use this to help you decide how much risk you are comfortable taking with your investments. Less Volatile 0 1 2 3 We regularly review volatility ratings for funds, and these may change. We set ratings based on our experts’ judgement, using data on: ¬¬How the fund price has varied from month to month in the past, compared to other funds available ¬¬How investments in similar asset classes vary from month to month and the investment policy of the fund 4 5 6 7 More Volatile Typically, higher volatility ratings mean greater potential investment returns over the longer term. But high volatility funds are more likely to suddenly fall or rise in value. The volatility rating is not the only factor you should consider when selecting a fund. If you’re not sure which funds to choose, please seek advice from a financial adviser. EY Defined Contribution Plan 09 Charges for your funds Fund management charge We apply a charge to money invested in our funds. This is known as the fund management charge (FMC) and is shown as an annual rate. However, we deduct the charge from each fund on a daily basis, which has the effect of reducing its unit price. Additional expenses Additional expenses may be deducted from some funds. They include items such as custodian, third party administration, trustee, registrar, auditor and regulator fees. Where a fund invests in other underlying funds, they may also include the underlying management charges. As the additional expenses relate to expenses incurred during the fund management process, they will regularly increase and decrease as a percentage of the fund, sometimes significantly. 10 EY Defined Contribution Plan The additional expenses figure shown is the annual rate of the charge. But where additional expenses apply, they are taken into account when the fund’s unit price is calculated each day. If a performance fee applies to a fund, it is included in the additional expenses figure retrospectively. All additional expenses figures shown are rounded to two decimal places. This means that although additional expenses may apply to some funds, they may show as 0.00% as we have rounded to two decimal places. Plan rebate We have agreed to provide enhanced terms to give you a rebate on some of the amount you have invested in each fund. The figure shown is the annual rate of the rebate, although the rebate is given to you as additional units in your fund each month. This reduces the effect of the FMC and additional expenses. Effective total annual fund charge However, it will be affected by factors such as: The effective total annual fund charge is the FMC plus additional expenses, minus any plan rebate which applies. ¬¬the period it has been measured over For example, if you invest in a Standard Life fund with an FMC of 1.10%, additional expenses of 0.02% and a rebate of 0.73%, this will give an effective total annual fund charge of 0.39%. The charges and rebates which apply to each fund are shown later in this guide. The FMC and additional expenses are deducted daily, while the plan rebate is applied monthly. So over the long term, the actual net amount of the FMC and additional expenses, minus the plan rebate, should be close to the effective total annual fund charge. ¬¬daily changes in fund values Charges and rebates are not guaranteed. They are regularly reviewed and may be changed in the future. The information in this guide is correct as at the end April 2015. EY Defined Contribution Plan 11 “I don’t want to work past 65. Having a good pension means I can retire earlier and enjoy life.” 12 EY Defined Contribution Plan Step 3 What are my investment options and what do I have to do? Choosing where to invest your money is one of the most important decisions you have to make when arranging a pension. Many people find this task confusing. To help make your life easier, a range of investment options have been selected by the Trustee, which are believed to be appropriate for pension plan investments. Your options Through the Plan you can: ¬¬Choose a lifestyle profile that evolves with you over your lifetime ¬¬Make your own investment choices from the range of funds that have been selected for you You can choose to invest in a lifestyle profile and the self select funds. If you would like more information on any of the funds from Standard Life, please contact us on: 0345 278 5643 (call charges will vary) or visit the website at www.standardlife.co.uk/funds If you are in any doubt as to which investment option(s) you should choose, we strongly recommend you seek advice from a financial adviser. There may be a cost for this. All funds are subject to risk and the value of units in funds can go down as well as up and your investment may be worth less than what was paid in. EY Defined Contribution Plan 13 1. The low-involvement option The low-involvement option is the Active Plus III Universal Strategic Lifestyle Profile (SLP). You can see how this works in the graph below. You should also read pages 15-21 for more information about SLPs. % of investments Active Plus III Universal SLP (S3AP) 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 >109876543213 months Years to retirement Fund name Standard Life Active Plus III Pension Fund Standard Life Pre Retirement (Active Plus Universal) Pension Fund Standard Life At Retirement (Active Plus Universal) Pension Fund 1 0.73% Effective total annual fund charge 0.39% Active/ Passive investment1 Active 0.02% 0.73% 0.39% Active 0.01% 0.73% 0.36% Active Fund code Volatility FMC rating Additional Plan expenses rebate DDNA 4 1.10% 0.02% BDAE 3 1.10% BDAD 2 1.08% Please see the Basics of investing section for an explanation of active/passive investments. The charges and rebates are not guaranteed. They are regularly reviewed and may be changed in the future. If you need more help to understand this table, please see the Basics of investing section. 14 EY Defined Contribution Plan 2. Other strategic lifestyle profiles – EY and the Trustee have worked hard to come up with a range of strategic lifestyle profiles (SLPs) for you to choose from if you do not want to invest in the lowinvolvement option. Before making this choice, you should read the Strategic lifestyle profiles – how do they work? section. These SLPs aren’t recommendations. You can choose from this range or from the wider range of funds that are available to you. You can choose to invest in an SLP and the self select funds. You can also invest in up to three SLPs, although you can only invest in one SLP for each payment source. Examples of payment sources are your own regular payments, the regular payments your employer makes to your plan and any transfer payments from other pension plans. For more information on your options, you should contact your local HR department. For more details about the SLPs selected by EY and the Trustee, please read our strategic lifestyle profile guides (Universal, Annuity, Lump Sum and Active Retirement). All funds are subject to risk and the value of units in funds can go down as well as up and your investment may be worth less than what was paid in. EY Defined Contribution Plan 15 Profile name Profile code FMC Additional expenses Plan rebate Effective total annual fund charge Active/ Passive investment1 Active Plus II Universal SLP S2AP 1.10% 0.02% 0.73% 0.39% Active Active Plus III Universal SLP 2 S3AP 1.10% 0.02% 0.73% 0.39% Active Active Plus IV Universal SLP S4AP 1.15% 0.02% 0.73% 0.44% Active Active Plus V Universal SLP S5AP 1.15% 0.03% 0.73% 0.45% Active Active Plus I Annuity SLP A1AP 1.10% 0.01% 0.73% 0.38% Active Active Plus II Annuity SLP A2AP 1.00% 0.12% 0.73% 0.39% Active Active Plus III Annuity SLP A3AP 1.10% 0.02% 0.73% 0.39% Active Active Plus IV Annuity SLP A4AP 1.15% 0.02% 0.73% 0.44% Active Active Plus V Annuity SLP A5AP 1.15% 0.03% 0.73% 0.45% Active Active Plus I Lump Sum SLP C1AP 1.10% 0.01% 0.73% 0.38% Active Active Plus II Lump Sum SLP C2AP 1.10% 0.02% 0.73% 0.39% Active Active Plus III Lump Sum SLP C3AP 1.10% 0.02% 0.73% 0.39% Active Active Plus IV Lump Sum SLP C4AP 1.15% 0.02% 0.73% 0.44% Active Active Plus V Lump Sum SLP C5AP 1.15% 0.03% 0.73% 0.45% Active Active Plus II Active Retirement SLP R2AP 1.00% 0.40% 0.73% 0.67% Active Active Plus III Active Retirement SLP R3AP 1.00% 0.40% 0.73% 0.67% Active Active Plus IV Active Retirement SLP R4AP 1.00% 0.40% 0.73% 0.67% Active Active Plus V Active Retirement SLP R5AP 1.00% 0.40% 0.73% 0.67% Active Passive Plus II Universal SLP U2PP 1.00% 0.03% 0.73% 0.30% Active Passive Plus III Universal SLP U3PP 1.00% 0.03% 0.73% 0.30% Active Passive Plus IV Universal SLP U4PP 1.00% 0.04% 0.73% 0.31% Active Passive Plus V Universal SLP U5PP 1.00% 0.04% 0.73% 0.31% Active 16 EY Defined Contribution Plan Passive Plus I Annuity SLP A1PP 1.00% 0.01% 0.73% 0.28% Active Passive Plus II Annuity SLP A2PP 1.00% 0.03% 0.73% 0.30% Active Passive Plus III Annuity SLP A3PP 1.00% 0.03% 0.73% 0.30% Active Passive Plus IV Annuity SLP A4PP 1.00% 0.04% 0.73% 0.31% Active Passive Plus V Annuity SLP A5PP 1.00% 0.04% 0.73% 0.31% Active Passive Plus I Lump Sum SLP C1PP 1.00% 0.01% 0.73% 0.28% Active Passive Plus II Lump Sum SLP C2PP 1.00% 0.03% 0.73% 0.30% Active Passive Plus III Lump Sum SLP C3PP 1.00% 0.03% 0.73% 0.30% Active Passive Plus IV Lump Sum SLP C4PP 1.00% 0.04% 0.73% 0.31% Active Passive Plus V Lump Sum SLP C5PP 1.00% 0.04% 0.73% 0.31% Active Passive Plus II Active Retirement SLP R2PP 1.00% 0.40% 0.73% 0.67% Active Passive Plus III Active Retirement SLP R3PP 1.00% 0.40% 0.73% 0.67% Active Passive Plus IV Active Retirement SLP R4PP 1.00% 0.40% 0.73% 0.67% Active Passive Plus V Active Retirement SLP R5PP 1.00% 0.40% 0.73% 0.67% Active 1 Please see the Basics of investing section for an explanation of active/passive investments. 2 This is the EY Defined Contribution Plan low-involvement investment option. The charges and rebates are not guaranteed. They are regularly reviewed and may be changed in the future. If you need more help to understand this table, please see the Basics of investing section. Lifestyle profile notes: The figures shown in this table reflect the charges for the most expensive fund in which the lifestyle profile invests. As you get closer to retirement, the investment aims of the profile move away from growth and towards preparing your pension for how you plan to take your retirement income. For more information on how our lifestyle profiles work and how long your investments are held in each fund, please see our strategic lifestyle profile guides (Universal, Annuity, Lump Sum and Active Retirement). EY Defined Contribution Plan 17 Strategic lifestyle profiles – how do they work? Strategic lifestyle profiles (SLPs) are investment options that are specifically designed to make it easy for you to save for retirement. Once you’re in an SLP, you don’t need to do anything, although we do recommend that you regularly review your investments to make sure they’re on track to meet your goals. There are two main stages in the SLPs: 1. Growth stage – usually when you’re more than 10 years from retirement Your money will be invested in one of the risk-based Standard Life Active Plus or Passive Plus Pension Funds. These funds aim to increase the value of your pension over time. Please remember that investment growth is not guaranteed. All funds can go up and down in value and may be worth less than the amount invested. 18 EY Defined Contribution Plan 2.Approaching retirement stage – usually when you’re less than 10 year from retirement Your money will gradually and automatically be moved into funds designed to get your investments to where they need to be when you retire. Once you’ve chosen the SLP that’s most appropriate for you, our experts will: ¬¬manage your money for you right up until you retire ¬¬decide where you should be invested and when ¬¬make sure the funds you’re in don’t take any more or less risk than they should One of the features of the SLPs is flexibility. We can make changes to them at any time to make sure they continue to meet your needs, for example because of changes in legislation. Before choosing one of the SLPs you should consider how you plan to take your retirement income. The range of SLPs is designed to meet the different options now available to you: Universal SLPs – if you would like the flexibility to take your money the way you want when you retire, or if you plan to take your full tax-free lump sum and use the rest of your pension to take a flexible income (known as drawdown). Annuity SLPs – if you plan to take your full tax-free lump sum and buy a fixed annuity with the rest of your pension. This option may not be suitable if you plan to buy an annuity that increases each year at a rate linked with inflation (an index-linked annuity). Lump Sum SLPs – if you plan to take all of your pension as one or more lump sums over a relatively short period. Active Retirement SLPs – if you plan to take your flexible retirement income (also known as drawdown) through our Standard Life Active Retirement investment option. It’s also important to consider when you’ll take your retirement income as the SLPs make changes to your investments based on your selected retirement date. As a result, they may only be suitable if you’re planning to take your retirement income from this date. EY Defined Contribution Plan 19 About the funds in the profiles The following fund explanations might use words or phrases you’re not familiar with. Speak to your financial adviser if you need an explanation. 1. Growth stage Standard Life Active Plus Pension Funds invest in a diverse range of assets and investment strategies, including equities, bonds, property, money market instruments and absolute returns. They do this by investing mainly in actively managed Standard Life Investment funds. The investment team can vary the proportions held in each asset class to try to take advantage of investment opportunities they have identified. Standard Life Passive Plus Pension Funds invest in a diverse range of assets and investment strategies, including equities, bonds, property, money market instruments and absolute returns. They do this mainly through index‑tracking (passive) funds managed by Vanguard Asset Management. However, they also invest a proportion in actively managed absolute return, high yield bond and property funds from Standard Life Investments. 20 EY Defined Contribution Plan There are five funds within each range, designed to closely match a different attitude to risk – I being the lowest and V being the highest. I This option is designed for those who are conservative with their investments. They prefer taking a small amount of risk to achieve modest or relatively stable returns. They accept there may be some short term periods of fluctuation in value. At this risk level typically the funds will have high exposure to lower risk assets, such as bonds. Please note that we don’t offer any risk level I Universal or Active Retirement SLPs as we don’t believe they’re appropriate if you’re only prepared to take a small amount of risk with your investment. II This option is designed for those who are relatively cautious with their investments. They want to try to achieve a reasonable return, and are prepared to accept some risk in doing so. Typically these funds will exhibit relatively modest yet frequent fluctuations in value. At this risk level typically the funds will have a preference towards lower risk assets, such as bonds. III V This option is designed for those with a balanced attitude to risk. They don’t seek risky investments but don’t avoid them either. They are prepared to accept fluctuations in the value of their investments to try and achieve better long term returns. Their investments may be subject to frequent and at times significant fluctuations in value. At this risk level typically the funds will take a balanced view on lower and higher risk assets. This option is designed for those who are very comfortable with investment risk. They aim for high long term investment returns and do not overly worry about periods of poorer performance in the short to medium term. Ordinarily these funds can be subject to the full extent and frequency of stock market fluctuations. At this risk level typically the funds will have high exposure to assets providing potential for growth, such as equities. IV This option is designed for those who are relatively comfortable with investment risk. They aim for higher long term returns and understand that this can also mean some sustained periods of poorer performance. They are prepared to accept significant fluctuations in value to try and achieve better long term returns. At this risk level typically the funds will have a preference to those assets providing potential for growth, such as equities. If you’re unsure about your attitude to risk and which risk level might be appropriate for you, we have a risk questionnaire to help you. To access this, please visit www.standardlife.co.uk/risk 2. Approaching retirement stage For information about the funds within the approaching retirement stage of the SLPs, see the strategic lifestyle profile guides (Universal, Annuity, Lump Sum and Active Retirement). EY Defined Contribution Plan 21 As well as the low-involvement option, and the other strategic lifestyle profiles that are detailed on pages 16 and 17, you can also invest in the following lifestyle profiles. % of investments 70:30 Equity 10 Year Gilt Index Lifestyle 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 >11 109876543213 Years to retirement Fund name Fund code KKHF Standard Life 70:30 Global Equity Tracker (Vanguard) Pension Fund SL Vanguard UK Inflation GGGA Linked Gilt Index Pension Fund Standard Life Deposit and G4 Treasury Pension Fund 1 months 0.73% Effective total annual fund charge 0.29% Active/ Passive investment1 Passive 0.02% 0.73% 0.29% Passive 0.01% 0.73% 0.28% Active Volatility FMC rating Additional Plan expenses rebate 5 1.00% 0.02% 4 1.00% 1 1.00% Please see the Basics of investing section for an explanation of active/passive investments. The charges and rebates are not guaranteed. They are regularly reviewed and may be changed in the future. If you need more help to understand this table, please see the Basics of investing section. 22 EY Defined Contribution Plan % of investments 70:30 Equity 10 Year Fixed Interest Lifestyle 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 >11 109876543213 Years to retirement Fund name Standard Life 70:30 Global Equity Tracker (Vanguard) Pension Fund SL Vanguard UK Investment Grade Bond Index Pension Fund Standard Life Deposit and Treasury Pension Fund 1 months 0.73% Effective total annual fund charge 0.29% Active/ Passive investment1 Passive 0.02% 0.73% 0.29% Passive 0.01% 0.73% 0.28% Active Fund code Volatility FMC rating Additional Plan expenses rebate KKHF 5 1.00% 0.02% BFAE 2 1.00% G4 1 1.00% Please see the Basics of investing section for an explanation of active/passive investments. The charges and rebates are not guaranteed. They are regularly reviewed and may be changed in the future. If you need more help to understand this table, please see the Basics of investing section. EY Defined Contribution Plan 23 % of investments 60:40 Equity 10 Year Gilt Index Lifestyle 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 >11 109876543213 Years to retirement Fund name Fund code AACG Standard Life 60:40 Global Equity Tracker (Vanguard) Pension Fund SL Vanguard UK Inflation GGGA Linked Gilt Index Pension Fund Standard Life Deposit and G4 Treasury Pension Fund 1 months 0.73% Effective total annual fund charge 0.28% Active/ Passive investment1 Passive 0.02% 0.73% 0.29% Passive 0.01% 0.73% 0.28% Active Volatility FMC rating Additional Plan expenses rebate 6 1.00% 0.01% 4 1.00% 1 1.00% Please see the Basics of investing section for an explanation of active/passive investments. The charges and rebates are not guaranteed. They are regularly reviewed and may be changed in the future. If you need more help to understand this table, please see the Basics of investing section. 24 EY Defined Contribution Plan % of investments 60:40 Equity 10 Year Fixed Interest Lifestyle 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 >11 109876543213 Years to retirement Fund name Standard Life 60:40 Global Equity Tracker (Vanguard) Pension Fund SL Vanguard UK Investment Grade Bond Index Pension Fund Standard Life Deposit and Treasury Pension Fund 1 months 0.73% Effective total annual fund charge 0.28% Active/ Passive investment1 Passive 0.02% 0.73% 0.29% Passive 0.01% 0.73% 0.28% Active Fund code Volatility FMC rating Additional Plan expenses rebate AACG 6 1.00% 0.01% BFAE 2 1.00% G4 1 1.00% Please see the Basics of investing section for an explanation of active/passive investments. The charges and rebates are not guaranteed. They are regularly reviewed and may be changed in the future. If you need more help to understand this table, please see the Basics of investing section. EY Defined Contribution Plan 25 % of investments 70:30 Equity 5 Year Gilt Index Lifestyle 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 >6 5 432 1 3 Years to retirement Fund name Fund code KKHF Standard Life 70:30 Global Equity Tracker (Vanguard) Pension Fund SL Vanguard UK Inflation GGGA Linked Gilt Index Pension Fund Standard Life Deposit and G4 Treasury Pension Fund 1 months 0.73% Effective total annual fund charge 0.29% Active/ Passive investment1 Passive 0.02% 0.73% 0.29% Passive 0.01% 0.73% 0.28% Active Volatility FMC rating Additional Plan expenses rebate 5 1.00% 0.02% 4 1.00% 1 1.00% Please see the Basics of investing section for an explanation of active/passive investments. The charges and rebates are not guaranteed. They are regularly reviewed and may be changed in the future. If you need more help to understand this table, please see the Basics of investing section. 26 EY Defined Contribution Plan % of investments 70:30 Equity 5 Year Fixed Interest Lifestyle 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 >6 5 432 1 3 Years to retirement Fund name Standard Life 70:30 Global Equity Tracker (Vanguard) Pension Fund SL Vanguard UK Investment Grade Bond Index Pension Fund Standard Life Deposit and Treasury Pension Fund 1 months 0.73% Effective total annual fund charge 0.29% Active/ Passive investment1 Passive 0.02% 0.73% 0.29% Passive 0.01% 0.73% 0.28% Active Fund code Volatility FMC rating Additional Plan expenses rebate KKHF 5 1.00% 0.02% BFAE 2 1.00% G4 1 1.00% Please see the Basics of investing section for an explanation of active/passive investments. The charges and rebates are not guaranteed. They are regularly reviewed and may be changed in the future. If you need more help to understand this table, please see the Basics of investing section. EY Defined Contribution Plan 27 % of investments 60:40 Equity 5 Year Gilt Index Lifestyle 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 >6 543213 Years to retirement Fund name Fund code AACG Standard Life 60:40 Global Equity Tracker (Vanguard) Pension Fund SL Vanguard UK Inflation GGGA Linked Gilt Index Pension Fund Standard Life Deposit and G4 Treasury Pension Fund 1 months 0.73% Effective total annual fund charge 0.28% Active/ Passive investment1 Passive 0.02% 0.73% 0.29% Passive 0.01% 0.73% 0.28% Active Volatility FMC rating Additional Plan expenses rebate 6 1.00% 0.01% 4 1.00% 1 1.00% Please see the Basics of investing section for an explanation of active/passive investments. The charges and rebates are not guaranteed. They are regularly reviewed and may be changed in the future. If you need more help to understand this table, please see the Basics of investing section. 28 EY Defined Contribution Plan % of investments 60:40 Equity 5 Year Fixed Interest Lifestyle 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 >6 543213 Years to retirement Fund name Standard Life 60:40 Global Equity Tracker (Vanguard) Pension Fund SL Vanguard UK Investment Grade Bond Index Pension Fund Standard Life Deposit and Treasury Pension Fund 1 months 0.73% Effective total annual fund charge 0.28% Active/ Passive investment1 Passive 0.02% 0.73% 0.29% Passive 0.01% 0.73% 0.28% Active Fund code Volatility FMC rating Additional Plan expenses rebate AACG 6 1.00% 0.01% BFAE 2 1.00% G4 1 1.00% Please see the Basics of investing section for an explanation of active/passive investments. The charges and rebates are not guaranteed. They are regularly reviewed and may be changed in the future. If you need more help to understand this table, please see the Basics of investing section. EY Defined Contribution Plan 29 3. Self select funds Do you have a good understanding of investments and how they perform? This could be the right choice for you. You can choose from a range of funds. The tables later in this guide give more details about these. For information about the funds’ aims and how they invest, you should read each fund’s factsheet. Please note: ¬¬You may need to build your investment portfolio from a number of funds ¬¬It is up to you to regularly monitor the performance of your funds and decide whether to make any changes ¬¬You may need to adjust your portfolio regularly to keep it in line with your investment profile 30 EY Defined Contribution Plan It is very important that you pick an asset mix and build a portfolio that aims to meet your individual needs and your attitude towards risk. If you are unsure then you may wish to seek advice from a financial adviser. There may be a cost for this. You should think about investing in a variety of asset classes and a range of investments within each asset class. Are you approaching retirement? If you are nearing retirement (for example if you are five years or less away), you may want to consider starting to invest in funds aimed at aligning your pension fund with your plans for retirement. Some funds have aims which are aligned to specific retirement income plans, such as buying an annuity, while others may be more suitable if you intend to take a flexible income (known as drawdown) or take all of your pension as one or more lump sums. For example if you intend to buy an annuity when you retire, you may wish to consider being invested in a fund such as the Standard Life Annuity Purchase (MT) Fund by the time you retire. And if you plan on taking a 25% tax-free lump sum, you could consider moving into a money market fund. If you are unsure where to invest, you may want to seek advice from a financial adviser. For information about these funds’ aims and how they invest, you should read the fund factsheets. EY Defined Contribution Plan 31 UK Equities Additional Plan expenses rebate Active/ Effective total annual Passive fund charge investment1 Fund name Fund code Volatility FMC rating Standard Life Active UK Equity (MT) Pension Fund KKGE 6 1.00% 0.01% 0.73% 0.28% Active Standard Life Passive UK Equity (MT) Pension Fund CCFE 5 1.00% 0.02% 0.73% 0.29% Passive SL Vanguard FTSE2 UK All Share Index Pension Fund BFCK 5 1.00% 0.02% 0.73% 0.29% Passive FTSE International Limited (“FTSE”) does not sponsor, endorse, or promote this fund. All copyright in the index values and constituent list vests in FTSE. Standard Life group has obtained a licence from FTSE to use such copyright in the creation of this fund. “FTSE®” is a trade mark jointly owned by the London Stock Exchange Plc and The Financial Times Limited and is used by FTSE under licence. 2 Global Equities Fund name Fund code Volatility FMC rating Additional Plan expenses rebate Active/ Effective total annual Passive fund charge investment1 Standard Life Active Global DDBK 6 Equity 50:50 (MT) Pension Fund 1.00% 0.01% 0.73% 0.28% Active Standard Life Active Overseas Equity (MT) Pension Fund CCKN 6 1.00% 0.02% 0.73% 0.29% Passive Standard Life Overseas Tracker Pension Fund H5 6 1.00% 0.01% 0.73% 0.28% Active Standard Life Passive Emerging Markets Equity (MT) Pension Fund MMNB 7 1.00% 0.22% 0.73% 0.49% Passive Standard Life Passive Global LNGK Equity 50:50 (MT) Pension Fund 6 1.00% 0.01% 0.73% 0.28% Passive Standard Life Passive Overseas NBNI Equity (MT) Pension Fund 6 1.00% 0.01% 0.73% 0.28% Passive Standard Life Shariah Global Equity (MT) Pension Fund AAKK 6 1.00% 0.31% 0.73% 0.58% Passive SL Vanguard FTSE Developed World ex UK Equity Index Pension Fund KKFK 1.00% 0.02% 0.73% 0.29% Passive 6 Property (including property securities) Fund name Fund code Volatility FMC rating Additional Plan expenses rebate Active/ Effective total annual Passive fund charge investment1 Standard Life Property (MT) Pension Fund EEPN 3 0.01% 0.28% 32 EY Defined Contribution Plan 1.00% 0.73% Active Money Market Instruments (including cash) Fund name Fund code Volatility FMC rating Additional Plan expenses rebate Active/ Effective total annual Passive fund charge investment1 Standard Life Deposit and Treasury (MT) Pension Fund NNJH 1 1.00% 0.01% 0.73% 0.28% Active Standard Life Deposit and Treasury Pension Fund G4 1 1.00% 0.01% 0.73% 0.28% Active Bonds Volatility FMC rating Fund code Standard Life Active Corporate Bond (MT) Pension Fund NNPB 2 1.00% 0.02% 0.73% 0.29% Active Standard Life Active Gilt (MT) Pension Fund BEDK 2 1.00% 0.01% 0.73% 0.28% Active Standard Life Annuity Purchase (MT) Pension Fund JJGB 3 1.00% 0.01% 0.73% 0.28% Active Standard Life Passive Corporate BBDE 2 Bond (MT) Pension Fund 1.00% 0.02% 0.73% 0.29% Passive Standard Life Passive Gilt (MT) Pension Fund EEMC 2 1.00% 0.02% 0.73% 0.29% Passive SL Vanguard UK Inflation Linked GGGA 4 Gilt Index Pension Fund 1.00% 0.02% 0.73% 0.29% Passive SL Vanguard UK Investment BFAE Grade Bond Index Pension Fund 1.00% 0.02% 0.73% 0.29% Passive 2 Additional Plan expenses rebate Active/ Effective total annual Passive fund charge investment1 Fund name Other Fund name Fund code Volatility FMC rating Additional Plan expenses rebate Active/ Effective total annual Passive fund charge investment1 Standard Life Active Emerging Markets Equity (MT) Pension Fund CCIB 7 1.00% 0.83% 0.73% 1.10% Active Standard Life Ethical (MT) Pension Fund NNAB 5 1.00% 0.01% 0.73% 0.28% Active Standard Life Global Absolute Return Strategies (MT) Pension Fund BBMK 3 1.00% 0.60% 0.73% 0.87% Active Please see the Basics of investing section for an explanation of active/passive investments. 1 The charges and rebates are not guaranteed. They are regularly reviewed and may be changed in the future. If you need more help to understand these tables, please see the Basics of investing section. EY Defined Contribution Plan 33 Important information you should read Before making your investment choices please make sure you read the following information, which includes details of some of the risks you should be aware of. ¬¬Read your Member’s Outline Document. ¬¬The return on each fund depends on the performance of the assets it invests in and the charges on the fund. ¬¬The price of units depends on the value of the fund’s assets after charges. This can go down as well as up, and your investment in the fund may be worth less than what was paid in. ¬¬We review volatility ratings regularly and they can change over time. 34 EY Defined Contribution Plan ¬¬Some funds invest in overseas assets. This means that exchange rates and the political and economic situation in other countries can significantly affect the value of these funds. The value can go down as well as up, and your investment in the fund may be worth less than what was paid in. ¬¬The asset mix that each fund invests in is continuously reviewed. It may be changed in line with developments in the relevant markets. Part of each fund may be held in cash and other money market instruments – see the Basics of investing section for more information. ¬¬You’ll probably be one of many investors in each fund you choose. Sometimes, in exceptional circumstances, we may have to wait before transferring or switching your investments. This is to maintain fairness between those remaining in and those leaving the fund. This delay could be for up to a month. But for some funds, the delay could be longer: It may be for up to six months if it’s a property based fund because property and land can take longer to sell. If a fund invests in an external fund, the delay could be longer if the rules of the fund allow this. If we have to delay a transfer or switch, the fund prices on the day the transaction takes place will be used – these prices could be very different from the prices on the day you made the request. ¬¬Some funds invest in property. The valuation of property is generally a matter of a valuer’s opinion rather than fact. ¬¬You can switch in and out of various funds to change the mix of investments. ¬¬Some funds invest in funds managed by external fund managers. In these cases, the description of the fund is provided by the external fund manager so Standard Life can’t guarantee that it’s accurate. External fund managers are in charge of managing their own funds including what they invest in. This means that Standard Life is not responsible for these funds’ performance or continued availability. The investment performance of the Standard Life version of a fund will be different from what you would see if you invested in the underlying fund directly. There can be several differences, due to charges, cash management, tax and the timing of investing. EY Defined Contribution Plan 35 ¬¬Some fund managers may look to get a better return by lending some of the assets to certain financial institutions. This involves some risk, and in certain circumstances the fund could suffer a loss – for example, if the institution encountered financial difficulties and was unable to return the asset. The fund manager will use some controls to manage this risk, such as obtaining security from the borrower and monitoring their credit rating. External fund managers may also lend assets and are responsible for their own controls. ¬¬Funds can sometimes use derivatives to improve portfolio management and to help meet investment objectives. A derivative is a financial instrument – its value is derived from the underlying value or movement in other assets, financial commodities or instruments, like equities, bonds, interest rates, etc. 36 EY Defined Contribution Plan There is a risk that a counterparty will fail, or partially fail, to meet their contractual obligations under the arrangement. Where a counterparty fails, the fund could suffer a loss. As part of the management of a fund, a number of controls can be used to reduce the impact of this risk, such as holding collateral and monitoring credit ratings. Depending on how it is used, a derivative can involve little financial outlay but result in large gains or losses. Standard Life has control over the use of derivatives in its funds and external fund managers are responsible for their own controls. ¬¬Charges and rebates are not guaranteed and can be altered in the future. ¬¬The funds listed here were correct when this document was published. We cannot guarantee that all funds will be available when you make an investment. Step 4 How can I keep track of my pension? It’s easy to stay on top of your pension online. Your company pension website, www.standardlifepensions.com/eydcp, has information and tools to make the right decisions. Once you become a member you can also log on to view details of your company pension online. You can: ¬¬See what your pension is worth at today’s date and what it may be worth in the future ¬¬Check and change your investments ¬¬View your personal details ¬¬Get more information and download important documents Keeping track It’s up to you to regularly review your Plan to make sure you’re on track for your retirement. Each year we’ll send you a statement showing how your pension is doing. This might also be a good time to use the retirement planning tools online at www.standardlifepensions.com/eydcp It might be a good idea to take some financial advice. An adviser can help you decide where to invest. If you don’t have a financial adviser, you can find one locally by visiting www.unbiased.co.uk There may be a cost for this. EY Defined Contribution Plan 37 Further reading We recommend you read all of the information we have given you about the Plan. You might want to refer to these documents later, so you should keep them in a safe place. Laws and tax rules may change in the future. The information here is based on our understanding in April 2015. Your personal circumstances also have an impact on tax treatment. 38 EY Defined Contribution Plan Pensions Savings Investments Insurance Find out more If you’d like more information on the products or services within this literature, or if there’s anything more we can help you with, just call us on this number or visit our website. Call us on 0345 278 5643 (Mon‑Fri, 9am to 5pm). Calls may be monitored and/or recorded to protect you and us and help with our training. Call charges will vary. www.standardlifepensions.com/eydcp Products provided by subsidiaries of Standard Life plc or other specified providers. Standard Life Assurance Limited is the provider of the Standard Life DC Master Trust. Standard Life Assurance Limited is registered in Scotland (SC286833) at Standard Life House, 30 Lothian Road, Edinburgh EH1 2DH. Standard Life Assurance Limited is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. www.standardlife.co.uk Standard Life Master Trust Co Ltd is trustee and scheme administrator of the Standard Life DC Master Trust. Standard Life Master Trust Co Ltd is registered in England and Wales (09497864) at c/o Standard Life Workplace Proposition, 14th Floor, 30 St. Mary Axe, London EC3A 8BF. MT4EY 0515 ©2015 Standard Life, images reproduced under licence