Gunpowder Empires: 1450-1750

Gunpowder Empires: 1450-1750
Land- Based Gunpowder Empires: Examples
Ottomans (___________________, ______________________, ___________________________,
Safavids (__________________ , _____________________ __________)
_______________ (Afghanistan, Pakistan, _________________)
___________ China
_____________ Empire
_____________________ Japan
____________ ____________ they spread out into __________________ territory from a “__________
___________” (unlike _______-faring powers & _____________-________ empires based out of
_____________ like ______________, __________________, & the ________________________ that created
far-flung empires _________ ___________________ to their home turf)
Reliance on _____________________
_________________________ military systems
Cost of _______________________ = increased __________________________
Islamic Gunpowder Empires all traced their _______________ back to ______________ ______________
______________ ____________
________________ – these empires shared traits we’ve seen throughout history up to this point
Often, armies were made up of __________-____________ (rather than the __________________
________________ __________) to ensure ______________ to the ______________ _____________
Islamic Flowering: Ottoman, Safavid, Mughal
Vast, _____________ __________________ was extremely __________________ _______________,
___________________, & _______________________
__________________of culture as in the ____________________ era
____________the ___________________ aka the __________________ (_______________); Abbas I the
Great (________________); ________________ (____________________)
________________________ popular place for _______________life
Common Problems
TOO __________ (_____________________ & ___________________ issues)
________________ heritage led to __________________ warrior ______________
Rise of_______________________ rivals
_____________ = small states, ____________ ____________ & competition = technologies &
______________ ______________ ____________; ____________ routes moved to ______________
_____________ controlled by Europe
Long-term Changes
Ottoman, Safavid, & Muhgal Empires came from______________, ______________ roots BUT
______________ _____________ nomadic threats ended w/ __________________ – nomads were conquered
and __________________________
1. “Of the previous Sultans, there were many who ruled the land, but few who ruled the sea. In the conduct of
war at sea, the infidels are superior to us. We must overcome them.”
– Suleyman the Magnificent’s Grand Vizir
Why do you think traditional land-based empires didn’t adequately meet the challenge of changing the basis
of their power to sea-based militaries…eventually leading them to being eclipsed by European powers?
2. Create a T-chart with the headings Land Powers and Sea Powers. List at least six qualities of each type of
power underneath.
3. Why do you think, long term, that sea power was more effective than land-based empires?