Agenda Thursday April 12th Purpose- To learn about the different governments and their effect on Africa Activities 1) Finish Note Taking from Slides 2) Read Page 227-229 3) Compare and contrast the three governments of the time. 4) Review as a class compare and contrast 5) Summarize page 227-229 HOMEWORK-FINISH SUMMARY Page 1 Mansa Musa depicted holding a gold nugget from the 1375 Catalan Atlas. Page 2 Askia Muhammad • Songhai built the largest empire in medieval West Africa under Muhammad • Local courts told to honor Muslim laws • Timbuktu became an important center of Islamic culture and learning Page 3 Page 4 Sultan Page 5 Swahili Page 6 Government and Society • The growth of West African empires led to the growth of centralized governments ruled by kings • The most successful African empires had centralized governments ruled by kings or queens • In Ghana kings relied on a council or group of advisers • The empires were divided into provinces and then smaller districts • Each district included a chief’s clan – group of people descended from the same ancestor Page 7 Effects of Islam on Africa Influenced laws, art, architecture, advanced learning Page 8 Compare and Contrast Page 227-229 Page 9