The The monthly Newsletter of Grace October 2009 Volume # 2009 Issue # 10 Voting Council Members for 2009 Darcie Barman Nicole Mea Edna Brodersen Rick Robertson Dick Anderson Gus Hartig Steve Wheat John Orlowski Karen McNamara Pastor Jack Traugott 845 477-0315 973 853-1336 973 728-0746 845 783-3454 845 986-6414 845 987-8568 845 477-9254 973 853-2552 845 477-0604 845 477-3384 In case of emergency, You may contact Pastor Jack at the church at 845 477-3384 or Council President John Orlowski 973 853-2552 Appointed Committee Chairs Altar Guild Bulletin Cleaning Coffee Hour Communications Cradle Roll Flower Fund Fundraising Lectors Memorials Property Sunday School Sunshine Synod Liaison VBS Director Visiting Deacon Welca Worship & Music Darcie Barman Diane Bramich Edna Brodersen Sue Toscano Janey Santarpia Lisa Orlowski Lorraine Mitchell Scott Santarpia Shari Hyers Sylvia Salvesen Gus Hartig Jennifer Santarpia Sylvia Salvesen Ron Bonnier Sue Toscano Shari Hyers (845 477-3949) President Pastor Jack Traugott Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church 25 Waterstone Road PO Box 394 Greenwood Lake, NY 10925 845 477-3384 Rev. Jack Traugott, Pastor email: 2009 Officers (Elected Positions) President John Orlowski Vice President Karen McNamara 2009 Appointed Officers Treasurer Dick Anderson Secretary Janey Santarpia 2009 Appointed Positions Accounts Receivable Nicole Mea Financial Secretary Jenn Santarpia The Messenger is published monthly and is distributed without charge to members and friends of Grace Lutheran Church. We have an all volunteer staff, as follows: Jane Santarpia, Editor; Becca Rocke, Copy Editor; Janey Santarpia, printer; Mary Ann Schechter, Delivery Person; John Schechter, who collates, staples, folds & seals the Messenger. All copy is due on the 15th of the month! SUNDAY WORSHIP SCHEDULE Sunday, October 11 19th Sunday after Pentecost 9:00 am Sunday School 9:00 am Worship Service 10:30 am Worship Service Sunday, October 18 20th Sunday after Pentecost 9:00 am Sunday School 9:00 am Communion Service 10:30 am Communion Service Sunday, October 25 Reformation Sunday 9:00 am Sunday School 9:00 am Communion Service 10:30 am Communion Service All are welcome to worship with us! Sunday, October 4, 18th Sunday after Pentecost 9:00 am Sunday School 9:00 am Communion Service 10:30 am Communion Service PAGE 2 , Monday, October 12 INDEX Birthdays & Anniversaries Calendar Council Notes Donations Editors Stuff Games & Puzzles Bits & Pieces Pastor’s Message Prayer List Sunday School Volunteer Lists WELCA Worship Schedule Page 6 Page 21 Page 3 Pages 7, 19, 20, Page 18 Pages 17, 18, Pages 5 - 16 Page 4 Page 3 Page 8 Page 22 Page 16 Page 2 Upcoming events Sunday, November 1 -Annual Congregational Meeting Friday & Saturday, November 6 & 7 Craft Fair Saturday, November 14 Murder Mystery Dinner Saturday, November 21 - Leaf Raking Day at Grace - Spruce Up Grace Day Tuesday, November 24 Ecumenical Thanksgiving Service Sunday, October 25 Saturday, October 31 Saturday, October 31 Thursday, November 26 Thanksgiving Day Sunday, December 13 [snow date 12/20] Sunday School Pageant Thursday, December 24 Christmas Eve Services Sunday, November 1 PAGE 3 - Council gave Little Buddies permission to paint the Pre-K room. - Fundraising committee was granted permission to begin selling Shop Rite Cash cards as an ongoing fundraiser. - Sunday School is trying to make a list of emails of the students families so that any information can be sent that way. - Welca is struggling to keep women of Grace involved. They continue to work toward informing all women of Grace about the program. - To keep our bulk mailing rates we can only accept 20 more names for emailing of the Messenger. - Grace’s new web site,, is up and running. - There will be one worship service at 9:00am on November 1st followed by the Annual Congregational Meeting. - Chimes Choir will begin in October and students grade 4 and up are welcome to join. - A sign-up sheet for Acolytes will be placed in the narthex. - The kitchen faucet will need to be replaced in the near future. - Awaiting Tessa Schmits project to begin. - Awaiting Hickory Tree Service for the removal of the large pine tree. - The basement stairwell retaining wall requires repair of the concrete skim coat. - Hydrant in front of church has been repaired and all the water lines at all of Grace’s building needed to be flushed. - Some plumbing repairs will be needed with installation of new septics. - The possibility of new pews from St. John’s has dimmed. Will wait and see what transpires. - Council approved a trash receptacle design by Rick Robertson & placed to the right of the back stairs. - Nominating committee appointed and will be looking for new council members. We pray that good health will be restored to the body and the mind of those we remember in our prayers. Pauline Bannon Frank Brown Nico Cipriano Bill Clarke Constance Costello Gretchen Currie Eleanor Curtis Lori Davis Jacqueline Decre Marian Detro Katherine Devlin Anthony Dia Mary Jane Dickson Anita Diernisse Villy Diernisse Kate Duffy Scotti Eben Torkile Eikaas Betty English Mary Gillespie Michael Gaudiello Jeffrey Hoffman, Jr. Shari Hyers Maria Jones Samuel Jordan Agnes Kilduff John Lachat Sr. Jean Lachat Linda Lachat Stephanie Lardner Logan Mason John Meaden Barbara Meyers Art Murphy Noreen Nadolsky Irma Papagianakis Parma Quinn Barbara C. Rand Millie Robertson Maggie Rocke Ester Rohner Rosalie Romano Sylvia Salvesen Edna Salvidge Andrew Sanford John Santarpia Pat Santarpia Arlene Scott Juliet-Ann Seufert Elaine Shaw Julia Skyberg Sarah Lou Smith Al Sozio Leigh Them Stephanie Thiel Theresa Brett-Thiel Edie Thomsen Mikey Traugott Lorraine VanWeert Alfred Waldheim Judy Widmer Christine Wright Maryfrances Yates Barbara Youlio and for the family of Ken Broda and for those in the armed forces serving here and abroad And for those who grieve and for those who need prayers of healing. PAGE 4 Pastors Message for Messenger – October 2009 Mikey and I had a wonderful trip out west this year even though we were not sure it would take place. On June 26th and July 10th, Mikey had a two part operation on her back. She had rods placed in her spine to counteract the effects of scoliosis. The first operation was 11 hours and the second operation was 9 hours. The surgeries took place in New England Baptist Hospital in Boston, Massachusetts. Things worked out very well. When she was discharged from Rehab, she was unable to sit for any length of time, only stand up straight or lie down straight. Her rehab instructions were to walk, and WALK SHE DID. She used her four wheel walker and began by walking down to the first telephone pole and back. Day by day, she increased her distance and was walking 3 miles a day by the middle of August. She made the decision that she could handle the trip. Mikey flew to Salt Lake City and I drove. I picked her up at the airport and she laid down on the back seat for the 300 mile drive to Jackson Hole, Wyoming. Each day, we got up at dawn and took our 3 mile walk. There were a couple of Osprey nests on the way and we watched the progress of the little ones gradually learning to fly and learning how to fish and eventually take care of themselves. Some of the young took longer than others. The parents way to speed things up was to tear the nest apart. Near the end the only thing left was the platform, all other traces of the nest were gone. The little ones finally learned! On the walk back, we were able to enjoy the Grand Teton Mountain Peaks. Every other day we saw Balloons in the air carrying tourists on their sight-seeing flight 2 – 3 thousand feet above us. Where we were, we were already at 6,500 feet above sea level so the balloons were 8 – 9 thousand feet in the air. Each flight was 45 minutes to an hour. The weather always cooperated; sunshine with just a few clouds. What wonderful views for those fortunate few. Then, we went for drives around Grand Teton National Park looking for animals and enjoying the sights. Bears and Moose are the least seen. This was a moose year. We saw a couple of bucks in the Snake River and then we saw a mother and cub in one of the developments in the area and then another female eating in one of the streams. This was the first time we had seen moose in 3 years. We also saw a lovely herd of Elk and Buffalo. Often we went to downtown Jackson and enjoyed the village square. There you see four arches. Each one made of Elk antlers. Hundreds and hundreds of antlers. Just outside of town, in the winter, the locals feed the elk, and 4 or 5 thousand come to take up residence during the harshest winter months. Piles and piles of hay are taken out to the elk and scattered around so they have food for the winter. At some point the males shed their antlers so, in the spring, the boy scouts gather them up and have an auction. They sell what is not auctioned off and their proceeds support the scouting program in the area. In the evening, we had the difficult task of picking what restaurant we were going to eat in that night. I was on a cheese fondue kick this year so we went to the Alpenhauf Restaurant 3 times. We also went to Nanis, an Italian Restaurant, each month they [Continued on Page5] [Continued from page 4] PAGE 5 change their menu by cooking different favorites from a particular province in Italy. This time it was Sicily. In past months it has been Tuscany, Venice, Milano, Roma, etc. Each night was another wonderful meal. Something else we did was to go swimming in a hot spring fed pool 40 miles outside of Jackson. In the summer the water temperature is in the 90s and in the winter the water is over 100. We also took the new gondola ride up the ski slope and enjoyed the view from 10,550 feet. Mikey continued to walk and one day got up to 5 miles. She was able to sit longer and longer and on the way back to the airport she was able to sit in the front seat for the entire 6 hour drive to Salt Lake City. Little by little she is getting stronger and her left leg is getting in shape. (Her left side was the side that suffered when she had her stroke 5 years ago.) On the 3 Sundays we were away, we went to Shepherd of the Mountains Lutheran Church. They are searching for a Pastor; they have an Interim Pastor at present. The process is long and hopefully they will have a Pastor in the beginning of the New Year. I drove only 8,000 miles this year. On the way out I stopped at Rocky Mountain National Park and on my way home I stopped at Zion National Park. Zion was celebrating its 100th Anniversary – 1909 – 2009. (1909 was the year both of my parents were born.) So once again I have been refreshed by our trip to the Rocky Mountains. Thank you Lord for the beauty and the moments of grandeur. Faith, Hope, Love, Joy and Peace in Jesus Name. Amen. Pastor Jack All reports for the Annual Congregational Meeting booklet are due on October 18, 2009. Please place your completed report in the bottom slot of the box outside Pastor’s office. Or you can email it to me at This is not too early. It leaves just enough time to put it all together and print all the booklets for the members. Check it out [This is us...Grace!] This is Grace Church’s new web site. Sunday School updates, fund-raisers info, facts about Grace, all committee info, opportunities to download forms and links to Little Buddies and ELCA will be on our site. Take a look. Make a suggestion. Get involved. PAGE 6 1 2 3 5 7 10 12 12 14 15 15 16 17 17 18 20 22 25 26 27 28 31 Jeffrey Hoffman 9 Janey & Don Santarpia Don Santarpia 9 Niki & Lou Mea Samantha Kelm 9 Lori & Anthony Anastasio Ingrid Schmidt 13 Eileen & Jim Diffley Autumn Cronin 15 Rachel & Steve McIntosh Jean Bieber 16 Diane & Steve Wheat Charlie Santarpia 18 Becca & Jeff Rocke Sue Timmins 18 Krista & Okey O’Bryant Gabriella Evangelista 28 Kim & Brian Cross Tami Rohner 31 Bonito & Adam Plested Raquel Mea If you, or someone in your family, doesn’t have a Clark Sanders birthday or anniversary listed and you would like it to Bob Adamik be, please e-mail the information to me or write a note Christopher McNamara and put it in the collection tray or send a note to Grace . Natalie Cronin “Do you believe in life after death?” Betty Quinn the boss asked of one of his employees. John Orlowski “Yes, sir”, the clerk replied. Darcie Barman That’s good,” the boss said, “After you Cody Scott left early yesterday to go to your John Garley grandmother’s funeral, Gia Parascandola she stopped by to see you.” Melissa Kearsing Operation Christmas Child Anyone who wishes to participate this year in “Operation Christmas Child” is most certainly welcome. I will have the information pamphlets with envelopes at church by beginning of October. All you need to do is fill a wrapped shoebox with goodies for a boy or girl and bring it to church by Sunday, November 8th. You will make a child less fortunate than us very happy this Christmas. Thank you, Sue Toscano PAGE 7 1. Replace radiator cover in basement. 2. Seal Parking lot. 3. Paint parking spaces on both lots. 4. Repair and paint Janitors closet 5. Repair cement walkway to basement 6. Replace outside walkway light. 7. Fix Porch steps Please remember that this donation should be separate from and added onto the weekly amount you usually give. We will need approximately $40,000 to cover the construction costs. DONATIONS: - In memory of Glenn Detro from Marian Detro. $40,000 $35,000 $30.000 $25,000 $20,000 $19,000 $18,500 $18,400 $18,300 $18,200 $18,100 $18,000 $12,087 The thing up we realized we had spent $800 of our own money on color cartridges for 3 months of newsletters. So, if you receive your newsletter by regular mail it will be in black ink only. (If you receive it on line it will be in wonderful color) Then I received a copy of the newest changes from the Post Office regarding the mailing of church newsletters in booklet form. They now want us to make the outermost page on a cover stock paper, which weighs about the same as 3-4 regular pages. They also want specific placement of at least 3 of the wafer seals. The seals and the cover stock are expensive. The cover stock would be difficult to fold, making sure everything is no thicker than 1/4 “ thick. Oh, it just goes on and on. So, we found these white envelopes that cost 5 cents each, with shipping. John will still have to squeeze everything to 1/4 “ thick but I think this is a good solution for now. Each time I do this it seems I learn something new. Sometimes the lessons are more painful than others. I just hope you all enjoy the newsletter when you read it. Many thanks to those who provide information for the newsletter but a very special thanks to those who volunteer their time and energy each month to ensure it is written, proofed, printed, collated, stapled, folded, labeled and mailed on time! The September issue of news was gathered, typed and retyped by me from August 10th thru the 21st. Becca Rocke proofed the September issue on Saturday, the 22nd and I made the corrections that same day. I printed it on my home printer August 22nd & 23rd. Don Santarpia dropped off the printed copies at the Schechter home Monday, September 24th for John Schechter. John stapled, folded and pressed tightly and sealed the copies and Mary Ann returned them to me on Thursday, August 27 I emailed 51 copies on Monday, August 24th! It was a race. I bulk mailed 232 copies of the September issue. I hand delivered 2, John Schechter hand delivered 3 and 9 were placed in the narthex for anyone who would like one. A total of If you have any questions about this newsletter address them to 299 were distributed. me -Attn. Janey Santarpia, at Grace Church, or email: This months problems were bigger. I am longer able to print in color. When we added every- PAGE 8 Sunday School is now in full swing. By now you should have gotten a calendar of events for the year. November 1st is our Harvest Party. I am asking all the children to bring in something to share as a snack that day and also something to share/give to our local Food Pantry. I will have a sign-up sheet for the party. Please let me know what you can bring. Also, the children will be doing the Christmas Shoe Box greetings. They can bring in anything they would like to add to the class shoe box from now until November 1st. Your childs teacher will let you know if they have chosen a girl or boy and what age the box is for. I am still looking for a couple of teachers. You do not have to do every Sunday. Let me know if you can help. Jennifer Santarpia 496-3813 or cell 845-537-1278 Cradle Roll Welcomes Grace’s youngest members My boys are 18 months apart and when they were younger, sometimes I felt like I could snap in two. They needed mommy for everything. I nurtured, I cleaned them and the messes they made, fed them, changed them and, of course, took them everywhere with me. I’m the mommy and I liked my new title which was a ‘Domestic Facilities Manager. For me, and my former career before staying at home, my new title helped give me a sense of empowerment. This was helpful because sometimes my position in our young family seemed completely overwhelming, with no handbook to follow, no salary and sometimes a 24 hour job and definitely no sick days. Months would go by just on survival mode: the sleepless nights and then a routine would form and the family was in a groove. This was in the early years when I had two babies and then slowly evolved into the toddler years. This summer, I made a formal announcement to the family that there are no more toddlers in this house; we are in the preschool years. My boys have learned the basics of taking care of themselves: which was a wonderful reward for me. The feelings of being snapped in two are gone. I have time to include some ‘mommy things’ in my routine that I couldn’t have done before. The ‘mommy time/mommy things’ at first felt like selfish acts until I realized that without that, my motivation, energy and devotion to the family would plateau. My feelings today are finding the balancing act that fits for everybody. The thoughts of being the rock that holds the family up was a misconception to me and now, I, like the rest of the family have an equal share. This month, please take the time and share your comments with me. Lisa O. Cleaning Committee It has been a tough year for everyone but I’m happy to report our cleaning elves have not let us down. The committee has come through with flying colors. I want to thank everyone who has donated his or her time, talent and or money for supplies in order to keep Grace looking its best. Special thanks go to the current teams: Kelli Kelm and Jill Cronin; Sue Toscano and Ali Creighton; Karen McNamara and Diane Wheat; Michelle and Gia Parascandola; and Maria and Jessica Jones They have outdone themselves in working to keep Grace Lutheran Church looking great. My thanks go to all of them for their labors. Their effort in the routine cleaning does not go unnoticed. Leaf Raking Day November 21, 2009 9:00 am Saturday, We are hoping for a great turnout of both Girl Scouts and Cub Scouts and Sunday School students to help make Grace beautiful. Please bring your own rakes and gloves. We will supply the hot chocolate and snack if you supply the labor. Sue Toscano, Person in Charge PAGE 9 The annual “Spruce Up Day” will coincide with the Leaf- Raking on November 21, 2009. As Chair of this committee I wish to thank all who will participate. We could not do this without your help. The closet will get revamped when the new flooring is installed. Hopefully the items we use will be located easily, not overstocked and will be returned to their respective places after use. If anyone notices we are running low on a particular product, please give me a shout so that the supplies may be replenished. Donations of money, time and comments are always welcomed. Again my thanks go to all who contribute to the appearance of Grace. Edna Brodersen, Committee Chair Spruce Up Grace for the Holidays! November 21, 2009 9 am to 11am While the kids are raking leaves outside, why not come inside and help Grace get polished and shined up for the holidays. This is a chance to get to the things that the cleaning committee never has a chance to get to. Help Grace sparkle for the Holidays! Call Darcie Barman for info. at 477-0315. See you there! PAGE 10 PAGE 11 CRAFTS FAIR & BAKE SALE Friday, November 6th, 4 to 7pm Saturday, November 7th, 10am to 4 pm All handmade crafts & Homemade baked goods (Light meals available both days) Grace Lutheran Church 25 Waterstone Road Greenwood Lake, NY Five members of the Women of the ELCA met on August 30, 2009. President Toni Hartig presided. Attendance for the movie “Jacob” was disappointing but the film was enjoyed by those who came. Bake-less cake sale receipts were in line with previous years. WELCA will apply for the Thrivent “Care in the Congregation” grant. The monies will again go toward insurance expense. The lunch gathering at Murphy’s proved to be a lovely time for fellowship. The Metro New York Synod Women of the ELCA convention will be on Sept. 19th on Staten Island. No one from our group will be in attendance because of the drive there. The Women request that Little Buddies, if in session after 1pm on Nov 6th, relocate for the afternoon so that people can set up for the Craft Fair. Toni Hartig resigned as President but will continue to be a participant as much as her work schedule allows. You can learn about synod wide WELCA activities at home, just visit on the net. Become a participant. Just a quick reminder: The holidays are fast approaching and many of us are thinking of ways to honor persons dear to us. While you are at it, don’t forget “The Tree of Life”. It is a permanent way to remember a loved one and the finds go toward beautifying our Sanctuary. PAGE 12 An open letter to all Women of Grace belong. It is comprised of 217 congregations in the Metro NY area. MNYSWELCA has as its mission: “To mobilize women to act Re: “Women of the ELCA” a.k.a. boldly in their faith in Jesus Christ”. Con“WELCA” ventions and retreats are held regularly. This letter is a response to several recent “Witness” is their quarterly publication. events: We belong to Region 7, that is: synodi1. A noticeable drop off in active cal units from Metro NY; Upstate NY; New WELCA members England; NJ; Southeastern PA; and North2. A request by Council to reintroduce eastern PA. the organization to the Congregation We belong to the Church-wide ELCA, at large which is based in Chicago. It is our highest 3. A chance conversation with a member legislative body, from it comes the programof Grace who is a nonparticipant of ming to carry out our missions. WELCA Other resources for us to utilize include: I’ll take them item-by-item. Lutheran Woman Today is a 1. In the past, the unit at Grace was magazine published 10 times a year and conactive in providing opportunities for fellownects us with women who share our common ship, friendship, leadership and service. faith and commitment Early on there were 20-30 active particiInterchange is a monthly newspants. We are now down to 5. letter about upcoming programs and resources. Cafe is an E-ZINE geared to women 18 to 35, grounded in a Lutheran perspective. 3. The Sunday after the recent WELCA luncheon at Murphy’s, I spoke to one of our congregants saying “Missed you at the luncheon”. Her response was” I thought it was just for WELCA Members”. I was taken aback. Ladies you are WELCA!!!! We have a wonderful opportunity for fellowship with women of Grace, Women of the ELCA in the Metro area and across the nation. Four of our five current partici2. WELCA is for all women in the Evanpants are over retirement age and all feel gelical Lutheran Church. In many churches it the need to increase the number of active is the umbrella group of women with a num- participants. It is time for the women of ber of smaller circles involved in a variety Grace to “act boldly in their faith in Jesus of activities. Christ”. e.g. Browse through the publications, There are 64 synodical women’s orga- go to the Websites, learn more about nizations across the US and the Caribbean. WELCA and see where you fit in. The Metro New York Synod Women of the See you soon at one of our meetings. ELCA is the larger conference to which we Edna Brodersen PAGE 13 Senility No one believes seniors everyone thinks they are senile. An Elderly couple was celebrating their sixtieth anniversary. The couple had married as childhood sweet-hearts and had moved back to their old neighborhood after they retired. Holding hands they walked back to their old school. It was not locked, so they entered, and found the old desk they’d shared, where Andy had carved ‘I love you, Sally.’ On their way back home, a bag of money fell out of an armored car, practically landing at their feet Sally quickly picked it up, but not sure what to do with it, they took it home. There, she counted the money— fifty-thousand dollars. Andy said, ‘We’ve got to give it back.’ Sally said, ‘Finders keepers.’ She put the money back in the bag and hid it in their attic. The next day, two FBI men were canvassing the neighborhood looking for the money, and knocked on the door. ‘Pardon me, but did either of you find a bag that fell out of an armored car yesterday?’ Sally said, ‘No.’ Andy said, ‘She’s lying. She hid it up in the attic.’ Sally said, ‘Don’t believe him, he’s getting senile.’ The agents turn to Andy and began to question him. One says: ‘Tell us the story from the beginning’ Andy said, ‘Well, when Sally and I were walking home from school yesterday ..’ The first FBI guy turns to his partner and says, ‘We’re outta here.’ YOU’RE NOT DEAD An older couple is lying in bed one morning. They had just awakened from a good night’s sleep. He takes her hand and she responds, “Don’t touch me.” “Why not?” he asked. She answered, “Because I’m dead.” The husband asked. “What are you talking about? We’re both lying here in bed together and talking to one another.” She said, “ No, I’m definitely dead.” He insisted, “You are not dead. What in the world makes you think you’re dead?’ “Because I woke up this morning and nothing hurts” This is what learning is. You suddenly understand something you’ve understood all your life, but in a new way! - Doris Lessing PAGE 14 APHORISM: A SHORT, POINTED SENTENCE EXPRESSING A WISE OR CLEVER OBSERVATION OR A GENERAL TRUTH 1. The nicest thing about the future is that it always starts tomorrow. 2. Money will buy a fine dog, but only kindness will make him wag his tail. 3. If you don’t have a sense of humor, you probably don’t have any sense at all. 4. Seat belts are not as confining as wheelchairs. 5. A good time to keep your mouth shut is when you’re in deep water. 6. How come it takes so little time for a child who is afraid of the dark to become a teenager who wants to stay out all night? 7. Business conventions are important because they demonstrate how many people a company can operate without. 8. Why is it that at class reunions you feel younger than everyone else looks? 9. Scratch a cat and you will have a permanent job. 10. No one has more driving ambition than the boy who wants to buy a car. 11. There are no new sins; the old ones just get more publicity. 12. There are worse things than getting a call for a wrong number at 4 AM. It could be a right number. 13. No one ever says ‘It’s only a game.’ when their team is winning. 14. I’ve reached the age where the happy hour is a nap. 15. Be careful reading the fine print. There’s no way you’re going to like it. 16. The trouble with bucket seats is that not everybody has the same size bucket. 17. Do you realize that in about 40 years, we’ll have thousands of old ladies running around with tattoos? (And rap music will be the Golden Oldies!) 18. Money can’t buy happiness — but somehow it’s more comfortable to cry in a Corvette than in a Yugo. 19. After 50, if you don’t wake up aching in every joint, you are probably dead!! 20. Always be yourself because the people that matter don’t mind, and the ones who mind, don’t matter - Shared by Sandy Holz Holy E-mail One day God was looking down at earth and saw all of the rascally behavior that was going on. So He called one of His angels and sent the angel to earth for a time. When he returned, he told God, Yes, it is bad on earth; 95% are misbehaving and only 5% are not. God thought for a moment and said, ‘Maybe I had better send down a second angel to get another opinion. So God called another angel and sent him to earth for a time. When the angel returned he went to God and said, ‘Yes, it’s true. The earth is in decline; 95% are mis-behaving, but 5% are being good. God was not pleased. So He decided to e-mail the 5% who were good, because he wanted to encourage them, and give them a little something to help them keep going. Do you know what the e-mail said? Okay, I was just wondering, because I didn’t get one either- Shared by Rick Robertson PAGE 15 A man was driving when a traffic camera flashed. He thought his picture was taken for exceeding the speed limit, even though he knew he was not speeding. Just to be sure, he went around the block and passed the same spot, driving even more slowly, but again the camera flashed. He thought this was quite funny, so he slowed down even further as he drove past the area, but the traffic camera flashed yet again. He tried a fourth time with the same result. The fifth time he was laughing when the camera flashed as he rolled past at a snail’s pace. Two weeks later, he got five traffic fine letters in the mail for driving without a seat belt. Christmas Plants Order Form I would like to donate: _________(#of plants) poinsettias @ $15.00 each =$__________ I would like to donate $____________towards the purchase of garland to be hung in the sanctuary and wreaths on the outside doors of the Church. Enclosed is a check for $____________payable to Grace Lutheran Church In memory of ___________________________________________ In honor of_____________________________________________ Donated by:____________________________________________ The cut off date for all orders is Sunday, December 6, 2009 Revelation I knelt to pray when day was done, And prayed, “0 Lord, bless everyone, Lift from each saddened heart the pain, And let the sick be well again.” And then I woke another day, And carelessly went on my way; The whole day long I did not try, To wipe a tear from any eye. I did not try to share the load, Of any brother on the road; I did not even go to see, The sick man, just next door to me. Yet, once again, when day was done, I prayed, “0 Lord, bless everyone.” But as I prayed into my ear, There came a voice that whispered clear: “Pause no, my son, before you pray; Whom have you tried to bless today? God’s sweetest blessings always go, By hands that serve him here below.” And then I hid my face and cried, “Forgive me, God, I have not tried. Let me but live another day, And I will live the way I pray.” PAGE 16 Page 17 ACROSS 1 and assigned them duties, each to his own ___ (Neh 13:30) 5 I saw something like a large ___ being let down from heaven (Acts 11:5) 10 Be ___ of this: The wicked will not go unpunished (Prov 11:21) 14 But now he has appeared ___ for all at the end of the ages (Heb 9:26) 15 Have you not put a ___ around him and his household (Job 1:10) 16 ___ for me the gates of righteousness; I will enter (Ps 118:19) 17 But ___ treasured up all these things and pondered them (Luke 2:19-20) 18 “I am the Alpha and the ___ ,” says the Lord God (Rev 1:8) 19 Light is ___ upon the righteous and joy on the upright (Ps 97:11) 20 sons of Gad: Zephon, Haggi, Shuni, Ezbon, ___ (Gen 46:16) 21 and the ___ , and the pelican, and the gier eagle (Lev 11:18) KJV 22 proclaiming aloud your praise and telling of all your wonderful ___ (Ps 26:7) 23 but sin is not ___ when there is no law (Rom 5:13) KJV 25 They hammered out ___ sheets of gold and cut strands (Ex 39:3) 27 and she shall shave her head, and ___ her nails (Deut 21:12) KJV 28 the roads were abandoned; travelers took to ___ paths (Judg 5:6) 32 I ___ the assembly of evildoers and refuse to sit with the wicked (Ps 26:5) 35 Early the next morning they ___ and worshiped before the LORD (1 Sam 1:19) 37 “No one, ___ ,” she said. “Then neither do I condemn you,” (John 8:11) 38 spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed ___ of all things (Heb 1:2) 39 for it is written: “It is ___ to avenge; I will repay,” says the Lord (Rom 12:19) 40 all that handle the ___ , the mariners (Ezek 27:29) KJV 41 his feet with shackles, his neck was put in ___ (Ps 105:18) 45 You cannot serve both God and ___ (Matt 6:24) 46 betrayal, treachery (2 Kings 11:14) 48 Tell them everything I command you; do not ___ a word (Jer 26:2) 50 does not obey our instruction in this letter, take special ___ of him. (2 Thess 3:14) 51 without interpretation or embellishment 55 the veil of the temple was rent in ___ from the top to the bottom. (Mark 15:38) KJV 58 Its posts he made of silver, its ___ of gold (Song 3:10) 59 8th letter of Greek alphabet 60 Let her be as the loving ___ and pleasant roe (Prov 5:19) KJV 61 they gathered twice as much , two ___ for each person (Ex 16:22) 63 By wisdom the LORD ___ the earth’s foundations (Prov 3:19) 64 to loose the bands of wickedness, to ___ the heavy burdens (Isa 58:6) KJV 65 and letting your cattle and donkeys ___ free (Isa 32:20) 66 keep away from every brother who is ___ and does not (2 Thess 3:6) 67 On him God the Father has placed his ___ of approval (John 6:27) 68 nothing can be ___ to it and nothing taken from it (Eccl 3:14) 69 for one official is ___ by a higher one, and over them PAGE 18 DOWN 1 listen ___ ___; ___ will teach you the fear of the LORD (2,2,1) (Ps 34:11) 2 Do you have ___ ___ like God’s, and can your voice thunder (2,3) (Job 40:9) 3 Carry neither purse, nor ___ , nor shoes (Luke 10:4) KJV 4 the fear of the LORD is the ___ to this treasure (Isa 33:6) 5 rain down righteousness; let the clouds ___ it down (Isa 45:8) 6 So ___ ___ ___ whip out of cords, and drove all from the temple (2,4,1) (John 2:15) 7 garden of God 8 or is there flavor in the white of an ___ ? (Job 6:6) 9 beverage made from leaves 10 as my Father hath sent me, even ___ ___ I you (2,4) (John 20:21) KJV 11 God was with the boy as he grew ___. ___ lived in the desert (2,2) (Gen 21:20) 12 I was given a ___ like a measuring rod (Rev 11:1) 13 From the ___ of the earth I call to you (Ps 61:2) 21 the Offspring of David, and the bright Morning ___ (Rev 22:16) 22 So the king and Haman went to ___ with Queen Esther (Est 7:1-2) 24 They will not be gathered ___ ___ buried, but will be like refuse(2,2) (Jer 8:2) 25 Taking the five loaves and the ___ fish and looking up to heaven (Matt 14:19) 26 is like a foolish man who built ___ house on sand (Matt 7:26) 29 Our God ___ ___ heaven; he does whatever pleases him (2,2) (Ps 115:3) 30 Jesus asked, “Were not all ten cleansed? Where are the other ___ (Luke 17:17) 31 not black or white (British spelling) 32 branded in their own conscience as with ___ ___ iron (1,3) (1 Tim 4:2) ASV 33 Like a roaring lion or a charging ___ (Prov 28:15) 34 the money paid for the ___ covers the loss (Ex 22:15) 36 boast on the day of Christ that I did not ___ or labor for nothing (Phil 2:16-17) 39 thou see clearly to cast out the ___ out of thy brother’s eye (Matt 7:5) KJV 41 The LORD ___ ___ my side; I will not fear (2,2) (Ps 118:6) KJV 42 their fish ___ for lack of water and die of thirst (Isa 50:2) 43 Jesus answered. “No ___ is good except God alone (Mark 10:18) 44 The crowd that gathered around him was ___ ___ that he got into (2,5) (Mark 4:1) 45 shalt not depart thence, till thou hast paid the very last ___ (Luke 12:59) KJV 47 shall not make for yourself ___ ___ in the form of anything (2,4) (Deut 5:8) 49 will never enter their minds or be remembered; it will not be ___ (Jer 3:16) 52 Get ___ ; be prepared, you and all the hordes gathered (Ezek 38:7) 53 son of man, take thee ___ ___ , and lay it before thee (1.4) (Ezek 4:1) KJV 54 And they ___ their asses with the corn (Gen 42:26) KJV 55 ___, by their fruit you will recognize them (Matt 7:20) 56 Do not get drunk on ___, which leads to debauchery (Eph 5:18) 57 your word is a lamp to my feet ___ ___ light for my path (3,1) (Ps 119:105) 58 my hands for battle; my arms can ___ a bow of bronze (Ps 18:34) 61 I am only a resounding gong ___ ___ clanging cymbal (2,1) (1 Cor 13:1) 62 He is demon-possessed and raving ___. Why listen to him?” (John 10:20) 63 They exchanged the truth of God for a ___ (Rom 1:25 Hmmm...I put a lot of time and effort into keeping as much of the old newsletter and shortening it at the same time. I think it turned out okay. Hope you all like it. So many things are happening at Grace. Our season of excitement has begun: students are back in Sunday School, Chimes Choir will begin: the septic project is actually moving along; the basement and closet floors will be completed shortly; new pews are on the horizon and we are back to our regular services. There are always some negatives that happen everywhere but I choose not to point them out. Some one will. The Fundraising committee is rehearsing for the newest Murder Mystery Dinner, The Crafty Ladies are preparing their crafts for sale, the Sunday School is collecting food stuffs for the Food Pantry, and hopefully, we are all back in the sanctuary, singing together, praying together and talking together after service. I always have something to ask of you and this time it is that you reach into your schedules and find something you can help with at Grace. Maybe a one time deal or a monthly something. When you help out it makes you feel like the place is really yours. And if you help out or not, it is still really yours... Thinking of ways to help Your Editor, Janey Santarpia 845 783-3526 or THE PAGE 19 Many Thanks for your generosity! Donations to the Messenger to keep it going: - To Keep it going from Mary Ann Schechter. - In memory of Gunter Kelm in Heaven on his 70th birthday from his family. - To keep it going from Karen McNamara. Donations to the Memorial Fund . Donations to the Organ Fund . THE Enclosed is my donation of $______ for the Messenger. In Memory of_________________________________ In Honor of___________________________________ Other________________________________________ From_______________________________________ Please make your check payable to: Grace Lutheran Church Attn.: The Messenger PO Box 394 Greenwood Lake, NY 10925 And thanks very much! Mission Statement for Grace: To Worship, Baptize, Learn, Teach and Live the Love and Word of God in Christ. If you are interested in giving a $5 per month donation for the use of a business card space please contact Janey Santarpia at (845) 783-3526 or or mail in your donation with a clean sample of your card or information, attn.: Niki Mea. PAGE 21 845 845 845 MICHAEL@SEARLEINK.COM DEB@SEARLEINK.COM (845)820-8603 CUSTOM PUBLISHING GRAPHIC DESIGN-EDITING-WRITING 8th Sunday after Pentecost