international business strategy reasons and

Katarzyna Twarowska
Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Poland
Magdalena Kąkol
Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Poland
During the last half of the twentieth century, many barriers to international trade fell and a wave of
firms began pursuing global strategies to gain a competitive advantage. However, some industries
benefit more from globalization than do others, and some nations have a comparative advantage over
other nations in certain industries. To create a successful global strategy, managers first must
understand the nature of global industries and the dynamics of global competition.
The paper presents the problem of international business strategy. First, the authors define a concept
of international strategy and gives some reasons why do companies go international and how they do
it (entry strategy). The paper includes the case study of international strategy used by IKEA and
attempts to explain when firms should standardize or adopt their products to foreign market. After that,
the authors show some examples of joint venture and international alliances.
Keywords: international strategy, management, collaboration, strategic alliances, management
An international strategy means that internationally scattered subsidiaries act independently and
operate as if they were local companies, with minimum coordination from the parent company.
Global strategy leads to a wide variety of business strategies, and a high level of adaptation to the
local business environment. The challenge here is to develop one single strategy that can be applied
throughout the world while at the same time maintaining the flexibility to adapt that strategy to the local
business environment when necessary (Yip G. 2002). A global strategy involves a carefully crafted
single strategy for the entire network of subsidiaries and partners, encompassing many countries
simultaneously and leveraging synergies across many countries.
What differences are there between the global strategy and international strategy? There are three key
The first relates to the degree of involvement and coordination from the centre. Coordination of
strategic activities is the extent to which a firm’s strategic activities in different country locations are
planned and executed interdependently on a global scale to exploit the synergies that exist across
different countries. An international strategy does not require strong coordination from the centre. A
global strategy, on the other hand, requires significant coordination between the activities of the centre
and those of subsidiaries.
The second difference relates to the degree of product standardization and responsiveness to local
business environment. Product standardization is the degree to which a product, service, or process is
standardized across countries. An international strategy assumes that the subsidiary should respond
to local business needs unless there is a good reason for not doing so. In contrast, the global strategy
assumes that the centre should standardize its operations and products in all the different countries,
unless there is a compelling reason for not doing so (Zou S., Cavusgil S.T. 2002).
The third difference has to do with strategy integration and competitive moves. ‘Integration’ and
‘competitive move’ refer to the extent to which a firm’s competitive moves in major markets are
interdependent. For example, a multinational firm subsidizes operations or subsidiaries in countries
where the market is growing with resources gained from other subsidiaries where the market is
declining, or responds to competitive moves by rivals in one market by counter-attacking in others.
The international strategy gives subsidiaries the independence to plan and execute competitive moves
independently—that is, competitive moves are based solely on the analysis of local rivals . In contrast,
the global strategy plans and executes competitive battles on a global scale. Firms adopting a global
strategy, however, compete as a collection of a globally integrated single firms. An international
strategy treats competition in each country on a ‘stand-alone basis’, while a global strategy takes ‘an
integrated approach’ across different countries (Yip G. 2002).
Companies go international for a variety of reasons but the typical goal is company growth or
expansion. When a company hires international employees or searches for new markets abroad, an
international strategy can help diversify and expand a business.
Economic globalization is the process during which businesses rapidly expand their markets to include
global clients. Such expansion is possible in part because technological breakthroughs throughout the
20th century rendered global communication easier. Air travel and email networks mean it is possible
to manage a business from a remote location. Now businesses often have the option of going global,
they assess a range of considerations before beginning such expansion.
Overseas operations are often attractive to executives seeking to reduce their budgets in order to
increase profit. For example, it is possible to cut business overhead costs in countries with relatively
deflated currencies and lower costs of living. U.S.-based businesses can further reduce overhead by
operating in countries that have free trade arrangements with the United States. It is often cheaper to
employ a workforce in these countries since the cost of living is lower. When companies experience
financial crises, executives sometimes attempt to save what remains of the company by reformulating
the budget and moving overseas (Elmuti D., Kathawala Y. 2001).
Expanded markets entice many executives into going global. William Edwards of All Business explains
that going global can reduce a company's reliance on local and national markets. That is, downturns in
consumer demand at home are offset by upturns in consumer demand in international markets. Larger
markets also mean the potential for greater profit, so companies go global to seek new business
opportunities and even to expand the range of goods and services that they offer. Sometimes
businesses expand to under-exploited regions to gain market dominance before an industry
competitor expands into the region (Retrieved from
Change is an ever present facet of business development. Businesses transfer ownership, for
example, and end up reformulating their entire business structures. Companies hire outside
consultants to advise restructuring during financial crises. Sometimes the fact that businesses go
global is the product of the inevitable ebb and flow of commerce. An overseas buyer may transfer
operations to the home country. The majority of an industry's business may shift overseas, making
global expansion all the more desirable. Competition may develop in regions such that it is unwise for
your company not to follow.
Foreign market entry strategies differ in degree of risk they present, the control and commitment of
resources they require and the return on investment they promise. There are two major types of entry
1) non-equity mode, which includes export and contractual agreements,
2) equity mode, which includes joint venture and wholly owned subsidiaries.
The market-entry technique that offers the lowest level of risk and the least market control is export
and import. The highest risk, but also the highest market control and expected return on investment
are connected with direct investments that can be made as an acquisition (sometimes called
Brownfield) and Greenfield investments (Terpstra V., Sarathy R. 2001).
Exporting and importing
The first and the most common strategy to be an international company is: import and export of goods,
materials and services. Exporting is the process of selling goods or services produced in one country
to other countries. There are two types of exporting: direct and indirect. Indirect export means that
products are carried abroad by other agents and the firm doesn’t have special activity connected with
international market, because the sale abroad is treated like the domestic one. For these reasons it is
difficult to say that it is an internationalization strategy. In the case of direct exporting, the firm
becomes directly involved in marketing its products in foreign markets.
Licensing is another way to enter a foreign market with a limited degree of risk. The international
licensing firm gives the licensee patent rights, trademark rights, copyrights or know-how on products
and processes. In return, the licensee will: produce the licensor’s products, market these products in
his assigned territory and pay the licensor fees and royalties usually related to the sales volume of the
products. This type of agreement is generally welcomed by foreign public authorities because it brings
technology into the country.
Franchising is similar to licensing except that the franchising organisation tends to be more directly
involved in the development and control of the marketing programme.
The franchising system can be defined as a system in which semi-independent business owners
(franchisees) pay fees and royalties to a parent company (franchiser) in return for the right to become
identified with its trademark, to sell its products or services, and often to use its business format and
Compared to licensing, franchising agreements tends to be longer and the franchisor offers a broader
package of rights and resources which usually includes: equipments, managerial systems, operation
manual, initial trainings, site approval and all the support necessary for the franchisee to run its
business in the same way it is done by the franchisor. In addition to that, while a licensing agreement
involves things such as intellectual property, trade secrets and others in franchising it is limited to
trademarks and operating know-how of the business.
Advantages of the international franchising mode are as follows:
− low political risk
− low cost
− allows simultaneous expansion into different regions of the world
− well selected partners bring financial investment as well as managerial capabilities to the
There are also disadvantages of the international franchising mode:
− franchisees may turn into future competitors
− demand of franchisees may be scarce when starting to franchise a company, which can lead
to making agreements with the wrong candidates
− a wrong franchisee may ruin the company’s name and reputation in the market
− comparing to other modes such as exporting and even licensing, international franchising
requires a greater financial investment to attract prospects and support and manage
Joint Ventures
Foreign joint ventures have much in common with licensing. The major difference is that in joint
ventures, the international firm has an equity position and a management voice in the foreign firm. A
partnership between host- and home-country firms is formed, usually resulting in the creation of a third
firm (Byrne S., Popoff L. 2008).
This type of agreement gives the international firm better control over operations and also access to
local market knowledge. The international firm has access to the network of relationships of the
franchisee and is less exposed to the risk expropriation thanks to the partnership with the local firm
(Geringer J.M., Hebert L. 1989).
This type of agreement is very popular in international management. Its popularity stems from the fact
that it permits the avoidance of control problems of the other types of foreign market entry strategies.
In addition, the presence of the local firm facilitates the integration of the international firm in a foreign
environment (Killing J.P. 1982).
Strategic alliances
A strategic alliance is a term used to describe a variety of cooperative agreements between different
firms, such as shared research, formal joint ventures, or minority equity participation (Campbell E.,
Reuer J.J. 2001). The modern form of strategic alliances is becoming increasingly popular and has
three distinguishing characteristics:
− they are usually between firms in high - industrialized nations
− the focus is often on creating new products and technologies rather than distributing existing
− they are often only created for short term durations.
Technology exchange - this is a major objective for many strategic alliances. The reason for this is that
technological innovations are based on interdisciplinary advances and it is difficult for a single firm to
possess the necessary resources or capabilities to conduct its own effective R&D efforts. This is also
supported by shorter product life cycles and the need for many companies to stay competitive through
innovation (Jagersma P.K. 2005).
The greatest disadvantage of strategic alliances is the risk of competitive collaboration - some
strategic alliances involve firms that are in fierce competition outside the specific scope of the alliance.
This creates the risk that one or both partners will try to use the alliance to create an advantage over
the other (Grant R.M., Baden – Fuller Ch. 2004).
Direct investments
In this arrangement, the international firm makes a direct investment in a production unit in a foreign
market. It is the greatest commitment since there is a 100% ownership. There are two primary ways
for direct investments: firms can make a direct acquisition in the host market or they can develop its
own facilities from the ground up and this form is called Greenfield investment. Acquisition has
become a popular mode of entering foreign markets mainly due to its quick access. Acquisition is
lower risk than Greenfield investment because the outcomes of an acquisition can be estimated more
easily and precisely. Greenfield investment is the establishment of a new wholly owned subsidiary. It is
often complex and potentially costly, but it is able to full control to the firm and has the most potential
to provide above average return. Greenfield investment is high risk due to the costs of establishing a
new business in a new country. This entry strategy takes much time due to the need of establishing
new operations, distribution networks, and the necessity to learn and implement appropriate marketing
strategies to compete with rivals in a new market.
Foreign market entry strategies are numerous and imply a varying degree of risk and of commitment
from an international firm. In general, the implementation of an international development strategy is a
process achieved in several steps. Indirect exporting is often used as the starting point; if the results
are satisfactory, more committing agreements are made by associating local firms.
The furniture industry is an example of an industry that did not lend itself to globalization before the
1960s. The reasons for that are its features. Furniture has a huge volume compared to its value,
relatively high transport costs and is easily damaged in shipping. Government trade barriers also were
unfavorable. But IKEA – company established in the 1940s in a small village in Sweden, has become
one of the world’s leading retailers of home furnishings. In 2002 it was ranked 44th out of the top 100
brands by Interbrand, topping other known brands such as Pepsi. In 2002, it had more than 160 stores
in 30 countries. How did IKEA achieve it? The IKEA business idea is: ‘We shall offer a wide range of
well-designed, functional home furnishing products at prices so low that as many people as possible
will be able to afford them.’ By the early 1960s the Swedish market was saturated and IKEA decided
to expand its business formula outside Sweden. They noted: ‘Sweden is a very small country. It’s
pretty logical: in a country like this, if you have a very strong and successful business, you’re bound to
go international at some point. The reason is simple—you cannot grow any more’ (Retrieved from IKEA’s internationalization strategy in Scandinavian countries and the rest of
Europe has not paid significant attention to local tastes and preferences in the different European
countries. Only necessary changes were allowed, to keep costs under control and IKEA’s low
responsiveness to local needs strategy seems to work well in Europe (Kling K., Gofeman I. 2003).
The first challenge came in 1985 when IKEA entered the US market and faced several problems
there. The root of most of these problems was the company’s lack of attention to local needs and
wants. US customers preferred large furniture kits and household items. As a result of initial poor
performance in the US market, IKEA’s management realized that a standardized product strategy
should be flexible enough to respond to local markets. In the early 1990s IKEA redesigned its strategy
and adapted its products to the US market. Thanks to it IKEA’s sales in the US increased significant
and by 2002 the US market accounted for 19% of IKEA’s revenue. As the case study illustrates, in
several industries firms with effective strategy do not have to change their core strategy significantly
when they move beyond their home market. IKEA does not significantly change its corporate strategy
and operations to adapt to local markets unless there is a compelling reason for doing so. IKEA’s
strategy in the US during the 1980s demonstrates that even the most successful formula in the home
market can fail if multinational companies do not respond effectively to local business realities
(Carnegy H. 1995).
This section shows an example of international alliance and collaboration between companies from
one sector. In the 1960s US companies, particularly Boeing and McDonnell-Douglas, had become the
dominant players in the increasingly capital-intensive airplane industry. The smaller European
manufacturers competed with one another as well as with their international rivals, but the lack of
capital and production scale did not allow them to compete effectively against their US counterparts in
building big, modern passenger jets. By the end of the 1960s, the Europeans’ combined share of the
global aircraft market had decreased to just 10%. Then, in 1970, four of the leading European
manufacturers – from France, Germany, Spain and the UK – did something radical. They decided to
collaborate rather than compete. They formed the joint venture Airbus, pooling their resources to
design, produce and sell jet aircraft (Slywotzky A., Hoban Ch. 2007).
The collaboration did not just provide temporary life support for the aircraft makers, it has allowed
them to develop themselves. Although Airbus’s first customers were European airlines, the venture
began penetrating the American market by 1980. European aircraft manufacturing survived and Airbus
had become the only rival to Boeing.
Why form a cross-border alliance? Do we need to collaborate to compete? According to the survey,
cross-border alliances are appropriate for four broad purposes (many cross-border alliances involve
multiple objectives):
1. To combine partner resources to develop new businesses or reduce investment. Typical
examples include new business start-ups with parents contributing specific complementary
capabilities that constitute the basis for a new business. For instance, ten leading drug
companies, including Smith Kline Beecham, created a $ 45 million joint research consortium to
study variations in human DNA. Airbus was a joint venture between French, German, British
and Spanish manufacturers that eventually became a single company. Each national partner
has specialized in one bit of aircraft manufacturing. The French became experts in aircraft
electronics and cockpit design, the British became world leaders in wing manufacturing, the
Germans concentrated on making fuselages and the Spanish focused on aircraft tails.
Separate ventures or parent-to-parent collaboration? One of the most important decisions is
whether to establish a separate equity venture or to establish a direct parent-to-parent
alliance. Cross-border ventures are appropriate when: it is possible to establish a stand-alone
business with dedicated resources provided by all parents. A high degree of integration of
specific parent resources is required to achieve goals and it is desirable to create loyalty to a
new business distinct from the parents because their interests might otherwise prevent the
success of a collaboration (Kale P, Singh H. 2009). Toshiba and Motorola, for example,
created a semiconductor manufacturing alliance, even though the two parents compete in
downstream product areas. Direct parent-to-parent collaboration (often including licensing or
long-term contractual agreements) is appropriate when assets or resources are best kept in
separate parent organizations. Parent interests are competitive close parent control is
required, and success cannot be measured in terms of performance measures that apply to
stand-alone businesses (for instance, the main purpose is to learn).
2. To eliminate risks. During the past few years, Renault, General Motors and DaimlerChrysler
have bought stakes in Nissan, Fuji Heavy Industries (which makes Subaru brand cars), and
Mitsubishi Motors, respectively. The idea is that a stake in a Japanese carmaker, with a
network of factories and dealerships in Asia, is a less risky way to expand into the world’s
fastest-growing automotive market than a full merger. Pilkington, the UK glass manufacturer,
has joint ventures with Saint-Gobain of France, one of its fiercest rivals, in Brazil. The two
companies take turns to build glass-making plants. Each side manages its own plants but they
share the profits. Building a glass plant is hugely expensive. Through their cross-border joint
ventures, they reduce the risk of having too much capacity for the local market.
3. To learn. Learning may entail improving skills through working with a partner or gaining access
to countries. Turner Broadcasting, which is part of Time Warner, has completed a deal with
Philips, a Dutch electronics company, where Philips will get the right to name a new sports
arena that TBS is building in Atlanta. But TBS’s main motive is to find out more about
European consumers and about the digital communications hardware that is Philips’s stock-intrade. British Rover improved its manufacturing through the Honda alliance. GM learned about
quality control, work teams, flexible assembly lines from Suzuki and from Nummi (i.e. the
GM/Toyota global alliance), then transferred these capabilities to Saturn. Mazda has helped
Ford to improve its emissions testing – critically important as global regulations tighten. Ford
has also gained access to Japanese manufacturing practices, including kaizen (constant
improvement). Having watched several of its peers make expensive mistakes trying to buy
stores or go it alone, Britain’s Tesco wanted to penetrate South Korean markets without
making the same mistakes. It formed an alliance with Samsung and began many joint
ventures in the 1990s with foreign firms because they couldn’t do a cross-border acquisition.
4. To change the name of the competitive game. To manage industry rivalry, Star Alliance, which
includes Lufthansa and United Airlines, began as a series of loose arrangements to share
codes and direct passengers to partners’ flights; now it is beginning to look more like a quasimerger, with shared executive lounges and pooled maintenance facilities (Slywotzky A.,
Hoban Ch. 2007).
In the international competitive environment, the ability to develop a transnational organizational
capability is the key factor that can help the firm adapt to the changes in the dynamic environment. As
the fast rate of globalization renders the traditional ways of doing business irrelevant, it is vital for
managers to have a global mindset to be effective. Globalization of business has led to the emergence
of global strategic management. A combination of strategic management and international business
will result in strategies for global cooperation. However, there are obstacles to progress along the way.
The problems caused by these obstacles can be solved by cooperative ventures based on mutual
advantages of the parties involved. Proper effective communication will be a key element for global
strategies because what is proper and effective in one culture may be ineffective and improper in
another. Marketing products globally is complex and difficult because of several factors including:
International Strategic Alliances, coordination and control of international marketing, communication,
regional trade blocks, and choice of global strategy. The firm with the choice of an effective global
strategy that takes into consideration its strengths and weaknesses in the face of the opportunities and
threats in the environment, will survive.
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