President's Corner - Manatee Patchworkers Quilt Guild

President’s Corner
I received a phone call last Monday that has me concerned. As
of October 17, the library where we meet will not be open after
8:00 PM. This means our meeting time will be cut by one hour.
We already struggle to finish our agendas by closing time now.
Options we have are to start an hour earlier, cut our meeting
times or look for another place to meet. I know we have lost
some of our members because of where we meet and the atmosphere surrounding us at times, but it is the best we could find that
would accommodate us. I have told the library that the scheduled
dates we have for November and December we will keep and that
is fine with them…we just have to be out by 7:45. I will have to
negotiate a new contract for next year if we decide to stay.
We have a nice program set for October’s meeting and I don’t
want to interfere with the time frame there, but I will be bringing
this up before the members. Be thinking about what you would
like to do. If you want a change of location come in with suggestions or volunteer to start a location committee.
Also be sure to read the minutes on page 2. We have a motion
concerning our charity quilts to take off the table and vote on.
Please be informed and prepared.
Quilt show is moving along as planned!
Our vendor list is growing. Here are
some of those signed on for our Show.
Ann's Pin Cushion
Cornerstone Quilt Shop
Crafty Threads & Happy Apple Quilts
Heritage Quilting
Material Girlz of Florida
Quilting Connection
Sew Easy to Quilt
The Old Sewing Machine Man
The Quilting Solution
Bookmarks are available along with the
Volunteer list at each monthly meeting.
Please join us in working on our Quilt
Bobbie Spann presented an “Atta Girl!” award to Judie Coffey at
our September meeting. Judie has been a faithful member for many
years, as Historrian and Official Photographer for the Guild. She has
served under six presidents and is totally dedicated to our Guild.
Judie is also an active member for the Community of Bradenton and
Manatee County with her involvement at Solve Maternity Home,
teaching girls the art of quilting. Well done Judie and well deserved.
Quilt Show Chair,
Nan Soles-Fishpaw
We meet the 1st Monday of each month at the Manatee County Public Library, 1301 Barcarrota Blvd. West, Bradenton, FL
Snack & Social, 6:00 pm - Meeting Begins: 6:30 pm
On speaker night, a $3.00 donation from non-members is greatly appreciated.
Next Meeting: Oct. 3, 2011
Minutes Membership Meeting—September 12, 2011
The meeting held at the Bradenton Main Library was called to order by Bobbie
Spann at 6:35 p.m. Bobbie led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Officers’ Reports: Vice President: Randy Carman provided details of upcoming classes as follows: Rose Ryan will teach a “Purse for all Occasions” class
on Saturday, September 17 at 10:00a at South Winds at Five Lakes. The cost is
$27.00 which includes the pattern. Carol Lipp will lead a class on “Perfect Paper Piecing” on Saturday, October 15 from 9:30a 4:00 p. One of five patterns
from Carol Doak’s book, “50 Fabulous Pieced Stars” can be chosen. The points
in the stars are always perfect because of sewing on the pattern lines. Cost for
the class is also $27.00 and the location will be announced later. Kimberly
Einmo, will return on Feb 4 for a mini retreat and will teach “Lone Starburst
Magic” from her new book, “Jelly Roll Magic.” The cost is $35.00 with the location to be announced later. Leslie Hickland will join us for the October meeting
and will present a program on appliqué. Leslie appliqués samples for the well
known designer, Maggie Walker.
Secretary: Pam Cichanski The minutes were approved as posted in the August Newsletter.
Treasurer: Denise Pendleton’s report included details of income from quilt
show vendor checks, library book sales and the bus trip in August. She listed
expenses from the printing of opportunity quilt tickets and explained the bus trip
expenses would be listed on her September report. Her report will be filed for
Membership: Lin Garland introduced seven guests for the evening with Chris
Walker as a new member. The Guild has 101 members with 44 present this
evening. Michael Nietzsche, who will shortly open The Quilt Stash, a new quilt
store with innovative supplies in Sarasota, will join us next month. Lin asked
new members to see Judie Coffey for photographs to be included in the new
membership directory which will be available in January. New membership
forms will be available before the quilt show. Posy Havens brought in the tote
bags and pins which will be given to Linda Fleger. Linda has agreed to take
charge of the bags and pins for the quilt show. Sherry Ebey won the door prize
and will bring in the prize for next month’s meeting. Lin also mentioned she had
been thanked for her service in the Navy during the recent day of remembrance
for the victims of 9/11.
President: Bobbie Spann reminded everyone of the bag challenge and explained the details for the benefit of our newer members. Participants are to
select a non copyrighted gift or shopping bag which they will copy or interpret as
a quilt. The perimeter of the quilts should be no more than 100” and the bags
will hang next to the quilts at the show.
Communications: Robin Adorna asked members to continue to donate their
used ink cartridges which she turns in to Staples to help defray the cost of supplies and printing of the Newsletter. Staples used to accept ten per month but
has now increased that number to twenty and Robin is running low on the cartridges. She has received a very generous donation of fabric from Debbie Johnson who is downsizing her home. Robin will bring the tubs of fabric to be sorted
to Community Service, to be held tomorrow at the MTI trailer at 10:00 a.m.
MTI’s address is 5603 34th St. W. She also said 35 “Lasagna Quilts” had been
made as a result of our sewing at the July meeting.
Committee Reports:
Library: Carol Masulonis thanked the members for their support of the book
sales which help to fund the library but said borrowing from the library has declined since the sales started. She is thinking of instituting a buy one book/ must
borrow one book program!
Community Service: Hilary Macdonald explained the “Quilts for Cruisers”
program for new members and guests. We make quilts which are kept in the
trunks of police cruisers and are given to children who have been removed from
their homes or have been in accidents. The quilts are theirs to keep. They
should be 40” x 50” in order to accommodate a single width of 48” batting. Hilary
mentioned our Guild has been contacted by others across the USA for details so
they can start the program in their own areas. Backing and batting are available
from our donated supplies and it is suggested we bring our own sewing machines but mats and rulers are available at MTI. Hilary said our stock is depleted
because we recently sent quilts to the tornado victims. The cruiser quilts are our
primary focus but we also donate to other charities. The “Lasagna “ quilts can
be cut in half if they are too long and skinny and borders can be added. Help is
needed to cut fabric, make kits and tie quilts. Camilla Yost volunteered to help
October 2011
“short arm” some of the quilts. Victoria Baily asked the membership for their
input on selling a few community service quilts at Cornerstone Presbyterian
Church’s upcoming bazaar. She said the Christmas quilts which had been sent
to Heritage Village had sold out and she would like to take some of the quilts
from our stock to the bazaar and return the money raised to the Guild for community service. A vote could be taken to differentiate between charity quilts and
cruiser quilts with a distinction made that a particular quilt could be designated
as a quilt made specifically for the cruiser program or charity, versus one where
the maker did not mind her quilt being used to raise funds. A question was
asked regarding the possibility of retrieving the full cost of making the quilt from
fundraising and it was explained show quality quilts were not being considered
for this purpose and members need not use their own fabric as donated fabric is
always available. However we need money to buy batting, which is not donated.
Victoria said that she is thinking of pricing the quilts at $20 to $25.00. Bobbie
mentioned the grants received from Walmart in the past and questioned whether
we are locked into using their funds for the “Quilts for Cruisers.” She explained
that we have applied again this year for a grant from Walmart but their system
for awarding grants has undergone a radical change. She plans to contact the
manager of the store on Hwy 64 to discuss our application personally. One of
the members said if she is making a charity quilt, she wants it to go to charity but
she would be willing occasionally to make a small donation towards the cost of
batting. Bobbie made a motion that community service quilts be designated as
either charity quilts or “Quilts for Cruisers” quilts. General discussion ensued
with the suggestion made that a quilt maker could designate whether her quilt
would go to charity or could be used in fund raising for more supplies. This motion was tabled until the next meeting. Another motion was made that Victoria
should go the bazaar to sell no more than ten quilts with the money raised to be
returned to the Guild. The motion was carried with 19 yes votes to 11 no votes.
Victoria also described two in-cabinet sewing machines which had been donated
to her and could be auctioned. Instructions and attachments came with the
machines and fabric was also donated with them. She will send photos to Robin
for the Newsletter.
Quilt Show Chair: Nancy Soles Fishpaw displayed our spectacular opportunity quilt, asked bookmarks she provided be left at quilt shops and those who
had not yet signed her book for volunteers at the quilt show do so. She needs
volunteers to hang the quilts and take them down, a chairperson for the Silent
Auction and a chairperson for the marble committee to be in charge of “Patches
Bucks.” She is considering two charities for donations from the money raised by
the Opportunity Quilt. The first is Buckboard Quilts whose mission is to feed
hungry children in America. The second choice buys plane tickets for children
who need medical treatment outside their own area. A member asked if the café
curtain rings purchased by Guild members would be returned to them and Nancy
said they would probably not be returned because of the difficulty in distributing
them to the right people after the quilts are taken down. Carol Lipp asked for a
Please be sure to thank our
Advertisers - Let them know you
appreciate their support .
October 2011
commitment from Guild members to sell at least twenty Opportunity Quilt tickets each. Packs of tickets were available at the meeting and will be available at
meetings in the future. Carol had received a donated packet of fat quarters from
a quilt shop she patronized and the lucky winner was Nancy Powers.
Carol also showed a sample of one of the patterns from her “Perfect Paper Piecing” class in October. Pam Cichanski provided a list of quilt show vendors and
said she has commitments from ten vendors, nine of whom have paid. She
asked for help from Guild members in locating a woodcrafter who might be interested in selling quilts racks, ladders and cabinets.
Fat Quarter Raffle: Jane Owens described the fat quarter raffle and distributed
eight bundles to herself, Robin Adorna, Linda West, Dee Worline, Lin Garland,
Sandy Routhier (2) and Randy Carman. Next month’s raffle will be Christmas
fabric. Bobbie Spann presented an “Atta Girl!” award to Judie Coffey who has
been a faithful member for many years and has served under six presidents.
Randy presented the Pattern Swap Program. For each pattern brought in,
members received one ticket. When their numbers were drawn, they were given
two minutes to select patterns from those brought in. Everyone went home with
ideas for new projects.
Show and Tell followed with our usual wonderful variety of quilts, from Halloween postcards to king size quilts, Kimberly Einmo retreat projects, “Lasagna”
quilts, a well traveled spool quilt and one made with fabrics from Australia. Our
new member wowed the crowd with his embroidered geisha blocks while we
also enjoyed another member’s Christmas wall hanging with a ribbon from the
Florida State Fair.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Pam Cichanski, Secretary
We hope you are all working on your “Bag Lady Challenge”.
You have about 180 days left. Easy challenge—recreate a copy write
free shopping or gift bag with your own take on it. Let the design
“speak” to you! This can be exhibited in a number of formats – wall
hanging, table runner, tote bag, etc., but may not exceed 100 inches
in circumference. And it can be in a number of designs –floral, special
event, seasonal, etc. These bags can be found at any discount store.
Your quilted item will then be displayed alongside your “inspiration
bag” in a special area at the quilt show.
Camilla Yost provided the September Door Prize and Sherry
Ebey was the winner. Next month, Sherry will provide the
prize for the next winner. Each month a Door Prize is given
out to a member present for the meeting.
Save 6.5" blocks and motifs from the clothes
worn by your children or grandchildren. By the
time they are adults, you should have enough
to make a memory quilt for them.
2 0 1 0 - 2 0 1 2 Bo a rd o f Di r ec t o r s
Bo b bi e S pa n n , Pr e s id e nt , (8 1 3 ) 6 4 5 - 3 3 4 0 , Bo b b i eS 4 4 4 @ ao l .c o m
Ra n d y C ar m a n, Vic e Pr e s id e nt , 3 5 8 - 5 3 1 5 , r a nd yc 1 0 @ ao l .c o m
Pa m C ic h a n sk i,S ec r e ta ry, ( 8 1 3 ) 6 3 3 - 0 0 1 4 ,g s fa n5 2 @t a m pa b ay . rr.c o m
De n i s e P e nd l e to n , T r e as u re r, 7 2 7 - 8 5 7 9 , p e nd l e to n_ q ui l t s @ m s n. c o m
L i n G ar l a nd , M e m b er S er. , w ea v er c r ea t io n s @ho t m ai l .c o m
Ro bi n A d o r na , Co m m . & N e w sl et t er , 7 5 5 - 0 1 9 9 , ad o r n r @ao l .c o m
attended by 44
members and 8
guests. We had 2
new members.
Completed quilts from our Summer Retreat
October 2011
October 2011
Don’t know where this came from, or the quilter that requested
the following for our members….. Maybe one of your friends !!
I ________________, being of sound mind and body (a statement
that does not bear scrutiny), do hereby record my last will and
Knowing that ___________________, my _________, (husband,
sister, daughter, etc.) has no appreciation, or for that matter
knowledge of my extensive fabric collection (better known as my
"stash"), which, by the way is deposited in various places
throughout my house for safe keeping. Knowing also that
____________ has also notified the Goodwill store should I precede him or her to that great quilt shop in the sky, to pick up and
dispose of the aforementioned collection. Therefore I do WILL
this collection and all other collections related to it, to my dear
fellow fabric preservationist ____________. It is my wish that
she, upon hearing of my death and obtaining clear proof that I did
not manage (although goodness knows I tried) to take it with me,
will come to my home, before the Goodwill store searches out
my collection. That she should rescue said collection and stack it
in my quilting studio, along with my sewing machines, frames,
old buttons, lace, patterns, quilts, dolls and works in progress.
And after she has done that, she should purchase refreshments for
all my friends, not yet departed, which friends are also her
friends, and every last one shall be in that room and they shall
hold a wake and say lots of lovely and kind things about me until
they run out and then they shall divide amongst themselves my
wonderful collection. Be forewarned! I shall be hovering over
that very spot until this is done. _______________ shall then
leave this spot and close the door, leaving the car, house, stocks,
bonds and other worldly nonsense to those who don't understand
or know any better. This is my wish on the matter.
Singed:____________________ Date:___________________
Witness: __________________ Date: ___________________
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Jann Warfield has stepped
up to the plate and volunteered to fill the position of
Chair for Silent Auction.
She asks: Please start thinking about (and constructing) something for the
Silent Auction at our Quilt Show. I'll be accepting small wall quilts, table runners, placemats, etc.
at any of the meetings between now and the Quilt
Show. Thanks in advance for your
Jann Warfield
Please recycle your used ink cartridges with
Robin at our Guild meetings. Also, if you
purchase from Staples, we’d love to have
you use our number 305 100 5720 so we receive credit. It helps your Guild a great deal.
October 2011
Here Comes The Judge!
Part 2
Tips For Competition Quilts
1. Bury Threads for the stops and
2. Impact; this encompasses Color
Harmony and Balance
3. On your label, give credit to pattern designer and
note "from a class." Also note if quilted by someone
4. Good thread tension on your piecing
5. Match thread to fabric
6. Create good balance between piecing and quilting
We want to thank those members providing
snacks at our September meeting: Randy Carman, Cheryl Healy and Chrsitopher Walker.
Great snacks and everyone loved them.
Lin Garland 2-Oct
Carol Malone 8-Oct
Alice Scheetz 15-Oct
Lorraine Tetlus 15-Oct
Brenda Broadbent 17-Oct
Mary Worsham 17-Oct
Linda West 25-Oct
Patricia Battista 29-Oct
Pauline Grothe 31-Oct
1) Fold it larger and put it evenly under
the mattress - you can get a hundred
yards under there!
There's no chance hubby will find it how often does he make the bed?
2) You can also fold some and put it under each chair and sofa cushion .
3) Hang a yardage on a coat hanger, then cover it with a
piece of clothing - hence, 100 coat
hangers/100yds of fabric! 3 closets + 300 yards!
4) Get a large trash can, remove the cover and have someJane Owens collected the Halloween fabrics
one cut a round piece of plywood out
and created 8 bundles of FQs. Winners were for you. Put stash in trash can, put on wooden cover, place
Robin Adorna, Randy Carman, Lin Garland, Jane a pretty, 70" round tablecloth (or
sew two 2 yard pieces together lengthwise and "pretend"
Owens, Sandi Routhier (2), Linda West and
its a tablecloth on it - a beautiful
Dee Worline.
lamp on top - and who's to know it's full of fabric? (A good
way to hide the ironing, too!)
Next month Christmas/Holiday fabric. Re5) If you have a space under the bed, buy
member, one FQ = one ticket for a chance to
some of the flatter Rubbermaid tubs and
win a bundle. Join the fun wondering if your
fill them.
ticket will be a winner !!
Now when you've bought more fabric
than you can store in these five ways,
you just aren't sewing enough!!!
Sent to us by Pat Pfeifle.
October 2011
Cyclone Sewers All are welcome and food is
provided. Please contact Sheila Walker, 7222644 or Rose Ryan, 755-9172 for times and
In Stitches: Teaching and learning all the
time. Please join us. Posy Havens is the one
to call for information 752-4812 .
Stitchin’ Sisters (“Cheezers”): Sisters meet
monthly at each others homes to work on
(map will be on our website)
personal and collaborative projects. Please
When the beautiful Opportunity Quilt was unveiled, call Carol Lipp, 746-3153 for information.
we heard several members wishing they knew how to North of Parrish : Contact Nan Fishpaw for
paper piece or how to paper piece more precisely.
Well, here is your chance to learn from one of the
If you are a member of a Cottage Group,
best paper piecers in our Guild!
please let us know. We’d love to include your
group in our newsletter.
“Perfect Paper Piecing”
with Carol Lipp
Sat., October 15, 2011
9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
(with 30 minute lunch break)
Cost: $27.00 includes all 5 patterns
Location: Faith Bible Church
1511 Morgan Johnson Rd. (57th St. E.)
Saturday, Feb. 4, 2012 9:00am—4:00pm
Fee: $35.00
Location: To Be Announced
Kimiberly Einmo is returning to teach us her newest
design. If you missed the Summer Retreat, you won’t want
to miss this Mini-Retreat scheduled especially for our snowbirds.
Kimberly is a great teacher and her technique makes
quilting this pattern (from her book “Jelly
Roll Quilt Magic”) a breeze.
So, snowbirds, this will be your opportunity to get a taste of our fun summer
Information on our “fun stuff” will
Sold all your Opportunity Quilt Tickets?
Ready for more? Call Carol Lipp at 705-1043.
Community Service meets at
MTI, Quilting Trailer on 57th between 34th and 26th Streets
Time will be 10am - 2pm.
Our standard size for charity quilts is 40” x 50”
Donated fabric always welcome.
Tuesday, September 13th
August 2011
Some of you may remember Leslie Hickland’s class a
few years ago from the flower
Our October program will be a
trunk show with Leslie’s talk of her
journey through development and
experiences as a quilter. She will
tell us about her quilting family, her
beginning classes and her love of
appliqué. She will also speak about her work for
Maggie Walker designs.
We are also in discussions with Leslie for an
appliqué class next year,
so be sure to be at the
October meeting to hear
all about it.
Have a Safe
One of the Maggie Walker quilts
Out of respect for our library neighbors
and our own programs, please mute your
cell phones or put on vibrate mode. We
will all thank you for a ring-free evening.
Our standard size for charity quilts is
40” x 50”
Donated fabric always welcome.
Manatee Patchworkers
P.O. Box 1096
Cortez, FL 34215