rutgers, the state university of new jersey newark campus

73 Warren Street
Newark, NJ 07102
TEL: (973) 353-5329
FAX: (973) 353-1264
Department of Chemistry
Dr. W. Phillip Huskey, Chair.
Degrees Offered: B.A, M.S, Ph.D.
Fields of Specialization: Inorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Materials Chemistry, Physical
Chemistry, Polymer Chemistry and Biochemistry.
GALOPPINI, ELENA (b.1964) Associate Professor.
M.S, 1989, Universitá Degli Studi Di Pisa, Italy; Ph.D,
1994, University of Chicago. Postdoctoral Fellowship,
1994-1996, University of Texas, Austin. Hybrid organicsemiconductor nanoparticle materials; crosslinked polymers; synthesis of novel cage molecules; organic
photochemistry; solid state H-bonding of alkynes. TEL:
(973) 353-5317 FAX: (973) 353-1264
Publication list has not been verified by the department.
Jovan M. Giaimuccio, John G. Rowley, Gerald J. Meyer,
Dong Wang and Elena Galoppini, Heavy atom effects on anthracene-rigid-rod excited states anchored to metal oxide nanoparticles, Chem. Phys, 339, 146-153 (2007).
Jonathan Rochford, Dorothy Chu, Anders Hagfeldt and
Elena Galoppini, Tetrachelate Porphyrin Chromophores for
Metal Oxide Semiconductor Sensitization: Effect of the
Spacer Length and Anchoring Group Position, J. Am. Chem.
Soc, 129, 4655-4665 (2007).
Mykhaylo Myahkostupov, Piotr Piotrowiak, Dong Wang
and Elena Galoppini, Ru(II)-Bpy Complexes Bound to Nanocrystalline TiO2 Films through Phenyleneethynylene (OPE)
Linkers: Effect of the Linkers Length on Electron Injection
Rates, J. Phys. Chem. C, 111, 2827-2829 (2007).
Sujatha Thyagarajan, Aiping Liu, Olumide A. Famoyin,
Massimiliano Lamberto and Elena Galoppini, Tripodal pyrene chromophores for semiconductor sensitization: new
footprint design, Tetrahedron, 63, 7550-7559 (2007).
Jonathan Rochford and Elena Galoppini, Zinc(II)
Tetraarylporphyrins Anchored to TiO2, ZnO, and ZrO2 Nanoparticle Films through Rigid-Rod Linkers, Langmuir, 24,
5366-5374 (2008).
Olena Taratula and Elena Galoppini, Rigid-rod sensitizers
bound to semiconductor nanoparticles, Mater. Res. Soc.
Symp. Proc, 1031 (2008).
HALL, STAN S. Professor. B.S, 1963, University of
Wisconsin; Ph.D, 1967, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. NIH Fellowship, 1967-1968, Stanford University; NIH Special Fellowship, 1972-1973, Scripps Institution of Oceanography. Organic Chemistry. Development
of new synthetic reactions and tandem synthetic sequences and their applications to total synthesis, process
syntheses and methodologies for large-scale processes.
TEL: (973) 353-5068 FAX: (973) 353-1250
No publication information submitted for this edition.
HE, HUIXIN (b.1967) Assistant Professor. B.A, 1989,
Hebei Normal University, China; M.S, 1992, Hebei Normal University, China; Ph.D, 1997, Peking University,
China. Research Associate, 1997-1999, Institute of Materials Research & Engineering, Singapore; Postdoctoral
Research Associate, 1999-2001, Florida International
University; Faculty Research Associate, 2001-2002, Arizona State University. Research area: Research in the He
group is aimed at exploring the novel properties of nanomaterials for higher-performance flexible electronic devices, trace level molecular detection and multifunctional
nonviral gene delivery agents for cancer therapy. More
specifically, we are working on the following fields:
Conducting polymer/carbon nanotube composites. Multiplexed electrical and optical biosensors. Nanotechnology
in nonviral gene delivery for cancer therapy. TEL: (973)
353-1254 FAX: (973) 353-1264
Publication list has not been verified by the department.
Shah R. Ali, Yufeng Ma, Rishi R. Parajuli, Yetunde Balogun, Warren Y.-C. Lai and Huixin He, A Nonoxidative Sensor Based on a Self-Doped Polyaniline/Carbon Nanotube
Composite for Sensitive and Selective Detection of the Neurotransmitter Dopamine, Anal. Chem, 79, 2583-2587 (2007).
Shah R. Ali, Rishi R. Parajuli, Yufeng Ma, Yetunde Balogun and Huixin He, Interference of Ascorbic Acid in the Sensitive Detection of Dopamine by a Nonoxidative Sensing Approach, J. Phys. Chem. B, 111, 12275-12281 (2007).
Oleh Taratula, Alex M. Chen, Jianming Zhang, Jowairia
Chaudry, Larry Nagahara, Ipsita Banerjee and Huixin He,
Highly aligned ribbon-shaped Pd nanoparticle assemblies by
spontaneous organization, J. Phys. Chem. C, 111, 7666-7670
Yufeng Ma, William Cheung, Dongguang Wei, Albert Bogozi, Pui Lam Chiu, Lin Wang, Francesco Pontoriero, Richard Mendelsohn and Huixin He, Improved Conductivity of
Carbon Nanotube Networks by In Situ Polymerization of a
Thin Skin of Conducting Polymer, ACS Nano, 2, 1197-1204
Mahesh L. Patil, Min Zhang, Seema Betigeri, Oleh Taratula, Huixin He and Tamara Minko, Surface-Modified and Internally Cationic Polyamidoamine Dendrimers for Efficient
siRNA Delivery, Bioconjugate Chem, 19, 1396-1403 (2008).
Yufeng Ma, Pui Lam Chiu, Arnaldo Serrano, Shah R. Ali,
Alex M. Chen and Huixin He, The Electronic Role of DNAFunctionalized Carbon Nanotubes: Efficacy for in Situ Polymerization of Conducting Polymer Nanocomposites, J. Am.
Chem. Soc, 130, 7921-7928 (2008).
Rishi R. Parajuli, Aleksandr Simonian, James Wild, Albert
Bogozi and Huixin He, Sensitive and selective neurotoxin
detection platform based on conducting polymer nanocomposites, PMSE Prepr, 99, 279 (2008).
HUSKEY, W. PHILLIP (b.1957) Associate Professor
and Chairman. B.S, 1980, Texas A & M University;
Ph.D, 1985, University of Kansas. NIH Fellowship,
1985-1987, Brandeis University. Physical Organic
Chemistry. Mechanisms of organic and enzyme-catalyzed reactions; isotope effects. TEL: (973) 353-5741
FAX: (973) 353-1264
Publication list has not been verified by the department.
W. Phillip Huskey, Multiple-isotope probes of hydrogen
tunneling, Hydrogen-Transfer React, 4, 1285-1309 (2007).
JAEKLE, FRIEDER (b.1969) Associate Professor.
M.Sc, 1995, Technische Universitaet Munich (Germany); Ph.D, 1997, Technische Universitaet Munich (Germany). Postdoctoral Associate, 1997-2000, University of
Toronto. Organometallic Chemistry; Polymer Science.
Organometallic polymers; luminescent materials; sensors, optoelectronic device materials; multidentate and
polymeric Lewis acids; supramolecular polymer chemistry, electronic, electrochemical and photophysical properties of conjugated organometallic polymers. TEL:
(973) 353-5064 FAX: (973) 353-1264
Publication list has not been verified by the department.
Krishnan Venkatasubbaiah, Israel Nowik, Rolfe H. Herber
and Frieder Jaekle, Lewis acidity enhancement of organoboranes via oxidation of appended ferrocene moieties, Chem.
Commun. (Cambridge, U. K.), 2154-2156 (2007).
Frieder Jaekle, Pentafluorophenyl copper: aggregation and
complexation phenomena, photoluminescence properties,
and applications as reagent in organometallic synthesis, Dalton Trans, 2851-2858 (2007).
Ramez Boshra, Krishnan Venkatasubbaiah, Ami Doshi,
Roger A. Lalancette, Lazaros Kakalis and Frieder Jaekle, Simultaneous Fluoride Binding to Ferrocene-Based Heteronuclear Bidentate Lewis Acids, Inorg. Chem. (Washington, DC,
U. S.), 46, 10174-10186 (2007).
Haiyan Li, Anand Sundararaman, Krishnan Venkatasubbaiah and Frieder Jaekle, Organoborane Acceptor-Substituted
Polythiophene via Side-Group Borylation, J. Am. Chem. Soc,
129, 5792-5793 (2007).
Yang Qin and Frieder Jaekle, Formation of Polymeric
Lewis Acid-Lewis Base Complexes with Well-defined Organoboron Polymers, J. Inorg. Organomet. Polym. Mater, 17,
149-157 (2007).
Yang Qin, Chengzhong Cui and Frieder Jaekle, Silylated
Initiators for the Efficient Preparation of Borane-End-Functionalized Polymers via ATRP, Macromolecules, 40, 14131420 (2007).
Anand Sundararaman, Resmi Varughese, Haiyan Li, Lev
N. Zakharov, Arnold L. Rheingold and Frieder Jaekle, A Donor-Acceptor Dyad with a Highly Lewis Acidic Boryl Group,
Organometallics, 26, 6126-6131 (2007).
Ramez Boshra, Ami Doshi and Frieder Jaekle, Allylation
of ketones with a ferrocene-based planar chiral Lewis acid,
Angew. Chem., Int. Ed, 47, 1134-1137 (2008).
Ami Doshi, Krishnan Venkatasubbaiah, Arnold L. Rheingold and Frieder Jaekle, Binary stacks of [CuC6F5]4 with arenes, Chem. Commun. (Cambridge, U. K.), 4264-4266
Krishnan Venkatasubbaiah, Thilagar Pakkirisamy, Roger
A. Lalancette and Frieder Jaekle, Tuning the electronic structure of diboradiferrocenes, Dalton Trans, 4507-4513 (2008).
JORDAN, FRANK (b.1941) Rutgers Board of Governors Professor. B.S, 1964, Drexel University; Ph.D,
1967, University of Pennsylvania. NATO Fellow, 1967-
1968, University of Paris; NIH Fellowship, 1968-1970,
Harvard University. Study of enzyme mechanisms; thiamine pyrophosphate- requiring enzymes; serine proteases. TEL: (973) 353-5470 FAX: (973) 353-1264
Publication list has not been verified by the department.
Natalia Nemeria, Lioubov Korotchkina, Michael J. McLeish, George L. Kenyon, Mulchand S. Patel and Frank Jordan,
Elucidation of the chemistry of enzyme-bound thiamin diphosphate prior to substrate binding: Defining internal equilibria among tautomeric and ionization states, Biochemistry,
46, 10739-10744 (2007).
Reinhard Schweitzer-Stenner, Thomas Measey, Lazaros
Kakalis, Frank Jordan, Silvia Pizzanelli, Claudia Forte and
Kai Griebenow, Conformations of Alanine-Based Peptides in
Water Probed by FTIR, Raman, Vibrational Circular Dichroism, Electronic Circular Dichroism, and NMR Spectroscopy, Biochemistry, 46, 1587-1596 (2007).
Sachin Kale, Palaniappa Arjunan, William Furey and
Frank Jordan, A Dynamic Loop at the Active Center of the
Escherichia coli Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Complex E1 Component Modulates Substrate Utilization and Chemical Communication with the E2 Component, J. Biol. Chem, 282,
28106-28116 (2007).
Natalia Nemeria, Sumit Chakraborty, Ahmet Baykal, Lioubov G. Korotchkina, Mulchand S. Patel and Frank Jordan,
The 1’,4’-iminopyrimidine tautomer of thiamin diphosphate
is posed for catalysis in asymmetric active centers on enzymes, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A, 104, 78-82 (2007).
Sumit Chakraborty, Natalia Nemeria, Alejandra Yep, Michael J. McLeish, George L. Kenyon and Frank Jordan,
Mechanism of Benzaldehyde Lyase Studied via Thiamin Diphosphate-Bound Intermediates and Kinetic Isotope Effects,
Biochemistry, 47, 3800-3809 (2008).
Gabriel S. Brandt, Natalia Nemeria, Sumit Chakraborty,
Michael J. McLeish, Alejandra Yep, George L. Kenyon,
Gregory A. Petsko, Frank Jordan and Dagmar Ringe, Probing
the Active Center of Benzaldehyde Lyase with Substitutions
and the Pseudosubstrate Analogue Benzoylphosphonic Acid
Methyl Ester, Biochemistry, 47, 7734-7743 (2008).
Sachin Kale, Gozde Ulas, Jaeyoung Song, Gary W. Brudvig, William Furey and Frank Jordan, Efficient coupling of
catalysis and dynamics in the E1 component of Escherichia
coli pyruvate dehydrogenase multienzyme complex, Proc.
Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A, 105, 1158-1163 (2008).
KALODIMOS, CHARALAMPOS G. (b.1972) Assistant Professor. B.Sc, 1994, University of Ioannina
(Greece); Ph.D, 1999, Univ. of Ioannina & Inst. Curie
(Paris). Postdoctoral Associate, 2000-2003, Bijvoet Center, Utrecht University. Biomolecular NMR; proteinDNA and protein-protein interactions. TEL: (973) 3535329 FAX: (973) 353-1264
Publication list has not been verified by the department.
Ioannis Gelis, Alexandre M. J. J. Bonvin, Dimitra Keramisanou, Marina Koukaki, Giorgos Gouridis, Spyridoula Karamanou, Anastassios Economou and Charalampos G. Kalodimos, Structural basis for signal-sequence recognition by the
translocase motor SecA as determined by NMR, Cell (Cambridge, MA, U. S.), 131, 756-769 (2007).
Spyridoula Karamanou, Giorgos Gouridis, Efrosyni Papanikou, Giorgos Sianidis, Ioannis Gelis, Dimitra Keramisanou,
Eleftheria Vrontou, Charalampos G. Kalodimos and Anastassios Economou, Preprotein-controlled catalysis in the helicase motor of SecA, EMBO J, 26, 2904-2914 (2007).
Paramita Sarkar, Charles Reichman, Tamjeed Saleh, Raymond B. Birge and Charalampos G. Kalodimos, Proline cistrans isomerization controls autoinhibition of a signaling protein, Mol. Cell, 25, 413-426 (2007).
KLUIBER, RUDOLPH W. (b.1930) Professor of
Chemistry. B.S, 1950, University of Illinois; M.S, 1951,
Columbia University; Ph.D, 1954, University of Wisconsin. Chemistry Education. Chemical education. Reactions of functional groups held in proximity to coordinated metal atoms. TEL: (973) 353-5579 FAX: (973) 3531264
No publication information submitted for this edition.
LALANCETTE, ROGER A. (b.1939) Professor.
B.A, 1961, American International College; Ph.D, 1967,
Fordham University. Research Associate, 1967, Brookhaven National Laboratory; Visiting Scientist, 1980,
Crystallography. Spectroscopic and structural studies of
oxygen, sulfur, and nitrogen ligands with transition metals. Hydrogen bonding in ketocarboxylic acids. TEL:
(973) 353-5646 FAX: (973) 353-1264
Publication list has not been verified by the department.
Matthew R. Wood, Thomas A. Brettell and Roger A. Lalancette, The gold(III) tetrachloride salt of L-cocaine, Acta
Crystallogr., Sect. C: Cryst. Struct. Commun, C63, m33-m35
Marisa DeVita Dufort, Mark Davison, Roger A. Lalancette
and Hugh W. Thompson, 3-Oxo-5␤-24-norcholanic acid:
acid-to-acid hydrogen-bonding catemers employing the rare
anti carboxyl conformation in the aggregation of a steroid
keto acid, Acta Crystallogr., Sect. C: Cryst. Struct. Commun,
C63, o646-o649 (2007).
Stephanie M. Witko, Mark Davison, Hugh W. Thompson
and Roger A. Lalancette, 3-(4-Oxocyclohexyl)propionic acid
monohydrate: hydrogen bonding in the hydrate of a ␨-keto
acid, Acta Crystallogr., Sect. E: Struct. Rep. Online, E63,
o1173-o1175 (2007).
Muhammad H. Malak, Roger A. Lalancette and Hugh W.
(-)-cis-1-Acetyl-3-ethynyl-2,2-dimethylcyclobutane, Acta Crystallogr., Sect. E: Struct. Rep. Online, E63,
o1412-o1414 (2007).
Juan Zinczuk, Edmundo A. Ruveda, Hugh W. Thompson
and Roger A. Lalancette, (+)-Santonide, a sesquiterpenoid
enol lactone derived from Artemisia, Acta Crystallogr., Sect.
E: Struct. Rep. Online, E63, o1490-o1491 (2007).
Roger A. Lalancette, Hugh W. Thompson, Elizabeth M.
Kikolski and Mark Davison, (2S*,4aR*,8aS*)-6-Oxoperhydronaphthalene-2-carboxylic acid. Dual hydrogen-bonding
modes in a bicyclic ␨-keto acid, Acta Crystallogr., Sect. E:
Struct. Rep. Online, E63, o1949-o1951 (2007).
Marisa D. Dufort, Roger A. Lalancette and Hugh W.
Thompson, (E)-(1-Oxoindan-2-ylidene)acetic acid: catemeric
hydrogen bonding in an unsaturated ␥-keto acid, Acta Crystallogr., Sect. E: Struct. Rep. Online, E63, o2084-o2086
Juan Zinczuk, Edmundo A. Ruveda, Roger A. Lalancette
and Hugh W. Thompson, (-)-Metasantonic acid: alteration of
the hydrogen-bonding mode in a diastereomer of santonic
acid, Acta Crystallogr., Sect. E: Struct. Rep. Online, E63,
o2370-o2372 (2007).
Marisa DeVita Dufort, Janish Desai, Roger A. Lalancette
and Hugh W. Thompson, (2S,4aR,8aS)-6-Oxoperhydronaphthalene-2-acetic acid: ‘conglomerate’ crystallization and
catemeric hydrogen bonding in a bicyclic ␩-keto acid, Acta
Crystallogr., Sect. E: Struct. Rep. Online, E63, o2753
Irum Azim, Mark Davison, Marisa DeVita Dufort, Roger
A. Lalancette and Hugh W. Thompson, 9␣-Chloro-16␣methyl-3,11-dioxoandrosta-1,4,6-triene-17␤-carboxylic acid
pinacolone solvate: catemeric hydrogen bonding and pinacolone solvation in a steroidal diketo acid derived from a commercial glucocorticoid, Acta Crystallogr., Sect. E: Struct.
Rep. Online, E63, o2853 (2007).
Muhammad H. Malak, Janish Desai, Roger A. Lalancette
and Hugh W. Thompson, (2SR,8aSR)-1,2,3,4,6,7,8,8aOctahydro-6-oxonaphthalene-2-acetic acid: hydrogen bonding in an unsaturated bicyclic keto acid, Acta Crystallogr.,
Sect. E: Struct. Rep. Online, E63, o3606 (2007).
Roger A. Lalancette, Muhammad H. Malak and Hugh W.
Thompson, 4-Acetylbenzoic acid: hydrogen bonding and
packing in a simple aromatic ⑀-keto acid, Acta Crystallogr.,
Sect. E: Struct. Rep. Online, E63, o3640 (2007).
Daniel Zewge, Andrew P. J. Brunskill, Hugh W. Thompson and Roger A. Lalancette, (+/-)-4-(2-Oxo-1,2,3,4,4a,5,6,7octahydroquinolin-8-yl)butan-2-one. A Michael-reaction adduct from acid-catalyzed alkylation of a bicyclic enamide,
Acta Crystallogr., Sect. E: Struct. Rep. Online, E63, o4007o4008 (2007).
Janish Desai, Roger A. Lalancette and Hugh W. Thompson, (2RS,4aRS,8aRS)-6-Oxoperhydronaphthalene-2-acetic
acid: catemeric hydrogen bonding in a bicyclic keto acid,
Acta Crystallogr., Sect. E: Struct. Rep. Online, E63, o4009,
So4009/1-So4009/8 (2007).
Mark Davison, Muhammad H. Malak, Roger A. Lalancette
and Hugh W. Thompson, (1SR,8aRS)-1,2,3,5,6,7,8,8aOctahydro-3-oxonaphthalene-1-carboxylic acid: catemeric
hydrogen bonding in a bicyclic unsaturated ␥-keto acid, Acta
Crystallogr., Sect. E: Struct. Rep. Online, E63, o4014,
So4014/1-So4014/8 (2007).
Daniel Zewge, Muhammad H. Malak, Hugh W. Thompson, Roger A. Lalancette and Andrew P. J. Brunskill, (±)(cis-8a-Hydroxy-2-oxoperhydronaphthalen-4a-yl)propanenitrile: hydrogen bonding in a Robinson-annulation intermediate, Acta Crystallogr., Sect. E: Struct. Rep. Online, E63,
o479-o481 (2007).
Ramez Boshra, Krishnan Venkatasubbaiah, Ami Doshi,
Roger A. Lalancette, Lazaros Kakalis and Frieder Jaekle, Simultaneous Fluoride Binding to Ferrocene-Based Heteronuclear Bidentate Lewis Acids, Inorg. Chem. (Washington, DC,
U. S.), 46, 10174-10186 (2007).
Krishnan Venkatasubbaiah, Thilagar Pakkirisamy, Roger
A. Lalancette and Frieder Jaekle, Tuning the electronic structure of diboradiferrocenes, Dalton Trans, 4507-4513 (2008).
MENDELSOHN, RICHARD (b.1946) Professor II.
B.Sc, 1967, McGill University; Ph.D, 1972, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Postdoctoral Fellowship,
1972-1973, University of London, King’s College; Research Associate, 1973-1976, NRC (Canada). FT-IR
spectroscopy: Applications in biophysics and medicine;
FT-IR microscopic imaging of biomineralizing tissue;
confocal Raman microscopy of skin; monolayers at the
air/water interface as lung-surfactant models. TEL: (973)
353-5613 FAX: (973) 353-1264
Publication list has not been verified by the department.
Richard Mendelsohn, Pam Cheung, Lloyd Berger, Emily
Partridge, Ken Lau, Alessandro Datti, Judy Pawling and
James W. Dennis, Complex N-Glycan and Metabolic Control
in Tumor Cells, Cancer Res, 67, 9771-9780 (2007).
Pariya Na Nakorn, Michaela C. Meyer, Carol R. Flach,
Richard Mendelsohn and Hans-Joachim Galla, Surfactant
protein C and lung function: new insights into the role of ␣helical length and palmitoylation, Eur. Biophys. J, 36, 477489 (2007).
Michael A. Bryan, Joseph W. Brauner, Gloria Anderle,
Carol R. Flach, Barbara Brodsky and Richard Mendelsohn,
FTIR Studies of Collagen Model Peptides: Complementary
Experimental and Simulation Approaches to Conformation
and Unfolding, J. Am. Chem. Soc, 129, 7877-7884 (2007).
Ani Grigorian, Sung-Uk Lee, Wenqiang Tian, I.-Ju Chen,
Guoyan Gao, Richard Mendelsohn, James W. Dennis and
Michael Demetriou, Control of T Cell-mediated Autoimmunity by Metabolite Flux to N-Glycan Biosynthesis, J. Biol.
Chem, 282, 20027-20035 (2007).
Guojin Zhang, Carol R. Flach and Richard Mendelsohn,
Tracking the dephosphorylation of resveratrol triphosphate in
skin by confocal Raman microscopy, J. Controlled Release,
123, 141-147 (2007).
Guojin Zhang, David J. Moore, Kenneth B. Sloan, Carol R.
Flach and Richard Mendelsohn, Imaging the Prodrug-toDrug Transformation of a 5-Fluorouracil Derivative in Skin
by Confocal Raman Microscopy, J. Invest. Dermatol, 127,
1205-1209 (2007).
Lin Wang, Antonio Cruz, Carol R. Flach, Jesus Perez-Gil
and Richard Mendelsohn, Langmuir-Blodgett Films Formed
by Continuously Varying Surface Pressure. Characterization
by IR Spectroscopy and Epifluorescence Microscopy, Langmuir, 23, 4950-4958 (2007).
Yufeng Ma, William Cheung, Dongguang Wei, Albert Bogozi, Pui Lam Chiu, Lin Wang, Francesco Pontoriero, Richard Mendelsohn and Huixin He, Improved Conductivity of
Carbon Nanotube Networks by In Situ Polymerization of a
Thin Skin of Conducting Polymer, ACS Nano, 2, 1197-1204
Lin Wang, Joseph W. Brauner, Guangru Mao, Erika
Crouch, Barbara Seaton, James Head, Kelly Smith, Carol R.
Flach and Richard Mendelsohn, Interaction of Recombinant
Surfactant Protein D with Lipopolysaccharide: Conformation
and Orientation of Bound Protein by IRRAS and Simulations, Biochemistry, 47, 8103-8113 (2008).
Guangru Mao, Janish Desai, Carol R. Flach and Richard
Mendelsohn, Structural Characterization of the MonolayerMultilayer Transition in a Pulmonary Surfactant Model: IR
Studies of Films Transferred at Continuously Varying Surface Pressures, Langmuir, 24, 2025-2034 (2008).
PIOTROWIAK, PIOTR (b.1958) Professor. M.S,
1982, University of Wroclaw; Ph.D, 1988, University of
Chicago. Postdoctoral Associate, 1988-1991, Argonne
National Laboratory. Physical Chemistry. Ultrafast nonlinear microscopy. Fast electron and energy transfer processes at interfaces between molecules, nanomaterials
and biomolecules. Dynamics of short-lived reactive intermediates. TEL: (973) 353-5318 FAX: (973) 353-1264
Publication list has not been verified by the department.
Mykhaylo Myahkostupov, Piotr Piotrowiak, Dong Wang
and Elena Galoppini, Ru(II)-Bpy Complexes Bound to Nanocrystalline TiO2 Films through Phenyleneethynylene (OPE)
Linkers: Effect of the Linkers Length on Electron Injection
Rates, J. Phys. Chem. C, 111, 2827-2829 (2007).
Lars Gundlach and Piotr Piotrowiak, Novel setup for timeresolved fluorescence microscopy, Proc. SPIE-Int. Soc. Opt.
Eng, 6643, 66430E/1-66430E/7 (2007).
RAYNOR, SUSANNE (b.1948) Associate Professor.
B.S, 1970, Duke University; Ph.D, 1976, Georgetown
University. Research Associate, 1976-1978, University
of Toronto; Research Associate, 1978-1982, Harvard
University. Ab initio theories for the electronic structure
of infinitely periodic crystals; Ab initio and semi-empirical studies of hydrogen-bonded solids. TEL: (973) 3535041 FAX: (973) 353-1264
No publication information submitted for this edition.
SCHLEGEL, JAMES M. (b.1937) Professor. B.S,
1959, University of Pacific; Ph.D, 1962, Iowa State University. Electroanalytical chemistry, kinetics and mechanism of electrode reactions. TEL: (973) 353-5282 FAX:
(973) 353-1264
No publication information submitted for this edition.
SHERIDAN, JOHN B. (b.1961) Associate Professor.
B.S, 1982, University of Bristol; Ph.D, 1985, University
of Bristol. Postdoctoral Fellowship, 1985-1987, Pennsylvania State University. Application of organometallic
compounds to organic synthesis; synthesis of new inor-
ganic and organometallic polymers. TEL: (973) 3531058 FAX: (973) 353-1264
No publication information submitted for this edition.
THOMPSON, HUGH W. (b.1936) Professor. A.B,
1958, Cornell University; Ph.D, 1963, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. NIH Postdoctoral Fellow, 19621964, Columbia University. Mechanisms and stereochemical courses of organic reactions; compounds of unusual symmetry and stereochemistry; impacted-electron
systems, solid-state H-bonding patterns in keto carboxylic acids. TEL: (973) 353-5520 FAX: (973) 353-1264
Publication list has not been verified by the department.
Marisa DeVita Dufort, Mark Davison, Roger A. Lalancette
and Hugh W. Thompson, 3-Oxo-5␤-24-norcholanic acid:
acid-to-acid hydrogen-bonding catemers employing the rare
anti carboxyl conformation in the aggregation of a steroid
keto acid, Acta Crystallogr., Sect. C: Cryst. Struct. Commun,
C63, o646-o649 (2007).
Stephanie M. Witko, Mark Davison, Hugh W. Thompson
and Roger A. Lalancette, 3-(4-Oxocyclohexyl)propionic acid
monohydrate: hydrogen bonding in the hydrate of a ␨-keto
acid, Acta Crystallogr., Sect. E: Struct. Rep. Online, E63,
o1173-o1175 (2007).
Muhammad H. Malak, Roger A. Lalancette and Hugh W.
(-)-cis-1-Acetyl-3-ethynyl-2,2-dimethylcyclobutane, Acta Crystallogr., Sect. E: Struct. Rep. Online, E63,
o1412-o1414 (2007).
Juan Zinczuk, Edmundo A. Ruveda, Hugh W. Thompson
and Roger A. Lalancette, (+)-Santonide, a sesquiterpenoid
enol lactone derived from Artemisia, Acta Crystallogr., Sect.
E: Struct. Rep. Online, E63, o1490-o1491 (2007).
Roger A. Lalancette, Hugh W. Thompson, Elizabeth M.
Kikolski and Mark Davison, (2S*,4aR*,8aS*)-6-Oxoperhydronaphthalene-2-carboxylic acid. Dual hydrogen-bonding
modes in a bicyclic ␨-keto acid, Acta Crystallogr., Sect. E:
Struct. Rep. Online, E63, o1949-o1951 (2007).
Marisa D. Dufort, Roger A. Lalancette and Hugh W.
Thompson, (E)-(1-Oxoindan-2-ylidene)acetic acid: catemeric
hydrogen bonding in an unsaturated ␥-keto acid, Acta Crystallogr., Sect. E: Struct. Rep. Online, E63, o2084-o2086
Juan Zinczuk, Edmundo A. Ruveda, Roger A. Lalancette
and Hugh W. Thompson, (-)-Metasantonic acid: alteration of
the hydrogen-bonding mode in a diastereomer of santonic
acid, Acta Crystallogr., Sect. E: Struct. Rep. Online, E63,
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Marisa DeVita Dufort, Janish Desai, Roger A. Lalancette
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Muhammad H. Malak, Janish Desai, Roger A. Lalancette
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Roger A. Lalancette, Muhammad H. Malak and Hugh W.
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Daniel Zewge, Andrew P. J. Brunskill, Hugh W. Thompson and Roger A. Lalancette, (+/-)-4-(2-Oxo-1,2,3,4,4a,5,6,7octahydroquinolin-8-yl)butan-2-one. A Michael-reaction adduct from acid-catalyzed alkylation of a bicyclic enamide,
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Janish Desai, Roger A. Lalancette and Hugh W. Thompson, (2RS,4aRS,8aRS)-6-Oxoperhydronaphthalene-2-acetic
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Mark Davison, Muhammad H. Malak, Roger A. Lalancette
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Daniel Zewge, Muhammad H. Malak, Hugh W. Thompson, Roger A. Lalancette and Andrew P. J. Brunskill, (±)(cis-8a-Hydroxy-2-oxoperhydronaphthalen-4a-yl)propanenitrile: hydrogen bonding in a Robinson-annulation intermediate, Acta Crystallogr., Sect. E: Struct. Rep. Online, E63,
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