Passé Composé Takes ______Words to Say and

Passé Composé Takes ______Words to Say and _____ Words to Write! * Irregular past participles: avoir:____________ etre____________ faire_____________ voir (to see) ____________ boire (to drink) ___________ vouloir(to want)______________ mettre (to put) ____________ pendre (to take)______________ lire(to read)_____________ * House of Etre verb infinitives (with meanings) and their past participles: Infinitive Meaning Past Participle Passé Composé Exercises: I. a. Complete the blanks by conjugating the verb infinitives in parenthesis in past tense. Remember that past participles of the 16 or 17 verbs using etre as their helping verb must agree in gender and number with the subject of the sentence. These examples illustrate that. 1. Bob ________________________.(partir) Suzanne ___________________________(partir). 2. Jim (Il) _____________________(tomber) Jane(Elle) _________________________(tomber). 3. Pierre ______________________(naitre). Genevieve _________________________(naitre). 4. Harold _____________________(entrer). Harriet _____________________________(entrer). b. Follow the same directions as above…This time, the verbs in parenthesis are NOT “House of Etre” verbs, and therefore use “avoir” as their helping verbs. In this case, there is NO AGREEMENT necessary for the past participle. 1. Bob __________________(parler). Suzanne ___________________________(parler). 2. Jim ___________________(finir). Suzanne ___________________________(finir). 11. Write the sentences below in French, after reviewing these sequencing words: D’abord, Puis, Apres, Enfin/finalement (first, next, after that, finally) 1. First I went home (rentrer=to go home), then I ate a pizza. 2. Finally, he slept for (pour) 10 hours. (heures). 3. She went to France and she visited the Eiffel Tower. (la tour Eiffel_) 4. First he was born, then he worked. After that, he stayed at the house, and finally he died. Any questions about how to use the past tense? 