YEAR-END REPORT JANUARY–DECEMBER 2008 IFS reports improved EBIT and substantially better cash flow for the full year • Net revenue amounted to SKr 744 million (682) during the fourth quarter, an increase of 9% including, and of 5% excluding, exchange rate effects. • EBIT during the fourth quarter amounted to SKr 117 million (64) before the effects of the restructuring program and to SKr 105 million (64) after. • Adjusted EBITDA amounted to SKr 100 million (83) during the fourth quarter and SKr 236 (206) for the full year. • Net revenue for the full year amounted to SKr 2,518 million (2,356), an increase of 7%, including and excluding exchange rate effects. • Cash flow after investments amounted to SKr 98 million (20). • Full-year earnings before tax amounted to SKr 161 million (129), an increase of 25%. Earnings for the period amounted SKr 95 million (122) after tax, with earnings per share after dilution amounting to SKr 3.51 (4.80). The previous year’s earnings included tax revenue of SKr 58 million. INDUSTRIAL AND FINANCIAL SYSTEMS, IFS AB Message from the President A strategy working in difficult times I am pleased with the full-year result with an EBIT of SKr 178 million, excluding restructuring charges, representing an increase of 26% compared with 2007. All through the year IFS has clearly stated that it has increased market focus on the more complex project-based industries. This focused approach will enable IFS to achieve a leading position in the key markets of EPCI (engineering, procurement, construction, installation), utilities and infrastructure. Already in 2008, IFS achieved the leading position for maintenance and logistics systems in the defense sector. Despite the difficult times, product revenue grew, and 70–80% of the new licenses sold were from these target sectors. With this shift in targeted markets, IFS has moved further away from consumer-facing sectors and general manufacturing. In other sectors there are still major trends that will drive long-term investment such as the development of alternative sources of energy, demand for food and other natural resources, and military projects. Furthermore, many governments plan increased investments in infrastructure to stimulate the activity in their economies. This has already benefited IFS with the license pipeline at the end of 2008, adjusted for currency effects, being 7% higher than at the same time last year. Consulting margins have, as predicted, continued to improve through 2008, achieving 19% compared with 16% the previous year. This is the result of dealing with issues that were reported in previous years, namely a couple of challenging projects, staff turnover and the use of high-cost external resources. The consulting backlog at the end of 2008 was equal to that seen at the end of 2007, and as long as the backlog remains stable, further efficiency gains are expected to yield continued margin improvement. Maintenance and support revenue increased in 2008 by 7% and is unlikely to be affected by the economic downturn. In March 2008 IFS announced a plan to double product revenue and deliver an EBIT of 15% by 2012. This goal would be achieved by continued organic growth and by the acquisition of product companies operating in our target markets and our main existing geographies. In 2008 IFS evaluated a number of acquisitions but decided that none was ideal—this is an ongoing process. The commitment to the strategy continues, but progress is likely to be affected by the economic situation. Business analyst forecasts for the global IT market in 2009, based on extensive surveys of IT budgets, were adjusted downward during the end of 2008. The most recently reported surveys from analysts such as Gartner, AMR, and Forrester indicate a total market growth of between -3% and +3%, which is stable in relation to many other industries. Furthermore, ERP solutions are among the highest prioritized IT investments due to the need to streamline corporate processes, reduce costs, and improve business intelligence. IFS does not offer any predictions regarding the world economy but must assume that the downturn will persist for all of 2009. Despite the favorable market positioning described above, IFS expects that investments are likely to be delayed and ongoing projects slowed down. For this reason IFS’ development for 2009 is expected to be stable and generally in line with 2008. Demand for products and services will be constantly tracked across all regions and should any deterioration in demand be seen, then cost reduction action will be quickly taken. 2 Group financial overview for the fourth quarter 2008 SKr million Net revenue 2008 Q4 2007 Q4 Full year 2008 2 518 Full year 2007 744 682 2 356 License revenue 145 148 479 478 Maintenance and support revenue 200 176 703 659 Consulting revenue 391 353 1 310 1 194 350 319 1 106 1 048 whereof Gross earnings whereof Licenses 133 133 440 429 Maintenance and support 107 110 400 423 Consulting 106 74 248 186 EBIT 105 64 154 141 EBIT margin 14% 9% 6% 6% Earnings before tax 115 67 161 129 Earnings for the period 64 28 95 122 Cash flow after investment operations 25 61 98 20 Significant events during the quarter • Significant agreements were signed with: Sanitec, industrial manufacturing (Nordic region); SeaDrill, offshore (Norway); Zomrex, process industry (Poland); Serimax, construction and contracting (France); Brightpoint, trade and logistics (Sweden). Moreover, several important agreements were signed within aerospace & defense with: General Electric (U.S.A.), Babcock Marine (UK), Domodedovo Technique (Russia), and with another major manufacturer and a large support company in the defense sector. • Atrion International, which develops solutions for managing and monitoring hazardous substances in the chemical industry, joined the IFS Global Software Partner Program. The program enables partners to integrate their solutions with IFS’ business applications. • Significant improvements to IFS Applications were launched during the fourth quarter: SOA–based CAD-PDM (Product Data Management) integration as a web service, support for the Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA), which enables faster, less costly payment transactions for companies within all industries in Europe, and new functionality for advanced planning for repair shops in the aerospace & defense sector. • IFS Enterprise Explorer, IFS’ revolutionary new user interface, was installed at the first customer sites for testing and evaluation. F I N A N C I A L OV E RV I E W All comments refer to figures for the quarter unless otherwise stated. Revenue Net revenue amounted to SKr 744 million (682), an increase of 9% including exchange rate effects and of 5% excluding exchange rate effects. License revenue amounted to SKr 145 million (148), a decrease of 2% including exchange rate effects and 3% excluding exchange rate effects. Maintenance and support revenue increased by 14% including exchange rate effects and 9% excluding exchange rate effects, and amounted to SKr 200 million (176). 3 Consulting revenue amounted to SKr 391 million (353), an increase of 11% including exchange rate effects and 6% excluding exchange rate effects. Earnings Adjusted EBITDA increased to SKr 100 million (83), an increase that is primarily explained by stronger consulting earnings. Adjusted EBITDA shows the Group’s organic earnings trend as presented on page 9 of the report. EBIT before expenses related to the restructuring program increased to SKr 117 million from 64 million in the previous year as a result of stronger sales in consulting operations. Personnel-related expenses increased by approximately SKr 45 million, an increase of 12%. An increasingly larger part of salaries is incentive-based, which means that improved earnings increase salary expenses, especially when most of the improvements in earnings are generated in high-cost countries. The restructuring program, presented in connection with the second-quarter report, is proceeding according to plan. Expenses related to the program charged earnings with approximately SKr 12 million during the quarter and approximately SKr 24 million for the full year. The restructuring program is expected to result in savings of approximately SKr 50 million on a full-year basis; during the quarter, savings amounted to approximately SKr 7 million. Maintenance and support earnings amounted to SKr 107 million (110), on par with the previous year. The support margin was lower during 2008 than in the previous year as new product versions were released. The margin is expected to increase in 2009. Consulting earnings increased to SKr 106 million (74). IFS had an increased level of activity in several markets during the fourth quarter, resulting in a high rate of invoicing. Earnings before tax amounted to SKr 115 million (67). Net financial items improved by SKr 7 million because of the lower amount of interest-bearing liabilities and positive exchange rate effects. Earnings for the period amounted to SKr 64 million (28). Earnings for the previous year contained tax revenue of SKr 58 million as a result of activated deferred tax claims. Cash flow and investments Cash flow after investments amounted to SKr 25 million (61). Cash flow for the full year improved by SKr 78 million compared with the previous year and amounted to SKr 98 million. The change in working capital had a negative effect of SKr 71 million (18) on cash flow. The increase is mainly attributable to the fact that customers to a greater degree than in the previous year postponed payments until after the turn of the year. Investments amounted to SKr 55 million (40), of which amortized product development expenditure accounted for SKr 46 million (28). The amount of amortized expenditure varies depending on which phase of the product development process the company finds itself in. In previous quarters during the year, this was lower compared with the previous year. The amount of amortized expenditure increased and for the full year was at the same level as during the previous year. Liabilities to credit institutions amounted to SKr 196 million (179) at the end of the period; these amounted to SKr 145 million at the end of the previous quarter. Available cash Liquid assets amounted to SKr 317 (254). Liquid assets including unutilized lines of credit amounted to SKr 466 million (479). 4 Pledged assets Pledged assets were reduced during the year, primarily due to the centralized financing structure implemented at the turn of 2007/2008, as a result of which liabilities incurred by subsidiaries are no longer pledged. Outlook IFS’ development for 2009 is expected to be stable and generally in line with 2008. Other information Parent Company Net revenue for the fourth quarter amounted to SKr 5 million (5), and earnings before tax amounted to SKr 10 million (293). Liquid assets, including unutilized lines of credit, amounted to SKr 278 million (248). During the year, convertible bonds amounting to SKr 32 million were converted. The remaining part of the convertible bond, SKr 3 million, was repaid. The annual general meeting of shareholders resolved to issue a share dividend (SKr 26 million), to implement a reverse share split (1:10), to issue new shares, and to establish an incentive program. During the third quarter 400,000 Series B shares were repurchased for approximately SKr 20 million. Annual General Meeting of stockholders The annual general meeting of stockholders for 2009 will be held on April 1, 2009 in Solna, Sweden. The board of directors will submit proposals concerning the disposition of profits and other resolutions no later than in connection with the notification convening the AGM at the beginning of March, 2009. Annual report The annual report for 2008 will be available at and at IFS headquarters no later than March 18, 2009. There will be no hard-copy version of the annual report for 2008. Miscellaneous The quarterly report for the first quarter of 2009 will be published on April 21, 2009. Linköping, February 6, 2009 The Board of Directors Audit report This interim report has not been subject to review by the Company’s auditors. 5 Consolidated income statement SKr million 2008 Q4 2007 Q4 Full year 2008 Full year 2007 License revenue 145 148 479 478 Maintenance and support revenue 200 176 703 659 Consulting revenue 1 194 391 353 1 310 Other revenue 8 5 26 25 Net revenue 744 682 2 518 2 356 License expenses -12 -15 -39 -49 Maintenance and support expenses -93 -66 -303 -236 -285 -279 -1 062 -1 008 -4 -3 -8 -15 Direct expenses -394 -363 -1 412 -1 308 Gross earnings 350 319 1 106 1 048 -214 Consulting expenses Other expenses Product development expenses -50 -55 -228 Sales and marketing expenses -124 -126 -445 -446 -73 -70 -258 -236 Administration expenses Other operating revenue 8 3 13 12 Other operating expenses -6 -7 -34 -23 Indirect expenses, net -245 -255 -952 -907 EBIT 105 64 154 141 Result from participations in associated companies 1 1 1 1 Interest expenses -2 -6 -13 -25 Other financial items 11 8 19 12 115 67 161 129 Tax -51 -39 -66 -7 Earnings for the period 64 28 95 122 64 28 95 122 0 0 0 0 2.41 1.06 3.56 4.80 2.39 1.04 3.51 4.80 At the end of the period 26 553 26 347 26 553 26 347 At the end of the period, after full dilution 26 823 27 009 26 823 27 009 Average for the period 26 553 26 346 26 681 25 392 Average for the period, after full dilution 26 823 27 009 27 042 27 034 Earnings before tax Earnings for the period are allocated as follows: Parent Company shareholders (SKr million) Minority interest (SKr million) Earnings per share pertaining to Parent Company shareholders (SKr) Earnings per share pertaining to Parent Company shareholders, after full dilution (SKr) Number of shares (thousands) 6 Consolidated balance sheet Assets SKr million 2008 Dec 31 2007 Dec 31 Capitalized expenditure for product development 454 476 Goodwill 254 232 Other intangible fixed assets Intangible fixed assets Tangible fixed assets Participations in associated companies Deferred tax receivables Other long-term receivables and other participations 7 14 715 722 95 79 3 2 278 306 27 31 308 339 1 118 1 140 Accounts receivable 832 759 Other receivables 204 158 Cash and cash equivalents 317 254 Current assets 1 353 1 171 Assets 2 471 2 311 Financial fixed assets Non-current assets Equity and liabilities SKr million 2008 Dec 31 2007 Dec 31 Share capital 539 527 Other capital contributed 697 677 Accumulated loss, including earnings for the period and other reserves Shareholders' equity pertaining to Parent Company shareholders Minority interest -7 -87 1 229 1 117 0 0 1 229 1 117 Liabilities to credit institutions 20 33 Pension obligations 40 44 Other provisions and other liabilities 16 30 Non-current liabilities 76 107 113 131 Shareholders' equity Accounts payable Convertible debentures/bonds - 34 Liabilities to credit institutions 176 146 Other provisions and other liabilities 877 776 Current liabilities 1 166 1 087 Liabilities 1 242 1 194 Equity and liabilities 2 471 2 311 900 1 263 8 2 Pledged assets Contingent liabilities 7 Consolidated statement of cash flows SKr million 2008 Q4 Cash flow from operations before change in working capital 2007 Q4 Full year 2008 Full year 2007 151 119 317 283 Change in working capital -71 -18 -75 -109 Cash flow from current operations 80 101 242 174 Cash flow from investment operations -55 -40 -144 -154 Cash flow after investment operations 25 61 98 20 Cash flow from financing operations 48 -75 -47 -140 Cash flow for the period 73 -14 51 -120 235 265 254 372 9 3 12 2 317 254 317 254 Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the period Exchange rate differences in cash and cash equivalents Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period Consolidated segment reporting January–December EMEA SKr million 2008 Americas 2008 2007 2007 Undistributed Corporate revenue and expenses 2008 2007 Rest of the World 2008 2007 GROUP 2008 2007 License revenue 357 325 51 72 63 80 8 1 479 478 Maintenance and support revenue 507 467 113 107 80 83 3 2 703 659 1 012 921 172 161 124 110 2 2 1 310 1 194 19 10 0 0 5 9 2 6 26 25 1 895 1 723 336 340 272 282 15 11 2 518 2 356 Consulting revenue Other revenue Net external revenue Intra-Group revenue 60 56 23 31 28 21 -111 -108 0 0 Net revenue 1 955 1 779 359 371 300 303 -96 -97 2 518 2 356 Operating expenses, external -2 204 -1 352 -1 241 -249 -250 -305 -286 -436 -427 -2 342 Operating expenses, intra-Group -90 -91 -7 -14 -4 -5 101 110 0 0 Other operating items, net -14 2 4 2 5 -7 -17 -8 -22 -11 -1 456 -1 330 -252 -262 -304 -298 -352 -325 -2 364 -2 215 499 449 107 109 -4 5 -448 -422 154 141 Average for the period 1 259 1 219 210 221 377 407 817 799 2 663 2 646 At the end of the period 1 299 1 241 213 209 371 387 840 790 2 723 2 627 26% 25% 30% 29% -1% 2% 6% 6% Operating expenses EBIT, undistributed Number of employees: EBIT margin, undistributed Fourth quarter EMEA SKr million 2008 Americas 2008 2007 2007 Undistributed Corporate revenue and expenses 2008 2007 Rest of the World 2008 2007 GROUP 2008 2007 License revenue 110 99 14 20 16 28 5 1 145 148 Maintenance and support revenue 139 120 34 26 26 29 1 1 200 176 Consulting revenue 302 280 48 42 41 30 0 1 391 353 6 3 0 0 2 2 0 0 8 5 557 502 96 88 85 89 6 3 744 682 Other revenue Net external revenue Intra-Group revenue 17 14 16 3 7 6 -40 -23 0 0 Net revenue 574 516 112 91 92 95 -34 -20 744 682 Operating expenses, external -614 -389 -347 -71 -59 -87 -77 -93 -131 -640 Operating expenses, intra-Group -21 -25 -2 0 -1 -2 24 27 0 0 Other operating items, net -11 2 3 1 8 -5 1 -2 1 -4 Operating expenses -421 -370 -70 -58 -80 -84 -68 -106 -639 -618 EBIT, undistributed 153 146 42 33 12 11 -102 -126 105 64 Average for the period 1 294 1 246 211 213 378 391 832 794 2 715 2 644 At the end of the period 1 299 1 241 213 209 371 387 840 790 2 723 2 627 27% 28% 38% 36% 13% 12% 14% 9% Number of employees: EBIT margin, undistributed 8 Consolidated organic net revenue SKr, million January–December 2008 Actual Translation effect Structural changes Fourth quarter 2008 Adjusted 2007 Actual 2008 Actual Translation effect Structural changes 2008 Adjusted 2007 Actual License revenue 479 10 - 489 478 145 -2 - 143 148 Maintenance and support revenue 703 5 -2 706 659 200 -9 - 191 176 Total product revenue 1 182 15 -2 1 195 1 137 345 -11 - 334 324 Consulting revenue Net revenue (including other revenue) 1 310 3 -5 1 308 1 194 391 -16 - 375 353 2 518 18 -7 2 529 2 356 744 -27 - 717 682 Consolidated organic operating expenses SKr, million January–December 2008 Actual Operating expenses Translation effect Structural changes Fourth quarter 2008 Adjusted 2007 Actual 2008 Actual Translation effect Structural changes 2008 Adjusted 2007 Actual 2 364 10 -6 2 368 2 215 639 -24 - 615 Capital gains/losses 0 0 - 0 3 0 0 - 0 0 Exchange rate gains/losses Restructuring costs/ redundancy costs 8 -1 - 7 -13 15 -1 - 14 -4 Reversal of restructuring costs Amortization/depreciation and net capitalization of prod. development Adjusted operating expenses 9 618 -30 0 - -30 -3 -13 0 - -13 1 1 0 - 1 - 0 0 - 0 - -52 -1 - -53 -52 1 0 - 1 -16 2 291 8 -6 2 293 2 150 642 -25 - 617 599 Income statement of the parent company SKr million 2008 Q4 2007 Q4 Full year 2008 5 Full year 2007 Net revenue 5 16 18 Administration expenses -5 -8 -27 -35 EBIT 0 -3 -11 -17 Result from participations in subsidiaries - 304 0 375 Result from participations in associated companies - - - - Financial revenue 60 23 110 77 Financial expenses -50 -31 -91 -100 Earnings before tax 10 293 8 335 Tax -7 0 -7 8 Earnings for the period 3 293 1 343 Balance sheet of the parent company Assets SKr million Participations in subsidiaries 2008 Dec 31 2007 Dec 31 978 978 Deferred tax receivables 87 92 Receivables in subsidiaries 30 40 Other long-term receivables and other participations 3 6 Financial fixed assets 1 098 1 116 Non-current assets 1 098 1 116 664 698 Receivables in subsidiaries Prepaid expenses and accrued income 9 7 Cash and cash equivalents 135 29 Current assets 808 734 1 906 1 850 Assets Equity and liabilities SKr million 2008 Dec 31 2007 Dec 31 Share capital 539 Statutory reserve 573 573 Retained earnings, including earnings for the period and share premium reserve 478 507 1 590 1 607 2 1 Liabilities to credit institutions 15 26 Non-current liabilities 15 26 Convertible debentures/bonds - 34 Liabilities to credit institutions 171 81 Liabilities to subsidiaries 108 79 Shareholders' equity Provisions for pensions and similar commitments Other liabilities Current liabilities Shareholders' equity and liabilities 527 20 22 299 216 1 906 1 850 10 Key figures for the group 2008 Q4 2007 Q4 Full year 2008 Full year 2007 License margin % 92% 90% 92% 90% Maintenance and support margin % 54% 63% 57% 64% Consulting margin % 27% 21% 19% 16% Gross margin % 47% 47% 44% 44% Product development expenses/net revenue % 7% 8% 9% 9% Sales and marketing expenses/net revenue % 17% 18% 18% 19% Administration expenses/net revenue % 10% 10% 10% 10% EBIT margin % 14% 9% 6% 6% Earnings margin % 15% 10% 6% 5% Return on average operating capital % 10% 6% 15% 14% Amortization and depreciation of which amortization of capitalized product development expenditure SKr, M -46 -43 -171 -174 SKr, M -36 -34 -142 -146 Capitalized product development expenditure SKr, M 46 28 119 122 % 23% 23% 23% 23% SKr, M 121 75 121 75 SKr, M 236 223 236 223 times 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 Equity/assets ratio, before conversion % 50% 48% 50% 48% Equity/assets ratio, after full conversion % 50% 50% 50% 50% Accounts receivable (average 12 months)/ net revenue (rolling 12 months) Net liquidity Interest-bearing liabilities, excluding convertible debentures/bonds Debt/equity ratio Number of employees: Average for the period 2 715 2 644 2 663 2 646 At the end of the period 2 723 2 627 2 723 2 627 274 258 946 890 Net revenue per employee 11 SKr, '000 Financial trend for the group SKr million 2008 Q4 2008 Q3 2008 Q2 2008 Q1 2007 Q4 2007 Q3 2007 Q2 2007 Q1 2006 Q4 License revenue 145 142 111 81 148 106 152 72 140 Maintenance and support revenue 200 175 165 163 176 161 164 158 153 Consulting revenue 313 391 287 324 308 353 253 296 292 Other revenue 8 8 6 4 5 8 7 5 10 Net revenue 744 612 606 556 682 528 619 527 616 License expenses -12 -11 -10 -6 -15 -10 -15 -9 -16 Maintenance and support expenses -93 -71 -74 -65 -66 -63 -55 -52 -54 -285 -246 -266 -265 -279 -228 -259 -242 -263 -4 -1 -3 0 -3 -7 -3 -2 -12 Direct expenses -394 -329 -353 -336 -363 -308 -332 -305 -345 Gross earnings 350 283 253 220 319 220 287 222 271 Consulting expenses Other expenses Product development expenses -50 -61 -61 -56 -55 -50 -56 -53 -55 Sales and marketing expenses -124 -109 -112 -100 -126 -100 -120 -100 -110 Administration expenses -73 -59 -68 -58 -70 -47 -57 -62 -50 Other operating revenue 8 3 1 1 3 2 2 5 5 Other operating expenses -6 -15 -9 -4 -7 -5 -7 -4 2 Indirect expenses, net -245 -241 -249 -217 -255 -200 -238 -214 -208 EBIT 105 42 4 3 64 20 49 8 63 Result from participations in associated companies 1 -1 1 0 1 -1 1 0 -1 Interest expenses -2 -3 -3 -5 -6 -5 -6 -8 -10 Other financial items 11 8 5 -5 8 0 3 1 -3 115 46 7 -7 67 14 47 1 49 Tax -51 -16 -1 2 -39 40 -11 3 174 Earnings for the period 64 30 6 -5 28 54 36 4 223 Earnings before tax Cash flow after investment operations Number of employees at the end of the period 25 -15 -46 134 61 2 -56 13 75 2 723 2 699 2 648 2 623 2 627 2 650 2 625 2 663 2 630 Outstanding shares Series A Number of shares on January 1, 2008 249 550 019 263 466 657 - 6 062 568 6 062 568 2 3 5 -12 524 976 -230 051 331 -242 576 307 1 391 664 25 561 259 26 952 923 Share issue Number of shares on December 31, 2008 TOTAL 13 916 638 Conversion of KV5B Reverse split Series B Repurchasing of own shares, in own custody - -400 000 -400 000 Number of outstanding shares on December 31, 2008 1 391 664 25 161 259 26 552 923 Number of voting rights on December 31, 2008 1 391 664 2 516 126 3 907 790 - 269 920 269 920 1 391 664 25 431 179 26 822 843 Additional shares after full dilution Number of shares on December 31, 2008 after full dilution Consolidated capital accounts SKr million Opening balance Translation difference Net income recognized directly in equity, excluding transactions with the owners of the company Earnings for the period Total recognized net income, excluding transactions with the owners of the company Change in minority interest New issue—redemption of convertible debentures/bonds New issue—warrants, TO6B 2008 Dec 31 1 117 2007 Dec 31 866 30 -15 1 147 851 95 122 1 242 973 0 0 32 144 1 - Dividend -26 - Buy-back of own shares -20 - 1 229 1 117 Closing balance 12 Risks and uncertainties In its operations, the IFS Group is exposed to certain risks that can affect earnings to a greater or lesser extent. Apart from the general concern about the economy, our assessment is that no new significant risks or uncertainties have arisen. For a detailed account of risks and uncertainty factors, please see the annual report for fiscal 2007. Estimates and critical assumptions To present the financial reports in accordance with the IFRS, the management must make certain estimates and assumptions that affect the application of the accounting principles and the reported amounts pertaining to assets, liabilities, revenue, and expenses. Actuals may differ from the estimates and assumptions. The estimates and assumptions are regularly reviewed. Changes in estimates are reported in the period in which the change is made if the change affects only that period, or in the period in which the change is made and future periods if the change affects both the current and future periods. Accounting principles The consolidated accounts have been prepared in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) and the interpretations issued by the International Financial Reporting Interpretations Committee (IFRIC). In addition, recommendation RFR 1.1 of the Swedish Financial Reporting Board (RFR), Supplementary Accounting Rules for Groups, has been applied. This consolidated interim report has been prepared in accordance with IAS 34, Interim Financial Reporting, and with the Swedish Annual Report Act. The Parent Company accounts are prepared in accordance with the Swedish Annual Report Act and recommendation RFR 2.1 of the Swedish Financial Reporting Board, Accounting for Legal Entities. As of 2008, sales and marketing expenses are reported as a separate function in accordance with IAS 1. Previously, these costs were included in license expenses. License expenses now include only expenses related to partners and third-party suppliers. In accordance with IAS 8, previous periods have been restated and key figures adjusted. In other matters, the accounting principles applied are the same as those applied in the latest annual report. For detailed information about the accounting principles: see annual report 2007. Definitions License margin: License revenue minus license expenses in relation to license revenue. License expenses include only expenses related to partners and third-party suppliers. Maintenance and support margin: Maintenance and support revenue minus maintenance and support expenses, in relation to maintenance and support revenue. In addition to external expenses related to partners and third-party suppliers, maintenance and support expenses include mainly payroll expenses, travel expenses, and office rental pertaining to personnel staffing the Maintenance and Support service. Consulting margin: Consulting revenue minus consulting expenses, in relation to consulting revenue. In addition to expenses related to sub-contracted consultants, consulting expenses include mainly payroll expenses, travel expenses, and office rental pertaining to personnel staffing the Consulting service. 13 Adjusted EBITDA: EBIT adjusted for amortization and depreciation, development expenditure, one-time items consisting of redundancy costs, as well as capital and currency gains and losses. Return on average operating capital: EBIT in relation to average operating capital. Operating capital refers to total assets, excluding liquid assets, and other interest-bearing assets, less total liabilities excluding interest-bearing liabilities. Available cash: liquid assets plus unutilized lines of credits. Net liquidity: Liquid funds minus interest-bearing liabilities to credit institutions, at the end of the period. Debt/equity ratio: Interest-bearing liabilities, including convertible debentures/bonds, in relation to equity, at the end of the period. Equity/assets ratio before conversion: Equity before conversion of convertible debentures/bonds in relation to total assets, at the end of the period. Equity/assets ratio after full conversion: Equity after full conversion of convertible debentures/bonds in relation to total assets, at the end of the period. Organic change: Year-on-year figures adjusted for currency effects on consolidation as well as changes in structure. About IFS IFS (OMX STO: IFS), the global enterprise applications company, provides ERP solutions which enable organizations to respond quickly to market changes. The solutions allow resources to be used in a more agile way to achieve better business performance and competitive advantage. Founded in 1983, IFS has 2,700 employees worldwide. With IFS Applications™, now in its seventh generation, IFS has pioneered component-based ERP software. The component architecture provides solutions that are easier to implement, run, and upgrade. IFS Applications is available in 54 countries in 22 languages. IFS has over 600,000 users across seven key vertical sectors: aerospace & defense; automotive; manufacturing; process industries; construction, contracting & service management; retail & wholesale distribution, and utilities & telecom. IFS Applications provide extended ERP functionality, including CRM, SCM, PLM, CPM, enterprise asset management, and MRO capabilities. Financial information 2009 For additional information Interim Report, first quarter 2009 April 21, 2009 Alastair Sorbie, CEO Interim Report, second quarter 2009 July 17, 2009 Håkan Zadler, CFO +46 8 58 78 45 00 Manni Svensson, IR & PR +46 8 58 78 45 00 Interim Report, third quarter 2009 October 21, 2009 +46 8 58 78 45 00 Industrial and Financial Systems, IFS AB (publ) Registered office: Box 1545, SE-581 15 Linköping, Sweden – Corporate identity number: 556122-0996 14