Harry Potter - Novelinks.org

Harry Potter
And The Prisoner of Azkaban
Story Grammar
Plot: Harry Potter has returned for this third year at Hogwarts School for Wizards. Potter’s arch
nemesis, Lord Voldemort, is an evil dark wizard who had many wizard followers before his downfall
over ten years ago (attributed to Harry). One of the worst is believed to be Sirius Black who has
recently escaped from the wizard-prison Azkaban, and is rumored to be after Harry to kill him.
Harry must survive these traumatic events and finally learn the truth about his past.
Setting: London, England (The Dursley’s home); Hogwarts School for Wizards; and Hogsmead, a
nearby town comprised completely of wizards.
Characters: Harry Potter (protagonist); the Dursley’s: Uncle Vernon, Dudley, and Aunt Petunia
(Harry’s muggle relative); The Weasleys: Ron (best friend), Fred, George, and Percy; Hermione
Granger; Sirius Black; Professor Lupin; Professor Snape; Albus Dumbledore (headmaster); and
Hagrid (the grounds keeper of Hogwarts)
Chain of Events:
Initiating Event: Sirius Black, a wizard who is believed to have helped Lord Voldemort
kill Harry’s parents, has escaped from Azkaban and is believed to be after Harry
to finish the job.
Internal Response: Everyone, from Harry’s friends to the Head of the Ministry of Magic,
is worried about Harry and trying to protect him. Happiness-sucking Dementors
(guards of Azkaban) surround the school in an attempt to catch Sirius Black
before he can get to Harry.
Attempt/Outcome: Harry learns that Sirius Black was his parent’s best friend and his
own Godfather. Also, he learns that Black was wrongly accused of helping Lord
Voldemort kill his parents, but unfortunately all the evidence is lost. Harry and
Ron also learn that Ron’s pet rat, Scabbers, is really Peter Petigrew. Peter was
another school friend of Harry’s father, but had become a spy for Lord Voldemort
and was actually the one who helped kill Harry’s parents.
Resolution: Fortunately, Harry and Hermione are able to save Black by using a time
warping method and Black goes into hiding and is safe for the time being. Harry
is happy about the turn of events and his new found family. However, something
still bothers Harry—during the school year, he received a premonition that
Voldemort would once again come into power after Peter Petigrew happened to
escape his captors.
Reaction: This novel is an enjoyable and quick read. It adds a new twist to many issues that are
pertinent to us today (see themes mentioned above). Harry Potter is a great display of fresh creativity
and a book that is sure to engage even the most reluctant of readers.
Willis, BYU 2001