Why hire TheFinestWriter.com as your next freelance writer, blogger

Expert freelance writer and blogger for hire
SINCE 2005!
Hi! I’m Michael Gabriel L.
Sumastre. I’ve been a freelance
writer, technology writer and
tech blogger since 2005. I’m an
expert freelance writer to some
of the world’s top tech websites
(GFI, UBM, TrainSignal,
WebDesign.org). I also used to
write for Techopedia,
MakeTechEasier, Online-TechTips, HelpDeskGeek).
I’ve written more than 5,000
articles, blog posts and content
pieces ordered from all over the
world. I’m also an EzineArticles
Diamond Level Expert Author. I
can write almost all types of
More about me here:
Brilliant technical writer,
technology writer and tech
blogger with outstanding
research skills. Interfaced
well with the public and coworkers. Background also
includes computer and
webpage programming using
Visual Basic, C++, PHP and
MySQL languages. Mac and
PC user.
An EzineArticles Diamond
Level Expert Author (the
highest author level given
only to the top 1% out of
almost 500,000 expert
authors). A regular
contributor to FoxMetrics
(articles related to SEO,
social media, search engine,
online marketing, web
analytics and the likes),
Doughroller (finance, money
management, budgeting,
money apps, etc) and
Contrastly Online Magazine
(photography, photographs,
camera, photo tools, etc.).
I'm an expert technology writer for TrainSignal! You can read all my 85 articles
here: http://www.trainsignal.com/blog/author/michael-gabriel-sumastre
I'm an expert technology writer, blogger and tech definition producer for
Techopedia! You can read all my 30 articles here:
I’m a freelance technology writer for GFI.com since 2010.
I’ve been moderating tech content for UBM.com since July
I’m a brilliant freelance writer to The Web Design Library (WebDesign.org). You can
read some of my published articles here:
Freelance technology writer for Vibrant Technologies. You can read some of my
published articles here: http://www.vibrant.com/blog/author/michaelgabriel
Tech contributor to MakeTechEasier. You can read my articles
here: http://www.maketecheasier.com/author/michaelgabriel
Freelance technical writer for INVgate. You can read my 20+ published
articles here: http://www.invgate.com/blog/author/michael
Freelance tech writer and
technology blogger for OnlineTech-Tips and HelpDeskGeek
(produced approximately 250
Regular contributor to Doughroller (topics include finance, money management,
budgeting, money apps, etc). You can read some of my articles here:
Expert freelance writer for Contrastly Online Magazine (topics I wrote include photography,
photographs, camera, photo tools, etc.). You can read some of my published articles here (20
articles and counting): http://contrastly.com/author/michael-gabriel
Certified EzineArticles
Diamond Level Expert
Author (The highest
Expert Author level
given only to the top
1% - out of more than
480,000 authors).
You can read my 60+
articles here:
I wrote several tech white
papers including this one for
You can read the full white
paper here:
I wrote several tech white
papers including this one for
SmartSignin (Why is Public
Key Infrastructure
You can read the full white
paper here:
Resume, CV:
My approach to the project:
My comprehensive professional experience in technology writing, technical writing and tech
blogging for almost eight years will assure you that I can do the job well. My past and present
tech writing and blogging experiences are with UBM, Techopedia, Online Tech Tips, Help
Desk Geek, Train Signal, Theme-Dutch, GFI, The Web Design Library, etc. You can view my
complete writing portfolio at the links above.
I also have several experiences in project management, online marketing, SEO and
webmastering. I've managed several online marketing and SEO campaigns in the past. I'm
expert in CMS (WordPress) and HTML. I can do basic web programming and online database
management (through the cPanel).