Writing First with Readings 5th Edition Laurie G. Kirszner Stephen R. Mandell ©2012 Bedford/St. Martin’s ISBN-10: 0-312-54256-9 ISBN-13: 978-0-312-54256-6 WHAT TO BUY Required Text Available Formats Print book Paper text e-Books (1/2 the cost of the print book) CourseSmart e-Book: downloadable e-Book accessible on a computer or via app on the iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch, Android devices, Kindle Fire, Nook Color, or Nook Tablet Writing First with Readings 5th Edition Laurie G. Kirszner | Stephen P. Mandell ISBN-10: 0-312-54256-9 ISBN-13: 978-0-312-54256-6 WHERE TO BUY IT Campus Bookstore From Publisher http://www.bedfordstmartins.com WHY YOU NEED IT 1. It is required for this course You will have assigned homework and we will test from material found in this book. 2. It will help you get a better grade. Period. This book includes: Learning strategies for writing better Complete instruction in writing, reading, research, and grammar Hundreds of practice exercises Lots of models Study tools How to find information in Writing First • Brief Table of Contents (first page) • Detailed Table of Contents (p. xiii ff.) • Index (p. 723 ff.) • Navigational tools on every page • Cross-references throughout the book How Writing First can help you become a better writer • Preview boxes give you an overview of what’s covered in the chapter • Write First activities get you started writing right away; exercises and instruction in the chapter that follows helps you work on what you wrote How Writing First can help you become a better writer gives you an easy way to remember the 4 key elements of any piece of writing: --Topic sentence (or Thesis statement, for essays), --Evidence, --Summary statement, and --Transitions. You can use to evaluate any piece of writing and to revise your own writing. How Writing First can help you become a better writer • FYI boxes highlight key points and explain difficult-but-essential concepts. • Grammar in Context boxes call out grammar rules you’ll need to know when you’re writing in a particular mode. How Writing First can help you become a better writer Review Checklists at the end of grammar chapters summarize the most important information, giving you an easy way of reviewing material for quizzes. Get access to free online study tools • College Success resources • Writing resources • Research resources • Grammar Resources • Videos of real writers bedfordstmartins.com/writingfirst Hover your mouse over “REGISTER” and click “I am a Student” Enter your e-mail address Create your account Get access to PREMIUM online study tools SUCH AS… • Re:Writing Plus Unlocking premium study tools… 1. Log in first. 2. Locate the “Unlock Premium Resources” box. Either enter the access code you received from the bookstore or purchase directly from the Web site If you have an access code… Enter the activation code printed on your access card and click “Go.” If you want to purchase directly… 1. Click “Purchase Access Online” 2. Choose your resources and click “Add to cart” 3. Click “Check Out Now” UNLOCKED RESOURCES The resources you’ve unlocked will now appear on the home page—click “Go” to access them USING RE:WRITING PLUS view resources browse by type or topic NEED HELP? Your first step should always be to call Tech Support. Tech Support will be able to address any issues you might have with registration, etc. If you need help from me for any technical issue, I will not be able to help you unless you first have a ticket number that you have received from Tech Support. Tech Support 1-800-936-6899