John Barwick - Cornell University Department of History

Curriculum Vitae
John Barwick
Cornell University
Postgraduate Associate
450 McGraw Hall, Ithaca, NY 14850
Phone: 607-255-3923
Fax: 607-255-0469
Ph.D. in Modern Chinese History, University of Alberta, 2011
M.Div. in Biblical Theology, China Evangelical Seminary, 2001
Chinese Language Diploma, Inter-University Program for Chinese Studies, 1997
B.A. in East Asian Studies, University of Chicago, 1992
History of Modern China
Chinese modernity
History of religious policy in China
University-wide Teaching Conference Certificate, Center for Teaching Excellence, Cornell
University, October 2013.
Dissertation Award, Centre for the Study of Religion and Chinese Society, Chinese
University of Hong Kong, 2012
Dissertation Fellowship, Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation, Taiwan, 2007
Chinese Government Scholarship, Department of Education, People’s Republic of China,
Doctoral Fellowship, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, 2004
Walter H. Johns Graduate Fellowship, University of Alberta, 2004
Dissertation Workshop, Association for Asian Studies, 2004
University of Alberta Ph.D. Scholarship, University of Alberta, 2002
The Protestant Quest for Modernity in Republican China. Forthcoming book to be published
by the Centre for the Study of Religion and Chinese Society, Chinese University of Hong
“The Protestant Quest for Modernity in Republican China.” Dissertation, University of
Alberta, 2011.
“Liu Tingfang: Christian Minister and Activist Intellectual.” In Carol Hamrin and Stacey
Bieler, eds. Salt and Light: Lives of Faith that Shaped Modern China. Vol. 3. Eugene,
Oregon: Pickwick Publications, 2011.
“Wang Liming: Promoting a Protestant Vision of the Modern Chinese Woman.” In Carol
Hamrin and Stacey Bieler, eds. Salt and Light: Lives of Faith that Shaped Modern China.
Vol. 3. Eugene, Oregon: Pickwick Publications, 2011.
“Liu Tingfang and the Protestant Quest for Modernity in Republican China,” in Jidujiao yu
Zhongguo shehui wenhua: disijie guoji nianqing xuezhe yantaohui lunwenji [Studies in
Christianity and Chinese Society and Culture: Essays from the Fourth International Young
Scholars’ Symposium]. Liu Zhongming and Wu Xiaoxin eds. Hong Kong: Chinese
University of Hong Kong Press, 2010.
“Zhang Boling: The Making of the New Chinese Citizen.” In Carol Hamrin and Stacey Bieler,
eds. Salt and Light: Lives of Faith that Shaped Modern China. Vol. 2. Eugene, Oregon:
Pickwick Publications, 2010.
“Faith, Identity and Nationalism: The Impact of the May Thirtieth Incident on China’s
Christian Colleges.” Past Imperfect 10 (2004): 45-58.
“The Protestant Quest for Modernity in Republican China,” lecture presented at the Chinese
University of Hong Kong, New Territories, Hong Kong, January 2013.
“Learning from Elite Protestants in Early Twentieth Century China,” presented at Christian
Faith and Twenty-First Century China conference, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary,
South Hamilton, Massachusetts, August 2012.
“Western Mission Organizations, Chinese Elite Protestants, and the Building of the Public
Sphere in Republican China,” presented in Chinese at Christianity and the Public Sphere
conference, East China Normal University, Shanghai, December 2011.
“Christianity and Configuring the Nation: Protestant Elite Modernizers in Republican China,”
presented at Modernization of China conference, Library of Congress, Washington DC,
September 2009.
“Liu Tingfang and the Protestant Quest for Modernity in Republican China,” presented at
Fourth International Young Scholars’ Symposium on Christianity and Chinese Society and
Culture, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, December 2008.
“Liu Tingfang and the Christian Response to May Fourth Nationalism,” presented at
American Society of Church History Annual Conference, Washington DC, January 2008.
“Liu Tingfang, Life Journal, and the Chinese Protestant Engagement with May Fourth
Modernity,” presented at Canadian Asian Studies Association Annual East Asia Conference,
Quebec City, November 2007.
Instructor, Transformations in Twentieth Century China, 2014
Cornell University, Department of History
Instructor, Religion and the State in Chinese History, 2013
Cornell University, Department of History
Instructor, Religious Dynamics in Chinese Society, 2007
University of Alberta, Department of History and Classics
Instructor, History of Modern East Asia, 2007
University of Alberta, Department of History and Classics
Senior Research Associate, Global China Center, Charlottesville, Virginia, 2005 to present.
Executive Editor, International Journal of Sino-Western Studies, a Chinese English bilingual
academic journal published twice annually by the Nordic Forum of Sino-Western Studies,
2011 to present.
Executive Coordinator, Christian Faith and Twenty-First Century China conference, GordonConwell Theological Seminary, South Hamilton, MA, a three-day meeting with 34 speakers
and 75 guests from China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Europe, and the United States, August 2012.
Panel organizer, “Global Kingdom, Local Nation: Chinese Protestants and the Dilemma of
Nationalism in Republican China,” American Society of Church History Annual Conference
in Washington DC, January 2008.
Chief Editor, China News and Church Report, Chinese Church Research Centre, Hong Kong,
Mandarin: Fluent in speaking, reading, and writing
Hebrew: Basic reading ability
Greek: Basic reading ability
American Historical Association
American Society of Church History
Association for Asian Studies