Social Dance Policy 1. Introduction The following principles set the context for the guidelines governing social dance at Redeemer University College. In the most basic sense, the human capacity to dance is rooted in creation. Created in God’s image, we possess an artistic sensitivity and a sociability which can find valid expression in dance forms. God gave us bodies that are instruments of sense and motion and made us capable of responding to musical themes and rhythmical movement. Dancing, along with every other created human capacity, is misdirected by our fallen and sinful condition. This fallenness enters dance in all its forms - religious, artistic and social - and affects the entire context of dance, including setting, music and motivation of participants, as well as the character of the dance itself. The Christian must learn to discern and to do the will of God, accept ing and enjoying whatever things are true, honourable, just, pure and lovely, (Phil. 4:8) and rejecting and shunning all evil. As such, the Christian is not called to reject the human capacity to dance, but is called to redeem this aspect of creation in a God-honouring manner. This challenge to redeem the use of dance includes liturgical, artistic and social dance forms and extends to the entire context and activity of dancing. Discernment and mature insight should characterize the Christian participation in social dances. While some dance forms, ethnic and folk dances for example, generally reflect a joyful use of music, rhythm, movement and social involvement, other dance styles are less easily adapted to conform to the standards of the Christian faith. In some instances a dance style may be so closely associated with the hedonistic values of our culture that it should be rejected outright. In deciding to sponsor dances, it is the responsibility of RUC as a Reformed Christian organization not merely to do so permissively but to assume responsibility to ensure that all aspects of a social dance event give evidence of obedience to God’s call to be redemptively engaged with this aspect of culture. As an educational institution RUC accepts the responsibility for providing leadership and guidance toward an ongoing evaluation of the constantly shifting patterns of contemporary dance and toward the development of wholesome dances. Supervision The Student Life Department shall be responsible for general supervision to ensure that dance behaviour is compatible with the Christian lifestyle expected at RUC, including all standards as specified in the Student Handbook. At least one member of the Student Senate Executive and in most cases one representative from the Student Life Department will be present at all dances. Admission The sponsoring organization will set the admission fee, with the concurrence of the Student Life Department. Environment Dances will be held on campus. The space in which the dance is held shall be suitably lighted. The University policy on “no alcohol or drugs” on campus and “no smoking” indoors shall be strictly enforced. Music & Lyrics Music and lyrics played or performed at the dance must meet the criteria of the document Guidelines for Music and Lyrics, which comprises section ‘C’ of the RUC Social Dance Policy. Forms of Dance Forms of dancing which are sexually suggestive or provocative or otherwise appear not to be in keeping with Christian standards will not be permitted. 3. Guidelines for Music and Lyrics The following guidelines are designed to assist organizing committees to evaluate and select appropriate music for dance events. Particular sensitivity and discernment should be exercised regarding both music and lyrics. The intent is to promote a wholesome atmosphere of social dance for the enjoyment of all participants. A variety of musical styles should be offered to accommodate both dancing and listening enjoyment and to enhance the participation and enjoyment of the group. Lyrics must be in accord with the biblical command to love God and our neighbours. Suitable lyrics will reflect Christian standards of language, Christian norms for interpersonal relationships and Christian values. The following areas and examples serve as illustrations of how to apply such principles. 2. Guidelines for Dance Events Regarding Gender & Sexuality The following guidelines are designed to assist organizing committees to evaluate and select appropriate music for dance events. Particular sensitivity and discernment should be exercised regarding both music and lyrics. The intent is to promote a wholesome atmosphere of social dance for the enjoyment of all participants. A variety of musical styles should be offered to accommodate both dancing and listening enjoyment and to enhance the participation and enjoyment of the group. Lyrics must be in accord with the biblical command to love God and our neighbours. Suitable lyrics will reflect Christian standards of language, Christian norms for interpersonal relationships and Christian values. The following areas and examples serve as illustrations of how to apply such principles. Songs must reflect an understanding of sexuality and interpersonal relations which is compatible with the teaching of Scripture. Songs which promote and/or condone promiscuity in sexual relationships, sexual sadism, masochism, eroticism, lewdness and/or other sexual aberrations must not be selected. Regarding Language Lyrics must reflect Christian standards of language that are edifying for students seeking to live a Christian lifestyle. Songs which use vulgar words, profanity, take the Lord’s name in vain or trivialize Christian commitment must not be selected. Regarding Social & Religious Issues Permission Dances must be approved by the Student Life Department and will fall under any existing regulations and procedures of campus activities sponsored by Student Life or Student Senate. Sponsorship Dances may be sponsored by any officially recognized RUC organization, upon application to the Student Life Department. (In the case of student proposals, application must first be submitted to the Student Senate.) Requests must be submitted in writing at least two weeks prior to the event. Number of Dances The appropriate frequency of social dances shall be determined by the Student Life Department in consultation with Student Senate. Songs must be in accord with the biblical command to love God above all and our neighbour as ourselves. Songs which militate against God’s commands by promoting and/or condoning violence, antisocial behaviour, materialism, narcissism, nihilism or fatalism and which condone and/or promote substance abuse must not be selected. Regarding Political Messages Political messages in songs must reflect love for God and our neighbour and must respect God’s ultimate authority and its expression in human authority. Songs with a light-hearted view of ivil disobedience or which celebrate disrespect for authority must not be selected.