Trying to Decide Which Business Field is Right for You?

Trying to Decide
Which Business
Field is Right for
Enroll in BUS 100 Introduction to Business to learn more about
the many exciting career fields available in the business world.
BUS 100 Topics
In three units over one
semester, you will
learn how the pieces fit
together and which
piece of the business
world you might like to
learn more about.
Then you can take
another business class
directly related to your
interests to learn more.
The Contemporary Business Environment
 U.S. Business System
 Global Context of Business
Business Ethics
Entrepreneurship & Small Business
Supplemental Courses
BUS 103 Introduction to International Business
BUS 185 Principles of Importing and Exporting
BUS 214 International Business Law
BUS 160 Business Ethics
BUS 211 Business Law
BUS 117 Business Entrepreneurship
The Business of Managing
 Managing the Business Enterprise
 Organizing the Business Enterprise
 Managing Operations & Improving
BUS 110 Principles of Management
People in Organizations
 Motivating Employees
 Human Resources & Labor Relations
BUS 111 Human Relations in the Workplace
BUS 112 Human Resource Management
BUS 126 Managing Diversity in the Workplace
BUS 132 Negotiation and Conflict Resolution
Principles of Marketing
 Marketing & Consumer Behavior
 Pricing, Promoting & Distributing Products
BUS 113 Retail Management
BUS 140 Principles of Marketing
BUS 141 Principles of Advertising
BUS 142 Principles of Selling
BUS 143 International Marketing
BUS 192 E-Business Strategy
Operations and Information
 Managing Information Systems
& Electronic Commerce
 Understanding Accounting
BUS 101 Bookkeeping & Accounting
BUS 190 Principles of Electronic Commerce
BUS 144 Business Mathematics
BUS 201 Principles of Accounting I
BUS 202 Principles of Accounting II
Financial Issues
 Understanding Money & Banking
 Understanding Securities & Investments
BUS 154 Finance (Personal Financial Planning)
BUS 156 Introduction to Investments
BUS 157 Business Finance
BUS 159 International Finance