Year 3 - Eton Park Junior School

Year 5
Year 3
Year 4
3A – Teeth and eating
4A – Moving and Growing
5A – Keeping Healthy
Work in this unit should
reinforce and develop
children's knowledge of
their personal health and
how this relates to diet.
Through this unit children
learn about how the skeleton is
related to movement and
support in humans and what
happens to the skeleton and
muscles as they move. They
also compare human bones and
skeletons with those of other
This unit helps children to
learn that there are many
aspects to keeping healthy.
Children learn about the
heart and how heart beat is
affected by exercise and
relate this to what they
already know about
movement and exercise.
3B – Growing Plants
4B – Habitats
5B – Life Cycles
6B – Micro-organisms
In this unit children learn
about what plants need to
grow well and why it is
important that they do.
Through this unit children will
begin to understand the
concept of a habitat, how it
provides organisms found
there with conditions for life
and how animals depend on
plants or other animals which
eat plants for food.
Throughout the unit ways in
which organisms are suited to
the habitat should be
Through this unit children
learn that plants and animals
reproduce as part of their
life cycle and that in every
life cycle there are distinct
processes and stages. They
should begin to understand
how reproduction is
important to the survival of
the species.
Through this unit children
learn that there are many
very small organisms called
micro-organisms which feed,
grow and reproduce and
which may be harmful or
3C - Characteristics of
Through this unit children
should extend their
knowledge of the range of
materials we use and of the
properties that characterise
them. This knowledge should
help them recognise what
needs to be considered when
a material is chosen for a
particular use
4C – Keeping Warm
5C – Gases around us
6C – More about dissolving
This unit consolidates and
extends children's
understanding of what
happens when a variety of
solids dissolve
3D – Rocks and soils
4D –Solids, liquids and how
they can be separated
They should learn about how
teeth are related to diet and
the importance of dental
Through this unit children
should come to recognise
that underneath all surfaces
is rock which they may not
be able to see, that rocks
get broken down into
pebbles and soils which we
can often see, and that
there are different sorts of
rock with different
Through this unit children
build on their ideas about
temperature as a measure of
how hot or cold objects are
and learn about thermal
insulators as materials which
can help to keep things warm
or cool.
In this unit children learn
about the differences
between solids and liquids and
recognise that the same
material can exist as both
solid and liquid. They identify
changes that occur when solids
and liquids are mixed and how
to separate undissolved solids
Through this unit children
learn that gases are material
and can be distinguished
from solids and liquids by
their properties. They also
learn about the uses of some
important gases and where
gases are found.
5D – Changing state
Through this unit children
consolidate their ideas about
changes of state which can
be reversed. They use their
understanding to explain a
range of familiar phenomena.
Year 6
6A – Interdependence and
In this unit children extend
their knowledge of the way
in which plants and animals in
different habitats depend
upon each other and are
suited to their environment.
They relate feeding
relationships to knowledge of
plant nutrition.
6D – Reversible and
Irreversible changes
This unit brings together and
consolidates work that
children have done before on
reversible changes eg
melting, freezing,
evaporating, dissolving,
condensing, introduces
burning as a change that
cannot be reversed and, like
characteristics. Pebbles and
soils from different rocks
consequently have different
from a liquid. They learn that
melting and dissolving are
different and recognise that
when a solid dissolves it is still
3E – Magnets and springs
4E – Friction
5E – Earth, Sun and Moon
6E – Forces in Action
This unit gives children
experience of forces,
including attraction and
repulsion between magnets,
compression and stretching
of springs and stretching of
elastic bands. They learn
that these forces have
direction and can vary in
size. They also learn which
materials are attracted to
In this unit children build on
their existing knowledge of
forces and learn that forces
can be measured and
compared. The unit focuses on
friction as a force which
exists between objects moving
across solid surfaces and
opposes motion, and the forces
of air resistance and water
resistance which oppose the
motion of objects moving
through air and water.
In this unit children learn
about the shapes and
relative sizes of the Earth,
Sun and Moon. Using models
they learn how the three
bodies move relative to each
other and how these
movements relate to night
and day.
In this unit children apply
their knowledge of a variety
of forces, including magnetic
attraction, gravitational
attraction and friction.
Children learn about the
changes in motion which
occur when forces act on an
object. They consolidate
their understanding that
forces have direction and
can be measured.
3F – Light and Shadow
4F – Circuits and conductors
This unit builds on children's
previous practical experience
of making circuits and extends
their understanding of
circuits, conductors and
insulators and the need for a
complete circuit in order for a
device to work. Children are
introduced to ways in which
they can vary the current in a
5F – Changing sounds
Through this unit children
learn that sounds are
produced by vibrations and
that these vibrations travel
from the source through a
variety of materials. Musical
instruments are used to
illustrate the range of ways
of producing sounds and how
pitch and loudness can be
6F – How we see things
This unit introduces the
relationship between light,
an object and the formation
of shadows. Children
observe the apparent
movement of the Sun and
the associated changes in
other irreversible changes,
produces new materials.
In this unit children learn
that mirrors and shiny
surfaces alter the direction
in which light travels and
that when they see objects,
light enters the eye. Children
contrast reflection and
shadow formation.
6G – Changing Circuits
This unit is designed to
revise concepts to which
children have been
introduced in Year 2 and
Year 4. The unit consolidates
children's knowledge of
materials which are
electrical conductors,
extends understanding of
ways in which the brightness
of bulbs or speed of motors
in a circuit can be changed
and develops children's
understanding of the value
of using conventional symbols
for communication.