Laboratory Report Guideline – #1 Boyle's & Charles's Laws

Laboratory Report Guideline – Gas Laws
1. Cover Page – Title of the Report, Name, Partner’s Name, Date, TA Name, Section # [1 pt each]
2. Data
the atmospheric pressure value part 1 and 2 [5]
the data tables for Boyle's, Charles's Laws [10 pt each]
the atmospheric pressure value part 3 [5]
the weight of NaNO2 and the initial and final volumes in mL
letter of the unknown NaNO2 [5]
the weight of the unknown and the initial and final volumes in mL
3. Calculation
an example of the calculation for Boyle's Law – PV calculation [5]
Boyle's Law graph [5 pts]
how was the experimental value of absolute zero determined [5]
calculate the percent difference from absolute zero value [5]
Charles's Law graph [5 pts]
calculations for the N2 gas – see page 27 of the lab manual [5]
calculate the average percent yield and standard deviation for the N2 production for pure NaNO2
and the unknown sample [5]
calculate the percent difference for N2 for both the pure and unknown samples [5]
4. Results and Discussion
discuss whether the graphs look like expected or not. [10]
compare the literature and experimental values of absolute zero (explain what possible errors might
contribute to the deviation) [10]
compare the theoretical and experimental values for N2 [10]
discuss the experimental results for the unknown samples [10]
5. Conclusion
give an overall summary of the experiment [5]
discuss your experimental results restating the average percent yield and standard deviation for the
N2 production for pure NaNO2 and the unknown sample [5]
answer the questions on page 25. Show the calculation for #5 [2 pts. each]
6. References [4]
7. Blue sheet - neatly written [5 pts]
Be sure to not use pronouns [-1 for every two pronouns] and that all the data and calculations have the
correct units and the appropriate significant figures.