UNDERGRADUATE STUDENT EXPERTS IN TEACHING (USET) PROGRAM TEACHING PROJECT PROPOSAL FACULTY/STUDENT INFORMATION Name: Jaron McMullin MD Department: Surgery (check one) _x_ Faculty __ Student PROJECT INFORMATION Project Type (check one): X New Teaching Technique __ Enhanced Teaching Technique __ Research Endeavor Project Title: Implementation of Spaced Repetition Flashcards for Teaching Plastic Surgery Residents Project Purpose: The purpose of this is to integrate a flashcard smart phone application including a spaced repetition component into the education of plastic surgery residents. Project's Contribution to Teaching and Learning at the University of Utah: In the subspecialty of plastic surgery, there is a large though relatively finite amount of information including though not limited to anatomy, physiology, microbiology, biomaterials, surgical techniques, and even lasers that must be mastered by resident physicians. Given that these residents often work 80 hours each week, the time to learn is limited. A flashcard application with spaced repetition would allow residents to efficiently learn and retain this information. This program could be easily expanded to any of the other medical subspecialties from general surgery to psychiatry to improve the teaching and learning efficiency of those residents. The combination of applications could also be transferred to be used in undergraduate classes including anatomy, physiology, and others. Project Outcomes: Every March, the plastic surgery residents are evaluated by a comprehensive Inservice Examination which includes sections on Hand/Extremity Surgery, Craniomaxillofacial Surgery, Cosmetic/Breast Surgery, and Comprehensive knowledge. It is anticipated that using the spaced repetition flashcards would result in residents’ increased knowledge and retention thereof which would be reflected in higher Inservice Scores in March 2014 than in past years. The trend of Inservice scores would also be noted in years to come. Project Details: There are three portions to this project. The first, yet simplest, is to select the most functional smart phone application to study the flashcards. There are multiple existing options including flashcards+, Supermemo, and others. It would be necessary to create a few flashcards to explore the user interface of multiple applications and to choose the most functional. The ideal application/s to create the cards would be one through which both the undergraduate student and the residents could share and create flashcards together but which, at some point, would allow plastic surgery residents to modify their own set of flashcards copied from a database of sorts. The second portion, which is closely tied to the first, is to find the ideal method to create the flashcards. The most efficient way to create the cards might be within the flashcard smart phone application (the app in the first “portion”) itself through a desktop option, or possibly through a different program such as quizlet.com, flashcardexchange.com, orangeorapple.com, or some other website that would allow the cards to be exported to the smart phone application. The third portion of the project would include converting facts and illustrations and even processes of learning, such as those observed by the CTLE student in clinic or the operating room, into flashcards. Many of the factoids plastic surgery The Center for Teaching & Learning Excellence MLIB 1705 / tel. (801) 581-7597 / www.ctle.utah.edu / uset@ctle.utah.edu UNDERGRADUATE STUDENT EXPERTS IN TEACHING (USET) PROGRAM TEACHING PROJECT PROPOSAL residents are to learn are available in an existing database of plastic surgery multiple choice questions. Other information which would be considered for inclusion in the flashcards is available in a compact handbook, Essentials of Plastic Surgery, edited by Jeffrey Janis. Additionally, it would be ideal to have the student working on this project directly observe and assess the teaching-learning interaction of residents and faculty to see what other aspects of the process of plastic surgery residency could be incorporated into a portable learning application incorporating spaced repetition. Expected Start Date (Month/Year): _5/2013____ Completion Date (Month/Year): ___4/2014_ (Project work should last for 2 full semesters beginning with Fall semester, summer renewal available) Is the proposed teaching project (check one): __ An idea of the student X A new project of the faculty sponsor __ Part of an ongoing effort of the faculty sponsor Students are expected to work for up to 60 hours per semester (e.g., 4 hours per week for 15 weeks) on the project. Please indicate the expected hours of work by the student for each semester (check one for each semester): Fall Semester: __ 30-40 Hours Spring Semester: __ 30-40 Hours Summer Semester*: __ 30-40 Hours __ 40-50 Hours __ 40-50 Hours _x_ 40-50 Hours _x_ 50-60 Hours _x_ 50-60 Hours __ 50-60 Hours USET FACULTY AGREEMENT Terms and Conditions: • I agree to sponsor the teaching project. • I understand that my project will be posted on the CTLE website so that interested students can view and discuss the project with the project lead. • Projects posted may not be funded depending upon student interest and funding. • If my project is funded by USET, I agree to participate in the Undergraduate Symposium in April. • I certify I am a regular, auxiliary or adjunct University of Utah faculty member. X (check here) I have read and agree to the terms and conditions listed above. *If applicable, requires pre-approval by CTLE. The Center for Teaching & Learning Excellence MLIB 1705 / tel. (801) 581-7597 / www.ctle.utah.edu / uset@ctle.utah.edu