Paweł BACHMAN APPLICATION OF VIRTUAL REALITY IN DESIGN OF ELECTROHYDRAULIC SERVO DRIVES AND THEIR CONTROLLERS Keywords: design process, virtual reality, electrohydraulic servo drives. Abstract The article aims to get its readers familiar with virtual reality. It presents how useful it may be while designing electrohydraulic servo drives control systems. In the beginning of the article a definition of virtual reality and its brief history have been presented. There has been also shown its usefulness in various fields, among others medicine, aviation, mechanics, computer games and designing process. The following part of the article is a description of chosen applications used in virtual reality creation. Basic vices and virtues of VRML, Oxygen, CAD programs and fields in which they are most frequently applied have been described. In the next part of the article it has been shown how to combine simulation existing in Simulink with virtual reality created with Virtual Reality Toolbox. The rules of constructing virtual world in a specially adapted editor attached to VR Toolbox-V-Realm Builder 2.0 have also been described. The whole process of creating virtual reality is based on a simulation of a model of electro-hydraulic servo-mechanism system altogether with a proportional valve and with PID control system. The end of the article is a summary of information concerning designing of electro-hydraulic servo drives with the use of virtual reality. 1. INTRODUCTION Virtual reality (from latin word virtualis – effective, virtus – perfection) is a world created with the aid of computer technology, where a sample of natural environment is reconstructed with greater or smaller simplification. Virtual reality is used in the following fields: – computer games: from simple 3-D type, to complicated systems where the players are equipped with helmets and stereoscope spectacles, stereophonic headphones and location sensors thanks to which a computer „knows” in which direction is a player looking at in a given moment , and also special devices: gloves, joysticks for communication with a computer and sensors Paweł BACHMAN fixed to a player’s body for telling the computer about the player’s moves [1], – movies production: particularly movies where the action takes place in not existing worlds („Matrix” is a good example here), – aviation: pilots training – flights simulators; navigation database allows to do flights within optional airports and routes and a system of cylindrical visualization, fixed to the ground, gives the cabinet staff the impression of movement [2], – medicine: training of surgeons (operations performed on virtual patients), treatment of schizophrenia and different kinds of phobia, – reconstructing of extinct, disappeared worlds and antiquities – in the Vasa Museum in Stockholm one can see a virtual model of boat „Vasa” that sunk over 350 years ago, – designing products and production processes, e.g. visualization of the process of machining (programs of MTS: Topturn and Topmil for simulation of the process of turning and milling) [3]. As it is shown in the above examples virtual reality has quite a wide use and is present in almost every field of life. In this article more pressure will be put on applying virtual reality in a process of project designing with reference to electrohydraulic servo drives. 2. APPLYING VIRTUAL REALITY IN DESIGNING PROCESS Several years ago designing basically meant creating a prototype and undergoing tests on it. At present, more and more often designing phase consists of undergoing numerous tests for different parameters of the system on mathematical models and selecting the best solution. This is the best solution which is launched on the market. While constructing a model, we have a possibility to examine how a mechanism works without building it which considerably reduces the costs. During project design virtual reality, also called artificial reality, is used for simulating the sense of sight and provoking the effect of 3D vision and showing the move of the object. Additionally, all these might be combined with audio effects that boost the sense of reality. There are many applications of virtual reality. Among them one can mention VRML, Oxygen, Cad described below and others, e.g. 3D Dreams by Shells, Cult3D (Cycore Computers), Depthcharge (Vrex), Meta Stream (Inlet), Open Space (Virtus) or Quick Time VR (Apple). Work with all the applications consists of similar stages: 1. Creating of three-dimensional model in virtual reality. 2. Attributing movement to suitable elements. Scientists have been interested in development of virtual product designing for several years. The result is creating the project IVIP [4] (Integrated Virtual Product Application of virtual reality in design of electrohydraulic servo drives and their controllers Creation in 1998 where virtual reality is used in simulation of product behaviour. The partners of that project are BMW, BOSCH, Dimler Chrysler, Porsche, Siemens, and many others (51 firm’s altogether). Problems of virtual design were also discussed in scientific project EU-Mech [5], which aimed at working out integrated engineering environment supported by a computer for the development and design of mechatronic products and MechaSTEP [6] aimed at working out digital models for simulation of mechatronic systems. 3. REVIEW OF CHOSEN APPLICATIONS FOR CREATION OF VIRTUAL REALITY One of the programs used most often for describing virtual reality is VRML (Virtual Reality Modelling Language). It allows to define three-dimensional objects, their location in three-dimensional area, their interactions, and also their reaction to particular events that are the result of human being performance in such defined world. Thanks to it, we are able to create interactive virtual worlds where we have a possibility to walk among defined objects in a real world, to meet other participants of the world and to define any amount of interactive sensors that change the look of the world according to its participant’s wish. With the aid of the system of references and using the mechanism similar to that which is present in HTML we can define connections between elements of virtual reality described in VRML document, altogether with other documents VRML, HTML or other types [7]. Many examples of virtual worlds created with the aid of the programming language can be found in Internet. To watch them, one must have installed plug-in co-operating with Internet browser, e.g. Cosmo Player, World View, FreeWrl or Casus Presenter. Oxygen is the next program worth mentioning. It distinguishes itself with a perfect visualization of objects presented on a monitor screen. Oxygen may be particularly useful for such tasks as presenting products which still have no prototypes, or for training installation and maintenance of not existing yet devices. With the use of Oxygen medical simulators for training surgery (Clarus Virtual Shoulder Arthroscopy) have also been built. Simulator of a new model of Volvo and military simulators (tank Leopard 2 for Swedish Army) have also been created in this program. Virtual reality created with the program Oxygen and with the use of sensing gloves and virtual helmets has been used in BMW mainly for examining assembly matters. New conception of packing have been simulated for Tetra Pak. Digital eyehole made it possible to go inside the packing machine and observe its work in place that can not be seen in reality. Oxygen operates on Silicon Graphics computers under IRIX operating system which is a variety of UNIX system [8]. The last program that is going to be described widely in this article is CAD system. The system, particularly 3D-CAD systems (forms design) is used in virtual Paweł BACHMAN creation of a product in its early stage of preliminary design. Except geometric representation of the product and its structure 3D-CAD systems also contain other product data, such as: material and the way of processing. CAD systems often communicate with each other with the DMU (Data Management Unit) systems. They use product structure and approximate geometric representation data transforming them into kinematic data. It allows to make analysis of kinematic product behaviour as well as analyze instalment and uninstalment processes. Virtual prototypes include physical data of products taking into account their use in specific fields such as mechanics, electronics as well as logistics. The programs described above are only exemplary applications used for virtual reality creation. They are so comprehensive that it is possible to use them in different domains. There are also programs concentrated on creating virtual reality in strictly specified field, e.g.: – ADAMS – allows to perform complicated kinematic and dynamic analysis of the objects moving in real time. It consists of many packages, among others Rail allowing fast and easy parametric building of rail vehicles. – Medical Multimedia Systems company have worked out the programs showing how human body works: Brainiac – Interactive Neuroanatomy Atlas – human brain work, Visible Human Atlas – virtual atlas presenting the inside of the human body; SimBioSys Simulators – simulating human body performance, – Prosolvia Research & Technology uses software LS-DYNA3D in combination with CAD Real-Time Link for simulating car crashes. – CAE Electronics Ltd. have built software for simulating atoming power stations and carbon power stations. It is also the author of professional system of civil flights simulators, Flight Training Devices, Visual Systems Simulators, Computer Based Trainings and Computer Assisted Training Systems. 4. DESIGNING OF ELECTROHYDRAULIC SERVO DRIVES WITH THE USE OF VIRTUAL REALITY THANKS TO SIMULINK VIRTUAL REALITY TOOLBOX Mathworks company following designers needs have also worked out a tool for virtual reality creation –Virtual Reality Toolbox. Designing with the use of virtual reality in Matlab – Simulink is based on mathematical models created before. In the article electrohydraulic servo drives model (third degree) with proportional valve simulated with the help of inertialess element have been taken advantage of [11, 12]. The system is characteristic of transmittance described with a formula 1. Application of virtual reality in design of electrohydraulic servo drives and their controllers G( s) k s s2 y( s) x( s) s( s 2 2 s s s s2 ) (1) where: ks– reinforcement ratio, ωs– undamped natural frequency, ζs– damping ratio. The above quantities can be specified on the grounds of servo-motor producers’ catalogue data and they depend on servo-motor dimensions, pressure and type of working liquid, friction, system stiffness and mass shifted. Taking these parameters into consideration and using a formula it is possible to design a servo-motor and create in Simulink a corresponding model. The model already existing is connected to virtual world thanks to special elements which are in Virtual Reality Toolbox: VR Signal Expander and VR Sink. VR Signal Expander converts simulation signal into a signal compatible with a VRML language. In case of simulation described in the article it is a shifting of a servo-motor piston. VR Sink, on the other hand, includes graphic interface of the user combining simulation with virtual reality. In it, it is defined what type of move must be performed, file access path is given, and editor and browser VR are evoked. Fig. 1. View of editor V-Realm Builder 2.0 Paweł BACHMAN Virtual world is designed in a specially adapted editor V-Realm Builder 2.0 (fig. 1). The editor uses VRLM environment. A model of a simulated mechanism is built of three-dimensional solids. There is also a possibility of importing a ready model made in other editor or Cad program. The program includes a 3D library of objects, however there are no hydraulic elements. Particular parts can be given dimensions corresponding to real mechanisms dimensions, of course suitably diminished. Three-dimensional model used during simulation has been build according to a real servo-motor of Walmet firm. While building a model some simplification has been made focusing on the most essential elements of a servo-motor. The elements are presented in fig. 2. Cylinder Joint bearing Lug Piston rod Piston Piston seal Fig. 2. Components and a view of the internal structure of a servo-motor Possibility of viewing created object in four projections is considerably helpful while building a three-dimensional model. The model can be optionally illuminated and particular elements may be given different surface quality and colours. Then, the move of particular elements is added. It may be a linear slip, rotation or object distortion. Whole virtual world created with the aid of V-Realm Builder is stored in one file with *.wrl. expansion Virtual world made in V-Realm Builder can be accessible for other computers in the net. In that case Matlab-Simulink package Application of virtual reality in design of electrohydraulic servo drives and their controllers must be installed on Windows NT server and domain server must be inscribed into Internet browser of a computer-client and port number, where virtual reality z has been made accessible. One of the plug-ins, mentioned in point 3, or joined to Matlab plug-in Blaxxun must be installed on computer-client for viewing virtual reality. It is possible to observe the move of the objects in virtual world only during started simulation thanks to a browser Virtual Reality Toolbox Viewer (fig. 3) included into a package. y 3.1806 To Workspace Kp 0.0379 Step Ki 1 s Integrator1 0.0083 du/dt Kd Derivative -KSum KQ=12 1 s 1 s Integrator5 1 s Scope Integrator2 Integrator3 40 ruchome.translation D=0.2 VR 10000 VR Signal Expander VR Sink KQ=1 w=100 40 Fig. 3. View of a Virtual Reality Toolbox Viewer browser altogether with electrohydraulic servo drives model with PID controller build in Simulink. In the example presented the move of servo-motor piston is done according to servo-motor data taken from a model created in Simulink program. The signal of piston location is converted into a format suitable for a VRML language. Additionally, PID controller is included into a system. Within this simulation setting of regulator may be changed applying the method of Ziegler – Nichols selection, and then applying different piston locations one can observe how is a move performed and a piston rod positioned. Paweł BACHMAN 5. CONCLUSION The examples described in the article show that virtual reality may be successfully applied in the process of designing and testing all sorts of products. A number of different programs and easy access to all sorts of information in this field in Internet prove popularity of virtual reality applications. There are no obstacles to apply them in designing steering systems of electrohydraulic drives. Of the example presented in the article one can see that applying virtual reality in the process of designing steering system of electrohydraulic servo drives is a simple and clear way of visualization of the whole process. In the future they will come into effect activities aiming at creating database of three-dimensional models of hydraulic elements (valve, servo drives), which might be useful for designers in the process of designing or for teachers as didactic help. REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] Projekte/projekt_html?project=19970930-100016 [7] [8]'98/oxygen.htm [9] [10]I ons/applications.htm [11] Milecki A., Wybrane metody poprawy właściwości liniowych serwonapędów elektrohydraulicznych, Politechnika Poznańska 1999. [12] Pizoń A., Elektrohydrauliczne analogowe i cyfrowe układy automatyki, WNT 1995. Author: mgr Paweł BACHMAN Uniwersytet Zielonogórski, Instytut Edukacji Techniczno –Informatycznej 65-077 Zielona Góra, Al. Wojska Polskiego 69 e-mail: