AnnuAl RepoRt tHe nAtuRe tRust oF new BRunswiCK inC. lA FondAtion pouR lA pRoteCtion des sites nAtuRels du nouVeAu-BRunswiCK, inC. Annual Report yeAR ReViewed At Agm sQuARe lAKe, AlmA, oCtoBeR 2010 T he 2010 Annual General Meeting in Square Lake, Alma attracted Nature Trust members, local residents and the members of the Parish of Sackville to hear about the Nature Trust’s recent projects and to participate in the celebration ceremony for the Grindstone Island Conservation Easement. Reverend Kevin Stockall, Parish of Sackville, Dr. Robert Summerby-Murray, Dean of Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences in Dalhousie University and Don Dennison, President of the Nature Trust of New Brunswick announced this exciting news. 2009/10 We are proud to announce that the Nature Trust has promoted multiple stewards for each of our nature preserves. Our volunteers and stewards are a valuable resource for our organization. We welcome new stewards for Arthur Kyle (Jessica Orlofske and Chris Tyrell), Blueberry Hill (Friends of Blueberry Hill under the leadership of Carol Ann Boudreau, Mike Bonga, Rob Wilson, Maureen Toner and Susan West), Manawagonish Island (Walter Emrich), Navy Island (Todd Watts), and Boars Head (Anne Bardou and David Clark). If you would like to join a group of stewards please let us know. pRopeRty Committee RepoRt Renata Woodward, NTNB Executive Director pointed out the biggest successes of the year which included the completion of the Navy Island and Grindstone Island Conservation Easements, extension of the Caughey-Taylor Nature Preserve and establishment of the Boars Head and Blueberry Hill Nature Preserves. During past year, many activities took place on the properties managed by the Nature Trust • Public meetings concerning newly established/future properties • Guided nature hikes (birding, frog, or plant walks) • Multiple clean-ups • Stewardship training • Trails maintenance, marking, and signing on 10 preserves Annual Charlotte Isles Clean-Up in Caughey-Taylor Nature Preserve with NTNB volunteers and Cooks Aquaculture support Photo: Renata Woodward CoAstAl lAnds CAmpAign Committee RepoRt Rothesay Netherwood School students spent community day in the Boars Head Nature Preserve clearing newly designed trails This year marks the successful completion of the Campaign for Coastal Lands, the largest campaign that the Nature Trust has ever undertaken. The campaign was concluded with a series of events and a final reception, where major donors to the campaign received plaques. This campaign protects 61 acres on Navy Island in St. Andrews, and 318 acres to added to the Caughey Taylor Nature Preserve in Bocabec. A campaign promotion: “St. Andrews Architecture 1607-1966” is available for sale. Please contact the office if you would like to purchase a copy. All future donations towards the Campaign for Coastal Lands will go towards our stewardship fund to ensure positive management of these beautiful coastal lands. Photo: RNS The Nature Trust of New Brunswick, Inc./La Fondation pour la protection des sites naturels du Nouveau-Brunswick, Inc., is a charitable non-profit corporation dedicated to the protection of natural areas of special scientific, educational or aesthetic value. Office: 404 Queen St. 3rd floor Mailing: P.O. Box 603, Stn. A. Fredericton, NB, E3B 5A6, Tel: (506) 457-2398, Fax: (506) 450-2137, Email: (continued from p. 1) Nature Trust Board of Trustees 2009-2010 Honourary Patron The Honourable Graydon Nicholas Honourary Directors Jessie Davies Robert Stewart Past President Ken Hirtle President Treasurer’s Report Nature Trust Treasurer, Bill Anderson, presented financial statements for the Fiscal Year ending April 30, 2010. Bill Anderson reported a deficit in the general account, an increase in stewardship and coastal accounts, and no change in the endowment account. The following table presents a summary of the financial results for 2009 compared to 2010. Overall, the NTNB ran substantial surplus of $146,942 for the year ending April 30, 2010 as compared to an overall deficit of $1,940 for the previous year ending April 30, 2009. The Campaign for Coastal Lands ran sufficient surplus, repaid borrowed funds and secured funds that will be transferred to stewardship fund once the project closes. Don Dennison Revenue Vice-President & Treasurer William Anderson Secretary Dorothy Diamond Directors Steven Christie Dr. Brad Walters Stuart Blair Dr. Rick Cunjak Cassie Stanley Carmel Teasdale Stuart Blair Herbert Morell Vince Zelazny Trustees Emeritus Hayward Aiton Bill Ayer Susan Belfry Lynn MacKinnon Don Vail Dr. Michael Dillon Julian Walker Jane Tims Surplus/(Deficit) 2010 (9,408) Surplus/(Deficit) 2009 (3,473) General Operations 614,046 623,454 Coastal Campaign 338,196 194,572 143,624 3,411 Stewardship 12,932 8 12,924 (128) Endowment 3,216 3,414 (198) (1,750) $968,390 $821,448 $146,942 $(1,940) Total The complete set of the reviewed financial statements is available on the Nature Trust's website: Capacity Building Don Dennison and Renata Woodward reported on progress in strengthening organizational capacity through funding, partnerships and donations. The Trust has been working on a species at risk related project including outreach and education. Most projects are geared towards owners of land containing species at risk, conservation planning, and Conserved habitat group leadership through the New Brunswick Forest Collaborative. Staff Members Executive Director Renata Woodward Project Coordinator Margo Sheppard Financial Director Karen Fearneley OUR LANGUAGE POLICY WE PUBLISH ITEMS IN EITHER FRENCH OR ENGLISH, BUT WE DO NOT ROUTINELY UNDERTAKE TRANSLATION. Nominating Committee NOTRE POLITIQUE LINQUISTIQUE NOUS PUBLIONS DES ARTICLES EN FRANÇAIS OU EN ANGLAIS, MAIS NOUS N’AVONS PAS LA POSSIBILITÉ DE LES TRADUIRE, SAUF EN DES CAS EXCEPTIONNELS. A nnual R eport Expenditure Great Horned Owl Photo: Brigitte Noel The past president, Ken Hirtle presented a list of current Board Members (Trustees) willing to stand for 2010-11. Dr. Brad Walters who has been serving on the Board for 6 years came to completion this year. Dr. Richard Cunjak, Cassie Lewis Stanley, Carmel Teasdale, and John St. Pierre are resigning after completing their terms on the board. The Trust is very grateful to Brad, Cassie, Carmel, John and Richard for their support and hard work for the Nature Trust. Wayne Burley of Fredericton, Cindy Breau of Mactaquac, Eric Hadley of Mount Hope, and Gary Stairs of Fredericton are NTNB's newest elected NTNB Board members. 2 Stewards’ reports S tewards and staff alike have had a busy year with stewardship of all existing and newly acquired nature preserves. Although some of our preserves are facing new challenges with motorized vehicle use, we are also proud to see some of our most cherished preserves flourishing, and our newly acquired properties being warmly welcomed. Jessica Orlofske and Chris Tyrell have taken over stewardship of our Arthur Kyle Nature Preserve. Along with the regular tasks of stewardship they have volunteered to develop an outreach project for the Cobblestone Tiger Beetle, a Species-atRisk which inhabit the Island. After multiple visits to the Island, they have reported loss of some trees due to significant ice damage. T he Tow n of Woodstock has re-signed a five year Conservation Agreement for the Beardsley Hill Nature Preserve with the Nature Trust. Steward George Peabody has reported no changes on the preserve over the past year. In June, intern Jessica McKeil visited Beldings Reef Nature Preserve to cut back a small portion of the trail and place a hiking sign at its head. David Norman, our steward who frequently visits the preserve, reported that the property is rarely used by visitors. The Nature Trust is proud to announce the Blueberry Hill Nature Preserve to our members as one of our newest conservation areas. The local community and the Friends of Blueberry Hill have moved to their new position of becoming stewards. They held numerous events and fundraisers to raise stewardship funds, and to fund the removal of culverts from Henderson Brook. Special thanks to the community members, funders, and Ducks Unlimited Canada for their help with this complex project. Boars Head Nature Preserve is now stewarded by Anne Bardou and David Clark and they are working on a bird and plant survey for the management plan which is in development. Ben and Renata Woodward have begun laying out and clearing a trail system on the preserve which takes visitors down to the scenic shoreline of the Saint John River. Special thanks to Rothesay Netherwood School for spending a day on the Preserve clearing trails. Jessica McKeil with the group of Forestry students visited Cape Enrage Nature Preserve, installed an interpretive sign on the cobblestone beach, which is a very popular destination for tourists during the summer months, and cleaned up the beach of washed up debris. The Caughey-Taylor Nature Preserve has seen a lot of changes this year; it has nearly doubled in size thanks to the completion of the Campaign for Coastal Lands. There have been new signs installed along the highway and a new trail around Taggarts Marsh is in development. A nnual R eport Stewards Wayne and Susan Eddy have reported many visitors this year and participated in the Charlotte Isles clean-up which took place on this preserve. Many thanks go out to Cooke Aquaculture for their assistance with the excessive garbage removal. The current land use of Clark Gregory/Chocolate Cove is for wildlife preservation and recreational activities. Steward Betsy Dunken reported that there are some dangerous trees present on this property and visitors are cautioned to proceed at their own risk. Dick’s Island does not seem to be frequently used by humans. The number of cormorant nests was considerably lower this year. Steward Alison Hughes recommended having a scientific observer to visit the Island in the near future. Stewards Cecilia Brooks and Jamie Idol visited the George M. Stirrett Nature Preserve in June to survey for the absence or presence of the Furbish’s Lousewort. They reported two rough clusters, one with a dozen and the other with around fifty of these threatened plants. Mike Dillon, Trustee, has finished our management plan for this preserve. The Nature Trust would like to thank the Parish of Sackville for their hard work towards the establishment of the Grindstone Island Conservation Easement. This newest Nature Preserve is focused on protecting another Peregrine falcon site. The Trust, along with the Parish, will be working towards stewardship and environmental education programs in the near future. This year has been eventful for Hyla Park Nature Preserve in Fredericton with a number of Frog Walks. Don Vail, steward, and Greg Jongsma, volunteer, have been keeping busy with all of the interest in this preserve and its wetland creatures. Special thanks go to our volunteer Dr. Warren Coleman, who wrote the management plan for this property. Flooding on James C. Yerxa Preserve was less drastic in comparison to previous years reported by stewards Sam and Tom Beckley. In addition, signs of raccoons were observed. Minister’s Face and Rayworth Beach Nature Preserves on Long Island were visited by the Rothesay Netherwood School Environmental Club and the Children’s Wish Foundation members. The Environmental Club has cleared trails on Minister’s Face, while the Children’s Foundation members cleaned Rayworth Beach after substantial vandalism occurred on it this summer. Steward Morton Linton and intern Jessica McKeil inspected the MacNichol/Orser Conservation Easement and Clark’s Point Nature Preserve. It was noticed that the Kings Brook Lake is slowly transforming into an extensive wetland habitat. Walter Emrich has come onboard this year as Manawagonish Island Nature Preserve’s new steward. He has been compiling a bird and botanical survey and observed that nearly all of our platforms are being used by nesting birds including five or six pairs of nesting Great-Blue herons. Renata and Ben Woodward visited the Meredith Houseworth Memorial Seashore this spring and collected many bags of garbage. They also inspected the neighboring conservation easement. 3 Stewards’ reports New River Island’s (part of Stewart Family Nature Preserves) steward, Winston Mott has kayaked out to the preserve and was able to report there was no change from previous years. Navy Island Nature Preserve has been inspected by Todd Watts and Ben Woodward. We will be working towards the establishment of a stewardship group for this Island; they will be taking initiative in the building of trails. Navy Island Conservation Easement donated by John Williamson extended the Nature Preserve to 61 acres. Pagan Point Nature Preserve is a recreational park in which tourism is more frequent during the summer. Jessie and Huw Davies, steward, reported it is one of St. Andrews greatest attractions. Pickerel Pond Nature Preserve has had no changes since last year according to steward, Chris Antle. Saints Rest Marsh Nature Preserve continues to be used by migratory and resident birds, and it appears to be in excellent health. The September 2010 water levels in the marsh ponds were higher than usual due to recent high tides that completely flooded the area. Staff and volunteers visited Thompson Marsh Nature Preserve this year to clean debris and begin the partial restoration of the small cemetery which exists along the preserve coast of the Bay of Fundy. The cemetery fence needs to be fixed next year. A nnual R eport Stewards Ida and David MacPherson have reported significant ATV activity on the Sea Dog Cove Nature Preserve. During the NTNB volunteer work day in June, major ATV damage was discovered. Volunteers and staff placed no hunting and no motorized vehicle signs along the boundaries and trails and posted signs in areas with dangerous cliffs. They have also contacted the Off-Road Vehicle Enforcement Unit with our concerns. Hopefully these measures will help protect the hundreds of Lady Slippers which have been discovered by David and Ida. The Thomas B. Munro Memorial Shoreline was visited by Ben and Renata Woodward, who cleared the trails and posted signs in areas with dangerous cliffs. Von Ziegesar Conservation Easement was inspected by Jessica McKeil, who reported no significant changes to the property. L’Etange Islands and Western Isles (part of Stewart Family Nature Preserves) and Shea Lake Nature Preserve were not visited this year. We would like to thank our stewards and volunteers for their great work this year! We would also like to thank Wildlife Trust Fund, Environmental Trust Fund, Environment Canada’s Habitat Stewardship Program, Crane Mountain Enhancement Fund, Greater Saint John Community Foundation, and Evergreen Wal-Mart for their generous contribution towards stewardship and management of our beautiful nature preserves. 4 list oF donoRs 2009/10 DONORS OF LAND SHEILA AND OWEN WASHBURN NB SUPPLIES AND SERVICES WORKSAFE NEW BRUNSWICK DONORS OF CONSERVATION EASEMENTS MESSRS. JOHN G., JOHN L. AND ROBERT G. WILLIAMSON PARISH OF SACKVILLE LIFE MEMBERS DR. STEPHEN CLAYDEN MS. BARBARA CLAYDEN DR. GERRY CLAYDEN MS. LETA CLAYDEN SUPPORTING ORGANIZATIONS ATLANTIC MARICULTURE LTD. CHIPMAN GARDEN CLUB CRANE MOUNTAIN ENHANCEMENT INC. DAVWILL LTD. DILLON CONSULTING EJLB FOUNDATION ENVIRONMENT CANADA - GREEN HORIZONS ENVIRONMENT CANADA-HABITAT STEWARDSHIP PROGRAM FUNDY REGION SOLID WASTE COMMISSION GREATER SAINT JOHN COMMUNITY FOUNDATION HAMPTON AREA ENVIRONMENTAL GROUP HRDC CANADA LOWER ST. JOHN RIVER PROMOTION ASSOCIATION M. A. STEVENS INC. NATECH ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES NB ENVIRONMENTAL TRUST FUND NB DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES NB WILDLIFE TRUST FUND NORCROSS WILDLIFE FOUNDATION NORTHAMPTON BREWING COMPANY RBC DOMINION SECURITIES REMSOFT, INC. UNITED WAY UNILEVER CANADA UNIVERSITY DE MONCTON- EDMUNDSTON YMCA CANADA WALLMART-EVERGREEN GREEN GRANT WILSON INSURANCE BeneFACtoRs ($500 +) MR. BILL ANDERSON MS. SARAH COLWELL MR. WALTER EMRICH DR. JOHN & MS. ELIZABETH MCCULLOCH MS. CHRISTIE MELANSON MRS. ANDRYA SCHULTE MR. BOB STEWART DR. D. MURRAY AND DR. C. MARY YOUNG donoRs ($250 - $499) MR. HAYWARD AITON DR. ANDREA.D. GARLAND MR. PHILIP GOSLING MRS. MARTHA HARRISON MR. KEN AND MRS. LINDA HIRTLE MRS. HOPE HUNTER MR. GERALD MACGARVIE DR. MICHAEL AND MRS. RUTH MILLER DR. LEIGH SMITH sponsoRs ($150 - $249) MS. ANNE BRAYLEY MR. DAVID AND MS. PEGGY CASE MR. ROLAND CHIASSON MS. ANITA CANNON DR. WARREN COLEMAN MR. JACK CONNELL MRS. DOROTHY AND MR. TONY DIAMOND MR. DAVID AND MRS. JANICE HASHEY DR. STEPHEN AND MS. KRISTIE HEARD MR. ALAN HOWES A nnuAl RepoRt DR. BILL AND MRS EILEEN KNIGHT MS. BARB MACKAY MRS. ELEANOR MATHVEN MS ANN MCCAIN/ EVANS MS. CHERYL MCCULLOCH MS. AGNES MURPHY MRS. CATHERINE STANLEY MR. JEREMY SULLIVAN suppoRteRs ($75 - $149) MR. TIM ANDREWS MRS. HEATHER ARNOLD MRS. A. ELIZABETH BAIRD MS. LEAH BARTLETT MRS. C. SUSAN BELFRY MS. LINDA BLENIS DR. JAN AND MRS. BONGA MR. MICHAEL BOWLIN MR. PETER BROWN MR. HAROLD AND MRS. MARTHA BRYAN MR. KEN CREELMAN MR ROBERT CURRIE MS. ELLEN MARIE CURRIE MR. CARL AND MS. KAREN DUIVENVOORDEN MR. DEREK EADIE MR. GEORGE AND MRS. JOAN FORSYTH MRS. CAROL AND MR. STRATIS GAVARIS MR. PETER AND MRS. NORAH HEELIS MR. JOSEPH AND MRS. JANET HUNT MRS. MARY KEITH MS. SUSAN KENNIFIC MR. TONY LAMPART MR. TRAVIS LANE MR. WAYNE AND MS. JOANNE LEAMAN MR. FRED MCELMAN MR. RONALD MCISAAC MR. CON AND MS. SHARON NORMAN MR. GEORGE PEABODY MS. DEBBY PECK AND FAMILY MRS. MARY PUGH DR. MARK ROBERTS DR. ROGER ROY MR. LEE AND MRS. MARGOT SACKETT MS. MARION SHERWOOD DR.CHEVES AND MRS. POLLY SMYTHE MS. NORINE SUMMERBY DR. ROBERT AND MRS. SUSAN SUMMERBY-MURRAY MS. MARGARET TAYLOR MS. CARMEL TEASDALE MR. JOHN WILLIAMSON MRS. PAM WHITTY MR. VINCE ZELAZNY FAmily And students ($10-$75) MR. CHRIS ADAM MR. JOHN ANDERSON MS.LEAH ANTIS MR. SAMUEL ARSENEAULT MR. DENIS AUSTIN MR. WILLIAM AYER MS. A. JOURNEAY BARTEAU MISS JAQUELINE BATEMAN MR. LEIGH BATEMAN DR. THOMAS BECKLEY MS. CAROLINE BÉLAIR MS. BERNADETTE BERUBE MR. SEAN BLANEY MS. WILMA BLOKHUIS MR. WULF BRANDT MR. DALE AND MRS. CAROL BRAY MR. ROBERT BURTT DR. GAIL CAMPBELL MR. JOHN AND MRS. TESSA CASTELL MS. MARIEKA CHAPLIN MR. STEVEN CHRISTIE MS. KAREN COOMBS MR. E. ROWLAND CROCKER MR. ROBERT DALLISON MS. TRACY DEAN MR. ARCHIE DOWNEY MR. AND MRS. EDDY MR. GEORGE WOOD MS. MARY FLAGG MR. WILLIAM WOOD MS. ELLEN FOULKES MS. RENATA AND MR. BEN WOODWARD MME. MICHELLE FRANCOEUR MR. LEONARD YERXA MR. PETER AND MRS. DEANA GADD DR. BONG YOO MRS. LAURIE GAUSDEN D. YOUNG MR. WILLIAM GENTLEMAN MS. LAURA ZITSKE MS. DAWN GIBBONS MS. THERESA GLANVILLE memoRiAl giFts in MS. CAROL GOODMAN HonouR oF MS. LYNN GULLIVER MR. JOSEPH DOHERTY MR. ERIC HADLEY MR. CRAIG KITCHEN MR. EMBSER-HERBERT MR. GEORGE LINDSAY MRS. KATHRYN HILDER MR. RIXFORD KNIGHT MRS. G. ISABEL IRWIN MR. CECIL AND MRS. DORIS JOHNSTON giFts in tHe nAme oF MR. AND MRS. A.V. KIRKBY MRS. LOIS CORNISH DR. LOUIS LAPIERRE MR. LARRY SHEPPARD MLLE. VERONIQUE LASALLE MS. JANE TIMS MR. ROGER LEBLANC MS. KATHERINE LEBUTT BlueBeRRy Hill MR. ANDREW MACINNIS stewARdsHip Fund MS. ALISON MCARTHUR AQUILA TOURS MS. SUSAN MCCOANOLOGUE CITY OF SAINT JOHN MS. SUSAN MCCRACKEN HON. JACK KEIR, MLA FUNDY RIVER MR. CHRISTOPHER MCCREADY VALLEY MR. DENNIS MCFADDEN MR. DUNCAN AND FLO CUMMING WEBBER & COMPANY MCGEACHY HUMAN PERFORMANCE P.C. MR. VAUGHN AND MS. MARY MCINTYRE GRAND BAY PHARMACY LTD. MS. TAMMY MCLEOD RIVER VALLEY COMMUNITY CENTRE MS. HEATHER MCNEILL SAINT JOHN OUTDOOR ENTHUSIASTS DR. F. MENG TOURISM SYNERGY LTD. MS. JANET MERSEREAU MR. PAUL MEYER AND BETH CAMPBELL TOWN OF GRAND BAY-WESTFIELD MR. DOUG MILTON ANDREW BOOKER MS. WENDY MONK GAIL CAMPBELL MS. SHELLEY MORGAN MICHAEL & SANDRA CLAYDON MS. SUSAN AND WINSTON MOTT ANN DAIGLE MR. WILLIAM AND MRS. JUDITH NELSON KRISTA HAWKES MS. JENNIFER NICHOLS VAUGHN & MARY MCINTYRE MR. RICHARD AND MS. JAYNE NICKI JOAN PEARCE MS. BRIGITTE NOEL MR. DAVID E. NUTTER CASSIE STANLEY MS. RAYNA OGILVIE LINDA STEPHENSON-CASEY MR. LEONARD A. OWEN JULIAN & CAROLINE WALKER MS. JANE PACIGA MS. NANCY PAGE in memoRy oF gARy MRS. AMIE AND MR. M. PALMER mittelHoltZ MR. RICHARD PEABODY 2010 CONFIRMATION CLASS MR. PETER PEARCE (ST. MATTHEWS PARISH) MR. NELSON POIRIER MS. ELIZABETH PITCHER CANADIAN MEDIA GUILD MR. ANTHONY AND MRS. JANET RATLIFFE (FREDERICTON & SAINT JOHN CBC MR. COLIN AND MRS. DIANA UNITS) RAYWORTH CHARLOTTE COUNTY MR. G. REDMOND DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION INC. MS. PENNY AND MS. HEIDI RICHARD CBC STAFF MR. JAMES RICHARDSON FREDERICTON RESIDENTIAL YOUTH SOCIAL MS. JEAN ROBERTSON MR. JAMES SACKVILLE FUND MR. JAMIE SIMPSON GRAND BAY PHARMACY LTD. MS. BARBARA SINCLAIR IRVING OIL LTD. MS. KATHLEEN SMALL MARATHON CANADA IMPORTS LTD. MS. LEE SOCHASKY POLEY MOUNTAIN MS. TINA STEPHENSON AND MR. M. RIVER VALLEY CHAMBER CHESLEY-JOHNSON OF COMMERCE MR. DONALD ST. PIERRE MR. JOHN ST. PIERRE RIVER VALLEY LIONS CLUB MS MARGO AND MR. LARRY SHEPARD SAINT JOHN HARBOUR BRIDGE AUTHORITY MS. JOANNE STRANACH-LECLAIR SAINT MATTHEW WOMEN’S SOCIETY MS. ALEXIE SMITH SAINT JOHN OUTDOOR MS. DEBORAH SMITH ENTHUSIASTS MR. J. ROBERT SMITH COLLEEN ALDERMAN MR. MARCELLE THIBODEAU PETER ANAWATI MS. BARBARA THOMPSON MR. GLENWOOD AND MRS. JANE TIMS MARK & KIMBERLY ANDERSON MR. MELVIN AND MRS. SANDY TURNER GORDON & DOROTHY ARSENAULT & MS. DOREEN WALLACE FAMILY MR. MURRAY WATTERS ELEANOR AUSTIN MS. ALMA WHITE CATHY BALDWIN-WILSON MS. JANET WHITEHEAD JOHN & SUSAN BAILEY MS. BECKY WHITTAM R. J. BARRY MR. DAVID AND MS. A. WILDISH MR. JIMAND MS. JEAN WILSON DAVE & ANN BLACK CARL & CATHY BLANCHARD JAN & RITA BONGA ANGELA BOOKER MAUREEN BOONE CAROL ANN BOUDREAU TOM & SHERRY BRENEOL JERRY BRENNAN TOM & KATHY BRUCE BLAKE & ELLEN BRUNSDON CHRISTINA BURSEY & RYAN LAVINE GERALD & LINDA CARON JOHN & JUDITH CARSON DENIS & PATRICIA CENNET KENNETH & CAROL ANNE COOPER TIM & KRISTA CULLINAN ROBERT & MARIANNE DAVIDSON ANNE DAIGLE DAVID DAY ERIK DEITERS CINDY LANIGAN & KEVIN DESAULNIERS & FAMILY KEITH & BEV DOIRON ELIZABETH DONNELLY-NELSON WILLIAM & GERALDINE DONOVAN ED, CECILIA, DAN, CHRIS, JEFF, ANN MARIE & FAMILY JAMES ELGEE & JENNIFER DAY-ELGEE WALTER & MARGO EMRICH ELAINE FERGUSON LEE & LOIS FRENCH ELLEN GALLANT PAULETTE GAUDET LINDA GAUTREAU ROY J. H. GELDART CARL & JOAN GODIN GEORGETTE GODIN JOHN & ARLENE HOLT JANET JACKSON PHIL JONES WILLIAM & ERIKA KELLY SUSAN LAMBERT KATHRYN A. LARGE PHILLIP J. & ROBERTA W. LEE DALE & SHELLEY LITTLE ARTHUR LOSIER DOUG & GRACE LOSIER GEOFF LOUKES CAROL MACLEAN JOHN & CATHERINE MANNING DOUG & JOAN MARKS DONALD & LYNNE MCALPINE & FAMILY ROXANE MCCARTHY KENNETH & KIMBERLY MCCURDY JOHN & SUSAN MCFADDEN SHIRLEY & RICHARD MCLEAN CHERYL MCLELLAN JEFF & MELODIE MELANSON ALLEN & SANDRA MORTON NORBERT & NORMA MITTELHOLTZ THE MULHERIN FAMILY LAURA NICE GEORGIE OLIVER GOODIN & DARLENE OLIVER JOAN PEARCE PERCY & PAT PERRIN PATRICK AND RACHAEL QUINN MIKE & ROSE THERIAULT AVRIL WOOD-TONER & PAT TONER MARK & JACLYN TONER PAUL & MARTINA TONER MARK & JANE TUNNEY DAVID & CAROLE RICHARD RICK & CHRISTINE SANCTON GRAEME SCAPLEN ZAC SCOTT THOMAS SIMMS CONNELL & LYNN SMITH DOUGLAS AND CATHERINE STANLEY DON STERRITT JAMES & BEATRICE STUBBS DAVID THORN MARYLENE VESTERGAM MICHAEL WALLACE Ghosted image of Anticosti Aster Photo: Don Vail 5 list oF donoRs 2009/2010 BlueBeRRy Hill stewARdsHip Fund in memoRy oF gARy mittleHoltZ Cont. JAMES & SUSAN WEST DONALD WHITAKER IAN & PATRICIA WILSON PAULINE WILSON FRANK & MITZI WITHERS STEPHEN & LINDA WOOD RENATA & BEN WOODWARD KYLA WRIGHT JANE YEO in memoRy oF tHomAs mCAlpine NEW BRUNSWICK MUSEUM AMBER MCALPINE DAVID CHRISTIE DONALD & LYNNE MCALPINE & FAMILY CYNTHIA DOYLE JENNIFER LONGON MARY MAJKA WENDY MARTINDALE in memoRy oF mARgARet muZZeRAll & eRiC loHnes DIANE STACKHOUSE in memoRy oF mARK wilson CATHY BALDWIN-WILSON MR. AND MRS. C.C. WILSON CAMPAIGN FOR COASTAL LANDS DONATIONS $100,000+ THE EJLB FOUNDATION THE NATURE CONSERVANCY OF CANADA VIA THE GOVERNMENT OF CANADA’S NATURAL AREAS CONSERVATION PROGRAM AND THE PROVINCE OF NEW BRUNSWICK $50,000 – 99,999 THE GOSLING FOUNDATION WILDLIFE HABITAT CANADA $10,000 – 49,000 ENVIRONMENT CANADA (HABITAT STEWARDSHIP PROGRAM) DAVIS CONSERVATION FOUNDATION DUCKS UNLIMITED CANADA ENVIRONMNETAL TRUST FUND JAMES DUNN (CRISTOFOR) FOUNDATION THE JOHN T. CLARK FAMILY FOUNDATION NB WILDLIFE TRUST FUND WM. P. WHARTON TRUST $1,000 – 9,999 THE BEAVERBROOK CANADIAN FOUNDATION NB DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES FK MORROW FOUNDATION LOTHAR VON ZIEGESAR FOUNDATION RBC FOUNDATION TD FRIENDS OF THE ENVIRONMENT TOWN OF ST. ANDREWS MR. HAYWARD AITON MR. BARTLE & MS. BELINDA (BREESE) BULL DR. HUW & MRS. JESSIE DAVIES MR. DONALD & MRS. GAIL DENNISON MR. TOM & MRS. LISA GRIBBONS MR. KEN & MRS. LINDA HIRTLE MRS. HOPE HUNTER MRS. HAZEN INCHES MS. MIRIAM LEWIS MR. JOHN HUNTER & MS. JANE MCCULLOCH SENATOR MICHAEL & MRS. KELLY MEIGHEN MS. CHRISTIE MELANSON MR. CHRISTIAN & MS. ANDRYA SCHULTE MR. LARRY & MS. MARGO SHEPPARD DR. LEIGH SMITH MR. BOB STEWART MR. WILLIAM & MRS. JUDITH WILDER MR. JOHN WILLIAMSON DR. DOUG & MRS. INGRID WYLES MS. LIZ VON ZIEGESAR $500 - 999 A.D. FIANDER ASSOCIATES ATLANTIC MARICULTURE LTD. HOLMES MULTI-SERVICE LTD. TRANSPORT MR. WILFRED ALLISTON MR. DAVID & MRS. NANCY CASE MR. RICHARD & MS. MARGIE CLARK DR. TONY & MRS. DOROTHY DIAMOND MR. WALTER EMRICH DR. ANGUS & MARGARET HAMILTON MRS. GILLIAN LIEBENBERG MR. TONY & MRS. LORI MAIS MRS. ANN MCCAIN-EVANS DR. JOHN & MRS. ELIZABETH MCCULLOCH MR. GEORGE & MRS. HEATHER RICHMOND MS. SHIRLEY SHARPE MR. CHEVES & MS. ISABELLA SMYTHE MR. DOUG & MS. CASSIE STANLEY MR. MELVIN & MS. SANDY TURNER $250 - 499 PARADOX HOLDINGS MR. ROBERT & MS. JOANNE CARNEY DR. WILF CARTER MS. SARAH COLWELL MS. CARL & MS. KAREN DUIVENVOORDEN DR. JANET FULTZ MR. STRATIS & MS. CAROL GAVARIS MR. JOHN HICKMAN MS. SHIRLEY HUNT DR. DAVID & MRS. JANET JOHNSON DR. GERRY & MS. LETA CLAYDEN MR. VAUGHN & MS. MARY MCINTYRE MR. FREDERICK & MRS. NANCY PAGE DR. ANTHONY & MRS. JANET RATLIFFE THE SAUNDERS FAMILY MS. ISABELLA C. SMYTHE DR. MURRAY & DR. C. MARY YOUNG $0 - 249 BDA LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS LTD. DR. JOHN M. & MS. SYLVIA ANDERSON DR. MICHAEL & MRS. CHRIS ANTLE MS. HEATHER ARNOLD MR. LEIGH BATEMAN MISS JACQUELINE BATEMAN MS. CAROLINE BELAIR MS. WILMA BLOKHUIS MR. JAN & MRS. RITA BONGA MR. MICHAEL BOWLEN MR. ERIC BOYLE MR. DWIGHT & MRS. MARILYN BRADY MRS. CAROL & MR. DALE BRAY MR. PETER & MRS. HELEN BROWN MR. UDO & MS. BETH BUERKLE, MR. ANSEL CAMPBELL MS. BETH CAMPBELL MS. ANDRÉE CHARRON MS. HELEN CHERNOFF MS. ANN CHUDLEIGH MS. JUDY COLSON DR. RICK CUNJAK DR. MICHAEL DILLON DR. LUCY DYER MR. WAYNE & MS. SUSAN EDDY MS. BETH EDIGER MR. GILBERT FARMER MR. CHRIS FLEMMING MR. GEORGE FORSYTH MS. MARIE FRAZEE MR. ROSS & MRS. MARGARET ANN GALBRAITH MR. GUY & MS. CAROL GALLANT MR. KEVIN GICK DR. ERIC & MS. ELLEN GOZNA MR. PARKER GRAY MS. ALISON HART MR. ERIC & MRS. JANE HADLEY MRS. KATHRYN HILDER MS. SUSAN KENNIFIC MR. & MRS. A.V. KIRKBY MR. TONY LAMPART MR. PETER WILSON & MS. SUSAN LAPIDES MS. CAROLINE LEE MR. WAYNE & MS. JOANNE LEAMAN MS. DAWN LOEWEN MR. HARRIS & MRS. LOIS LORD MS. MURIEL LUCENTI MR. KEN MACINTOSH MRS. PHOEBE MAGEE MS. SUSAN MCCRACKEN MS. CHERYL MCCULLOCH MR. DENNIS & MRS. LOIS MCFADDEN MR. DUNCAN & MRS. FLO MCGEACHY MS. AILEEN MACLAREN MS. BRENDA MCNEE MR. WILLIAM & MRS. LINDA MINSINGER MR. DOUG & MS. SHELLEY MORGAN MR. LARRY MORRIS MR. WINSTON & MS. SUSAN MOTT MS. CARLENA MUNN MR. JOEL BUTLER & MS. EMILY NELSON MR. WILLIAM & MRS. JUDITH NELSON MR. CON & MRS. SHARON NORMAN MR. DAVID & MRS. DORIS NORMAN MS. LORI NOVAK MR. WILLIAM & MRS. JULIET NOWLAN MR. DAVID NUTTER MS. MARGARET PACEY MR. RICHARD PEABODY MR. ROBERT VAN DE PEER MR. PETER ORSER MR. CHRISTOPHER & MS. VIOLA QUEEN MR. COLIN & MS. DIANA RAYWORTH MR. TODD WATTS & MS. MARIA RECCHIA MR. GERALD REDMOND MR. JOHN & MS. FRANCES REMER MS. SIMONE & MR. MARCUS RITTER DR. MARK ROBERTS MS. PAMELA RUSSELL MR. LEE & MRS. MARGOT SACKETT MR. CARL M. & MRS. JUDITH SAPERS MR. RICHARD SAUNDERS MISS. MARION SHERWOOD MR. S. & MRS. B.& SINCLAIR MS. MANA SHARMA MS. MARY & MR. STAN SHEPPARD MR. JAMIE SIMPSON MR. MARK (TUX) TURKEL & MRS. AMY SINCLEAR DR. JAMEY & MRS. BETSY SMITH MS. LEE SOCHASKY MR. DONALD ST. PIERRE MR. JOHN & MRS. JUDITH ST. PIERRE MR. ROB & MS. HELEN STEPHENSON MS. TRINA STEPHENSON & MR. MICHAEL CHESLEY JOHNSON DR. RICHARD & MRS. E. JANE TARN MS. MARCELLE THIBODEAU MS. HELEN THOMAS MS. LINDY TOWNSEND Ghosted image of Fungi in Caughey-Taylor Nature Preserve Photo: Ken Washburn Please Join The Nature Trust I wish to support the Nature Trust of New Brunswick/Je désire devenir membre de la Fondation pour la protection des sites naturels du Nouveau-Brunswick. Please circle one: Student / Étudiant(e) - $10 Individual / Individu - $25 Family or Group / Famille ou Groupe - $35 Supporting / Soutien - $75 Sponsoring / Parrain - $150 Donor / Don - $25 Benefactor / Bienfaiteur - $500 Protector / Protecteur - $1,000+ Life / Membre à vie - $5,000 Name / Nom:________________________________________________________Telephone / Téléphone:_____________ Address / Adresse:________________________________________________________________________ Email:______________________________ Cheque or money order enclosed? 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