Introduction to Computational Advertising ISM293 University of California, Santa Cruz Spring 2009 Instructors: Ram Akella, Andrei Broder, and Vanja Josifovski 1 This lecture Logistics of the course Introduction & Overview of Computational Advertising 1. 2. Classic advertising Web advertising y y y y y The marketplace size The actors: Publishers, Advertisers, Users, & “Ad agency” Advertising as information Trends in Computational Advertising y y y y y y y 3. 2 Graphical ads Sponsored search Content match Connection with recommender systems Mobile advertising Open markets Summary Instructor y Prof. Ram Akella y Professor Information Systems and Technology Management at University Of California Santa Cruz y Ph.D., EECS, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India, 1976-1982 y B.S., EE, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, India, 1971-1976 y y 3 Instructor y Dr. Vanja Josifovski y Principal Research Scientist y y y y y 4 at Yahoo! Research. Research Area: Computational Advertising Previously at IBM Research working on databases and enterprise search M.Sc. from University of Florida, PhD from Linkopings University in Sweden. Instructor y Dr. Andrei Broder y Fellow and Vice President y y y y y 5 for Search & Computational Advertising in Yahoo! Research. Chief Scientist of Yahoo’s Advertising Technology Group. Research interests: computational advertising, web search, contextdriven information supply, and randomized algorithms. B. Sc. Summa cum Laude from Technion, M.Sc. and Ph.D. in Computer Science at Stanford University under Don Knuth. Contacts y Course Website: y y TAs: y Bin An y Chunye Wang y Course Group Email: y y Subscribing to ISM293-group email (enrolled students only) y Lecture: 6-9:30 PM Wed. y Office Hours: y 5~6 PM Wednesdays, by appointment only! y Room: TBD y For now, please use the course group email to reach the instructors and TAs 6 Lecture Content 1. Introduction and Overview 2. Information Retrieval for Computational Advertising 3. Marketplace Design 4. Machine Learning Techniques 5-6.Sponsored Search 7. Content Match 8 Graphical Ads and Guaranteed Delivery 9. Behavioral Targeting 10. Overflow lecture: catch up, or optional topics: y y 7 Emerging Adverting Media or Evaluation of On-line Advertising system General lecture structure y Overview: 1~1.5 hours y In depth: 1 hour y Discussion: 20~30 Minutes 8 Boot camp y Boot camp is twice per week, 5:00 to 6:00 PM Mon. and Wed. in order to help students fill in gaps, expand on some topics, & understand the course better. We initially want to cover Linear Algebra, the Lemur toolkit, and Elementary Statistics and Probability y Generally, TAs will lead the boot camps. y Prof. Ram Akella will lead some boot camps as well. 9 Homework y One homework per week y Based on reading research paper, typically answer a question in the following style: y Why does the algorithms in the paper work? y Try to extend the idea in the paper from a different view of angle? y How to modify it for a new scenario? y Some homeworks will be conventional exercise style. 10 Project y There will be one course project divided into several mini projects. Examples: y Crawling Ads, Indexing, and so on (TBD) 11 Exam y Two quizzes or one midterm (TBD) y One final exam 12 Grading y Homework y 20% y Exam y 40% y Project y 40% 13 Questions? y We welcome suggestions about all aspects of the course! y E-mail to 14 Introduction to Computational Advertising 15 Disclaimers y This talk presents the opinions of the authors. It does not necessarily reflect the views of Yahoo! Inc or any other entity y Algorithms, techniques, features, etc mentioned here might or might not be in use by Yahoo! Or any other company 16 Computational advertising – main challenge Find the "best match" between a given user in a given context and a suitable advertisement. y Examples y Context = Web search results y Context = Publisher page Sponsored search Content match, banners y Other contexts: mobile, video, newspapers, etc 17 What is “Computational Advertising”? y New scientific sub-discipline, at the intersection of y Large scale search and text analysis y Information retrieval y Statistical modeling y Machine learning y Classification y Optimization y Microeconomics y Recommender systems 18 Establishing a new discipline… 19 Establishing a new discipline… 20 Key messages 1. 2. Computational advertising = A principled way to find the "best match" between a given user in a given context and a suitable advertisement. The financial scale for computational advertising is huge ⇒ Small constants matter ⇒ Expect plenty of further research 3. Advertising is a form of information. ⇒ Adding ads to a context is similar to the integration problem of other types of information ⇒ Finding the “best ad” is a type of information retrieval problem with multiple, possibly contradictory utility functions 4. New application domains and new techniques are emerging every day ⇒ Good area for research + new businesses 21 Classic Advertising 22 Brand advertising Goal: create a distinct favorable image 23 Direct marketing Advertising that involves a "direct response”: buy, subscribe, vote, donate, etc, now or soon 24 Long history…. Japan ,1806 25 USA,1890 Lots of computational this and that … y y y y y y y y y Computational Biology Computational Chemistry Computational Finance Computational Geometry Computational Neuroscience Computational Physics Computational Mechanics Computational Economics … All are about mixing an old science with large scale computing capabilities 26 What’s computational about it? y Classical: y Relatively few venues – magazines, billboards, y y y y newspapers, handbills, TV, etc High cost per venue ($3Mil for a Super Bowl TV ad) No personalization possible Targeting by the wisdom of ad-people Hard to measure ROI y Computational – almost the exact opposite: y y y y y 27 Billions of opportunities Billions of creatives Totally personalizable Tiny cost per opportunity Much more quantifiable Revenue flow basics y What do advertisers pay? y CPM = cost per thousand impressions y Typically used for graphical/banner ads (brand advertising) y Could be paid in advance “Guaranteed delivery” y CPC = cost per click y Typically used for textual ads y CPT/CPA = cost per transaction/action a.k.a. referral fees or affiliate fees y Typically used for shopping (“buy from our sponsors”), travel, etc. y … but now also used for textual ads (risk mitigation) y What do publishers get? y Whatever advertisers pay minus rev-share (revenue-share) paid to intermediaries y What do intermediaries get? y Whatever advertisers pay minus TAC (traffic acquisition costs) paid to publishers 28 US Online Advertising Spending 29 Still growing (15% FH 2008 vs. FH 2007) Source: IAB 30 US Online vs. Offline advertising spend 31 The advertising $$ budget vs. the human time budget 32 Computational Advertising Landscape 33 Graphical ads 34 Graphical ad More graphical ads 35 Textual ads Ads driven by search keywords – “sponsored search” (a.k.a. “keyword driven ads”, “paid search”, etc) 2. Ads directly driven by the content of a web page – “context match” (a.k.a. “context driven ads”, “contextual ads”, etc) Textual ads are heavily related to Search and IR 1. 36 Sponsored search: Text-based ads driven by a keyword search 37 More sponsored search: Text-based ads driven by a keyword search 38 Content match 39 The actors: Publishers, Advertisers, Users, & “Ad agency” Advertisers Publishers Ad agency Users 40 Dual roles Advertisers Publishers Ad agency Users y Sponsored search: y Pub = AA (Yahoo!, Google) y Content match: y Pub = AA (Yahoo! content) y Pub = Adv (“House Ads”) 41 Advertising as information y “I do not regard advertising as entertainment or an art form, but as a medium of information….” [David Ogilvy, 1985] y “Advertising as Information” [Nelson, 1974] y Irrelevant ads are annoying; relevant ads are interesting y Vogue, Skiing, etc are mostly ads and advertorials 42 Finding the “best ad” as an Information Retrieval (IR) problem Analyze the “query” and extract queryfeatures 1. • Query = full context (content, user, environment, etc) Analyze the documents (= ads) and extract doc-features 3. Devise a scoring function = predicates on q-features and d-features + weights 4. Build a search engine that produces quickly the ads that maximize the scoring function 2. 43 Behind the scenes… Setting the ad retrieval problem: Ads corpus = Bid phrase(s) + Title + Creative + URL + Landing Page + … Query features = Search Keywords + Outside Knowledge Expansion + Context features Context features (for sponsored search) = Location + User data + Previous searches + … Context features (for context match) = Location + User data + Page topic + Page keywords … Search problem similar to web search, but y Ad database is smaller y Ad database entries are “small pages” [+ URL] y Ranking depends also on bids y Ranking depends also on click-through-rate 44 What is the best match? y An ad has different utilities for publishers, advertisers, users y Quality (utility) Factor (QF) is different y A-QF, U-QF, P-QF y The ad agency has its own economic interest y Might have different types of ads that are not easily compared y Might have economics/contractual obligations that need to be fulfilled. 45 A bit deeper: how does the matching happens? 46 A Semantic Approach to Contextual Advertising [SIGIR 2007] [AB, M. Fontoura, V. Josifovski, & L. Riedel] y What is more important: the words or the context? y Contextual ad matching based on a combination of semantic and syntactic features. y Classify both ads and pages into a 6000 nodes commercial taxonomy y The class information captures the “about-ness” of pages and ads 47 Matching ads and pages winter sports skiing JOE’S SKIING BLOG …. My Atomic skis floated on the fresh powder… ….pages 48 snowboarding (imperfect) match Atomic boards 75% off!! Semantic and syntactic score Semantic component – weighted taxonomy distance Syntactic component - term vector cosine 49 Final score 50 Results 51 The crystal ball chapter: Trends in Computational Advertising A very biased sample 52 The Recommender Systems Connection 53 The ad matching problem as a recommendation challenge y The traditional IR approach is based on a fixed query results correspondence y For ads we y Need CTR probability or user utility rather than top-K results y Have a continuous click-through feedback y Challenge: incorporate the feedback 1.Long term loop: improve the ranking function y ML based ranking 2.Short term loop: use the statistics we have for a particular (query, ads) pair y 54 Closest to recommender systems A generic view – dyadic interaction systems y D. Agarwal, B.C. Chen “Feature based factorization model for dyadic data” [In preparation] y Dyadic Interaction data pervasive y Recommendation systems (user-movie, user-music, user-book) y Web advertising (match ads to webpage/query) y Content Optimization (match articles to users) y Unit of measurement : dyad (i, j) y i= user, webpage,..; j= movies, ads,… y Measure some response: ratings, click-rates,… y Often have meta-data on dyadic elements y Demographics, genres,…. y Goal: predict response for unknown dyads y Better match-making, prediction 55 Challenge: clicks are very rare y Need to aggregate clicks/recommendations y Pages belong to site section to sites Page ∈ CNN/sports ∈ CNN y Ads belong to Campaign to Advertisers Ad ∈ Ford Focus ∈ Ford y Similar to preference estimation for Annie Hall ∈ Woody Allen Comedies ∈ Comedies y D. Agarwal, A. B, D. Chakrabarti, D. Diklic, V. J., and M. Sayyadian. Estimating rates of rare events at multiple resolutions. [KDD, 2007] 56 Challenge: how to find new ads? y Similar to music recommender systems: need to explore new songs but need to keep some similarity y Can take advantage of semantic taxonomy y S. Pandey, D. Agarwal, D. Chakrabarti, and V. Josifovski. Bandits for taxonomies: A model-based approach. [SDM, 2007] 57 Mobile advertising 58 How popular is mobile advertising? (Limbo’s Mobile Advertising Report, US Users, 4th quarter 2007) 59 Specific features (and targeting dimensions) for mobile advertising y High precision demographics y Location y Geo (GPS or tower triangulation) y Location functionality: Shopping mall, at home, airport, etc y Personal context: working, on vacation, etc y Social context y Alone, with colleagues, with family, with friends, travelling, … y y y y y y y y 60 Language Handset capabilities Bandwidth Operator Time of day Speed (walking vs. driving) Recent history Etc What can change the game? y Instant couponing y One time use coupons sent via SMS/MMS to handset y Handset as contactless credit/cash card y Interaction with point-of-sale via optical readers (one way), Bluetooth (two way), or wireless network y Direct purchase (tickets, take-out food, etc) y Prevalent high precision GPS y I-Phone, G1-Phone, … y High res touch screen, closer to web experience y Lots of things we haven’t thought about … 61 What can change the game? Inference from noisy data y What can you infer from lots of people reporting their position every few seconds? y y y y y 62 Real time traffic … Opening hours … Night clubs going out of fashion … Very accurate life-style predictions Interesting gossip ☺ Marketplace 63 Advertiser agencies: The Open Exchange Bids $0.75 via Network… Bids $0.50 Bids $0.60 AdSense Bids $0.65—WINS! Has ad impression to sell -AUCTIONS Transparency and value 64 … which becomes $0.45 bid So many topics, so little time… y Publishers & media y Internet Protocol Television (IPTV) y Variable-data printing (VDP) newspapers y … y Users y y y y Fluid legal landscape wrt regulation, privacy, etc. As usual willing to trade privacy for functionality OpenSocial, Universal Profile, etc … y Advertisers y Move towards performance advertising y Fine granularity ROI computation, analytics y See R. Lewis & D. Reiley “Measuring the Effects of Advertising on Sales via a Controlled Experiment on Yahoo!” y … y Advertising agencies y y y y 65 Market becoming more efficient (arbitrage, exchange) Less is more – manage user attention Single user multi-media campaigns … Summary 66 Key messages 1. 2. Computational advertising = A principled way to find the "best match" between a given user in a given context and a suitable advertisement. The financial scale for computational advertising is huge ⇒ Small constants matter ⇒ Expect plenty of further research 3. Advertising is a form of information. ⇒ Adding ads to a context is similar to the integration problem of other types of information ⇒ Finding the “best ad” is a type of information retrieval problem with multiple, possibly contradictory utility functions 4. New application domains and new techniques are emerging every day ⇒ Good area for research + new businesses 67 Thank you! 68 68 This talk is Copyright 2009. Authors retain all rights, including copyrights and distribution rights. No publication or further distribution in full or in part permitted without explicit written permission 69