BTF1010 Commercial law Unit Guide Semester 1, 2015 Copyright © Monash University 2014. All rights reserved. Except as provided in the Copyright Act 1968, this work may not be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the host Faculty and School/Department. The information contained in this unit guide is correct at time of publication. The University has the right to change any of the elements contained in this document at any time. Last updated: 16 Apr 2015 Table of Contents BTF1010 Commercial law - Semester 1, 2015.........................................................................................1 Mode of Delivery..............................................................................................................................1 Workload requirements....................................................................................................................1 Additional workload requirements........................................................................................1 Unit Relationships........................................................................................................................................1 Prerequisites....................................................................................................................................1 Prohibitions......................................................................................................................................2 Chief Examiner(s)........................................................................................................................................2 Campus Lecturer(s).....................................................................................................................................2 Caulfield...........................................................................................................................................2 Tutor(s)........................................................................................................................................................2 Caulfield...........................................................................................................................................2 Your feedback to Us....................................................................................................................................3 Previous Student Evaluations of this Unit....................................................................................................3 Academic Overview...................................................................................................................................4 Learning Outcomes.........................................................................................................................4 Unit Schedule.............................................................................................................................................5 Teaching Approach..........................................................................................................................6 Assessment Summary.....................................................................................................................6 Hurdle Requirements...........................................................................................................7 Second marking...................................................................................................................7 Return of final marks............................................................................................................7 Exam viewing.......................................................................................................................7 Assessment criteria..............................................................................................................7 Assessment Requirements......................................................................................................................8 Assessment Tasks...........................................................................................................................8 Assessment task 1...............................................................................................................8 Assessment task 2.............................................................................................................10 Assessment task 3.............................................................................................................10 Examination(s)...........................................................................................................................................11 Examination 1................................................................................................................................11 Learning resources....................................................................................................................................12 Feedback to you........................................................................................................................................12 Extensions and penalties...........................................................................................................................12 Assignment submission.............................................................................................................................12 Online submission.........................................................................................................................12 Prescribed text(s) and readings.....................................................................................................12 Recommended text(s) and readings..............................................................................................13 Examination material or equipment...........................................................................................................13 Other Information....................................................................................................................................14 Policies..........................................................................................................................................14 Graduate Attributes Policy.................................................................................................14 Student Charter.........................................................................................................................................14 Student services........................................................................................................................................14 Monash University Library.........................................................................................................................14 Moodle 2....................................................................................................................................................15 Disability Liaison Unit................................................................................................................................15 BTF1010 Commercial law - Semester 1, 2015 Liability for defective products; liability for misleading advice or information; contract law; agency law; partnership law; introduction to company law; company officers' duties. Mode of Delivery Caulfield (Day) Workload requirements Minimum total expected workload to achieve the learning outcomes for this unit is 144 hours per semester typically comprising a mixture of scheduled learning activities and independent study. Independent study may include associated readings, assessment and preparation for scheduled activities. The unit requires on average three/four hours of scheduled activities per week. Scheduled activities may include a combination of teacher directed learning, peer directed learning and online engagement. See also Unit timetable information Additional workload requirements BTF1010 is a six point unit with three hours class contact per week over 12 teaching weeks. The total time commitment for this unit is 144 hours. Students are expected to devote 12 hours per week to its study. This includes three hours of class contact, each week and an average of nine hours in self-directed study per week, including general study, revision, preparation and completion of assessment tasks and examination preparation. Students are expected to prepare answers to tutorial questions and will be called upon to discuss their answers in tutorials. Experience has shown that students who fail to prepare their own answers to the questions from EACH WEEK are more likely to fail the exam in this unit. Students are strongly advised to form their own informal study groups to assist one another in preparing and reviewing tutorial questions etc. Unsuccessful students often do not do this. Successful students often do this. Unit Relationships Prerequisites Students enrolled in course code 0816 must be granted permission to undertake this unit. 1 BTF1010 Commercial law - Semester 1, 2015 Prohibitions BTB1010, BTP1010, BTC1110, BTG1200, BTW1200 Chief Examiner(s) Mr Mark Bender (First Semester) Ms Samantha Taylor (Trimester 1) Campus Lecturer(s) Caulfield Mr Mark Bender Campus: Caulfield Phone: +61 3 990 32917 Email: Contact hours: See Moodle. GENERAL QUERIES TO BE SUBMITTED VIA GENERAL DISCUSSION FORUM ON MOODLE Tutor(s) Caulfield Dr Tabatha Pettitt Campus: Caulfield Phone: +61 3 990 32163 Email: Contact hours: See Moodle Ms Lynn Corcoran Campus: Caulfield Phone: +61 3 990 31318 Email: Contact hours: See Moodle Mr Sunil Rao Campus: Caulfield Phone: +61 3 990 32385 Email: Contact hours: See Moodle Mr Mathews Thomas Campus: Clayton Phone: +61 3 990 52466 Email: Contact hours: See Moodle Ms Clare Miller Campus: Caulfield Email: 2 BTF1010 Commercial law - Semester 1, 2015 Contact hours: See Moodle Mr Mark Sullivan Campus: Caulfield Email: Contact hours: See Moodle Mr Janko Nikolic Campus: Caulfield Email: Contact hours: See Moodle Mr Drossos Stamboulakis Campus: Caulfield Email: Contact hours: See Moodle Ms Deborah Miriam Leshinsky Campus: Caulfield Email: Contact hours: See Moodle Mrs Carolyn McDermott Campus: Caulfield Email: Contact hours: See Moodle Ms Judyann Clarke Campus: Caulfield Email: Your feedback to Us Monash is committed to excellence in education and regularly seeks feedback from students, employers and staff. One of the key formal ways students have to provide feedback is through the Student Evaluation of Teaching and Units (SETU) survey. The University’s student evaluation policy requires that every unit is evaluated each year. Students are strongly encouraged to complete the surveys. The feedback is anonymous and provides the Faculty with evidence of aspects that students are satisfied and areas for improvement. For more information on Monash’s educational strategy, see: and on student evaluations, see: Previous Student Evaluations of this Unit This unit now has longer classes and more flexible content delivery. If you wish to view how previous students rated this unit, please go to 3 Academic Overview Learning Outcomes The learning goals associated with this unit are to: 1. examine common commercial law scenarios relating to: the supply of defective goods and services; contract disputes; misrepresentations; agency relationships; partnership law; and company law 2. identify legal problems and risks which arise in those scenarios 3. describe the laws relevant to those scenarios 4. analyse and apply the laws to predict possible legal outcomes. 4 Unit Schedule Week Activities 0 Assessment No formal assessment or activities are undertaken in week 0 1 MOODLE: Lesson 01, Quiz 01. TEXTBOOK: Read Ch online quiz and group test in class 01, Ch 02 (to paragraph 2.40). CLASS: 2 MOODLE: Lesson 02, Quiz 02. TEXTBOOK: Read Ch online quiz and group test in class 03 (from paragraph 3.11). CLASS: based on previous weeks online lessons/textbook readings. 3 MOODLE: Lesson 03, Quiz 03. TEXTBOOK: Read Ch online quiz and group test in class 04. Review Q 4,5,6 from end of Ch 4 before class. CLASS: based on previous weeks online lessons/textbook readings. 4 MOODLE: student's own revision, Quiz 04 (ch 2/3) TEXTBOOK: student's own revision. CLASS: based on previous weeks online lessons/textbook readings. online quiz and group test in class 5 MOODLE: Lesson 05, Quiz 05. Review Q 2,4,5 from end of Ch 5 before class. TEXTBOOK: Read Ch 05 (to para 5.33). CLASS: Individual Mid Sem Exam 20% (there is also a scratchie (from chapters 2/3) in class this week) MID SEMESTER EXAM. ALL STUDENTS TO SIT MID SEMESTER EXAM IN THEIR ALLOCATED CLASS TIME. More details on Moodle. Online quiz. 6 MOODLE: Lesson 06, Quiz 06. TEXTBOOK: Read Ch online quiz and group test in class 06 and Ch 07 (to para 7.13). Review Q 4,5 from end of Ch 6 and Q 4 from end of Ch 7 before class. CLASS: based on previous weeks online lessons/textbook readings. 7 MOODLE: Lesson 07, Quiz 07. TEXTBOOK: Read Ch online quiz and group test in class 08 and Ch 09 (to para 9.19). Review Q 5,6 from end of Ch 8 and Q 5 from end of Ch 9 before class. CLASS: based on previous weeks online lessons/textbook readings. CLASS: based on previous weeks online lessons/textbook readings. 8 MOODLE: Lesson 08, Quiz 08. TEXTBOOK: Read Ch online quiz and group test in class 11. Review Q 4,5,6 from end of Ch 11 before class. CLASS: based on previous weeks online lessons/textbook readings. 9 MOODLE: Lesson 09, Quiz 09. TEXTBOOK: Read Ch online quiz and group test in class 12 & Ch 13. Review Q 6 from end of Ch 12 and Q 5 and 6 from the end of Ch 13. CLASS: based on previous weeks online lessons/textbook readings. 10 MOODLE: Lesson 10, Quiz 10. TEXTBOOK: Ch 14. Review Q 4,5,6 from end of Ch 14. CLASS: based on previous weeks online lessons/textbook readings. online quiz and group test in class 11 MOODLE: Students own revision, Quiz 11. TEXTBOOK: Students own revision. CLASS: based on previous weeks online lessons/textbook readings. online quiz and group test in class 12 MOODLE: Students own revision, Quiz 12. online quiz and group test in class TEXTBOOK: Students own revision. CLASS: Revision 5 Unit Schedule - details on Moodle SWOT VAC Examination period LINK to Assessment Policy: academic/education/assessment/ assessment-in-coursework-policy.html Teaching Approach • Lecture and tutorials or problem classes This teaching and learning approach provides facilitated learning, practical exploration and peer learning. The online lessons, online quizzes and assigned textbook readings must be completed prior to class. advanceresearch and experience shows that if a student prepares well for tutorials, student performance is improved, particularly in the final examination. This is because the final exam and mid-semester exam contain questions similar to the tutorial questions. STUDENTS WHO DO NOT PREPARE INVIDUAL ANSWERS TO THE SCENARIO STYLE QUESTIONS (EG AS DISCUSSED IN GROUPS DURING CLASS) WILL STRUGGLE TO PASS THE EXAMS. Please note that the tutors role is to facilitate discussions not provide a mini-lecture or dictate model answers. If a student is unclear on any aspect of the material after the class - he or she should see a tutor during consultation times. Consultation times are on Moodle. There are a number of other opportunities for further assistance, including the PASS programme and self formed student study groups. • Assessment Summary Within semester assessment: 40% Examination: 60% Assessment Task OPEN BOOK MID SEMESTER EXAM Value 20% of the total marks for the unit. Due Date IN EACH STUDENT'S ALLOCATED CLASS IN WEEK 5 WEEKLY CLASS TESTS – Total of 10% of the final mark for the unit. Top IN GROUPS 10 results are used. Each test 1%. EACH WEEK IN CLASS Weekly online INDIVIDUAL Total of 10% of the final mark for the unit. Top quizzes 10 results are used. Each quiz worth 1%. each week by 11.55pm Sunday evening. See Unit Schedule and Moodle Examination 1 To be advised 60% of the total marks for the unit. NOTE THERE IS A HURDLE REQUIREMENT 6 Unit Schedule Hurdle Requirements There is a hurdle requirement in this unit. A student must attain a result of at least 45% (i.e. 27 marks out of 60 marks) in the final exam to pass this unit. Where a student fails the unit solely because of failure to satisfy the hurdle requirement a maximum final mark of 48/100 will be received for the unit. Second marking Where an assessment task is given a fail grade by an examiner, that piece of work will be marked again by a second examiner who will independently evaluate the work, and consult with the first marker. No student will be awarded a fail grade for an assessment task or unit without a second examiner confirming the result. Note: Exceptions to this are individual pieces of assessment contributing 10% or less of the final mark, unless the total of such pieces exceeds 30% of the final mark. Return of final marks Faculty policy states that 'the final mark that a student receives for a unit will be determined by the Board of Examiners on the recommendation of the Chief Examiner taking into account all aspects of assessment'. The final mark for this unit will be released by the Board of Examiners on the date nominated in the Faculty Calendar. Student results will be accessible through the portal. Exam viewing See the link below for details. Assessment criteria Assessment Criteria Grading Descriptors available at: 7 Assessment Requirements Assessment Tasks • Assessment task 1 Title: OPEN BOOK MID SEMESTER EXAM Due date: IN EACH STUDENT'S ALLOCATED CLASS IN WEEK 5 Details of task: The mid semester exam is worth 20% of the overall result in this unit. 40 minutes + 10 minutes reading and noting time. Open book - any printed, written materials, notes books etc allowed. Student ID cards required. Sat under exam conditions. Compulsory for all students. ONLY topics / material up to and including week 3 – that is the required reading in Chapters 2 and 3 in the text – are examinable (this incudes material that may not have been covered in class or in onlne lessons). The mid semester exam will be one exam-style question that may contain a range of issues. STUDENTS MUST ENSURE THEY ATTEND THE MID SEMESTER EXAM. FAILURE TO ATTEND = 0. Any application for special consideration must strictly follow the requirements of the relevant policy. Exam and academic conduct policies apply. Any students removing the exam question paper will receive zero for the assessment and face academic miscoonduct action. Any student cheating during mid semester exam will face disciplinary action than can result in being excluded from studying at Monash. Weighting/Value: 20% of the total marks for the unit. Estimated return date: In accordance with Faculty policy, results will be returned within 3 weeks Criteria for marking: Fail Key issues not identified or addressed Relevant cases and/or statute not cited or applied to the facts Pass 8 Assessment Requirements Some key (but not all) issues identified Key issues are addressed at a very basic level Some (but not all relevant) cases / statute cited but not clearly applied to facts Conclusion lacking, or not supported by the facts and applicable law Expression lacks clarity Credit Key issue are identified and addressed to a reasonable standard The most relevant cases/statute are applied to the facts Some attempt to draw conclusion / recommendation Links some appropriate details to key issues Distinction Links all appropriate law to all key issues Recognises and clearly identifies insufficient information or additional queries to address the facts Appropriate conclusions drawn High Distinction Thorough application of relevant cases/statute to all key issues Discusses any insufficient or missing information or additional queries that would be required in assessing the facts Expression and structure is precise and clear Learning objectives assessed: Content from Chapters 2 – 3 Objectives 1. examine common commercial law scenarios relating to: the supply of defective goods and services/advice; and misrepresentation. 2. identify legal problems and risks which arise in those scenarios. 3. describe the laws relevant to those scenarios. 4. analyse and apply the laws to predict possible legal outcomes. Additional information: No electronic items of any kind (including translators/dictionaries) are permitted in the mid semester exam . 9 Assessment Requirements • Assessment task 2 Title: WEEKLY CLASS TESTS – IN GROUPS Due date: EACH WEEK IN CLASS Details of task: Class attendance is expected each week in this unit. Each week students will complete a multiple choice test in their assigned groups in class. Students are to attend only their allocated class and will be working in class in their assigned group throughout the semester. The unit leader or tutors will NOT approve any individual student requests to move classes or change groups. Weighting/Value: Total of 10% of the final mark for the unit. Top 10 results are used. Each test 1%. Estimated return date: results available as soon as tests are completed Individual Assessment in Group Tasks: all group members present receive the same result any student absent for any class test receives zero for that test • THERE ARE 12 WEEKLY CLASS TESTS – EACH STUDENT'S TOP 10 WEEKLY CLASS TEST MARKS ARE USED FOR THEIR FINAL RESULT Penalties for late lodgement: any student absent for any class test receives zero for that test Assessment task 3 Title: Weekly online INDIVIDUAL quizzes Due date: each week by 11.55pm Sunday evening. See Unit Schedule and Moodle Details of task: Students are required to complete an individual online quiz each week of the semester. These Quizzes are only available each week from 9.00am Monday until 11.55 pm on Sunday. The chapters relevant to each quiz are set out on the unit schedule in this document. Quiz questions and answer alternatives are randomised. There will be NO adjustments made for students who do not complete quizzes by closing time – including due to computer problems, being denied access for non-payment of fees etc. There is an entire week provided to completed these quizes and Monash University provides functioning computer facilities on campus. Students who do not have reliable computing / internet resources should complete the quizzes on-campus. CLICK HERE FOR DEATILS OF LABS ON THE CAULFIELD CAMPUS Each of the 12 quizzes is worth 1% – each students top 10 quizzess are used for a total 10 Assessment Requirements out of 10. So these quizzes are worth 10% of the total result for this unit. There is no provision for students to ‘resit’ online quizzes as answers are released once the quiz period closes. DO NOT ‘FORGET’ TO COMPLETE THESE QUIZZES – completing these quizzes has been the difference between passing and failing for many students in past semesters. STUDENTS WHO HAVE QUESTIONS ABOUT QUIZZES ARE TO POST A QUERY TO THE GENERAL DISCUSSION FORUM ON MOODLE. Release dates: As per schedule in this Unit Guide and on Moodle Weighting/Value: Total of 10% of the final mark for the unit. Top 10 results are used. Each quiz worth 1%. Estimated return date: see Moodle Learning objectives assessed: All Examination(s) • Examination 1 Weighting: 60% of the total marks for the unit. NOTE THERE IS A HURDLE REQUIREMENT Length: 2 hours Type (open/closed book): Open book Hurdle requirements: Students must score a mark of at least 45% (i.e. at least 27 out of 60 marks) in the final exam to pass this unit. A student’s final mark is normally the sum of the marks obtained in all of the individual assessment items in the unit. Where a student fails the unit solely because of failure to satisfy the hurdle requirement a maximum mark of 48 will be returned for the unit. Students must prepare thoroughly for the final exam – this is best done by individually preparing answers to exam style questions (some questions will be provided via Moodle and there are questions at the end of all chapters in the textbook). Once students have attempted preparing answers individually, there is great value in discussing answers with other students in informal study groups. Electronic devices allowed in the exam: No electronic items on any kind (including translators/dictionaries) are permitted in the final exam. STUDENTS REQUIRING DICTIONARIES MAY BRING PRINTED DICTIONARIES AND ANY OTHER NON-ELECTRONIC ITEMS INTO THE EXAM. Remarks: Instructions to students Students will have 30 minutes before the start of the exam to read, plan and make notes. 11 Assessment Requirements IMPORTANT: This is an open book exam which means you may take any books (including library books), notes etc into the examination room with you. This includes your own lecture notes and/or tutorial notes etc. You are also permitted to put tabs into your OWN books. ANY PRINTED MATERIAL INCLUDING WRITTEN NOTES, BOOKS, SLIDES ETC MAY BE USED IN THE EXAM. No electronic items on any kind (including translators/dictionaries) are permitted in the final exam. Learning resources Monash Library Unit Reading List (if applicable to the unit) Feedback to you Types of feedback you can expect to receive in this unit are: • Informal feedback on progress in labs/tutes • Test results and feedback • Quiz results • Other: Consultation with tutors - see Moodle. Students will receive feedback on their mid semester exam. Extensions and penalties No extensions available for the Mid Semester Exam, weekly class tests or weekly online quizzes. Students who do not complete the Mid Semester Exam, class tests or online weekly quizzes by the due date will receive 0% for that Exam. No requests for Special Consideration will be considered unless they are submitted strictly in accordance with Faculty procedure. Assignment submission Online submission If Electronic Submission has been approved for your unit, please submit your work via the learning system for this unit, which you can access via links in the portal. Prescribed text(s) and readings Brendan Sweeney, Jennifer O'Reilly and Andrew Coleman, Law in Commerce, 5th edn, LexisNexis, Butterworths, Sydney, 2013. 12 Assessment Requirements Students must use ONLY the the 5th edition. Recommended text(s) and readings Additional reading: There is no reading required outside the prescribed text book. The library holds other books relevant to the unit generally Strategies for studies: • Bender, M and Do, C, 2014, How to Pass Business Law, Oxford University Press • Crosling, GM and Murphy, HM 2009, How to study business law: reading, writing and exams, 4th edn, Butterworths, Sydney. Examination material or equipment No electronic items permitted in either Mid Semester or Final Exam. Any printed materials, including books (including library books), handwritten notes etc. are permitted in Final Exam. NO WRITTEN MATERIALS ARE PERMITTED IN THE MID SEMESTER EXAM. 13 Other Information Policies Monash has educational policies, procedures and guidelines, which are designed to ensure that staff and students are aware of the University’s academic standards, and to provide advice on how they might uphold them. You can find Monash’s Education Policies at: Key educational policies include: • Student Academic Integrity Policy and Student Academic Integrity: Managing Plagiarism and Collusion Procedures ; • Assessment in Coursework Programs; • Special Consideration; • Grading Scale; • Discipline: Student Policy; • Academic Calendar and Semesters; • Orientation and Transition; and • Academic and Administrative Complaints and Grievances Policy. Graduate Attributes Policy education/management/monash-graduate-attributes-policy.html Student Charter Student services The University provides many different kinds of support services for you. Contact your tutor if you need advice and see the range of services available at You can also access important information from the Faculty of Business and Economics current students page Caulfield and Clayton students wishing to further develop English language skills in a fun group environment can join a Conversational English Program. You can access these programs at Monash University Library The Monash University Library provides a range of services, resources and programs that enable you to save time and be more effective in your learning and research. Go to or the library tab in portal for more information. 14 Other Information Moodle 2 All unit and lecture materials, plus other information of importance to students, are available through the virtual learning environment Moodle site. You can access Moodle via the portal. Where to go for help If you're stuck, confused or simply not sure how to approach Moodle, there are a number of Moodle resources that you can tap into. Disability Liaison Unit Students who have a disability or medical condition are welcome to contact the Disability Liaison Unit to discuss academic support services. Disability Liaison Officers (DLOs) visit all Victorian campuses on a regular basis. • Website: • Telephone: 03 9905 5704 to book an appointment with a DLO; • Email: • Drop In: Equity and Diversity Centre, Level 1, Building 55, Clayton Campus. Student Learning Resources 1. Tutors There are tutors available for consulting outside of class time each week. Details on Moodle. Students should use consulting times to discuss course content as required. Tutors are not expected to consult outside of normal of hours or by email. 2. PASS Programme - See Moodle and 3. PAL Programme - See Moodle and 4. Student Study Groups Students are encourage to form their own small groups to discuss tutorial questions and course material generally. Students can use the Moodle Meeting Place Forum to form groups with other students. 5. Moodle General Discussion forum This is primarily a peer based, student self-help resource. Teaching staff monitor this forum, but students are expected to contribute to discussion that take place there. Students should use the search function and carefully read relevant previous topics. Staff are not expected to repsond to questions that have been previously asked and answered on the discussion forum. 6. Moodle Weekly Content Discussion forums Places each week for students to discuss the weekly content 6. Learning Skills resources See Moodle 7. Conversational English Programme 15 Other Information See Moodle Prescribed text(s) Brendan Sweeney, Jennifer O'Reilly and Andrew Coleman, Law in Commerce, 5th edn, LexisNexis, Butterworths, Sydney, 2013 ADDITIONAL MONASH SUPPORT SERVICES See Moodle Additional Resources: The Monash University Library provides a range of services and resources that enable you to save time and be more efficient in your learning and research at URL: or via the Library tab in the portal. Last updated: 16 Apr 2015 16