Citing Info from Research Databases

Generally, use this format:
Author’s last name, Author’s first name (if listed). “Article title.” Database. Article
Publication Date. Publisher. Cherokee Media Center, Marlton, NJ. Date accessed
(Day Month Year)
<address>. (Please use the database address listed here as opposed to the VERY LONG
web address you may have on the bottom of your printout)
American National Biography
Barney, William L. “Brooks, Preston Smith.” American National Biography Online. February
2000. Oxford University Press. Cherokee Media Center, Marlton, NJ. 23 July 2002
CQ Researcher
Clark, Charles S, “The FBE Under Fire.” The CQ Researcher. 11 Apr. 1997: 315-22.
Cherokee Media Center, Marlton, NJ. 6 Sept. 2001 <>.
DISCovering Collection
“Beat Movement.” Merriam-Webster’s Encyclopedia of Literature. 1995. DISCovering
Collection. Gale Group. Cherokee Media Center, Marlton, NJ. 20 March 2002
Gargano, James W. “The Question of Poe’s Narrators.” College English 25.3 (1963) : 177-81.
EXPLORING Short Stories. 1998. DISCovering Collection. Gale Group. Cherokee Media
Center, Marlton, NJ. 11 April 2002 <>.
Davis, Seth, “The Coach Tom Izzo.” Sports Illustrated 12 Apr. 2000: 26+. eLibrary.
ProQuest Co. Cherokee Media Center, Marlton, NJ. 15 Sept. 2004
Douglas, Richmond. “The Legacy of African Slavery in Colonial Mexico, 1519-1810.”
Journal of Popular Culture 35:2 (Fall 2001): 1. elibrary. History Study Center.
ProQuest Co. Cherokee Media Center, Marlton, NJ. 15 September 2004
“Martin Luther King, Jr.” American Social Leaders. eLibrary. ProQuest Co.
Cherokee Media Center, Marlton, NJ. 19 March 2002 <>.
EBSCOhost – Master FILE Premier
“Preventing Lyme Disease.” Medical Update July 2000 : 1. MasterFILE Premier.
EBSCOhost. Cherokee Media Center, Marlton, NJ. 6 Sept. 2001
Essays Online (LitFINDER)
Goose, Edmund William. “A Great American Library.” Essay Finder. LitFINDER. 2004.
Thompson Gale. Cherokee Media Center, Marlton, NJ. 15 Sept. 2004
Facts on File
Kort, Carol. “Adams, Abigail.” A to Z of American Women Writers. 2000. American Women’s
History. Facts on File, Inc. Cherokee Media Center, Marlton, N.J. 19 March 2002
(Facts on File con’t)
Morkes, Andrew, ed. "Chemical Engineers." Encyclopedia of Careers and Vocational
Guidance. 2003. Ferguson's Career Guidance Center. Facts on File, Inc.
Cherokee Media Center, Marlton, NJ. 15 Sept. 2004 <>.
“Statistical Maps: United States of America: Nuclear Energy Plants, 1995.” Maps on File.
2001. Curriculum Resource Center: Grades 6-12. Facts on File, Inc. Cherokee Media
Center, Marlton, NJ. 21 March 2002 <www.factsonfile,com>.
Truth, Sojourner. “Ain’t I a Woman?” Speech (1851) American Voices, Significant Speeches in
American History: 1640-1945. 219-220. African-American History & Culture. Facts on
File, Inc. Cherokee Media Center, Marlton, NJ. 23 July 2002 <>.
Health Source – Consumer Edition
“NIH Report Shows That Condoms Do Not Provide Safe Sex.” Women’s Health Weekly.
6 Sept. 2001 : 22+. Health Source – Consumer Edition. EBSCOhost. Cherokee Media
Center, Marlton, NJ. 16 April 2002 <>.
History Resource Center: U.S.
“The Internment of Japanese Americans (1940).” American Decades CD-ROM. 1998. History
Resource Center. Gale Group. Cherokee Media Center, Marlton, NJ. 23 July 2003
LitFINDER: Essays, Plays, Speeches online
Goose, Edmund William, “A Great American Library.” Essay Finder. LitFINDER. 2004.
Thompson Gale. Cherokee Media Center, Marlton, NJ 15 September 2004.
Magill on Literature
“The Nancy Drew Series.” MasterplotsII: Juvenile and Young Adult Fiction Series. 1991.
MagillOnLiterature. EBSCOhost. Cherokee Media Center, Marlton, NJ. 17 March 2003
Newspaper Source
Kalinowski, Tess. “Violent Media Breeds Bullies, Conference Told.” Toronto Star 12 April
2002: A21. Newspaper Source. EBSCOhost. Cherokee Media Center, Marlton, NJ.
16 April 2002 <>.
Poems Online (LitFINDER)
“Explanation of: ‘Harlem’ by James Langston Hughes.” Poems. LitFINDER. 2004
Thompson Gale. Cherokee Media Center, Marlton, NJ. 15 September 2004
Hughes, James Langston. “Harlem.” Poems. LitFINDER. 2004
Thompson Gale. Cherokee Media Center, Marlton, NJ. 15 Sept. 2004
“Study Guide: 20th Century – African-American Poetry/The Harlem Renaissance.” Poems.
Lit FINDER. Thompson Gale. Cherokee Media Center, Marlton, NJ. 15 Sept. 2004
Scribner Writers Series
Owen, D.D.R. “Arthurian Legend.” European Writers. Vol.1. 137-160. Scribner Writers
Series. Gale Group. Cherokee Media Center, Marlton, NJ. 20 March 2002
Hipple, Ted, ed. “Olive Ann Burns.” Writers for Young Adults. 3 vols. Scribner Writers Series.
Gale Group. Cherokee Media Center, Marlton, NJ. 4 April 2003
SIRS Government Reporter
Johnson, Louis. “Preparing Students for Criminal Justice Careers.” FBI Law Enforcement
Bulletin Sept. 1998: 21-24. SIRS Government Reporter. SIRS Knowledge Source. ProQuest
Co. Cherokee Media Center, Marlton, NJ. 15 September 2004
SIRS Renaissance
Kelly, Abigail. “Can This Marriage Ceremony Be Saved?” U.S. Catholic March 2001 : 18-22.
SIRS Renaissance. SIRS Knowledge Source. ProQuest Co. Cherokee Media Center,
Marlton, NJ. 19 July 2002 <>.
SIRS Researcher
Bower, Amanda. “The Wasted Days of Youth.” Time 11 June 2001 : n.p. SIRS Researcher.
SIRS Knowledge Source. ProQuest Co. Cherokee Media Center, Marlton, NJ.
15 September 2004 <>.
SKS WebSelect
The Victorian Web: An Overview. Ed. George Landow. June 2000. Brown University.
15 September 2004<>.
SKS WebSelect. SIRS Knowledge Source. ProQuest Co. Cherokee Media Center, Marlton NJ.
Stories Online (LitFINDER)
“Explanation of: ‘Rip Van Winkle’ by Washington Irving.” Stories. Lit FINDER. 2004
Thompson Gale. Cherokee Media Center, Marlton, NJ. 15 September 2004
Irving, Washington. “Rip Van Winkle.” Stories. LitFINDER. 2004. Thompson Gale.
Cherokee Media Center, Marlton, NJ. 15 September 2004. <>.
Twayne’s Author Series
Howard, Lillie P. Zora Neale Hurston. 1980. Twayne’s United States Authors Series Online.
Gale Group. Cherokee Media Center, Marlton, NJ. 6 Sept. 2001
Osa, Osayimwense. “Young Adult Love and Marriage.” African Children’s and Youth
Literature. 1995. Twayne’s World Authors Series Online. Gale Group. Cherokee Media
Center, Marlton, NJ. 6 Sept. 2001 <>.