Global Gas Expertise Geneva, Nov 2011

Global Gas Expertise
Geneva, Nov 2011
François-Xavier Saury
Gas business development Manager
CATERPILLAR Electric Power
Geneva, CH
The business of Sustainable development
Creating and Capturing Value
Sustainable Development for Caterpillar means leveraging
technology and innovation to increase efficiency and productivity
with less impact on the environment and helping our customers do
the same – enabling their businesses to become more productive by
providing products, services and solutions that use resources more
Of course, it starts with our own operations, with our customers in
Caterpillar: Confidential green
The business of Sustainable development
Must be economically sustainable and environmentally sound
Caterpillar: Confidential green
Caterpillar Technology Leadership
Caterpillar - The World’s Power Source
Electric Power Generation • Marine • Locomotive • Petroleum • Industrial • Vehicular
Caterpillar: Confidential green
Caterpillar Electric Power Experience
70 Years Experience
Over 450,000 power plants
Installed Worldwide
Caterpillar: Confidential green
Electric Power Solutions
100 MW or More
7 kW to 2000 kW
5 MW to 50 MW
Open Gen Sets
Sustainable Solutions
Power Barges
Mobile Units
Modular Power Plants
Turnkey Power Plants
Caterpillar: Confidential green
Locally Produced PowerDistributed Generation (DG)
Energy Utilities
Caterpillar: Confidential green
Electric Power Quality and Availability
Caterpillar: Confidential green
Distributed Generation : Hurricane City Power
Hurricane City Power
Hurricane, Utah, USA
6 Cat gas generator sets producing 11.64
Oxidation Catalysts
MW Cat
“We’ve had major cost savings because of
our ability to react to market prices
quickly,” Imlay said. “We’ve saved as much
as $10,000 to $12,000 a day by running
our generators instead of buying power on the
Caterpillar: Confidential green
Distributed Generation : Basin Creek Power Services
Basin Creek Power Services
Butte, Montana, USA
9 Cat® G16CM34 engines producing 51.8 MW
The complete
power plant was built in nine months.
Engines can be started and ramped-up to full load in
less than ten minutes.
With the use of highly efficient lean burn technology and
emissions reducing catalysts, the plant is among the cleanest
burning, lowest polluting energy resources in
Caterpillar: Confidential green
Distributed Generation : City of Geneva
City of Geneva
Geneva, Illinois U.S.A.
Five Cat® G16CM34 natural gas engines
Based on the city’s project assessment, Caterpillar’s
comprehensive power solution would save the City of
Geneva as much as $200 million
Caterpillar: Confidential green
over the next 40
Tanzania 18 MW
9 x G3520C
Distributed Generation : Gamba, Gabon
3 units
Caterpillar: Confidential green
Combined Heat & Power
or Cogeneration
Combined Heat and Power (CHP)
also known as cogeneration, is broadly defined as…
“The simultaneous generation
of power and heat
from the same fuel source.”
Caterpillar: Confidential green
Decades of Experience in Combined Heat & Power
Since 1960, Caterpillar and Cat dealers
have provide combined heat & power
solutions to our customers.
– CHP packages
– Power Modules
– Gas Engine Driven Chillers
– Attachments
– Ancillary equipment
– Switchgear
Caterpillar: Confidential green
CHP power plant 6MW
Caterpillar: Confidential green
Over 700MW Greenhouses CHP in Holland
Caterpillar: Confidential green
800MW District Heating Cogeneration in France
Caterpillar: Confidential green
Denmark: Bramming Fjernvaerme
Bramming Fjernvaerme
Bramming, Denmark
One Cat® G16CM34 engine producing 6.1
With just one engine, the high output of the Cat® G16CM34
accomplished Bramming’s goals of fulfilling its current
heating needs and providing extra capacity for future growth.
Including the heat recovery system, overall plant efficiency
exceeded 92%. This put Bramming Fjernavaerme on the
top of the efficiency list for Danish district heating power
Caterpillar: Confidential green
Tri generation – AMD Dresden, Germany
31 MW electrical
8 x 3616
14,4 MWth
Heating Water
18,8 MWth
90,000 hr
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Istanbul Turkey - Mercedes Benz
8 MW
Process heat
7 MWth
Hot water
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Enfidha Airport Trigeneration, Tunisia
power plant
Caterpillar: Confidential green
Tri generation – German major Airport
2 MW
1 x G3520C
Hot Water
Direct exhaust
gas fired
absorption chiller
Caterpillar: Confidential green
Low Energy Fuels
Renewable Energy Market Growth Projections
Caterpillar: Confidential green
Sustainability: Methane Reduction
Global Warming Potential
23 Carbon Dioxide
1 Methane
Business Model
Caterpillar: Confidential green
Animal Farms
Coal Mines
GHG Credits
Heat / Cold
Caterpillar Inc. Sustainability Commitment
Gas Generator Sets
“Our vision is to contribute, through our diverse businesses, to a society in which
people’s basic needs are not only met but fulfilled in a way that sustains the
Caterpillar: Confidential green
Coal Mine Methane
Coal Bed / Coal Mine Methane Extraction
Operated and abandoned mines
CMM extraction
Virgin CBM
Drilling Rig
Extraction pumps house
air+ CH4
Worked seam
Worked seam
Un-worked virgin seams
Un-worked virgin seams
Caterpillar: Confidential green
Methane extraction at Mining level
Worked seam
North American CBM Compression
Over 1000 Caterpillar Gas Engines in Coal Bed Methane Compression
Coal gas projects account for 7.5% natural gas in USA
Caterpillar: Confidential green
4 MW Manvers UK
Caterpillar: Confidential green
World’s largest CMM power plant
Jincheng Sihe 120MW CMM, China
Caterpillar: Confidential green
World’s Oldest CMM power plant
BHP Coal Mines
New South Wales,
96 MW
94 Cat generator sets
600,000 m3/d CH4 bruned
VAM feed to power plant
3.4 MT CO2 equivalent
reduction /year
16 years of operation,
Over 120,000 oper.
Caterpillar: Confidential green
Landfill Gas to Electricity
CATERPILLAR, a popular name on Landfills
Landfill compactors: 816, 826, 836
Track Type Tractors: D6, D7, D8 WHA
Track Type Loaders: 953, 963, 973 WHA
Hydraulic Excavators: 320, 323, 324, 329
Articulated Trucks T: 725, 730, 735, 740/ejector
Gas Generator sets: G3508, G3512, G35216, G3520
Waste to Energy Experience = Over 2GW
• 1947- first CAT natural gas
generator set
• 1983- First Biogas generator
sets installed in Chicago,
Illinois, USA
• Today- Over 2 GW of Biogas
product installed worldwide.
– adding over 200 MW/year
• Over 55,000,000 hours of
operation on biogas.
Caterpillar: Confidential green
UK 300MW, here 3MW «Silent Valley» Cardiff
Caterpillar: Confidential green
With CHP– 1MW Aix en Provence, France
Caterpillar: Confidential green
Digester Gas
Waste water treatment
Since 2005 WWTP, City of Amman, Jordan
As Samra,
6x 1MW, 11kV
dual gas, heat recovery
Grid connexion controls
2 x diesel CAT 2.5MVA.
“The CAT dealer has delivered and installed the
complete CHP system in a sound proof engine room.
In the heart of the system are 6 CAT sets configured
bio gas & natural gas.”
“Gensets operate 24/7 producing the full heat
& power need. The efficiency is above 80%.
The Diesel set operation is fully integrated
with the gas one”
for both
Caterpillar: Confidential green
Industrial Gas, Syngas & Biogas
Agriculture Biogas
Biomass Gasification
Low Energy Fuel Generator Sets
150 kWe
Gas Gen Set
Process Rice
Digester with Gas Collection
Gas Pipeline to Gen Set Facility
Rice Processing Operation
Caterpillar: Confidential green
Gen Set Utility Paralleling Controls
Cyprus large Swine Farm Digester gas : 2 x 450 kW
25,000 pigs
16,000 t digester
Lagoon type
Caterpillar: Confidential green
Dairy Farm 175kW
Cat ® 105 kW generator set
Cat ® 70 kW generator set
Caterpillar: Confidential green
Seacliff Energy, Ltd.
Southern Ontario
Seacliff collects vegetable and animal waste from
nearby farms and greenhouses generating enough
biogas to fuel 2x Cat G3520C 60 Hz 1.6
high-efficiency, low-emission With
combined heat and power (CHP)
Using two-stage agriculture bio digestion technology,
Seacliff transforms vegetable and animal waste into
heat, electricity and natural fertilizer.
Project financing for the construction was supplied by
Cat Financial.
Seacliff also secured a long-term
agreement with Toromont
Caterpillar: Confidential green
Biomass Gasification 1MW, France
Caterpillar: Confidential green
Take away
• Reciprocating Generator Sets are
A Viable Choice in
Sustainable & Affordable Energy
• High efficiency fuel usages are an
immediate and easy way to increase
security of supply.
Caterpillar: Confidential green
The Future of Broad Based Distributed Energy Resources
Caterpillar: Confidential green