LIM ITED LC/C AR/L. 143 24 N ovem ber 2007 ORIGINAL: EN G LISH OVERVIEW OF THE WATER PROFILE AND THE CAPACITY OF NATIONAL INSTITUTIONS TO IMPLEMENT INTEGRATED WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT (Antigua and Barbuda Dominica Grenada) , This document has been reproduced without formal editing. , 1 A cknow ledgem ent The ECLAC Subregional H eadquarters for the Caribbean w ishes to acknow ledge the assistance o f Ms. M arilyn Crichlow in the preparation o f this report. ii Table of Contents Executive Summary.............................................................................................................................................. v INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................................................1 A. IW RM ........................................................................................................................................................... 1 B. Water Management Principles..................................................................................................................... 1 C. IWRM change areas.................................................................................................................................... 2 D. Structure of the report...................................................................................................................................2 I. ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA........................................................................................................................ 3 A. General..........................................................................................................................................................3 B. Climate..........................................................................................................................................................3 C. Water resources assessment....................................................................................................................... 3 D. Water supply............................................................................................................................................... 4 E. Water allocation...........................................................................................................................................4 F. Water quality.................................................................................................................................................5 G. Watershed management.............................................................................................................................. 5 H. Environmental aspects................................................................................................................................ 5 I. Sanitation........................................................................................................................................................5 J. Social dimensions........................................................................................................................................ 6 K. Economic instrument...................................................................................................................................6 L. Regulatory instruments............................................................................................................................... 7 M. Information management and exchange.................................................................................................. 7 N. Key issues of IW RM ...................................................................................................................................7 0 . Institutional framework.............................................................................................................................. 7 P. Water resources management functions.....................................................................................................8 Q. Capacity of institutions to implement IW RM ........................................................................................ 11 Annex 1 .............................................................................................................................................................. 15 Annex 2 .............................................................................................................................................................. 15 II. DOMINICA................................................................................................................................................... 16 A. General........................................................................................................................................................17 B. Climate...................................................................................................................................................... 17 C. Water resources assessment..................................................................................................................... 17 D. Water supply............................................................................................................................................. 17 E. Water allocation.........................................................................................................................................18 F. Water quality............................................................................................................................................. 19 G. Watershed management............................................................................................................................ 19 H. Environmental aspects............................................................................................................................. 19 1. Sanitation.................................................................................................................................................... 20 J. Social dimensions...................................................................................................................................... 21 K. Economic instrument............................................................................................................................... 21 L. Regulatory instruments ........................................................................................................................... 21 M.Information management and exchange.................................................................................................. 21 N. Institutional framework............................................................................................................................21 O. Water resources management functions................................................................................................22 P. Capacity of institutions to implement IWRM......................................................................................... 25 Annex 3 ................................................................................................................................................................30 Ill Annex 4 ................................................................................................................................................................ 31 Annex 5 ................................................................................................................................................................... Annex 6 ................................................................................................................................................................... Annex 7 ................................................................................................................................................................... Annex 8 ................................................................................................................................................................... Annex 9 ................................................................................................................................................................... Annex 10................................................................................................................................................................. Annex 11................................................................................................................................................................. Annex 12................................................................................................................................................................. III. GRENADA................................................................................................................................................ 32 A. General....................................................................................................................................................... 41 B. Climate....................................................................................................................................................... 41 C. Water resources assessment.....................................................................................................................41 D. Water supply............................................................................................................................................. 41 E. Water allocation........................................................................................................................................ 42 F. Water quality.............................................................................................................................................. 42 G. Watershed management............................................................................................................................43 H. Environmental aspects.............................................................................................................................. 43 I. Sanitation..................................................................................................................................................... 43 J. Social dimensions....................................................................................................................................... 44 K. Economic instrument................................................................................................................................ 44 L. Regulatory instruments.............................................................................................................................44 M. Information management and exchange................................................................................................ 44 N. Institutional Framework............................................................................................................................45 O. Water resources management functions................................................................................................46 P. Capacity of institutions to implement IWRM......................................................................................... 49 Annex 12 Annex 13 Annex 14 Annex 15 Annex 16 Annex 17 Annex 18 Annex 19 IV. RECOMMENDATIONS, CHALLENGES AND THE WAY FORWARD........................................55 A. Challenges..................................................................................................................................................... B. Recommendations..................................................................................................................................... 63 C. Institutional framework.............................................................................................................................63 D. The water resources organization............................................................................................................64 E. The water supply and wastewater services organization.......................................................................64 F. Key Water Stakeholder Organizations.....................................................................................................65 G. The Way Forward..................................................................................................................................... 66 Annex 20(a)............................................................................................................................................................ Annex 2 0 (b )......................................................................................................................................................... References...........................................................................................................................................................71 iv Executive Summary The Caribbean islands A ntigua and Barbuda, D om inica and G renada are Small Island D eveloping States (SIDS) each w ith populations less than 100,000 persons. The m ost im portant factor in the developm ent o f the econom ies o f A ntigua and Barbuda, and G renada is tourism, w hereas for D om inica it is agriculture. Each o f these islands enjoys a tropical marine climate w ith little seasonal variation. Annual rainfall for A ntigua and Barbuda varies from 750 to 1,400 mm and for G renada from 1,500 to 5,000 mm w hereas average annual rainfall for D om inica ranges from 1270 mm to 7620 mm. Annual tem peratures for these islands vary betw een 20° C and 34° C. U nlike D om inica and Grenada, the annual average evapotranspiration rate in A ntigua and Barbuda is higher than the annual average rainfall. In the three islands, the organizations responsible for the provision o f a potable w ater supply, nam ely the W ater D ivision o f the A ntigua Public U tilities Authority, the D om inican W ater and Sewerage Company and the National W ater and Sewerage Authority o f Grenada, are also responsible for w ater resources management. However, the focus on w ater resources is minimal. W ater resources/hydrological m onitoring is inadequate and the data collected do not allow w ater availability to be assessed. W ater sources in A ntigua and B arbuda and G renada are surface water, groundwater, rainw ater harvesting and desalinated water, w hereas in D om inica the w ater source is from surface water. The w ater allocation mechanism for each o f the islands is based on m eeting w ater requirem ents o f the various users and availability, otherwise know n as a supply m anagem ent approach. D om estic supply is a priority for each o f the islands but tourism is also a priority for A ntigua and Barbuda, and Grenada. In each o f the islands, the W orld H ealth Organization (W HO) guidelines are used as the standards for w ater quality and the M inistry o f H ealth m onitors the potable w ater quality w hich generally meets the required standards. In each o f the three islands, a departm ent/division o f the M inistry o f A griculture is responsible for watershed m anagem ent which, in general, is not undertaken effectively and appears to be alm ost non­ existent in A ntigua and Barbuda. There is w ater abstraction licensing in A ntigua and Barbuda, and Dominica. W ith respect to Grenada, legislation supports w ater licensing but there are no regulations and licensing o f w ater abstraction has not been established. Environm ental im pact assessm ents are requirem ents o f the planning process in D om inica and G renada but they are not m andatory in A ntigua and Barbuda. The latter is certainly a deficiency to supporting sustainable management. However, recently in Antigua, an Environm ental M anagem ent Protection Bill and an Environm ental H ealth Bill w ere drafted. W astew ater disposal in the islands o f A ntigua and Barbuda, D om inica and G renada is m ainly by septic systems and soak ways. However, in Dominica, there are three centralized sewerage systems - one serving 2,700 households in Roseau and tw o smaller sewerage systems in Canefield and Jimmit. Only at the Roseau system is basic material and sludge removed. In Grenada, there is one centralized sewerage system in the south o f the island w hich has no treatm ent before disposal at sea. H owever, in A ntigua and Barbuda, there is no centralized v sewerage system, although the Public U tilities Authority has powers to establish, operate and maintain a sewerage system. W ater is a social good, it has an econom ic value and it m ust be m anaged for sustainability. In A ntigua and Barbuda, the cost o f potable w ater to consumers indicates that the w ater supply is highly subsidized and poor areas in A ntigua and Barbuda have access to free supplies o f potable w ater through public standpipes. In Dominica, the latter is similar for the poor sector. The cost o f w ater supply and sewerage services is a function o f affordability to pay and not o f econom ic value. A m etering system for all consumers in D om inica w as introduced as a deliberate conservation policy and a means o f reducing wastage. Similarly, in G renada m etering has resulted in im proved efficiency o f domestic w ater use, and acceptance to pay for w ater used. In Grenada, standpipes w ere removed to ensure each household is connected to the potable w ater supply system in areas w here m etering was introduced. An easy paym ent plan was also introduced to facilitate household connections. In A ntigua and Barbuda because there is no centralized sewerage system, the tariff structure is only for water. For domestic purposes, the rates rise w ith an increase in consum ption and therefore support efficiency o f use and conservation. In D om inica and Grenada, the tariff structure is a system to recover costs for both potable w ater supply and sewerage services. In Dominica, the structure is not designed to reflect the econom ic value o f w ater nor the need to encourage conservation. In Grenada, the tariff structure should be designed for full cost recovery according to the National W ater and Sewerage Authority (NAW ASA) A ct 1990, but this is not the case. W ater resources data and inform ation are neither com prehensive nor sufficient to support effective decision-m aking for sustainable w ater resources m anagem ent in any o f the three islands. There is also no mechanism for the dissemination o f w ater resources data and inform ation w hich are only dissem inated on request. An effective institutional fram ework is fundamental to im plem ent policies and plans for successful integrated w ater resources management. Therefore, the structure, roles and responsibilities at the national, sectoral and com munity w atershed levels m ust be clearly defined and coordinated to effectively undertake the scope o f actions in the w ater sector. The responsibility o f the w ater sector m ust be shared w ith key stakeholder departments. Hence, a num ber o f sectoral policies and plans m ust be consistent w ith the National W ater R esources M anagem ent Policy. This w ater resources m anagem ent policy m ust also be in keeping with N ational D evelopm ent Plans. W ithin the context o f the specific functions and tasks inherent in Integrated W ater R esources M anagem ent (IW RM ), the present institutional fram ew ork o f the w ater sector is inadequate with respect to planning, m anagem ent and regulatory functions o f w ater resources. There is no specific IW RM policy, strategy and plan for the three islands. The w ater resources m anagem ent activities being undertaken are based on a sectoral approach. Coordination is absent and collaboration on w ater resources issues is minimal. A t present in Grenada, a N ational W ater Policy in w hich IW RM is an integral part is being drafted. D om inica also expects to start w ork on developm ent o f an IW RM policy before the end o f 2007. There is vi also no legislation on IW RM in the three islands and insufficient enforcem ent o f legislation w hich relates to w ater resources management. In the three countries, neither a w ater resources m aster plan nor a w ater allocation m echanism has been developed. W ater requirem ents o f the various sectors have also not been determ ined and in the absence o f an analysis o f w ater demand, dem and m anagem ent is not directly applied Conservation measures are minimal. In A ntigua and Barbuda, and Grenada, the tariff structure and the limited public education support conservation. In addition, the m etering program m e in Grenada also supports conservation but the 40 per cent w ater loss in the distribution system is a m ajor contributor to wastage. In Dominica, conservation measures seem almost non-existent. Inherent in the core IW RM functions are actions linked to other sectors that are necessary for sustainability o f use and developm ent o f this w ater resource and to support social and econom ic development. Effective IW RM m ust be undertaken in conjunction w ith effective land and landuse management, integrated w atershed management, drainage and coastal zone management. These necessary com plem entary functions should be undertaken in a form alized coordinated approach w ith stakeholder partnerships and collaboration from planning to im plem entation and supported by proper public education and awareness. In the three islands, w ater resources m anagem ent is the responsibility o f the potable w ater supply organizations but the core activities o f IW RM are not being undertaken because o f insufficient and com petent hum an resources. In addition, the key stakeholder organizations generally lack the capacity or skills and experience needed, hence the establishm ent o f IW RM w ould require additional capacity-building, training and recruitm ent o f appropriate staff. The core functions o f IW RM should not be placed in the organization responsible for potable w ater supply and sewerage services or any organization that is a user o f the resource, as this is conflicting and tantam ount to the m anager o f the resource being managed by a user o f the resource. Furtherm ore, in addition to the deficiencies in human resources capacity and capabilities and the lack o f financial resources, challenges w hich have led to IW RM not being im plem ented or advanced include: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Lack o f understanding o f IW RM; The location o f IW RM ; Lack o f vision for IW RM ; D evelopm ent o f an IW RM organizational structure; Im plem entation o f an effective governance structure; Lack o f skills and know ledge base required; Financing o f an IW RM organization. The w ay forward must, therefore, focus on how IW RM could be im plem ented in the islands. 1 Introduction This report presents an overview o f the w ater profile and the capacity o f national institutions to im plem ent Integrated W ater Resources M anagem ent (IW RM ) in three islands; A ntigua and Barbuda, D om inica and G renada. The m ethodology included the developm ent of a questionnaire that was forwarded to the w ater organizations in the three islands and in the case of Grenada, to the Landuse D ivision o f the M inistry o f A griculture as well. The questionnaire addressed the following: • • • • • • • • W ater resources assessment; Enabling environment; Baseline on dem and and supply; Institution; Social change instruments; Econom ic instruments; Regulatory instruments; Inform ation m anagem ent and exchange. Additional inform ation was obtained through face-to-face interview s and meetings with representatives of key IW RM governm ent stakeholders in D om inica and G renada as well as the telephone interviews w ith m ajor stakeholder representatives in each o f the islands. Further inform ation w as obtained through a review o f the relevant literature. A. IW R M The Global W ater Partnership (GW P) defines IW RM as “a process w hich prom otes the coordinated developm ent and m anagem ent of water, land and related resources in order to maxim ize the resultant econom ic and social w elfare in an equitable m anner w ithout com prom ising the sustainability o f vital ecosystem .” (GWP, 2006). B. W a te r m a n ag em e n t prin cip les Four w ater m anagem ent principles developed in Dublin, Ireland,(UNCED - R io de Janeiro 1992) play a m ajor part in w ater sector reform: Principle 1 Freshw ater is a finite and vulnerable resource, essential to sustain life, developm ent and the environment. Principle 2 W ater developm ent and m anagem ent should be based on a participatory approach involving users, planners and policy makers at all levels. 2 Principle 3 W om en play a central role in the provision, m anagem ent and safeguarding o f water. Principle 4 W ater has an econom ic value in all its com peting uses and should be recognized as an econom ic good as well as a social good. C. IW R M ch an g e areas W hen considering the m ethod o f m anaging water, the enabling environment, the institutional fram ework and the m anagem ent instrum ents that com prise 13 IW RM change areas should be considered. The 13 key IW RM areas(Catalyzing Change,2004) are as follows: The enabling environm ent 1. 2. 3. Policies; Legislative fram ework; Financing and incentives structures; Institutional policies 4. 5. Creating an organizational framework; Institutional capacity-building; M anagem ent instrum ents 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. D. W ater resources assessment; Plans for IW RM ; D em and management; Social change instruments; Conflict resolution; Regulatory instruments; Econom ic instruments; Inform ation m anagem ent and exchange S tru c tu re o f th e re p o rt The report was structured so that the w ater profile generally provides an overview o f the IW RM change areas. Capacity o f national institutions is one aspect o f the institutional roles and an assessm ent o f the capacity o f governmental institutions w ith functions related to w ater management, at present, w ere undertaken. An overview o f the w ater profile and capacity o f national institutions in each o f the islands was treated separately followed by recom mendations, challenges and the way forward for the three islands. 3 I. ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA A. G e n e ra l The islands of A ntigua and Barbuda are located in the eastern part of the Leew ard Islands betw een Guadeloupe and St M aarten. A ntigua lies at Latitude 17° 10' N and 61° 55' W w hile the island o f B arbuda is at 17° 35' N and 61° 48' W w hich is approxim ately 45 km north o f Antigua. A ntigua is a small island developing State o f 280 km 2 in area, characterized by relatively flat topography w hile Barbuda is 160 km2. A ntigua has a population o f approxim ately 69,000 people w ith the largest population concentrations being on the coast w hereas Barbuda has a population o f approxim ately 1,200 persons. A ntigua is prone to drought therefore there is a reliance on desalinated w ater because of a shortage of freshw ater for potable w ater supply. Tourism is the m ost im portant factor in the developm ent o f the economy of A ntigua and Barbuda and accounts for approxim ately 60 per cent of the gross domestic product (GDP). B. C lim ate A ntigua and B arbuda experience a tropical maritim e climate w ith little variation in daily or seasonal temperatures. The annual rainfall for A ntigua ranges from 890 to 1400 mm, one o f the low est in the Caribbean w ith an average annual rainfall o f 1040 mm. Barbuda is drier and has an annual average rainfall betw een 750 and 950 mm. In Antigua, the w et season is usually from June to O ctober and the dry season is from N ovem ber to May. The average tem perature ranges from 24° Celsius in Decem ber/January to 29° Celsius in August/September. The average relative humidity is 82 per cent. Evapotranspiration rates are high and the annual average is higher than the annualaverage rainfall. C. W a te r reso u rces assessm ent The W ater D ivision o f the A ntigua Public Utilities Authority undertakes w ater resources m onitoring to support its operations for potable w ater supply but minimal historical hydrological data are available for planning. For groundw ater monitoring, approxim ately 50 wells are visited monthly to check the pum ping levels, extraction rates, take samples for w ater quality analysis and m onitor saltwater intrusion. However, for surface w ater monitoring, w ater levels in the reservoirs and surface runoff are checked. The w ater sources used for w ater supply are surface water, groundwater, harvested rainw ater and desalinated water. N o perm anent rivers exist in Antigua. All m ajor streams are interm ittent or ephemeral and yield very small quantities of fresh w ater for a few months after heavy rainfalls. All the m ajor catchments are dam med at several points to retain streamflow. G roundw ater is obtained from a num ber of w ells drilled to depths betw een 24 and 30 m. However, sea w ater is being used increasingly through desalination to provide w ater for domestic and agricultural use. In Barbuda, the prim ary source of freshw ater is shallow aquifers in the Palm etto Point area(Cooper, Brian and Bowen, Vincent,2001). G roundw ater in other areas o f B arbuda is saline and unsuitable even for agriculture. 4 D. W a te r supply In Antigua, the W ater D ivision o f the A ntigua Public U tilities Authority (APUA) is responsible for the transm ission, distribution and supply o f potable water. The pipe network is old dating back to the 1960s and 1970s and the A PU A is in the process o f replacing the old asbestos and cast iron pipes with PVC pipes throughout the island. This pipeline replacem ent program m e is approxim ately 65 per cent com pleted and the pipe netw ork is m apped in AUTOCAD. A ntigua has 10 small surface w ater reservoirs but only three are im portant in m eeting agricultural and m unicipal needs. D uring the dry season, the surface w ater is significantly reduced such that during droughts the reservoirs becom e dry. A pproxim ately one third o f the public w ater supply is obtained from surface w ater storage and groundw ater aquifers. D esalination is a necessary means o f obtaining potable w ater for w ater supply in Antigua. W ater for desalination is taken from wells on the coast therefore the w ells are m onitored for saltwater intrusion. There are three w ater treatm ent plants on the island and the quality o f potable w ater supplied exceeds W orld H ealth O rganization (W HO) guidelines. In addition to the potable w ater supply provided by the w ater division, household w ater demands are supplem ented by w ater stored in cisterns. The tourism sector meets their w ater requirem ents by producing their own w ater through the construction o f reverse osmosis desalination plants. However, the agricultural sector supplem ents its w ater needs by constructing dams, and utilizing rainw ater harvesting. Inform ation from the w ater division states that 5.35 im perial million gallons per day (imgd) o f potable w ater is produced, o f w hich the surface w ater contribution is 0.45 imgd, groundw ater is 1.00 imgd and desalination w ater produced is 4.0 imgd. The total w ater demand for the various sectors is estim ated at 6.75 im gd and the percentage w ater requirem ents o f each sector are: domestic - 42 per cent; agriculture - 0.1 per cent; tourism (hotels) and industrial - 21 per cent; cruise ships - 1.0 per cent; governm ent - 35 per cent; and other - 0.9 per cent. W ater scheduling is not a norm, and only during periods o f drought is a schedule for w ater supply developed. Leakage in the potable w ater supply system is estim ated betw een 35 to 40 per cent but there is no leakage reduction program m e at present. However, the entire system is metered. E. W a te r allocation The w ater departm ent o f the A PU A has exclusive rights to supply, distribute, maintain and sell w ater but there is no w ater allocation mechanism. The m ethod applied is to attempt to m eet the w ater requirem ents o f the various sectors, w ith tourism and domestic consumers being given priority. In addition, the D evelopm ent Control A uthority requires that new domestic buildings include in their construction plans perm anent w ater storage facilities according to roof area. There are no reliable estimates o f this stored rainw ater but it is believed that it contributes approxim ately 20 per cent o f the domestic w ater supply. There is no w ater quality testing or standards for the rainwater. 5 F. W a te r q u ality The W HO guidelines are used as the standards for w ater quality and in general the w ater quality in A ntigua meets these guidelines and is m onitored by the Central H ealth Board o f the M inistry o f Health. The w ater quality param eters m onitored by the w ater division are turbidity, pH, colour, total dissolved solids (TDS), alkalinity, calcium hardness, manganese, iron, phosphate, chlorine residual, total and faecal coliforms. Two operational surface w ater treatm ent plants, w hich w ork effectively, exist w ith the usual treatm ent processes for chlorination, sedimentation, turbidity, and pH. However, groundw ater treatm ent is only chlorination. The M inistry o f H ealth is responsible for m onitoring w ater quality throughout the island. G. W a te rsh e d m an ag em en t Integrated w atershed m anagem ent is not practised and this has led to serious degradation in the w atersheds and negative im pacts on the w ater resources in term s o f w ater quality. D ischarge permits have not been established. Also, drainage and flood control actions have been minimal. For example, w ater in the Potw orks reservoir, a m ajor source o f w ater supply, is polluted because o f contam inated runoff from point and non-point sources particularly as a result o f agricultural activities and siltation. The w ater quality o f small streams in the St John’s area is affected by effluent from septic systems w hile in the w atersheds to the north, there are elevated faecal coliform levels caused by grazing animals. The Forestry D ivision o f the M inistry o f A griculture is the organization with responsibility for m anagem ent o f the upper w atershed areas. Since 1990, a D raft Forestry Act was prepared, and, to date, it has not been approved. As a consequence, deforestation is a m ajor issue in Antigua. Com pounding the problem s in the w atersheds is the fact that A ntigua has no physical developm ent plan to guide landuse decisions w hich has led to poor landuse practices. Zoning o f land for protection is also not undertaken because there are no zoning laws. However, a multisectoral and m ultidisciplinary com m ittee w as established in the M inistry o f A griculture to develop a landuse plan. This com m ittee is headed by the junior M inister for A griculture and w ork on a plan is expected to start before the end o f 2007. H. E n v iro n m e n ta l aspects There is a National Environm ental Strategy but it is not supported by environmental legislation. Recently, an Environm ental M anagem ent Protection Bill and an Environmental H ealth Bill w ere drafted. To date, Environm ental Im pact A ssessm ents (EIAs) are not m andatory requirem ents o f the planning process for projects. This is certainly a deficiency to supporting sustainable m anagem ent o f the environm ent and its w ater resources. O ver the years, several m ajor w etlands have been rem oved through tourism -based development. I. S an itatio n U nder the Public U tilities A ct 1973, the Public U tilities Authority has powers to establish, operate and m aintain a sewerage system yet there is no centralized system for the collection, treatm ent and disposal o f sewage. W astew ater disposal is by septic tanks and pit 6 latrines. W ithin the vicinity o f St John’s, the w ater quality o f small streams is negatively im pacted by effluent from overloaded septic systems. M anagem ent o f sewage and other liquid w astes is a critical problem and there is serious need to replace the septic tank systems by proper sewerage systems. M ost o f the larger hotels have their own sewage treatm ent plants but another potential hazard is the disposal o f bio-solid w aste from package plants and domestic septic tanks. The M inistry of H ealth has responsibility for m onitoring septic tanks. W ith respect to solid waste, the N ational Solid W aste M anagem ent Authority is responsible for the m anagem ent and control o f its disposal. In Antigua, all solid w aste is disposed of at a single m anaged disposal site at Cooks. All other dumps around the island have been closed. There are, however, no appropriate provisions for handling toxic chem icals and biologically hazardous waste. J. Social dim ensions W ater is a social good, it has an econom ic value and it m ust be m anaged for sustainability. The difference betw een the w ater production costs and the cost to consumers for potable w ater shows that the w ater supply is highly subsidized by the government. The rural areas in A ntigua have access to free potable w ater from public standpipes. W ith respect to housing developments, developers are responsible for installing the necessary infrastructure that will ensure that w ater can be provided to all o f the potential residents. The efficient use of w ater and w ater conservation by domestic consumers are facilitated by the m etering of consum ers together with the tariff rates w hereby rates increase w ith increase in consumption. K. E conom ic in stru m en ts The w ater tariff structure for A ntigua is used to recover the costs of supplying w ater to consumers. In the tariff structure, w ater users in A ntigua are categorized as domestic, government, commercial and industrial, and agriculture. The tariff structure established for potable w ater is as follows: Government: EC$ 21.00 per 1000 gallons; Domestic: EC$ 21.00 per 1000 gallons for the first 4000 gallons; and EC$50.00 per 1000 gallons thereafter. Commercial and industrial: EC$ 50.00 per 1000 gallons throughout; Agriculture: EC$ 25.00 per 1000 gallons for potable water; EC$ 7.00 per 1,000 gallons for untreated w ater W ith respect to agricultural users, the tariff structure supports the use of untreated w ater once it is appropriate. There is also a royalty charge for use of saltwater and brackish w ater in desalination. However, there is no w ater licensing system established. 7 If all revenue w ere collected, the w ater departm ent w ould be in a much better financial position but domestic consumers do not always pay for their w ater supply. In addition, leakage is approxim ately 40 per cent. L. R eg u lato ry in stru m en ts In Antigua, regulatory m easures for w ater resources m anagem ent are minimal and no w ater allocation mechanism has been developed. However, the w ater requirem ents o f the tourist industry and domestic consumers are given priority. W ater abstraction licensing for wells and pricing for abstraction o f w ater w ere approved by Cabinet but the latter has not been im plem ented. W ith respect to w ater supply, w ater quality m ust m eet W H O guidelines and it is m onitored through w ater quality audits by the Central H ealth B oard o f the M inistry o f Health. There are no discharge permits. M. In fo rm a tio n m a n ag em e n t a n d exchange There is lim ited IW RM data and inform ation and the absence o f a com prehensive database and inform ation system to facilitate effective decision-m aking for sustainable w ater management. There is also no systematic m ethod o f w ater resources data/inform ation dissem ination which, if available are dissem inated on request. W ith respect to public education, lectures are delivered in schools and advertisements on conservation are carried on the television. N. K ey issues o f IW R M Previously, stakeholders identified the key issues to be addressed for IW RM in A ntigua (Crichlow, 2006 IW RM w orkshop- Antigua) to include: • • • • • • • • • O. A lack o f political will and commitment; The need for an IW RM policy; The need for stakeholder participation; Lack o f integrated w atershed management; The need for a w ater resources agency separate from the w ater department; The need for effective landuse control; Deforestation; Inadequate w ater storage; Inadequate public education. In stitu tio n a l fra m e w o rk An effective institutional fram ework is fundamental to im plem entation o f the policies and plans for successful IW RM . The nature o f w ater dictates that it m ust be operational at the national, sectoral and community w atershed levels. Therefore, the structure, roles, responsibilities and scope o f actions at each level m ust be clearly defined and coordinated to facilitate functionality o f the various components. 8 Since w ater is the inextricable link in the environm ent and alm ost everything depends on water, the responsibility o f the w ater sector m ust be shared w ith other key stakeholder departments. H ence a num ber o f sectoral policies and plans m ust be consistent w ith the National W ater Resources M anagem ent Policy. The M inistry o f Public U tilities has responsibility for the APUA, a statutory body consisting o f electricity, w ater and telephone divisions, w hich w as set up under the Public U tilities A ct in 1973. U nder this 1973 Act, the W ater D ivision was given control over all w ater resources in the country and exclusive right to supply, distribute, m aintain and sell water. The institutional and legal fram ework necessary for effective IW RM does not exist in A ntigua and Barbuda. There is no IW RM policy, legislation and no IW RM strategy and plan. However, some aspects o f w ater m anagem ent are being undertaken by various sectors as part o f the organizations’ responsibilities. There is no coordination mechanism and m ost o f the existing legislation is outdated and/or not enforced. Cooperation or collaboration is undertaken informally. In addition, given the num ber o f pieces o f legislation governing the m anagem ent o f w ater resources, there needs to be coherence in the laws. O ther organizations w ith responsibilities related to w ater m anagem ent include the M inistry o f A griculture, Lands and Fisheries - Forestry Division, Soil and W ater Conservation Unit, the Pesticide Control Board, the Lands D ivision and the Extension Division; the M inistry o f H ealth and Social Improvem ent; the National Solid W aste M anagem ent Authority (NSW M A); the D evelopm ent Control Authority; and the M inistry o f Planning, Im plem entation and Public Service Affairs. These organizations undertake functions that are critical to supporting m ajor deliverables o f IW RM such as w ater use efficiency, protection and conservation o f the w ater resource, optimization o f the resource and sustainable use and developm ent o f the resource. P. W a te r reso u rces m a n ag em e n t functions W ithin the context o f the specific functions or tasks inherent in IW RM , the present institutional fram ework o f the w ater sector is inadequate w ith respect to the planning, m anagem ent and regulatory functions. Some core IW RM functions or tasks that m ust be included for IW RM are: 1. Policy and strategy formulation Policy refers to the guiding principles for actions, w hereas strategy is the methodologies and plans o f actions to achieve objectives. As already stated, there is no IW RM Policy, Strategy and Plan for Antigua. The aspects o f w ater resources m anagem ent undertaken by stakeholders are based on a sectoral approach. Coordination is absent w hile collaboration is minimal and informal. 9 2. Legislation and enforcement This is the process to ensure that proper laws and regulations are established and com plied w ith as regards abstraction o f water, use o f water, prevention o f w ater pollution and use o f land. Effective legislation on IW RM is lacking and enforcem ent o f existing legislations which relate to w ater resources m anagem ent is inadequate. U nder the Public U tilities A ct 1973, the Public U tilities A uthority has responsibility to control, m anage and maintain, operate and supervise all w ater courses, and w aterw orks and provide so far as practicable an adequate supply o f w ater for use o f the public. However, the legislation needs updating and the many pieces o f legislation governing the m anagem ent o f w ater resources need to be harmonized. It is possible that IW RM could be a lot more advanced if the hum an resource capacity and skills were available. 3. Water resources assessment This refers to the continuous study o f w ater availability through monitoring, analysis and research and development. W ater resources assessm ent and m onitoring is a key com ponent o f sustainable w ater resources management. In Antigua, there is a lack o f readily available baseline data for planning and development. The W ater D ivision o f the Public U tilities A uthority measures w ater levels in all surface w ater reservoirs and groundw ater levels on a monthly basis but geared tow ards w ater supply projects and not tow ards reliable hydrological databases. The data collected is therefore inadequate for sustainable m anagem ent o f the lim ited vulnerable w ater resources. 4. Master planning and allocation o f water This involves determ ination o f the quantity o f w ater to be provided to each sector or stakeholder. In Antigua, neither a w ater resources m aster plan nor a w ater allocation mechanism was developed. It is clear that the w ater resources available are inadequate and therefore desalination is necessary to support w ater for all stakeholders/users. The w ater requirem ent for each sector has not been determined but the goal o f the W ater D epartm ent is to m eet the potable w ater requirem ents o f all stakeholders. 5. Water demand analysis This activity involves determ ining the w ater requirem ents o f the various sectors such as domestic, tourism, agriculture, commercial and industry. In Antigua, the w ater requirem ents o f the various sectors have not been determined. The total w ater demand was estim ated at 6.75 imgd. 10 6. Demand management This is the process of controlling the quantity of w ater abstracted by the various sectors and stakeholders and ensuring the m ost efficient use of this water. The tariff structure for A ntigua has been item ized on page 13. 7. Conservation This refers to the prudent use and preservation o f w ater resources. This activity comprises, i n t e r a l i a , the reduction o f dem and through efficiency o f use, the treatm ent and reuse of water, protection of the w ater resource through proper watershed m anagem ent and public education and awareness. In Antigua, w atershed m anagem ent is minimal and not undertaken in the integrated approach for protection of the w ater resources. W ith respect to the reduction of w ater demand, this is affected to some extent by the tariff structure, rainw ater harvesting and public education w hich is undertaken although not consistently. 8. Pricing o f water This is the process of determining an econom ic valuation of w ater taking into consideration its social and ecological value. There are prices that are charged to w ater abstractors and prices that are charged by the abstractors to the end-users of the water. In A ntigua and Barbuda, there are no charges for freshw ater abstraction for w ater supply as pricing for w ater abstraction was approved by Cabinet but it was not implemented. W ith respect to the use of saltwater and brackish w ater for desalination, a royalty charge is im plemented. The prices that are charged to the end users of the potable w ater supply differ for domestic, commercial and agricultural purposes. For domestic users, the cost increases w ith the use of greater quantities as indicated in the section on Econom ic Instruments. The W ater D epartm ent is of the opinion that if all revenue w as collected, this departm ent could be self sufficient. 9. Water resources development and distribution This consists of the activities involved in m aking w ater available for use by the various consumers through the process o f abstraction, storage, transm ission and distribution. Just as im portant is the proper m anagem ent of sewage collection, treatm ent and disposal. In A ntigua and Barbuda, the W ater D epartm ent undertakes the responsibility for transm ission and distribution of potable water. H ow ever it does not undertake any conveyance and disposal of sewage, and therefore provides no sewerage services. In fact there is no centralized sewerage system. Inherent in these core IW RM functions are actions linked to other sectors that are necessary for sustainability of use and developm ent of this w ater resource and to support social 11 and econom ic development. In addition, the very nature o f w ater resources dictates that effective integrated w ater resources m anagem ent must be undertaken in conjunction w ith effective land and landuse management, integrated w atershed management, drainage and coastal zone management. As small island developm ent States, coastal zone m anagem ent has an im portant role. Furtherm ore, effective integrated w ater resources m anagem ent is critical to the sustainable developm ent o f a country. Institutional arrangem ents for w ater resources m anagem ent m ust therefore include these necessary com plem entary functions that should be undertaken in a form alized coordinated approach w ith stakeholder partnerships and collaboration from the planning to im plem entation phases and supported by proper public education and awareness. Q. C ap ac ity o f in stitu tio n s to im p lem en t IW R M The functions com prising integrated w ater resources management, listed above, dem onstrate the scope o f actions to be undertaken and the need for some unit/departm ent to be dedicated to this objective. The fact that many o f the core activities for IW RM are not being undertaken and there has been no specialized developm ent o f the skills and experience needed means that institutional strengthening and training w ould be required. A num ber o f organizations (See annex 1) because o f their responsibilities have some role in the m anagem ent o f the w ater resources on the island. The W ater D epartm ent has prim ary responsibility for w ater resources m anagem ent but does not undertake it. There is no formalized coordinating m echanism or fram ework for organizational relationships in the sector and the process for stakeholder involvem ent is lim ited to projects or workshops/m eetings on specific issues. The W ater D ivision o f the Public U tilities Authority (See annex 2) has exclusive rights to supply, distribute, m aintain and sell w ater and to perform related services. The W ater D ivision also undertakes w ater resources m onitoring and assessm ent only to support its operations for w ater supply. The D ivision has a w ater manager, one operations and m aintenance engineer, a custom er service engineer with supporting staff for custom er service, a superintendent with responsibility for the Transmission and D istribution Departm ent, a superintendent with responsibility for services and technology, a chem ist in charge o f the laboratory and a hydrologist. Support staff is mainly technicians. H ow ever there are a few vacant positions. The W ater D ivision does not have excess capacity, skills or expertise for IWRM. The Public W orks D ivision o f the M inistry o f W orks and Transportation is headed by a D irector o f Public W orks and is responsible for road works and drainage. The core technical staff com prises four engineers w ith bachelor degrees in civil engineering. One o f w hich is a senior engineer because o f experience. In addition, the division has three contracted engineers from Cuba com prising one specialist in hydraulic engineering and tw o specialists in roads. The division does not have its full com plem ent o f staff and its core staff lacks specializations. Inform ation indicates that the D ivision is adequately funded to undertake its activities how ever the rem uneration packages o f its staff are inadequate and at present are being reviewed. One o f 12 the challenges o f the division is to retain staff because o f the inadequate salaries. As a result, expenditure on capacity-building is minimal. The D evelopm ent Control Authority is responsible for long term landuse planning and day-to-day developm ent control. However, long term landuse planning is negligible. The A uthority is understaffed. W ith respect to the technical hum an resource capacity, there is only one tow n planner and five building inspectors o f w hich one is a senior inspector. There were also tw o Geographic Inform ation Systems (GIS) trained m em bers o f staff but these were seconded to another departm ent because o f lack o f equipment. The Environm ental H ealth D epartm ent o f the M inistry o f H ealth is responsible for m onitoring the quality o f potable w ater and coastal w aters and among other things, enforcem ent o f environm ental sanitation regulations. Samples are taken on a w eekly basis from source and on a daily basis from the distribution system, and sent to the laboratory in the M inistry o f Agriculture. Recently, the D epartm ent w as staffed w ith 15 environm ental health officers including the chief environm ental health officer but this was not the full com plem ent o f technical staff in the organizational structure. N ow after a Voluntary Separation Program m e w hich was offered to public service officers in Antigua, three senior professionals left the department. The D epartm ent now has nine environm ental health officers. The D epartm ent is understaffed but historically it has been adequately funded by governm ent to undertake its functions. The laboratory in the M inistry o f A griculture is responsible for analyzing the quality o f w ater samples. The challenges in the laboratory appear to be inadequate funding and the need to expand the functionality o f the laboratory to undertake chemical and pesticide analyses. Technical staffing includes a chem ist and biochemist, w ho are well qualified, and supporting laboratory staff. The Forestry D epartm ent o f the M inistry o f A griculture is one o f the m ajor units with responsibility for w atershed management. The D epartm ent is understaffed and under-funded. A t present, the tw o senior professional positions, nam ely the chief forestry officer and the senior forestry officer, are vacant. O ther technical staff includes forestry assistants. The Soil and W ater D epartm ent o f the M inistry o f A griculture is responsible for soil and w ater m anagem ent focused on the agricultural sector. Previously the departm ent was staffed w ith a senior engineer and an engineer qualified in agricultural engineering. Both engineers have left the governm ent service and there is no resident engineer in the department. A Cuban national w ith a PhD degree has since been seconded from the Extension D ivision o f the M inistry o f A griculture to assist farmers w ith irrigation and soil conservation. The departm ent therefore has no staff at present. Inform ation reveals that w hen the division was staffed w ith the two engineers, projects w ere outsourced. The departm ent was also not adequately funded but the strategy was to create projects that w ould be funded by international organizations. It is clear that the Soil and W ater D epartm ent w ould have to be com pletely staffed to undertake its responsibility. Hence, there is no capacity or com petencies that can be obtained from this departm ent tow ards supporting IWRM. 13 The Environmental D ivision has responsibility for environmental management. Some of its prim ary responsibilities are: • • • • Coordination and focal point for im plem entation of multilateral conventions/agreements; Review of EIAs; Environm ental awareness and education; and Focus on the Organisation o f Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) environmental strategy. The Environmental D ivision is headed by a chief environmental officer supported by two senior environmental officers and three environmental officers. One of the positions of environm ental officer is vacant. The chief environm ental officer and tw o senior environmental officers are well qualified, each with bachelor degrees w ith tw o having masters degrees in environmental science and management, and the other having a masters degree in sustainable international development. One of the senior environmental officers is pursuing another masters in coastal engineering. The tw o environmental officers have bachelor degrees - one in geography and the other in ecology, w ith the latter pursuing a masters degree in natural resource and environmental management. These environmental officers are supported by one senior environm ent technician and tw o technicians. The three technicians have bachelor degrees and the senior environm ent technician also has a masters degree in environmental m anagem ent systems. In addition to the technical staff, there are four technical support and adm inistrative persons and tw o purely adm inistrative persons. The technical capacity of this D ivision appears quite strong although, inform ation from the D ivision suggests that there are areas such as chemical engineering and coastal zone m anagem ent w here capacity is lacking. W ith respect to capacity-building, persons are sent on training courses and workshops both regional and international. Persons are also encouraged to further their education and some financial assistance may be provided. Inform ation from the D ivision indicates that funding for the D ivision’s w ork is satisfactory. 1. Capacity-building Institutional capacity-building is undertaken through international and regional conferences/w orkshops and on-the-job training. However, capacity-building is lim ited in some divisions/departm ents by the lack of hum an resource capacity particularly at the professional level and in some cases support staff. Capacity-building at tim es is also lim ited by the organizational structure and inadequate funding. The latter may further im pact on the developm ent of skills, and productivity and effectiveness of staff, due to a lack of facilities such as equipment. In the past, the M inistry of Finance focused on the developm ent of projects for external funding as a w ay of overcom ing the financial challenges. However, this m eant the need for project developm ent skills, a com petency w hich will also be needed in IW RM particularly for sourcing funds. 14 Generally, the hum an resources capacity and expertise w ithin national institutions/organizations are inadequate to undertake all the functions o f IW RM effectively. This inadequacy has been further exacerbated by the exit o f some o f the more experienced and com petent persons with the voluntary separation package, w hich w as offered in 2007. It is therefore an opportunity to restructure units/divisions w hich w ere not as effective and productive to assist in advancing development. Adoption o f IW RM responsibilities w ould definitely mean additional capacity-building, training and recruitm ent o f appropriate staff. Since there is the need to create an organization/unit w ith responsibility for the core functions o f IW RM then there m ust be support from the political directorate for the establishm ent o f such an organization/unit through cabinet approval, legislation, financial resources, hum an resources and rationalization o f responsibilities among stakeholder organizations. 2. Technical capabilities A part from the adm inistrative and project developm ent and m anagem ent capacity required, the technical capability required for the w ater resources m anagem ent unit at the professional level includes: • • • • • • • • • W ater resources engineering and management; Surface w ater hydrology and management; Hydrology; Groundwater drilling and management; Flood management; W atershed management; Environm ental m anagem ent and w ater quality expertise; D atabase management; and GIS management. The mix o f technical capabilities w ould depend on the functions to achieve the objectives o f the initial structure and w ould inform the capacity-building needs. In Antigua, these skills and com petencies are either limited or not available except probably in the area o f environmental management. 15 Annex 1 O R G A N IZ A T IO N S AND R E S P O N S IB IL IT IE S (A n tig u a a n d B a rb u d a ) O RG ANIZATIO N R O LE S /R ES P O N SIB LITIE S • • • Exclusive rights to supply, distribute, maintain and sell w ater Perform related services U ndertakes w ater reso u rces monitoring and a ss e s sm e n t only to support its operations for w ater supply • Road works and drainage Development Control Authority • • Long term landuse planning Day-to-day control Environmental Health Department (Ministry of Health) • Monitoring the quality of potable w ater and coastal w aters Enforcem ent of environmental sanitation regulations Water Division (Public Utilities Authority) Public Works Division (Ministry of Works and Transportation) • Laboratory in Ministry of Agriculture • Analyzing the quality of w ater sam ples Forestry Department (Ministry of Agriculture) • W atershed m anagem ent Soil and Water Department (Ministry of Agriculture) • Soil and w ater m anagem ent focused on the agricultural sector • Coordination and implementation of multilateral conventions/agreem ents Review of EIAs Environmental aw aren ess and education Focus on the Organization of Eastern C aribbean S tates (OECS) environmental strategy Environm ental Division • • • Annex 2 ANTIGUA PUBLIC UTILITIES AUTHORITY Antigua Public Utilities Authority W1M H DJÏIMQN 17 II. DOMINICA A. G e n e ra l D om inica is a Caribbean island o f volcanic origin located at approxim ately 15°18'N, 61°23'W betw een the French islands o f Guadeloupe and M arie-G alante to the north and M artinique to the south. The total area o f the island is approxim ately 750 sq km and is 47 km long with a maxim um w idth o f 26 km. The country has high forested m ountains running north to south and broken in the centre by a plain drained by the Layou R iver w hich flows to the west. A t present, the population is estim ated at 72,000 persons. The economy is heavily dependent on agriculture, the main source o f food and income for m ost o f the population. B. C lim ate D om inica’s climate is classified as hum id tropical marine and is characterized by little seasonal or diurnal variation. The island has a dry season from January to June and a w et season from July to Decem ber. The average annual rainfall varies from approxim ately 300 inches at the central peaks to an average annual rainfall o f 50 inches along the central part o f the w est coast w hich is normally the driest area o f the island. Annual average tem perature values range from 21° C at the highest elevations to 27° C on the coast,and seasonal fluctuation is generally less than 2° C. C. W a te r reso u rces assessm ent H ydrological m onitoring o f w ater quantity and quality are not undertaken so that the w ater resources could be assessed over time. A t present, the D om inican W ater and Sewerage Company (DOW ASCO) collects river flow and undertakes raw w ater quality analyses at stations in the rivers only when considering the feasibility o f siting intakes for new w ater supply schemes. H ow ever analysis o f stream flow data is also required to assess areas that are prone to flooding. The raw w ater quality param eters m onitored are E .C o l i , pH, total suspended solids and nitrates. Groundwater is not explored and there is no groundw ater data. A t present, the surface w ater resources are adequate to m eet the present w ater requirements. The lack o f hydrological m onitoring and w ater resources assessm ent means that the long-term yields o f the rivers are not determ ined and there is inadequate data and inform ation to inform long-term w ater resources planning and management. However, the D OW ASCO has indicated a com m itm ent to the preparation o f a national m aster plan for the m anagem ent o f w ater resources w hich will include plans for w ater resources assessment. D. W a te r supply D om inica has abundant w ater resources through its num erous rivers and streams and this has m inim ized the need to explore groundw ater sources. Surface w ater is the only source o f w ater used by D OW ASCO for potable w ater supply and dams are built on rivers to store w ater for abstraction. H ow ever rainw ater harvesting is practiced by individual households and institutions in remote areas. Some groundw ater is utilized for commercial purposes in w ater 18 bottling from spring water. Out of the total potable w ater produced by D OW ASCO , 3.24 imgd is supplied for public w ater supply, 2.5 im perial million gallons per m onth for w ater supply to cruise ships and 6.0 imgd fore as bulk water. The estim ated leakage or unaccounted for w ater is 20 per cent(DOW ASCO, 2007). It m ust be noted that w ater released to the distribution system is not being m easured and not all custom ers are metered. For potable w ater supply, the surface w ater is treated by chlorination. D uring the season, flows in the rivers and streams are substantially reduced sometimes as much as 30 cent of average flows in the w et season, w hile the turbidity increases significantly during heavy rains. The w ater supply is generally more than adequate to satisfy the user demands during the dry season, the flow is not sufficient for areas o f high elevation. dry per the but The W ater and Sewerage A ct 1991 o f D om inica gives D OW ASCO responsibility for the supply o f potable w ater in the country. U sers supplied with potable w ater are domestic, tourism, commercial, industrial, agriculture and bulk w ater export. Potable w ater supplies for domestic, commercial and industrial users are given priority. However, agriculture on a commercial scale utilizes a substantial volum e of w ater that is abstracted directly from rivers and streams but there are no records of the quantity o f w ater used. In addition, individuals and com munities living adjacent to rivers and streams abstract w ater directly for various uses. There are also a few industries that utilize w ater from adjacent w ater courses for various processing activities. A ccording to law, a licence is required to abstract w ater but this is not always enforced. In the odd community that is not served by a potable w ater system, the cistern system for collection and storage of w ater is used on an individual basis. D OW ASCO supplies approxim ately 80 per cent o f the total population on a 24 hours seven days, (24/7) per w eek basis through connections to its w ater supply system and its existing standpipes, that serve com munities w ith populations in excess of 200 persons. A num ber of small com munities that are not served by D OW ASCO are serviced through small w ater supply systems built by non-governm ental organizations. The main users o f w ater are D OW ASCO for supplying potable w ater and the D om inica Electricity Services (DOM LEC) for hydropow er generation. On average more than 6 imperial million gallons per day of w ater is abstracted from surface sources for hydropow er generation. E. W a te r allocation In addition to the provision o f potable w ater and sewerage services, D OW ASCO has statutory responsibility for m anaging the w ater resources in the country. As a consequence, D OW ASCO was granted an exclusive licence to abstract and utilize the w ater resources of the country for 25 years by the M inister of Com m unication and W orks in 1989. D OW ASCO allocates potable w ater to the various users based on requirem ents but has a licensing system in place for users that w ish to abstract w ater from the surface sources directly and distribute the water. W ith respect to agriculture, D OW ASCO has no obligation to provide w ater for irrigation. Recently, the Banana Trust was given responsibility for the m anagem ent o f irrigation for bananas. 19 F. W a te r q u ality The W HO guidelines are used as the standard for w ater quality. The w ater quality param eters m onitored for potable w ater are pH, total suspended solids (TSS), E-Coli and nitrates. H ow ever chlorination is the only form o f w ater treatment. D OW ASCO operates its own laboratory for testing o f w ater quality whereas the Environm ental H ealth U nit o f the M inistry o f H ealth has responsibility for auditing the health and sanitation practices in the country. This U nit audits the potable w ater quality but its programm e o f m onitoring is not consistent and therefore not as effective as it should be. W ater related diseases are how ever rare in D om inica and the w ater quality generally meets W HO guideline standards. In addition, DOW ASCO undertakes w ater quality analysis once per m onth in m ajor rivers. G. W a te rs h e d m an ag em en t D om inica has an operational protected areas system, consisting mainly o f national parks and forest reserves, that is supported by the N ational Parks and Protected Areas A ct o f 1975. The main objective o f this A ct is w atershed protection, soil erosion control and preservation o f biodiversity. Only a small num ber o f catchm ents used for w ater supply are contained w holly or partially w ithin these protected areas among w hich is the w ater catchm ents area providing w ater for hydro-electricity generators. Some landuse m anagem ent is undertaken by the D epartm ent o f Physical Planning based on a landuse policy although there is no landuse legislation. However, a num ber o f existing policies and regulations im pact w atershed management. N otw ithstanding this, there are a num ber o f conflicts w ith respect to landuse due to a lack o f enforcem ent (Drigo, Anthony. 2001). For example, agricultural activities w hich may negatively im pact the w ater supply are allowed to continue even w here the Stewart Hall Catchm ent rules prohibit this. In Dominica, inappropriate disposal o f solid w aste and effluent from commercial and industrial enterprises together with poor land m anagem ent and agricultural practices pose great negative im pacts in the w atersheds and the coastal area. D ata collection for proper w atershed m anagem ent particularly in areas such as level o f erosion, deforestation, marine environm ent and the status o f the coast needs to be improved. Though D om inica may have a Natural D isaster Preparedness Plan, w hich pays particular attention to hurricanes, the damage that can be caused to the w atersheds may im pact the hydrological cycle. Recently Hurricane D ean caused some damage in D om inica when it passed in A ugust 2007. This leads to the issues o f global w arm ing and climate change that can have potential negative im pacts on the watersheds, coastal areas, and w ater supply particularly as a small island, and therefore m ust be addressed. H. E n v iro n m e n ta l aspects EIAs undertaken as part o f the evaluation o f new projects and serve as a method o f environm ental protection. However, sedim entation is a result o f soil erosion and unregulated 20 quarry operations. land management. The soil erosion, though, is a result of bad agricultural practices and poor However, negative environmental im pacts arise because there are a num ber o f threats to the m anagem ent o f w atersheds and ecosystems, some o f w hich are: • • • • • Lim ited data on stream flows and therefore insufficient inform ation to support effective decision-m aking and appropriate planning and management; Lack o f a coordinated approach am ong the m ultisectors and m ultidisciplines in the m anagem ent of the resources; Lack o f a suitable mechanism for effective landuse management; Lack o f public education and understanding o f the role o f integrated w atershed m anagem ent in ecological integrity; Lack o f financial and human capital to effectively m anage and m onitor the resources. Furtherm ore, there is a lack of enforcem ent of legislation and a need for effective environmental auditing. I. S an itatio n D OW ASCO is the organization responsible for conveyance, treatm ent and disposal o f sewage and all sewerage services. In Dominica, there is one centralized sewerage system in the capital Roseau that serves 2,700 households and tw o sm aller sewerage systems serving the areas o f Canefield and Jimmit. Sewage is collected and disposed o f at sea w ith some basic treatm ent consisting o f the removal o f material and sludge in the system at Roseau, w hereas at Canefield and Jim m it the sewage is collected and disposed of at sea w ith no treatment. The m ost common form o f sanitation in other areas o f D om inica is by septic tank and soak ways. The organizations in sanitation m anagem ent in D om inica are DOW ASCO, the M inistry o f Health, and the local authorities. D OW ASCO is responsible for operating and m aintaining the sewerage systems whereas the M inistry of H ealth and the local authorities are responsible for granting permission for onsite sanitation systems such as septic tanks for individual houses and institutions. The Solid W aste M anagem ent Corporation is responsible for solid w aste m anagem ent and was form ed in 1999 as part o f an OECS project funded by the W orld Bank. A new landfill was built w ithin the last tw o years at a cost o f EC$ 10 million. Solid w aste m anagem ent is taken seriously in D om inica and there are cost recovery measures to support its activities. In Dominica, there is 100 per cent coverage o f the population w ith respect to garbage collection. W ith respect to w aste that goes to the landfill, 50 to 60 per cent is organic and this is supported by public education program m es for w aste reduction and recycling. A t the landfill, w astew ater is treated and then pum ped back to the landfill. R ecycling of used and dam aged batteries is undertaken through export to an automotive company in Trinidad, as lead contam ination is a m ajor concern. A nother initiative is the collection of old and derelict vehicles that are com pacted and sent to France for use as raw material. 21 J. Social dimensions Clearly, w ater is a social good. As such, w ater m ust be m anaged for sustainable use and development. In view o f this, a m etering system for all consumers w as introduced as a deliberate conservation policy and a means o f reducing w astage o f water. W ith respect to the tariff structure (Annex 3) for w ater supply and sewerage, the rates w ere designed more as a function o f affordability to pay and not to reflect the econom ic value. The poor sector o f the com munity has access to public standpipes and do not pay for w ater collected from standpipes. The governm ent pays for w ater from standpipes. However, individuals or com panies can obtain a licence to abstract w ater to sell as bulk w ater for export or as bottled water. K. E conom ic in stru m en ts The tariff structure (see attached annex 3) is a system used to recover costs for both potable w ater supply and sewerage services. M any tim es it is also used as a tool for conservation. H owever, design o f the w ater and sewerage tariff structure for D om inica w as not based on any scientific m ethod nor to reflect the econom ic value o f w ater nor the need to encourage conservation. The rates do not recover the operating and maintenance costs for all the small w ater systems on the island and the rates remain constant and do not escalate w ith increase in w ater quantity used. L. R eg u lato ry in stru m en ts The regulatory instrum ents in place for w ater are w ater licensing for w ater abstraction, w ater abstraction at intakes are not to exceed 40 per cent o f available w ater at river intakes, and potable w ater quality m ust m eet W ord H ealth Organization (W HO) guidelines. W ith respect to w ater allocation, there is no specific mechanism but to m eet the user requirem ents based on availability o f water. M. In fo rm a tio n m a n ag em e n t a n d exchange Public education is through the mass m edia but is not consistent and not based on a structured programme. W ith respect to w ater resources inform ation, data collected on rainfall and stream flows are not continuous and m ainly geared to establishing intakes for w ater supply. Inform ation on w ater resources is therefore not com prehensive and sufficient to support effective decision-making. A geographical inform ation system database for w ater m anagem ent also does not exist although there exists an operational geographic inform ation system in the Physical Planning Division. D ata and inform ation are only dissem inated on request. There is need for an integrated inform ation system database N. In stitu tio n a l fra m e w o rk An effective institutional fram ework is fundamental to im plem ent the policies and plans for successful integrated w ater resources management. The nature o f w ater dictates that it must 22 be operational at the national, sectoral and com munity w atershed levels. Therefore, the structure, roles and responsibilities at each level m ust be clearly defined and coordinated to facilitate functionality of the various com ponents com prising the scope of actions to be undertaken in the w ater sector. Since w ater is the inextricable link in the environm ent and alm ost everything depends on it, the responsibility o f the w ater sector m ust be shared w ith other key stakeholder departments. H ence a num ber of sectoral policies and plans m ust be consistent w ith the National W ater Resources M anagem ent Policy. In Dominica, D OW ASCO has responsibility for monitoring, assessing and m anaging the w ater resources in the country. However, the institutional and legal fram ew ork necessary for effective IW RM does not exist in Dominica. There is no IW RM policy, no IW RM legislation and no IW RM strategy and plan. A t present some aspects of w ater m anagem ent are being undertaken but in a fragmented uncoordinated manner. In addition to its statutory m andate for w ater resources management, D OW ASCO by the W ater and Sewerage A ct has responsibility to supply w ater and to collect and dispose o f waste. D OW ASCO how ever operates only as a service provider o f potable w ater and w astew ater services. Any w ater resources m onitoring undertaken by D OW ASCO is in relation to the provision of a potable w ater supply. O ther organizations w ith some responsibilities related to w ater m anagem ent include the M inistry o f Health; the M inistry of A griculture - Forestry and W ildlife Division, Lands and Surveys, and Pesticide Control Board; the M inistry o f Finance and Econom ic D evelopm ent Physical Planning D ivision and D evelopm ent and Planning Corporation; the M inistry of Comm unity D evelopm ent and G ender Affairs - Cultural Division, Local Governm ent and Comm unity Division; the Solid W aste M anagem ent A uthority and non-governmental organizations. The responsibilities of these organizations are seen in Annex 4. Effective cooperation and collaboration as required by IW RM is not the approach but there is some informal cooperation and collaboration among organizations on a case-by-case basis. There is no coordinating organization or mechanism to deal w ith IW RM . Operations in IW RM are fragm ented and sectoral, resulting sometimes in overlap and duplication of responsibility. O. W a te r reso u rces m a n ag em e n t functions W ithin the context of the specific functions or tasks inherent in IW RM , the present institutional fram ework of the w ater sector is inadequate w ith respect to the planning, m anagem ent and regulatory functions o f w ater resources. 23 Some core IW RM functions or tasks that m ust be included for integrated w ater resources m anagem ent are: 1. Policy and strategy formulation Policy refers to the guiding principles for actions w hereas strategy is the methodologies and plans o f actions to achieve objectives. There is no specific IW RM policy and strategy in Dominica. H owever, developm ent o f an IW RM policy is being cham pioned by D OW ASCO and GW P-C and expected to begin before the end o f 2007. 2. Legislation and enforcement This is a process to ensure that proper laws and regulations are established and complied w ith as regards abstraction o f water, use o f water, prevention o f w ater pollution and use o f land. A t present there is no legislation on IWRM. W ithin the W ater and Sewerage A ct 1991, D OW ASCO is given responsibility for w ater resources but the integrated and holistic approach o f IW RM is not captured in this legislation. 3. Water resources assessment This refers to the continuous study o f w ater availability through monitoring, analysis and research and development. Long term continuous hydrological m onitoring and assessm ent are alm ost non-existent therefore the assessm ent o f w ater availability may not be reliable. W ith respect to river flows, data is collected and analysis undertaken only when considering the feasibility o f new w ater supply schemes. 4. Master planning and allocation o f water This involves the determ ination o f how much w ater is to be provided to each sector or stakeholder. In Dominica, no systematic w ater allocation mechanism is established. The unw ritten policy w ith respect to w ater allocation is to m eet the needs o f domestic, tourism and, depending on the availability o f water, the small-scale irrigation requirements. 5. Water demand analysis This activity involves determ ining the w ater requirem ents o f the various sectors such as domestic, tourism, agriculture, commercial and industry. 24 In Dominica, the w ater requirem ents o f the various sectors have not been determined as there are no bulk w ater meters in the w ater supply system. 6. Demand management This is the process o f controlling the quantity o f w ater abstracted by the various sectors and stakeholders and ensuring the m ost efficient use o f this water. In Dominica, there appears to be no mechanism for dem and management. Even the w ater rate structure for consumers does not support demand m anagem ent as the rates remain constant w ith increase in volum e o f w ater used. 7. Conservation This refers to the prudent use and preservation o f w ater resources. This activity comprises, inter alia, the reduction o f dem and through efficiency o f use, the treatm ent and reuse o f water, protection o f the w ater resource through proper watershed m anagem ent and public education and awareness. In Dominica, actions tow ards w ater conservation are minimal. Actions undertaken by the M inistry o f A griculture and the Environm ent w ith respect to w atershed m anagem ent may contribute but are not as effective as they should be, since solid waste, agricultural w aste and m anufacturing and industrial w aste disposal are m ajor sources o f both point and non point pollution. 8. Pricing o f water This is the process o f determining an econom ic valuation o f w ater taking into consideration its social and ecological value. There are prices that are charged to w ater abstractors and prices that are charged by the abstractors to the end user o f the water. In Dominica, persons can apply for a licence to abstract w ater and there are persons that apply for licences to sell water. These abstractors pay royalties and the fees are based on the type o f use for w hich the w ater is required. As m entioned before, a tariff system for potable w ater supply operates in Dominica. The revenue gained from this tariff system does not recover the operating and maintenance costs as the rates w ere designed m ore tow ards affordability to pay than to reflect the econom ic value o f water. 9. Water resources development and distribution This consists o f the activities involved in m aking w ater available for use by the various consumers through the process o f abstraction, storage, transm ission and distribution. Just as im portant is the proper m anagem ent o f sewage collection, treatm ent and disposal. 25 In Dominica, 90 per cent of the consumers are supplied w ith a 24 hour, seven day a w eek supply of potable water. Leakage in the transm ission and distribution system is estim ated at 20 per cent but this estim ation is not based on measurement. W ith respect to sewage disposal there is a large centralized sewerage system in the capital, Roseau, and tw o small sewerage systems in the areas o f Canefield and Jimmit. There is minimal treatm ent in the Roseau sewerage system and no treatm ent in the tw o small systems. Sewage is disposed out at sea at approxim ately 1000 feet away from the shore. Inherent in these core IW RM functions are actions linked to other sectors that are necessary for sustainability of use and developm ent of this w ater resource, and to support social and econom ic development. In addition, the very nature of w ater resources dictates that effective integrated w ater resources m anagem ent must be undertaken in conjunction w ith effective land and landuse management, integrated w atershed management, drainage and coastal zone management. As small island developm ent States, coastal zone m anagem ent has an im portant role. Furtherm ore, effective integrated w ater resources m anagem ent is critical to sustainable developm ent o f a country. Institutional arrangem ents for w ater resources m anagem ent m ust therefore include these necessary com plem entary functions that should be undertaken in a form alized coordinated approach w ith stakeholder partnerships and collaboration from the planning to im plem entation phases and supported by proper public education and awareness. P. C ap ac ity o f in stitu tio n s to im p lem en t IW R M The functions com prising integrated w ater resources m anagem ent listed above dem onstrate the scope o f actions to be undertaken and the need for some unit/departm ent to be dedicated to this objective. The fact that many o f the core activities for IW RM are not being undertaken and there has been no specialized developm ent o f the skills and experience needed m eans that institutional strengthening and training w ould be required. A num ber o f organizations because o f their responsibilities play some role in the m anagem ent o f the w ater resources in the island. However, no dedicated organization with prim ary responsibility for w ater resources m anagem ent exists. There is no form alized coordinating m echanism or fram ework for organizational relationships in the sector and the process for stakeholder involvem ent is lim ited to projects or meetings on specific issues. As previously stated, D OW ASCO under the W ater and Sewerage A ct has responsibility for w ater resources management. H ow ever its focus is being a provider o f potable w ater and w astew ater services. Given the fact that a service provider of potable w ater is a user of the resource, it seems inappropriate and conflicting for the m anager of the w ater resources to be under the control of a user of the resource. H ence it is preferable that IW RM be undertaken by a separate organization/unit. The organization structure (see Annex 5) o f D OW ASCO is divided into four departments. Two of these departments are the core technical activities related to w ater and w astew ater services - nam ely Engineering, and Technical Services including the w ater quality 26 laboratory. The other tw o departments are Finance, and Custom er Service and H um an Resources. The organization is fully staffed and there are 13 professionals. The technical professional staff includes three mechanical engineers, one civil engineer, one w ater engineer qualified in industrial engineering, and tw o inform ation systems officers. W ith respect to the technical support staff, there are seven technicians. However, though there is a good technical base from w hich to build the expertise and skills required for IW RM core functions, there is no excess hum an resource capacity. O ther organizations identified as key stakeholders w ith responsibilities related to w ater resources m anagem ent include the Lands and Surveys Departm ent, the Physical Planning Unit, The M eteorological Services U nit and the D isaster Coordination U nit o f the M inistry o f Housing, Lands, Telecom munications, Energy and Ports have some activities related to w ater management. The Land and Surveys D epartm ent (see annex 6) has responsibility to adm inister State lands, preserve and protect lands, and map and upkeep a GIS database and coordinate w ith other agencies. The departm ent is not fully staffed and has lost a num ber o f surveyors through attrition. There is, however, a shortage o f surveyors. The departm ent also has no landuse plan. Land is becom ing scarce and the m anagem ent o f the inform ation needs to be addressed but is hindered by a lack o f human resource capacity. Training to address gaps is not consistent. The departm ent requires a num ber o f new staff. The Forestry and W ildlife D ivision o f the M inistry o f A griculture, Fisheries and the Environm ent (see annex 7) is responsible for w atershed protection and management, and regulation o f activities within the forest reserves and national parks. This division is governed by the Forest Act, 1958, the Forest Rules and Regulations 1972 w hich support the A ct and the N ational Parks and Protected Areas Act, 1975. The division is staffed w ith a director w ho has a masters degree, a Forester 2 w ith an M Sc degree, a forest officer for research, m onitoring and environm ental education w ith a bachelor o f science degree, an assistant forest officer o f national parks w ith a B Sc degree and five other assistant forest officers w ith diploma level qualifications. The rem aining staff has high school qualifications. The established monthly paid staff has 24 positions w hereas the total staff including daily paid w orkers is 100. The vacant positions include a forest officer and hum an resource manager. The forest officer is required to have a BSc or associate degree w ith five years experience. This person will be responsible for silviculture. H ow ever there is need for a forest planner and someone w ho can provide technical assistance in landscape planning. Training is undertaken through an in-service training program m e in forestry and national parks in the division plus local and international training. Inform ation obtained indicated that there is a need for m ore support staff and professional training for in-house personnel. Lack o f professional expertise w ithin the division is reflected in the need for greater detail in special reports. In addition, there is need for larger office accom m odation and adequate equipment. 27 The Environm ental Coordinating U nit (Annex 8) o f the M inistry o f A griculture, Fisheries and the Environm ent is responsible for, inter alia: Advising the governm ent on the developm ent o f coherent environmental policies; Serving as focal point for environm ental conventions and agreements and m onitoring D om inica’s compliance; U ndertaking environm ental im pact assessm ents on developm ent projects; Public education and awareness, and inform ation dissem ination on environmental matters. The unit was established w ith C abinet’s approval but there is no legislation that governs it. The staffing o f the unit com prises only a director and a messenger. O ther staff m em bers are em ployed through projects that are undertaken by the unit. The director has an M Sc degree in forestry and a post-graduate diploma in environmental m anagem ent and reports to the perm anent secretary o f the ministry. The unit is understaffed. Inform ation suggests that there is an im m ediate need for a legal person and tw o to three m ore officers. Technical assistance is required for the drafting o f legislation to establish the unit as an agency and in the consultation process to prepare relevant material. The Physical Planning D ivision o f the M inistry o f Housing, Lands, Telecom munications, Energy and Ports (see annex 9) is responsible for landuse planning, approval o f subdivisions and physical developments in the country. The activities o f planning are guided by the D evelopm ent and Planning Corporation w hich is governed by the D evelopm ent and Planning Corporation Act. This corporation provides policy guidance but the perm anent secretary o f the M inistry manages day-to-day activities. In the landuse section o f this division, the staff is as follows: One senior physical planner and secretary/manager; Two physical planners, one w ith a B Sc in planning and an M Sc in landscape architecture and the other w ith a diplom a in planning and a BSc in inform ation systems and management; Two physical planning assistants, one w ith a BSc in environm ental science and the other w ith a BSc in architecture; and One GIS technician position - vacant. In the D evelopm ent Control Section o f this division, the staff is as follows: One senior developm ent control position - vacant; Five developm ent control officers, tw o w ith diplomas in civil engineering from a local college, one quantity surveyor, one w ith a diploma in construction and one architect. The Physical Planning D ivision does not have the technical capacity to deal w ith w ater resource m anagem ent but the division is equipped to deal w ith landuse. H ow ever the senior developm ent control officer’s position in the D evelopm ent Control Section is vacant. Also, the 28 GIS technician’s position in the landuse section is vacant. This position is essential to the data and inform ation for effective land management. Collaboration betw een the physical planning division and D OW ASCO takes place on certain activities but there is need for policy form ulation on setbacks at rivers and a proper landuse plan. The Environm ental H ealth D ivision o f the M inistry o f H ealth and Social Security is responsible for, inter alia, establishing w ater quality and treatm ent standards, m onitoring w ater systems, w ater quality analysis and environm ental health. The Environm ental H ealth U nit is governed by the Environm ental H ealth Services Act. Other Acts such as the L itter A ct and Solid W aste M anagem ent A ct play a part. Staff o f the Environm ental H ealth D ivision com prises four senior officers, namely: One One One One w ater and liquid waste officer; vector control and solid w aste officer; occupational, health and safety officer; and food officer. These senior officers all have been trained to the diplom a level. A t present, a training program m e is being funded by the Pan Am erican H ealth Organization (PAHO) in conjunction w ith the D om inican State College to train 20 persons w ho will fill posts w ithin the M inistry in the next tw o to three years. PAHO is also supporting the governm ent to train a num ber of health officers in-house as many require further training. The senior officers need to be trained beyond the diploma level. Furtherm ore, w ith the increasing focus on water, there is a need to increase qualified members of staff w ith specialized training in water. The laboratory also needs to be updated and expanded to include chemical analysis and m onitoring the quality of recreational water. The M inistry is engaged in restructuring to respond to the new dynam ics w ith respect to health and related standards. As such there may be the need for adaptation, retraining of personnel or redeploym ent to address the increasing environmental health challenges. At present, the U nited N ations Environm ent Program m e (UNEP) is involved in m onitoring beaches and rivers to ensure that these w aters are safe. In addition, the N ational Oceanic and Atm ospheric Adm inistration (NOAA) is w illing to partly fund the equipm ent required to m onitor the w ater quality. The latter is welcom ed, as one o f the constraints o f the M inistry is a lack o f equipm ent that affects the enforcem ent o f some legislation. The Solid W aste M anagem ent Corporation (see annex 10) is responsible for solid w aste m anagem ent and the protection of the citizens from health risks and protection of the integrity of the environment. The corporation is governed by the Solid W aste A ct of 2002 and supported by other Acts such as the 1997 Litter A m endm ents Acts. Solid w aste m anagem ent is taken seriously in D om inica and there are cost recovery m easures to support the activities. Recycling measures are undertaken w ith respect to batteries and old vehicles. The Corporation, however, lacks its full com plem ent of staff. 29 The drainage works and irrigation works undertaken in the M inistry o f Public W orks and Public U tilities (see annex 11) are activities that im pact on w ater management. Both sets o f activities are undertaken in the Civil Engineering W orks D epartm ent o f the M inistry w hich is headed by the C hief Technical O fficer (CTO) (see attached structure). This departm ent has betw een 20 and 30 m em bers o f staff. The professionals that function in this departm ent are: • • • • • Architects; Quantity surveyors; Engineers; Technicians w ith City and Guild qualifications; Surveyors. Inform ation from the departm ent indicates that this departm ent reporting to the CTO requires some additional hum an resource capacity, updating skills to m atch global counterparts, and training in new technology so that professionals could be retooled and better equipped. 1. Capacity-building There are a num ber o f organizations/units w ith responsibility related to IW RM and there is no coordination. However, IW RM was not a consideration in the developm ent o f these organizational structures. Hence, staffing o f these organizations/units is focused on their core functions. D OW ASCO w hich also has responsibility for w ater resources m anagem ent is focused on the provision o f potable w ater supply and sewerage services and though staff may attend regional and international workshops related to IW RM , the focus, com petencies and experience are not in IWRM. W ith respect to the other governmental organizations/units, it appears that most organizations do not have excess hum an resource capacity or expertise to assign to a dedicated organization/unit w ith responsibility for the core functions o f IWRM. It m ust be noted that the Physical Planning D ivision has an operational GIS and therefore it may be possible to utilize these resources in the developm ent o f a w ater resources data and inform ation system to facilitate m anagem ent o f the w ater resources. Also the M inistry o f A griculture and the Environm ent may have hum an resource capacity in the areas o f w atershed m anagem ent that can be utilized. For the establishm ent o f IW RM , additional capacity-building, training and recruitm ent o f appropriate staff is required. Furtherm ore, there is need for institutional strengthening in already existing organizations w ith IW RM related functions. H ow ever to create an organization/unit w ith responsibility for the core functions o f IW RM that is recognized and supported by the political directorate, it should be established through cabinet approval and legislation, and be provided w ith the appropriate hum an and financial resources. 30 2. Technical capabilities A part from the adm inistrative capacity, the technical capabilities required for the w ater resources m anagem ent unit include: • • • • • • • • • • W ater resources engineering and management; Surface w ater hydrology and management; Hydrology; Groundwater drilling; Groundwater management; W atershed management; Environm ental management; Flood management; D atabase management; and GIS management. The mix o f technical capabilities w ould depend on the functions to achieve the objectives o f the initial structure. However, these skills and com petencies are either very limited or not available. 31 Annex 3 W A TER RATES D O W A SCO ’S Current T ariff Structure METERED SUPPLY Domestic • • • Fixed service charge per month For 0 - 1000 gallons per month For more than 1000 gallons per month EC$ SI 0.00 8.80 8.80 per 1000 gallons Commercial & Industrial • • • Fixed service charge per month For 0 - 1000 gallons per month For more than 1000 gallons per month $20.00 11.80 11.80 per 1000 gallons Stand Pines • • Fixed service charge per month Flat rate per stand pipe per month S 20.00 270.00 Bulk Water Shipment • • Water delivered to ships Water delivered to bulk carriers $20.00/1000 gallons ^10.00/1000 gallons UNMETERED SUPPLY • • For property with one fixture For property with more than one fixture SEW ERAGE • Flat Rate $25.00 per month 42.00 per month $10.60 per month 32 Annex 4 O R G A N IZ A T IO N S AND R E S P O N S IB IL IT IE S (D om inica) O R G ANIZATIO N DOWASCO • Ministry of Communication and Works (MOCW) • • • • Ministry of Health • Forestry and Wildlife Division LEG ISLATIO N RO LE S /R ES P O N SIB LITIE S • • • Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and the Environment • Lands and Surveys • Ministry of Housing, Lands, Telecom munications, Energy and Ports • W ater resources monitoring and a ss e s sm e n t a s well as planning and organizing for w ater resources m anagem ent Collect and dispose w astew ater Exclusive licence to supply w ater C atchm ent Protection Control Establish w ater quality and treatm ent stan d ard s Monitor source protection, w ater quality and w ater treatm ent throughout the island Environmental Health D em arcate and protect w ater catchm ents W ater sh ed m anagem ent and protection R egulate activities within the forest reserv es and national parks Survey and administration of governm ent lands Preserving and protection lands • W ater and S ew erag e Act C h a p .4 3 : 0 4 • W ater and S ew erag e Act Section 13 • Forestry Act S e c t i o n 5 • Crown Lands O rdinance 33 Pesticide Control Board • Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and the Environment Ministry of Agriculture Enforcem ent of the Pesticides and Control Act and Regulations • Soil and w ater conservation D evelopm ent Control and Physical Planning Administers removal permits Physical Planning Division • • Ministry of Housing, Lands, Telecom munications, Energy and Port - Lands and Surveys Development and Planning Corporation • Decision-making Planning D evelopm ent Control for and • Within their jurisdictions, responsibility for sanitation, w aste removal, nuisance ab atem en t and beach control • A ssist in a re a s responsibilities such d isaster p rep ared n ess Ministry of Housing, Lands, Telecom munications, Energy and Port - Lands and Surveys Cultural Division Ministry of Community Developm ent and G ender Affairs Local Government and Community Development Division Ministry of Community D evelopm ent and G ender Affairs of as • • Pesticides Control Act Licensing and Registration of Pesticides • Town and Country Planning Act 34 Annex 5 D O M IN IC A W A T E R AND S E W E R A G E C O M P A N Y L IM IT E D O R G A N IZ A T IO N C H A R T Shareholders (Government) Minister of Public Works & Public Utilities Board of Directors General Manager Executive Secretary Financial Comptroller Accountant Commercial Supervisor Chief Engineer Credit Control Officer Credit Control Clerk; Field Technician; Stores Supervisor Procurement Officer Senior Accounts Clerk Accounts Payable Clerk Job Cost Clerk Payroll Officer Accounts Maintenance Clerk; Junior Clerks-Billing/Collection (4) Meter Readers (5) Junior Clerk - Inventory; Laborer Manager Customer Service & Human Resource Development Manager Engineering & Technical Services W ater Engineer Project Engineer Admin Assistant Senior Area Supervisor System Administrator Information Systems Officer Area Supervisors (4) Technical Assistants (2) Office Clerks (2) Crews (7) Carpenter ( l) Caretakers Admin Assist Cust Serv/PR; Admin Asst Personnel/Admin; Senior Customer Service Clerk; Customer Service Clerks (2); Receptionist; Office Attendant; Janitors -Portsmouth/Laplaine Equipment Operator Instrument Technician Lab Technician Water T reatment Officer Lab Assistants (2) Plant Operator Sanitation Crew A nnex 6 L a n d s a n d S u r v e y s ( M in is t r y o f H o u s in g , L a n d s , M il - '™ U n n n w iilu j Clli -LMTitaiHHtaj fi 'flMWfliPUP [iyPli -.T i u Ar n!¥ii hrli lutrh CUV ■ C ftd r í I a m M i, ■ U a k i i J p, ! . . J 1.11 i i i bi H j * i i i |j un; -laalLvnrimUto 36 Annex 7 F o re s try a n d W ildlife D ivision (M in istry o f A g ric u ltu re , F isheries an d th e E n v iro n m en t) M inistry o f Agriculture, fisheries and the Environment Forestry, W ildlife und Parks - 2006/2007 Minster ol A glculure Perrrar*nt Secretay 37 Annex 8 E n v iro n m en ta l C o o rd in a tin g U n it 38 Annex 9 M in istry o f H ousing, L an d s, T eleco m m u n icatio n s, E n erg y a n d P o rts Physical P lan n in g D ivision A n n e x 10 SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT CORPORATION HU ' ^.l| I I Ii', . -II L t fc| 40 Annex 11 M in istry o f P u b lic W o rk s & P u b lic U tilities 41 III. GRENADA A. G e n e ra l G renada com prises the three islands o f Grenada, Carriacou and Petit M artinique, which are o f volcanic origin. Grenada is the m ost southerly o f the W indw ard islands and is located betw een St. V incent and the G renadines on the north and Trinidad and Tobago on the south betw een 11°58' and 12°13' N latitude and 61° 20' and 61° 35' W longitude. The mainland G renada is approxim ately 312 sq km and 33.8 km long by 19.3 km wide, w hile Carriacou and Petit M artinique are 34 sq km and 2.3 sq km respectively. The island is characterized by a m ountainous terrain w hich rises steeply from the w est coast and descends more gently to the east coast. A t present, the population is approxim ately 100,000. B. C lim ate G renada enjoys a hum id tropical marine climate w ith little seasonal variation in relative humidity. The island has a dry season from January to M ay and a w et season from June to December. Rainfall varies from 1500 to 5000 mm per annum w ith a mean annual rainfall o f 2300 m m ( Baptiste, Raym ond-Landuse Division). Annual average tem perature ranges from 28.3°C to 33.3°C. H ow ever the tem perature in the mountain tops can occasionally drop to about 20°C. The tem perature at sea level is generally high w ith little variation throughout the year. C. W a te r reso u rces assessm ent H ydrological m onitoring o f both w ater quantity and quality param eters is very limited. The National W ater and Sewerage A uthority (NAW ASA) gives little attention to w ater resources data collection, therefore analysis o f hydrological data to provide inform ation to inform decisions is also very limited. H owever, the irrigation unit o f the M inistry o f A griculture collects inform ation on conductivity and pH and undertakes some chemical analyses, but no stream flow data is collected on the streams used for supplying irrigation water. Because o f the lack o f hydrological/w ater resources m onitoring and data, w ater balances for the watersheds cannot be determined. D. W a te r supply The sources o f w ater are surface water, ground water, rainw ater harvesting and desalination. The total quantity o f w ater produced from surface w ater and ground w ater for potable w ater supply is 7 million gallons per day (mgd) w ith 5.7 mgd from surface w ater and 1.3 mgd from ground w ater (NAW ASA,2007). Surface w ater provides about 90 per cent o f the island’s potable w ater and is augm ented from groundw ater sources particularly during the dry season. For potable w ater supply, the surface w ater is treated by sand filtration and chlorination w hile the ground w ater is only chlorinated. The available w ater resources are affected by seasonality; hence there is an estim ated 30­ 40 per cent drop in the available surface w ater during the dry season depending on the length and severity o f this period. The potable supply o f w ater is therefore affected during this season and 42 some scheduling o f w ater and w ater trucking takes place. This shortage o f potable w ater supply during the dry season is a recurring problem and has been attributed to a lack o f adequate w ater storage by NAW ASA. W ith respect to the needs o f each sector, no analysis is undertaken to determ ine the w ater requirements. N A W A SA serves only G renada and supplies all w ater for domestic uses, whereas in Carriacou and Petit M artinique alm ost all the w ater is from rainw ater harvesting (Peters 2006). The tourism sector is a priority w ith respect to potable w ater supply and though N A W A SA provides the sector w ith potable water, hotels are advised to have w ater storage tanks to support a continuous w ater supply. In tim es o f w ater shortage, w ater trucking is used to supply potable water. H ow ever some hotels have their own wells and desalination plants. W ater for agricultural purposes is mainly undertaken through the Irrigation M anagem ent U nit o f the M inistry o f A griculture, although a small percentage o f irrigation w ater is supplied by N AW ASA. The M inistry o f A griculture’s policy does not support the use o f domestic w ater for irrigation and seeks to discourage it by not providing equipm ent to those farmers. W ater requirem ents for the irrigation o f lands under the M inistry o f A griculture have been calculated to be 1.5 million cubic meters per year. This irrigation w ater dem and does not include the irrigation w ater requirem ents for lands outside the M inistry o f A griculture’s programme. W ith respect to industries, they are supplied w ith potable w ater by N A W A SA but some supplem ent this w ater by having wells e.g. G renada Brewery. W ith the establishm ent o f the m etering programm e, w astage and leakage have reduced because o f im proved w ater use by households and the removal o f roadside standpipes. In addition, leakage has been reduced due to a pipe replacem ent program m e across the country. E. W a te r allocation N A W A SA allocates potable w ater to the various users based on w ater requirem ents and availability. However, the tourism sector is given high priority. W ith respect to the allocation o f w ater for irrigation by the M inistry o f A griculture, this is also based on user requirem ents but w ater is supplied directly from river courses using single pump units. The M inistry o f Agriculture has no irrigation schemes using dams for w ater storage to supply w ater to farmers. F. W a te r q u ality The W HO guidelines are the standards used for w ater quality. A G renada W ater Quality A ct was developed in 2005. The w ater quality param eters m onitored for potable w ater are nitrate, BOD (Biological Oxygen Demand), chlorine residue, conductivity, alkalinity, sulphate, organic carbon, iron, odour, turbidity and pH. The M inistry o f H ealth monitors the w ater quality and seeks to ensure that N A W A SA adheres to the W HO guidelines for drinking water. Im proved w ater m anagem ent has positively im pacted the health o f consumers since there is a decrease in gastrointestinal illnesses. 43 G. Watershed management W atershed m anagem ent is undertaken mainly by divisions in the M inistry o f Agriculture such as the Forestry Division, the Landuse D ivision and the Agricultural Extension D ivision and non-governm ental organizations such as the G renada Comm unity D evelopm ent Organization (GRENCODA). The Forestry D epartm ent’s prim ary function is to ensure w atershed m anagem ent in the upland areas(National R eport - Integrating M anagem ent o f W atersheds and Coastal Areas,2001), but it addresses governm ent owned forests in both the high and low catchm ent areas. However, the Landuse D ivision and Planning Units are responsible for the activities in the low er catchm ent areas and respectively m onitor the im pacts that farmers and hotels have on water. Specific actions being undertaken as part o f the w atershed m anagem ent are: • • • • • Land sustainability analysis for best crop type for new developments; Irrigation efficiency through the use o f drip irrigation systems; Agro-clim atic data collection; Form ation o f farmers groups and W ater Users Associations; Initial steps in the developm ent o f an IW RM Action Plan in collaboration w ith the Caribbean Environm ental H ealth Institute (CEHI). However, poor landuse practices have had severe negative im pacts on the country’s w ater resources. In 2007, severe forest fires and burning o f secondary forests by farm ers to cultivate land resulted in flooding, damage to coral reefs and siltation o f reservoirs. N A W A SA had to suspend the w ater supply to com m unities in order to clean these reservoirs. Poor agricultural practices are also causing contamination o f the w ater quality. In addition, landuse changes from agriculture to housing and tourism are affecting w ater resources negatively, because reduced infiltration will mean less groundwater. Generally, landuse m anagem ent is not im plem ented effectively and there is no pollution m anagem ent system or w astew ater discharge perm it system in place. N A W A SA is supposed to control the discharges to the ground but this is not being undertaken. H. Environmental aspects EIAs are requirem ents o f the planning process for projects in Grenada. However, it appears that undertaking EIA s on projects depends to a certain extent on the public’s perception o f the project therefore EIA s may not always be undertaken w hen they should. It should be noted though that EIAs play a significant role in sustainable m anagem ent o f the environm ent and its w ater resources if recom m endations are im plem ented and best practice guidelines for its im plem entation are adhered to. I. Sanitation In Grenada, sewage is disposed o f by septic systems or collected and pum ped out to sea w ithout any treatment. The existing sewerage systems are in the south o f the island in the Grand Anse, St. Georges and Grenville areas, but every household is not connected. 44 J. Social dimensions W ater is a social good and im pacts the health o f a nation. A m etering program m e o f potable w ater used by households w as im plem ented by N AW ASA. In areas w here this metering program m e has been established all stand pipes are rem oved therefore it is im perative that each household is connected to the w ater supply system. To facilitate household connections, an easy paym ent plan w as introduced. M etering o f household users has resulted in im provem ents in the efficiency o f domestic w ater use, awareness o f the need for w ater conservation and acceptance to pay for the w ater used. W ater is therefore more valued rather than ju st consumed as a right. W ith respect to the tariff structure, since farmers are classified as domestic users, the same metered rate for household users applies. As a consequence, it has been suggested by an interview ee that some small scale farm ers may have been forced out o f business because o f their inability to pay the tariffs. K. Economic instruments W ater users in G renada are categorized as domestic and non-dom estic w here domestic includes agricultural users. The tariff structure (See annex 12) is the system used to recover costs incurred by the w ater company N A W A SA for both potable w ater supply and sewerage services. Although the tariff structure w as to be designed to recover the w ater com pany’s full costs, according to N A W A SA A ct 1990, the mechanism for full cost recovery has not been established. M ain constraints to the im plem entation o f full cost recovery for potable w ater are lack o f political will, loss o f w ater through leakage and the exclusion o f a watershed m anagem ent cost in the production cost. The revenue from tariffs fund N A W A SA ’s recurrent costs but capital infrastructural expenditure is m ainly financed externally through loans. L. Regulatory instruments In Grenada, regulatory measures in place for w ater resources m anagem ent are almost non-existent and possibly limited to the quality o f potable w ater supplied. There is also no w ater allocation mechanism. W ith respect to the latter, w ater is supplied based on the requirem ents o f users and availability o f water. Legislation supports w ater licensing but licensing o f w ater abstraction has not been established. M. Information management and exchange W ith the lim ited IW RM data and inform ation and the absence o f a com prehensive data and inform ation system for w ater management, there is no m ethod o f dissem inating information. In fact, available data/inform ation is dissem inated only on request. There is how ever some education o f the general public on w ater particularly targeting prim ary and secondary school children. 45 N. Institutional framework An effective institutional fram ework is fundamental plans for successful IW RM . The nature o f w ater dictates national, sectoral and community w atershed levels. responsibilities and scope o f actions at each level m ust be facilitate functionality o f the various components. to im plem entation o f policies and that it m ust be operational at the Therefore, the structure, roles, clearly defined and coordinated to Since w ater is the inextricable link in the environm ent and alm ost everything depends on it, the responsibility o f the w ater sector m ust be shared w ith other key stakeholder departments. H ence a num ber o f sectoral policies and plans m ust be consistent w ith the N ational W ater Resources M anagem ent Policy. In Grenada, the State exercises proprietary rights over the w ater resources, w hich means that it has authority to legislate on all aspects o f water. However, the institutional and legal fram ework necessary for effective IW RM does not exist in Grenada. There is no IW RM policy, no IW RM legislation and no IW RM strategy and plan. W ater legislation exists but it is not effectively applied and there are gaps that will not facilitate IW RM in a com prehensive and holistic manner. A t present, some aspects o f w ater m anagem ent are being undertaken but in a fragm ented manner. W hat exist are sectoral organizations w ith some responsibility for w ater management. N A W A SA has authority and responsibility over all fresh w ater throughout Grenada, including on State and private lands, and the protection o f these resources, but is mainly a provider o f potable w ater and sewerage services to consumers. N A W A SA is governed by the N A W A SA A ct No. 250, 1990. Part V III Section 38 o f this A ct also gives responsibility for the protection, conservation and maintenance o f forest reserves in w aterw orks areas to the C hief Forestry Officer(National Report, 2001), who is head o f the Forestry and N ational Parks D epartm ent o f the M inistry o f Agriculture. O ther organizations w ith some responsibilities related to w ater m anagem ent include the M inistry o f H ealth and the Environm ent; the M inistry o f A griculture - Forestry Departm ent, Landuse Division, and Agricultural Extension Division; the Solid W aste M anagem ent Authority; M inistry o f Finance; M inistry o f W orks; M inistry o f National Security and non-governmental organizations, such as the Agency for Rural Transform ation (ART), and GRENCODA. The responsibilities o f these organizations are seen in annex 13. Cooperation or collaboration among agencies/organizations/sectors involved in w ater m anagem ent is lim ited and mainly through m eetings and workshops. W ithin the last year (2006­ 2007), through the introduction o f the Global W ater Partnership Caribbean (GW P-C) and the need to form a Country W ater Partnership (CWP), there have been stakeholder meetings. There has also been some collaboration on the developm ent o f a roadmap for im plem enting IW RM in Grenada. 46 0. Water resources management functions W ithin the context o f the specific functions or tasks inherent in IW RM , the present institutional fram ework o f the w ater sector is inadequate w ith respect to the planning, management, and regulatory functions o f w ater resources. Some core IW RM functions or tasks that m ust be included for integrated w ater resources m anagem ent are: 1. Policy and strategy formulation Policy refers to the guiding principles for actions, w hereas strategy is the methodologies and plans o f actions to achieve objectives. As previously stated, there is no specific IW RM policy, strategy and plan for Grenada. The aspects o f w ater resources m anagem ent being practiced are undertaken by stakeholders based on a sectoral approach. There is little coordination and collaboration w ith respect to w ater resources issues and sometimes there is duplication. The environm ental policy w hich was developed in 2005 has objectives w hich give support to IW RM but there w as no specific IW RM focus. Recently there has been the form ation o f a cabinet appointed com m ittee to oversee the drafting o f a National W ater Policy in w hich IW RM will be an integral part. A t present a draft w ater policy has been developed by a consultant. There has also been some collaboration with CEHI on the developm ent o f a roadmap for IW RM im plem entation in Grenada. 2. Legislation and enforcement This is the process to ensure that proper laws and regulations are established and com plied w ith as regards abstraction o f water, use o f water, prevention o f w ater pollution and use o f land. A t present there is no legislation on IW RM and insufficient enforcem ent o f existing legislations w hich relate to w ater resources management. H ow ever there is a National Environm ental A ct w hich was drafted in 2005 following the establishm ent o f the N ational Environm ental Policy and M anagem ent Strategy. The goal o f the policy is to ensure developm ent is environm entally sustainable w hile optimizing the contribution o f environm ent to economic, social and cultural development. A lthough IW RM is not m entioned specifically, the objective o f the policy and strategy supports it (National Environm ental Policy and M anagem ent Strategy,2005). 3. Water resources assessment 47 This refers to the continuous study o f w ater availability through monitoring, analysis and research and development. Long-term continuous hydrological m onitoring and assessm ent are alm ost non-existent as there is no hydrological netw ork for m onitoring w ater quantity and quality on a long-term basis to assess trends in w ater resources availability. 4. Master planning and allocation o f water This involves the determ ination o f how much w ater is to be provided to each sector or stakeholder. As previously stated, in G renada no specific w ater allocation mechanism is established. The goal is to m eet the requests o f the various sectors/stakeholders requiring potable w ater through the supply provided by N A W A SA w ith domestic, including tourism, being given priority. In the case o f w ater for irrigation purposes, the Irrigation M anagem ent U nit in the M inistry o f A griculture is responsible. 5. Water demand analysis This activity involves determ ining the w ater requirem ents o f the various sectors such as domestic, tourism, agriculture, commercial and industry. In Grenada, the w ater requirem ents o f the various sectors have not been determined. There is also no m onitoring o f the quantity o f w ater used by the few private users w ho supply them selves either through wells or desalination. 6. Demand management This is the process o f controlling the quantity o f w ater abstracted by the various sectors and stakeholders and ensuring the m ost efficient use o f this water. In Grenada, the m etering program m e and the w ater rate structure for metered domestic consumers can be considered a demand m anagem ent mechanism because rates increase with volum e o f w ater used. 7. Conservation This refers to the prudent use and preservation o f w ater resources. This activity comprises, i n t e r a l i a , the reduction o f dem and through efficiency o f use, the treatm ent and reuse o f water, protection o f the w ater resource through proper watershed m anagem ent and public education and awareness. In Grenada, actions tow ards w ater conservation include the m etering programme, limited w atershed m anagem ent w hich could be more effective, creation o f the U plands W atershed M anagem ent U nit in the Forestry and N ational Parks D epartm ent o f the M inistry o f Agriculture, 48 lim ited public inform ation and extensive use o f the cistern system for the collection and storage o f w ater in Carriacou and Petit M artinique. However, w ater loss in the distribution system is approxim ately 40 per cent and a m ajor contributor to wastage. 8. Pricing o f water This is the process o f determining an econom ic valuation o f w ater taking into consideration its social and ecological value. There are prices that are charged to w ater abstractors and prices that are charged by the abstractors to the end-users o f the water. The form er does not apply in G renada as N A W A SA is recognized as the sole abstractor for w ater supply. In reality, there are private abstractors like the Grenada Brew eries Company and St. G eorge’s U niversity that abstract w ater for their own purposes. N o w ater abstraction licensing system exists although it is included in legislation. U nder the provisions o f the N A W A SA A ct o f 1990, w ater and sewerage tariffs were established to achieve full cost recovery. The unm etered consumers are charged percentage rates o f the m arket value o f their property for potable w ater on a quarterly bill. M etered consumers are charged at an escalating cost per 1000 gallons per month w ith a fixed charge per connection. Sewerage rates are one third and tw o third o f w ater rates or charges for domestic consumers, and commercial and industrial consumers, respectively. 9. Water resources development and distribution This consists o f the activities involved in m aking w ater available for use by the various consumers through the process o f abstraction, storage, transm ission and distribution. Just as im portant is the proper m anagem ent o f sewage collection, treatm ent and disposal. In Grenada, sewage disposal is mainly by septic systems. Sewerage systems exist only in the south o f the island in the environs o f Grand Anse, St. Georges and Grenville. There is no treatm ent o f the sewage and it is pumped out to sea. Inherent in these core IW RM functions are actions linked to other sectors that are necessary for sustainability o f use and developm ent o f this w ater resource and to support social and econom ic development. In addition, the very nature o f w ater resources dictates that effective IW RM m ust be undertaken in conjunction w ith effective land and landuse management, integrated w atershed management, drainage and coastal zone management. As small island developing States, coastal zone m anagem ent has an im portant role. Furtherm ore, effective integrated w ater resources m anagem ent is critical to sustainable developm ent o f a country. Institutional arrangem ents for w ater resources m anagem ent m ust therefore include these necessary com plem entary functions that should be undertaken in a form alized coordinated approach w ith stakeholder partnerships and collaboration from the planning to im plem entation phases and supported by proper public education and awareness. 49 P. Capacity of institutions to implement IWRM The functions com prising IW RM and listed above dem onstrate the scope o f actions to be undertaken and the need for some unit/departm ent to be dedicated to this objective. The fact that many o f the core activities for IW RM are not being undertaken and there has been no specialized developm ent o f the skills and experience needed means that institutional strengthening and training w ould be required. A num ber o f organizations because o f their responsibilities have some role in the m anagem ent o f the w ater resources on the island. However, no dedicated organization with prim ary responsibility for w ater resources m anagem ent exists. There is no form alized coordinating m echanism or fram ework for organizational relationships in the sector and the process for stakeholder involvem ent is lim ited to projects or meetings on specific issues. N AW ASA , under the National W ater and Sewerage Act, has overall responsibility for fresh water. H ow ever its focus is being a utility provider o f potable w ater and w astew ater services. W ith the challenges o f w ater supply and sewage disposal and the existing technical capacity, IW RM cannot be undertaken. Furtherm ore, the service provider will not be the most appropriate location for core IW RM functions. The organization structure o f N A W A SA (see annex 14) is divided into five departments nam ely planning, design and construction; production and quality; transm ission and distribution; adm inistration; and finance. There are 207 perm anent staff m em bers including a general m anager and deputy general m anager and 10 contract officers. The deputy general m anager position is not filled. W ith respect to graduate technical staff, apart from the general manager, there are three engineers, tw o o f whom are m anagers and some junior staff members. O ther organizations identified as key stakeholders w ith responsibilities for some aspect o f w ater resource m anagem ent include the M inistry o f Agriculture, Lands, Forestry, Fisheries, Energy and Public U tilities w hich has five areas w ith particular responsibilities related to the w ater sector nam ely the Landuse Division, the D epartm ent o f Forestry and National Parks, the D epartm ent o f Fisheries, the Agricultural Extension D ivision and the A gronom y Division. In the M inistry o f A griculture there are a num ber o f vacant positions such as the C hief Technical O fficer and the Senior Agricultural Officer, w hile persons in some o f the head positions are only acting. The D epartm ent o f Forestry and N ational Parks (See Annex 15) contains the U pland W atershed M anagem ent, Forest conservation, and M angrove and Coastal W oodland Conservation Units. H eritage Conservation was rem oved to the M inistry o f Tourism. Inform ation from the Forestry and N ational Parks D epartm ent indicates that there are eight vacant positions and therefore it is grossly understaffed. The Landuse D ivision o f the M inistry o f A griculture (See Annex 16) is responsible for soils and the inform ation m anagem ent using geographic inform ation systems, irrigation and agrometeorology. The division operates in an advisory m anner and is not governed by legislation. The division is headed by a chief landuse officer w ho has a BSc degree in 50 environm ental studies, GIS and natural resources m anagem ent and an MSc. The division has a total o f eight positions. These positions are filled by locals w ith the exception o f the engineer post w hich is filled by a Cuban consultant. There are three landuse officers, tw o have diplomas in agriculture and one has a certificate in agriculture. There are also one soil analyst and one agronomist, both w ith BSc degrees in their respective disciplines and one agrometeorology officer trained at the technical level at the Caribbean M eteorology Institute (CMI). See attached structure). Inform ation obtained in G renada indicates that staff training is required in all areas to increase the com petence in the unit to undertake its responsibilities completely. There is also need for additional staff in the soils laboratory. Training needs have been identified in the following areas: • • • D ata collection, analysis and forecasting; A utom atic data collection; GIS and database management. The D isaster M anagem ent U nit o f the M inistry o f National Security is responsible for disaster m itigation, preparedness response, and coordination o f stakeholder involvem ent and information. The unit is also responsible for the preparation o f disaster m anagem ent plans and needs assessment. The National D isaster Coordinator is someone who w as assigned from the police service. The qualifications o f staff in this ministry vary from degrees to GCE certificates. Overall, the positions in the ministry may be near adequately staffed but the structure may be lacking in the positions at the senior level to accomplish the w ork that is required. The Environm ental H ealth D epartm ent o f the M inistry o f H ealth (See Annex 17) and the Environm ent is responsible for policy issues, pollution control and w ater quality control. The Public H ealth A ct o f 1990 and the W ater Quality A ct govern the w ork o f the department. This departm ent is headed by a chief environm ental health officer w ho has an M Sc degree in public health. O ther staff m em bers in the departm ent are: • • • Four senior environm ental health officers: three have associate degrees in pubic health and one has an M Sc degree; N ine/20 district officers/environm ental health officers: all at the associate degree level in environm ental health; Three environm ental health assistants - all having five GCE passes. Inform ation obtained indicates that the departm ent is not adequately staffed. In addition, the structure may need m ore officers. A t present, the departm ent functions in a system w here all public health officers are generalists. However, the departm ent is being restructured to function via program m es on food, w ater quality, housing, and sanitation w here officers will be attached to the units. This new structure will seek to develop com petencies and build capacity in the various areas through training. The Environm ental Affairs D epartm ent o f the M inistry o f H ealth (See Annex 18) and the Environm ent is responsible for coordination o f environm ental issues at the national level. 51 However, there is only a draft environm ental legislation. A t present, the departm ent is staffed w ith one person w ho operates as the coordinator. Proposed structures for the departm ent are being considered therefore no assessm ent could be made o f the structure for the department. The M inistry o f Econom ic D evelopm ent and Planning (See Annex 19) is a new ministry w hich w as form ed in M ay 2007. A m ong its responsibilities are sourcing financing for projects, developing the capital section o f the budget, sustainable developm ent issues and conservation, and im plem entation o f conventions such as climate change, and the convention on biological diversity. There are many vacancies in this ministry including that o f director o f the new ministry who will report to the perm anent secretary. The Physical Planning D ivision o f this ministry, w hich has responsibilities im pacting on w ater management, is inadequately staffed. The ministry needs assistance w ith capacity-building as there is a need for training. The G renada Sustainable D evelopm ent Council w as established by an A ct o f Cabinet in 1996 and operates under the M inistry o f Finance. The Council is not an organization but a com m ittee w ith broad-based and cross-sectoral m em bership w ith representatives from government, private sector, non-governm ental organizations, com m unity-based organizations, academia and the general public. It has as its m andate to serve as a prim ary mechanism for coordination and inform ation exchange in the im plem entation o f sustainable developm ent plans, for stim ulating public awareness on sustainable developm ent issues, and for advising the governm ent on sustainable developm ent policy. Given the fact that IW RM is a m ajor issue in sustainable development, IW RM policy considerations should be a focus w ith respect to the objectives o f the Council. A t present, IW RM is not a topic being dealt w ith by the Sustainable D evelopm ent Council. 1. Capacity-building The institutional capacity-building is lim ited consisting m ainly o f regional training to a cadre o f technical persons and, to a small extent, on-the-job training. A t present, in the Landuse D ivision o f the M inistry o f A griculture on-the-job training is obtained through Cuban engineers on short-term contracts. Generally, the hum an resources capacity and expertise w ithin national institutions/organizations are inadequate to undertake all the functions effectively. Hence adoption o f IW RM responsibilities w ould mean additional capacity-building, training and recruitm ent o f appropriate staff. Since there is the need to create an organization/unit w ith responsibility for the core functions o f IW RM , then there m ust be support from the political directorate for the establishm ent o f such an organization/unit through cabinet approval, legislation, financial resources, hum an resources and rationalization o f responsibilities among stakeholder organizations. 52 2. Technical capabilities A part from the adm inistrative and project developm ent and m anagem ent capacity, the technical capabilities required for the w ater resources m anagem ent unit include: • • • • • • • • • • W ater resources engineering and management; Surface w ater hydrology and management; Hydrogeology; Groundwater drilling; Groundwater management; Flood management; W atershed management; Environm ental management; D atabase management; and GIS management. The mix o f technical capabilities w ould depend on the functions to achieve the objectives o f the initial structure. In Grenada, these skills and com petencies are either lim ited or not available. A n n e x 12 Tariff Structure l ometered Canunercial a ml Indusím! C wji.sume rs and [jnmetercd Domestic Consumers Government Buildings Metí red Oomes lie Consumers .^■opoTfi'Qrta r C harw . JCi:|;cir'i i l salí il.2 5% u i the M arled Value o í I lie p re p w tv For lh* first SLOft/HHU» ior(he neit îiflq.OOCi.t» 0.0S% oí (he Mflrbel VnEue vi (he propeiTY 0.30% .Vfíríi'nnuB efcwpt ¡ j Ihn M a ite l Valm- crf 1he piupeiTv iipit S500,0Úftj<Mt 0.15% o f Ilic M a rte l Vn|nr o f the property i.Lli jl I I 7Jú .u lí:.ih < fu r i íulilLiel rt’ v| P,rma;rjlt 1 TSO.úú u o q m tr n r l fin í im .D ttM - DJS-S 314.00 ■ulnsct nec Í50.ÍKC.0D m /w M -M S * 300.09 l» W ronrjtufrfK fl between ÎÎ0O - SlfrKMHI E* |, per mnidi CiJcftíwjf 3: íDKrjjiiptnin ibo*e 3í0u pfc. CJufjrtwf ü per HiL'.-iih ¡v r ¿ Himplo; Pripriy Vrfu(pv> íUMjDQOW fü iliíl 1,500,000 00 W .íK u H ijooo.ooe.nci 1CU.D0C l» 100.4X1 14 z- end 5S0U p l< StSílQW[*U pur Blandí AAnumun c ilié e o /íífc .íW p r.r recu ilfPrDfierrj,- vatuc if ENLUTO.» rc lew,] EV C J k g o fy ib n v f . t l . l’jOOjOOÛ.Kl J06.[wj p e r > *nr f x i i r n p l r : ftu p a irh V jlm ij* " , cd fo rttie for the ntxt SJiKWHWI.OO í.015% s í Ihc M ortel Vahío of tlw prapeity #bnvBSffiOjIlOCUH [Jun liíN l 0.3 5% o f fke H ^rfcrt Vnliie pf ü * p ro p e ily Ín ríh e fïn t S500,K>fhûO l i l 5 % o f the i i i c i r l Value o f iJk property (¿rtUiâtiiponp JtH Sb' MHV) "ali. [K riM u itb 3 - G.JWi JTSO.0U -OJGW ■a m 1Í0O.* LZUM '• w rjlt * :o . 00 SelVt-nige K ate* remiinp hiihl: owe third (Iffy o f '-lij.'ir itJto cr ch trg fj Metered Cuminerdal & Industrial C o n s u m e r* ÍH L M t l» n J h r * t nmt ir o .™ » - D .o m im a in d tr IJhJ.iK Ú .™ * 0 0?5% •■ii'Jí BP! 37 10 u^jíer ruíer û t ( itfr jfc (ISfy o f h îT h O tütci i/r charjpb Prvportiormt Ran i Ií . i : per [ M p e r n i a t t r h 737.ÍD S w tr a p EíiUes iniiaim sans;: iwrtrrtf (¡S fy ü f S o w t r a g t R ate* rciiu¡|i, M m : two ihlfds Ftoed farf 4(Mi of aiiiiiítLt^U nte) fci Itoejejiiernises. J ■SinvçrajJC R a te s iu -lih u nn:e JJ/JJ n j il w l f r naftíj J r cJu rrjw r w tt& ir é i 54 Annex 13 Organizations and responsibilities (Grenada) ORGANIZATION National Water and Sewerage A uthority ROLES/RESPONSIBLITIES • Fresh water • Focus on providing potable water and wastewater services LEGISLATION • NAWASA Act 1990 (NAWASA) Department o f Forestry and National Parks • Watershed management forest conservation and (Ministry of Agriculture) Landuse Division (Ministry of Agriculture) Disaster Management Unit (Ministry of National Security) Environm ental Health Department • Soils • Information management using GIS • Irrigation • Agrometeorology • Disaster mitigation • Preparedness response • Coordination of stakeholder and information • Policy issues • Pollution control • Water quality control • Public 1990 Health Act (Ministry of Health) Environm ental Affairs Department • Coordination of environmental issues at the national level (Ministry of Health) M inistry o f Econom ic Developm ent and Planning (as part of the Ministry of Finance) Grenada Sustainable Developm ent Council (Ministry of Finance) • Sourcing financing for projects • Developing the capital section of the budget • Addressing sustainable development issues and conservation and implementation of convention (e.g. Climate Change, Convention on Biological Diversity) • Its mandate is to serve as a primary mechanism for coordination and information exchange in the implementation of sustainable development plans • Stimulates public awareness on sustainable development issues • Advises the government on sustainable development policy • Only draft legislation is available at this time Annex 14 N A W A S A ’ s O rg an iza tio n al C h a rt O rg a n isa tio n a l C h a rt o f th e N a tio n a l W a te r & S e w e r a g e A u th o r ity A n n e x 15 Forestry and National Parks Denartment r i c , - . u i J Í ■■ ■-j I ' y -iihJ m U n 'd I ' l ^ ’ CV*.mí.-'i ■■ S u m h i r» f. iii» i ¡h Cwr Fuw n J ¡Dajiifci r trtli- m ■ - iJ t jji ¡n i M i p . ÍH d T M ti I a m r l b - 1~ m ■M i lUiua 11 . j i p a F a i D [ W I II- B V A M I H H I ZL “s e r r>wv .1 ..I .V U L h U II VO II ■ y iii m □ □ •H P . Ir» II , i- ñ C ,tf ÛH-Hil I :rrn ■Vj J i J X f taH i.* - i n n F u riaf i t'Jk.b L i t U I I U T W I ¡ I 1 h*rtfr LiPL'fen 1 4 TPr. w En J!- 111 r i, I J| L æ d lto r 11 r- .■■--T.IK i M ■. J l> LT) * A n n e x 16 L an d u se D ivision 7H-E]« i s T i i i o p v r : m m LTÜKB L A N D ( IS E D I V I S I O N A n n e x 17 Environmental Health Department (Ministry of Health and the environment) MINISTRY OF H EALTH * THE ENVIRONMENT T i l F ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT A n n e x 18 The Environmental Affairs Department (Ministry of Health and the Environment) M I N l S I i l \ O F l i t A l i m a T i l Ji t N V I k O . \ M.J. S i ■M Iïc é î i it Chuqfet n f IKü I jn i jimunL A n n e x 19 The Ministry of Economic Develonment and MINISTRY U l FINANCE M I N IS TR Ï UJ? ECO* [ J>ll t KLOPMENT AW l> 1 LAN N INC 61 IV. CHALLENGES, RECOMMENDATIONS, AND THE WAY FORWARD A. Challenges In addition to the identified deficiencies in hum an resources capacity and capabilities and the lack o f financial resources, there are a num ber o f challenges to the im plem entation o f IW RM w hich has led to IW RM not being advanced. 1. Lack o f understanding o f IWRM A lthough there may be some regional training in IW RM not many persons, including policy makers and the political directorate, have a com prehensive understanding o f the scope o f functions and actions that com prise IW RM and the benefits that can be obtained. Part o f the problem appears to be inform ation dissem ination as m ost tim es it is the same circle o f persons attending the various training programmes. Effective IW RM is a m ajor pillar in sustainable developm ent o f a country and though it supports social and economic development, actions are slow tow ards institutionalizing IWRM. 2. The location o f IWRM A m ajor stumbling block for actions at im plem enting IW RM is its location. For m ost o f the countries in the Caribbean including Antigua, D om inica and Grenada, w ater resources m anagem ent is legislated as the responsibility o f the same organization that provides the potable w ater supply and sewerage services except A ntigua’s W ater D epartm ent w hich does not provide sewerage services. These w ater organizations do not focus on integrated w ater resources management. This IW RM neglect is possibly because o f a lack o f understanding o f IW RM by the decision makers, a lack o f hum an resource capacity and com petencies in IW RM , the overw helm ing challenges o f the service provider and the limited financial resources. The core functions o f IW RM should not be in the organization responsible for potable w ater supply and sewerage services or any organization that is a user o f the resource, as this is conflicting and tantam ount to the m anager o f the resource being m anaged by a user o f the resource. However, there are persons for unknow n reasons that influence the decision m akers to locate the core functions o f IW RM in the w ater supply service organization - a position which w ould certainly not lend itself to effective integrated w ater resources management. 3. Lack o f a vision fo r IWRM IW RM policy, legislation and plans have not been developed. The inertia in having these developed could probably also be attributed to a lack o f vision for IW RM in the country. W hat may be required is a com prehensive consultative process to develop a shared national vision. At a regional level, a model IW RM policy, a model IW RM legislation and a model IW RM plan could be developed w hich w ould facilitate their developm ent in the islands. 62 4. Development o f an IWRM organizational structure W hat is the m ost appropriate organizational structure to be developed and how is this organization to be made functional? W ithout the country/local experience and skills, it appears that in the initial stage expertise would be required to assist in the developm ent o f a base structure to accom plish the objectives needed for IW RM . It m ust be noted that the actual structure developed w ould depend on the functions to be perform ed and the activities for which em phasis is placed. Annex (5a) provides an exam ple o f a possible structure o f a w ater resources agency taken from the Program m e for W ater Governance Fiji - W ater Resources M anagem ent at National Level: Final Report: Chapter 5: Institutional Reform. Fiji w as used because it is also a small island and restructuring o f the w ater sector m aking IW RM integral w as recently undertaken in 2006. 5. Implementation o f an effective governance structure Effective IW RM is not only about the core functions that an organization with responsibility for IW RM will undertake, but also about effective im plem entation o f all the actions related to the w ater sector o f w hich key stakeholders are responsible. Hence coordination, collaboration and stakeholder partnerships from planning to im plem entation must be reflected in the governance structure and be form alized in policy and legislation with roles and responsibilities from the national to the com munity levels clearly defined. In addition, everyone is a stakeholder, therefore IW RM m ust be supported by public education to allow each person to undertake his/her role effectively. 6. The skills and knowledge base required The skills and com petencies required w ould be determ ined by the functions to be undertaken in the core IW RM organization defined and the skills and com petency gaps in the IW RM functional areas o f key stakeholder organizations and the w ater supply and sewerage service provider. Technical capacity required by a w ater resources unit/organization w ith core IW RM functions span several disciplines and categories as indicated previously in the section on Technical Capacity. As a consequence, initially there may be a mix o f retained staff and private sector involvement. However, there m ust be a m inim um technical capacity and professional ability for the organization to be effective. 7. Financing an IWRM organization The limited financial resources to m eet the com peting needs in the islands coupled with the lack o f understanding o f IW RM and the benefits o f its im plem entation to a country are stumbling blocks to establishing an IW RM organization. H ow ever the im portance o f IW RM to 63 sustainable developm ent in a country makes it im perative that a mechanism be developed for establishing an IW RM organization that is appropriately staffed and can be funded to be effective. B. Recommendations For effective w ater resources management, an integrated approach m ust be adopted holistically and w ithin the context o f good governance (CATHALAC, Vision on W ater,2000). As such, the following critical actions are necessary to support the institutional structure to be established: • Collaboration w ith m ajor stakeholders to obtain agreem ent on the decision making process for m ajor w ater projects and their im plem entation; • D ecisions taken and im plem ented m ust be in the best interest o f the island and its people both in the short and long terms; • A ppropriate capacity-building for effective w ater m anagem ent at the various levels including the political directorate should be facilitated and supported; • Positions should be staffed w ith the appropriate hum an resource capacities; • Public education and awareness m ust be an ongoing action. IW RM principles and practices in these island countries should be im plem ented through: C. • Coordination among all relevant agencies; • Long-term planning and com m itm ent for IW RM implem entation; and • Appropriate support from relevant regional and international agencies. Institutional framework An effective institutional fram ework is fundamental to im plem ent the policies and plans for successful integrated w ater resources management. This means that the structure, roles and responsibilities m ust encompass all the core functions and necessary com plementary functions that com prise IWRM. Com ponents o f these functions include w ater resources assessment, w ater planning and management, w ater regulation, w ater and sewerage service and the many support and com plementary services. For regulation to be successful it m ust be kept separate from user organizations including the service provider. The responsibility o f the w ater sector m ust be shared w ith other key stakeholders and therefore an effective structure for coordination and collaboration is necessary. 64 There m ust also be consistency in sectoral policies and plans to obtain maxim um benefits for the country. D. The water resources organization The organization/unit w ith prim ary responsibility for integrated w ater resource m anagem ent should not be located w ithin the organization responsible for potable w ater supply and sewerage services or any organization that is a user o f the resource. The organization/unit should have the following functions. D evelopm ent and im plem entation o f an IW RM policy and strategy; D evelopm ent and im plem entation o f IW RM legislation and enforcement; D evelopm ent o f an IW RM m aster plan; W ater resources assessment; Regulation o f the use o f available w ater resources; Establishm ent o f a national w ater resources database and dissemination o f data and information; A llocation o f w ater resources; W ater demand analysis; D em and management; D evelopm ent and im plem entation o f w ater conservation plans; D esignation o f source protection zones; Establishm ent and im plem entation o f abstraction licenses and fees; D evelopm ent and im plem entation o f a w ater quality control plan; Flood m anagem ent - planning and developm ent o f guidelines; Public education on w ater resources. These functions w ould be undertaken in cooperation and collaboration w ith other appropriate organizations. E. The water supply and wastewater services organization The responsibilities o f the W ater and Sewerage Authority should at least include: • • • • • • The provision o f a clean, safe potable w ater supply; The provision o f w astew ater collection, treatm ent and disposal to the extent and standards determined; D evelopm ent and im plem entation o f sewerage regulations to deal w ith connection o f premises, construction o f private sewers and control o f private sewerage installations; D evelopm ent and im plem entation o f rates and charges in accordance w ith the pricing policy; D evelopm ent o f a w ater supply and w astew ater policy, legislation, strategy and m aster plan; D evelopm ent o f a drought m anagem ent plan. 65 For islands w ith inadequate w ater resources, optim izing the w ater resources by harnessing and m anaging all w ater including w astew ater and storm w ater appears to be an effective m ethod but im plem entation requires that the country is sewered (Singapore Utilities, 2007) . U nfortunately the sewerage systems in G renada and D om inica are inadequate covering a small percentage o f the population w hile in A ntigua there are no centralized sewerage systems. The first priority source for w ater supply is the harnessing o f w ater resources in the respective w ater catchments and therefore m anagem ent and protection o f the land area is important. However, landuse m anagem ent and w atershed m anagem ent in the islands are not given the priority required. It m ust be noted that effective w ater m anagem ent cannot be separated from effective landuse m anagem ent and w atershed management. To ensure a sustainable w ater supply, optim ization o f the w ater resources m ust include conservation and a w ater dem and m anagem ent programme. The w ater supply organizations in the islands therefore have a m ajor responsibility w ith respect to the m anagem ent o f w ater demand, as it includes the proper handling o f the transm ission and distribution network to m inim ize losses and im plem ent w ater conservation measures. F. Key water stakeholder organizations O ther actions o f key stakeholders necessary for effective integrated w ater resources m anagem ent include, inter alia, developm ent and im plem entation o f the following: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Landuse plan; D evelopm ent control plan; Land developm ent regulations and zoning; Integrated watershed m anagem ent plan; Coastal zone m anagem ent plan; Irrigation m anagem ent plan; A griculture w ater use efficiency plan; Soil conservation plan; Solid w aste m anagem ent plan; Standards and/or guidelines for environm ental quality; Environm ental im pact assessment; Standards for w ater quality; Public health m onitoring plan; Em ergency m anagem ent plan for flooding. The scope o f responsibilities and actions to be undertaken by the prim ary organization for IW RM , the utility provider o f w ater and sewerage services and other key stakeholders have been outlined to dem onstrate the areas for w hich hum an resource capacity m ust be built or obtained. From the inform ation collected by questionnaire, telephone interview s and literature review, it is clear that m ost o f the organizations w ith responsibilities related to IW RM do not have the human resource capacity and/or the capabilities to effect these actions. Furtherm ore 66 there appears to be no excess capacity or expertise to staff a unit dedicated to IW RM as outlined above. To clearly identify gaps in the organizations responsible for one or more o f these actions, institutional audits w ould have had to be undertaken and this m eant visiting the organizations in each o f the islands as there is some difficulty in obtaining com prehensive inform ation from the islands However, this assessm ent provided sufficient inform ation to determine that the human resources w ith the capability o f undertaking IW RM actions m ust be acquired and appropriate capacity-building m ust be undertaken both for the core IW RM organization/unit and the key stakeholder organizations. G. The way forward A t present, the focus on IW RM in the islands should be on how IW RM could be im plemented. For some time, attention has been on w hat actions are to be undertaken together w ith some sporadic IW RM training to technocrats in the region. A mechanism m ust be found to engage and educate the policy m akers and political directorate so that m om entum can be developed and “buy-in” obtained for the im plem entation o f IW RM in a holistic m anner before negative impacts, that could be avoided, occur. A catalyst for IW RM im plem entation in these islands, given the challenges and status o f IW RM in the countries is the developm ent o f the following models for IW RM . These models w ould give support to the islands and the w ider Caribbean as they could then be adapted to the specific countries: • • • • • • • Policy; Strategy; Legislation; W ater resources organization/unit structure; Institutional fram ework/structure; Public education programme; Financing mechanism for the IW RM organization/unit. Com plem enting the models are other im portant studies to advance the planning and m anagem ent o f w ater resources and facilitate development. These studies include: • • • • • • The econom ics o f IW RM; The im pacts (including econom ic im pacts) o f climate change on IW RM ; D evelopm ent o f a strategy for building IW RM capacity in the Caribbean; M echanism s for effective stakeholder involvem ent/participation in IW RM ; A compilation o f best m anagem ent practices in IW RM internationally; Comparison o f the econom ics o f w ater reuse and desalination. Given the status o f the hum an resources capacity and the com petencies required in these islands, achieving developm ent o f the models and studies recom m ended w ould not be sufficient 67 to im plem ent IWRM. It is clear that hum an resources capacity is required in m ost areas identified in the technical capabilities requirement. It is therefore critical that a strategy be developed for each island to obtain the hum an resources with the appropriate capabilities to undertake the actions. The lack o f adequate and reliable data and inform ation w hich are fundamental to planning, m anagem ent and decision-m aking points the direction to one o f the actions that must be undertaken in the initial stage. H ence one o f the areas o f capacity-building m ust be in w ater resources m onitoring and assessment. Lessons could be learnt from the Jam aica and Trinidad and Tobago experiences in w ater resources m anagem ent and the functions o f the proposed W ater Resources Organization for Fiji (see A nnex 20b) could be used as another guide. However, w hatever actions are undertaken to im plem ent IW RM m ust be w ithin best m anagem ent practices globally. Finally, the notion that w ater m anagem ent is only about transm ission and distribution o f potable w ater and disposal o f sewage m ust be dispelled. W ater m ust be m anaged for optim ization o f use and sustainability w hile supporting social and econom ic development. Rem em ber the findings o f the W orld W ater Council at the Conference in The Hague in 2000 “W ater M anagem ent is in Crisis” . 68 Annex 20 (a) Potential structure of water resources agency The divisions or units in the above diagram outlined in black are those w hich w ould logically be established initially, w hile other sub-divisions could be added later or as required. 69 Annex 20 (b) F U N C T IO N S O F K E Y U N IT S O F T H E W A T E R R E S O U R C E S A G E N C Y - F I J I UNIT FUNCTION AND COMMENT Council and Committee Secretariat The secretariat could exist as an independent entity to provide support for the National Water Council and the Committee and other as hoc arrangements from time to time. It needs to be headed up by a person at level of director: otherwise the Director of the Secretariat and should be supported by a full­ time official who reports directly to the Director. Policy and legislation The preparation of policy at national and subsidiary policy guidelines, including oversight or coordination of the production of technical guidelines (e.g. floodplain planning guidelines) Preparation of legislation proposals and implementation of legislation. Water resources management This division includes all key water management activities and the technical facilities. In an alternative structure, information and technical could be separate. The water management division would investigate and analyze issues on which decisions need to be made and implement the solution in the relevant areas. Water resources assessm ent The unit is responsible for the measurement and analysis of (i) streamflow and (ii) groundwater occurrence. Analytical tools also form part of assessment, such as modelling to obtain information about the behaviour of water sources and the impacts on water of abstracting water or diverting rivers, etc. This unit would provide information on which to base decisions about water allocation and major development of water sources. Water allocation and licensing The unit is responsible for issuing water licences to relevant water users and administering the licences. It includes a monitoring and regulatory role, to ensure that water is taken according to authorizations. It would also act in cases of water scarcity to assert priorities such as in case of drought. Information and data This unit build up and ensure coordination of water resources data bases for the whole of the Fiji islands. It is proposed that surface water quality and groundwater quality/occurrence be the two main data bases, but links with other data would also be encouraged. Regardless where the hydrology unit is finally located, the water agency should lead in defining the purposes and scope of data needed for water management and therefore the features of the surface water data networks. 70 Flood m anagem ent and modelling This unit’s function would be limited to water assessm ent and it could be located differently. Flooding modelling would be relevant to assessment, but would be required for planning. Additionally, hydrological studies with respect to floods would be undertaken. Administration and finance This unit is necessary for support of the agency is located within an existing organization, it would not be needed as a separate unit. W ater resources planning This unit would be established if an active planning scheme is developed. Planning areas could include floodplain planning, water allocation planning and planning for the protection of riverine areas and other special areas. Note that some planning, such as floodplain planning would necessarily have extensive involvement by the Planning agency, which might adopt the leading role, but with support on technical aspects by the water agency. Education and aw aren ess This unit would develop information and media for promoting public understanding of water resources management, for national issues but also increasingly for the local level village and small island. Other agencies and NGOs will be producing related material, so a high degree of liaison would be necessary. A d a p ted fro m European Union and SOPAC, Program m e fo r Water G overnance F iji — Water Resources M anagem ent at N ational Level, Final Report: Chapter 5 Institutional Reform 71 References Drigo, Anthony. Integrating M anagem ent o f W atersheds and Coastal Areas in Small D eveloping States o f the Caribbean - National Report, Com m onwealth o f Dominica. M arch 2001. N ational Report - Integrating M anagem ent o f W atersheds and Coastal Areas, Grenada. (D epartm ent o f Econom ic Affairs - M inistry o f Finance and, Financial Complex, Carenage, St. G eorge’s): July 2001. National Environm ental Policy and M anagem ent Strategy for Grenada. Health, Social Security, the Environm ent and Ecclesiastic Relations): April 2005. (M inistry o f Baptiste, Raymond. Land Resources Inform ation Systems in the Caribbean - Grenada. (M inistry o f A griculture - Landuse Division). Peters E.J. R ainw ater Potential for D om estic W ater Supply in Grenada. September 2006. Cooper, Brian and Bowen, Vincent. Integrating M anagem ent o f W atershed and Coastal Areas in Small Island D eveloping States o f the Caribbean - N ational R eport for A ntigua and Barbuda. (Environm ent Division, M inistry o f Tourism and Environment): April 2001. Crichlow, M arilyn. January 2006. Integrated W ater Resources M anagem ent W orkshop - Antigua. Catalyzing Change: A handbook for developing integrated w ater resources m anagem ent (IW RM ) and w ater efficiency strategies - produced by the Global W ater Partnership (GWP) Technical Comm ittee w ith support from N orw ay’ M inistry o f Foreign Affairs Singapore U tilities International PTE Ltd http://ww w .sg.htm 14/08/2007 Singapore Public U tilities Board http://ww w 20/08/2007 European U nion and SOPAC Program m e for W ater Governance Fiji W ater Resources M anagem ent at N ational Level - Final Report, W ater Policy Services PTY, N ovem ber 2006 http://ww w ater+G overnance+Fiji Proceedings o f the Seminar on Integrated W ater Resources M anagem ent: Institutional and Policy Reform, Port o f Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, 24-27 June 1997 Pacific Regional Action Plan on Sustainable W ater M anagem ent, In Preparation for the 3rd W orld W ater Forum Kyoto, Japan, 2003, 3rd A ugust 2002 Sigatoka, Fiji Islands 72 Vision on W ater - Life and the Environm ent for the 21st Century, Regional Consultation The Caribbean, W ater Center for the H um id Tropics o f Latin Am erica and the Caribbean (CATHALAC), M arch 2000