EEA/ADS/06/001 – Water EMISSION DATA DICTIONARY EMISSION SOURCE DISCHARGES SCHEME AND LEGEND Version: 3.1 Date: August 2010 EEA activity: A) Task WISE SoE data capture (2009) Task WISE SoE data flows (2010) ETC/Water task.milestone.submilestone: Prepared by / compiled by: Hana Prchalová Organisation: CENIA EEA Project manager: Marek Staron / Hermann Peifer (2009) Bo Jacobsen / Marek Staron (2010) Adapted scheme for Emission Data Dictionary Legend: P oint s ourc es to c oas tal and trans itional waters : D0 D irect D is charges (total) P oint s ourc es to inland waters : U1 Urban W as te W ater Untreated (U11-U14) U2 Urban W as te W ater T reated (U21-U24) I3 Indus trial W as te W ater T reated I4 Indus trial W as te W ater Untreated O5 O ther W as te W ater T reated O6 O ther W as te W ater Untreated G7 P oint S ources to G W (total) Difus e (non-point) s ourc es to inland waters : NP 1 Agriculture E mis s ions NP 2 Atmos pheric D epos ition NP 3 Un-C onnected D wellings E mis s ions NP 4 Urban D iffus e E mis s ions NP 5 S torm O verflows E mis s ions NP 6 Abandoned Indus trial S ites E mis s ions NP 7 O ther D iffus e E mis s ions NP 8 B ackground E mis s ions ‘Direct Discharges (total)’ refers to the aggregated discharges from all point sources with direct discharge to receiving waters in the country belonging to coastal or transitional water bodies in the context of WFD. Riverine fluxes are not included in D0. Any aquaculture facilities, as already reported in E-PRTR, should be included in D0. ‘Urban Waste Water Untreated’ refers to municipal wastewater that is collected but discharged without treatment. ‘Urban Waste Water Treated’ refers to the discharge of municipal waste water following treatment in an UWWTP. Such wastewater may have come originally from domestic and industrial sources. In addition, it includes any urban runoff, generated during rainfall, which is collected and directed to a treatment plant. Ideally, such treated discharges should not include stormflows that exceed the storage capacity of the system. However, if only combined data is available then please flag. ‘Industrial Waste Water Treated’ refers only to the discharge of treated industrial waste water from independently operated industrial WWTPs and not that discharged from municipal treatment plants ‘Industrial Waste Water Untreated’ refers to discharges of industrial wastewater that remain untreated. ‘Urban Diffuse’ refers only to those emissions of pollutants in urban runoff that are not connected to a wastewater collecting system. Runoff from paved surfaces via separate stormwater drainage systems as well as diffuse runoff without drainage systems is included. ‘Storm Overflows’ – refers to discharges/emissions of combined sewer overflow to a receiving water following exceedance of the storage capacity of the collecting/treatment system during heavy ‘storm’ rainfall. Ideally, this discharge should be separate from that referred to under ‘Urban Waste Water Treated’ but if data are only available as combined then please include as comments.