Integration Assignment #3: Databases CASE: You are an administrative assistant for a local real estate developer. The office staff has started to use a Microsoft Access database to manage and organize their data. The database contains an Agents table which tracks the agent responsible for each listing. The database needs another table named Properties that tracks the status of each listing (whether the property is sold or still available). Your boss has asked you to update and finish the database. The list of properties for sale is in a Word document; you will create a Properties table and add the records from the Word document. This assignment will be completed individually. TASK: 1. Open the Access database file Databases_Listings.mdb, and then rename (Save As) YourLastNameFirstNameListings.mdb. Enable the content, if necessary. 2. Create a new table named Properties, switch to the Design View and enter the following fields as specified following table. After you have entered the information, save the table, and close it. Field Name PropertyID (primary key fieldgenerated automatically) StreetAddress City ZIP Owner Price Purchased ListingDate Data type Text Field Size 4 Required format Caption Property ID Code Text Text Text Text Currency Yes/No Date/Time 25 15 5 50 Currency Number and Street Town or City ZIP Code Last Name of Owner Listing Price Is this sold? Date Listed AgentID Text Short Date format MM/DD/YYYY 4 ID Number of Listing Agent 3. Relate the table you just created and the Agents table already in the database in a one-to-many relationship using AgentID as the linking field; enforce referential integrity, cascade update related fields, and do not cascade deleted records. Save and close the Relationship Window. 4. Enter the your information in the first record in the Properties table using the following information: your own address, yourself as the owner, a price of $250,000, Yes in the Purchased field, a listing date of two weeks ago, and BM27 as the AgentID. 5. Open the Word file Databases_Listings and Agents.doc. Add the agents and properties records to tables using the appropriate forms. 6. Create a query from the Agents table listing all agents in alphabetical order by last name, save it as “Agents by Last Name”. 7. Created a query from the Agents table listing all agents whose stipend is $500, save it as “Agents with $500 stipend”. 8. Create a report using the Report Wizard named “Properties By Agent” that displays all properties by agent and includes the agent’s name. Include all fields from the Properties table. Use the Block format and the Solstice style. 9. Create a query from the Agents and Properties tables that displays all information on Ruth Rosen’s Properties, save it as “Agent Rosen Properties”. 10. Create a query from the Properties table that displays all properties located in Englewood, save it as “Englewood Properties”. 11. Create a Word document directed to the local real estate developer indicating which agents you feel he/she should work with and why, save the file as LastNameFirstName.docx. 12. Submit your completed files to the SAM Dropbox by no later than 11:59pm on Friday, November 30, 2012.