Office of Fellowships and Internships FY2014 Annual Report FY 14 OFI Annual Report - Page 1 Contents 3 Internships 9 Fellowships 15 Research Associates 17 Outreach 18 Partnerships 19 Smithsonian Institution Fellowship Program 20 FY14 Smithsonian Advisors and Mentors Smithsonian Latino Center (SLC) with some of their Summer 2014 Fellows (read more) MESSAGE FROM THE DIRECTOR Packing everything that SI interns, fellows, and research associates do into a short report is hard to do, but hopefully this offers at least a snapshot. This is the second year that OFI has put together an annual report. In the process of putting it together this year it is striking to us how grateful we are to work with not only so many fantastic academic appointees, but also with so many terrific SI colleagues who step up as mentors, advisors, and sponsors. Smithsonian staff who host interns, fellows, and research associates are truly the secret sauce that make SI academic programs the very best. If you hosted an intern, fellow, or research associate in the past year I hope you will read this report with the great satisfaction of knowing that you made the programs described here possible. Thank you! Eric Woodard Director for Fellowships and Internships OFI Intern, Emma Auburn visits the Natural History's Smithsonian Institution Private Library FY 14 OFI Annual Report - Page 2 “I enjoyed every minute of my internship. It was amazing to meet all of the birds as well as my co-workers. I learned so much and this internship made me realize I want to continue in animal care and educating the public in my future career.” - NZP Intern Kathryn Duck A Smithsonian Internship is a guided learning experience in the workplace under the direction of an SI mentor, which relates to an intern’s academic or career goals. Number of Interns Hosted by SI in FY14: 1,607 Number of SI Mentors in FY14: 611 NMAH Intern Clay Miller Learned About Textile Conservation during his summer internship in the costume and textile conservation lab (click here to watch Clay tell his story). FY 14 OFI Annual Report - Page 3 Where Did FY14 Smithsonian Interns Come From? (Click Map) FY 14 OFI Annual Report - Page 4 Where Did FY14 SI Interns Go? National Portrait Gallery (NPG) Intern Allison Press visited every SI unit in the DC area (more) When Were FY14 SI Interns Here? 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 Interns In FY14 NMNH Hosted the Most Interns ...followed by: NZP, NMAH, CFCH, and STRI The number of SI Interns peaked in July 0 FY 14 OFI Annual Report - Page 5 FY14 SI Interns - Who Where They? Alana Jiwa completed an internship with the Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum (CHNDM) Library (more) FY14 SI Interns Represented 52 Countries five were the USA, Canada, China, the UK, and Italy FY14 SI Interns Represented 48 States, DC, Puerto Rico, and Guam five were VA, MD, DC, NY, and CA (none from ND or SD) FY14 SI Interns Represented 696 Different Colleges, Universities, and High Schools 5 Schools: GWU, UMD, American, GMU, Georgetown Average Intern Age: 23.8 Interns: 76% Female, 24% Male Edward Lo interned with the Smithsonian Office of Facilities Engineering and Operations (OFEO) (more) 90% of SI Interns felt they were mentored “very well” during their internship 92% of SI Interns felt they learned “a lot” during their internship 86% of SI Interns felt the SI internship experience met their expectations “I had a fantastic experience at SERC this summer. Every moment was an opportunity for learning. I would go back and do it all again in a heartbeat.” - SERC Intern Kristen Bachand FY 14 OFI Annual Report - Page 6 FY14 SI Interns By Race Seven students from Montana State University (MSU) interned at the National Museum of Natural History (NMNH) this past spring (more) FY14 SI Interns By Ethnicity NASM Intern Casey Tissue in front of a F-45 Phantom II her father flew while serving as a U.S. Marine (more) 3.3% of FY14 SI Interns Reported a Disability FY 14 OFI Annual Report - Page 7 NMAH Intern Vanessa Chicas interned with the Program in Latino History and Culture this past summer (more) NMNH Intern Jessica Lindsay (left) learned from Mineral Science Curator Michael Wise (right) (more) NZP Intern Alexandra Kirby interned with the Zoo’s Media Relations Department (more) NMAfA Intern Katie Patschke examined African occupations dedicated to the creation of art (more) FY 14 OFI Annual Report - Page 8 “As an international fellow I found the whole experience to be enlightening, engaging; it has given me valuable insight. - NMAH Fellow Kirsty Smith A Smithsonian Fellowship is an opportunity for independent research or study that makes use of Smithsonian facilities, collections or experts. Number of Fellows Hosted by SI in FY14: 725 Number of SI Advisors in FY14: 319 Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute (STRI) Fellow Victor Frankel talks about his poster during the 2014 STRI Fellows Symposium in Panama (more) FY 14 OFI Annual Report - Page 9 Where Did FY14 Smithsonian Fellows Come From? (Click Map) FY 14 OFI Annual Report - Page 10 National Museum of American History (NMAH) Fellow Michelle Scott researched the experiences of black vaudeville performers in the 1920s (more) Where Did FY14 SI Fellows Go? When Were FY14 SI Fellows Here? In FY14 NMNH Hosted the Most Fellows...followed by: SAO, NZP, SAAM, and SERC Average number of fellows at SI during FY14: 343 FY 14 OFI Annual Report - Page 11 National Museum of Natural History (NMNH) Fellow Ricardo Moratelli holds two bats he helped classify as new species (more) FY14 SI Fellows - Who Where They? FY14 SI Fellows Represented 54 Countries five were the USA, Brazil, China, UK, and Germany FY14 SI Interns Represented 41 States and five were MD, DC, VA, CA and MA (none from AR, KS, ME, MS, MT, NV, SD, WV, or WY) FY14 SI Fellows Represented 649 Different Colleges, and Universities 5 Schools: UMD, GMU, GWU, Harvard, and Cornell Average Fellow Age: 35 Interns: 54% Female, 44% Male 90% of SI Fellows felt they were advised “very well” during their fellowship 94% of SI Fellows felt they discovered “a lot” during their fellowship 90% of SI Fellows felt the SI Fellowship experience met their expectations 2013 - 2014 Smithsonian American Art Museum (SAAM) Fellows FY 14 OFI Annual Report - Page 12 FY14 SI Fellows By Race National Museum of Natural History (NMMH) Fellow Erica Farmer delivered the first James Smithson Fellowship Lecture (more) FY14 SI Fellows By Ethnicity > 1% of FY14 SI Fellows Reported a Disability Queensland Fellow Terry Deen completed a Fellowship and the Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum (CHNDM) (more) FY 14 OFI Annual Report - Page 13 NMAH Post-doctoral Fellow Luciana Koptcke (left) examined the role museums play in promoting public health and health education with advisor Katherine Ott (right) (more) NMNH Pre-doctoral Fellow Samuel Bolton discovered a new species, the “Dragon Mite” (more) CFCH Smithsonian Artist Research Fellow LaMont Hamilton researched aesthetics of “the dap” (more) HMSG Fellow Steven O’Banion conducted a series of interviews with contemporary artists (more) FY 14 OFI Annual Report - Page 14 Smithsonian Research Associates maintain a formal scholarly affiliation with the Smithsonian. Number of Research Associates Hosted by SI in FY14: 1115 FY14 SI Research Associates - Who Where They? On behalf of the USDA, David Adamski has researched the taxonomy, life histories, and morphology of moths at the National Museum of Natural History (NMNH) for over 23 years (more) FY14 SI Research Associates Represented 43 States and DC five were MD, VA, DC, CA, and MA (none from DE, ID, KY, MO, NH, ND, or VT) FY14 SI Research Associates Represented over 500 Different Organizations Average Research Associate Age: 53.3 Research Associates: 36% Female, 64% Male FY 14 OFI Annual Report - Page 15 UC Davis Professor Margaret Crofoot studies cooperation and group conflict in white-faced caphcins at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute (STRI) Where Did FY14 SI Research Associates Go? Harvard Professor Alyssa Goodman studies star formation, e-Science, and data visualization at the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory (SAO) FY 14 OFI Annual Report - Page 16 OUTREACH SI Equal Opportunity Specialist Shahin Nemazee (middle, right) meets with students at the October 2013 Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities (HACU) Conference in Chicago, IL (more) OFI and NMAH Convened the 2nd Annual Smithsonian Career Center Conference in December 2013 (more) In FY14, OFI engaged in over 40 different initiatives to strengthen diversity and inclusion at the Smithsonian through academic appointments. These initiatives took the form of participation in a range of career center events, college/university visits, and pursuing prospective partnerships and the development of special programs. Some specific examples included: 10/11/13 12/4/13 Spring 2014 2/24/14 3/20/14 4/10/14 5/7/14 Summer 2014 7/1/14 7/18/14 8/27/14 9/6/14 2013-2014 Fall 2014 HACU Annual Conference (Chicago, IL) 2nd Annual SI Career Center Fair (Washington, DC) Gallaudet High School Internship Program Visit to University of Maryland (Baltimore, MD) Visit to Hood College (Frederick, MD) Peace Corps Career Conference (Washington, DC) YING Student Visit to SI from Upstate New York Arlington/Alexandria Coalition for the Homeless Internship Prgrm Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR) Conference on Asian Pacific Leadership (CAPAL) Conference Meeting with Montgomery Community College Visit to the University of Houston Smithsonian Project Search Internship Program Young African Leadership Initiative (YALI) Interns 49 Email Newsletters 21,000+ Email Subscribers 53 Intern/Fellow Enrichment Events 133 Facebook Posts, 222 Tweets 394,653 Website Visitors 1,247,772 Website Page Views FY 14 OFI Annual Report - Page 17 PARTNERSHIPS In FY14, OFI supported existing partnerships and pursued new ones to strengthen, diversify, and develop academic appointment opportunities at the Smithsonian. If FY14 examples of these partnerships included: Smithsonian Project Search Interns tackled an OFI archiving project (in nongovernment space) during the fall 2013 federal government shut-down Ijeoma Idika-Chima interned at the Smithsonian through the Young African Leadership Initiative (YALI) (click here to watch I.J. tell her story) American Council of Learned Societies Fellows Arlington/Alexandria Coalition for the Homeless Arts and Humanities Research Council Fellows Committee on Institutional Cooperation George Washington University Project Search Queensland, Australia Smith College State Dept. Virtual Student Foreign Service University of Alberta Young African Leadership Initiative FY 14 OFI Annual Report - Page 18 In FY14, the centrally supported Smithsonian Institution Fellowship Program (SIFP), and affiliated programs, received proposals from 485 post-doctoral, pre-doctoral, graduate student, and practitioner applicants. FY14 proposals to the SIFP fell in the following proportions among disciplines represented by the following review committees: ANTHRO: CONS: EASCI: HART: HST: NZP: SCH: SERC: STRI: Anthropology Conservatory Science Earth and Space Science History of Art History of Science and Technology Zoology Social and Cultural History Environmental Research Tropical Research 84 fellowship awards were made through the FY14 Smithsonian Institution Fellowship Program (SIFP) FY 14 OFI Annual Report - Page 19 FY14 Smithsonian Advisors and Mentors The following people served as a SI mentor and/or advisor in FY14: Christal,Mark Crosier,Adrienne Dodds,Toby Christensen,Stephanie Crowell,Juliet Doeleman,Sheperd Christus,Maria Crowley,Bianca Doering,Zahava Clark,Ruth Ann Cruz,Elio Doherty,Tiarna Clough,Camy Dalling,James Donnelly,William Coddington,Jonathan Dallmeier,Francisco Dorr,Laurence Cole,Daniel Daniels,Jennifer Douglas,Janet Dove,Carla Abrams,Janet Banks-Scott,Myra Blachere,Brigitte Buffington,Matthew Cole,Johnnetta Dash,Shareen Accomazzi,Alberto Barden,Richard Blankenbicker,Richard Bugbee,Elizabeth Collette,Bruce Davies,Stuart Drake,Jeremy Acevedo,Pedro Barrat,John Blasco,Erin Bullard,Kristen Collette,Lauren Davis,Nancy Drumheller,Ann Adamski,David Barrett,Brooks Bloom,Kelly Burke,Edward Collin,Rachel Davis,Donald Dudar,Chris Duff,Laura Adey,Walter Barthel,Tony Boudreau,Joan Cadaval,Olivia Collins,Allen de Queiroz,Kevin Aitken-Palmer,Copper Basset,Yves Bowers,Dwight Cairns,Stephen Collins,James De Roche,Dana Early,Elizabeth Akre,Thomas Bastian,Meredith Box,Stephen Campbell,Bruce Collins,Lora Dechman,Dina Eaton-Martinez,Omar Alexander,Jennifer Bauer,Erika Brady,Sean Campbell Lilenfeld,Bonnie Collins,Martin Deese,Ashley Eckerd,Stephen Collum,Malcolm DeLuca,Edward Eder,Elilzabeth Canington,Stephanie Combs,Rhea DePriest,Paula Edwards Asuncion,Sara Caragol,Taina Comizzoli,Pierre DeRoche,Dana Efthim,Richard Carlton,Jennifer Cooke,Ian DeThomas,Karen Egan,Ashley Carnegie,Samuel Cooke,Richard Deutsch,James Eitel,Heidi Carnes,Kelly Cooper,Alexander DeVries,Maya Ellis,Janice Carrano,Matthew Cooper,Judie Diamond,Debra Elvis,Martin Carter,Karen Cort,Louise Diaz-Carrera,Cristina Engelbrecht,Bettina Castilleja,Josue Costello,Lance Dibella,Vickie Engene,Niclas Cattaneo,Vickie Costello,Robert Dikow,Torsten Eng-Wilmot,Kira Ceruzzi,Paul Cottrell,Elizabeth DiMeglio Lopez,Christina Erwin,Douglas Chamorro,Lourdes Cottrill,Chris DiMichele,William Erwin,Terry Chance,Kelly Coyle,Laura DiStefano,Roseanne Esterlund,Theresa Charola,A. Elena Cremer,David Dittemore,Maggie Estevez,Rosemarie Chen,Cecille Cristin,Ryan Divband,Sherri Evans,Matthew Chesser,Terry Crofoot,Margaret Doan,Todd Evans,Maurice Braun,Michael Allee,Stephen Beauchamp,Carrie Alonso,Alfonso Behrensmeyer,Kay Altieri,Andrew Belanus,Betty Bray,Rebecca AndersonTeixeira,Kristina Bell,Joshua Breitburg,Denise Andrews,Benjamin Bell,Nicholas Benbow,Wystan Braunstein,Cheryl Breitburg,Dr. Denise Brickhouse,Nancy Aniel,Krista Bender,Randy Briggs,Nigel Anson,Hines Benson,Margaret Bronikowski,Edward Apostolides,Nik Arnoldi,Mary Jo Bentley,Bethany Bercaw,Nancy Brooks,Barrett Brown,Cindy Asuncion,Sara Berry,Bonnie Brown,Cynthia Augustine,Lauren Biddison,Dawn Brown,Janine Baird Burris,Marcia Baker-Masson,Pamela Billeck,Bill Billeck,William Brown,John Brundage,Jennifer Baldwin,Carole Bird,Larry Buff,Leni Ballard,Mary Bird,William Buffington,Matt FY 14 OFI Annual Report - Page 20 Evans,Sunae Funk ,Vicki Greene,Candace Hintz,Eric Irwin,Rossman Kimery,Kennith Lingafelter,Steven Evans,Susan Gagne,Raymond Gregory,Tremaine Hiscock,Meghan Isaac,Gwyneira Kinhart,Erin Lipps,Andrea Evenhaugen,Anne Gainsback,Katie Grubb,Chelsea Hoffman,Bill Jacobson,Emily Klein,Barret Little,Nicole Fabbiano,Giuseppina Gaither,Charolette Hacker,Barton Hoffman,Matthew James,Helen Klein,Katherine Litwak,Taina Faden,Robert Garcia,Julia Haddon,Mark Hollis,Kathy Jansen,Patrick Kluck,Stacey Liu,Xiong Fannon,Molly Garner,Tanya Hall,Jefferson Hollomon,Judith Jaramillo,Carlos Knowlton,Nancy Lockshin,Nora Farhad,Massumeh Gasbarre,Roberta Hallager,Sara Holm,Daniel Jentsch,Eric Kokinda,Rebecca Lopez,Christina DiMeglio Fawcett,Alexia Gates,Michael Hankins,Evelyn Holmgren,Meredith Jodry,Margaret Konstantinov,Alexander Lopez,Ida Fazio,Jilian Genel,Shy Hansen,Greta Homaik,Jake Johnson,Christopher Korreck,Kelly Lopez-Morales,Mercedes Feingold,Ellen Gentili-Poole,Patricia Harasewych,Jerry Home,Brooke Johnson,Halima Kotcho,Carrie Lowther,Andrea Feller,Candy Gerwick,William Hare,Andrew Homiak,Jake Johnson,Kirk Krakker,James Lunde,Darrin Ferrante,Riccardo Giaccai,Jennifer Harle,Jim Homma,Amy Jones,Heather Kreamer,Christine Lynch-Safreed,Tina Ferrin,Erika Giannopoulos,Vassiliki Harris,Brian Hopkins,Jesani Jones,Jennifer Kress,John Lyon,Scott Fiertz,Carol Gilbert,Gregory Harris,Daniel Hora,Joseph Jones,Christine Kristofer,Helgen Lyons,Kate Fitzhugh,Bill "Gilmore, Jr.",R. Grant Harsh,Carol Horelick,Lauren Jones Harvey,Eleanor Krupnick,Gary Lyons,Kathleen Lyons,S. Kathleen Fitzhugh,William Gilmour,Cindy Harvey,Eleanor Horgan,David Jordan,Thomas Kula,Robert Fleischer,Robert Giovanni,Fazio Hasch,Dennis Hostetler,Lisa Kaeppler,Adrienne Labandeira,Conrad Maan,Martine Fleming,Kathleen Gokey,Renee Hasse,John Hough,Elisa Kalinovska,Milena Landry,Linda Mace,Trish "Flint, Jr.",Oliver Goldstein,Paul Hauk,David Huang,Jiasheng Kamau,Gathoni Latham,David Macedo,Joe Florence,Mark Goodyear,Anne Hawks,Catharine Huber,Brian Kaminitz,Marian Latimer,Erin Machachek,Marie Flores,Gina Gordon,Iouli Haydock,Peter Huchra,John Karazsia,Amy Launius,Roger Machado,Melinda Flores,Krista Gorelick,Johanna Hayek,Lee-Ann Huh,Carol Karl,Tina Lee,Albert Mack,Deborah Ford,Bob Goreva,Yulia Heckadon,Stanley Hull-Walski,Deborah Kaspari,Michael Leimbruber,Peter Macko,Mary Fortune,Brandon Gorman,Joshua Helgen,Kristofer Hunt,David Katharine,Stewart Leimgruber,Peter Madden,Odile Foster,Mandy Gover,Carol Henry,Thomas Hunt,Gene Keen,Catherine Lemaitre,Rafael Mah,Caroline Fox,Mary Graham,Eileen Henson,Pamela Hurlbert,Don Kendler,Elizabeth Lemmey,Karen Maldonado,Jesus France,Christine Gratwicke,Brian Herre,E. Allen Hursey,Joe Kendra,Sylvia Leopold,Robert Mansfield,Michael Freeman,Christopher Graves,Gary Herringshaw,Gregory Ibanez,Alicia Keto,Eric Levchuk,Leonda Markesteijn,Lars Freeman,Sarah Grayson,Patrick Hershler,Robert Ibanez,Roberto Key,Emily Liebhold,Peter Marra,Peter Fruscione,Antonella Green,Nichole Heyer,Ronald Inocencio,Gina Kfoury,Mary Lilienfeld,Bonnie Marsh,Joanna Funk,Vicki Greenberg,Russell Hines,Anson Irwin,Ross Khan,Nancy Lilja,Janice Maslanka,Michael Mayer,James FY 14 OFI Annual Report - Page 21 McCarter,Jennifer Meyer,Annalisa Neale,Patrick Pecor,James Pyenson,Nicholas Robey,Ethan Ryder,Thomas McCarthy,Blythe Meyer,Christopher Needell,Allan Penland,Dane Quarles,Kristen Robinson,Hayes Sabella,Kathryn McCarthy,Mike Micklewright,Nancy Neilhaus,Sara Penney,David Quill,Dawn Robinson,Jewell Sadeghpour,Hossein McClintock,Jeffrey Mieri,Magdalena Nemazee,Shahin P‚rez B ez,Gabriela Radosavljevic,Aleksandar Roby,Kevin McCormick,Melissa Milbourne,Karen Neufeld,Michael Perez-Baez,Gabriela Ramos,E. Carmen Rodriguez,Lucrecia Sadler,Philip McCoy,Tim Miller,Gary Neuhaus,Tina Perich,Shannon Randall,Smith Rogers,Daniel Safranek,Lauren McCutcheon,Paul Miller,Whitman Ng,Konrad Peterson,Cecilia Randall,Scott Rogers,Jane Salazar-Porzio,Margaret McDiarmid,Roy Miller,Scott Njoku,Daisy Peterson,Paul Rappaport,Gina Rogers,John Sander,Samantha McDiarmid,Roy Milligan,Darren Norenburg,Jon Petruny,Loren Rappoport,Phillippa Romano,Jo-Ann Sanefuji,Noriko McGoldrick,Katie Milosch,Jane Norrbom,Allen Peurach,Suzanne Raymond,John Rosenberg,Lauren Sangrey,Mary McHugh,Kelly Minakowski,Adam Norwood,Jill Phelps,Patricia Reasenberg,Robert Rosenthal,David Santelli,Cara McIntosh,Jennifer Moffett,Dana Ochoa,Ronald Pisano,Dominick Reaves,Wendy Rossi,Vince Sarro,Steven McKamey,Stuart Moini,Mehdi O-Dea,Aaron Place,Jeff Reaves,Wendy Wick Rothman,Laurence Sasaki,Karen McKeon,Seabird Molella,Arthur Ortner,Donald Pobiner,Briana Reece,Dwandalyn Rouvier,Ruth Savig,Mary Mckeon,C. Seabird Monaco,Pino Osborn,Karen Pogue,Michael Reichardt,Tony Royal,Connie Sawyer,Jason Sayer,Emma Sadighian,Zabih McKinney,Robert Monseur,Mary Osman,Richard Porter,Lisa Reid,Mark Rubenstein,Harry McMahon,Sean Morrison,Howard Ososky,John Portocarrerp,Drew Reimann,Jackie Ruetzel,Klaus Scherer,Joanna McMillan,Owen Moser,Joanna Oswald,Alison Portway,Victoria Reiniger,Arlene Ruffins,Fath Schmidt,R. Scott McNish,Brett Moss,Dorothy Ott,Katherine Post,Jeffrey Reiniger,Pete Ruiz,Gregory Schmidt,Brian McOwen,David Mroczkiewicz,Peter Otte,Jaap Potter,Charley Reynolds,Ellie Ruiz,Greg Schneider,Jamie Jean McQuaid,Matilda Muldoon,Peter Owsley,Douglas Potts,Richard Reynolds,Robert Rushing,Erin Schneider,Robert McShea,Megan Muller,Helene Page,Rachel Powell,Melissa Rhue,Timothy Russell,George Schnitzer,Stefan McShea,William Mullins,Piper Paige,Liz Power,Michael Rice,Robert Russell,Haug Schuettpelz,Eric Mecklenburg,Virginia Munroe,Thomas Parenti,Lynne Presley,Nicole Richardson,Deborra Russell,Patrick Schultz,Katie Megonigal,Patrick Muracco,Christina Parker,John Pretzer,William Richardson,Matthew Russell,Rusty Schultz,Theodore Meibom,Soren Murphy,Emily Parneti,Lynne Prevette,Ashlee Rick,Torben Russo,Carolyn Schultz,Ted Melbourne,Karen Murphy,James Parr,Cynthia Price,Leondra Rico,Vincent Ruther,Paul Seelig,Joanne Menzies,Priya Murray,Suzan Patnaude,Daniel Price,Meri Ritter,Rob Ryan,Cristin Serwer,Jacqueline Merrill,William Musteen,Elizabeth Paul,Valerie Proctor,Nancy Robarge,Drew Ryan,Gwynne Serwer,Jacquelyn Mertes,Wally Nagy,Katherine Pawson,David Provost,Geraldine Robbins,Robert Ryan,Michael Shapiro,Emily Metallo,Adam N'Diaye,Diana Payson,Caroline Pukazhenthi,Budhan Robertson,Jenny Ryan,Sharon Shay,Wendy Sheehy,Daniel FY 14 OFI Annual Report - Page 22 Shockley,Floyd Squire,Rebecca Tejada,Efrain Vaugn,Cargie Wendt,Diane Young,Lisa Sholts,Sabrina Stanford,Dennis Vecchione,Michael West,Ashley Zavala,Gerald Shu,Yue Stanley,Dr. J.-D. ThomassenKrauss,Suzanne Vekerdy,Lilla Whately,Sam Zeder,Melinda Velasquez,Stephen Whigham,Dennis Zimbelman,James Velasquez,Steve White,Roger Zimmer,Elizabeth Vicenzi,Edward Whitlock,Kerry Zimmer,Elizabeth Vick,Tom Whitman,Miller Zimmerman,James Vikhlinin,Alexey Whittaker,Scott Zoon,Jennifer Vining,Margaret Wiginton,Christina Zwicker,Sue Vrtilek,Jan Wildt,David Wagner,Peter Williams,Frederic Wagner,Warren Williams,Jeffrey Walker,David Wilson,Christopher Waller,Thomas Wilson,Keith Walsworth,Ronald Wilson,Don E Walter,Chad Windsor,Donald Walter,T. Chad Wing,Scott Wargelin,Brad Wintle,Pamela Warkentin,Karen Wise,Michael Watley,Rudy Wolk,Scott Watters,Tom Woodard,Eric Wcislo,William Wooden,Caroline Weatherford,Elizabeth Woodley,Norman Weber,Charlie Wright,Joseph Wegener,Corine Wunderman,Rick Weiss,Karen Wurdack,Kenneth Weitekamp,Margaret Wurdack,Ken Weitzman,Anna Wynn,Addison Weld,Richard Yahner,John Weller,Daniel Yeh,Cedric Wen,Jun York,Hillery Shultz,Ted Shumard,Ann Shumway,Annette Siegal-Willott,Jessica Sillett,Scott Sims,Theresa Slane,Patrick Slovak,Eric Smith,Adrienne Smith,Carrie Smith,Edwin Smith,Howard Smith,Michael Smith,Stephanie Smith,Vanessa Smith,Bruce Smith,Randall Smith,Beverly Sneed,Jennifer Sneed,William Snell,Samantha Snyder,Jennifer Solis,Alma Songer,Melissa Songsasen,Nucharin Sonneborn,Atesh Spinale,Tracie Spires,Michael Staples,Thornton Staples,Amy Starrs,Siobhan Starun,Eryn Stauderman,Sarah Stauffer,Barbara Steff,Brittany Stephens,Michelle Stevens,Andrea Stevens,Joann Stevens,Michael Stewart,Katharine Stieber,Jason Stokes,Deborah Strahan,Donna Strain,Priscilla Stroman,Vincent Strong,Ellen Sues,Hans-Dieter Sulick,Sarah Sweeny,Melodie Swinson,Deborah Tabellario,Stacey Tabor,Bill Talamas,Elijah Tangerini,Alice Tasse,Judy Teixeira,Kristina Thompson,Jonathan Thrift,Linda Tocheri,Matthew Torben,Rick Torchin,Mark Torres,Guillermo Toscano,Marguerite Touwaide,Alain Tozer,Jennifer Trope,Cindy Trowbridge,Ann Truettner,William Tsang,Jia-sun Tuggle,Donna Tunick,Elizabeth Tunick,Liz Turner,Lauren Tuttle,Michael Tuzzolino,Lauren Ubelaker,Douglas Ubelaker,Doug Ulak,James Umberger,Leslie Upson,Denise Van Bael,Sunshine Van de Water,Sally van der Linden,F. Robert Van Dyk,Stephen Vari,Richard FY 14 OFI Annual Report - Page 23 Smithsonian Office of Fellowships Internships (OFI) Smithsonian Office ofand Fellowships and Internships (OFI) 470 L’Enfant Plaza SW, Suite 7102 (MRC 902) 470 L’Enfant Plaza SW, Suite 7102 (MRC 902) Washington, DC 20013-7012 Washington, DC 20013-7012 Tel. 202-633-7070, Email, Tel. 202-633-7070, Email Front Cover: SI Interns at NMNH for “Morning in the Museum” on 6/5/14 Back Cover: OFEO Interns visit the Library of Congress on 8/7/14 FY 14 OFI Annual Report - Page 24