lect 1 - UCLA Computer Science

Instructor: Mark Kampe
CS 111 – Operating Systems
Introduction to course
experience survey
introduction to course, grading, academic honesty
not a professor, not regular faculty
why study operating systems
software engineer with 30 years of OS experience
themes and techniques to be covered in course
here because I love OS and I love teaching
Introduction to operating systems
Available for help
OS, applications, and system services
before and after class
resources and abstractions
any time via e-mail
the evolution of operating systems
by appointment
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Course Web Site
it is full now, but there may be openings later
I distribute PTE #s at the end of the 2nd week
if you want to get into this class
reading, lectures, quizzes, exams, homework
copies of lecture slides (pdf, 4 per page)
answers to homework and exam questions
attend lectures, do reading, turn in all assignments
send me e-mail with your name, ID#, major, year,
and why you must have this section this quarter
I allocate PTEs based on performance and need,
up to a maximum acceptable class size
Greek to English dictionary
auditors are welcome, even encouraged
sample quiz, exam and final problems
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If you are trying to get into this class
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Course Prerequisites
Course Load
CS 32 programming
reputations this course has
this is THE hardest class in the CS department
a fast pace through a lot of non-trivial material
I try to provide a "rich" treatment of the material
CS 33 systems programming
5-6 hours/week
4-8 hours/week
3-20 hours/week
5-15 hours (3 times)
assembly language programming and data structures,
linkage conventions, stack frames, register saving
CS 118 networking
expectations you should have
objects, data structures, queues, stacks, tables, trees
packets, addressing, routing, protocols, protocol layering
CS 151 computer systems architecture
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instructions, registers, memory, traps, interrupts, DMA
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Course Lectures
Primary Text for Course
Nutt: Operating Systems – a modern perspective
background reading for virtually all lectures
good introduction to a good range of topics
good level of depth in most topics
good illustrations from real systems
repeat material that is well-covered in the reading
lectures will
clarify and elaborate on the text
provide examples and illustrative anecdotes
weaknesses for this course
work problems and expand on difficult concepts
occasional use of unnecessary formalisms
often misses practical perspectives and implications
what I can try to do is make it clear and relevant
lectures will not
strengths for this course
I cannot make this material simple or easy
explore implications and applications of concepts
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present important material absent from the text
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I want you to ask questions
Key Concepts
lectures cover things I consider to be important
if I lecture on something, expect to see it on a test
my only goal is to help you master this material
if you missed a point, others probably missed it too
if a point is not clear, I didn't explain it properly
asking questions will help us all
I will tell you up-front what the key concepts are
there is a list of them at the end of every lecture
there is a complete list posted on the web site
I will regularly test you on those key concepts
we learn new concepts by interacting with them
feel free to ask about implications and applications
challenge my generalities and over-simplifications
I am here to help you master some key concepts
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90% of exam questions will center on key concepts
apply key concepts to real problem situations
use key concepts to gain insight into new problems
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Course Grading
breakdown of points
When: first five minutes of each lecture period
18 daily quizzes
9 weekly homeworks 10%
2 midterms
4 projects
final exam
Scope: reading assigned for that lecture
expect the curve to fall near 90/80/70/60
typical distribution:
four simple questions (definitions, examples, ...)
should require at most one sentence answer
course grades will be on a curve
test your familiarity with major concepts
encourage you to come prepared for each lecture
10 A's, 20 B's, 10 C's, 2 D's, 1 F
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Regular Examinations
When: Due at start of first class of each week
When: 3rd / 4th week and 7th week
Scope: One week's reading and lectures
Scope: approximately six lectures of material
2-4 moderate essay questions or problems
some from the text, some I make up
10-15 essay questions, most with short answers
debrief during last ten minutes of period
test ability to apply key concepts from text
reinforce key concepts,
work areas where students often have problems
approximately 60% lecture, 40% text
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test understanding of key concepts
test ability to apply principles to practical problems
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Lab Projects
Final Exam
Scope: entire course
3/4 projects, of increasing difficulty
may be done individually or as two-person teams
8-12 hard multi-part essay questions
you get to pick a subset of them to answer
develop ability to exploit OS features
develop programming/problem solving ability
test mastery of key concepts
test ability to apply key concepts to real problems
instructor cannot help you with projects
use key concepts to gain insight into new problems
TA cannot help you with lectures, homework, exams
lab and lecture are completely separate
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Grading: partial and extra credit
Partial Credit
will be awarded on all problems/projects, for
clear understanding of problem
reasonable approach to problem
start promptly at the beginning of the first hour
there are no make-ups for late or missed quizzes
Extra Credit
extra credit problems on midterm and final exams
likely to be more difficult than the other problems
raise possible score above 100%
Homework Assignments
incomplete or flawed solutions
Late Assignments and Make-ups
possible on any quiz/test/homework question
will not be accepted after the solutions are posted
make-ups only available for medical emergencies
requires a letter from your doctor
make-up (different tests) given after end of quarter
50% bonus for any answer that is better than mine
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Academic Honesty – take it seriously
academic dishonesty cheats us all
devalues grades & degrees, threatens accreditation
all suspected infractions must be reported to Dean
discussing problems helps you to understand them
do not copy another student's homework
do not turn in solutions from off the web
I decide when two assignments are too similar
no warnings, no second chances, zero tolerance
every year a few students test these policies
and I forward them immediately to the Dean
if you need help, ask the instructor
they try to cheat on homework, quizzes, projects
graduations are delayed, students are suspended
Academic Honesty – homework
but you must do your homework by yourself
my policy
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it is OK to study with friends
University policy
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Academic Honesty – Quizzes/Exams
Academic Honesty – Projects
do not copy anyone else's answers
do your own projects
if you study with a friend, sit very far apart
do not use any reference materials during tests
if you need a dictionary, inform the instructor
if you don't understand a question, ask the instructor
no talking or exchanging notes during tests
all tests are to be returned to the instructor
if you need additional help, ask the TA
do not ask others how they solved the problem
do not copy solutions from the web, files or listings
protect yourself
if you have a question, raise your hand
no removal of test materials from the class room
work only with your team-mate
you must design and write all your own code
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do not show other people your solutions
be careful with old listings
How OS relates to other courses
OS will apply concepts introduced in other courses
data structures, programming languages, assembly
language programming, network protocols, computer
architectures, ...
OS will prepare you for more advanced courses
data bases and distributed computing
security, fault-tolerance, high availability
computer system modeling, queueing theory
processes, files, threads, capabilities, synchronization, ...
Why Study Operating Systems?
few of you will build OS, but many of you will ...
set up, configure and manage computer systems
write programs that exploit OS features
work with complex, distributed, and parallel software
work with abstracted services and resources
OS have had to solve many very hard problems
OS will give you a rich set of foundation concepts
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synchronization, security, integrity, protocols, distributed
computing, dynamic resource management, ...
in OS, we study these problems and their solutions
these approaches can be applied to many other areas
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Why do I love Operating Systems?
they are extremely complex
Recurring Themes in this course
view services in terms of objects and operations
yet they must be understandable by one person
they are very demanding
and behind every object there is a data structure
mechanism/policy separation
they require vision, imagination and insight
mechanism implements basic operations on resources
they must have elegance and generality
policy determines how resources are allocated
they also demand meticulous attention to detail
mechanisms should not dictate or limit policies
new policies should not require mechanism changes
they are held to very high standards
different situations call for different policies
performance, scalability, correctness, extensibility
mechanisms should include policy specification interfaces
they attract some very interesting people
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Recurring Themes in this course
an interface specification is a contract
What Does an Operating System do?
Manage hardware for programs
defines responsibilies of producers and consumers
allocate hardware and manage its use
basis for product/vendor/release interoperability
enforce controlled sharing (and privacy)
oversee execution and deal with problems
interface vs. implementation
an implementation is not an interface specification
there are many ways to implement a specification
make it easier to use
inappropriate dependencies reduce interoperability
optimize performance
modularity and functional encapsulation
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abstract the hardware
provide other useful abstractions for applications
complexity hiding and appropriate abstraction
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useful features, not provided by the bare hardware
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What does OS look like to its clients?
Hardware/Software Platform Layering
Management/abstraction are behind the scenes
Applications Software
(e.g. word processor, compiler, MPEG decoder, ...)
What applications see is objects and services
Application Binary Interface
computers support data-types and operations on them
System Services/Libraries
(e.g. string, random #s, encryption,graphics ...)
bytes, shorts, longs, floats, pointers, ...
System Call Interface
add, subtract, copy, compare, indirection, ...
so do operating systems
Operating System
files, processes, devices, communications ports, ...
Privileged instruction set
create, destroy, read, write, signal, ...
an operating system extends a computer
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What makes the OS so special?
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as much as necessary, as little as possible
it is automatically loaded when the machine boots
it is the first software to have access to the hardware
it continues running while applications come and go
it alone has complete access to the hardware
privileged instruction set, all of memory, all I/O devices
it mediates the applications' access to the hardware
it can block, permit, or modify application requests
What functionality goes into the OS?
it is always in control of the hardware
(arithmetic, logical, copy, test, flow-control operations, ...)
creating a much richer virtual computing platform
Standard instruction set
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OS code is very expensive to develop and maintain
functionality must be in the OS if it ...
requires the use of privileged instructions
requires the manipulation of OS data structures
must maintain security, trust, or resource integrity
functions should be implemented in libraries if it ...
is a service commonly needed by applications
does not actually have to be implemented inside OS
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Abstracted Resources
Abstracted Resources
Map one set of objects/operations into another
e.g. CPU->processes, disk->files, network->services
simplifying abstractions: easier to use
generalizing abstractions: unify different resources
make many different types appear to be same
enable applications to deal with generic ideal
usually involves a common model
compartmentalize/encapsulate complexity
eliminate behavior that is irrelevant to user
portable document format (pdf) for printers
create more convenient behavior
SCSI standard for disks, CDs and tapes
usually involves a federation framework
a GPS moving-map navigation system
printer drivers that make different printers look the same
a network protocol that provides a reliable channel
browser plug-ins to handle multi-media data
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example: layers of abstraction – browser
General Types of Resources
Serially reusable resources (temporal multiplexing)
display driver – generalizing abstraction for video adaptors
used by multiple clients, but only one at a time
require access control to ensure exclusive use
plug-in framework – generalizing abstraction for data formats
require graceful transitions from one user to the next
examples: bathroom stalls, printers
Browser – simplifying abstraction for data navigation
Partition-able resources (spatial multiplexing)
http – simplifying abstraction for remote file access
ssl – simplifying abstraction for secure communication
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divided into pieces for multiple clients
requires access control to ensure containment/privacy
examples: dormitory rooms, disk space
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Sharable Resources
OS Evolution – the earliest computers
simultaneously usable by multiple concurrent clients
clients do not have to “wait” for access to resource
clients do not “own” a particular subset of the resource
may involve resources that are effectively limitless
examples: air in this room, copy of the operating system
examples: cell-phone channel, shared network interface
input: cards/tape, output: print-outs, tape
persistent data: cards and tape
debugging: lights and switches
I/O devices: simple and slow
No Operating System
may involve under-the-covers multiplexing
Scheduled for use by one user at a time
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compilers, assemblers, math-packages
OS Evolution – Batch Processing
Typified by the 1960s IBM System/360
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OS Evolution – Time Sharing
Typified by IBM/CMS, Multics, UNIX
Programs submitted and picked up later
Multi-user, interaction through terminals
input and output spooling to tape and disk
all programs and data stored on disk
batch control language to manage program execution
Goals: efficient use of CPU, maximize throughput
I/O able to proceed with minimal CPU
overlapped execution and I/O maximize CPU usage
may have multi-tasking ability to minimize idle time
OS: batch monitor and I/O supervisor
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Goals: sharing for interactive users
interactive apps demand short response time
enhanced security required to ensure privacy
OS and system services expanded greatly
terminal I/O, synchronization, inter-process
communication, networking, protection, etc.
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Evolution: PCs and Work Stations
OS Evolution – Embedded Systems
PCs returned to single user paradigm
general purpose systems vs. appliances
running software vs. performing a service
many appliances based on computers
video games, CD players, TV signal decoders
telephone switches, avionics, medical imaging
file systems and interactivity from timesharing systems
multi-tasking, networking, plug-n-play devices
ultra-high availability, more automation, zero admin
file transfer and e-mail led to group collaboration
the evolution of work groups and work-group servers
PCs got bigger, faster, more services
high end applications gave rise to work-stations
advent of local area networking
general purpose OS becoming more appliance-like
initially minimal I/O and system services
advent of personal productivity applications
appliances require increasingly powerful OSs
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until they became indistinguishable from work stations
Evolution: the network is the computer
Client/Server Computing
centralized file and print servers for work groups
centralized mail and database servers for organizations
clients got thinner, servers became necessary
Wide-Area Networking
e-mail, HTML/HTTP and the world-wide-web
electronic business services
Evolution of Operating Systems
they have grown larger and more sophisticated
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their role has fundamentally changed
from shepherding the use of the hardware
to shielding the applications from the hardware
to providing a powerful application computing platform
they still sit between the applications and hardware
best understood in terms of services they provide
Distributed Computing Platforms
services are offerred by/among groups of systems
capabilities they add, and the applications they enable
system services must enable distributed applications
problems they eliminate
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For the next lecture
Key Concepts
relationship of hardware, OS, libraries, applications
read chapters 1-3
a lot of pages, but the material is very simple
what functionality belongs in the operating system
WARNING: obtuse fork/join example in 2.3.1
generalizing and simplifying abstractions
there will be a quiz on chapters 1-3
serially reusable, partitionable, sharable resources
Next lecture
batch and timesharing systems and goals
expanding on design considerations
introduction to system services
introduction to processes and threads
architectural principles:
mechanism/policy separation,
modularity/encapsulation, interface vs.
implementation, appropriate abstractions
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