Advanced Concrete technology Unit-I Q.1 (a) What is Gap

BE 6th Semester
Advanced Concrete technology
Q.1 (a) What is Gap-grading of aggregate?
(b) Explain step-by-step procedure to find out the specific gravity of
aggregate of size larger than 10 mm.
(c) What do you understand by hydration of cement? Explain structure of
hydrated cement.
(d) What is Portland slag cement? What are the advantaged of PSC over
Q.2 (a) Give IS specifications for aggregate to be used in concrete.
(b) Explain the need of combining of aggregate and discuss importance of
grading curve.
(c) Explain analytical method of combining aggregates. Enumerate nondestructive tests on concrete.
(d) Differential between PPC and PSC cement on following criteria:
(i) Strength development (ii) Durability
(iii) Applications
(iv) Limitations
Q.3 (a) What do you mean by OPC 53 grade cement?
(b) What is Portland Slag Cement? What are the advantages of PSC
over ordinary Portland cement?
(c) Explain step-by-step test procedure to find out the crusing value of
(d) Explain various types of Fibers used in cement concrete.
Q.4 (a) What do you understand by bulking of sand.
(b) Thermal properties of aggregates are to be studied for proper concrete
making. Discuss.
(c) What dfo you understand by hydration of cement.
(d) Explain Alkali Aggregate reaction. How it is dangerous for concrete,
Q.5 (a) What do you understand by M-20 and M-40?
(b) Enumerate the laboratory tests for concrete and describe any two of
(c) Write short notes on following:
1) Alkali aggregate reaction
2) Thermal properties of aggregate
3) Special cement
(d) Find out surface index for given sieve analysis,
Sieve size within which particle lie % of particles within sieve size
20-10 mm
10-4.75 mm
4.75-2.36 mm
2.36-1.18 mm
1.18-600 µ
600-300 µ
300-150 µ
Q.6 (a) What do you understand by grading of aggregates.
(b) List out different types of test on coarse aggregate. Explain in brief.
(c) Write down chemical composition of cement. Explain about use of
special cement.
(d) What do understand by hydration of cement.
Q.7 (a) What is Gap-grading of aggregates?
(b) What is Portland Pozzolan Cement (PPC)? What are the advantages of
PPC over ordinary Portland cement?
(c) Explain step-by-step procedure to find out the specific gravity of
aggregates of size larger than 10 mm.
(d) What is Hydration of Cement? Explain the structure of hydration
Q.8 (a) Explain properties of aggregate.
(b) List different type of test on aggregate and explain in detail at any one.
(c) What do you understand by grade of cement. Explain chemical
composition of cement.
(d) What do you understand by hydration of cement? Explain structure of
hydrated cement.
BE 6th Semester
Advanced Concrete technology
Q.1 (a) Explain the effect of maximum size of aggregate on strength of
(b) Write short notes on:
(i) Creep of concrete (ii) Shrinkage of concrete
(iii) Elastic properties of concrete
(c) Define workability? What way the workability concrete can be
(d) What do you understand by admixtures. Explain about any five
Q.2 (a) Define consistency of concrete.
(b) Define creep and shrinkage. Explain its effects on structures. How they
can be minimized.
(c) Discuss the reasons of lack of durability of concrete. Suggest methods
of improving it.
(d) Describe the function of following admixtures used in concrete:
(i) Accelerators and retarders
(ii) Air entraining admixtures
(iii) Water reduces
Discuss they are able to influence the properties of concrete.
Q.3 (a) Define term segregation related to concrete.
(b) Explain compaction factor test to find workability of concrete.
(c) What is creep? Explain various factors which affect creep of concretes.
(d) Explain use of mineral admixtures in concrete.
Q.4 (a) What do you understand by segregation to concrete.
(b) What factors affect the strength of concrete discuss each one in brief.
(c) Explain Modulus of Elasticity of concrete and its influence in concrete
(d) What way the workability of concrete can be controlled? Discuss
Q.5 (a) What do you understand by workability of concrete?
(b) What are the factors affecting strength of concrete? Discuss each in
(c) Enumerate the types of admixtures and describe any two of them.
(d) Write short notes on:
1) Elastic properties of concrete
2) Creep of concrete
3) Shrinkage of concrete
Q.6 (a) What do you understand by workability?
(b) List out the process of manufacture of fresh concrete and explain in
(b) Write short notes on:
1. Elasticity of concrete
2. Creep of concrete
3. Shrinkage of concrete
(d) What do you understand by admixtures? Explain about any five
Q.7 (a) Explain effect of maximum size of aggregate on strength of concrete.
(b) What is Shrinkage? What factors promate shrinkage? What
precautions will you take to reduce it?
(c) What is meant by workability of concrete? What are the factors
affecting workability of concrete?
(d) What is Maturity concept of concrete? The strength of a sample of
fully matured concrete is found to be 40 N/mm2. Find the strength of
identical concrete at the age of 7 days when cured at an average
temperature during time at 20 C, and night time at 100 C. take
coefficients for maturity equation, A = 32 and B = 54.
Q.8 (a) Define Creep & Shrinkage.
(b) What do you understand by workability and what are the factors
affecting workability.
(c) Explain different types of method for making high strength concrete.
(d) List various types of admixtures and explain any one of them.
BE 6th Semester
Advanced Concrete technology
Q.1 (a) Concrete mix design is still very much a problem of trial and error
(b) Design M-25 grade of concrete using Indian standard method of mix
design assuming suitable data.
(c) Write short notes on:
(i) Effect of height / diameter ratio on strength of concrete.
(ii) Non destructive testing methods.
(d) Define concrete mix design and state the principal and objective of
mix design.
Q.2 (a) Define smart concrete.
(b) What types of improvements in performance is caused by present
construction technology on concrete.
(c) Write a point wise note on properties of light weight concrete and
suggest an approach of mix designing of light weight concrete.
(d) Explain waste material based concrete. Need and purpose.
Q.3 (a) “Concrete mix design is still very much a problem of trial and error”
(b) Enlist various methods of concrete mix design. What is the concept of
mix design?
(c) Explain IS Code method of concrete mix design.
(d) Explain the rebound hammer test for measuring the surface hardness
of concrete. What are the limitations of this test?
Q.4 (a) What is meant by Mix-Design.
(b) Write steps of IS code method for Mix-Design.
(c) Explain flexural strength of concrete with example & how it can be
(d) Explain the difference between Non-destructive and destructive
testing. What are the tests conducted in two categories.
Q.5 (a) What is meant by target strength of concrete?
(b) Write short notes on:
(i) Effect of height / diameter ratio on strength of concrete measurement
(ii) Flexure strength of concrete
(iii) Non-destructive testing methods
(c) Write the design step for M-20 concrete as per IS method.
Q.6 (a) List the various methods of proportioning of concrete mix design.
(b) Write short notes on:
(i) Mean strength
(ii) Variance
(iii) Standard deviation
(iv) Coefficient of variation.
(c) Design M-20 mix using Indian Standard method.
(d) Explain design procedure of IRC-44 method of mix design.
Q.7 (a) Concrete mix design is still very much a problem of trail and error.
(b) Explain the rebound hammer test for measuring the surface hardness
of concrete. What are the limitations of this test?
(c) Explain IS code method of concrete mix design.
(d) Define concrete mix design and state the principle of mix design.
Differentiate between preliminary and trial mixes.
Q.8 (a) Explain concept of mix design. What are the four variable factors to be
considered in mix design?
(b) Explain ACI method of mix design.
(c) Explain various methods of prospering for mix design in brief.
(d) Design M-25 grade of concrete using Indian standard method of mix
design assuming suitable data.
BE 6th Semester
Advanced Concrete technology
Q.1 (a) What is super plasticized concrete?
(b) How the high performance concrete is prepared? Discuss properties
and factor affecting it.
(c) Write short notes:
(i) Light weight concrete (ii) Fly ash concrete
(iii) Fibre reinforced concrete
(d) List out the different types of polymer concrete and explain any two of
Q.2 (a) Define controlled concrete.
(b) How the following factors influences mix design of concrete:
(i) maximum size of aggregate (ii) Quality control
(c) Explain the procedure of mix design by IS code through a flow chart
(d) Discuss method of selecting water content and fine to total aggregate
Q.3 (a) What is Light-Weight Concrete?
(b) What is high performance concrete? Explain the role of w/c ratio and
shape & size of aggregates in making of high performance concrete.
(c) What is fibre-reinforced concrete? Explain various factors which affect
properties of fibre reinforced concrete.
(d) Describe various types of polymer concrete.
Q.4 (a) What is Light-Weight Concrete?
(b) What is high performance concrete? Under what condition it is used.
(c) How the high performance concrete is prepared. Discuss properties
and factors affecting it.
(d) Explain super plasticized concrete.
Q.5 (a) What is no fines concrete?
(b) Write short notes:
(i) Light weight concrete
(iii) Fibre reinforced concrete
(v) High performance concrete
(vii) High density concrete
(ii) Fly ash concrete
(iv) Polymer concrete
(vi) Super plasticized concrete
(viii) Sulphur infiltrated concrete
Q.6 (a) Define Light-Weight Concrete.
(b) Explain in detail fibre reinforced concrete and what are the factors
effecting properties of fibre reinforced concrete.
(c) List out different types of polymer concrete and polymer cement
concrete (PCC).
(d) Explain in detail super plasticized concrete.
Q.7 (a) What is Polymer concrete?
(b) What is Light weight concrete? Explain important characteristics of
light weight concrete.
(c) What is Fibre-reinforced concrete (FRC)? Describe the main
applications of FRC.
(d) What is high performance concrete (HFC)? Explain the roll of w/c
ratio and shape & size of aggregates in making of HFC.
Q.8 (a) Name the different type of light weight aggregate.
(b) Explain in detail fibre reinforced concrete.
(c) Classify the different type of polymer concrete and explain polymer
cement concrete (PCC).
(d) What do you understand by polymer impregnated concrete and where it
can be used.
BE 6th Semester
Advanced Concrete technology
Q.1 (a) What is meant by shotcrete?
(b) Explain vacuum dewatering as applied to under water concreting.
(c) Explain the following:
(i) Cold weather concreting
(ii) Hot weather concreting
(d) Explain various methods of placing of concrete. What precaution
should be exercised during placing?
Q.2 (a) Enumerate the characteristics of pump concrete.
(b) Define vacuum dewatered concrete and vacuum dewatered from work.
(c) Explain slip form technique using line sketch.
(d) Write short notes on following in regard to modern construction:
(i) Placing of concrete
(ii) Transportation of concrete
(iii) Vibration for compaction
Q.3 (a) What is curing of concrete?
(b) Describe Vacuum Dewatered Concrete.
(c) What is cold weather concreting? Describe various effects of cold
weather on concrete.
(d) Explain various methods of placing concrete. What precaution should
be exercised during placing?
Q.4 (a) What is meant by shortcrete.
(b) Explain vacuum dewatering as applied to under water concreting.
(c) Explain the following:
(i) Cold weather concreting
(ii) Hot weather concreting
(d) Explain importance of curing and methods used.
Q.5 (a) What is meant by curing of concrete?
(b) Describe various types of special concrete methods.
(c) Enumerate the methods of transportation of concrete and describe any
two of them.
(d) Write notes on :
(i) Extreme weather concreting
(ii) Vacuum dewatering
(iii) Under water concreting
Q.6 (a) What do you understand by placing and curing.
(b) List out different methods of transportation of concrete and explain in
(c) What do you understand by under water concrete? Explain.
(d) What type of precaution is required in extreme weather concreting?
Q.7 (a) What is vacuum dewatered concrete?
(b) What is curing of concrete? Explain various methods of curing.
(c) Explain various methods of placing concrete. What precautions should
be exercised during placing?
(d) What is Cold Water Concreting? What are the effects of cold weather
on concrete?
Q.8 (a) Name different process involve in process of manufacturing of
(b) What do you understand by mixing of concrete? Explain machine
(c) Explain the different method to transportation of concrete.
(d) What do you understand by special concreting method? Explain under
water concreting.