APPLICATION FOR HONORS/DISTINCTION PROJECT IN PUBLIC POLICY STUDIES NAME___________________________________________ LAST FIRST DATE _____________________ EMAIL: ____________________________________________ EXPECTED DATE OF GRADUATION ____________________________________ COURSES TAKEN* PUBPOL 155 PUBPOL 301 PUBPOL 302 PUBPOL 303 or 304** SEMESTER ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ GRADE ______ ______ ______ ______ *If core courses are not all completed at the time of application, graduation with distinction remains contingent on completing the core courses with a minimum GPA of 3.4. **If Econ 201 is taken in place of 303, the grade for PUBPOL 304 is counted instead. Application for: ______ Honors Seminar OR ______ Independent Study Track TITLE OF PROJECT: _____________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ CENTRAL QUESTION: ___________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ PROJECT DESCRIPTION (Attach another sheet): PROJECT ADVISER: _____________________________________________________________ INDEPENDENT STUDY ROUTE: If you are pursuing the independent study track, please attach a copy of the paper you hope to transform into the honors project. Indicate the course it came from, course instructor, and grade received on the paper. Also provide a 1-2 page description of how you would work to transform the paper into an honors project. NOTE: If two or more people have gathered data together and any would like to use that data for an honors thesis, the applicant must provide written permission from the other students that they agree to let the data be used for the honors project. Other Student(s) Name(s) _______________________________________________________________________ Signature(s) _____________________________________________ Date: ______________________ Submit completed form to Christina Gibson-Davis, OR Ken Rogerson