Library Resources and Services To cover: • Where your books and journals are • Finding out if the Library has what you need • Getting what the Library doesn’t have • Finding academic literature on your subject Rowena Stewart Academic Support Librarian rm1406 JCMB Tel: 0131 650 5207 Noreen and Kenneth Murray Library – print books Murray Library building: 08:30 - 23:00 09/noon - 19:00 Informatics, Medicine & HSS in Main Library, George Square Print journals in Library Annexe, South Gyle. DiscoverEd Online and print, journals and books plus records of articles, theses, conference proceedings… From the Library homepage Library tab on MyEd Journals Many thousands of journals online • • • • Not always bought from every available host site Not always bought for access from volume 1 to now Some issues (even titles) only taken in print. Use DiscoverEd to look them up – “double quotes” force a search for the phrase. Journals Off-campus access to online collection EASE (authentication) / MyEd (portal) VPN – access to University network + wireless access – Connecting to the network Get Connected sessions – Main Library, George Square SCONUL Access scheme allows borrowing from other UK HEI Libraries Eduroam – JANET Roaming Service : secure internet access from eduroamenabled institution around the world – Databases for Reviewing the Literature To find what has already been published in your field: > Mathematics & Statistics MathSciNet • • Information on millions of applied and pure Maths articles. Reviews of the articles from 1940s onwards. ZentralblattMATH • • Information on articles from thousands of journals. As for MathsSciNet can use MSC to focus on your research interest. Web of Science (Science Citation Index , Proceedings…) • • Tracking a particularly useful article through the literature since it was published. Journal Impact Factors Databases for Reviewing the Literature DiscoverEd includes article level records. Default setting is to what you can read because the library has bought it. Inter-Library Loan (I.L.L.) for what we don’t have 30 free per year [5 for undergraduates] • then £5 per request received. • 2 renewals which are done via Helpdesk or I.L.L. staff. • More information at “Intra-library loan” • Get material from other UoEdinburgh libraries sent to KB or scans of articles from print journals in the Library Annexe. • same form • FREE • Annexe scans/items - same (week)day if in before noon Theses Find theses awarded in your field > Theses eg ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global for those awarded worldwide. Includes online full-text. Reference management software Eg EndNote – • Direct import of records • Group records and attach files to them. • Cite while you write • Export chosen references in BibTeX format. Which Library? For information on the different experiences you can have with ebooks see: Navigating ebooks (pdf) Borrowing Books 50 books – PGTs (60 for PGRs) - including up to 3 Reserve books. Standard loan = 12 weeks. Short loan = 1 week Reserve books = up to 3 hours or overnight Self-issue and self-return But please ask the Helpdesk staff if you have questions etc. Which Library? Sign-in, EASE authenticated, to: • • • • • Request early returns for you to borrow next. Find as many results as there are to find (esp off-campus). See previous as well as current loans. Save records. Save searches to run again. Renewing Books Most books (excluding Reserve books) may be renewed for up to: • 18 months in total, ie from first issue date, for (STANDARD) 12 week loans. • 4 months for (SHORT) 1 week loans. You can’t renew if: you’ve reached the limit, the book’s been requested or your fines are too high. If you think it’s none of those, contact library staff and they’ll be able to help. Borrowing Books Fines for overdue books: 20p per day for standard books / 40p per day for short loan books [maximum £10] – with one day’s grace. On day two of being overdue fine will equal cost of two days. N.B. £1 per day for overdue recalled books [maximum £10] 2p per minute for overdue reserve books [maximum £25] Borrowed books you want (borrower has week at most): Suggest the Library buys Something Books: Contacting Information Services (IS) IS Helpline for learning technology, IT or Library enquiries: • • • • Self-service portal: Email: Phone: +44 (0)131 651 5151 Follow: IS Helpline Alerts@isalerts - Schools providing IT support for their staff are listed at Contact the IS Helpline Staffed IS Helpdesk are in each of the Information Services managed libraries - Level 1 in the Murray Library. Help IAD Programme: Finding Science & Engineering Academic Literature Wednesday 11th November, 12:15 - 13:45, [rm3212 JCMB]. Thursday 11th February (2016), 15:15 - 16:45 [rm3212 JCMB]. Institute for Academic Development – • IS Skills Development open courses and manuals: Help In the Murray Library: • Specific topics, semester Tuesdays – group study room 1, 1.15-1.45pm. MyEd booking. • Drop-in literature review clinic, semester Thursdays – level1 seating area noon2pm. [Mobile Device Clinics - Murray Library sessions: Tuesdays 2-4pm, grp study rm3 ] Happy to see people and/or be contacted with questions Rowena Stewart, rm1406 JCMB Tel: 0131 650 5207 e-mail: